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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders


Pilot Study of an Attention and Executive Function Cognitive

Intervention in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sarah J. Macoun1 · Isabel Schneider1 · Buse Bedir1 · John Sheehan1 · Andrew Sung2

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

This pilot study investigated the efficacy of a game-based cognitive training program (Caribbean Quest; CQ) for improv-
ing attention and executive function (EF) in school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). CQ is a ‘serious
game’ that uses a hybrid process-specific/compensatory approach to remediate attention and EF abilities through repetitive,
hierarchically graded exercises delivered in an adaptive format. Game-play is accompanied by instruction in metacognitive
strategies delivered by an adult trainer. Twenty children diagnosed with ASD (ages 6–12 years) completed 12 h of interven-
tion in schools over 8–10 weeks that was facilitated by a trained Research Assistant. Pre-post testing indicated near transfer
gains for visual working memory and selective attention and far transfer effects for math fluency. Exit interviews with par-
ents and school staff indicated anecdotal gains in attention, EF, emotion-regulation, flexibility, communication, and social
skills. Overall, this study provides preliminary support for the feasibility and potential efficacy of the CQ when delivered in
schools to children with ASD.

Keywords Autism · Attention training · Executive function training · Cognitive intervention · Process specific intervention ·
Metacognitive strategy teaching


The primary diagnostic features of Autism Spectrum Dis-

orders (ASD) are distinct social-communication tenden-
cies and unusual, restrictive, and/or repetitive behaviours
This research was conducted at the University of Victoria.
and interests, yet up to 85% of this population also have
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this difficulties with attention and executive functioning (EF;
article (https​://​3-020-04723​-w) contains American Psychiatric Association 2013; Demetriou et al.
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
2019; Gargaro et al. 2011). These ‘secondary deficits’ may
* Sarah J. Macoun include problems with concentration/focus (Corbett et al. 2009; Noterdaeme et al.2010), orienting attention (Keehn
Isabel Schneider et al. 2010), inhibitory control (Christ et al. 2011), work- ing memory (Garon et al. 2018), switching/flexibility
Buse Bedir (Demetriou et al. 2019), and/or planning (Robinson et al. 2009), all of which may impact academic, social, and/or
John Sheehan behavioural development and functioning (Demetriou et al. 2019; O’Brien and Pearson 2004; Pellicano 2012). More
Andrew Sung specifically, attention and EF deficits increase the risk of academic underachievement and learning difficulties by
making it more difficult to follow instructions/procedures,
Psychology Department, University of Victoria, PO shift between tasks, regulate behaviours/emotions, interact
Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada
with others, and implement learning strategies (Biederman
Educational Psychology Department, University of Victoria, et al. 2004; Fuglestad et al. 2015; St. Clair-Thompson and
Victoria, BC, Canada

