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1. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약할 때, 빈칸 2. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 것은?

(A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 <조건>
[수능감잡기 6강 1번] (문정여고2 21년 1학기 중간)
에 맞게 쓰시오.1) [수능감잡기 6강 1번] (가락고
22년 1학기 기말) When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
different stores. ⓐAt some point, though, you will
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
decide that additional comparison is simply not
different stores. At some point, though, You will
worth the trouble. ⓑYou will make a choice based
decide that additional comparison is simply not
on the limited information you already have. The
worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
process is similar when individuals search for a
the limited information you already have. The
restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. ⓒThey will
process is similar when individuals search for a
seek to acquire some information, but at some
restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek
point, they will decide the expected benefit derived
to acquire some information, but at some point,
from gathering still more information is simply not
they will decide the expected benefit derived from
worth the cost. ⓓWhen differences among the
gathering still more information is simply not worth
alternatives are important to decision makers, they
the cost. When differences among the alternatives
will spend more time and effort gathering
are important to decision makers, they will spend
information. ⓔThe quality of information is
more time and effort gathering information. People
determined by the amount of information. People
are much more likely to read a consumer ratings
are much more likely to read a consumer ratings
magazine before purchasing a new automobile than
magazine before purchasing a new automobile than
they are before purchasing a new can opener.
they are before purchasing a new can opener.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
People usually make a choice about their
(A)__________ with limited information they have.
However, when it comes to important decisions, they
put more (B)__________ for gathering information.

1. (A)는 한 단어, (B)는 세 단어
2. (A), (B)에 들어갈 말은 본문에서 그대로 찾아 쓸 것

(A): ___________________

(B): ______________________________________

- 1 -
3. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 어법에 맞는 4. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?4)
표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?3)
[수능감잡기 6강 1번] (신송고2 22년 1학기 중간)
[수능감잡기 6강 1번] (신송고2 20년 1학기 중간)
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several different stores. At some point, though, you will
different stores. At some point, though, you will decide that additional comparison is simply not
decide that (A)[additional / additionally] comparison worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
is simply not worth the trouble. You will make a the limited information you already have. The
choice based on the limited information you already process is similar when individuals search for a
have. The process is similar when individuals search restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek
for a restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They to acquire some information, but at some point,
will seek (B)[acquiring / to acquire] some they will decide the expected benefit derived from
information, but at some point, they will decide the gathering still more information is simply not worth
expected benefit derived from gathering still more the cost. When differences among the alternatives
information is simply not worth the cost. When are important to decision makers, they will spend
differences among the alternatives are important to more time and effort gathering information. So,
decision makers, they will spend more time and people are less likely to read a consumer ratings
effort gathering information. People are much more magazine before purchasing a new can opener than
likely to read a consumer ratings magazine before they are before purchasing a new automobile.
purchasing a new automobile than they (C)[are / do]
before purchasing a new can opener. ① Good Things Come to Those Who Wait!
② Make the Best of Bad Situations!
(A) (B) (C) ③ Knowledge Itself Is Power!
① additional to acquire are ④ More Isn’t Always Better!
② additional acquiring do ⑤ No Pain, No Gain!
③ additionally acquiring do
④ additionally to acquire are
⑤ additionally acquiring are

- 2 -
5. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 6. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기
은?5) 에 가장 적절한 곳은?6) [수능감잡기 6강 1번] (상
원고 22년 1학기 기말)
[수능감잡기 6강 1번] (수성고2 22년 1학기 중간)
As a result, people economize on their search for
Information that helps us make better choices is
information just like they do anything else.
valuable. However, the time needed to gather it is
scarce, making information costly to acquire. As a
Information that helps us make better choices is
result, people ____________________ on their search for
valuable. However, the time needed to gather it is
information just like they do anything else. For
scarce, making information costly to acquire. (A) For
example, when you purchase a pair of jeans, you
example, when you purchase a pair of jeans, you
might evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at
might evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at
several different stores. At some point, though, you
several different stores. (B) At some point, though,
will decide that additional comparison is simply not
you will decide that additional comparison-shopping
worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
is simply not worth the trouble. (C) You will make a
the limited information you already have. The
choice based on the limited information you already
process is similar when individuals search for a
have. (D) The process is similar when individuals
restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek
search for a restaurant, a new car, or a roommate.
to acquire some information, but at some point,
(E) They will seek to acquire some information, but
they will decide the expected benefit derived from
at some point, they will decide the expected benefit
gathering still more information is simply not worth
derived from gathering still more information is
the cost. When differences among the alternatives
simply not worth the cost.
are important to decision makers, they will spend
more time and effort gathering information. People
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
are much more likely to read a consumer ratings
magazine before purchasing a new automobile than
they are before purchasing a new can opener.
Because information is costly for people to acquire,
limited knowledge and uncertainty about the
outcome generally characterize the decision-making

① economize ② comment ③ depend

④ focus ⑤ carry

- 3 -
7. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 8. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는
한 것은?7) [수능감잡기 6강 1번] (상원고2 21년 1 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?8) [수능감잡기 6강 1번]
학기 중간) (부산백양고 22년 1학기 기말)
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
different stores. different stores. At some point, though, you will
decide that additional comparison is simply not
(A) When differences among the alternatives are worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
important to decision makers, they will spend more the limited information you already have. The
time and effort gathering information. People are process is (A)[similar / different] when individuals
much more likely to read a consumer ratings search for a restaurant, a new car, or a roommate.
magazine before purchasing a new automobile than They will seek to acquire some information, but at
they are before purchasing a new can opener. some point, they will decide the expected benefit
derived from gathering still more information is
(B) The process is similar when individuals search for simply not worth the cost. When differences among
a restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will the alternatives are (B)[important / meaningless] to
seek to acquire some information, but at some decision makers, they will spend more time and
point, they will decide the expected benefit derived effort gathering information. People are much more
from gathering still more information is simply not (C)[likely / unlikely] to read a consumer ratings
worth the cost. magazine before purchasing a new automobile than
they are before purchasing a new automobile.
(C) At some point, though, you will decide that
additional comparison is simply not worth the (A) (B) (C)
trouble. You will make a choice based on the limited ① similar important likely
information you already have. ② similar meaningless unlikely
③ similar important unlikely
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ④ different meaningless unlikely
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ different important likely
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

- 4 -
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
[수능감잡기 6강 1번] (영훈고 23년 1학기 기말) 이 적절하지 않은 것은?11) [수능감잡기 6강 1번]
(영훈고 22년 1학기 기말)
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
different stores. (A) At some point, though, you will evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
decide that additional comparison is simply not different stores. At some point, though, you will
worth the trouble. (B) You will make a choice based decide that additional ⓐcomparison is simply not
on the limited information you already have. (C) worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
They will seek to acquire some information, but at the ⓑunlimited information you already have. The
some point, they will decide the expected benefit process is similar when individuals search for a
derived from gathering still more information is restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek
simply not worth the cost. (D) When differences to ⓒacquire some information, but at some point,
among the alternatives are important to decision they will decide the expected benefit derived from
makers, they will spend more time and effort gathering still more information is simply not worth
gathering information. (E) People are much more the cost. When differences among the alternatives
likely to read a consumer ratings magazine before are ⓓmeaningful to decision makers, they will spend
purchasing a new automobile than they are before more time and effort gathering information. People
purchasing a new can opener. are much ⓔmore likely to read a consumer ratings
magazine before purchasing a new automobile than
they are before purchasing a new can opener.

