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A1 Movers Name:

Listening Class:

Part 1 - 5 questions
Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Sue Fred Lily Jack

Jane Charlie Daisy

1 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers Name:

Listening Class:

Part 2 - 5 questions
Listen and write. There is one example.

The party
Example Day of birthday party: Sunday

1 Number of friends at the party:

2 Food at the party: rice with

3 Kind of drinks: some

4 Kind of cake: cake

5 No games, but everyone went

ice skating in:

2 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers Name:

Listening Class:

Part 3 - 5 questions

Zoe is telling Mr Brown about the animals that the people in her
family like. Which animal does each person like?

Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example.

mum B






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A1 Movers





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A1 Movers Name:

Listening Class:

Part 4 - 5 questions

Listen and tick (✔) the box. There is one example.

Where is Mark’s homework?

A ✔ B C

1 What’s the matter with Dan?


2 Which place did Julia dream about last night?


5 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers

3 What is Clare doing now?


4 Where did Tom lose his phone?


5 Which sport did Jim do yesterday?


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A1 Movers Name:

Listening Class:

Part 5 - 5 questions

Listen and colour and write. There is one example.

7 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Blank page
A1 Movers Name:

Reading and Writing Class:

Part 1 - 5 questions

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on
the lines. There is one example.

a towel a balcony

a panda a kangaroo

a basement a dolphin

a fly a shower

9 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers
Reading and Writing


You stand in this when you want to

wash your hair and body. a shower


1 This animal lives in the sea and

likes swimming near boats.

2 Sometimes a flat has one of these

and people can sit on it.

3 This big animal is black and white.

It eats plants.

4 People often put their old things in

this room. It is under the house.

This animal is brown and it hops a lot.

10 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers Name:

Reading and Writing Class:

Part 2 - 6 questions

Read the text and choose the best answer.

Marco: Did you have a nice weekend, Flavia?
Flavia: A I am at home with my family.
B It was great, thanks.
C You saw your uncle on Saturday.


1 Marco: How often do you go to your cousins’ house?

Flavia: A I went there yesterday.
B I love going there.
C I go there every Saturday.

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A1 Movers
Reading and Writing

2 Marco: Where do your cousins live?

Flavia: A In the city.
B I think it’s a great house.
C There aren’t any forests.

3 Marco: What do you do at your cousins’ house?

Flavia: A It’s in the playground.
B They’ve got a small garden.
C We talk and play ball games.

4 Marco: 
Have you got any friends near where your
cousins live?
Flavia: A They love the countryside.
B Only one or two.
C Sorry, I don’t know them.

5 Marco: How do you go to your cousins’ house?

Flavia: A He catches a bus.
B They go on the train.
C In my dad’s car.

6 Marco: Do you enjoy going to your cousins’ house?

Flavia: A Yes, I love it.
B They haven’t got any.
C You had a good day.

12 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers Name:

Reading and Writing Class:

Part 3 - 6 questions

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word
next to numbers 1–5. There is one example.

Every Friday evening, Paul goes to the town centre with his Dad. Last
week, they went there because it was Paul’s birthday and his dad wanted
to get him a present.

‘I’d like a blue (1) , please, Dad. I want to wear it

with my new jeans,’ Paul said.

‘OK,’ Dad said. ‘Let’s (2) in this shop. They always

have a lot of nice clothes in here.’

They went into the shop and Paul saw a lot of things he liked.

‘This one is nice,’ Paul said.

‘I like it, too,’ Dad said. ‘So let’s buy it. Let’s get this jacket, too.’

‘Thanks, Dad. Can we go to a (3) , please?’

Paul said.

‘Yes, let’s do that,’ Dad said. ‘You can have a (4) of

lemonade and I can have a cup of coffee.’

‘Great! I’m (5) and I want to sit down,’ Paul said.

13 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers
Reading and Writing


town centre glass bowl

tired bank listen

sweater café look

(6) Now choose the best name for the story.

Tick (✔) one box.

A busy place

Dad’s new clothes

Paul’s shopping trip

14 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers Name:

Reading and Writing Class:

Part 4 - 5 questions

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Example You can see rabbits in many places in the countryside.

Some children have pet rabbits in their gardens and

1 animals are often white. Rabbits in the

countryside are usually brown or grey.

2 Rabbits have big eyes and small tail. Their

3 feet are small, too, and they very strong

legs, which help them move quickly.

Rabbits don’t eat meat. They only eat grass or vegetables.

4 They come out of their homes the ground to

look for food every day. Some animals try to catch rabbits,

5 rabbits have big, long ears and they can

listen very well.

15 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers
Reading and Writing

Example in at on

1 that these this

2 a the any

3 had having have

4 below behind before

5 but so because

16 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers Name:

Reading and Writing Class:

Part 5 - 7 questions

Look at the pictures and read the story.

Write some words to complete the sentences about the story.
You can use one, two or three words.

Sally’s New Pet

Sally loves animals and she has a lot of books about them. Many of Sally’s
friends have pets, but she doesn’t have one. Mary has a small, black
dog that always sleeps outside on an old chair and Jack has a big, grey
cat. Sally and Mary went to the park last Saturday and Sally played with
Mary’s dog.


Sally likes animals .

Mary’s dog has an old chair to sleep on.


1 , Sally played with Mary’s dog in the park.

17 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers
Reading and Writing

Last Sunday, Dad and Sally went to the pet rescue centre near their house.
Sally loved the puppies, but Dad said, ‘We can’t get a puppy because we
don’t have a garden.’
‘How about a kitten?’ asked Sally.
‘Sorry,’ said the man in the pet rescue centre. ‘A little boy adopted the last
one this morning.’

2 On Sunday, Dad took Sally to .

3 Dad didn’t want to get a puppy because there isn’t a

at their house.

4 They couldn’t adopt a because there weren’t any in

the rescue centre.

18 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers
Reading and Writing

Then, a red and yellow parrot said, ‘Hello! My name’s Vicky. What’s your
name?’ Sally was really surprised!
‘Wow! This is a very clever bird. And I like her name! Can this be my new
pet, please, Dad?’ said Sally.
‘OK,’ said Dad. ‘Let’s adopt this parrot!’
‘Great! Now, I have a pet, too,’ said Sally.
‘Yes, you do,’ said Dad.

5 Sally was when the parrot talked to her.

6 Sally thought the parrot was .

7 Sally’s new pet is called .

19 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Blank page

Please turn over for Part 6

A1 Movers Name:

Reading and Writing Class:

Part 6 - 6 questions

Look and read and write.


The baby is playing with a toy clown .

What is one of the women eating? an ice cream

21 Team Together Level 4 Tests PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

A1 Movers
Reading and Writing

Complete the sentences.

1 The boy in the green T-shirt is holding a .

2 The dog is standing next to the .

Answer the questions.

3 Where is the mouse?

4 What is the girl in the pink skirt doing?

Now write two sentences about the picture.

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A1 Movers Name:

Speaking Class:

A1 MOVERS SPEAKING. Find the Differences

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A1 Movers Name:

Speaking Class:



The clever dog

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A1 Movers Name:

Speaking Class:


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