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Gathercole 2006). Untreated attention and EF deficits can Robinson et al. 2014; Rueda et al. 2012; Thorell et al. 2009;
also potentially exacerbate primary symptoms of ASD and Titz and Karbach 2014; Verhaeghen et al. 2004; Westerberg
reduce some of the potential benefits gleaned from the clini- et al. 2007). Only a handful of interventions have integrated
cal interventions that target them (Kenworthy et al. 2009; cognitive rehabilitation into a ‘serious game’ design, which
Pugliese et al. 2015; Wallace et al. 2016). is one that uses video-game components to create engaging
The majority of cognitive interventions have traditionally learning experiences (Whyte et al. 2015). Serious games
been separated into two categories: process-specific (i.e., draw upon empirical research findings that suggest learn-
restorative; Kleim and Jones 2008; Sohlberg et al. 2003) ing is maximized when it occurs in relevant contexts that
and compensatory (Ylvisaker et al. 1998) approaches. engages learners (Catalano et al. 2014). Unfortunately, many
The process-specific approach aims to directly remediate existing game-based interventions that show near-transfer
an underlying cognitive deficit by capitalizing on princi- effects have shown little-to-no evidence of generalized gains
ples of experience-dependent neuroplasticity, whereby the (Whyte et al. 2015). Whyte et al. (2015) argue that in order
brain continuously remodels its neural circuitry in order to for serious games to be successful, there would have to be
encode new adaptive experiences and effect behavioural sufficient learning trials, an appropriate level of difficulty,
change (Kleim and Jones 2008; Mishra and Gazzaley 2014). and learning contexts provided that are more immersive and
Therefore, a cognitive function is targeted systematically and contextualized. Interventions that are delivered in naturalis-
repeatedly through massed practice and intensive exercise, tic settings that bridge computerized and real-life contexts
theoretically resulting in neural change via the strengthen- by involving other persons in the intervention process (e.g.,
ing of functional neural pathways that results in both broad parents, peers, practitioners) may facilitate better interven-
and specific gains in related behaviours (Kleim and Jones tion outcomes and greater likelihood of generalization (Wass
2008; Sohlberg et al. 2003). Training features thought to be and Porayska-Pomsta 2014). Further, more recent studies
essential to maximizing outcomes in this approach include have recommended that cognitive training programs com-
salience, hierarchically-graded tasks, adaptive difficulty lev- bine process-specific and compensatory approaches, given
els, sufficient intensity of training exercises, and repetition that both approaches offer unique potential benefits. These
(Kleim and Jones 2008). ‘hybrid’ cognitive intervention approaches may be more
In contrast, the compensatory approach does not neces- likely to result in meaningful change and the far transfer
sarily set out to rebuild neural structures from the bottom- of gains (i.e., generalization), as they capitalize both on the
up but rather focuses on helping an individual to adapt to a mechanisms of improved neural function (capacity) and bet-
functional deficit by developing “work around” strategies ter strategic allocation of existing resources (efficiency; Cic-
(i.e., a more ‘top-down’ approach; Horn and Lewis 2014; erone et al. 2011; Kennedy et al. 2008; Partanen et al. 2015).
Ylvisaker et al. 1998, 2007). This method involves teach- Specifically, computer-based attention/EF training has been
ing problem-solving approaches and exercises that enable proposed as a feasible and potentially preferable option for
an individual to change their interactions with the environ- children with ASD (Benyakorn et al. 2018), particularly if
ment, modify their approach to certain tasks, and adapt their combined with compensatory approaches (Partanen et al.
lifestyle to account for their specific strengths and weak- 2015).
nesses (Horn and Lewis 2014). According to its proponents, Despite recommendations to target attention/EF during
the compensatory approach leads to the acquisition of new formative periods of cognitive development (e.g., see Wass
skills and strategies that enable the underlying cognitive 2015), the limited research on cognitive attention/EF train-
abilities to be used more effectively and efficiently (Mateer ing in ASD has yielded variable results ranging from null
et al. 1996; Morrison and Chein 2011). findings (De Vries et al. 2015) to positive effects (Macoun
Recently there has been interest in delivering cognitive et al. 2020; Kerns et al. 2017; Weckstein et al. 2017). De
interventions within a computerized format due to the unique Vries et al. (2015) delivered a computerized WM and
benefits that a computerized medium affords (e.g., engag- flexibility intervention to children with ASD and found
ing, easy to administer, accessible). Despite debate within marginal near-transfer gains in WM, without gains in flex-
the literature (Apter 2012; Klingberg 2010; Melby-Lervåg ibility or evidence of far transfer to other related abilities.
and Hulme 2016; Morrison and Chein 2011; Shipstead Of note is that the intervention selected was fairly narrow
et al. 2012) there is mounting evidence that computerized in cognitive targets (flexibility and WM only), it was not
attention/EF training can be effective for developmentally delivered using a hybrid-approach, and the authors had a
and neurologically diverse populations (Blair and Diamond fairly high attrition rate of children (particularly those who
2008; Forstmann et al. 2008; Karbach and Unger 2014; may have had greater EF problems). The authors noted
Karbach and Verhaeghen 2014; Macoun et al. 2020, Kerns that their findings did not rule out the possibility that
et al. 1999, 2010, 2017; Klingberg et al. 2002, 2005; Lee such training may be helpful for specific groups of chil-
et al. 2016; Morrison and Chein 2011; Prins et al. 2011; dren with ASD. With these points in mind, it is important