9. 위 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
가장 적절한 곳은?9)
The process is similar when individuals search for a
restaurant, a new car, or a roommate.

① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E

10. 위 글에 드러난 필자의 견해를 다음과 같이 서술

하였다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
The more (A)__________ the differences between
alternatives are, the more information people
(B)__________ to get.

(A) (B)
① important hesitate
② unimportant struggle
③ significant refuse
④ insignificant prefer
⑤ meaningful tend

- 5 -
12. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 13. 다음 두 글의 흐름상 빈칸 (A), (B)에 주어진 철
빈칸 (A) 와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 자로 시작하는 적절한 한 단어를 각각 쓰시오.13)
[수능의 감 6강 1번] (백마고2 16년 1학기 기말)
[수능의 감 6강 1번] (광동고2 17년 2학기 중간) When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several different stores. At some point, though, you will
different stores. At some point, though, you will decide that additional comparison is simply not
decide that additional comparison is simply not worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on the limited information you already have. The
the limited information you already have. The process is ( A ) when individuals search for a
process is similar when individuals search or a restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek
restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek to acquire some information, but at some point.
to acquire some information, but at some point, they will decide that the expected benefit derived
they will decide the expected benefit derived from from gathering still more information is not worth
gathering still more information is simply not worth the cost. When differences among the alternatives
the cost. When differences among the alternatives are ( B ) to decision makers, they will spend more
are important to decision makers, they will spend time and effort gathering information. People are
more time and effort gathering information. People much more likely to read a consumer ratings
are much more likely to read a consumer ratings magazine before purchasing a new automobile than
magazine before purchasing a new automobile than they are before purchasing a new can opener.
they are before purchasing a new can opener.
↓ (A) s
People _____(A)____ on their search for information
just like they do anything else because its (B) m
acquisition is _____(B)_____.

(A) (B)
① agree alternative
② focus simple
③ obsess worth
④ depend limited
⑤ economize costly

- 6 -
v 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 15. 다음 글을 읽고 <The process>가 의미하는 것이
적절한 것을 고르시오. 무엇인지 빈칸 (A), (B)를 채워 완성하시오. (단 A
와 B는 본문에서 찾아 각각 한단어로 쓸 것)
14. [수능의 감 6강 1번]14) (대진고2 16년 1학기 기
말) [수능의 감 6강 1번]15) (화홍고2 16년 1학기 기말)

When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
different stores. At some point, though, you will stores. At some point, though, you will decide that
decide that additional comparison is simply not additional comparison is simply not worth the
worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on trouble. You will make a choice base on the limited
the (A)[infinite / finite] information you already have. information you already have. The process is similar
The process is (B)[similar / different] when individuals when individuals search for a restaurant, a new car,
search for a restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. or a roommate. They will seek to acquire some
They will seek to acquire some information, but at information, but at some point, they will decide the
some point, they will decide the expected benefit expected benefit derived from gather still more
derived from gathering still more information is information is simply not worth the cost. When
simply not worth the cost. When differences among differences among the alternatives are important to
the alternatives are important to decision makers, decision makers, they will spend more time and
they will spend (C)[less / more] time and effort effort gather information. People are much more
gathering information. People are much more likely likely to read a consumer ratings magazine before
to read a consumer ratings magazine before purchasing a new automobile than they are before
purchasing a new automobile than they are before purchasing a new can opener.
purchasing a new can opener.
The process : Making a decision by the (A)_________
(A) (B) (C) information when people judge that further
① infinite … different … less (B)_________ is not necessary while purchasing
② infinite … similar … less something.
③ finite … different … more
④ finite … similar … more (A)
⑤ finite … similar … less


- 7 -
16. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
은?16) [수능감잡기 6강 1번] (휘경여고2 20년 1
학기 기말)
When you purchase a pair of jeans, you might
evaluate the quality and prices of jeans at several
different stores. At some point, though, you will
decide that additional comparison is simply not
worth the trouble. You will make a choice based on
the limited information you already have. The
process is similar when individuals search for a
restaurant, a new car, or a roommate. They will seek
to acquire some information, but at some point,
they will decide the expected benefit derived from
gathering still more information is simply not worth
the cost. ________________________________________________,
they will spend less time and effort gathering
information. People are much less likely to read a
consumer ratings magazine before purchasing a new
can opener than they are before purchasing a new

① When consumers find serious errors in the

information they collected
② When differences among the alternatives are
important to decision makes
③ When there are lots of alternatives to be
evaluated by decision makers
④ When gathering information seems impossible
to consumers due to a lack of means
⑤ When meaningful value of comparing the
choices goes to zero for consumers

- 8 -
17. 다음 글을 아래와 같이 도식화하고자 한다. 빈칸 v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
(A)~(C)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 말을 본문에서 찾 [수능감잡기 6강 2번] (가락고 22년 1학기 기말)
아 각각 한 단어로 쓰시오. (단, 필요하면 단어의
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
형태를 바꾸거나 활용할 것)17)
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
[수능의 감 6강 2번] (비전고2 20년 2학기 중간) death in virtually all comers of the world. This
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures reveal negative association leads to several interesting
that black is seen as the color of evil and death in results in the domain of professional sports. When
virtually all corners of the world. This negative we asked a group of respondents to rate the
association leads to several interesting results in the appearance of professional football uniforms, they
domain of professional sports. When we asked a judged those that were at least half black to be the
group of respondents to rate the appearance of most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These
professional football uniforms, they judged those perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
that were at least half black to be the most "bad," performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We
"mean," and "aggressive" looking. These perceptions showed groups of trained referees one of two
influence, in turn, how specific actions performed by videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
black-uniformed teams are viewed. We showed game, one with the team wearing white and one
groups of trained referees one of two videotapes of with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
the same aggressive play in a football game, one black- uniformed version rated the play as much
with the team wearing white and one with it more aggressive than those who saw the
wearing black. The referees who saw the white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, (ㄱ)
black-uniformed version rated the play as much 검은색 유니폼들을 입은 팀들이 평균보다 상당히 더 많
more aggressive than those who saw the 은 벌칙을 받아왔다는 사실을 알게 되는 것은 놀랍지
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is 않다.
not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
uniforms have been penalized significantly more than
18. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (ㄱ)의 우리말 의미와 일치하도
록 <보기>에 주어진 단어를 <조건>에 맞게 활
용하여 영작하시오.18)
The color black is ___(A)___ with perceptions of evil
more than / surprising / significantly
and death in many cultures around the world.
/ penalized / have / to / it

