2023 U6 Statistics Test 10 Share

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1. When a school needs cleaning materials, it calls one of the three companies A, B or C. 50% of
the calls are to company A, 20% to company B, whilst 30% are to company C. The probability
that a delivery is late from A is 4%, from B is 6%, and from C is 17% of the required time.
a) Find the probability that the school calls for an order and it arrives late. [3]
b) Given that the schools order arrives late, find the conditional probability that it called
company B. [3]

2. A machine is supposed to pack into 2 kg packets. However, the machine is old and while the
packets have an average weight of 2 kg, 10% of the packets that it produces are less than1.95
kg. Assuming that the packets are normally distributed.
Find the,
a) standard deviation, [4]
b) proportion of packets that are more than 2.10 kg. [4]

3. Serious delays on a certain railway line occurs at random at an average rate of one per week.
i) Find the probability that exactly two serious delays occur in a week. [2]
ii) Find the probability that at least four delays occur during a particular 4 week
period. [4]
iii) Taking a year to consist of thirteen 4- week periods, find the probability that in a
particular year there are at least eleven of these 4- week periods during which at
least 4 serious delays occur. [3]
iv) Given that the probability of at least one delay occurring, in a period of 𝑛 weeks
is greater than 0.995, find the least possible integer value of 𝑛. [4]

4. Mrs Moyo visits the clinic everyday for treatment. The time she spends travelling is a normal
variable with mean 15 minutes and standard deviation 2 minutes. The time she spends in the
clinic is normally distributed with mean 25 minutes and standard deviation 4 minutes.
Find the probability that on a particular day Mrs Moyo
(a) is in the clinic for more than 28 minutes, [5]
(b) is away from her house for more than 45 minutes, [6]
(c) spends more time travelling than in the clinic . [5]

5. In a group of students studying A-level at a certain school, 63% are boys and 37% are girls. The
2 1
probability that a girl studying Mathematics is 7, and that of a boy studying Mathematics is 9.

(a) Find the probability that

(i) a student selected at random from this group is a boy studying mathematics, [3]
(ii) a student selected at random from this group is not studying Mathematics. [3]
(iii) a Mathematics student selected at random from this group is female. [4]

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(b) By use of a tree diagram or otherwise find the probability that a student doing
mathematics will pass given that the probability of passing is 5. [3]

6. The probability density function of the mass (in kg) of fish caught by a fisherman in a month is
𝑘𝑒 −3𝑥 , 𝑥 ≥ 0
given by 𝑓(𝑥) = {
0 ,𝑥 < 0
Find the
(a) value of k. [2]
(b) E(X) and Var(x) [4]
(c) probability that the fisherman will catch at least 60kg of fish, leaving the answer in exact
form. [2]

7. A school has two bursars. Bursar T receives tuition fees and Bursar L receives levies. For Bursar
T, the time taken to save a learner is normally distributed with mean 150 seconds and standard
deviation 45 seconds.
Bursar L’s time is normally distributed with mean 180 seconds and standard deviation 50
i) Find the probability that the time taken for a randomly chosen leaner to be
served by bursar T is more than 180 seconds. [3]
ii) If the school has 1000 students, calculate the number of leaners who were
served in more than 180 seconds by bursar T. [2]
b) The Bursar L serves two leaners, one after the other. Assuming independence of times,
find the probability that the total time taken by bursar L to serve two leaners is less than
300 seconds. [5]
c) At a certain time Bursar T has 4 leaners on the queue and Bursar L has 3 leaners.
Assuming that these Bursars work independently, find the probability that bursar T will
serve 4 leaners before Bursar L serves 3 leaners. [6]

8. A sample of 80 steel rods taken from the output of a production line was measured to the
nearest mm and gave the following results.

Length (mm) 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 100-101 102-103

Number of 2 7 18 37 12 4
steel rods

(a) State the least and the greatest possible lengths of steel rod in the sample.
(b) Choose a suitable scale and draw the cumulative frequency curve for the distribution.

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(c) Use the graph to estimate the

(i) Median, [2]
(ii) semi-quartile range, [2]
(iii) 80th percentile of the lengths of the steel rods. [2]
(d) A steel rod is rejected if its length is less than 94.5 mm. assuming that the sample is
typical of the output, estimate the percentage of steel rods which have to be rejected. [2]

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