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

to consider the heterogeneity amongst individual studies evaluating the feasibility of delivering the CQ in schools to
(e.g., intervention approaches, intensity, duration, focus/ improve accessibility to such intervention options.
goals) that make systematic or meta-analytic approaches
in this research area, at least thus far, difficult to interpret.
Thus, it remains essential to evaluate individual studies to Methods
look for key factors related to outcomes, including neuro-
logical/clinical diagnosis, targeted domains, intervention This study was approved by the human subjects review board
designs, methodology, dose/response, etc. For example, at the University of Victoria (British Columbia) and was
there is emerging evidence that EF can be improved with conducted in accordance with Tri-council ethical standards.
systematic intervention in ASD (Kenworthy et al. 2014)
and that computer-based training can be effective in this Participants
group (Bölte et al. 2015). Bölte et al. (2015) demonstrated
that computer-based social cognition training can lead to The sample consisted of 20 children ages 6–12 years
neural change in social information processing systems in (M = 8.64, SD = 1.74) with an existing diagnosis of ASD and
adolescents/adults with ASD. Results from previous stud- difficulties with attention/EF. Children were recruited from
ies of attention/EF training in a mixed pediatric sample 12 suburban/rural schools within a local school district and
(i.e., children with ASD and FASD), which used trained all were being instructed in inclusive education programs
Educational Assistants as interventionists, indicated signif- amongst same-age peers. Special education staff nominated
icant gains in aspects of attention/EF, behaviour/emotional children based on criteria provided by the researchers (i.e.,
regulation, reading fluency, academic engagement, self- a formal diagnosis of ASD and a list of behaviours indica-
monitoring, and strategy use (Kerns et al 2017; Macoun tive of attention/EF problems) and gave parents informa-
et al. 2017). The school setting is well-suited for cogni- tion pamphlets to contact the researchers if interested. All
tive interventions in that it provides diverse opportunities children who participated held prior diagnoses of ASD
to practice the targeted abilities in a naturally complex based upon DSM-IV-TR criteria (American Psychiatric
environment (Bellini et al. 2007; Wass 2015). As prior Association 2000) using B.C. Standards and Guidelines
studies illustrate, the limited feasibility, accessibility, and (Dua 2003), which require that diagnostic assessments be
affordability of existing intervention approaches are bar- conducted by a qualified specialist and incorporate meas-
riers for which school-based delivery may offer solutions. ures of cognitive function, adaptive behaviour, the Autism
Therefore, the current study sought to investigate the effi- Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADI-R; Lord et al. 1994),
cacy of the Caribbean Quest (CQ), a game-based cognitive and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS;
intervention for improving attention and EF, in children Lord et al. 1999). To confirm ASD diagnoses and symptom
with ASD as delivered within a school setting. levels, parents were administered an abbreviated ADI-R that
The CQ is a novel ‘serious game’ that combines process- consisted of algorithm items only (Kim and Lord 2012) and
specific and compensatory approaches (i.e., a hybrid inter- the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale Second Edition (GARS-2;
vention) to improve attention/EF. Key intervention compo- Gilliam 2006). All children exceeded diagnostic thresholds
nents are built into the CQ, such as engaging graphics and for ASD based on the abbreviated ADI-R. Prior to the study,
gameplay, adaptive level progression, and a hierarchical all parents completed a telephone-screening interview and
format that trains a range of attention/EF abilities spanning childhood history questionnaire to determine study eligi-
from foundational (e.g., focusing attention) to more com- bility and gather demographic information. Parent-com-
plex (e.g., visual and auditory WM) skills, with earlier levels pleted attention and EF rating scales at pre-test indicated
of the game more focused on training selective attention, the overall sample displayed clinically significant problems
inhibitory control, and visual WM and later levels focused with attention (Conner’s Rating Scales—3rd Edition, Short
on training auditory WM. The goals of the current study Form; Conners 2008) and EF (Behavior Rating Inventory of
were to determine whether children with ASD could benefit Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia et al. 2000; see Table 1).
from CQ attention/EF training as demonstrated on measures No children had a history of traumatic brain injury, specific
of near transfer (i.e., objective performance measures) and neurological disorder, inability to communicate verbally,
far transfer (i.e., measures of behavioural outcome and aca- or a diagnosis of intellectual disability (i.e., FSIQ standard
demic achievement). We hypothesized that children would score below 70 and accompanying adaptive behavior impair-
show gains in attention/EF on both near- and far-transfer ments, as outlined by DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric
measures, including tasks of WM and academic achieve- Association 2000).
ment. We anticipated greater change on measures of visual Twenty-three children with ASD were initially enrolled in
WM, given that CQ activities in the current study were pri- the study, although two parents withdrew their children prior
marily focused on visual WM. Finally, we were interested in to the start date due to time and scheduling constraints. One