This negative association can create a(n) ___(B)___ in
1. <보기> 이외의 단어를 필요시 추가하시오
the domain of professional sports.
2. <보기>에 주어진 단어의 형태를 변형하지 마시오

(1) Respondents in the survey rated the appearance
정답: ___________________________________________________
of uniforms with black negatively.
(2) Black-uniformed teams tended to be ___(C)___
more than average by the referees.


(A) _________________________

(B) _________________________

(C) _________________________

- 9 -
19. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것 20. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?20)
[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (신송고2 22년 1학기 중간)
[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (천천고 21년 2학기 기말)
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures ⓐ reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and death in virtually all corners of the world. This
death in virtually all comers of the world. This negative association leads to several interesting
negative association leads to several interesting results in the domain of professional sports. When
results in the domain of professional sports. When we asked a group of respondents to rate the
we asked a group of respondents ⓑto rate the appearance of professional football uniforms, they
appearance of professional football uniforms, they judged those that were at least half black to be the
judged those that were at least half black to be the most “bad,” “mean,” and “aggressive” looking. These
most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
perceptions influence, in tum, how specific actions performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We
performed by black-uniformed teams ⓒare viewed. showed groups of trained referees one of two
We showed groups of trained referees one of two videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football game, one with the team wearing white and one
game, one with the team wearing white and one with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
with it wearing black. The referees who saw the black-uniformed version rated the play as much
black-uniformed version rated the play as much more aggressive than those who saw the
more offensive than ⓓthose who saw the white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
not surprising to learn that teams that wear black uniforms have been penalized significantly more than
uniforms ⓔhave penalized significantly more than average.
① We See What We Expect to See
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ ② Uniform: Building Energy Efficiency
③ Bias Against Skin Color Seen Globally
④ Individual Differences in Color Perception
⑤ Sports Aggression: What’s Good, What’s Bad?

- 10 -
21. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것 22. 다음 글의 필자가 주장하는 바를 <보기>의 제시
은?21) 어를 사용하여 <조건>에 맞게 기술하시오.22)
[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (수성고2 22년 1학기 중간) [수능감잡기 6강 2번] (심원고2 21년 1학기 기말)
Surveys were conducted in a wide range of Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
cultures, ⓐrevealing that black is seen as the color reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
of evil and death in virtually all corners of the death in virtually all comers of the world. This
world. This negative association leads to several negative association leads to several interesting
interesting results in the domain of professional results in the domain of professional sports. When
sports. When ⓑasked to rate the appearance of we asked a group of respondents to rate the
professional football uniforms, a group of appearance of professional football uniforms, they
respondents judged the uniforms whose colors were judged those that were at least half black to be the
at least half black to be the most "bad," "mean" and most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These
"aggressive" looking. These perceptions influence, in perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
turn, the way specific actions ⓒwere performed by performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We
black-uniformed teams are viewed. We showed showed groups of trained referees one of two
groups of trained referees one of two videotapes of videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
the same aggressive play in a football game, one game, one with the team wearing white and one
with the team wearing white and one with it with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
wearing black. The referees who saw the black-uniformed version rated the play as much
black-uniformed version judged the team played more aggressive than those who saw the
much more ⓓaggressively than those who saw the white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
not ⓔsurprising to learn that teams with black uniforms have been penalized significantly more than
uniforms have been penalized significantly more than average.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ black uniforms / for / wear / against / because of /
teams that / it / is / penalties / black color / to /
easier / the bias / get

1. <보기>의 제시어만을 모두 한 번씩 변형없이 사용
2. 어법상 올바르게 쓰시오.

정답: ___________________________________________________



- 11 -
23. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 (A), (B)가 가리키는 것 24. 다음 글을 읽고 아래와 같이 요약하고자 한다.
을 각각 찾아 쓰시오.23) [수능감잡기 6강 2번] 빈칸 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 말을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰
(인천해송고2 21년 1학기 중간) 시오.24)
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures [수능감잡기 6강 2번] (상원고 22년 1학기 기말)
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
death in virtually all comers of the world. This reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
negative association leads to several interesting death in virtually all corners of the world. This
results in the domain of professional sports. When negative association leads to several interesting
we asked a group of respondents to rate the results in the domain of professional sports. When
appearance of professional football uniforms, they we asked a group of respondents to rate the
judged (A)those that were at least half black to be appearance of professional football uniforms, they
the most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. judged those that were at least half black to be the
These perceptions influence, in turn, how specific most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These
actions performed by black-uniformed teams are perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
viewed. The referees who saw the black-uniformed performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We
version rated the play as much more aggressive showed groups of trained referees one of two
than (B)those who saw the white-uniformed version. videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
As a result of this bias, it is not surprising to learn game, one with the team wearing white and one
that teams that wear black uniforms have been with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
penalized significantly more than average. black- uniformed version rated the play as much
more aggressive than those who saw the
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is
(A): _____________________________________________________ not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
uniforms have been penalized significantly more than
(B): _____________________________________________________ average.

<조 건>
1. (A), (B), (C) 각각 본문에서 찾아 1~2단어로 쓸 것
2. 필요한 경우 단어의 형태를 변화시킬 것
3. 단순 어법 (수, 시제 등)과 철자 오류 시 1점 감점

Our bias can influence what we see - surveys

suggest that there is people's (A)______________ to the
color black, and, in turn, someone wearing black
uniform (B)______________ as (C)______________ resulting
in more of penalty.




