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The table and charts illustrate information about how many research students were there in

Australian universities in 2001 and 2010

The table illustrates information about how many research students attended Australian
universities in 2001 and 2010 while the charts show more data about their gender.

In general , it can be seen that in both years , the number of local research students outweighed
that of their international counterparts , but the number of foreign learners went up greater.
Another interesting point is that there was no longer a big difference between the rates of males
and females in all groups in 2010

In 2001 , there were 33657 domestic students and 5192 foreign ones , totalling 38849 . The
percentage of local students was greater , at 87% as opposed to 30% for foreign ones . If we
look at Australian students , the percentages of male and female who study researching science
were almost equal , 44% and 43% respectively. As for foreign students , there were more male
students attending to this field than female counterparts , with the former doubling the latter

10 years later,it can be witnessed that the figures for both local and non-local researching
learners went up considerably.While the total number of international research students
increased three times , from 5192 to 14593 , it was a moderate rise in the number of local
studens from 33657 to 39488 . Moreover , the percentage of female non local research students
trippled to 15 % . Finally, it was clear that the total number of research students saw a
significant rise in a decade and reached 54061 in 2010

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