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Table 1  Child demographic data services outside of the study and the groups did not differ
Demographic variables CQ Control p
on the number of external services they were receiving (see
N = 11 N=9 Table 1).

Age in years: M (SD) 8.64 (1.74) 8.67 (2.23) .973

Study Design
Gender: M/F 9/2 8/1 .679
WRIT SS FSIQ: M (SD) 94 (12.34) 87 (19.64) .384
This study utilized a waitlist-control design with random
Comorbid diagnoses: %
assignment to either an intervention (CQ) or waitlist-control
Total 18% 33% .833
group. A waitlist-control design was chosen for this pilot
ADHD 9% 22%
so that we could offer all participants a potentially helpful
Tics/sensory 9% 0%
intervention while controlling for the effects of maturation
Blank spells 0% 11%
and practice effects. Eleven children started the CQ imme-
Other services: %
diately following pre-test (intervention group) and nine were
Total 45% 78% .158
placed on a waitlist (control group) to be given the oppor-
Academic supports 9% 22%
tunity to use the CQ after the first group had finished. The
Integrated service 9% 22%
intervention and control groups did not differ significantly
Speech language 9% 11%
with respect to gender, age, diagnostic comorbidities, ASD
Occupational therapy 9% 0%
symptom levels, or attention/EF problems (see Table 1).
Behavior intervention 18% 11%
Children were assessed at two main time points: Time 1
Social group 0% 33%
served as pre-test (i.e., prior to starting the intervention or
Other therapies 18% 22%
waitlist control period) and Time 2 served as post-test (i.e.,
Medication 18% 44%
conclusion of CQ intervention and end of the waitlist control
Conners-3-P T IN: M (SD) 73.45 (14.56) 78.56 (16.62) .474
period) to allow for group comparisons. At pre- and post-
Conners-3-P T HY/IM 80.45 (14.12) 83.44 (17.48) .481
test, children were administered a battery of attention, EF,
Conners-3-P T EF 70.82 (9.75) 69.56 (16.96) .837
and academic achievement measures (~ 90 min, including
BRIEF-P T GEC.: M (SD) 68.40 (7.17) 71 (10.98) .556
breaks) that were counterbalanced and delivered by trained
BRIEF-P T MI.: M (SD) 66.40 (7.34) 67 (10.68) .887
RAs who were blind to group status. The pre- and post-
BRIEF-P T BRI.: M (SD) 68.10 (7.22) 74.00 (10.40) .166
test batteries were identical with the exception of an intel-
GARS-2 P SS AI 87.00 (13.58) 94.86 (25.68) .442
lectual screening measure (Wide Range Intelligence Test
WRIT SS FSIQ (wide range intelligence test standard score full (WRIT); Glutting et al. 2000), which was administered only
scale IQ) at pre-test.
Academic supports (tutoring, learning assistance, gifted program- An RA delivered the CQ via laptop during regular school
ming) hours to children in a one-to-one format. Children were
Integrated services (ASD focused program with integrated supports pulled from their classroom activities 3×/week to attend
that include behavior intervention, social supports, speech-language,
occupational therapy training sessions lasting approximately 30 min, resulting in
Other therapies (music therapy, counselling, therapeutic horseback
24 total sessions over an 8-week period, although the spe-
riding) cific breakdown was amenable to the needs of the child,
Conners-3-P T In. (Conners-3, Parent, Short Form, T score, Inatten- family, and school. Sessions took place within private loca-
tion) tions in each child’s respective school. Prior to delivering
Conners-3-P T HY/IM (Hyperactivity/Impulsivity) the intervention, the RA completed a 5-h online training
Conners-3-P T EF (Executive Functions) course designed for non-expert adult trainers (e.g., parents,
BRIEF-P T GEC. (Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Func- EAs, teachers, etc.). This training site provides information
tion Parent T Score General Executive Composite) regarding the constructs of attention and EF, basic prin-
BRIEF-P MI (Metacognition Index) ciples of process-specific approaches and neuroplasticity,
BRIEF-P BRI (Behavioural Regulation Index) CQ-specific applied lessons, progress tracking, performance
GARS-2 P SS AI (Gilliam Autism Rating Scale 2 Parent Standard scaffolding, fidelity monitoring, and techniques to promote
Score Autism Index) far-transfer to other settings. It also provides a ‘manualized’
approach to instructing and delivering metacognitive strate-
additional child was withdrawn from the study after missing gies, where RA’s are provided with specific instructions and
several weeks of school due to illness. The final sample of scripts for how and when to teach and facilitate the use of
20 children (3 females, 17 males) was predominantly Cau- specific metacognitive strategies during game play.
casian with incomes in the middle-class range. Children The primary role of the RA was to scaffold the acqui-
were encouraged to continue their regular interventions/ sition and mastery of metacognitive strategies, to engage

