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Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.

Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.

Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.
1% 1%
2% 2% 1%
Lácteos/yogures (88%)
Jardinería (4%)
Helados (2%)
Servicio de atención al visitante (2%)
Mermeladas (2%)
Ganadería (1%)
Cocina (1%)
Transportes (1%)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 30/6/2013 30/6/2014

Volumen (kg) 4.647.060 5.056.373 5.638.218 5.983.738 6.990.592 3.537.596 3.802.651
8.768.569 9.415.840 10.285.788 10.958.483 13.072.928 6.574.650 7.063.319

Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.

Sala de Cuota de Puntos de Presencia de
venta (m2) mercado (%)* venta La Fageda (%)**
Carrefour 239.058 8.3 76 100
Caprabo 224.969 10.1 302 100
Mercadona 222.508 27.3 180 100
Dia 173.536 17.4 478 100
Bonpreu 158.887 5.6 152 100
Condis 152.905 4.0 347 70
Consum 86.870 4.5 155 100
Miquel 82.148 4.3 357 70
Lidl 78.400 3.8 98 0
Eroski 68.084 2.5 13 100
Alcampo 61.400 2.9 5 100
Sorli 54.710 2.1 96 100
Fragadis 40.122 - 75 100
Aldi 38.950 - 48 0
Hipercor 29.998 - 3 100
Supsa 25.468 - 84 100
Guissona 21.755 - 84 0
Opencor 20.000 - 40 0
Valvi 19.576 - 46 100
Sabeco 18.598 - 28 45
Resto 134.709 - 369 35
TOTAL 1.952.651 3.010

Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.

% Valor a precios de

11% Bifidus (31%) 52.700

Desnatado (16%) 25.500
8% 31%
Étnico (11%) 18.700
Natural (11%) 18.700
10% Flanes (10%) 17.000
Sabores (8%) 13.600
11% Líquido (3%) 6.800
Natillas (10%) 17.000

% Valor a precios de

6% 6% Bifidus (6%) 616

Desnatado (9%) 869
8% Étnico (8%) 818
Natural (33%) 3.320
Flanes (8%) 787
Natillass (13%) 1.332

33% Sabores (17%) 1.762

Líquido (6%) 574

Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.

Fundación Fundación Cooperativa Grupo
La Fageda SAG La Fageda agregado

Inmovilizado material e intangible 337 2.106 4.869 7.312

Inmovilizado inmobiliario 2.446 2.446
Inmovilizado financiero 86 1 641 728
ACTIVO NO CORRIENTE 2.869 2.107 5.510 10.486

Existencias --- --- 632 632

Deudores comerciales y otros 1.315 499 3.869 5.683
Clientes 2 3 2.596 2.601
Cliente del grupo 1.305 7 121 1.433
Deudores diversos 8 369 741 1.118
Deudores EEPP 120 411 531
Inversiones financieras a corto 1.340 6 26 1.372
Efectivo y cuentas corrientes 222 203 872 1.297
ACTIVO CORRIENTE 2.877 708 5.399 8.984

TOTAL ACTIVO 5.746 2.815 10.909 19.470

Fondos propios 5.247 401 3.987 9.635

Capital 2.475 36 --- 2.511
Reservas 1.923 344 3.250 5.517
Resultados del ejercicio 849 21 738 1.608
Subvenciones de capital 260 1.649 1.270 3.179
PATRIMONIO NETO 5.507 2.050 5.257 12.814

Fondo de educación y promo. Coop. --- --- 91 91

Deudas con entidades de crédito --- 307 1.373 1.680
Pasivo por impuesto diferido --- 141 141
PASIVO NO CORRIENTE --- 307 1.605 1.912

Deudas con entidades de crédito a corto plazo --- 14 360 374

Otras deudas a corto plazo 15 260 --- 275
Acreedores comerciales y otros 224 184 3.687 4.095
Proveedores 3 24 2.511 2.538
Proveedores del grupo 89 77 1.002 1.168
Personal 24 22 81 127
Deudas con EEPP 108 61 92 261
PASIVO CORRIENTE 239 458 4.047 4.744

TOTAL PASIVO 5.746 2.815 10.909 19.470

Unauthorized copying or posting is an infringement of copyright.

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