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Book name: His Mazulu
Mama: "Baby hurry up!" My mom
shouted from the kitchen.
Me: "Coming ma!" i shouted from my bedroom that i share
with my cousin,
I dont come from a well off family. I live with my mom and sister
cousin in a 3 bedroom house. We are situated in Kwamashu,
Yes, Im from the ghetto.
Phume is like a sister to me. She is a year older than me,
studying chemical engineering at UCT, where ill also be
studying criminal law. I am doing my third year in a new school.
My first and second year, i did in UKZN. Phumelele convinced
my mom and ii that i go to UCT. Its February now ...iskathi
sabantu base university.
I went outside, where my family was, ready to send me off.
Phumelele had already packed her bags in my mom's
polo gti.
Mama: "Please behave yourself, my baby. No gallivanting with
boys, angithi.
And dont disappoint and humiliate me.
Call me everyday neh. And wena Phume, look after my baby. "
my mom said after hugging me.
Phume: "Kodwa ma, mina ngiyogadwa ubani?"
-Who will look after me?
My mom walked to her and kissed her forehead.
Mama: "Phela wena uyi'starring sami.
Ugabadiya. "they both laughed.
Me: "Mina ngiyini makawu gabadiya?"
Mama: "Wena uyisthandwa samesitefayo" mom responded.
My neighbour, Bab'Radebe came to our house. Shame this
lonely man. I've known him my whole life!! Apparently
his wife and his two kids died in a car accident years ago. Sad.
He is actually not that old, he is 50.
Bab'Radebe: "Bakwa Dlamini. "
Mama: "Bab' Radebe. Unjani. "
Bab' Radebe: "Ngiyaphila. Nina ninjani?" Mama: "Siyaphila.
They smiled at each other.
Phumelele nudged me, then pointed at Mama and Bab'
Radebe. I shook my head.
Mama: "We have to go now.
Bab' Radebe: "Nihambe kahle. Nono. "
Nono is actually my nickname. He gave me that name.
Me: "Ba?"
Bab'Radebe: "No boys angithi. Work hard my child. We don’t
want babies or else I will beat you up and that boy myself.
I sulked while they all laughed. I went to hug him and then we
We drove to Sindiswa's house.
Sindiswa is my best friend. We have been friends since 3rd
grade. She is my ride or die. Unfortunately, I will be leaving her
at UKZN and I'll studying at UCT. She is studying Forensic what
what. You know those Forensics people blah blah blah. Yea.
Me: "Knock knock. "
Her brother, Sindisa opened the door.
That is actually an unusual name but I like it.
Sindisa: "Sphalaphala sami. "
Arg. This guy has been asking me out for years. !!! Uyadina
Me: "Sindisa, is Sindiswa in?"
Sindisa: "I am in. "
I rolled my eyes.
I shoved him out of the way and went to Sindiswa's room.
Me: "Sindi.
Sindiswa: "Zeze."
She quickly wiped her tears.
Me: "Why are you crying my love."
Sindiswa: "You are leaving me.
"I Eish.
Me: "I am not leaving you. Its just that- We will be a few
kilometers away from each other. But that will not change
anything. We are still sisters. We will still do the things we
wished to do when we were young, drive expensive cars, live in
luxurious houses, wear designer clothes. Plus, we will talk
every day and catch up. Okay?"
She nodded. I pulled her to me, we hugged tightly.
Sindi: "I got you something."
She took out something from her side drawer.
Sindi: "I know you've always wanted this.
Its a notebook. A colourful notebook with a pink pen. It’s cute.
I know you think we are old for this but sizaw'thini. 21 year olds
who still love colourful things, there is nothing wrong with that.
Me: "Thank you so much!!!!!"
We hugged.
Me: "Kumele ngihambe."
I saw a plastic bag from Legit.
Me: You went shopping without me.
I opened the plastic bag and found clothes. Alot of clothes.
I took a tshirt, matching lace bra and thong, sandles, a bomber
jacket and earrings.
Sindiswa: "Hai Zeze."
Me: "Sharing is caring my friend."
Ya. Sindiswa and i wear the same size. 34. Thick ladies bhabha.
We are the same person but she is a yellowbone and Im dark.
Black and white typa vibes.
We hugged one more time, shed some tears then I left, with the
clothes I took.
My mom, Phume and I left for the airport. King Shaka.
Mom: "I need to rush to work my babies. Call immediately
when you land. And I've transfered R2000 in your accounts. Use
it wisely please. No weaves wena Phumelele. I love you. Bye!"
HELLO CAPE TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh. My name is Zesuliwe Nobuhle Dlamini . The only child of
Nobuhle. [my mom named me after her] and i have an absent
father whom I've never met in my life. Im turning 21 later this
Phumele's mother is my mother's cousin. She disowned Phume
when Phume fell pregnant at the age of 17.
Unfortunately, the baby never made it My mom is a midwife at
Baragwanath hospital. Phumelele's parents are filthy rich so
Phume is used to that fancy lifestyle..kodwa manje sekancono
ngoba she has gotten used to our lifestyle even though she still
buys expensive clothes.
Physically im a medium height caramel skinned girl. I have very
long black dreadlocks. I am a size 34 chick, hour glass body and
a kinda big ass. I am a virgin. Only had 1 boyfriend in my entire
life, Sipho. We dated when i was in Gr 10. I wear glasses
{spectacles }, not always thou. Only when im reading. I love
reading[im not a nerd people!!] and im just a simple girl from
Soweto. Thats me!!!
4 months later
Its been 4 months since I've been here. Hayi guys Cape Town is
beautiful!! I live at res, sharing a room with this girl Ayanda.
Uyaphapha lomntana she can talk the whole day!!!! She is light
skinned, medium height, model typa body and she has tattoos!
Only three tattoos, one on her shoulder, behind her neck and
on her lower back. Ayanda is studying psychology. Doing her
forth year. Ayanda is rich! She wears expensive clothes and
always has a weave on her head. She is my only friend besides
Jonathan, he's white, who is my study buddy. Im not dating
him!! Phumelele is busy nama blesser and partying
banoAyanda. Same WhatsApp group, even though Aya has 1
boyfriend. They've tried taking me with them but i never go
with them.
Ayanda: "Zes please be a darling and make me a cup of strong
and black coffee. "Ayanda said as she woke up. #hangover
Me: "I wasnt there when you partied the whole night last
night." i responded while tying my hair in a neat bun. Ayanda:
"Ngiyak'cela bandla" she said with her hand on her forehead
while moaning.
Me: "I'd love to sit here and chit chat nawe sdakwa ndini!
Kodwa I'm rushing to class. I love you! " I grabbed my bag and
rushed out.
Me: "How are you, Jonathan?" i asked as we walked out of
Jonathan: "Im doing very well thank you. How are you?" he
responded after placing his arm around my shoulders. Me: "Im
okay. Got nothing to complain about." i responded.
Jonathan: "I have something to tell you." i looked up at him.
"I....I...uhm I like you. Alot. And I'd really like it if you could be
my girlfriend. Please."
Oh gosh! Really!!!
Me: "Jonathan not really ready for a relationship.lm
sorry." i said.
Jonathan: "I will make you happy, Zes. My dad gives me R25000
a month so if money is a problem for you, it wont be a problem
anymore." he said taking my hands in his.
Me: "What do you mean 'if money is a problem for me'? Thats
offensive Jonathan! " i said angrily..snatching my hands from
Jonathan: "What I mean is...." i cut him off
Me: "What you mean is Im that cheap! That i would date a guy
just for his money! Money is NOT a problem for me, dude. Not
everyone comes from a wealthy family njengawe. How dare
you! Im very offended right now." i walked away from him.
Jonathan: "Zes wait!!! " I kept on walking, completely ignoring
him. I walked to my room.
Yaz lomlungu!!!
Ayanda: "And then wena?" Ayanda asked mangingena.
Me: "Mina ini?" i asked as i settled on the small couch.
Ayanda: "Mxm. So......" She came to sit next to me. Literally on
my hip! Me: "Ufunani?" i asked.
Ayanda: "My boyfriend is hosting a house party kwakhe i was hoping you would come with me.Please?"
Me: "Mara Ayanda..uyazi..."
Ayanda: "Hayi Zes. Its a friday! No school tomorrow. Phola tuu.
Just have some fun for once Mntakabawo! " She said after
standing up.
Me: "I dont know your boyfriend's friends mos" i said.
Ayanda: "I do. You will be my plus 1. Im begging you motho!" I
Me: "Okay. But i have nothing to wear. Plus its a bit windy
ngaphandle. " i said. Ayanda: "Dont worry about that! Come.
Lets go shopping. My treat!" She ran to her room to change
then dragged me to the mall. We shopped till we dropped.
Ayanda spent approximately R30 000 on clothes! Imagine. At
7pm her boyfriend Thapelo fetched us. Thapelo is a really buffy
guy. He has tattoos and piercings ..which look good on him
#hides. He has that intimidating aura around him. He's light
skinned with thick purplish lips.
Ayanda: "Babyy!" Ayanda screamed while running to her bae.
She jumped on him he caught her, squeezing her buttocks then
they kissed. She was wearing a denim off shoulder jumpsuit and
pink puma sneakers. Im wearing my blue ripped[only on the
thighs]jeans and a white long sleeved off shoulder body
suit...tied my hair in a messy
bun..accessories..lipstick...perfume[Giorgi Armani] and a blue
denim jacket on my shoulders and a string bag with my
I cleared my throat.
Thaps: "Oh hi Zes." he finally acknowledged me.
Me: "Hi Thaps" i responded. Yeah..i call him Thaps.
Ayanda: "Baby lets go. Zes..get in the car". Ayanda said after
jumping off her man and getting in the frontseat. I settled at the
A while after the drive, we arrived in this gigantic house with
tall walls and tall gates! Since it was already dark, there
were lights everywhere, some even in some colours. Music was
blasting, people were was just nice And there were
guards outside.
Me: "Your house is amazing, Thaps" i said
Thaps: "Thank you" he replied.
He parked the car then we went inside. It was PACKED!!!
Thaps: "Let me join the gents then you go to the ladies. They
are sitting at the balcony, by the pool." Thaps said then kissed
Ayanda and I walked upstairs heading to the balcony.
Ayanda: "Hey bitches!" Ayanda shouted as we walked towards
There were about 7 of them.
Ayanda: "Ladies this is my friend, Zes. Zes..these are my
Me: "Hi." thats all i managed to say. I mean these people have
weaves all that. Just a few of them are as
simple as me.
Girl1: "Hi love. Im Vanessa"
Girl2: "Tlholohelo"
Girl3: "Azania."(she is white) Girl4: "Mpho"
Girl5: "Sihle"
They all introduced themselves but the other two remained
seated. Psh! I dont care about them.
Ayanda: "Lerato and Felicia" Ayanda said coldly.
The two ladies, who I've just discovered are Lerato and Felicia
just looked at her. Sihle: "Ungabanaki laba." Sihle said after
taking a sip of her wine
Mpho: "They think they are all this and that batho ba."
Vanessa: "Zes babes, would you like anything to drink? Wine?
Juice? Anything?" Vanessa asked me.
Me: "I'd like to have grape juice please." she nodded then
walked to the bar. Mpho: "A re duleng fatse basadi" -Lets all sit
down women
Mpho exlaimed. We all settled down. Tlholo: "Aren't you cold,
Felicia?" Tlholo asked. Her dress was rather exposing. I mean
her entire back was showing, her legs were exposed and..yoh
moghel ustrong.
Felicia: "No, im not cold."
Vanessa came back with a sealed liqui fruit juice and a straw.
Vanessa: "There you go." she handed it to me.
Me: "Thank you". i opened it and started drinking.
Sihle: "Why are you not drinking
Me: "I dont drink alcohol. At all." I replied. Felicia: "You are
underage, right?" this Felicia woman asked me.
I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Nope. I chose not to drink alcohol."
Then i think about 5 men, (including Thapelo) came towards us.
There was this other specimen that stood out. His black Calvin
Klein t-shirt was abit tight, i could see through the tshirt. Black
Raw jeans. And black and grey Nike jordan sneakers. A rolex
watch. His hair freshly cut.. dark chocolate skin and that tattoo
on his neck, written RAW. ... brown eyes..and his Left arm filled
with tattoos. He literally had his whole (except his hands) left
arm covered in tattoos. That guy commands respect and
attention when he walks in a room; without even trying. Felicia
stood up and went to him.

⚫: "Ladies" this other guy asked then we replied.

: "Who is this pretty one here?" Another guy asked.
Ayanda: "She is my roommate slash best friend, Zes." Ayanda
: "You are beautiful." the goodlooking guy blunted out. Then he
walked away with Felicia following him.
Sihle: "Eeh...yini ngo Ntsika manje." Sihle asked.
Vanessa: "Oh...Zes, these are our friends. Dingane, Dean,
Khulekani and the one that just left is Ntsika." Vanessa said. I
just nodded.
Dingane-Sihles boyfriend. (he is the one that greeted us)
Dean- (he is white.) Mphos boyfriend. Khulekani- Vanessas
Dingane: "Babe..can we talk" Dingane asked Sihle. Sihle stood
up and followed Dingane.
Dean: "Dont make a babyyyy!!!!!"
We all laughed.
We chatted the whole night..Khulekani is the serious one.
Dingane is the crazy one. Dean is aigghhttt. Ntsika hasn’t said
anything ngapha uFelicia has been all over him.
I stood up and went to the bathroom,did my things then went
out. Felicia stopped me at the door.
Felicia: "You better stay the fuck away from my boyfriend,
I just looked at her then walked away.
Ayanda: "You wanna go?" I nodded. Thapelo: "Sleep over.
Me: "I wanna sleep" i said after yawning. Ayanda: "Asambe."
Ayanda said standing up. I followed her.
This house has 3 floors guys!!!! We took an elevator to the 3rd
floor. We walked to the main bedroom! OMG!! This room is the
size of my moms house. Ayanda walked to the walk in closet
and took out a pair of pyjamas and new slippers.
Me: "Are these all you clothes?" I was astonished as i walked in
the closet. She laughed.
Ayanda: "Yes. Thapelo loves taking me shopping, sometimes he
buys the clothes himself in my absence." She answered.
Me: "He loves you."
Ayanda: "I know. I love him too. So so much." She said with a
smile on her face. Ayanda: "I love you too, MaMokoena."
Thapelo said. He was standing at the door, leaning on the
frame. Ayanda blushed.
Ayanda: "How long have you been standing there?" Ayanda
asked. Thapelo just walked to her and held her waist then
kissed her forehead. There was silence.
Thapelo: "I miss you." Ayanda blushed.
This moment is just priceless. I just took the pyjamas and left
the room.
I went to the room next door. I opened the door without
knocking. He was sitting on the bed with no t-shirt on, busy on
his phone. I could see his Calvin Klein underwear. He raised his
one eyebrow when he noticed there was someone in the room.
Me: "Uhm...sorry. I didnt know there was someone in the
room." I said. Then I turned to leave but he stopped me. Him:
"No...dont leave." I nodded.
He stood and walked towards me. My heart started beating
fast. Gosh he was half naked!!! He wasnt wearing a tshirt. His
chest!!!! He had a tattoo on his left breast. Oh Somebody help
Him: "Im Ntsika." he introduced himself. Me: "Im Zes." i said.
Ntsika: "So you gonna stand here the whole night?" He asked. i
shook my head. Then i walked to the bed and placed the
pyjamas there.
Me: "Is this your room?" i asked. Well it smelled of him.
Ntsika: "Yea. But i dont live here. I have my house." he
Me: "Okay."
Me: "Can you please leave? I would like to change and sleep." I
He looked at me intensely then he side smiled.
Ntsika: "Where am i suppose to sleep?" he asked.
Me: "Angaz."
Ntsika: "Awazi? This is my room." he said.
Me: "Ngizohamba ke." i defended. He chuckled.
He walked to the bed.
Ntsika: "Can i have my t-shirt?" I passed him his t-shirt. Our
hands touched and i felt some electric shock! I think he also felt
it. I quicky looked away.
Ntsika: "Bye, MaZulu." he said then left.
MaZulu!!? Im a Dlamini mina!! Hayi lomuntu.
I changed into the pyjamas, got in the covers and slept. It was
already 2am.
I woke up at 7am, prayed then went to brush my teeth in then
ensuite bathroom with an unused toothbrush. I made the bed,
wore the slippers then walked downstairs using the stairs.
When i got downstairs i was breathing heavily. The house was
sparkly clean ngathi there wasnt a party last night. I wonder
who cleaned.
Vanessa: "Why didn't you use the elevator?" She asked as i
walked in the kitchen.
Me: "Morning." i greeted after laughing. Vanessa: "Morning
babes. You are an early bird." She said as she kept on moving
around the kitchen making breakfast.
Me: "Yea. You too." I said as i sat on the bar stool.
We continued talking and laughing. Vanessa: "Can you set the
table at the dinning room area. Ngyabuya." She asked. I
nodded. She left.
Ukudla okungaka. There were eggs, bread, bacon, oats, fruit
salad, biscuits, cheese, ham and coffee, and juice, water. I set
the table, as i turned to fetch the cutlery, i bumped into a bare
chest. Me: "Ouch!" i held my head.
"Sorry." That bold, hoarse voice. Argh..Ntsika. I looked up
slowly. Him: "Morning." he greeted.
Me: "Hi." i continued brush my forehead. Him: "Are you okay?
Let me see." he came closer to me. His one hand on my
shoulder then his other was on my forehead.
Me: "Im okay. Are you made of concrete or something? " i
Him: "Ave unehaba mntanomuntu." he laughed.
Me: "Suka ke" i lightly pushed him then walked to the kitchen. It
was like i was holding my breath. What the fuck is this man
doing to me?! I took the juice when i got to the kitchen, the
girls were already there...everyone was in their pyjamas.
Me: "Morning ladies." i greeted. They greeted back.