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

the child in CQ gameplay, and facilitate the generalization the outcome of the strategy, and (5) Once a strategy works,
of the intervention. During intervention sessions, the RA celebrate success (i.e., provide positive reinforcement).
identified difficulties that arose on gameplay/training exer-
cises (e.g., struggling to complete a level due to increased Fidelity and Feasibility
working memory demands, etc.) and/or during the broader
session (e.g., low frustration tolerance, emotional dysregu- A review of the RA per-session tracking booklet data indi-
lation, etc.). The RA then provided ‘scaffolded’ support to cated that the CQ games were played as recommended (2–3
improve the child’s attention, EF, and self-regulation. These games per session, 3 times a week, for approximately 30 min
strategies included those that apply to all intervention games per session) and that metacognitive strategies were deliv-
(e.g., “good listening” and “readying your body”) and game- ered as instructed on the training website. Therefore, the
specific strategies (e.g., “rehearsal,” “chunking,” and “trac- CQ could be delivered in school contexts while maintaining
ing”, etc. See Supplement 1). fidelity with respect to gameplay and metacognitive strat-
Intervention fidelity was demonstrated by the RA via egy guidelines. All but one (due to illness) of the children
completion of quizzes that followed each training website completed the full 12 h without any reported difficulties.
module (requiring mastery via 100% score on quizzes), Exit interviews with participating parents (70%) and teach-
weekly check-ins with the research team, and observations ers (90%) indicated that children enjoyed the intervention.
by the senior research team. In addition, the RA completed a Teachers/EAs felt that the CQ was not disruptive or diffi-
daily record of each intervention session (CQ Tracking form) cult to deliver in the school day and that it did not inter-
that included information on, (1) date, time, and length of fere significantly with regular school activities or learning
session; (2) games played and levels achieved; and (3) meta- opportunities.
cognitive strategies used.
Outcome Measures
The CQ Intervention
Attention and Executive Function
The CQ consists of five hierarchically-structured, self-
adjusting mini-games that train WM, inhibitory control, Aspects of attention and EF were assessed using three sub-
selective attention, and sustained attention (Kerns et al. tests from the Test of Attentional Performance Children’s
2017). Given the intervention duration within the current Version (KiTAP), a computerized attention/EF battery
study (12 intervention hours), children primarily engaged in for children (Zimmerman et al. 2002; see Supplement B).
attention, inhibition, and visual working memory activities, KiTAP subtests included measures of sustained attention
as opposed to the verbal WM tasks that occur later in the CQ (Ghost’s Ball), selective attention (Sad/Happy Ghost), and
game hierarchy. The CQ utilizes a process-specific approach divided attention/cognitive flexibility (Owls). Visual and
that capitalizes on Kleim and Jones’ (2008) key principles verbal WM were assessed using the Spatial Span and Digit
for optimizing neuroplasticity. Game progression is depend- Span tasks from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil-
ent upon either achieving a specific number of correct trials dren, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV; Kaplan et al. 2004). Vis-
(100%) or a certain accuracy level (90%), depending upon ual working memory/updating was also assessed using the
the specific game and cognitive process being targeted. Colored Boxes Task (Brocki et al. 2008; see Supplement 2).
To enhance motivation, CQ provides a range of fun bonus
games after the completion of each cognitive training task Academic Achievement
(i.e., with tokens that can be used to ‘purchase’ trophy/deco-
rative items within the program). The CQ is designed to be Measures of reading (Oral Reading Fluency Curriculum
administered in the presence of an adult trainer who teaches Based Measure; ORF; Hosp et al. 2016) and math (Wood-
the child metacognitive strategies to help foster generaliza- cock Johnson III- Math Fluency; WJ-III; Woodcock et al.
tion to real world tasks (Partanen et al. 2015; Sohlberg et al. 2007) were administered to assess academic fluency/
2003). Although metacognitive instructional strategies were efficiency.
provided in a systematic format, by the nature of this type
of intervention the strategies taught to the child depended Behavioral Ratings
on the adult trainer and what appeared to be the most ben-
eficial for the particular child in a given situation (i.e., when The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
facing various types of challenges in the game). Metacogni- (BRIEF; Gioia et al. 2000), Conners’ Rating Scale—Short
tive strategies were taught using a 5-step script: (1) Iden- Version, Third Edition (CRS-3; Conners 2008), BERS-2
tify the issue/difficulty, (2) State the reason for the issue/ (Epstein 2000), SSRS (Gresham and Elliot 1990), and
difficulty, (3) Select and implement a strategy, (4) Evaluate GARS-2 (Gilliam 2006) were administered at pre- and

