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ECONOMICS Resources and the study of

- The social science that involves economics

the use of scarce resources to
satisfy unlimited wants. Natural Resources - Naturally
occurring wealth such as Land, water,
Economics Etymology Mineral deposit etc.
- From the greek word
“OIKONOMIA” Human Resources - refers to the
- Oikos = House , Nomos = Rules people who are part of the workforce
both physical and mental.
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
- Father of economics Physical Resources - Tangible or
man-made resources such as
Definition of Economics equipment, materials, facilities,
● As a study of wealth - Utilization infrastructure etc.
of wealth for production and
consumption Raw Materials - Inputs of production
production - Supply, how to make subject to further processing and
Consumption - demand, how to get transformation

● As a study of making choices - Factor Inputs - transformation inputs

Opportunity cost: forgone that process raw materials and
benefits of an alternative when intermediate inputs into final goods and
making choices services.

● As a study of Allocation - ● Categories Of resources

Allocation of scarce resources to
answer unlimited human wants

● As A Social Science - As a
science, uses the scientific
method of inquiry
- As A social science, uses the
scientific method to study society
Unskilled - no knowledge
Skilled - you have knowledge on a
certain skill, vocational
Professional - you have knowledge,
this type of work requires extensive
- Things that are needed to
● Scarcity as a source of survive
economic problem
● Luxury Goods
- Products and services
which are not necessarily
needed but which are
likely to make life more
pleasant for consumer

According to Availability
● Economic goods
Needs - Essential for you to live such - Consumable items that are
as: food, water, shelter, clothing etc. useful to people but scarce
in relation to their demand
Wants - Desire for non-essential item: - Commodities or services
gadgets, luxury items etc. that can be utilize to
satisfy human wants
Goods - Materials that are supposed to monetary value
satisfy human wants and provide utility ● Free goods
- Also known as Material goods or - Items of consumption that
tangible goods are functional to people,
are natuarally abundant
Services - Intangible goods rendered by supply, and need no
either individual or groups premeditated or conscious
struggle to acquire them
According to uses
● Consumer goods
- Finished products that are Economics as an Applied science
purchased for (Applied economics)
consumption bu the - The study of economics in
customer (final goods) relation to actual and existing
● Producer Goods world conditions and
- Goods manufactured and circumstances.
used in further - The application of different
manufacturing, processing economic concepts, theories, and
or resale (Capital Goods) principle
- Economic Theory is all about
According to Purpose thinking up, while applied
● Basic Goods
Economics is about trying things

Basic Economic Problems in 21st

century Philippines

The Distribution of goods and

services in every society depends on
- Availability of resources
- Laws, beliefs, and customs of
Allocation - Social Mechanism of people living in the society
disturbing limited resources to meet
expanding human wants Factor that influence the increase of
economic wants
Utilization - to put use; turn to profitable ● Population growth
account ● Rise in income
- Purchasing power
Market System as an Allocation ● Advertising
Mechanism - Introduction and promotion
of products and services
Market: State where buyers and sellers ● Urbanization
transact on the purchase or sale of a - Rising growth of cities
good or service ● Scientific Invention and
Price as cost (sacrifice) and benefit
(satisfaction) Resources are Restricted in two Vital
3 basic economic questions ● Inadequate in tangible number
1. What to produce? (Land, which has a finite size)
2. How to produce? ● Inadequate in use ( Man Power,
3. For whom to produce Machineries and equipment,
which can only be used for one
purpose at any one time and for a
limited time.
Decision Making
- The analysis of identifying and
selecting alternatives based on
the values, priorities and
preferences of the decision

Selecting Logical from the available


Whenever alternative choices are

available, consider the following
Application of supply and demand

Demand, Supply and Market

● Demand and supply
Supply methods

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