Seconds later the guys came. "Mantombazane." Dingane
greeted. Everyone settled. Ntsika sat next to me. "Can we
please pray?" they looked at me astonished.
"Hold hands please. And close your eyes." Vanessa said. We
held hands. Mpho was sitting on my right side and Ntsika on my
left. He held me tight angaz why. That electric shock again.
"Father, we pray for this food in your name. Bless the hands
that made it. Father we are grateful that we have a table full of
food because not everyone does. Thank you for this day..
forgive us our trespasses and forgive those who trespass against
us. Protect us under your hand. We pray in the name of the
father, son and holy spirit. Amen." i prayed.
"Amen." everyone said.
"Atleast someone else is religious in this place" Vanessa
"Wait...what do you mean?" i asked. "These people dont go to
church. They dont read the bible and they dont pray. Well...the
ladies do but the guys dont. They never pray. Ever!" Vanessa
said. "Mmh. So all of you are couples?" i asked.
"No. Im Dean's younger sister. Tlolohelo is Mphos cousin...her
fiance is in France right now. Sihle is with Dingane, Vanessa with
Khulekani and Mpho with Dean." Azania explained.
"Daaaang girl you talk too much!" Sihle exclaimed.
"Felicia is with Ntsika, right?" i asked. "Ya." Dean answered.
"How old are you?" Dingane asked. "Im turning 21 in June."
"Atleast i wont be the youngest
anymore." Azania exclaimed.
"You are now my younger sister. I've always wanted a younger
sister." Dingane said.
"Nice meeting you older brother." i said. "Sister inlaw." Sihle
"What are you studying?" Khulekani asked.
"Criminal law." i answered.
Ntsika choked next to me. "Thats nice." Dingani said.
"So...what will you be doing today?" Vanessa asked.
"Studying. Im writing a test on Monday." i said before putting a
spoon full of oats in my mouth.
"Get ready and ill take you home." Ntsika said then he walked
"Does he always do that?" i asked. "Do what?" Mpho.
"Say things then leave us hanging. Phela manje its like he is
commanding me to get ready and he is telling me that he is
taking me home." i said.
"These men are controlling. All of them" Mpho said.
I stood up then went to THAT room. There was some grey puma
sweatpants on the bed and a black Gert Johan tshirt and
feminine underwear..lace. Ntsika came out of the closet
wearing black jeans, a white Gert Johan tshirt and black kicks
and a cap.
"Wear that. I washed your they are still wet." He said
as he fixed his watch.
"You washed my clothes? My underwear? Wtf!"
"Yes i washed your underwear. Now stop cussing and get ready.
Im giving 10 minutes." he said as he walked to the door.
"Whose clothes are these? And the underwear?" i asked.
"These are my clothes and i bought those underwears. Well i
sent Pleasure to get them. Now get dressed." then he left.
I took a shower then used his lotions..then i got dressed. The
pants were a bit baggy and the tshirt was worse! I tied two
pony tails with my dreads then i walked out.
"Look at you looking all sorts of cute in Ntsikas clothes" Azania
said as i walked in the kitchen.
"Hayi wena"
Ntsika walked in and stood behind me, he placed his one hand
on my waist and whispered, "lets go."
Then he walked out.
"Whuuuuuuuuu" unedrama lo. I laughed.
We exchanged numbers then i left. Ntsika was already in the
drive way, in a matte black G63. I got in.
"Why do you like black so much?" i asked.
"Its a beautiful colour." he answered. I kept quiet.
"My clothes look good on you." he said with a smirk.
"I know." he laughed.
I took a picture of me in this car then i posted on whatsapp
wrote 'In my dream car. I should make the most of it.'
(Text: Sindi
Baby! Whose car is this??
Whats his
name????? What does he do?? How
much does he earn????? Are you
fucking dating!!!!
Without me
knowing you bitch!!
He is not my boyfriend first of all.
Ntsika: "Who is making you blush like that?"
Me: "Someone."
He semi smiled.
(Incoming video call: Azania)
Me: Aza!
Her: Girl!!! I see you. (i laughed) Me: You see me?
Her: I can see y'all are wearing matching t-shirts and you are
matching with the car. Couple goals. (Ntsika smiled)
Me: Couple what? No no no Ntsika and I are not a couple.
Ntsika: But we will be.

Azania: Uyabona ke❤

Ntsika: You are disturbing us, Azania. Me: Hayi marn! Azania i
didnt know you could speak vernac.
Azania: I grew up in the township. Me: Really?; How?
Azania: Ya. I grew up in a black family. Me: Where were your
Azania: Angazi. Apparently they left me and my brother in an
orphanage then disappeared. Then Bhut'Khulekani's parents
adopted us.
Me: Wow. Im sorry.
Azania: Dont be.
Ntsika: Okay! Bye Buhle. (Azanias african name)
(Call ended)
He snatched my phone from me then dropped the call.
Me: "What is your problem?" i asked irritatedly.
Ntsika: "I have no problem." i sulked, folding my arms and
looking out the window.
Ntsika: "Zes {silence} Baby {silence} Zesuliwe{silence}"
he put his hand on my thigh. I removed it but he held my hand.
Ntsika: "Okay. Im sorry." he said. I tried taking my hand from his
but he held tighter.
Me: "Nsika tu!" i tried pulling my hand. Ntsika: "Stop fighting
Zes " he said laughingly.
I huffed and pouted. He placed my hand on his thigh then his
other hand on top of mine. After he whistled along with the
song. Hebanna! He continued driving ngathi theres nothing
Ntsika: "Sesifikile!" he said.
Me: "Can i have my hand now? And my phone." i said. He didnt
say anything, he just stared at me."Ntsika!"
Ntsika: "Why ulwa?" he asked. Me: "Dude, i want to go get
some rest..then study. Please let go of my hand and give me my
phone." i said looking out the window.
Ntsika: "Asambe ke. " he got out of the car then came to open
my d.oor. Ntsika: "Phuma." i got of the car. We walked to my
Me: "Letha iphone yam." i said as i went to the mini kitchen and
he sat on the
small couch.
Ntsika: "I will have some juice please." he said from the other
room. Hebanna! I poured the juice anyway. Then i took it to
Me: "Thatha."
Ntsika: "Ngyabonga MaZulu."
Me: "Ubani kanti loMaZulu?"
Ntsika: "Wuwe."
Me: "Mxm." I attempted to walk to my room but he pulled me
to his lap.Mara this guy.
Me: "Yini?" i asked. Honestly, im enjoying the attention.
Ntsika: "Yazi umuhle. Like you are really beautiful."
I blushed...
Me: "Awkahle." i bit my lower lip. Ntsika: "Dont do that." he
said with a

deep voice. "Uvusa uMageba." he said. Me: "Mage....ohhhhhh.

Im sorry."i stood up and sat on the other couch. But i continued
laughing at him.
Me: "Drink your juice. it is cold, it will help." i said ngapha
ngiphele uk'hleka! Ntsika: "Uyang'hleka MaZulu." he said as he
raised his eyebrow.
Me: "Im not uMaZulu mina." i said. Ntsika: "Uzoba wuye".
We kept on talking until 5pm. We had already had lunch, we
ordered in. Uber eats baba!!
Ntsika: "I have to go." he said as he stood up and taking his
things. I didnt want him to go, honestly. Kodwa ke
Me: "Let me walk you out." I wore my sleepers then we walked
Ntsika: "You smell like me." he said. Me: "Thats because i used
your lotion." Ntsika: "I like it." He said.
Me: that is weird." we reached his car.
Ntsika: "Hug?" we hugged. He kissed my cheek then he left.
Ntsika...Ntsika... Ntsika..oh that guy.
I was walking around campus with Ayanda.
room. Wena come to bed silale. Plus its nice cuddling in this
I was defeated. I got in the covers and gave him my back. He
held me from behind.
"You see..i told you its nice cuddling in this weather." he
whispered in my ear. The voice!!!
"Mmhhh." i was already drifting off to sleep. I felt his erection
on my ass. "Shit!" he whispered." What are you doing to me
MaZulu." he added. Then held me tighter.
"Sleep tuu." i said.
"Goodnight. I love you. " i turned to look at him but his eyes
were closed and he was slightly snoring. Did he just say he loves
me?? Maybe he didnt mean it! Or maybe he did! Or know what....let me sleep.
I woke up feeling pressed. My head was on Ntsikas chest and
our legs were tangled together. I tried moving but he held
"Uyaphi?" he mummered with his eyes closed.
"To the bathroom. Im pressed dude." i answered.
"Im not your dude, Zesuliwe." he said. "Okay ke. But i really
need the bathroom." He let me go and i walked to the ensuite
bathroom. After peeing, i brushed my teeth with unused
toothbrush then splash myself with water. Why am i even here?
I mean, this guy has a girlfriend, mara mina ngibusy la. Kodwa
ke sizothini. I walked back to the bedroom and Ntsika had
woken up; sitting at the edge of the table, brushing his face.
"Hi." I greeted.
He lifted his eyes and smiled. "MaZulu. Unjani?" he greeted
back. "Ngyaphila wena?" i responded "Ngyaphila." Then his
phone rang. He answered.
"Felicia." My heart sank. I dont know why but it did.
"What do you want?...... Why?...... Okay come to my house later
on... Yeah....Sharp."
I waited for him until he finished.
"Please take me home." I said as soon as he hung up.
"Early so?" he said.
"Its 10am. "i said.
He walked to the closet, came back with clothes on his hands. It
was the clothes i was wearing at the party.
Get ready then." he said then walked out.
I took a good 10minutes shower then got dressed. My hair is a
mess, i need to plait it.
After that i went downstairs using an elevator.
"Im ready." i said. He was sitting on the coffee table drinking
coffee. He gave me a cup of coffee then walked out.
"Iza!" he said. I walked out with this hot coffee in my hands. He
opened a red Ferrari. The guy was still in his pyjamas. "Ngena."
he said as he got in the car. I dont know why he was being cold
all of a sudden.
I just got in the car and didnt say anything. He switched on the
radio kwakhala uMuskandi. almost laughed but i didnt.. he
changed to boys2men then sang along. I just kept on sipping on
my coffee. Then safika... "Thank you. Bye." i said then
Ayanda was sleeping. I decided to clean the room then my
phone rang. Mom.
Mom: Ufuna ngife Nobuhle! Me: Cha ma.
Mom: Unjani ngani yam. Me: Ngyaphila mamami. Wena. Mom:
Me:I miss you mom.
Mom: I miss you too babyyy. Uphi
Me: Probably in her room.
Mom: Okay. Bye bye ke.
Then she hung up. Around 12..i was done cleaning. I got a call
from an unknown number.
Me: Hi.
Him: The prodigal sister. Me: Bhut'Dingani.
Him: Unjani sis'wam?
Me: Im good bhuti wena?
Him: Ahhh impilo iyaphusheka. So...imma fetch you at 1pm. We
going shopping!!!
Me: Really?????????
Him: Yea. Imma spoil my lil'sis abit. Me: Yeyyyyy!!!!!!!!
1pm he really did fetch me we went shopping he took me to the
salon. I did some ass long braids.At 5pm we were done with
Me: "Thank you so much for all of this
Bhut'Dingani. "I said in the car. He was driving me back home.
Him: "Anything for you sis." He said. "You remind me of my
cousin, Bongiwe but she passed on. She was actually my lil'sis.
She died like 10 years ago." he said.
Me: "Im sorry to hear that. " i said. Him: "No its okay.
Him: "You make him happy."
Me: "Who?"
Him: "Him."
Me: "Dingane.
Him: "Nevermind. " Mxm.
Its been a month now! This past month has been fun!!!!!!
Ntsika and i are good FRIENDS. Yes we are friends. Dingane has
been the best brother! Usis'Sihle yena just enjoys sending me
around. She sometimes invites me to sleepover at Dinganes
house ngoba efun ukung'thuma.. Its the winter holidays,
Phumelele and I are back home noMa. My birthday is in a few
"Vukani nina!!!" my mom shouted. We woke up and we cleaned
the whole house!!Spring cleaning!!!
We spent the whole day eating junk and playing board games. .
As Phumelele and i were washing the dishes, I got a call from
(Incoming call: Ntsika)
Him: MaZulu.
Me: Hi.
Him: Unjani
Me:Im good how are you? Him: Im not good at all. Me: Why?
Whats wrong? Him: I miss you.
Me: (laugh) Ngempela?
Him: Yea. I mean i miss your voice, your laugh, your beautiful
I was blushinggggg!! Phumelele gave me that eye!
Me: You really miss me mos.
Him: Ubuya nini?
Me: Angazi. Masesizovula.
Him: Kude kanje.
Me: Ya.
Him: What do you want me to get you for your birthday?
Me: Anything.
Him: I'll get you something then.
Me: Ya.
Him: You really not coming back anytime soon?
Me: Nope.
Him: Okay. I'll wait for you. Me: Bye.
Him: Who called who kanti.
Me: Eish Ntsika.
Him: Ngizok'bona ke. Me: Sharp
He hung up. I smiled.
Phume: "You like him neh?"
Me: "Who?" i pretended to be dumb. Phume: "You know who.
"I sighed. Me: "I do. Kodwa unentombi so my feelings dont
Phume: " He loves you. I've seen how he looks at you." she said.
Me: "How does he look at me?" i asked. Phume: "With love."
she responded. Me: "Ave unehaba, Phumelele." i wiped my
hands then went to my room, leaving her laughing in her room.
Later that day, I went to suprise Sindiswa. She doesnt know Im
I settled in a short floral summer dress and white flops. Left my
dreads untied. Took my phone and a R50 note.
Me: "Ma, Im going to Sindiswa's crib. I'll be back.
Mama: "Okay."
I walked to Sindiswa's house. Earphones on, phone in my
Me: "Knock knock."
Her mother, Ma Thabsile opened the door. I call her MaTha.
Ohhh she has gained weight!!!!!!!! And she is lighter! See, both
Sindiswa's parents are light skinned.
MaTha: "Zesuliwe!!!"
She bombarded me into a big hug!!! Oh, she's pregnant. I could
feel her bump as we hugged.
Me: "Unjani maTha."
Ma Tha: "You will never stop calling me that neh? "I shook my
head. "You look so beautiful and well fed. You are glowing!!"
Me: "Look at you! Woman, you look beautiful and yellow! Are
you carrying baby number 3?"
Ma Tha: "I forgot you talk too much. Your friend is in her room, i
think shes changing her bedding. "
Me: "Okay. Let me go see her.'
I kissed her cheek and her baby bump.
I sneaked inside Sindiswa's room. She was lying on her bed,
busy on her phone.
Me: "Sindi!!"
I screamed!
Sindi: "Bitch!!!!!!!!!"
We ran to each other and hugged tightly!!!!!!! I MISSED
Me: "Awusemuhle. What are you eating!!"
She already had tears in her eyes. Yoh! I forgot she cries alot.
Me: "Sindi dont cry.
Sindi: "Uyajola wena neh?" Me: "No. Wena uyajola."
She laughs.
Sindi: "How do you know?"
I pulled her to the bed.
Me: "I want to know everything." Sindi: "Okay. His name is
Hlomani. He is 24 and gosh he is A- MA- ZING!!!! Me: "How did
you meet? When? And why the hell dont I know him?
Sindi: "He is a driver of my school friend.
Me: "Driver?'
Sindi: "Wendy's family is Rich!!! So Hlomani is her personal
chauffeur. Me: "Im guessing Wendy is the friend. So, is he good
Sindi: "Lets go buy some ice blocks and I'll tell you everything
about him. And you should also tell me about this Ntsika guy.
"I Sindi: "Woah! He is 30!" Me: "He is 29 turning 30. " Sindi:
"Same shit!"
Me: "But he is not my boyfriend thou." Sindi: "By the looks of it,
he will be soon.
Me: "Like dude, I like him. Alot. But he..." Sindi: "He is what?'
Me: "Nevermind. Sindi: "Uyabhora."
Me: "Kubhora uHlomani wakho. Sindi: "Akabhori. Only if you
knew." She winked at me.
Me: "Bitch, you've already slept with him.
Sindi: "Ya. It wasnt planned but it
Me: "Hai angsazi.
Sindi: "Wena you should give Ntsika what is rightfully his.
Me: "Mxm. You are sleeping over at my house right?"
Sindi: "Of course.
We walked to Sindiswa's crib to fetch her clothes then we went
to my house.
Sindiswa and I slept in my room. Together. Having some catch
up session.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday
dear Nobuhle. Happy birthday to you. "i was woken
up by my mom and sister and Sindiswa singing for me.
Me: "Thank you."
Mama: "My baby is 21 years old!! Ngikhulisile marn!" my mom
Phume: "You are now a woman mntase" My mom hit her hand.
Phume: "Awww...what was that for?" she asked while laughing.
Mama: "You two are still little girls. Im the woman in the room."
we all laughed.
Sindi: "Happy birthday Zeze. I love you." Me: "I love you too.
We hugged.
Mama+ Phume: "Ncoohh. "
We went shopping!!!!!!!! My mom bought mwaaa a HP
MacBook. Sindi bought me a pair of kicks.I was so happy. Bhut'
Dingane sent me R50 000 as a gift. Bhut' Khulekani sent R300
airtime and a month supply of data.. Vanessa and the
rest of the girls said I'll get my gifts when i go back to Cape
Town. Ayanda sent a plane ticket, atleast i dont have to buy
one. Jonathan just sent a happy birthday text. I was so sad that
Ntsiki hasn't called or texted.
In the evening, my childhood friend, Philile came over.
She, Sindiswa and I were three musketeers in high school,
although her and I were not really close. She was/is more of
Sindiswa's friend. She bought me a dress from Legit
Philile: "So Mzala how is Cape Town?" Me: "Its amazing!"
Philile: "Boyfriend nyana?" i shook my head with food in my
Sindiswa: "Since when?"
I gave her a death stare.
Me: "You?" i asked him.
