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Ahmed Al Jahoushi

Instructor ​Judson Garrett

UNI 220

Oct 26th, 2020

Journal G

I always have anxiety about not submitting my work on time or before the due date, I just

tend to have this habit of procrastinating till the last minute which gives me a lot of anxiety and it

makes me distracted and not be able to focus on the work that I have to finish. Furthermore, this

anxiety gives me the feeling that I have so much work that I will not be able to comprehend or be

able to work with and finish so I start to multitask and open multiple windows on my laptop and

start working on all of my assignments at once which is a lot of pressure. Not to mention that I

always pull through and succeed in completing all assignments unless an assignment takes too

long so I tried to leave it for less and finish up the smaller ones so at least I can get credit for the

small assignments rather than wasting time on the long ones.

I feel anxious because it’s the only feeling that I have when it comes to being under

pressure and having to finish on a deadline such situations makes me feel anxious because I’m

not able to focus nor am able to comprehend the work that I have. Many times when anxiety

takes over I just stop working for five minutes or 10 minutes just so I can gather my ideas

together and focused them to finish the work that I have this method works with me every time.

Since I have found, taking a break while having so much pressure when I am doing an

assignment this method allows me to concentrate and understand what is the important things

that should be done first and what are the least important things that could be postponed.
There was this one time where I had a long assignment that consisted of eight pages

which I was able to finish before the deadline but it took me so much effort to be able to focus on

what am I going to write and how will I form it on the paper because the professor asked me to

not use the first-person view while typing. Instead, I was supposed to form the idea in a way that

does not inflict self or person so the sentences and ideas would sound general without being

specific to a person or me. Eventually, when I was done with the paper I was very glad that I

succeeded and learned something new to benefit me in future writings. Now I could say that I am

capable of writing an entire paper without using I, me, or myself.

I have noticed that no matter how hard the problem I was facing in the motions that I had

I was capable to overcome them and understand how to break them down and make these

emotions simple to understand therefore anxiety simplifies to and being able to focus on one

task. Therefore I take this idea and I observe it by taking the break I mentioned earlier which

helps me in focusing all of my energy to get done with my work and focus.

On one hand, relaxing or taking a break while having so much pressure is a very useful

method to prevent overthinking and feeling unable to overcome the problem because sometimes

my mind will be too busy trying to solve the problem instead of taking a step back to look at the

problem to be able to solve it easily. On the other hand, stepping back to look at the entire

problem and hand or the entire emotion in hand is an effective method to prevent breaking down

because looking at the bigger picture allows easier understanding and comprehending of the

problem in which sometimes may have a simple solution that has been overlooked. Overlooking

the simple solution it’s a very common mistake that’s why stepping back allows observation of

the entire problem where eventually the small mistake could be pinpointed and solved


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