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Syllable division

*Syllable overview:

-According to phonology (phonology), a syllable is a unit of English pronunciation, consisting the core
part is vowels, which may be preceded or followed by consonants.

-Roach (2009), from the perspective of phonetics, has generalized syllables as follows: they consist of a
main part (center) that is pronounced quite loudly and clearly and the air flow escapes almost
unobstructed ( has the characteristics of a vowel). Before or after the main part there will be a smaller
sound and there will be resistance in the air flow (characteristic of consonants).

Example: Ví dụ: rabbit /ˈræb.ɪt/

→ There are 2 syllables including /ræb/ and /ɪt/, with /æ/ being the main part and /r/ and /b/ being the
accompanying consonants (syllable 1), /ɪ/ being the main part and /t / is the accompanying consonant
(syllable 2).

*Syllable Structure:

Syllables include 2 main parts:

+On set(first sound-preceding consonant)

+Rhyme :is made up of peak (peak of syllable - vowel) and coda (final sound - consonant )

Example: strong /strɒŋ/

+Onset: /str/

+Rhyme: /ɒŋ/ với /ɒ/ là peak và /ŋ/ là coda

*How to divide syllables

 CV/VC rules: This rule guides learners to separate 2 consonants (consonant - C) standing
between 2 vowels (vowel - V) to form 2 syllables.
For example:

+Rabbit is separated- rab and bit

+Dinner is separated - din and ner

 VCV rules:

When there is only one consonant between two vowels, we will rely on whether the first vowel is a
long vowel or not.

+If it is a long vowel, the middle consonant will belong to the following syllable.

For example, recent will split into -re and cent

+If it is a short vowel, the middle consonant will belong to the preceding syllable.

For example, lemon will split into -le and mon

 In terms of phonetic transcription, Roach (2009) uses the maximal onsets principle when
separating syllables. That is, when a word has more than 2 syllables, the consonants in the
middle position will be grouped to the next (or right) syllable as much as possible. Syllable
divisions are denoted by dots in phonetic transcription (representing the separation or
"boundary" between syllables).
Example: extra /ekstrə/
Theo Roach (2009), sẽ có 5 trường hợp chia âm tiết như sau:
1 e.kstrə
2 ek.strə
3 eks.trə
4 ekst.rə
5 ekstr.ə
Applying the maximal onsets principle, we will group the middle consonants to the next syllable
(or group to the right). So, we will form the syllable /kstrə/. But it should be noted that in English
there is no kstr consonant cluster, only str (eg: strength, straw), so the last syllable can only
be /strə/ and the /k/ sound will combine with the vowel to form the sound. The first syllable
is /ek/. That is also the way to divide numbers (2).
 Onset: /str/

 Rhyme: /ɒŋ/ với /ɒ/ là peak và /ŋ/ là co

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