Philile: "Uhm........please dont be angry." i kept quiet.
Philile: "Im dating your ex." Whattttt!!! Me: "Sipho?"
Philile: "Yes.Im sorry." she said. I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Nah its okay. im over him. Plus its
been years now."
Philile: "Thank you." She said. Phume was on Zoom with her
boyfriend, she didn't focus on us.
Then someone knocked. Mom was sleeping in her room. I went
to open the door, there stood a delivery guy.
Me: "Hi." i greeted.
Him: "Good evening mam. Are you MaZulu?"
I know its from Ntsika. Me: "Yes." i said.
Him: "Please sign here and these are for you." I signed then he
gave me a bunch of roses, some chocolates and a cake. And a
small box that was wrapped. And a card.
Me: "Thanks." he nodded then left.
Philile: "Who are those from?" Philile asked as she came
running followed by Phume and Sindiswa.
Me: "Ntsika."
"Wait. Ntsika?" Phume and Sindiswa asked. I nodded.
Philile: "Read the card!" Philile asked. Me: "Its mine to read
motho." I put the flowers in a vase and the cake in the
fridge. Then took the chocolates, the card and and that small
box with me to my bedroom.
i sat on my bed and read the card. 'MAZULU WAMI. IM SORRY
I smiled then opened that small box..WTF!!! AN IPHONE!! He
bought me a gold iPhone 11 Pro. I immediately recieved a call
from that phone. The number was saved as Hubby.
Him: MaZulu wam omuhle
Me: Hubby? Really Ntsika? Him: Ya hawu.
Me:I will change it.
Him: Please dont.
I laughed.
Me: Thanks for the gifts and the phone. Him: You like it?
Me: Like it? I freaken love it!!!! Thank you
so much.
Him: You welcome. Look babe..i gotta
Me: Bye.
he hung up. I just ate my chocolates.
Middle of the NIGHT
Sindiswa: "Why did you leave? " Me: "Philile started to bore me.
Sindiswa: "You never liked her neh?" Me: "I tolerated her.
Sindiswa: "Usile."
Me: "Ngiright."
Sindiswa: "Let me see Ntsika's pics. Me: "Let me see Hlomani's.
We exchanged phones.
Oh Hlomani.
Caramel skinned guy, beard and a bit skinny yet has some meat.
He looks tall. He twizzed two lines on his right eyebrow.
In this picture he was wearing brown chinos, a white shirt and
He's good looking shame.
Sindi: "Your man is hot!!!!"
She shows me one of Ntsika's photo on my phone!! Oh that
So in that picture Ntsika was leaning on his G Wagons car
bonnet. No tshirt on! The six pack or is it eight? Oh he was
wearing black jeans, unbuttoned showing of his white CK
boyleg. Dr. Martens on his feet!!! Yeses he looks salivating!!❤
Sindiswa: "Hayi Zeze!!!!!!!!" Me: "Muhle neh?"
Sindiswa: "This nigga is HOT!!!!!! Umtholephi?"
Me: "He is Not MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!"
My mom was driving me to the airport. Phumelele left a few
days ago saying she missed her boyfriend. Apparently, she
broke up with the other guys, shes now focusing on one guy.
Mama: "Bye baby."
Me: "Bye ma." I kissed her cheek.
(Text: Ntsika
LANDED. now using my iPhone. Bye bye samsung!!❤.

(Reply: Me)
The plane took off!!!.
(Text: Me)
I've Landed. Where are you?
(Reply: Ntsika
Im almost there.
10 minutes later i saw his G63. He came to me the got out of
the car.
Ntsika: "Baby!" we hugged.
Me: "Im not your baby." i mumbled. Ntsika: "Asambe." He
opened the door for me..i got in.
Ntsika: "Unjani sthandwa sam?" he asked as he started the car.
Me: "Im good. Wena?" i asked.
Ntsika: "Im good now that you are here. he brushed my thigh.
He loves doing that.
Me: "Awuse cheesy!"
He drove to his house. I just kept quiet.
I think i fell asleep in the car coz i woke up in Ntsikas bedroom
in an oversize grey tshirt written RAW in italics. i went to wash
my face then went downstairs. Ntsika was watching tv in the
lounge, watching soccer.
Me: "Hi."
Ntsika: "Uyalala muntu. Its 6pm already." he said. I sat next to
him and sat the "Chinese" way. Folding my legs.
Me: "Awung'yeke." i ate his snacks. Ntsika: "You hungry?" he
asked. I nodded.
Ntsika: "Asambe siyopheka." He pulled my hand and we went
to the kitchen. Me: "What are we gonna cook?" i asked. Ntsika:
"Pap and beef stew. "he answered.
I boiled water for ipapa then started cooking the beef stew. He
was sitting on the kitchen counter watching me.
Me: "Im doing all the work mos." I said as i was stirring the pap.
Ntsika: "Who is the woman in the house." i frowned.
Me: "You realised what you just said right?" he nodded and
apologised. Ntsika: "Im sorry."
Me: "Good." i said.
Ntsika: "You are bossy." he said. Me: "Whatever."
A song, I dont know it but it played. I think ke this channel 327.
Ntsika came and stood behind me.
Me: "Dance with me?" he whispered.
We danced to the song. Ntsika cant dance uyahluleka. When
the song ended, Ntsika lift me up and put on top of the counter
and held me by the waist. My heart was beating fast!!
Ntsika: "Ave umuhle." he complimented. Me: "Ngyabonga." i
Ntsika: "Am i that ugly that i dont deserve a compliment?" he
said. I laughed.
I felt his soft cold lips on my neck, leaving a hickey. My laughs
turned to moans.
Me: "Ntsika." i said sofly. Ntsika: "Mmh." he said.
Then his lips moved to my chin then my lips. He sucked on my
bottom lip, i responded to the kiss. His warm hands went under
his tshirt that i was wearing. Remember i only had my lace
panties on, no bra and that tshirt. He caressed my thighs then
his one hand moved to my one boob. He squeezed my boob. I
moaned.. Yoh he really knows his story
That kiss was the BESTTTTTT. Then both his hands moved to my
waist. He pulled out slowly.
Ntsika: "Hi." he said. I blushed, biting my bottom lip.
Ntsika: "Something is burning." Then he walked to the lounge!
WTF!!! This guy!!!
I just checked on my pots...the food still wasnt ready. I lowered
the heat then went to the bedroom.
I took a shower then wore my winter PJ's. I tied my dreadlocks
in a bun then wore a head wrap. Applied some petroleum jelly
on my lips.
I went downstairs, Ntsika was nowhere to be found. I just
dished up for myself and him then sat infront of the tv and ate. I
watched Gomorra. after eating i washed the dishes then put his
food in the microwave.
Then we went to the bedroom and slept. An hour later i felt him
getting in the bed. He wrapped his cold hands around me.
Ntsika: "Im sorry." he whispered. Then i slept.
Im Ntsikayomuzi Zulu. Im 29 turning 30. Im a qualified doctor, a
businessman and a gangster leader. Yaa, I rule half of Africa. A
group called Raw. And Im inlove with a dark skinned, thick
bodied with long dreadlocks woman named Zesuliwe, uMaZulu.
See, I was never one to fall in love. Im hard core. I cant stay
commited to one person. I just fuck and pass, no strings
I kill without thinking twice, with no mercy nor any remorse.
They dont call me Axe for nothing.
No one would think Thee Ntsikayomuzi, Axe, would ever love a
woman besides my mother. Ngimuthanda
okwangempela uMaZulu. I think I've fallen hard, I cant control
my feelings.
I guess you are wondering where I disappeared to.
I went to my inhouse gym to lay off some steam and get my
mind off things.
I had to get out of there before I did something I will regret.
After 3 hours of some exercising I went to take a shower.
MaZulu wam was already in bed.
I got in behind her and wrapped my cold hands around her
warm soft body.
Me: "Im sorry."
I woke up in the bed alone. Hayi im leaving today angeke. I took
a bath then wore that dress the Philile got for me. Its a short
black body hugging dress and my white fila sneakers. I put on
my nude Gucci Bloom perfume. I took mirror
photos that i posted on whatsapp and on the Gram. I didnt tie
my dreadlocks then packed my bag. Then dragged it downstairs.
I found a letter on the fridge.' Went to work MaZulu. See you
later.' I just ordered an Uber and left.
Ayanda: "Mo'girl ubuyaphi?" Ayanda asked as i walked in.
Me: "Hello to you too." i greeted then i went to put my bags in
my room then i came back.
"Awuse muhle." she said as i sat next to her.
"So ubuyaphi?" she asked.
"Ntsika fetched me from the airport yesterdays. I ended up
sleeping at his house."
"Did y'all the deed? I've noticed a hickey." she asked.
i laughed. "No. But if you must know..we kissed."
she screamed.
"I've always known that you guys are fancying each other..did
you talk about the kiss?"
"No. But what did i expect? He has a girlfriend." she came to
hug me.
"Im sorry friend." i nodded." Lets arrange lunch with the girls so
we can catch up and you can get your mind off things." i
She called the girls, they said we can meet up at Dinganes
house. Ayanda went to change. She wore her short denim dress
and some sandles. Apparently, Thapelo borrowed her his
Mercedes so we went with it.
Like always, we were the last to arrive. "Ladies." i said. We did
the whole hugging and greeting process. "Girl, why were you
hiding such an amazing body?" Sihle asked me.
"Ahhh..." i dismissed it.
"So Zes, we brought your gifts." Vanessa said.
"Mine first!" Azania screamed.
Azania bought me a long evening gown and matching shoes.
"Where am i going to wear this?" i asked.
"Anywhere." she said then we all laughed.
Vanessa gave me a spa voucher at her spa and a new travelling
Sihle got me three pairs of high heels and two dresses from her
boutique.[she is a fashion designer]
Mpho bought me a Canon camera and a camera stand.
Tlholo got me some lingeries.
"Kodwa Sis'Tlholo." We all laughed. "So guys..all of the guys
have mansions and expensive cars?" i asked. They nodded.
"Banemali mos." they quickly moved to the next topic.
We ate then had a pool party. Around 6, Ayanda and I went
Its been a week since i last spoke to Ntsika. I cant believe he
ditched me like that. Dingane has officially became my older
brother, ngoba he calls every now and then, sometimes i sleep
over at his place. Thapelo bought a three bedroom house for
Ayanda for their 2nd years anniversary. first Ayanda
threw a fit kodwa ultimately accepted the house.
We both moved in lapho. Im now dating Jonathan. He is a
sweetheart yena but i wont say i love him though. So right now
im at a restaurant having dinner with Jonathan.
"What are you gonna have, Babe?" He asked.
"I'll have spaghetti Bolognese and sparkling water please." i
answered as i closed the menu.
"I'll also have that but with sparkling wine." He said to the
waitress. The girl took our orders then left.
I then saw Ntsika with some woman i dont know. He also saw
me and our eyes locked. For like a few seconds.
"Babe. Babe. Zes!" Jonathan brought me back to Earth.
"Uhm..sorry." i said.
We had our food over light conversations, kissing here and
there and laughing. At 22.00 we left.
At home, Ayanda was already sleeping. I took a quick shower
then wore my short pyjamas, then went to watch Insecure
on tv. 30 minutes afterwards there was a knock on the door.
I was attacked with a kiss immediately when i opened the door.
The taste of nicotine and whiskey was amazing. I quickly came
back to my senses and pushed him. He was drunk!
Me: "What do you want, Ntsika?" I said as i tied my robe.
Ntsika: "I want you." he said leaning on the door frame.
Me: "You want me?." i said. Ntsika: "Mazulu..." he
said softly. Me: "Dont call me that. You have a girlfriend and I
have a boyfriend, Ntsika." i said.
Ntsika: "Kodwa ngifuna wena, MaZulu. Not Felicia, not
Khensani, not any other girl. I want you." his eyes were getting
glossy with tears.
Me: "You dont get to do that, Ntsika. You dont get to make me
fall in love with you then ditch me like a used pad. You dont get
to lead me on, making me feel all kinds of special then leave me
to pick up the pieces." i was getting emotional. Ntsika: "I love
you, Zesuliwe. I really do." he wiped his tears.
Me: "No you dont." i said.
Ntsika: "I do. Believe me." What is this guy doing to me?
Me: "Please leave." Ntsika: "Angiyi ndawo.
Me: "Ntsika!!
Ntsika: "I said Im not going anywhere." Me: "Dont make this
harder than it already is.'
Ntsika: "Can i come in.
Me: "Uhm...come inside. You will sleep on the couch, i cant let
you drive like this.
I pulled him inside then i locked the door. I gave him a glass of
cold water then went to my bedroom to get blankets and a
I found him in the lounge already sleeping.*sigh*. I took off his
shoes, fixed him the pillow then covered him with the blankets.
He looked so cute thou
Ntsika: "Im not sleeping with you?" Me: "No."
Ntsika: "Kodwa..."
Me: "Sleep.
He smiled.
Him: "I love you MaZulu." he mumbled. I switched of the lights
and the tv then went to sleep.
Ayanda: "What is Ntsika doing here?" Ayanda asked when i was
in the shower and she was brushing her teeth. Me: "He came
here yesturday and he was drunk. So i couldn't let him drive at
night in that state." i replied.
"Mmhhh". she said.
I wore my maroon short jumpsuit and sandles then took my
"Hi." I greeted Ntsika.
"MaZulu. " he greeted back. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Uhmm..." things were abit awkward. "You are going to class?"
he asked. i nodded.
"Okay asambe."
"You have no hangover?" i asked as i got in the car.
"I do. But i can handle it."
We drove in silence. When we arrived, i attempted to get out of
the car when he held my hand.
"I meant what i said yesterday. I love you MaZulu." he said
looking deeply into my eyes!! As if he was searching for
"Ntsika.." i said softly.
" dont have to say anthing. Im yours and you are mine.
Bare in mind that i dont like sharing." he said then he softly
pecked my lips.
"Ngiyak'thanda." he whispered."
Usunga hamba MaZulu." i first looked at him then i got out of
the car. Kodwa ngizam' thini uJonathan?
As i was driving to my place, Khensani called. [ The chick
MaZulu saw me with at the restaurant]
Her: "Baby.." uyabona ke.
Me: "Khensani."
Her: "How are you?" she asked.
Me: "Good. How can i help you."
Her: "Please hit the club with me today?" Me: "No..Im busy."
Her: "Please babe i miss you."
"Im not your babe. And i just said i cant go to the club with you.
Awuzwa yini?" i hung up.
I got home, took a shower then wore black pair of jeans, a
maroon Polo golf t-shirt and my maroon Jordan sneakers. I
went to Dean's house because that`s where all of the guys
"Boys, Abdul is at it again." Dean announced.
Well Abdul is our old enemy. He has been our enemy ever since
we got in the game.
"What does he want?" i asked.
"His men, his girls and the diamonds." Dean answered.
A year ago we went to war with Abdul and we won. We took his
men (hitmen) ,his girls and his diamonds.
"Angeke awathole." Dingani said. "What do we do now?"
Khulekani asks. "We wait for him to strike. Meanwhile, we
prepare ourselves. " i said. They nodded.
"Keep your women safe madoda 'coz shit is about to get real.
Abdul is the second best in the game(We are the first) so
kuzoshuba." I said.
Khulekani contacted our accomplices here in Africa and outside.
Then we watched soccer.
At 2pm i went to fetch MaZulu from school.
I saw her with this Jonathan guy. I watched them laughing and
kissing and all that. 5 minutes they hugged and kissed then Zes
walked away. I went to park where she could see me. I got out
of the car. When she saw me she froze..i indicated that she
should come here. She walked slowly to towards. When she
was 5 footsteps away from me I pulled her to me.
"Sawbona." i greeted her as i wrapped my arms around her
waist. She just looked at me.
"Ngitheni kuwe MaZulu. What were you doing with that white
boy?" she just faced down. "Im talking to you."
" my boyfriend." she answered. "Didnt i tell you that i
dont like sharing." i said with an authoritative voice.
"You did." she answered. I love it when she listens!! If she was
her normal self she would be dissing me now.
"Its not easy." she said. I chuckled then wiped her lips with my
fingers, to wipe of
that white guys lips then i gave her a long wet baby kiss then i
kissed her forehead.
"Get in the car." i opened the door for her, she got in. I went
around the car then i also went in.
"Why are you wearing such a short jumpsuit?" i asked as i
brushed her thigh.
"Just." she answered.
"Why are you putting my assets on display?" she just looked at
"You better break up with that boy Zes." she nodded.
"I need time." she said softly.
"A week." she shoot her eyes wide open! "I'll need more that
that." she said.
"No you wont. Im only giving you a week or else something
finna happen to him" "What do you mean?" she asked. "Exactly
"You can't force me." she said while folding her arms.
"Im not forcing you. But just know that you'll be held
responsible for what might happen to him." i said. She just kept
"The sooner the better."
I drove her to my place.
"Why am i here?" she asked. I didnt answer her i just walked
around the car then went to open her door.
"Woza." i commanded. She got out of the car then we walked
"Im still not comfortable in this house." she said as we walk in.
"Why?" i asked.
"The colour gives me creeps."
"We will change it then." i said. I took a bottle of red wine from
my wine stack and two glasses.
"Here." i say giving her a glass.
"Is that non-alcoholic?" she asked. "No." i answered as i opened
the bottle. "I dont drink alcohol. "she said. What!!!! "What?" i
asked amusingly.
"You heard me. I dont drink alcohol. " she answered as she
places the glass on the coffee table.
"Why?" i asked. She shrugged her shoulders.
"Wow!" i exclaimed.
"Is there a problem?" she asked. "No. Not at all." i answered.
"Can i have something else." i went to get her a glass of orange
juice. "Thank you." she said.
I settled.
Me: "Kungani ungang'vumeli ngibhe yindoda yakho MaZulu?"
Her: "Ntsika..