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

post-test, but low post-test return rates precluded meaning-

ful pre-/post-test analysis. 20

Adjusted Post-Test Mean Values

Results 12
Analysis Overview 6
ANCOVAs (with pre-test scores as the covariate) were run 0
to determine the effects of the attention/EF and control inter- Kitap Selecve Colored Boxes Spaal WJ Math FLuency
A enon Errors WM Errors Error Proporon (%)
ventions on post-test attention/EF and academic achieve-
ment and partial η2 was calculated to determine effect size Control Intervenon

(Howell 2002). Significant findings were followed up with

post-hoc analyses with Bonferroni adjustment. Data reported Fig. 1  Adjusted post-test means (with pre-test scores as covariate) for
the intervention and control groups
are adjusted means unless otherwise stated. Due to technical
challenges, the following data loss occurred: 7 from WJ-III
Math Fluency (2 pre/5 post), 5 from ORF reading fluency There were no significant post-test differences seen for the
(1 pre/4 post), 7 from the Colored Boxes task (2 pre/5 post) WISC-IV Spatial Span or Digit Span tasks.
and 1 from the KiTAP (1 post). Table 2 provides unadjusted
and adjusted means and standard deviations/standard errors
for the analyses reported below. Academic Fluency

Efficacy On the Woodcock Johnson Math Fluency task, after

controlling for pre-test scores, there was a significant
Attention/EF Performance Measures difference in total errors, F(1,16) = 5.98, p < .05, par-
tial η2 = .28, with post-hoc analyses indicating that the
On the KiTAP ‘Sad/Happy Ghost’ selective attention task, intervention group made fewer errors than the control
after controlling for pre-test scores, there was a statistically group ­(Mdiff = 14.08 [95% CI .544–7.61], p < .05). Inter-
significant difference in errors between the intervention and estingly results also trended towards the intervention
control groups, F(1,16) = 4.61, p < .05, partial η2 = .224 (see group attempting fewer problems than the control group,
Fig. 1). Post-hoc analyses indicated that post-test errors were F(1,16) = 3.40, p = .08. To account for the possibility that
significantly lower in the intervention group when compared fewer errors in the intervention group could be a result
with the control group ­(Mdiff = 9.15, 95% CI [.12–18.18], of them simply trying fewer problems, we analyzed the
p < .05). There were no significant post-test differences seen results using proportion of math errors (errors/problems
for the KiTAP ‘Owls’ (divided attention) or ‘Ghost’s Ball’ attempted). There was a significant difference in the pro-
(sustained attention) tasks. portion of errors between the intervention and control
On the ‘Colored Boxes’ visual-spatial WM task, after groups, F(1,12) = 4.60, p = .05, partial η2 = .28 (see Fig. 1),
controlling for pre-test scores, there was a significant dif- with the proportion of errors being significantly lower in
ference in errors between the intervention and control the intervention group than the control group ­(Mdiff = .11
groups, F(1,15) = 12.23, p < .01, partial η 2 = .49 (see [95% CI − .001 to .221], p = .05; see Table 2). No sig-
Fig. 1). On post-hoc testing, errors were significantly nificant post-test differences were seen for oral reading
lower in the intervention group when compared with the fluency.
control group ­(Mdiff = 6.63 [95% CI 2.59–10.68], p < .01).

