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-> Introduce Yourself - Hi Arcahna/Lokesh, I am Subhasish Swain, I am from Rourkela Odisha. I have
Completed my Master's in Computer Application From BPUT Odisha. I have Joined capgemini as an
analyst/software engineer. I was trained in dot core with azure and I have developed web apis in and deployed the same in Azure. currently I am undergoing iDigital FSD training. I have
knowledge in python, c#, Azure, Anaconda, Angular. Thank You.

-> What is stored procedure - A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the
code can be reused over and over again. Code/Query resusability. EXEC procedure_name;

-> What is different between stored procedure and inline query - Query and stored procedure do the
same thing but the difference is that a query should be compiled everytime the query is
executed,while the stored procedure is in compiled form when executed first time.I f we use stored
procedure we can avoid recompilation of the query.

-> What is object pool - Object pool pattern is a software creational design pattern which is used in
situations where the cost of initializing a class instance is very high.

-> What is delegate - A Delegate is an abstraction of one or more function pointers. With delegates,
you can treat a function as data. Delegates allow functions to be passed as parameters, returned
from a function as a value and stored in an array.

-> Diff bet array and array list - Array stores a fixed number of elements. The size of an Array must be
specified at the time of initialization. ArrayList grows automatically and you don't need to specify the

-> Diff bet string and string builder - The String class objects are immutable which means that if the
user will modify any string object it will result into the creation of a new string object. It makes the
use of string costly. So when the user needs the repetitive operations on the string then the need of
StringBuilder come into existence. It provides the optimized way to deal with the repetitive and
multiple string manipulation operations.

-> What is sonarQube - SonarQube is an automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities,
and code smells in your code.
-> What is containerization - Containerization is a form of virtualization where applications run in
isolated user spaces, called containers, while using the same shared operating system (OS). A
container is essentially a fully packaged and portable computing environment.

-> What is jenkin - It is an open source automation server which can be used to automate all sorts of
tasks related to building, testing, and delivering or deploying software.

-> Life cycle of docker and explain each steps -

- Create container - docker create --name <container-name> <image-name>

- Run docker container - docker run --name <container-name> <image-name>

- Pause container - docker pause <container-id/name>

- Unpause container - docker unpause <container-id/name>

- Start container - docker start <container-id/name>

- Stop container - docker stop <container-id/name>

- Restart container - docker restart <container-id/name>

- Kill container - docker kill <container-id/name>

- Destroy container - docker rm <container-id/name>

-> What is Cloud - Cloud is a virtual system or a computer we can say where we use the resourses of
the cloud vendor and pay the amount as per the usage of the resourses, Several Cloud service
provider are Azure, AWS, GCP, Heroku, etc.

-> N/W Group -

-> Pricing tag -

-> Single sign on - Using SSO means a user doesn't have to sign in to every application they use. With
SSO, users can access all needed applications without being required to authenticate using different

-> Devoops tools - Azure DevOps provides developer services for allowing teams to plan work,
collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Azure DevOps supports a
collaborative culture and set of processes that bring together developers, project managers, and
contributors to develop software.
-> Difference between blob storage and file storage - Azure Blob Storage is an object store used for
storing vast amounts unstructured data, while Azure File Storage is a fully managed distributed file
system based on the SMB protocol and looks like a typical hard drive once mounted.

-> How control flow in MVC - In MVC, the pattern, you'll find the following:

- Model - Contains all the business logic for the application, including logic for how to "build" itself,
whether via database queries or some other method.

- View - provides a representation of the model for the UI

- Controller - wires the model to the view

-> What's routing - It is a process in which if we want to navigate from one page to another, routing
comes into picture. Routing helps in directing users to different pages based on the option they
choose on the main page. Hence, based on the option they choose, the required Angular Component
will be rendered to the user.

-> Partial views - A partial view is a Razor markup file ( . cshtml ) without an @page directive that
renders HTML output within another markup file's rendered output. The term partial view is used
when developing either an MVC app, where markup files are called views, or a Razor Pages app,
where markup files are called pages.

-> Architecture in - ADO.NET uses a multilayer architecture that mainly has a few concepts,
for instance Connection, Reader, Command, Adapter and Dataset objects. ADO.NET introduced data
providers that are a set of special classes to access a specific database, execute SQL commands and
retrieve data. The Data providers are extensible. Developers can create their own providers for a
proprietary data source. There are some examples of data providers such as SQL Server providers,
OLE DB and Oracle provider.

-> Command to stop delete docker Container

- Stop container - docker stop <container-id/name>

- Destroy container - docker rm <container-id/name>

-> What protocol web api follows - HTTP protocol

-> Dependency injection - Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern. It allows us to
develop loosely-coupled code. The intent of Dependency Injection is to make code maintainable.
There are 3 typers of dependency injection, constructor, property, and method DI. Dependency
Injection helps to reduce the tight coupling among software components. In our project, constructor
dependecy injection is implemented.

-> How web Api is different from other web services - A web service typically offers a WSDL from
which you can create client stubs automatically. Web Services are based on the SOAP protocol.
ASP.NET Web API is a newer Microsoft framework which helps you to build REST based interfaces.
The response can be either JSON or XML, but there is no way to generate clients automatically
because Web API does not offer a service description like the WSDL from Web Services. So it
depends on your requirements which one of the techniques you want to use. Perhaps even WCF fits
your requirements better, just look at the MSDN documentation.

-> Logic apps - Azure Logic Apps is a cloud-based platform for creating and running automated
workflows that integrate your apps, data, services, and systems. With this platform, you can quickly
develop highly scalable integration solutions for your enterprise and business-to-business (B2B)
scenarios. In our project, two logic apps has been implemeted, one for sending email to farmer wgen
a new advertisement is added and one for sending email to supplier when a new crop is added.

-> Dataset datatable datareader.

- DataReader, DataSet, DataAdapter, and DataTable are four major components of ADO.NET.

- DataTable represents a single table in the database. It has rows and columns. There is no much
difference between dataset and datatable, dataset is simply the collection of datatables.

- DataReader is used to read the data from the database and it is a read and forward only
connection oriented architecture during fetch the data from database.

- DataSet is a disconnected orient architecture that means there is no need of active connections
during work with datasets and it is a collection of DataTables and relations between tables.

-> Sql database is which type of service - Azure SQL Database is a relational database-as-a-service
(DBaaS) hosted in Azure that falls into the industry category of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

-> Azure functions - Azure Function is a serverless compute service that enables user to run event-
triggered code without having to provision or manage infrastructure. Being as a trigger-based
service, it runs a script or piece of code in response to a variety of events.

-> Why cloud is different from on premise - It is Afforable, predicts cost analysis, Worry free IT,
Security is high, Lower energy costs, Scalable, Pay as per your usage.
-> Serverless function - Azure Functions is a serverless solution that allows you to write less code,
maintain less infrastructure, and save on costs. Instead of worrying about deploying and maintaining
servers, the cloud infrastructure provides all the up-to-date resources needed to keep your
applications running.

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