Me: "Yini ekmele ngiy'yenze ukukukhombisa lothando enginalo"
Me: "Ngiyakhuluma MaZulu. " Her: "Angazi ngithini."
Me: "Uyang'thanda?"
Her: "Uhmm..."
Me: "Ungang'thanda nah, MaZulu?" Her: "Yebo ngiyak'thanda
Ntsika kodwa...
I cut her off with a kiss. You know what they say, sealed with a
We spent the rest of the day playing video games. Baby can play
video games imagine!! She really is one of a kind
Today is the day, Im breaking up with him. Jonathan and i were
having a picnic at some park. I dont know how I
will do this but it has to be done. Me: "Ummh..Jonathan...."
Him: "Yes babe."
Me: "I dont know how to do this..." Him: "What's wrong?"
Me: "I think we should break up." he just
looked at me.
Him: "Why? Is it me? Did i do something wrong?" he asked.
"No.Its not you its me. I just dont.... want us to continue this
anymore." He chuckled coldly.
"Its that guy right?" heehh??
"What guy?" I asked. Im confused guys!! "Rumour has it that
you've been
cheating on me." i didnt say anything. "You never came across
as a bitch." he said.
"What did you just call me?" i was getting angry!!!!!
"A bitch! You have been playing me! Did you even love me?"
"I......" Duh. I never loved you nigga. "Fuck you Zesuliwe! Fuck
you!" we were both standing now. Im glad there aint alot of
people around.
"Calm down." i said.
"Calm down!! Dont tell me to calm down!!!!!! You've been
bitching around Zes!! Dont fucken tell me to calm down!"
"Jonathan....." i said pleasingly.
He just packed the picnic things then walked to his car. I ran
after him.
"Go to your rich boyfriend and leave me alone.'
Then he drove off.
I called Ayanda. Her: Baby.
Me: Im stranded. Please come get me. Her: Where are you.
I told her where i was.
Her: Im coming.
A few minutes later she arrived.
"What are you doing here alone?" she asked as i got in the car.
"I broke up with Jonathan so....." i shrugged my shoulders.
"So he left you here?" she asked while laughing.
"Dont laugh wena!"
We drove to the mall and had lunch at steers.
"What would you do if i told you im dating Ntsika?" i asked. She
looked at me emotionless.
"Y'all are dating?" i shook my head.
"Has he told he he likes you?" "He told me he loves me." i said
softly. "Are you serious!!!!!!?"
"Uyarassa." we both chuckled. "Wena uziva njan?"
"I mean i like him..alot." i answered. "Then go for it!" she said.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. I mean Ntsika is not one to love someone so for him
to tell you he loves you, might mean he really does." I nodded.
"But be careful okay." she warned. I nodded. " he the
reason why you broke up with Jonathan?" she asked. "Yea. He
told me he doesnt like sharing because i now belong to him." i
"Brother got it really bad." she continued laughing.
"Uyadika yaz." i said.
(Incoming call: Ntsika
Ayanda: "Put him on loud speaker." Me: "No." i said then i
Him: Sthandwa senhliziyo yam. I rolled my eyes.
Him: Is it done? Me: Yes.
Him: Good.
Me: You are evil.
Him: I know muntu wam. I know. Me: Mxm.
Him: When am i seeing you? Me: You saw me yesterday njer.
Him: Kodwa ngifuna ukuk'bona muntwam
Me: I will see you on Friday. Its a Wednesday.
Him: I'll fetch you today angeke.
Me: Okay tomorrow.
Him: I will contact my man so we can change the interior design
of our house. Me:Okay.
Him: Uthandwa yim.
Me: Bye.
I hung up.
Ayanda: "Your cheeks are pink!!!" we both laughed.
Me: "Aw'kahle."
"How about red couches?" Craig asked. "No thats too much." i
answered. Craig is the guy helping us with the
house interior design. He is gay by the
"In the main bedroom, add a bit of violet. Add red in the
kitchen. Leave his office and his study the way it is." I told him.
"Mrs Zulu, let me surprise you.Okay?" "Okay."
i walked to the kitchen, Ntsika was sipping on his glass of
whiskey and was busy on his laptop. I stood there and watched
him. This man is really handsome bathong. His brown hazel
eyes and his purple lips, his biceps and his tatoos. He is pure
"A picture lasts longer, MaZulu." he says bringing me back to
life. I smiled then walked to him.
"How are you, Mageba." i said standing between his legs.
Ntsika: "Mhh...Mageba." He grabbed my waist pulling me closer
him."Ngiyaphila mamazi wena?"
Me: "Mamazi?"
Ntsika: "Yea. You are the mother of my kids."
Me: "You should call me that once we have kids, not now." he
pecked my lips. Ntsika: "How is it going with Craig?"
Me: "He says he wants to surprise me so i left him to do the
work." i answered. Ntsika: "How can you trust a gay person to
decorate your house?" he asked. Me: "Dont be homophobic,
Ntsika." Ntsika: "Okay im sorry."
Ntsika: "Awungi qabule." i giggled then we kissed.
Then we heard someone clear their throat.
Ntsika: "Craig." Ntsika said irritatedly. Craig: "Mr Zulu, I'll send
you the details and the quotation. For now, bye!" then he
walked out. I laughed.
Ntsika: "Kill joy. nxn" i giggled. Me: "Aw'kahle babe."
Ntsika: "I kiss love*kiss you kiss*" i giggled. "You are not ready
to say it back?" i looked down then nodded. He made me look
at him. "Its okay. I understand, okay?" I nodded.
Me: "Let me go take a shower." i tried to untangle his hands
around me.
Ntsika: "Can i join you?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
Me: "No thank you." i gave him a kiss then walked away.
Ntsika: "Ngizok'thola!!" he shouted.
I took a shower then wore my summer short pyjamas and a
light robe. I went downstairs and Mam'Sbongile was preparing
dinner. I finally met her!
Me: "Sawbona ma." i greeted. She greeted me back.
Me: "Ukuphi uNtsika?" i asked. Her: "I think he went to his
study. "i nodded.
Then i went to watch Gomora. An hour later Mam'Sbongile
announced that dinner is ready. i went to call Ntsika.
Me: "Baby, dinner is ready." i said leaning on the door frame.
Ntsika: "Okay mami, im coming." he said without looking at me.
Me: "You have been working the whole day." i walked to him
then closed the laptop.
Ntsika: "MaZulu...." he tried speaking. Me: "No. We are going to
go eat then we sleep. You will work tomorrow. " i pulled him up.
Ntsika: "You are bossy." he said.
Me: "I know. Asambe." i pulled him downstairs.
Ntsika: "Hawu ma, aren't you joining us?"
i asked Mam'Sbongile. "Ngane yam.."
"Cha ma hlala phansi. I'll dish up for us." I dished up for the
three of us then i said grace. Mam'Sbongile told me stories
about her naughty grandkids, I've never laughed that hard in my
I stared at her as she laughed with Mam'Sbongile. My woman is
so kind, i mean she sat on the table with our helper and ate
with her. That is something I've never even thought of doing. I
just kept on looking at her with a smile on my face. She is
beautiful. Soft caramel skin, big eyes and her glasses make her
more beautiful. She isnt really chubby but she has some meat.
Curves and some ass, perky titts and a small waist. Pure
I watched her as she helped Mam'Sbongile collect the dishes
and taking them to the kitchen.
Her: "You can go to sleep ma, ill handle this." i heard her say
them Mam'Sbongile left. I slowly walked to the kitchen and
watched her as she washed the dishes using the sink instead of
the dish washer. She was singing Tina Turner; Proud Mary. I
walked to her and hugged her from behind.
Her: "Mmhh...Ntsika.
Me: "What did i do now?" i left feather kisses on her neck.
Her: "Im busy, Mageba." she said softly. Me: "Let me help you."
i whispered. I took a dry dishcloth then wiped the dishes in the
dishing rack. She just shook her head then continued washing
the dishes and i dried them.
Me: "Do you know how beautiful you are?" she blushed.
Her: "No, i dont." I grabbed her by her ass then lifted her up and
placed her on the counter.
Me: "Remember this?" i asked.
"I dont like what you did that day." she said.
"What did i do?" i asked.
"You left me hanging. " she said. "I left you hanging?" she
nodded. "You cant kiss me the way you did then leave me
"What did you want me to do?" i asked. She shrugged her
"I dont know just dont leave me hanging."
"Im sorry ke." she laughed. I kissed her... "Let me show you how
sorry i am." i carried her upstairs.
I carefully placed her on the bed then got on top of her then
continued kissing her. Then i took of her top and kissed her
twins then my hand went inside her her pj shorts. I grabbed her
ass sucking on her neck.
Her: "Uhm...Mageba." she said after pulling out of the kiss.
"Mamazi?" she lightly smiled. "Im.....uhm...I have never done
this before."
"Done what?" okay im confused. "The sex thing." then she hid
her face with her hands. I removed them.
"You are a virgin?" i asked. She nodded. "Really??" i was am
amazed! I've never been with a virgin before.
"Whats wrong with that." she asked. "Nothing. Im just amazed."
"Get off me then. You are heavy." she tried pushing me off but i
held her hands.
"Can i give you your first orgasm?" i asked. "Uhm..."
"I will not penetrate. I promise." she nodded.
"What the hell did you just do to me?" she asks.
"I took you to heaven MaZulu." she blushed. I then moved next
to her. "Sleep Mazulu". I pulled her and she slept on top of me
with Mageba growing under her.
"I love you." I whispered
"Me too." she whispered back. was better than
1WEEK later
Abdul hasnt made a move yet sisame ngaye.
I just fetched Zes from her place, taking her to my place to show
her how the house looked like now.
"I hope its as beautiful as i think." she said as she walked to the
house, leaving me behind.
"Oh My Gawd!!!!" she screamed. "You like it?"
"I love it!!! Oh my gosh its so beautiful!"
The house was beautiful!!! Feminine but masculine if you know
what i mean. "He really outdid himself." i said.
"All thanks to you."
"How did you live in a dark house mara?" she asked.
"I lived like how you live in your apartment. " he answered.
Then there was a knock. The person came in without us telling
her to. It was a beautiful light skinned woman walking in with a
dark skinned tall lady. That girl looked abit like Ntsika. "Mama!"
Ntsika went to them.
"Your house is beautiful. When did you decide to change it."
The girl said. "There must be a woman in his life." The mother
"Who is this?" the girl said. I dont like her already.
"Nkanyezi, this is my woman, Zesuliwe. Zes, this is my mother
and my younger sister, Nkanyezi." he introduced. "Its nice to
meet you, Zesuliwe. Waka bani isbongo?" the mother said after
hugging me.
"Im a Dlamini ma." i said.
"Is she of your fuckbuddies? Or she is that type that is in it for
the money?" that
Nkanyezi bitch said.
"Hayi Nkanyezi. " the mom said.
"Let me leave. Ma it was nice meeting you."
"You dont have to go. I still wanted to get to know you. "the
mom said.
"Maybe next time." i hugged her one more time.
Ntsika walked to me.
"Im sorry." he whispered. "Its okay." i answered.
"Then dont leave. Please." he pleaded. "Spend some time with
your family. I will see you later." i kissed his cheek.
"Let me walk you out ke."
We walked out.
"Take my Porsche. I know you've always wanted to drive it." he
offered. I smiled. "Thank you!!" i screamed!
He pulled me closer to him. Then we kissed.
"Haibo!" we heard his mother say then we laughed.
"Be safe, okay?" i said. I nodded.
"I love you."
"I love you too." It is the first time i say it back!!
"You mean it?" i nodded. He kissed my forehead repeatedly.
"Ngyabonga sthandwa sam." he said.
He gave me the car keys, i got in the car. "Not a single scratch
okay? Please be careful. If anything happens, dont hesitate to
call me." he said as i turned on the ignition.
"Yes dad." i said sarcastically.
"Seat belt on." i rolled my eyes then buckled up.
"Uthandwa yim yezwa." he said and i just melted.
"Ngiyak'thanda nami." Then i drove with him watching me. I
hooted then he
whistled guys!!!!!!!!
Im driving a porche you
As i was driving, i noticed that someone was following me.
When i stopped, he stopped; every corner i took he also took. I
panicked then i called Ntsika. He didnt answer the phone, then i
called Dingane.
Him: Ufunani?
Me: Someone is following me. Him: What?
Me: There is a red car following me. Him: What are you driving?
Me: Ntsika's black Porsche
Him: Okay..this what you should do........ It was lights out. I dont
know what
I was talking with my mom and sis, we were having lunch. My
phone was at the kitchen, i think. All of a sudden, the guys
walked in the house ngathi something was chasing them.
"Dude..we need to talk to you. Oh sawubona ma." Khulekani
"Ntsika woza!" i stood up then we walked to my study.
"Whats up?" i said as i sat on my chair. "Zes has gone missing."
Dean said. "What do you mean?"
"She called me a few minutes ago saying she noticed a red car
following her, i tracked her then went to that location. There
was no one in the car but the car had paint written, I WARNED
YOU. Dingane explained.
"But she was here...." Shit!!
"I think Abdul took her." Khulekani said. "I think so too."
Dingane said.
"We should've given her the bracelet. Thapelo said.
The bracelet he is talking about has a tracking device.
"Fuck!" i banged the table.
Im losing mind!!! He better not touch my
"Your what?" Dingane asked. Shit did i say that aloud.
"Are you fucking my sister, Ntsika?" he asked.
"She is not your biological sister." i said. 'But still!" he charged
for me, ready to beat me up!
"Can you please do this later, Zes needs us right now! God
knows what he is going to do to her!" Thapelo said. "Guys,
come take a look." Dean said pointing at his laptop. It was a
video call from Abdul.
Him: Hello boys.
Me: What the fuck are you doing with my woman, Abdul?
Him: She is pretty by the way. Dingane: What do you want?
Abdul: You know what I want.
Me: Forget it.
Abdul: I will kill her then
Then he moved the camera and showed us Zes who was tied to
a chair. She wasn't even crying.
Abdul: Say hello to your boyfriend.
Zes lifted her head then looked at the camera, her eyes met
mine then they watered. She wants to cry.
Me: Sthandwa sami, hang in there, I will get you okay?
She nodded.
Abdul: Isnt this cute.
He brushed her cheek, MaZulu spat on him
Abdul: You bitch!!
He punched her! My heart skipped a beat!
Zes: Bitch unyoko!
Thapelo laughed.
Abdul: Ohh you are going to regret doing that.
Zes: You are such a coward! You son of a bitch! Why dont you
face the people you have a problem with like a man! Such a
petty little girl, going after someone who has nothing to do with
whatever shit is going on here!
Abdul: Bitch shut up!
He slapped her. Zes started bleeding. Zes: I dont care how many
times you hit me, but that will not make you a man! Then she know that evil smile.
Zes: Own up to your shit, Boy!!!
I smiled! Thats my girl! I know how fiesty she is.
Abdul: Boys, deal with her.
Some guys came and they beat my baby up.
Zes: Ntsika!! Hurry please!!
She continued crying.
Abdul: [talking to us] You better give me those diamonds or
then he hung up.
"She is feisty!" Dean said.
"Im surprised she wasn't crying." Khulekani said.
"Bitch unyoko!" we all laughed.
"I remember when Sihle was kidnapped. Yoh!!! She was crying
hysterically. Zes is stronger than all of the girls combined.
Dingane said.
"You lucky to have her, bro." Dean said to
"And you better treat her right." Dingane said.
Finally he sees the light!
"Im still shocked! She didnt cry!!!" Thapelo said.
"Lets get to work guys!" I said. MaZulu wam
First of all i dont know this scary man standing in front of me.
He is hella scaryy with his annoying hoarse voice. "You are
annoying as hell!" he said after he slapped me.AGAIN.
"What you gonna do? I've told a 100 times, I dont know who
this Axe guy is." i said.
"Stop lying. Dont tell me you dont know Caeser, Thunder, Black
Panther, Kray and Axe.
Me: "You are busy talking about
diamonds and this Axe and the Raw group. I have no idea who
Axe, Caeser and the rest of them are. Theres also a Black
Panther! The only black Panther i know is from a movie! I dont
know about the diamonds and the Raw shit!" i shouted.
Him: "So your boyfriend didn't tell you about his other life." he
said. "I will tell you." he took a chair and sat in front of me.
"Your boyfriend is a hard core, heartless and dangerous
gangster. Him and his "friends" are the members of the Raw.
They kill people. Torture them. They deal with human trafficking
and cars and diamonds and all this hectic stuff. Not forgetting
drugs! Axe is your boyfriend.
Me: "Unamanga." i said after chuckling. Him: "Im not lying to
you. The reason why you are here is to motivate Axe to give me
back my stuff." he said. "He stole my diamonds, my soldiers and
not forgetting my girls." WTF is he talking about.
Me: "Girls? Soldiers?" i asked.
Him: "By soldiers i mean my hitmen. And by girls i mean my
prostitutes, sex slaves." then he laughed.
Me: "You are a useless excuse of a human being! You disgust
me!" i was angry!
No no! Don't tell me Ntsika also does these things.!! I was
getting emotional. Him: "Why are you crying?" he had this
smirk on his face. I kept quiet. "Im talking to you. " i still kept
quiet."Answer me!" he was getting angry.
Me: "You are crazy!" i shouted. He punched me.
Him: "Dont call me crazy!!" he kept on beating me up. Ntsika
Where are you.?
Im losing my mind! It's been a week since Abdul took my
Queen. I've contacted Ghost, the man that trained me and guys
before we got in the game,
but he has left the game. He is also Dinganes uncle.Ayanda
called Zes' mom, so me and the guys decided to tell her what
happened to her daughter.
Z. Mom: "Where is my baby girl?" she said after sipping her tea.
We were at my house, in the lounge.
Dingane: "" he tried explaining.
Z. Mom: "Dont ma me! I want to know what happened to my
child!" she said with a commanding voice.