- 12 -
25. 글의 내용을 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 26. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서, 어색한 것을 3
말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.25) 개 찾아 기호와 어색한 부분만을 바르게 고쳐 쓰
시오.26) [수능감잡기 6강 2번] (영신여고2 21년
[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (주엽고 22년 1학기 기말)
1학기 기말)
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
ⓐSurveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
revealing that black is seen as the color of evil and
death in virtually all corners of the world. This
death in virtually all corners of the world. This
negative association leads to several interesting
negative association leads to several interesting
results in the domain of professional sports. When
results in the domain of professional sports. When
we asked a group of respondents to rate the
we asked a group of respondents to rate the
appearance of professional football uniforms, they
appearance of professional football uniforms, ⓑthey
judged those that were at least half black to be the
judged those that were at east half black were the
most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These
most “bad,” “mean,” and “aggressive” looking. These
perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
perceptions influence, in turn, ⓒhowever specific
performed by black-uniformed teams am viewed. We
actions performed by black-uniformed teams are
showed groups of trained referees one of two
viewed. We showed groups of trained referees one
videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
of two videotapes of the same aggressive play in a
game, one with the team wearing white and one
football game, one with the team wearing white and
with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
one with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
black- uniformed version rated the play as much
black-uniformed version ⓓrated the play as much
more aggressive than those who saw the
more aggressive than those who saw the
white-uniformed version.
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, ⓔit
is not surprising to learn that teams wearing black
Due to the perception that black is associated with
uniforms have penalized significantly more than
(A)______________ images, people in black color tend
to be treated with (B)______________ viewpoints.

(A) (B)
(1) __________________ → __________________
① positive favored
② optimistic prejudiced
(2) __________________ → __________________
③ neutral impartial
④ negative biased
(3) ______________________________________
⑤ pessimistic ambiguous

→ _______________________________________________

- 13 -
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 29. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것
[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (영훈고 23년 1학기 기말) 은?29) [수능의 감 6강 2번] (양천고2 21년 1학기
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
death in virtually all comers of the world. reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
death in virtually all corners of the world. This
(A) The referees who saw the black-uniformed negative association leads to several interesting
version rated the play as much more aggressive results in the domain of professional sports. When
than those who saw the white-uniformed version. As we asked a group of respondents to rate the
a result of this bias, it is not surprising to learn that appearance of professional football uniforms, they
teams that wear black uniforms have been penalized judged those that were at least half black to be the
significantly more than average. most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These
perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
(B) This negative association leads to several performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We
interesting results in the domain of professional showed groups of trained referees one of two
sports. When we asked a group of respondents to videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
rate the appearance of professional football game, one with the team wearing white and one
uniforms, they judged those that were at least half with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
black to be the most bad, mean, and aggressive black-uniformed version rated the play as much
looking. more aggressive than those who saw the
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is
(C) These perceptions influence, in turn, how specific not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
actions performed by black-uniformed teams are uniforms have been ____________________________________.
viewed. We showed groups of trained referees one
of two videotapes of the same aggressive play in a ① penalized less than teams that wear white
football game, one with the team wearing white and uniforms
one with g wearing black. ② at a disadvantage fairly more than average
③ exploited by the referees for the purpose of
setting an example
27. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
④ predisposed to more offensive plays than any
한 것은?27)
other teams wearing other colored uniforms
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ⑤ taken advantage of more seriously than teams
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) that wear half-black uniforms

28. 위 글의 내용을 다음과 같이 요약하고자 한다.

빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
Due to the negative association between black and
evil, the team wearing black uniforms is perceived as
(A)__________. As a result, the referees are
(B)__________ likely to give penalties to teams wearing
black than teams wearing white.

(A) (B)
① favorable more
② unfavorable less
③ aggressive less
④ unfavorable more
⑤ favorable less

- 14 -
30. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?30) 31. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?31)

[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (상원고2 21년 1학기 중간) [수능감잡기 6강 2번] (강서안산고2 23년 1학기 중간)
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and
reveal that black is viewed as the color of evil and
death in virtually all corners of the world. This
death in virtually all cultures. This negative
negative association leads to several interesting
association might have a significant impact on
results in the domain of professional sports. When
behavior and leads to several interesting results in
we asked a group of respondents to rate the
the domain of professional sports. When we asked a
appearance of professional football uniforms, they
group of respondents to rate the appearance of
judged those that were at least half black to be the
professional football uniforms, they judged those
most “bad,” “mean,” and “aggressive” looking. These
that were at least half black to be the most "bad,"
perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions
"mean," and "aggressive" looking. These perceptions
performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We
influence, in turn, how specific actions performed by
showed groups of trained referees one of two
black-uniformed teams are viewed. We showed
videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football
groups of trained referees one of two videotapes of
game, one with the team wearing white and one
the same aggressive play in a football game, one
with it wearing black. The referees who saw the
with the team wearing white and one with it
black-uniformed version rated the play as much
wearing black. The referees who saw the
more aggressive than those who saw the
black-uniformed version rated the play as much
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is
more aggressive than those who saw the
not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
white-uniformed version. As a result of this bias, it is
uniforms have been penalized significantly more than
not surprising to learn that teams that wear black
uniforms have been penalized significantly more than
① The Positive Impact of White Color in
Professional Sports
① relationship between uniform and performance
② White Uniforms: The Most Aggressive in
② trained judges ability to judge two videotapes
Professional Sports
③ black resulting in aggressive and dark
③ The Neutral Association of Black Color in
Different Cultures
④ recognition of colors accepted by various
④ The Negative Perception of Black Uniforms in
Professional Sports
⑤ negative associations and positive assessments
⑤ Teams Wearing Black Uniforms Receive Fewer
brought by black
Penalties on Average

- 15 -
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 33. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)를 <보기>의 단어를 활용하
[수능감잡기 6강 2번] (서울미술고2 20년 1학기 기말) 여 영작하시오.33)
Surveys conducted in a wide range of cultures <조건>
reveal that black is seen as the color of evil and 1. 보기의 단어 중 동사만 변형 가능
death in ⓐvirtually all comers of the world. This 2. 제시된 단어를 한 번 이상 사용 가능하며, 보기의 단
negative association ⓑleads to several interesting 어를 모두 사용해야 함.
results in the domain of professional sports. When
we asked a group of ⓒrespondents to rate the <보기>
appearance of professional football uniforms, they white / black / with / and / one / it / the team /
judged those that were at least half black to be the wear
most "bad," "mean," and "aggressive" looking. These
perceptions influence, in turn, how specific actions →
performed by black-uniformed teams are viewed. We ______________________________________________________
showed groups of trained ⓓreferees one of two
videotapes of the same aggressive play in a football ________________________________________________________
game, (A)하나는 흰색 옷을 입은 팀 그리고 다른 하나
는 검은색 옷을 입은 팀의 것. The referees who saw
the black-uniformed version rated the play as much
more aggressive than those who saw the 34. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (B)를 <보기>의 단어를 활용하
white-uniformed version. As a result of this ⓔbias, it 여 아래 조건에 부합하도록 영작하시오.34)
is not surprising to learn that teams that (B)검은색
유니폼을 입은 팀들이 평균보다 상당히 더 많은 벌칙을
1. 필요시 단어의 형태 변형 가능
2. 제시된 보기의 단어는 한 번만 사용하며, 모두 사용
해야 함.
32. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 영영사전의 풀이가
잘못된 것을 모두 고르면?32) <보기>
① ⓐvirtually: very nearly, practically penalize / wear / teams / more / significant /
② ⓑleads to: looks carefully at something in order average / be / black uniforms / have / that / than
to get information about it
③ ⓒrespondents: people who analyze an answer
or response to a question that is already asked → ______________________________________________________
in survey
④ ⓓreferees: people who make sure that players ________________________________________________________
act according to the rules of a game or sport
⑤ ⓔbias: a tendency to prefer one person or
thing to another