Table 2  Adjusted and Test Intervention group Control group

unadjusted post-test means
and variability for post-test Unadjusted Adjusted Unadjusted Adjusted
scores, with pre-test scores as a
covariate M SD M SE M SD M SE

KiTap Selective Attention (Ghosts Total errors) 14.20 10.59 9.40 2.67 13.22 10.81 18.55 2.84
Colored Boxes Visual WM (Total Errors) 5.53 4.14 5.84 1.34 12.80 5.16 12.47 1.34
WJ Math Fluency (Proportion of errors) .07 .08 .07 .04 .18 .15 .18 .04

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Discussion the children in the CQ made fewer math errors propor-

tional to the number of problems attempted; however, this
Children with ASD often present with attention and EF is only a preliminary finding that should be validated in
deficits that impact long-term outcomes, thus making the future studies. Math fluency tasks require a child to focus
need for early remediation crucial (Baijo et al. 2018; De their attention on the question at hand, hold key informa-
Vries et al. 2015; Demetriou et al. 2019). Direct cogni- tion in mind while mentally working with it (or ‘manipu-
tive interventions have been used successfully to enhance lating’ it), and suppress irrelevant information. Consider-
attention/EF in children with neurodevelopmental disor- ing these many demands, it is not surprising that WM has
ders with associated social, emotional, behavioural, and been shown to be an important predictor of math skills
academic gains (Kerns et al. 2017; Macoun et al. 2017, (Gathercole and Pickering 2000; Kroesbergen et al. 2007;
2020; Robinson et al. 2014). Research on the use of such Passolunghi et al. 2007; Swanson and Kim 2007). The
approaches in children with ASD is quite limited, despite pattern seen in the current study may be due to expanded
the potential (De Vries et al. 2015; Wass and Porayska- attention/EF capacity as a result of the process-specific
Pomsta 2014). The current study investigated the efficacy aspect of the CQ (Karbach and Schubert 2013), improved
of a novel ‘serious game’ cognitive training interven- attention/EF efficiency as a result of the metacognitive
tion, the CQ, that was designed to improve attention/EF training component (Morrison and Chein 2011; Nutley
in children. Twenty school-age children diagnosed with and Söderqvist 2017; Sohlberg and Mateer 2001), or both.
ASD completed 12 h of cognitive training within their Regardless, these findings provide preliminary support for
respective schools, distributed over 8–10 weeks (24 ses- the potential benefits of a broader attention/EF training
sions, 3 times/week, 30 min per session). The CQ utilizes program (i.e., one that includes both process-specific and
a hybrid cognitive intervention approach that combines metacognitive components) on math outcomes. Our data
process-specific (Sohlberg et al. 2003) and compensatory is consistent with literature suggesting that WM training
(Ylvisaker et al. 1998) approaches. As such it capitalizes programs that include in-person coaching facilitate far
on the benefits of one-to-one interventionist work within transfer in the area of math (Nelwan et al. 2018). Inter-
the context of a ‘serious game’ to improve outcomes and estingly, significant gains were not seen on a measure of
promote the generalization of new skills. oral reading fluency. Given that our intervention did not
On near-transfer objective performance measures, focus on verbal WM, and that verbal WM tends to be more
children in the CQ intervention group showed gains in associated with reading outcomes than visual WM (Barnes
selective attention and visual WM (as evidenced through et al. 2018; Locascio et al. 2010; Pham and Hasson 2014),
a reduction in errors on post-test after co-varying out pre- this result is perhaps not surprising.
test scores). Gains were not seen on measures of verbal Low rating scales return rates at post-test precluded
WM, sustained attention, or divided attention/cognitive meaningful analysis. However, exit interviews with 70% of
flexibility. This finding was anticipated in that children parents and 90% of teachers following the study indicated
completed approximately the first half of the CQ levels, anecdotally-reported gains in children’s focus/attention, effi-
within the 12 h prescribed, and these levels are focused ciency/engagement in schoolwork, organization skills, flex-
heavily on visual WM and selective attention activities. ibility, and WM. Parents and teachers also reported gains
Thus, the greater emphasis on visual WM and selec- in self-regulation (e.g., increased patience/tolerance, fewer
tive attention activities on the intervention as delivered behavioural/emotional outbursts, etc.) and completion of
in the current study explains why significant gains were daily tasks (e.g., chores, schoolwork), which they perceived
restricted to these domains. It should also be noted that as being due to improved engagement, regulation, and focus.
visual WM gains are consistent with results of other stud- Forty percent of teachers reported that task completion in the
ies (Macoun et al. 2017; Schwarb et al. 2016) and support classroom was accompanied by an increase in unprompted
findings that visual WM may be particularly amenable to metacognitive strategy use by the children, including repeat-
training-related change (Alloway et al. 2016; Kundu et al. ing things out loud, making self-encouraging statements,
2013). referencing lists, and increased use of visual schedules and
Concerning far transfer, children in the CQ interven- timers. This may be a direct result of the metacognitive
tion group showed a significant reduction in errors on a component of the intervention. These results clearly require
measure of math fluency and a reduction in the numbers future validation using standardized measures of behavioural
of problems attempted. To investigate the possibility that change.
a reduction in errors could simply be because the interven- With respect to feasibility, it is notable that there was no
tion group completed fewer problems, further analysis was attrition following the commencement of the intervention
done using the proportion of errors. Results indicated that and that 100% of participating children reported having gen-
erally enjoyed the intervention. Given that process-specific