Khulekani: " Mama ka see..we have enemies and our
enemies always use our weaknesses to get to us. Now..."he
tried explaining but Zes mother cut him off.
Z. Mom: "My daughter is whose weakness?" she asked.
Me: "Mine ma." i said.
Her: "You are dating my daughter?" i nodded.
Her: "Why isn't that motherfucker dead yet? Or were you
waiting for me? Should i kill him myself?" she said.
Thapelo: "He has covered his tracks really good, so it aint easy."
Z. Mom: "But you are sitting here staring at me like im some
naked prostitute. "we
chuckled. Zes ufuze umamakhe. Dingane: "Now i know where
she gets her feistiness from"
Then Ghost walked in...Ms Dlamini was shocked like she saw a
Ghost: "Nobuhle.."
Z. Mom: "Mandlenkosi.."
Me: " know each other??" Z. Mom: "Ufunani la?" she
asked angrily!. Dingane: "He is my uncle, Ma."
Thapelo: "And he is working with us in finding Zes."
Z. Mom: "I dont want him near my daughter." Okay what is
going on here!!!!!!
Ghost: "Nobuhle you have a daughter?" Z. Mom: "Ungenaphi
lapho?" ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Ghost: "How old is she?"
Z. Mom: "Old enough to have a baby." shes throwing
Ghost: "Nobuhle!"
Z. Mom: "Boys, my daughter is somewhere, probably being
harmed, can we stop with this chit chat and try finding her??"
we all stood and went to my study.
Thapelo: "I found where Abdul is...i reckon thats where Zes is."
Z. Mom: "Get your guys sihambeni." she said then she took out
a gun from her handbag.
Us: "You have a gun?" we all asked. Z. Mom: "What? You guys
dont know anything about me boys." she said. Bathong!!
Ghost: "You are staying behind, Nobuhle."
Something is going on between the two. Z. Mom: "Ungazo
bheda wena?" Her: "Can someone drive me to the mall....I
wanna buy clothes to change." She said.
"I'll drive you, ma." I offered.
"Asambe mkhwenyana. " she said.
I drove her to the mall. She bought black leather tight pants, a
turtle neck jersey and black sneakers. Thats where Zes got her
"Stop staring at me and drive." Who is this woman!!!!
I drove to the warehouse where everyone was. With our
hitmen. I changed into a hoodie written Raw. "Boys, you kill
everyone who is against us. But, dont kill Abdul. I'll deal with
him myself. Understood?" i commanded. "Sho boss."
We all took our weapons, AK-47 and grenades! MaDlamini also
took a AK-47! This woman!
We got in our cars then we left.
We first sent one of our men to go check if we're at the right
place. We heard gunshots then he whistled, indicating that we
are at the right place. Then we started shooting the
bodygurards. Some of our men got hurt. I got a call from Abdul.
Him: You have my diamonds? Me: Ungazo hlanya wena.
Him: Then you will not get your sexy pretty girlfriend back.
Me: Are you sure about that?
Him:Axe, its a give and take situation. Me: Give me my woman.
Him: No.
Mxm. I hung up.
"Go inside. I'll back you up." Dingane said. I nodded.
"Im coming with you." MaDlamini said. I know better than to
argue with this woman.
We sneaked inside this house, shot a couple of people.
"Walk inside. I'll take care of the guards. Dingane will help me."
i nodded.
I kicked the door open the walked through the passage. I finally
opened the door where they were keeping my woman, i shoot
the people with her then ran to her. Abdul was nowhere to be
"Wami..Are you okay." i asked as i untied her. She just looked at
me with eyes half closed.
"Leave her." someone said behind me. Ohh Abdul.
"What did you do to her?" i asked as i laid a punch.
"You girlfriend tried acting like a hero so i dealt with her." I
quickly shot him then i turned to Zes. Her eyes were almost
"Wami! Dont close your eyes sthandwa sam. Nhliziyo yam dont
do this!! Stay with me mamazi..i beg you!" I picked her up bridal
style then ran out with her. "Deal with Abdul. He is inside."
Dean nodded.
I got in my car then rushed her to the hospital.
"Somebody help!! My wife is dying!!" i shouted, running in the
corridors with Zes in my arms.
Some doctors rushed to me. They took her and placed her on
the stretcher then rushed her in the emergency room. "Sir, you
cant come in."
I sat at that waiting room, anticipation and anxiety killing me.
My elbows on my lap and my head on my palms. I cant lose
her!! No i cant!
Her mom and Ghost ran into the hospital!!
"How is she?" her mom asked.
"I dont know." I answered. We sat there for 2 hours then the
doctor came. "Whats wrong with her?" i asked as i stood up.
"She is okay, right??" MaDlamini. "She will be okay. But she has
a rib broken and some internal bleeding." the doctor informed.
Me: "Can i see her?" I asked.
Dr: "Only for a few minutes. She is sedated." I nodded the
walked in her ward.
I walked to her, held her hand then kissed her forehead.
Me: "Sthandwa sam. Please wake up." i said then placed my
head on her chest. Me: "I know the doctor said you will be okay
but i cant help but worry. Im scared. I fear that ill lose you
because of this. Im sorry you got caught up in my
other life. I promise to tell you everything when you wake up. I
cant lose you. I dont think my heart will take it. I love you
okay?? I've never loved a girl like i love you. Come back to me,
MaZulu. "I
pecked her lips then left. Her mom also went in.
I drove to The Warehouse, we call it Hell on Earth . The
Warehouse is in a secluded area. I know thats where the guys
are keeping Abdul.
They had Abdul hanging from the ceiling upside down, naked!
Dingane was shirtless, beating him up.
Me: "I guess the party started without me.
Thapelo: "We just couldn't wait."
Abdul was dripping in Blood. Bruised asf.
Me: "We should get the real party started.
Dean: "Its about damn time."
You see, when it comes to torturing people, the guys and i dont
mess around. Some think we are psychopaths. Imagine.
Dean always has a cigar in his mouth everytime he tortues
someone. He loves smoke so most of the time, he burns a
person alive. He is afraid of blood. They call him Caeser.
Dingane loves boxing, hence he was the one beating him up. He
doesn't use weapons when murdering a person, he kills with his
own bare hands. - Python. I dont know how he got that
Thapelo cuts you open while you're still alive.
He also feeds you your intestines. Not forgetting he sings when
committing a murder.
- Kray.
Khulekani uses electricity. Electric shocks, grinders and all that. -
They call me Axe so I use only the axe.
Me: "Well well well.......Abdul.
Abdul: "Fuck You Axe! "
Me: "You are in no position to insult me old man.
Khulekani: "Let me just untie him."
He used the saw to cut the rope. Abdul dropped from the
ceiling to the ground on his head. Ouch.
Thapelo: "Ouch!"
Dingane: "You are cruel man." Khulekani: "It is what it is.
We laughed.
Khulekani: "Im gonna go first. Me: "The floor is yours.
He tied Abdul to a metal chair. Put his feet in a bucket of water,
connected the electricity then the magic happened. He shook
and shivered like hell.
Khulekani: "How you like that, Abdul. It feels good right. Im sure
you got an orgasm.
We laughed!!!!! Khulekani is so stupid.
He kept on electrifying Abdul repeatedly.
Thapelo: "Khulekani bro!!! ' Khulekani: "Mxaaa okay. I'll stop.
He stood up and walked away from Abdul, who was sweating
and he had snots on his face.
Dean: "Its my turn."
He lights his cigar.
Thapelo: "Dont kill him yet." Dean: "Khululeka."
He pushed his cigar inside Abduls eye.
Abdul: "Aaaaaahhh. "
Dean: "Uyarasa.
Dean: "Actually, come do your thing Thapelo."
Me: "Wait.... I just want to do one thing."
I took my favourite axe, and cut his whole arm off. Shit he
screamed like a bitch.
Me: "Thats for my woman."
Thapelo: "Hai niyang'fohla. "
Me: "Uzoqina."
Thapelo to a butcher knife and cut him open, took out his
Thapelo: "Amagugu walelizwe ayosala emathuneni.
Ngiyolala ngingedwa ethuneni lami.
He kept on singing with his hoarse voice.
Dingane: "Yoh! Our windows Jesus." Thapelo: "Voetsek.
Khulekani: "What windows are you talking about?"
Dingane: "You dont get the joke bafo. Slow man. You are slow.
Dean: "I got the joke.'
Me: "Me too.
Dean: "Just that it was not funny."
Dingane: "Oohhh Caesar you do me like that.
Me: "Try those jokes on Abdul. Maybe he will enter hell with a
smile. "
We laughed.
Thapelo: "In other words Axe is saying your jokes are for the
dead. "
We laughed.
Dingane: "No guys continue. Continue teasing me.
Khulekani: "Wena just sit there and listen, like your uncle,
Dingane: "This motherfucker aint my uncle. "
Me: "In other words he is saying Ghost looks like Abdul. "
Khulekani: "No I didnt say that."
Thapelo: "Im done. I even sang 5 other songs.
Dean went out and came back 2 minutes later with a bucket full
off some liquid thing.
He poured it over Abduls body. Shit!!!!!!!
Thapelo: "Is that acid!!!!!"
Dingane: "Where the fuck did you get this acid from!!!! "
Dean: "Your uncle Abduls house."
Dingane: "Caesar! Even you."
A day after Zes was admitted at hospital, she woke up so I've
been living at the hospital. Today im fetching her. Her mom
went back to KZN. Ghost has gone AWOL on us.
Me: "MaZulu. " i said as i walked in her room with a Puma
plastic bag. I bought her a tracksuit and a beanie, and socks and
some flops.
Her: "Baby." she said with a smile. I kissed her.
Her: "Dont kiss me! I havent brushed my
Me: "I dont care. Thatha. Hambo geza." i gave her her stuff she
slowly walked to the bathroom..Minutes later she came back.
Me: "Asambe."
Her: "Why are you in a rush!?" she asked. Me: "I missed you
njena." i answered. Her: "You saw me yesterday."
Me: "That was yesterday, this is today." she rolled her eyes, i
gave her a death stare.
Her: "Sorry" then she giggled.
We walked to my car then we got in.
Me: "How are you feeling?" i asked as i placed my hand on her
Her: "I'll be good. Im just tired." she said as she closed her eyes.
"Feeling any pains?"
"I am but its not that hectic." i nodded. "Im glad you're okay."
she smiled.
"What was going on, Ntsika? He told me that you...." i cut her
"I'll tell you everything when we get home. Okay?" she nodded.
Her: "So you dont do human trafficking?" she asked
immediately after I've told her
Me: "No. I dont. I only deal with drugs and diamonds and cars."
she nodded. "So you're not mad?"
Her: "Why should i?" she asked.
Me: "I dont know." she chuckled then walked towards me. She
pulled me up then wrapped her arms around my waist. Dating a
short chick is ncaaa guys. Her: "I love you." she said, looking
deeply into my eyes.
Me: "Me too." she raised her eyebrow. I chuckled.
Me: "I love you too, MaZulu." she smiled. Her: "Anyway, I dont
have the right to be mad at you. You were a gangster before me
and you will be one while with me. Besides, i accept you the
way you are. Its scary yes, and i find it hard to believe, but i do
accept it. But if you were involved in human trafficking i
would've left you. Plus I love you as you are. Im just scared that
maybe what happened to me will happen again and that you
will get killed and i will lose you. " she said. Where was she all
my life!!
Me: "You will not lose me, MaZulu. And what happened, will
never happen again. I promise. " she nodded. "Thank you for
accepting this. I know its not
Her: "It's not."
Me: "You are the best thing thing thats ever happened to me" I
said with my lips against hers. She deepened the kiss, the
wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around her
waist. Me: "Let make you something to eat." she nodded then
limped upstairs. I thank God for this woman.
It’s really hard to believe that Ntsika is a gangster and he is
some leader of the biggest gang in Africa: RAW! Kodwa..the
heart wants what it wants hle. My body is painful as hell im im
still limping! I got into the bed then slept.
Him: "MaZulu...Sthandwa..Mami.." I felt kisses on my
neck."Wake up."
Me: "Ha.a Ntsika."
Him: "Vuka." he turned me around to face him."Woza uzodla." i
closed my eyes. "No. Wake up!"
Him: "Yoh Ntsika." he pulled my legs. I giggled." Okay im up."
We walked to the lounge. He prepared spaghetti and
Me: "You made this?"
Him: "Yes. I can cook, MaZulu." Me: "Let us pray." we prayed
then started eating.
Me: "So its your birthday in 2 days." Him: "Ya."
Me: "You dont seem excited. " i said. Him: "Its just a normal day.
" haibo!!! Me: "Boooyyyy you got issues." i said. " This is good!"
Then there was a knock. Ntsika went to open.
"Where is Zes!" I know that voice. Sihle: "Bitch!!" She said as
they walked in the lounge.
Ntsika: "Dont call my woman that!" Ntsika warned.
Vanessa: "How are you?" she asked as she sat next to me. She
has always been the matured one.
Me: "Im good."
Vanessa: "Are you sure?" i nodded. Sihle:"Let me get some
snacks." She said as she walked to the kitchen.
Azania: "Mo'girl, we missed you hey." Me: "I missed you guys
We all hugged.
Ntsika: "Let me go to Thapelo's house." he came to me.
Him: "You will be okay?" i nodded and bit my bottom lip,
unintentionally! "Things you do, MaZulu. " i giggled. "I love
Me: "I love you too." he kissed my forehead then my lips. "I will
see you later."
Mpho: "Hamba Ntsika!! Hamba!" Mpho pushed him out. We all
laughed. Ntsika: "Take care of my woman. Sihle: "Khululeka. "
she said as she came back with the snacks.
Vanessa: "MaZulu?? Huh??"
Me: "He has been calling me that, even before we dated. " i
Sihle: "Look at how she's blushing!!!!!" Ayanda: "Move. I wanna
sit next to her." Ayanda said to Azania, who was also sitting next
to me.
Azania: "Mara.." Azania complained. Ayanda: "Suka. She was
mine first." we laughed. Azania moved, and Ayanda sat down.
Ayanda: "You people want to steal her from me." She said as
she placed my head on her chest.
Mpho: "Hayi suka!!!" Mpho exclaimed.
"Sister in law..your brother was telling me you were on fire
when the man who kidnapped video called the guys.
Apparently you were insulting him left right and centre." Sihle
"Serious??" Ayanda.
"Im telling you." Sihle.
"Nahhh...I was angry because i was kidnapped for something i
knew nothing about." i explained.
"Better you than me. I would be crying my eyes out." Azania
said. We laughed. I had fun with the girls. Ntsika kept on
sending me stupid messages which led to the girls taking my
phone. Mxxm.
I was busy reading a bible in my house when i heard a loud
knock. I went to open, its Mandlenkosi.
"Ufunani?" I asked.
"Can i come in?"
I moved so he could enter. We both walked to the lounge.
"How may i help you??" I asked irritatedly.
"Is Zesuliwe my daughter?" he asked. "Why do you ask?"
"If i remember correctly, we broke up 21 years ago. Perhaps,
when i left you were
already pregnant." he explained. "You think?"
"So she is my daughter?" "Kusho ban?" i asked.
"Please stop. Im trying here." he said. "Trying what?" he sighed.
"You left me, remember ?! Pregnant and alone." i said. "I didnt
know were pregnant, Nobuhle." he said with his voice breaking.
"What difference does it make?" i asked as i stood up.
"I fucked up, i know. And im sorry." he said as he also stood.
"You should've told me.
"Don't you think i tried. You promised to come back, Mandla.
But you never did. You never did!" i was getting emotional. "I
waited for you. I was so eager to tell you that we're having a
baby. A baby you always wanted, but then you never came
back." i wiped my tears.
"Im sorry." he apologized.
"I dont want your stupid sorries, Ngema."
"I wanted to come back. Believe me. But, i was moved to Cuba.
I lost contact with everyone here in South Africa. I really did
want to come back." he said.
"Then why didnt you?" i asked as i sat down.
"I...I got married. "Oohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! "So i was the fool." i
chuckled coldly. "No. Please understand." he said coming closer
to me.
"Dont come near me." he stopped. "Please leave."
"Buhle.." he said softly.
"Leave." he didnt move. "I will introduce you to your daughter
anytime you want, but i dont wanna talk about whatever that's
happened over 20 years ago. It is the past. Im over it. Now
leave." he put his hands in his pockets then pressed his lips
together. He did that when he was frustrated. I guess habits
never die. Then he walked to the door but halfway stopped.
"I never stopped loving you, Nobuhle." he said.
"We both know you did. Now go." he left. I heavily sighed!! This
man has put me through shit!!!!
Today is baes birthday . I woke up very early to make him some
break fast. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Mageba. Happy birthday to you. " i sang as
soon as he woke up. I pecked his lips. "Happy
birthday my love." he smiled. "Thank you, MaZulu.
"Go brush your teeth uzodla." he got out of bed then walked to
the bathroom. I took out his gifts, a rolex watch, cufflinks and a
pair of Nike Jordan sneakers (green and black). And a picture of
us together.
"Are those mine?" he said as he sat on the bed. I nodded.
"Wow! MaZulu!" i saw his eyes brighten up. "How did you know
my size and who told you i wanted these kicks?" "Im your
girlfriend. I know these things." he pulled me to his lap. Thank
God im wearing pyjama pants.
"Thank you my love." i smiled. "You know i dont really celebrate
my birthday." "Why?"
"My dad died on my birthday." " sorry." Thats so sad.
"Its okay. "He grabbed my ass."I love you so much, Nobuhle. "
"How did you know that my second
name is Nobuhle?" i asked.
'Im your boyfriend. I know these things." "Using my words
against me now." i
"How old are you again?" i asked. "Im 30." 9 years age gap!
"You are already 30." "Im old neh?" he asked.
"Yes, mkhulu." i laughed. He tickled me. "Uban umkhulu?" i
giggled then we
"Im sorry ke." Then Dingane called him, probably wishing him a
happy birthday. I got of his lap then pulled him of the bed.