- 16 -
35. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 두 가지 it이 가리키는 내용 36. 다음 글의 빈칸을 아래의 해석과 <보기>의 단어
을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.35) 를 모두 사용하여 알맞은 문장으로 배열하시
[수능감잡기 6강 3번] (신송고2 20년 1학기 중간)
[수능감잡기 6강 3번] (휘경여고2 21년 1학기 중간)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world We all agree our troubled and wounded world
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
when it’s convenient. There is a compelling sense of when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating, urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the demanding world, and it is impossible to
right thing all of the time, however we define (A)it. _____________________________________________. Compassion
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs of nature
of nature together. We are an integral part of many together. We are an integral part of many beautiful,
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of nature, and
nature, and we all suffer when these complex we all suffer when these complex interrelationships
interrelationships are compromised. We should work are compromised. We should work for the planet
for the planet because we belong to (B)it despite because we belong to it despite our imagining and
our imagining and acting as if we stand apart and acting as if we stand apart and above nature as
above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born natural aliens. Our species was born of a world rich
of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish with animals, so we cannot flourish in one where
in one where biodiversity is threatened. biodiversity is threatened.

해석: 우리가 올바른 일을 어떻게 정의하든, 항상 그 올

(A)________________________ 바른 일을 하는 것은 불가능하다.

(B)________________________ <보기>
right / all / thing / the / no / we /
matter / how / define / do / time / the / it

→ ___________________________________________________


- 17 -
37. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 38. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다.
빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 빈칸 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 말을 한 단어씩 본문에서
은?37) 찾아 쓰시오.38) [수능감잡기 6강 3번] (영훈고 22
년 1학기 기말)
[수능감잡기 6강 3번] (휘경여고2 20년 1학기 기말)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
We all agree out troubled and wounded world
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
right thing all of the time, however we define it.
right thing all of the time, however we define it.
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
of nature together. We are an integral part of many
of nature together. We are an integral part of many
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
nature, and we all suffer when these complex
nature, and we all suffer when these complex
interrelationships are compromised. We should work
interrelationships are compromised. We should work
for the planet because we belong to it despite our
for the planet because we belong to it despite our
imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish
of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish
in one where biodiversity is threatened.
in one where biodiversity is threatened.

It's time for us to show our (A)____________ for the
Though humans seem to live (A)_______ in nature,
earth so that we can (B)____________ unthreatened as
the (B)_______ relationship in nature is need to be
(C)____________ beings of complex webs of nature.

(A) (B) (C)

① independently diverse protected
② independently disposable diversified
③ independently complex progressed
④ dependently unique developed
⑤ dependently integral preserved

- 18 -
39. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?39) 40. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
이 적절하지 않은 것은?40) [수능감잡기 6강 3번]
[수능감잡기 6강 3번] (심원고2 21년 1학기 기말)
(수성고2 22년 1학기 중간)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
right thing all of the time, however we define it. ⓐ
right thing all of the time, however we define it.
We are superior to nonhuman beings because we
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
can develop the awareness of the right and good.
of nature together. We are an integral part of many
ⓑCompassion is the glue that holds ecosystems,
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
webs of nature together. ⓒWe are integral part of
nature, and we all suffer when these complex
many beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reacting webs
interrelationships are ⓐjeopardized. We should work
of nature, and we all suffer when these complex
for the planet because we belong to it despite our
interrelationships are compromised. ⓓWe should
imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
work for the planet because we belong to it despite
above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
our imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
of a world rich with animals, so we cannot ⓑflourish
above nature as natural aliens. ⓔOur species was
in one where biodiversity is threatened.
born of a world rich with animals, so we cannot
We're all over the place and it's arrogant to think
flourish in one where biodiversity is threatened.
we can pick and choose where we have impact, for
we have impact everywhere. Many different animals
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
display compassion for others, so it's natural to call
upon compassion to ⓒalleviate the suffering of
others. It is natural to be good, compassionate, and
moral and "more science" will not necessarily make
us better or compassionate. We need a "humane
economy," one that makes compassion and caring ⓓ
profitable. This will surely make coexistence ⓔ
unlikely. So be it.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

- 19 -
41. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 어법상 어색한 것 42. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?42)
은?41) [수능감잡기 6강 3번] (부산백양고 22년 1
[수능감잡기 6강 3번] (상원고2 21년 1학기 중간)
학기 기말)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
We all agree our troubled and wounded world ⓐ
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
when it’s convenient. There is a ⓑcompelling sense
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
of urgency. We live in a messy, complicated,
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
frustrating, demanding world, and it is impossible to
right thing all of the time, however we define it.
do the right thing all of the time, however we
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
define it. Compassion is the glue that ⓒholds
of nature together. We are an integral part of many
ecosystems, webs of nature together. We are an
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
integral part of many beautiful, awe-inspiring, and
nature, and we all suffer when these complex
far-reaching webs of nature, and we all suffer when
interrelationships are compromised. We should work
these complex interrelationships are ⓓcompromised.
for the planet because we belong to it despite our
We should work for the plant because we belong to
imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
it despite our imagining and acting as if we stand
above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
apart and above nature as natural aliens. Our
of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish
species was born of a world rich with animals, so
in one where biodiversity is threatened. We're all
we cannot flourish in one where biodiversity is ⓔ
over the place and it's arrogant to think we can
pick and choose where we have impact, for we have
impact everywhere. Many different animals display
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
compassion to relieve the suffering of others. It is
natural and "animal" to be good, compassionate,
emphatic, and moral and "more science" will not
necessarily make us better or compassionate. It's
who we are.

