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2. Was
3. Are
4. Do
5. Is
6. Does
7. Did
8. Do. Should are karena ada ing nya
9. Did
10. Do
11. Is
12. Does
13. Did. Should was karena called itu bukan verb
14. Does
15. Is
1. go past the church
2. go across the bridge
3. go up the hill
4. go down the steps
5. go along the street
6. go into the hotel
7. go past the hotel
8. .
1. The dog swam across the river
2. A book fell
7. Drove the village
8. M
9. M
10. M
1. Through
2. Over. Should around
3. Into or in
4. From, to
5. through
6. On
7. Over
8. From.

1. False
2. True
3. M
4. False
5. Down street = along the street. true
6. True

Kasih selang di pralon bwh dikasih selang kecuil. ujung

Into, on the, past, down, along, up, across, through

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