I made the bed the cleaned up the room, then went to clean
downstairs. Mam'Sbongile is not here today, she doesn't work
over the weekends anymore. Yes anymore. I managed to
convince babe that he should give her weekends off. He came
down after a few minutes with an empty plate. Oh he had
breakfast upstairs. I also ate then washed the dishes.
"Muntu wam, the guys are hosting a dinner party today for me
at Dinganes house. Do you want us to go?" he asked. "We can
go, i dont mind. What time?" "Around 5pm." i nodded.
5pm im still getting ready. I wore a blue body hugging dress and
black high heels. Tied my weave, yes weave, in a messy bun,
minimum make up. Bae
wore jeans, his new kicks and a green shirt. Left the two top
buttons untied! He looked gooooodddd!
" can walk on those?" he asked. I nodded.
"Asambe." we got in his Ferrari then he drove off.
"Birthday boyy!!!" Khulekani shouted as weta walked in.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday
dear Ntsika. Happy birthday to you sang. I laughed at him.
"Come." Vanessa said.
We walked to the garden. There was a long table with chairs.
There were people standing there, looking like waiters.
"This is beautiful." i said.
We all settled down. Everyone next to their partner. Tlholos
fiancee is here, Xolani and Azanias boyfriend is here, Bradley.
"Can you bring the drinks please. I already told you who drinks
what." Dingane told the waiters.
They nodded then walked inside. "Usukhulile bafo. 30 years
old!!!" Dean said. Oh he also speaks vernac.
"Awukahle wena. You are also 30 years old mos." Ntsika said.
They served us drinks, I got a virgin cocktail, obviously!
"Lets do a toast. To our boy Ntsika." Dingane said.
"To Ntsika."
"Speech!!!!" Ntsika stood up.
"I dont have much to say but im really grateful guys. Not only
for this but for being there for me through the years since high
school. Thank you so much. Even when my dad passed, you
were there. To the ladies, thank you for your presence. I know
sometimes we as the guys tend to get out of the way. Thank
you for accepting our other life and not making us feel bad
about. (he looked at me) Mazulu, ngiyak'thanda uyezwa(i
nodded) and thank you for not making a big deal out of my
gangster life and im sorry that you got caught up in it." he said.
"Its okay." I whispered.
"To more years!" we toasted, AGAIN. "I also have something to
say." Khulekani said. "Vanessa and I are getting married next
"What!!" Vanessa ahouted. "I didnt know that."
"Basically you are already my wife, i just wanna give you the
wedding you've always wanted.
Vanessa pouted.
"You are not romanttic. At all." she said. "Thats how you
proposed." Khulekani laughed.
"Im sorry ke. " they kissed. The girls ululated.
We were served food.
"Sis'wam, is your mother a gangster?" Dingane asked me. I
"No. Why?" i asked.
"You should've seen how she was when we told her you were
"How was she?" i asked.
"Why does she own a gun?" Khulekani asked.
"She still...she still has that gun? Oh my word!" i laughed.
"Well...i didnt think ill tell you guys this but mom and i used to
steal cars." i said.
"What!!!" they all asked at once.
"So my mom told me when i was 15 that her and my dad use to
steal cars. dad taught her. They did it for fun though.
When i turned 16, my mom started drowning in debts, i dont
know how so she trained me how to steal cars, all the tricks and
all. We stole cars then
sold them. But when i was 18, we stopped."
"What kind of cars?" Thapelo asked. "None hectic. BMWs and
Jeeps and Range rovers, such things." i explained. "When last
did you steal a car?" Babe asked.
"Last year December." i answered. then took a sip of my drink.1
"Mama wanted to see if i can still do it. And she wanted cash."
"Yoh! Wena!!" Mpho said.
"Have you used a gun?" Dingane asked. "Yes. But i have never
used it on some1.' "No wonder you're Like this." Dingane. "Like
what?" i asked.
"Like this." MXM!!!
We had fun for the rest of the night. The girls and i went to sit
Azania: "So girl, have you gave it up?" Me: "What do you
mean?" i asked. Azania: "You know what I mean." Me:
" we haven't got to that stage." i said."And im a virgin.
" they screamed.
Vanessa: "Get out!" Vanessa. Me: "Im serious."
Vanessa: "Girl you are for keeps."
Later my man and i went home.
Me: "Im not moving in with you, Ntsika." I said then pushed the
Ntsika: "But you're at my place most of the time." he said.
We're doing grocery shopping. Im wearing a dungeree dress
and a yellow champion tshirt and puma flops. He is wearing
denim shorts and a plain yellow tshirts and balenciaga flops.
"Broccoli?" i asked him. He didnt say anything.
"Ntsika?" he still kept quiet. "Are you sulking?" he put his hands
in his
pockets. "Mxm." I continued pushing the trolley. He followed
"Then why are you doing grocery shopping for a house you dont
live in?" he asked. Ohhh...
"Oh..okay. Sala neGrocery yakho." i turned to leave but he
grabbed my waist.
"Ngyadlala." he pecked my lips.
"Stop it. People are watching." i said as i pushed him of me.
"I dont care." He hugged me from behind.
"Ey Ntsika marn." i pushed him off. Then
walked away. He silently walked next to me as i continued doing
all the work, as usual. Then we went to pay, that lady who was
helping us kept on eyeing Ntsika and he looked like he just saw
a ghost.
"Khanyisile." he whispered. The girl had tears in her eyes.
"Please dont talk to me." she wiped here tears.
"Please." i packed our things then walked away, leaving the love
birds. Packed the things in then went into the drivers side. He
came then got into the passenger seat and said nothing. "Are
you going to tell me what's going on between you and that
"I dont wanna talk about it." he said. "Ntsika..."
"Oh im sorry." i drove in silence.
"Im sorry." he said as i was packing the groceries. "Are you
going to tell me what's going on?" he kept quiet. "Okay."
I packed the groceries then made a scrumptious sandwich for
myself with a glass of apple juice. After eating i went
to the spare room and studied for a test tomorrow.
Khanyisile. I havent seen her in years. She is an ex. I didn't treat
her well at all when i was dating her. I physically abused her. I
just dont want to talk about it because it reminds me of the
monster i was. I cant tell Zes because she will fear me and i dont
want that.
Im in my study working on some stuff and Zes is in the spare
room. I know she thinks i dont trust her but i just cant tell her. I
want to but i cant. She didnt even prepare lunch for the both of
Hours later i went downstairs and found her making dinner..she
was singing Jhene Aiko:Speak. I stood there and watched her
with a smile on my face. Then she turned.
MaZulu: "Shit you scared me." her glasses make her look so
cute. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks. Me: "I
dont like it when things are like this between us." i walked to
her. "Sthandwa sam please understand that i have a past. Past
that im not proud of. I
dont want to talk about Khanyisile. Please." she nodded. "Thank
you. We've been dating for a month sthandwa sam, we should
be in our honeymoon phase. she smiled.
"I love you okay." then i pecked her lips three times, she
"I love you too." she gave me a baby kiss then turned to
continue with her
cooking. I bit my bottom lip then went to watch soccer. She
finished cooking then went upstairs. She came back with a small
"Uyaphi?" i asked.
"Kanti ngihlalaphi?" she walked to me. "MaZulu dont leave." i
stood up and pulled her to me by the waist.
"No. I miss my room and my friend. I will see you tomorrow
afternoon. " she said then kissed me. I deepen the kiss, she
"Bye!!" she grabbed my Ferrari car keys then ran out.
"Not that car Mazulu!!!" i shouted as i ran after her. " Take the
Maserati not that one."
She got inside the car then reversed. "Mi casa su casa Mageba. I
love you." she put on her shades then drove off.
This woman!!!!!
Futhi my car is not a castle!!!!!!!!
I drove to my place. There was no-one. I revised for tomorrows
test, had supper then slept.
"So how was the test?" Monica( classmate) asked me.
"It was cool. Not really that hard." "People with brains." We
laughed. "Babes, theres my boyfriend. Bye." we hugged.
I went to Pick n Pay, hoping to bump into Khanyisile. I want to
know what is going on.
"Khanyisile. "I whispered as i sat infront of her. I think she was
at lunch.
"What do you want? Did he send you here?"
"No one sent me. I just wanted to talk to you."
"About?" she asked.
"About what happened between you and him. I just want to
know. Please." i pleaded.
"I dont want to talk about it. Im sorry." "I promise to never
bother you again.
Just tell me." she sighed. "Im still at work." she said.
"I will wait for you." she sighed again. "Come to my house on
Saturday because im busy on weekdays." i nodded. We
exchanged numbers then i left.
I wonder. The lawyer in my refuses to let this go.
When i got home, i revised on the notes then called my mom
and sister then had lunch. I received a call from Ntsika.
Him: Wena ophethe okhiye wenhliziyo yam.
Him: I miss you. I laughed
Me: I miss you too baby.
Him: When am i seeing you?
Me: Later.
Him: Come to my workplace.
He sent me the location. I took a shower then wore a below the
knee denim skirts and a bright pink tank top and white
sneakers, tied my hair in two buns. Yohh i look like a high school
I sent him a text when i got to this big building. I guess this is
their company, him and the guys.
I walked in. "Good afternoon mam, how may i help you?" the
polite receptionist greeted.. "Hi..Im here to see Ntsi....uhm Mr
Zulu." "Did you make an appointment?" she asked.
"No but he is expecting me."
"Let me call him." she dialled. "Mr Zulu theres some1 here who
wants to see you should i let her in... Yes sir." then she looked at
"You can go in mam." she smiled. "Wait...put this on." she gave
me a tag written 'Visitor'. "There is a building map behind you,
it will probably help you." i turned, studied the map then took
the lift.
"Iza kwami madoda." he said as i entered his HUGE office. Gawd
it is big!!!. Grey walls, a glass table, black leather office chairs,
brown couch on the side with a small wooden coffee table. An
espresso machine, a small fridge and a cupboard. Black blinds
that were open and another door which i have no idea what it
is for. "Baby." i walked to him. He was wearing a grey suit, black
shoes and a white shirt. The first two buttons were not tied as
usual, with no tie.
"Unjani mkam?" he asks after we kissed. "Ngyaphila Mageba.
Wena?" I sat down infront of him.
"Im good." i nodded.
"You're still working?" he nodded. "But it will wait." He closed
his laptop.
"What is your company's name?" "Khayalami Corporations." he
"Why did you name it that?" he shrugged his shoulders.
"Dean came up with the name." ohhh Dean.
Me: "So who is in charge of what?" Ntsika: "Im the CFO,
Dingane is the founder and CEO. Khulekani deals with the law
side of the company, Thapelo deals with the architectural side
and the HR. Dean deals with the logistic part. Then the
meetings, we all do them. We also train interns, donate 10% of
profit to orphanage homes and old age homes." he explained.
Me: "Thats so cool. You all have qualifications?"
Ntsika: "Yes. Im a doctor, I also have my own practice. Khulekani
is a lawyer, he also has his own law firm. Thapelo did
architecture, he also works for some1 else because he is lazy to
do his own
thing. Dean did civil engineering and logistics, he has a logistic
company but doesnt practice engineering and Dingane is a
Me: "You guys are educated marn!!" he laughed.
Ntsika: "We worked really hard to get where we are now." i
Me: "I can only imagine. Juggling being a doctor and working
here. It must be hard, and also doing whatever you're doing on
the side. Nistrong shem." he chuckled.
Ntsika: "We want you guys to have a comfortable life."
Me: "The girls also have stable jobs. Sihle has her own
boutique, Vanessa has a spa, Mpho is a optometrist. Tlholo
deals with property. And the rest of us (Azania, Ayanda and I)
are still studying. So we could afford comfortable lives for
ourselves. " he chuckled. "You guys are just greedy."
Ntsika: "Money loves us."
We continued talking and laughing and all that.
Im getting ready to go to Khanyisile's place. I wore a denim
dress and and
pink adidas sneakers and a pink cap. I drove Ayandas car.
Khanyisile: "Hi." She said after opening the door.
Me: "Hey." I smiled.
Khanyisile: "Come in." i entered her clean small apartment.
There were toys on the corner. I sat on
the couch.
Me: "I'm Zesuliwe by the way." she smiled.
Khanyisile: "Anything to drink?" she offered.
"Water please." i said. She walked to the kitchen then came
back with two glasses of water.
Me: "Thank you." she sat on the other couch. Btw..she's
wearing leggings and a blue puma sweater and sleepers. Her
afro neatly plaited in cornrows.
Me: "Do you have a child?" i asked. She nodded.
"He is five years old." i nodded.
"What is going on between you and Ntsika?" she sighed heavily.
"Im not dating him, if thats what you're asking. He is an old ex."
"Tell me more." she first kept quiet for a few seconds.
"Ntsika and I met back in varsity. I was doing my first year and
he was doing his third. We dated, everything was perfect on the
first year. He was perfect. Every girl wanted to be with him.
Then suddenly on our second year of dating, he changed. He
became a monster. He first started with telling me what to and
what not to wear, stupidly i thought it was because he was
being territorial. Then he told me to stop hanging around boys, I
ended my friendship with my male friends, again i thought
there was nothing wrong with that (takes a deep breath). We
decided to move in together in his flat. It started with a slap,
then a punch. He obviously apologized everytime, promising
not to do it again. Sometimes he forced himself on me. I tried
breaking up with him, but he wouldn't let me go. I was naive
and gullible.(sniff) He bought me gifts and took me to expensive
holidays, I dont even know where he got the money. You know,
like other women in abusive relationships, i blamed myself. Like
maybe hadn't I did this or that he wouldn't have done it. I
eventually ran out of excuses but still. You see this scar?"
She showed me a scar on her lower abdomen, it looks like she
was cut deep. "He stabbed me. That time i tried running away
but he found me and tried killing me and promised to kill
himself as well. Immediately after he did it, he rushed me to
hospital. The doctor told me i had lost my baby. He killed my
child, Zesuliwe. I remember hearing him cry besides my hospital
bed, whilst i cried silently.
For a month, he didnt do anything to me then one afternoon, i
was coming from the library he accused me of cheating. I tried
explaining to him but he just wouldn't listed. He burnt me with
his cigarette. On the side of my neck.
She tilts her heard and i saw the bruise. OMG!! I felt tears
wetting my cheeks. I used my hands to wipe them. "Why didnt
you go to the police?" I whispered.
"I did. Multiple times but his friends always cleaned up for him.
Its either the docket gets missing, or they bribe the police or he
gets a bail. And when he comes back, kuyanyiwa. I had 3
miscarriages because of him. Three!! When i found out i was
caring my fourth child, I told myself its enough. I drugged
him then I ran away and never looked back. He destroyed my
life, Zesuliwe. He destroyed me!!! I've never been with a man in
5 years because of him. I hate him and his friends. I remember
Dingane told me to never leave him ngoba uyang'thanda. He
told me that I should persevere. He never loved me!!! I hate
him so much! I dropped out of school and went back home in
Nelspruit. My dad disowned me. I had to fend for myself! The
only person i was left with deserted me. I had no one else
besides my dad but he still disowned me. When i was 7
months pregnant, the doctors told me my baby wont make it
but he did. He is the only reason why i havent taken my life,
because had he died like the rest of my kids, i would've followed
him. Believe me."
"Im so sorry." I wiped my tears but a sob escaped my mouth. "I
didnt know he was a monster." She came to sit next to me. "Im
so sorry Khanyi. I really am." "Shhh..its not your fault." she tried
comforting me.
"No one should go through what you went through. What if he
hasn't changed? What if...Oh my god!!!" | continued crying for
another 2 minutes then i came down.
"Im okay now. I've healed. "
"No you haven't. "I looked at her. Please go see a therapist or
someone, please." she shook her head.
"Im fine."
"Mama." we both looked at him. Ntsikas duplicate. His clone.
Oh my God, he looks just like Ntsika!
"Is that..." she nodded.
"Come baby." the boy came and sat on his mama's lap. "This is
aunty Zes. Say hi."
"Hi aunty." he greeted. Wow!!
"Zes, this is my son, Manqoba." Khanyi said.
"You are so cute." he smiled.
I stayed at Khanyis for a couple of hours then i left. I went to my
place, not Ntsikas. I cant stand him. Im actually terrified of
Its been 3 days since i last saw my woman. She has been distant
and she says she doesn't want me to visit her. Apparently,
"distance makes our love grow stronger" she says. But today, im
going to her. She has to tell me what the f**k is wrong with her.
I went to her straight after working with my white lab coat.
"What are you doing here?" she asked when she saw me.
"We need to talk, MaZulu?" I said as i went in.
"About?"She fixed her glasses and folded her arms.
"You have been ignoring me." she looked away. "MaZulu?" she
looked at me. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Do you want anything to drink?" she tried walking
past me but i held her hand. She flinched. She froze. "Zesuliwe."
she moved away from me. "Mami?" tears streamed down her
face. "What is going on, MaZulu?" she took of her glasses.
"Please leave." haibo. "I also think we should break up.
"No." Why is she breaking up with me?? "Ntsika please. This.
Us. Its not working Ntsika.
"Why? Did i do something? If this is about Khanyisile, then im
willing to tell you everything. Just dont leave me. Please." she
went to open the door.
"Hamba Ntsika. " i could feel tears burning in my eyes.
"Hamba." "MaZulu I love you, okay! I've never loved someone
the way i love you, not even my own mother! I dont know what
i did wrong for you to do this to me! Whatever it is im sorry.
Please give me a fighting chance, i beg you." She shook her
"Kuphelile Ntsika." I walked towards her. "I love you. And Im not
going to let you go. Not like this. " then i walked out. I got in my
car, and i cried.
I drove to Dinganes place.
"Dude, what's up. Come in." i went in and sat on the bar stools
in the kitchen. "She broke up with me."
"Who? Zes?" he asked. I nodded. "Why?" "I have no idea. What
buffles me is that she is scared of me."