① The Animal Protection Movement and

Environment Education
② Environment Protection for Biodiversity and
③ Why Evolutionary Biology is Important for
④ Conservation, Animal Rights and Human Welfare
⑤ The War on Nature – Returning to Old Tide

- 20 -
43. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?43) 44. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?44)

[수능감잡기 6강 3번] (인천예술고 22년 2학기 중간) [수능감잡기 6강 3번] (영훈고 23년 1학기 기말)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world We all agree our troubled and wounded world
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating, urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
right thing all of the time, however we define it. right thing all of the time, however we define it.
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
of nature together. We are an integral part of many of nature together. We are an integral part of many
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
nature, and we all suffer when these complex nature, and we all suffer when these complex
interrelationships are compromised. We should work interrelationships are compromised. We should work
for the planet. because we belong to it despite our for the planet because we belong to it despite our
imagining and acting as if we stand apart and imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish
in one where biodiversity is threatened. in one where biodiversity is threatened.

① working for the earth, for we belong to it ① to appear the importance of defining and
② to stress the need for compassion to heal practicing the right thing
wounds ② to recommend the eco-friendly methods to
③ the need to protect biodiversity, not for humans preserve ecosystems
but for animals ③ to inform the dangers of natural disasters
④ the importance of defining what the right things caused by climate change
are to do them constantly ④ to protest against human economic activities
⑤ emphasizing the minor position of the human in that destroy the ecosystem
the complex interrelationships between humans ⑤ to persuade the necessity of protecting the
and nature global natural environment

- 21 -
46. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?46)
45. 다음 글을 읽고, [보기]에 주어진 단어를 모두
[수능의 감 6강 3번] (화홍고2 16년 1학기 기말)
사용하여 밑줄 친 우리말과 뜻이 통하도록 빈
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
칸을 완성하시오. [수능의 감 6강 3번]45) (의여
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
고2 16년 1학기 기말)
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of right thing all of the time, however we define it.
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating, Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the of nature together. We are an integral part of many
right thing all of the time, however we define it. beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs nature, and we all suffer when these complex
of nature together. We are an integral part of many interrelationships are compromised. We should work
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of for the planet because we belong to it despite our
nature, and we all suffer when these complex imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
interrelationships are compromised. We should work above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
for the planet because we belong to it of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish
우리가 마치 자연의 이방인으로서 자연과 동떨어져 그 in one where biodiversity is threatened.
위에 서 있는 것처럼 상상함과 행동함에도 불구하고.
① Compassion : Exclusive Feeling of Human Beings
Our species was born of a world rich with animals,
② The Reason Why People Made Ecosystems
so we cannot flourish in one where biodiversity is
③ Immediate Necessity to Preserve Ecosystems of
The Earth
<보기> ④ A Human Being : The Unique Constituent of
as if / as / we / nature / our / despite / stand / Webs of Nature
imagining and acting / apart and above / natural ⑤ The One-way Relationship Between Human
aliens Beings and The Earth

→ _____________________________________________________



- 22 -
47. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 49. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.49)
모두 고른 것은?47) [수능의 감 6강 3번] (백마고 [수능감잡기 6강 3번] (비전고2 20년 2학기 중간)
2 16년 1학기 기말)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
We all agree our troubled and wounded world needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of
when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense of urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating,
urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, frustrating, demanding world, and it is impossible to do the
demanding world, and it is impossible to do the right thing all of the time, however we define it.
right thing all of the time, ⓐhowever we define it. Compassion is the glue that holds ecosystems, webs
Compassion is the glue ⓑholding ecosystems, webs of nature together. We are an integral part of many
of nature together. We are an integral part of many beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of
beautiful, awe-inspiring, and far-reaching webs of nature, and we all suffer when these complex
nature, and we all suffer when these complex interrelationships are compromised. We should work
interrelationships ⓒare compromised. We should for the planet because we belong to it despite our
work for the planet because we belong to it ⓓ imagining and acting as if we stand apart and
despite we imagine and act as if we stand apart above nature as natural aliens. Our species was born
and above nature as natural aliens. Our species was of a world rich with animals, so we cannot flourish
born of a world rich with animals, so we cannot in one where biodiversity is threatened.
flourish in one ⓔwhere biodiversity is threatened in.
① necessity of preserving the environment
① ⓑ ② triggers of human separation from nature
② ⓐ, ⓑ ③ effective strategies for maintaining biodiversity
③ ⓑ, ⓒ ④ ways of confronting fear to urgency and
④ ⓓ, ⓔ frustration
⑤ ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓔ ⑤ difficulties in cooperating each other to protect
the earth

48. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중 문법적으로 어색한

부분을 두 개 찾아 번호를 고르고 각각 알맞은
형태로 바꾸시오.48) [수능의 감 6강 3번] (인제고
2 16년 1학기 기말)
We all agree our troubled and wounded world
needs a lot of compassionate healing, right now, not
①when it's convenient. There is a compelling sense
of urgency. We live in a messy, complicated, ②
frustrating, demanding, world, and it is impossible to
do the right thing all of the time, ③whatever we
define it. Compassion is the glue that holds
ecosystems, webs of nature together. We are an
integral part of many beautiful, awe-inspiring, and
far-reaching webs of nature, and we all suffer when
these complex interrelationships are compromised.
We should work for the planet because we belong
to it ④though our imagining and acting as if we
stand apart and above nature as natural aliens. Our
species was born of a world rich with animals, so
we cannot flourish in one ⑤where biodiversity is

1)ddddddddddddd , dddddddddddddddd

2)ddddddddddddd , dddddddddddddddd

- 23 -
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 52. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 이 글의 주제문으로 가
[수능감잡기 6강 4번] (영훈고 23년 1학기 기말) 장 적절한 것은?52) [수능감잡기 6강 4번] (가락고
22년 1학기 기말)
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
notice that cultures have changing ⓐless rapidly One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
with each passing decade. Cultural change occurs at notice that cultures have been changing more
such an accelerated pace today that it is difficult to rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change
ⓑkeep up with the latest developments. The recent occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is
ⓒrevolutions in transportation and electronic difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
communications have made the world seem smaller. The recent revolutions in transportation and
Today it is ⓓimpossible to travel to the other side electronic communications have made the world
of the earth in a commercial airliner in about the seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
same time it took our great-grandparents to travel other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
fifty miles in a carriage. Via satellite we can view about the same time it took our great-grandparents
instant ⓔtransmissions of live newscasts from to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
anywhere in the world. Indeed the global ⓕ satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
exchange of commodities and information is bringing newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
the world's population closer to the notion of living global exchange of commodities and information is
in a global village. Because of this rapid and bringing the world's population closer to the notion
dramatic ⓖdecrease in our capacity to interact with of living in a global village. ___________________________.
people in other parts of the world, the likelihood of
cultures diffusing has increased dramatically in recent ① Cultural exchange is largely due to a scientific
decades. revolution rather than people's tendency to
interact with other people.
② Modern economy is rapidly growing mainly
50. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓖ 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
because of improvements in transportation and
이 적절하지 않은 것끼리 짝지어진 것은?50)
electronic communications.
① ⓐ,ⓒ,ⓔ ② ⓐ,ⓓ,ⓖ ③ ⓐ,ⓓ,ⓔ ③ Traveling became much easier than the old
④ ⓑ,ⓕ,ⓖ ⑤ ⓑ,ⓓ,ⓖ times and people are traveling from state to
state with less expenditure.
51. 위 글의 제목을 다음과 같이 작성하고자 한다. ④ Increased interactive capacity makes it possible
<보기>에서 적절한 단어를 골라 빈칸을 채우시 for the world's population to live in diffused
오.51) cultures.
Title: (A)__________ Change (B)__________ by the ⑤ It is urgent to help old people to adapt to
(C)__________ of (D)__________ rapid cultural change using various aids such as
communication tools and traveling tips.
rapid, exchange, development, accelerated,
defined, cultural, transportation, technology