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

interventions by nature require a significant degree of repeti- span. The CQ was easily delivered during the school day,
tion, which can make them at least seem intolerable, this is with no discernable negative impact upon the classroom or
an important finding. A non-expert within a range of school school activities. Large-scale randomized controlled stud-
settings was able to deliver the CQ with a high degree of ies with longitudinal follow-up are required to replicate the
fidelity and without causing disruption to children’s existing positive findings in this preliminary pilot trial and to deter-
academic demands or adding demands to families’ after- mine whether the observed gains are meaningful and lasting.
school routines. Schools provide a setting that is both natu-
ralistic and convenient for the delivery of cognitive inter-
ventions. The usability of the CQ within this setting may Author Contributions SJM designed/directed this study, supervised
the analysis, and co-wrote the manuscript. IS and BB supported data
help to increase the accessibility of cognitive interventions analysis and manuscript preparation. AS delivered the intervention. JS
to children with ASD and neurodevelopmental concerns in was involved with manuscript preparation and editing.
general, particularly and crucially within geographically and
socioeconomically limited communities. Funding This research was supported by a grant from Kids Brain
Health Network (previously NeuroDevNet), which is a member of the
Networks of Centres of Excellence program of Canada.

This study had several limitations that are important to note.

Compliance with Ethical Standards
Sample size was limited (n = 20), which likely decreased Conflict of interest No financial interest or other benefit has arisen
our ability to detect the size and scope of meaningful from the direct applications of this research.
effects. This study also had low return rates for post-test
rating scales, making it not possible to statistically analyze Ethical Approval This research was conducted with the approval of the
University of Victoria Human Ethics Board and in accordance with
the extent of any behavioural changes outside of the formal Tri-Council Human Ethics guidelines.
controlled test setting. This was in part due to the time of
year (i.e., close to summer) and because parents may have
been over-taxed by the provision of too many rating scales.
Future studies should investigate the effectiveness of such
interventions selecting a more limited core battery of behav-
ioural rating scales to ensure better return rates through Alloway, T. P., Robinson, T., & Frankenstein, A. N. (2016). Educational
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