"She is scared of you?" he asked.
"Ya. I mean when i touched her she froze. She doesnt want me
near her. I dont know what to do."
I know you guys hate me for breaking up with him but i cant be
in a relationship with someone im scared of. Yes. Im scared of
Ntsika and i couldnt tell him
the reason behind our break up because im scared he could
hurt uKhanyi. I locked then went to my room and cried! I cried
till i had hiccups!!
The next day i woke up at 12.00. Im going to class at 1pm. I
wore sweatpants and pink oversize short sleeve t-shirt and a
cap. Wore my glasses then left.
When i got out of campus, I saw Ntsika. What does he want
now. I didnt go to him thou, i took another route then went
home. After revising on some notes i went on IG. Ntsika tagged
me in his story. Argh!! Then he posted a video of us singing a
Teddy Pendergrass song. Caption: My better half. Mazulu wami
. I love you.' It has over 100K views! Imagine!!! A text from him
read ' Ukuphi?' but i ignored him. Then i heard Ayanda scream
my name from the lounge. I went to her.
"Nontombi. Yintoni ingxaki yakho?" she asked.
"Ukhuluma ngani?" i asked.
"Why did you break up with Ntsika?" Oh gosh! Really!
"Ungenaphi lapho?" i know that was uncalled for but vele....
"Ohhh. Undenza njalo Zesuliwe?. "
"Ayanda, you're my friend and i love you but Ntsika and I are
over. Now can we please not talk about him?" she clapped her
"But.. why?" yoh lamntana!!
"Ayanda marn! Geez i just said i DO NOT want to talk about
this!! Khandehle marn!" i went back to my bedroom the banged
the door. People should stop asking me about Ntsika.
So today im going to Khulekanis place. Vanessa summoned us
there. SUMMONED!! I wore Proxy cargo pants[brownish] and
white sneakers and a white tshirt that had a picture of Tupac on
the front then combed my weave in a neat bun.
"Sorry im late guys." I said as i walked in. "Its okay sweetie. Why
are you wearing like a 14 year old high school chick?" Vanessa
"Im a skrr skrr!" then we all laughed. "Im joking"
"Why didnt you tell you you broke up with Him?" i took a deep
"I hate talking about this. "i whispered. "You should've atleast
told us." Mpho
"I knew you guys would bombard me with questions or try
convincing me otherwise. " i said. "No further questions please.
We continued conversating and talking about Vanessa's
wedding. Well i drank alcohol but not too much.
The next day i went to visit Khanyi. I played with baby
Manqoba. Khanyi adviced me to talk to Ntsika and hear his side
of the story. She also said i shouldn't have broken ties with him
without talking to him. She said she knows i love him and he
loves me too so we should work things out.
Monday after school i went to his place. The house was dark
and there was smoke everywhere. It smelled of brewery. Argh
sies. I opened the windows then walked upstairs heading to the
main bedroom.
"Ntsika. "I whispered. There he was,
lying on the bed. I went open the
curtains and the windows. I saw a used
condom on the floor..eew.
"Ntsika. Wake up." I shook him. He
slowing opened his eyes.
"MaZulu. "I shook him again.
"Wake up. Go brush your teeth and take a shower. You stink. " i
pulled him up then he slowly walked to the bathroom. I didnt
make his bed, vele. Then i went downstairs to clean up and
make lunch. I settled for beef lasagne and sides. He came back.
We sat at the dining room area. I dished up for the both of us
then we ate in silence.
"Are you going to tell me what's going?" he asked after some
time of silence. "Promise not to shout." i said softly. "I promise."
i took a sip of my drink then took a deep breath.
"Uhm...the problem isn't Khanyi. Well..a part of it but not all of
it. A few days ago when i was coming back from school, i
bumped into Khanyisile. She was having lunch at Spur so i
decided to join her and have a chat with her. We exchanged
numbers and so forth. Saturday we met up at her crib. I asked
her what was going on between you two and she told me
everything. "I could see his jaws clenched. My eyes were
burning with tears.
"Baby." he whispered.
"Please let me finish." he kept quiet. "She told me disturbing
things. What you did to her. How you treated her like trash
when y'all were dating (sniff). She showed me the bruises and
the scars on her body that you caused, Ntsika. She...she had 3
miscarriages because of you. You killed her children. Your
children. (sniff) Did you know that when she ran away, she was
pregnant? Yaa she was pregnant. Her father disowned her due
to her pregnancy. She dropped out of school. She had to work
because she had to feed herself and her child." i said. Then i
kept quiet. "I broke up with you because im scared of you,
Ntsika. Im scared of what you might do to me. Maybe you will
burn me? Stab me? Sexually moleste me? Beat me up till i lose
my unborn kids? Im scared. Im scared that you will do
something to me and ill try reporting you but your friends will
clean up for you. Im scared of the man you were. A monster. A
man that has destroyed a person's life. A man that has inflicted
pain into a soul. A man that has his children's blood on his
hands. A useless excuse of a man. A stupid excuse of a human
being. Im scared of that Ntsika. I fear that man that was you. I
fear that man that .... a man you might still be. Im sorry." I stood
up then walked out with tears blinding me. He just sat
there, with tears on his cheeks, his hands forming a fist and had
that look in his eyes. I dont know if its anger or what. Before i
left the house, i turned to him. "If anything happens to
Khanyisile, I promise you. I will hate you for the rest of my life.
And by the way, you have a 5 years old son. uManqoba." then i
walked out. I heard him sobbing. I wanted to turn back to
comfort him but i couldnt. He just needs to deal with his
demons. I love him but this..this is hard for me. Accepting his
other job was really easy but this. I do not condone Women
abuse. I despise men who assault women but to think the man
I've fallen inlove with is one of those men...thats a bitter pill to
swallow. A very bitter pill. I went to the Khanyis house and cried
in her arms. I cried because I love him, so so much. I cried for
her. I cried for Manqoba. I cried for the other babies. I cried for
myself. I cried for my mom, my sister, my friends. I cried for
every other woman in an abusive relationship. Women who feel
trapped in relationship they nolonger wanna be in. Women who
have been silenced. I cried for Injustice. I cried for Ntsika. I cried
for him. I cried for WOMEN.
#StopGenderBased Violence #StopWomen Abuse
#StopChildrenAbuse #Womandla
#Enough is Enough
She cried with me. I cried until i fell asleep.
I listened to her as she continued talking. I could feel her anger
towards me. I could sense the fear. The pain. I hated myself
instantly. I regret everything i did to Khanyisile. I regret it so
much. I sobbed. I wanted her to come back. I needed her but
she never even looked back. 'Useless excuse of a man' she said.
'A monster' she said. Yes I am all that she called me. I deserve
the punishment she is giving me. I deserve all of it. I cried until I
couldnt no more. I felt ashamed. Angry. Pain. Sorrow.
Remorse. Pain I inflicted. Fear i instilled. I felt DEAD.
I cried because i could lose Zes. I cannot lose her. It just cant
I tried calling her but she didnt return my calls. I decided to
drink my sorrows
I need to do right by them. I need to.
I woke up in a different unfamiliar strange bedroom then i
remembered I slept at Khanyis. I went to wash my face at the
bathroom then rinsed my mouth. I walked to the kitchen. She
was wearing her uniform and she was feeding his
"Morning." i greeted.
"Hi. How are you?" she asked.
"I have a headache but ill be fine. "i sat down.
"Have some porridge. "I took my bowl then started eating. After
eating i freshen up then we all left. I went to the flat. Today im
not going to school headache is killing me. I drank some
painkillers then i slept. I was awaken by a call. Her: Yewena
Her: Awusang'thandi neh?
Me: Haibo ma.
Her: Whats wrong? You sound different. Me:I got a headache.
Her: Aww. Ncese.
Me: Mmmh
Her: So my child, are you free anytime
this week?
Me: Yes ma. On Wednesday.
Her: Thats in two days angithi.
Me: Yebo ma.
Her: I want you to meet some 1. I'll come to you ke. Uhlala
Me: Mama i told you ngihlala in an apartment with Ayanda.
Her: Okay. Send the location. Im flying down tomorrow.
Me: Okay ma. Can i sleep now?
Her: Sleep. And stop crying!
Then she hung up. I went back to lala land.
Then i woke up in the afternoon. Cleaned around the flat then
called Phume.
Her: Mntaka ma.
Me: Sis'wam. Use'wang lahla wena. Her: Ngimulahla njan usisi
wami owodwa vho!
Me: Unjani
Her: Ngyaphila. Ibhabhalazi njer. Me: Yohhhh. Wena.
Her: Ngyeke tuu!!.
Me: Anyway im calling to tell you ukuthi mama is flying down
Her: What!!! Why?
Me: She said she wants me to meet some1.
Her: She wants you to meet her boyfriend
We both laughed.
Me: Aw'kahle wena. Her: Bye ke. Me: Bye.
I cleaned the whole flat phela umamamii is allergic to dirt.After
i made lunch then i went to school. After class i drove to the
"Ngane yam. Whose car is this?" she asked as she got in.
"Its Ayandas."
"Is she from a wealthy family?" "Not really."
"Okay. Uphi uSis'wakho?" Heeh only if you knew.
"In class. She promised to come by maseka cedile.
"Okay. I hope niziphethe kahle nina.
Why didnt you tell me you're dating that Ntsika boy.
"We broke up." I said.
"Eyy ma. Story for another day. "I drove to my place. Mama was
going to share my room with me.
"This is a beautiful place. Did your friend
buy it or you guys are renting?" she asked.
"She bought it.'
"Yoh! So you are living here for free?" | nodded.
"Let make us some coffee. " she went to the lounge whilst i
prepared some coffee.
"So what happened between you Ntsika?" she asks as i give her
her cup of
"Eyy ma."
"He cheated? Did he hit you? What happened?" i sighed.
"He did things in his past that made me fear him. Like...he has
done things to hurt somebody.
"What did he do?" she asked.
"He physically and sexually abused her. You should've seen her
scars, ma. Im scared of him, mama."
"No you're not."
"Mama, I am. What if he hasn't changed? What if he will do to
me what he did to her?"
"You love him?" I kept quiet. "Nobuhle?" I looked at her. "Do
you love him?" i nodded.
"I do. I love him alot. " she nodded. "I
miss him, mama." Ohh Tears!!!!! "Im sorry baby. " she hugged
me. "I think he loves you too."
"She knows. She knows what i did to Khanyisile. She knows
everything." i said before gulping down my whiskey. "Who told
her?" Dingane said. "Khanyisile."
"Im sure she hates us." Khulekani. "Is that why she broke up
with you?" Thapelo.
"Yes. She said she is scared of me. She is scared that i might
hurt her. Im not that man anymore. I've changed. I just
wish....Oh God." i roughly brushed my face.
"She will never trust us ever again. Dean
"What if she told the other girls?" Thapelo.
"If she did, we would know." Dingane. "And I was starting to
build a brother- sister relationship with her."
"What is it with your obsession with her?" Dean.
"Im not obsessed. I just feel like we are related in some way.
There is this connection man. " Dingane.
"I hope you're not in love with her. "I said.
"Chill bro. Sihle does it for me. " Dingane. "So we made truce
with Denzil (gangster from Nigeria) and he says we are welcome
in his territory. " Thapelo. "What does that mean?" i asked. "It
means we can use his territory for whatever." Thapelo.
"Angazo hlanya lo. We've been working in Nigeria. We never
needed his permission. Uyas'dakela njer lo. " I said.
Today im meeting my father cabanga. "Nobuhle did you set the
table?" mom asked.
"Yes mom! " I got ready. Wore jeans, a red wool jersey and
sneakers. Wore a hairband..didnt tie my hair.
There was a knock on the door. I went to open the door.
"Good afternoon. "A very good looking old man stood in front
of me. Well i see the resemblance between him and I. "Come
He walked in. He demands respect without saying anything. His
presence is felt. He was wearing a grey Egyptian
suit, black shoes and a white shirt. His hair cut really
almost bald. His greyish beard A tattoo on his neck
written Ghost. Mom came to the kitchen. "Mandlenkosi. " she
"Nobuhle." he said. The atmosphere was getting tense.
"Lets move to the dining room area please." My mom has
already prepared drinks for us. Juice for me, Wine for her and a
glass of whiskey on the rocks for this man.
Okay. Where did she get the whiskey in the first place.
We all settled down.
"Im Zesuliwe by the way. But mama calls me, Nobuhle. "I
introduced myself. "You named her after you?" he asked looking
at Mama.
"Yes. Yes I did." Mom answered. "Oh im Mandlenkosi Ngema.
Your father."
i faked a smile.
"So My Father..Where have you been all my life?" i asked as i
took a sip of my drink.
"I(clears throat).....I didnt know you existed." He answered.
I looked at my mom. "Mom?"
"When you were born, your father was long gone, Nobuhle. I
couldnt reach him on the phone. Emails. Nothing. It was like he
disappeared in the face of the Earth. " she explained.
I looked at the Mandlenkosi Ngema guy.
"Why did you leave?"
He took a deep breath.
"I guess i should tell you." "Yea. You should.
"Hai marn Nobuhle. " My mom warned. "Its okay. Buhle
mntanam, I had to leave because i had some training to do.
What the fuck is he talking about!!!!!! Training yaniii!!
I guess he saw the confused look on my face because he started
"You see, my brother, who was three years older than me, had
joined this gangster group then. This happened a long time ago.
This other day, Nkosinathi, my brother asked me...well he told
me that i should also join this gangster group. Well...I've always
wanted to join anyway. But i couldnt just join i had to do some
training to do. Hardcore training. I was trained mentally and
physically. When i came back from training, the leader moved
me to Cuba. I lived in Cuba for a year. I was basically practising
my gangster skills there. I was the best in the game. Thats why i
was given the name, Ghost. My brother was Bullet. When the
leader passed on, a few years later, my brother took over. He
didn't even last because he was also killed. Then i took over.
Then i retired 5 years ago."
So he is a gangster!!!! Am i surrounded
gangsters!!!!!!!!!??????? I hate my life By right now!!
"Didn't you think of my mother?" i asked. "I did. Every single
day. At most times I needed her. She was always the
mastermind at most occasions and she knew what to do when i
was angry. She........ Yes i did think of her. I yearned for her. Even
when i got married I...I still wanted her. " he answered while
staring deeply at my mom.
"You are married? With kids??" He nodded.
"My family is in the US. I married a white woman from abroad,
Eve. I have two children. Kelvin, who is 19 and Kayla, who is 16.
" he said.
His kids are mixed.
"You also live there?" i asked.
"Not really. Most of the time, im here in the mother land."
"When did you get married?" I AM
"15 years ago." he answered. "How old are you??"
My mom shot me a death stare. My father chuckled.
"Im 50 years old."
My mom is 44 years old. Meaning when i was born, my mom
was 23 and HE was 29. He had his second child when he was 31
and his third when he was 34. He got married when he was 35.
Which means he had the kids before he was married. He left
the game when he was 45.
Yoh!!! Ubuya kude!!!!!
"Okay. Did your brother have kids?" he nodded.
"Yes. He has a son. Dingane. I raised
Dingane??? Which Dingane????
"Which Dingane?"
"Im sure you know him, he is your boyfriend's friend."
Ohhhhhhhhh Dingane is my cousin brother. No wonder we had
some connection!!!!!!!
"You two can talk later, dont you want food??"
We laughed!!!!
Mom dished up for us. We ate over small conversations. Well
they were telling me their love story. How they met and all
that!!! You should've seen the way HE looks at my mother. He
kept on throwing compliments to her like, 'She is still beautiful.
Like she was when i met her.' Them my mom blushes like
Mandla is a cool guy shame. Him and I exchanged numbers.
What is left is that he does umsebenzi weMbeleko for me then i
change my surname. After that, everything will be
pashashhhh!!! Him and I will work on a good father- daughter
Today im meeting my half siblings at my fathers house. I wore a
short maroon skirt with plits. And a white one hand top tucked
in. My weave in a messy bun. Maroon lipstick minimum make
up. "Your father is here, Buhle." my mom shouted. I rushed to
the lounge. "Bye mom! " i kissed her then rushed outside.
Mara ubabami uyababa
. I dont blame girls who date men old enough to be their father.
He was wearing jeans, sneakers and a golf tshirt and a cap and
die Shades!!!!!!!!
My mom was walking behind me, I turned to look at her. She
salivating!!!!!!!!! Ya no..
"Hey dad. "I went to hug him. He smells good shem.
"My first princess." he looked at my
"Nobuhle." my mom greeted back. "Ngema." then she looked at
me. "Bye bye. And please behave. If you dont feel comfortable,
come back. Okay?" I
nodded. She kissed my forehead then walked inside.
"Asambe." I got in the car." "Is she always like this? This
affectionate?" he asks. I nod.
"But shes hella strict." he laughed. "She has always been hard."
then he laughs. "Umamakho Nobuhle...ya neh..." then he
"What did she do?"
"I got my first tattoo when we were still dating, I tattooed her
name on my chest. Yoh!! She got so angry. Didn't talk to me for
a week just because Im apparently destroying my body. I was so
confused, Buhle ngoba she was suppose to be happy that i love
her so much to the point that I'd tattoo her name on my body.
Kodwa yena❤. "I laughed. "Im sorry i wasn't there when you
grew up. Im sorry I was an absent father.
"Its okay dad.
"What are you studying?" he asked. "Im doing my third year in
Criminal Law. "i said.
"Wow!! So you will be defending criminals. I a former
drug lord. Your boyfriend is a hard core gangster.
"Eish....ill defend you. "We both laughed.
"Your half brother does Graphic design. Your half sister...yoh!"
"Uyenzeni?" i asked.
We drove to his house while conversating.
He is a pretty cool, laid down, chilled guy.
OMG!! THIS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! Boma Harriet Khoza's [from the
Queen] house typa thing!!!! Boma Lindiwes[the river] house
typa vibe!!!!!!!
