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• zimbra.


• amavisd.schema

• dyngroup.schema

• nis.schema

 You cannot modify the Zimbra schema.

Zimbra Collaboration Objects

Object Description Object class

Accounts Represents an account on the Zimbra mailbox zimbraAccount

server that can be logged into. Account entries
are either administrators or user accounts. The
object class name is zimbraAccount. This object
class extends the zimbraMailRecipient object
All accounts have the following properties:

• A name in the format of

user@example.domain A unique ID that
never changes and is never reused.

• A set of attributes, some of which are user-

modifiable (preferences) and others that are
only configurable by administrators.

• All user accounts are associated with a

domain, so a domain must be created before
creating any accounts.

Class of Service (COS) Defines the default attributes an account has zimbraCOS
and what features are allowed or denied. The
COS controls features, default preference
settings, mailbox quotas, message lifetime,
password restrictions, attachment blocking, and
server pools for creation of new accounts.

Domains Represents an email domain such as zimbraDomain or A domain must
exist before email addressed to users in that
domain can be delivered.

Distribution Lists Also known as mailing lists, are used to send zimbraDistributionLis
mail to all members of a list by sending a single t
email to the list address.


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