(A): ___________________

(B): ___________________

(C): ___________________

(D): ___________________

- 24 -
53. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?53) 54. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 <보기>의
단어를 변형 없이 한 번씩 모두 사용하여 쓰시
[수능감잡기 6강 4번] (상원고 22년 1학기 기말)
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
[수능감잡기 6강 4번] (신송고2 22년 1학기 중간)
notice that cultures have been changing more
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is notice that cultures have been changing more
difficult to keep up with the latest developments. rapidly with each passing decade. Because cultural
The recent revolutions in transportation and change occurs at an accelerated pace today, it is
electronic communications have made the world difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the The recent revolutions in transportation and
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in electronic communications have made the world
about the same time it took our great-grandparents seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
satellite we can view instant transmissions of live about the same time it took our great-grandparents
newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
global exchange of commodities and information is satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
bringing the worlds population closer to the notion newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
of living in a global village. Because of this rapid global exchange of commodities and information is
and dramatic increase in our capacity to interact bringing the world’s population closer to the notion
with people in other parts of the world, the of living in a global village. Thanks to the
likelihood of cultures diffusing has increased advancement of technology, our capacity to interact
dramatically in recent decades. with people all over the world expands
*relativist 상대주의자 __________________________________________ dramatically in
recent decades.
① Culture is so embedded in our mind that we
frequently take it for granted. <보기>
② Once a cultural element is accepted into a new cultural diffusion / has increased / of /
culture. it may undergo changes in form or rapidly / so / the probability / that
③ Culture is a combination of things, ideas, and → _____________________________________________________
behavior patterns from generation to generation
through the process of learning. _________________________________________________________
④ In addition to changing as a result of inventions
and interactions, cultures change through the
process of cultural diffusion.
⑤ There are two ways to respond to unfamiliar
cultures—through the lens of one's own cultural
perspective and from the perspective of a cultural

- 25 -
55. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 56. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것
은?55) [수능감잡기 6강 4번] (휘경여고2 21년 1 은?56)
학기 중간)
[수능감잡기 6강 4번] (수성고2 21년 1학기 기말)
One need not be an expert cultural change to
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
figure out that cultures have been changing more
notice that cultures have been changing more
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change at
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change
such an accelerated pace these days that it is hard
occurs ⓐso rapidly in the world today that it is
to keep up with the latest developments. The recent
difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
revolutions in transportation and electronic
The recent revolutions in transportation and
communications have globalized the world. Today
electronic communications have made the world ⓑ
one can travel to the other side of the earth in a
appear smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
commercial airliner in about the same time it took
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
our great-grandparents to travel fifty miles in a
about the same time it took our great-grandparents
horse and carriage. Via satellite instant transmissions
ⓒto travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
of live newscasts are available from other parts of
satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
the world. Indeed the world’s population is starting
newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
to live in a global village as cultural information
global exchange of commodities and information
and commodities are exchanged globally. Since we
that are essential in many regions of the planet ⓓ
have increasingly become capable of interacting with
are bringing the world's population closer to the
people in other parts of the world, the possibility of
notion of living in a global village. ⓔOn account of
________________________ has increased considerably in
this rapid and dramatic increase in our capacity to
recent decades.
interact with people in other parts of the world, the
likelihood of cultures diffusing has increased
① vanishing culture
dramatically in recent decades.
② cultural dispersion
③ cultural alienation
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
④ electronic development
⑤ culture commodification

- 26 -
57. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것 58. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것
은?57) [수능감잡기 6강 4번] (영신여고2 21년 1 은?58) [수능감잡기 6강 4번] (수성고2 22년 1학
학기 기말) 기 중간)
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
notice that cultures have been changing more notice that cultures have been changing more
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change rapidly ⓐwith each passing decade. In contrast to
occurs at such an accelerated pace today ⓐthat it is our hectic existence, the everyday lives of our
difficult to keep up with the latest developments. grandparents seem simple and slow moving. Today
The recent revolutions in transportation and many people are overwhelmed by ⓑhow quickly
electronic communications have made the world their cultures are changing. Cultural change occurs
seem ⓑsmaller. Today it is possible to travel to the so rapidly today that it is difficult to keep up with
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in the latest developments. The recent revolutions in
about the same time ⓒwhen it took our transportation and electronic communications ⓒhave
great-grandparents to travel fifty miles in a horse made the world seemed smaller. Today it is possible
and carriage. Via satellite we can view instant to travel to the other side of the earth in a
transmissions of live newscasts from anywhere in the commercial airliner in about the same time ⓓit took
world. Indeed the global exchange of commodities our great-grandparents to travel fifty miles in a
and information is bringing the world’s population horse and carriage. Via satellite we can view instant
ⓓcloser to the notion of living in a global village. transmissions of live newscasts from anywhere in the
ⓔBecause of this rapid and dramatic increase in our world. Indeed the global exchange of commodities
capacity to interact with people in other parts of the and information is bringing the world's population
world, the likelihood of cultures diffusing has closer to the notion of living in a global village.
increased dramatically in recent decades. ⓔBecause of this rapid and dramatic increase in our
capacity to interact with people in other parts of the
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ world, the likelihood of cultures diffusing has
increased dramatically in recent decades.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

- 27 -
59. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 60. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장을 고르
시오?60) [수능감잡기 6강 4번] (동대전고 21년 2
[수능의 감 6강 4번]59) (화홍고2 16년 1학기 기말)
학기 중간)
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
notice that cultures have been changing more
notice that cultures have been changing more
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change
rapidly with each passing decade. ①Cultural change
occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is
occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is
difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
difficult to keep up with the latest developments. ②
The recent revolutions in transportation and
This view of culture, focusing as it does on
electronic communications have made the world
continuity among the generations, tends to emphasize
seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
it's static rather than dynamic aspects. ③The
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
recent revolutions in transportation and electronic
about the same time it took our great-grandparents
communications have made the world seem smaller.
to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
④Indeed the global exchange of commodities and
satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
information is bringing the world's population closer
newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
to the notion of living in a global village. ⑤Because
global exchange of commodities and information is
of this rapid and dramatic increase in our capacity
bringing the world's population closer to the notion
to interact with people in other parts of the world,
of living in a global village. Because of this rapid
the likelihood of cultures diffusing has increased
and dramatic increase in our capacity to interact
dramatically in recent decades.
with people in other parts of the world, the
likelihood of cultures diffusing has increased
dramatically in recent decades.

① disadvantages of radical change in culture and

② importance of keeping one's own moral culture
in this global village
③ main causes of increase in interaction with
people in other parts of the world
④ keys to successful cultures diffusing based on
the latest technological developments
⑤ rapid cultural change by increased global
interaction and developments in technology

- 28 -
61. 밑줄 친 (A)~(E)에서 어법상 틀린 것 두 개를 골 62. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
라 바르게 고쳐 다시 쓰시오.
[수능의 감 6강 4번] 62) (의여고2 16년 1학기 기말)
[수능의 감 6강 4번]61) (대진고2 16년 1학기 기말)
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
* 유의사항 notice that cultures have been changing more
1. 기호를 바르게 쓸 것. rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change
2. 수정된 부분 작성 시 반드시 밑줄 친 부분이 모두 occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is
포함되어야 함. difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
The recent revolutions in transportation and
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to electronic communications have made the world
notice that cultures have been changing more seen smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
rapidly with each passing decade. (A)Cultural change other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
occurs at so an accelerated pace today that it is about the same time it took our great-grandparents
difficult to keep up with the latest developments. to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
The recent revolutions in transportation and satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
(B)electronic communications have made the world newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the global exchange of commodities and information is
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner (C)in bringing the world's population closer to the notion
about the same time when it took our of living in a global village. Because of this rapid
great-grandparents to travel fifty miles in a horse and dramatic increase in our capacity to interact
and carriage. Via satellite we can view instant with people in other parts of the world, the
transmissions of live newscasts from anywhere in the likelihood of cultures diffusing has increased
world. Indeed the global exchange of commodities dramatically in recent decades.
and information is (D)bringing the world’s population
closer to the notion of living in a global village.
① Only scholars who study culture can recognize
Because of this rapid and dramatic increase in our
cultural change.
capacity (E)to interact with people in other parts of
② It is easy for people to catch up with modern
the world, the likelihood of cultures diffusing has
culture and media.
decreased dramatically in recent decades.
③ The world has become a more integrated place
with the evolution of technology.
④ The place where no satellite signal is being
( ) → ______________________________________________
received still has been found in the world.
⑤ It seems that nothing has been changed in a
global village in spite of the exchange of
( ) → ______________________________________________


- 29 -
63. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 64. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B). (C), (D)에 주어진 철자
로 시작하는 적절한 한 단어를 사용하여 결론을
[수능의 감 6강 4번]63) (수내고2 16년 1학기 중간)
완성하시오.64) [수능의 감 6강 4번] (백마고2 16
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to 년 1학기 기말)
notice that cultures have been changing more
One need not be a scholar of cultural change to
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change
notice that cultures have been changing more
occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is
rapidly with each passing decade. Cultural change
difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
occurs at such an accelerated pace today that it is
The recent revolutions in transportation and
difficult to keep up with the latest developments.
electronic communications have made the world
The recent revolutions in transportation and
seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
electronic communications have made the world
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
seem smaller. Today it is possible to travel to the
about the same time it took our great-grandparents
other side of the earth in a commercial airliner in
to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
about the same time it took our great-grandparents
satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
to travel fifty miles in a horse and carriage. Via
newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
satellite we can view instant transmissions of live
global exchange of commodities and information is
newscasts from anywhere in the world. Indeed the
bringing the world’s population closer to the notion
global exchange of commodities and information is
of living in a global village. Because of this rapid
bringing the world's population closer to the notion
and dramatic increase in our capacity to interact
of living in a global village. Because of this rapid
with people in other parts of the world, the
and dramatic increase in our capacity to (A) i
likelihood of cultures diffusing has increased
with people in other parts of the world, the
dramatically in recent decades.
likelihood of (B) c (C) d has
(D) i dramatically in recent
① Cultures have changed very rapidly these days.
② It is more convenient and faster for us to travel
foreign countries nowadays than in the past.
③ We can watch real-time news through satellite
(A) i
④ We can interact with people in other countries
(B) c
more often than we used to.
⑤ It is unlikely to increase the similarity of cultures
(C) d
these days.

(D) i

- 30 -
정답 34) teams that wear black uniforms have been
penalized significantly more than average
1) (A) purchase 35) (A) the right thing
(B) time and effort (B) the planet
2) ⑤ 36) do the right thing all the time, no matter how
3) ① we define it.
4) ④ 37) ①
5) ① 38) (A) compassion (B) flourish (C) integral
6) ① 39) ①
7) ⑤ 40) ⑤
8) ① 41) ⑤
9) ③ 42) ②
10) ⑤ 43) ①
11) ② 44) ⑤
12) ⑤ 45) despite our imagining and acting as if we
13) (A) similar (B) meaningful stand apart and above nature as natural aliens
14) ④ 46) ③
15) (A) limited (B) comparison 47) ④
16) ⑤ 48) ③ whatever ➜ however
17) (A) associated ④ though ➜ despite (in spite of,
(B) bias notwithstanding)
(C) penalized 49) ①
18) it is not surprising to learn that teams that 50) ②
wear black uniforms have been penalized 51) (A) cultural
significantly more than average. (B) accelerated
19) ⑤ (C) development
20) ① (D) technology
21) ③ 52) ④
22) It is easier for teams that wear black uniforms 53) ④
to get penalties because of the bias against 54) so rapidly that the probalility of cultural
black color. diffusion has increased
23) (A) professional football uniforms 55) ②
(B) (the) referees 56) ④
24) (A) negative association 57) ③
(B) is perceived 58) ③
(C) aggressive
59) ⑤
25) ④
60) ②
26) (1) ⓐ revealing ➜ reveal
61) (A) Cultural change occurs at such accelerated
(2) ⓒ however ➜ how
pace today that
(3) ⓔ have penalized ➜ have been penalized
(C) in about the same time (that/ which) it
took our great-grandparents to travel
27) ③
62) ③
28) ④
63) ⑤
29) ②
64) (A) interact
30) ③ (B) cultural
31) ④ (C) diffusing
32) ②,③ (D) increased
33) one with the team wearing white and one with
it wearing black

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