There were guards outside. The gate opened, we drove in. How
many cars does he fucken have!!!!!!!
"Masingene ngaphakathi. "We walked inside. The interior
design of the house!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!
"Wow! This house is Amazing!" he laughed.
We walked to the living room.
"Kayla. Kelvin. This is your sister." They stood up and walked
towards us. Bona bahle shame.
"Im Kelvin. Your half brother. " he gave me a hug. Oh okay.
"Im Zesuliwe. But you can call me Nobuhle. " the girl looked at
"So you dont have an English name?" I don't Like her.
"Yes. I've never needed one. You dont have a native name?" i
"I do. Im Kayla Ntombenhle Ngema." Okay bitch. I never asked
for your ID details.
I Almost rolled my eyes.
"And im Nkosana. " Kelvin said. "Okay let's sit down. " dad said.
I sat next to Kelvin. Dad next to 'Kayla Ntombenhle Ngema.'
"How old are you?" She asked. "Im 21 years old. " i answered.
"Do you have a car?" she asked. ""Do i need one???"
"Dad promised me a car. As soon as i turn 21, imma get one." i
nodded. "I dont really need one."
"Sooooooo.........." Kelvin.
Kelvin and i get along really well uyazi!! UKayla Ntombenhle
Ngema' i dont really like her!!!
We had lunch and dinner. The next day i went home. Kelvin and
i exchanged numbers.
Kelvin talks alot and he is full of humanity because he does
some project of helping the disadvantaged and the least
fortunate. He has a good heart.
A week later.
Khanyisile asked me to accompany her to a march thats
happening in Johannesburg. Its a protest against Gender based
We're already in Jhb in a hotel. So the protest is tomorrow but
because we are lazy we're going to drive to our
destination, not walk/march.
"Please order room service, Zesuliwe. Im going to take a
shower. " Khanyisile. "Okay. " i ordered room service. Some
food nyana. After her, i took a hot bath,
wore my pyjamas. We sat on the bed and feasted!!
"Khanyi. " she looked at me. "Im proud of you. I mean, not
every woman that has gone through what you went through. "
she smiled.
"You know, when i first met you, i didnt like you. "i laughed.
"You intimidated me. Even though you were not rude to me,
but i kinda felt intimidated by you. The way you walked, talked
and you had that look in your eyes. Ubung'thusa njer mina. ' I
"At that time, I thought Ntsika was cheating on me with you.
"Nah babes. I dont do tall dark and handsome anymore. I like
them light skinned. Maybe white. "
We laughed
"Thatha Khanyisile. Okay. " i said.
"Futhi there's this white man who always comes to my
workplace ayothenga. Gawd!! That man is fine!!!!"
"Mmmhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." we continued conversating..i drank
juice and she had wine.
Then we slept.
I was awaken by a call. Oh... Ntsika.
Me: Hello.
Him: ......
Me: Ntsika.
Him: MaZulu.
Me: Ntsika, its 2am for goodness sake! Him: I just wanted to
hear your voice. Me: ....
Him: I miss you, MaZulu. Alot.
Me: Ntsika...
Him: Just hear me out. I know I messed up, MaZulu. I know I
fucked up really bad. But, im not that person anymore,
sthandwa sam. Im not. Please believe me.
Me: Its hard....
Him: Babe I know. Just give me a chance okay. All i need is one
Me: I...
Him: I promise to apologise to
Khanyisile. I will do whatever it takes. I promise.
Me: Lala kahle, Zulu.
Him: I love you. Bye.
Me: I love you too.
I hung up immediately after that.
Why did i tell him that!!!! Arghhhhhhh.
The day of the march!!! Khanyi and i had breakfast than we got
ready. I wore a pair of blue jeans and sneakers and a pink tshirt
written 'Stop GBV.' in big words. Comb my weave then wore a
cap and shades!! Khanyi wore black jeggings and a yellow tshirt
written' Enough with Femicide!!' sneakers and a cap and
We rented out a car, I was driving. We first went to some engen
Garage and bought alot of snacks and bottles of water and
some cool drinks and denim jackets in case it gets cold.
Then we went to where our journey starts. They gave directions
and what what then sahamba. We weren't the only ones
driving, ngenhlanhla.
"There are a lot of people here." Khanyi. "Yea. People are tired
of men who assault women. We are tired!!!!"
We drove behind the crowd while singing along to the songs.
After 3 hours, we reached our destination. We
got out of the car and went to join everybody else.
"We are sick and tired of men who abuse our women! As a
people, we say
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!" This other lady said.
Everyone who had something to say went to the podium and
said what they wanted to say.
"Lotshani! Standing before you is Jabulile Mahlangu. I was also
in an abusive relationship two years ago. I stayed, you know. I
told myself that im doing it for my kids. That i want my kids to
grow up in one roof with both their parents. It always starts
with a slap. Then insults then a punch and so on. I kept on
making excuses for him. Blamed myself. He always reminded
me of how unattractive i was. How stupid and useless i was. It
got to a point where i also started believing it. He made me quit
my job and stopped me from hanging out with a certain people
and how i should wear. I stayed in a loveless marriage for 10
years. Yes, you heard right. MARRIAGE. I was married to him.
Until 2 years ago when he almost killed me infront of my kids.
The very same kids i wanted to protect. I remember my older
son saying:' Mama. I hate dad.' and i asked why. His answer still
haunts me to this day. He said, 'I know what he is doing to you. I
know why you always wear so much make-up on your face, I
know why you always have red swollen eyes every morning. I
know everything. Indoda eqotho ayihlukumezi umuntu
wesifazane. Good men dont hit woman, mama. They share
love, ma. Not violence. And if you think you're staying in this
shame of a marriage for us, your kids, then you are selfish ma
ngoba uzokubulala. Then sisale noban thina? Naye? Leave him.
'I knew that moment that i had to leave. If not for myself, then
for my children. Me staying in that marriage, I thought i was
doing it for them. But me leaving, Im doing it for us! To every
woman who thinks they will change a man..... stop lying to
yourselves. He can only change if he wants to. Ladies, never
settle for less. You are worth more. You deserve more. And men
should give us more.
Almost everyone was in tears.
I saw uNtsika.
He was rocking black chinos, a black and white Scottish shirt
and black Alexander McQueen sneakers. He was with Dingane.
They both got on the stage.
Him: "Sanibonani." Everyone shouted 'Yebo!' or 'Hi.' others
screamed. Okay. Maybe its because of the voice, I guess! He
looked back at Dingane, who gave him a nod.
His eyes met mine. He smiled and I smiled back. He brushed his
hands together then breathed out.
Him: "My name is Ntsikayomuzi Zulu. Im a doctor. " the ladies
screamed. Aw'kahle. He chuckled softly.
Him: "Anyway... I am guilty. Im guilty of hurting a woman. Im
guilty of abusing her. Yes. I have also been a ....i dont even know
how to say it.
Ya well..i was one of those coward men who took out their
frustrations and anger on their partner. Im ashamed of myself.
Very ashamed because i was doing the very same thing our
country is fighting against. " he looked at
Khanyisile. "I was a monster, I know that.
I grew up. I learnt from my mistakes. I became a better man.
Not only for myself but for my current partner, my kids and the
county. To show women that not all men are trash. Not all men
are monsters. " people started clapping and guys whistled.
"Women are not punching bags! They are more than just baby
carriers. They matter! And its time we started treating them
better! "Yaaaaaasssssss!!!!!!!
"I want everyone to repeat after me. Okay?!"
"Women are important!" Women are important!!
"They are our life!" They are our life!!! "Stop gender violence!!!!
If i could stop, so can you. !!!!" yaaaaahh.
Him: "Before i get off the stage, Khanyi please come here."
Khanyi looked at me.
Me: "He won't do anything to you. Go. " she nodded then
walked to the podium slowly. People were clapping.
Him: "I know i was a monster. I know i treated you horrible. I
know you hate me. But i want to make it up to you. I want to
earn your trust again. " Khanyisile didnt say anything. "Woza."
He grabbed her hand and they walked down the podium. We all
follwed him. They walked towards a silver grey Tiguan. Ntsika
gave her the key. OH MY GOD HE BOUGHT HER A
Him: "Im not trying to buy you but this is the least i can do. Im
so sorry." Khanyisile already had tears in her eyes! Khanyi: "Oh
my God Ntsika!"
She unlocked her car then went in. Khanyi: "Thank you so
much!!!!!" Literally everyone was shocked!!!!!!!!!!!! | heard
some girls saying ' Ohh his fine. I wonder whose his current
partner. Mxm. This is my man!!!!!!! Hoes!
Him: "And....these are the keys to your new house. Its under
your name, the car as well."
Morena boloka!!!!!
Him: "This is to say thank you for bearing me a son, Mama ka
They hugged!! He kissed her forehead!! Ncoohhhh!!!!!!!
MC: "Okay people! Lets carry on with the programme! But i
must say Mr Zulu, you are one in a million! Everybody!! Give
him a round of applause!!!!" We all clapped then the
programme proceeded!
"MaZulu. " i heard him say behind me. I turned to look at him.
"Ntsika. "i whispered.
"Unjani?" he asks. "Ngikahle wena?"
He lifted his shoulders.
"Im sorry. "We both said at the same time.
"What are you sorry for?" he asked. "For giving up on you that
easily. "Its okay. Dont apologise. " he said. "Kodwa...." he cut me
off. "MaZulu."
"Ntsika..." he smashed his lips on mine. I moaned!
God i miss him!!!!!!!!!
"I missed you." He said with his lips still against mine. I didnt say
After some time we stopped!! The stares bantu!!!!!!!!!!!
"Im proud of you. " i said. He smiled. "Im proud of me too. " i
laughed. Cocky!!!!!
"I still love you.
"I love you too." i responded.
He pulled me closer to him.
"Come back to me. Please. "I nodded. He kissed my forehead
repeatedly. "Ngyabonga MaZulu. " His hands went to my ass.
"Lets get out of here.' "No. Ufuna ukung' yenzani?" he laughed.
"Ufuna ngik'yenzeni?" he raised his eyebrow.
I bit my bottom lip.
"Lutho. " i turned then walked away. He laughed then pulled my
hand which made me bump into his chest. "Ngiyak'thanda
uyezwa. " I nodded. "Awung'thandi?" I nodded. "Hawu.
Serious?" I nodded. "Oksalayo mina ngyakthanda. "I pecked his
lips then went to Khanyisile.
"Baby!!!!!!" I hugged her. "Im so happy for you!!!"
"I never thought Ntsika would do this!" "This is a really nice car,
"I know. I just cant wait to see the house!"
We laughed.
"You and Ntsika are back together?" "Yea.
"Okay. I knew it. "Uyaphapha kodwa. "
I was genuinely happy for her. I was happy. Really.
Me: "Im tired now. " I said. 7 hours silana! "Im going to drive my
new car!!!"
"Okay babes. "I walked to our rental car and I was about to
drive but Dingane stopped me.
"Sis'wam can we talk?" i got out of the
"Look I know you're angry at me, well at us. For helping Ntsika
cover his tracks regarding Khanyi. I just want to apologise. " he
looked at me. "Say something."
"Im waiting for you to apologise njena. "
He laughed.
"Im sorry. Very sorry. "I nodded. "Its okay bhuti.
"Truce?" "Truce."
We hugged. Then ngahamba.
I packed my stuff, getting ready to leave. Phela tomorrow is
Then sent Khanyisile a text saying I've already left. She replied
with a thumb [] emoji.
Outside the hotel ngabona uNtsika. "Mageba. "I said walking to
him. "MaŽulu. I figured you will leaving today, so i thought we
could go together. "I've already booked a flight.
"Hayi. Lets drive instead. Please.'
"From Johannesburg to Cape Town??? I'll pass. " he sighs.
"Okay. I'll organise a private jet for us. " "How fast can you do
He took out his phone and made a call.
" here in Johannesburg and im stranded can i borrow
your are using it... Okay....We are coming." He took my
bags and put them in the boot. "Asambe."
We both got in the car. "Where are we going?" "Uzobona.
We drove while listening to Usher. Like for realsss!!!
"Sesifikile. "we got out of the car.
"Mike. "oh he is white. We walked towards them.
'Axe. " they shook hands.
"This is the Mrs?" he asked. Ntsika pulled me closer to him.
"Mike, meet MaZulu. Babes, meet Mike. " Mike and i hugged.
Mike: "Its a pleasure meeting you, Mrs Zulu."
Me: "Like wise.
We walked to the private jet. God!! It was beautiful!!!!! He even
had a flight attendant!!!!!!
Me: "Wow."
Ntsika: "Maybe i should get you your own jet. " Ntsika
whispered as we sat down next to each other.
Me: "Why dont you have one?"
Ntsika: "I do. Khulekani is currently using it. He in LA as we
speak. Me: "Wow. Okay."
The flight attendant offered us drinks and appetizers. I was
I laid my head on Ntsika's shoulder. Ntsika: "You are tired?" I
Ntsika: "Rest sthandwa sam. "I slept with my head on his
shoulder and his arm around me.
Him: "Baby....MaZulu...Sthandwa sami vuka. " i heard him.
I woke up.
Him: "We have landed. Asambe. "I got out of the jet then we
went to that AMG parking infront of us.
We first went to my place to get my books and clothes then we
went to his place.
Me: "Nothing has changed here. " i said walking to the lounge
with him following me.
He pulled me to him then kissed me. He lifted me, i wrapped
my legs around his waist. He pushed me against the wall. I could
feel his...... Mina ngi WeT!!!! Me;: "Ntsika. I want you. "i
whispered. Him: "But im here babe. " he pressed himself
against me!! Nkosiyami!!!!!! Me: "I want you. Please.
Hi.: "I want you too baby but you're not ready sthandwa sam. I
will wait for you. he says.
Me: "I am ready Mageba. " He pecked my lips.
Him: "Yea maybe. I want you to fully trust me. Okay?"
I huffed. "MaZulu?"
Me: "Okay." He kissed then he put me down.
Him: "Im going to take a cold shower. " he walked upstairs.
I cooked something quick for supper then went to watch Date
my family.
After some time, he came downstairs and sat next to me and
ate my Lays.
mad at me?" he asked.
"MaZulu. "I looked at him. "I love you. "I love you too. " he
smiled then laid his head on my lap.
"You still dont want to move in with me?"
Hebanna!!!! I thought we talked about this!
"Ntsika. We talked about this. ' "MaZulu. Ngyak'cela. '
"Even if i wanted to move in with you, mama wont allow it.
"But you want to?"
"I still think its too early. "
He sighed. Then looked up to look at
"Maybe next year?" he asked.
"Ya. Maybe. Im not promising anything." "Im hungry. " he says.
"Let me go dish up for you."
I walked to the kitchen to dish up for us.
"Here you go." i said, giving his food. "Ngyabonga.
Conversations flowed. Laughter! Kisses in between.
"Baby. Let me go prepare for school. "I stood up and went to
our bedroom. Took my books then went to the spare bedroom.
Ended up sleeping, obviously.
I woke up ngabo 8. Went to take a bath then went downstairs.
My body still wasnt relaxed. Jetlag!
Ntsika was watching soccer. I went to sit next to him.
"Mfazi wam."
"Mageba. My body is still tired. " "Jetlag." he says. "It is the
worst!" "Can you make me a cup of coffee? Please?"
I gave him my puppy eyes. No one ever resists them.
"Kodwa this is abuse. "he mummbled as he walked to the
Life has been good! Like really good. Ntsika has done a
welcoming ceremony for Manqoba and they have a good
father-son relationship. Khanyisile and Ntsika are co-parenting
very well. Today is the day before the wedding!!! Khulekani and
Vanessa are getting
married tomorrow!!!!!!!!! And im a bridesmaid.
She has four bridesmaids: Myself, Azania, Vivian (her sister) and
Oratile( her friend)
Groomsmen: Dingane, Thapelo, Ntsika, and Dean
Myself: Thapelo Azania: Dingane Vivian: Dean Oratile: Ntsika
They just mixed us up. So we were at Vivians house. By the way,
we're in Pretoria. And the guys were at their mansion.
Apparently two years ago, the guys contributed a few millions
and bought a 12 bedroom mansion!!!! In Silverlakes. That
house is huge!!!!! It belongs to all of them. Vivian is married,
Simphiwe her husband.
We were all wearing silky robes that had our names at the back
and short silky night dresses.
"Guys dont drink too much. "Vivian says. She is also as
responsible as her sister.
We kept on talking and talking about men until Oratile dropped
a bomb!
Oratile: "Speaking of which, Ntsika is hot!!!
Say what now!
Oratile: "Like he is so handsome. Tall dark and handsome typa
vibe. He looks like he works out! And those tattoos!! Those
strong arms!! Gosh his lips!!! His voice!!"
The girls look at me !!! Azania whispered that i should beat her
up and Ayanda nodded in agreement.
Me: "Uhm Oratile, I dont appreciate you lusting over my man. "I
said with an authoritative voice.
She looked at me.
Oratile: "He is your boyfriend??" she asked while laughing.
Me: "I dont even know why you're laughing.
she stopped laughing immediately. Oratile: "Uhm...sorry. I didnt
know he was
your man.
Me: "Now you know."
Things got awkward for a moment then we had fun again! I got
a call from Ntsika.
(Incoming call: Baby) Him: MaZulu
Me: Mageba.
Him: I miss you.
Me: I miss you too but I'll see you tomorrow.
(Oratile was staring at me. CREEPS)
Him: Phuma. Im outside.
Me: Ufunani
Him: I miss you. Woza
Me: Okay im coming.
Me: "Viv, is the gate locked?" i asked Vivian.
Vivian: "No.
Ayanda: "Ntsika is so whipped! Gosh!" Ayanda screamed. I
Me: "I'll be back now now. " i walked out.
Ntsika: "Ntombi yami bantu. " He was leaning against his car,
wearing jeans and a sweater and sneakers.
I stood in front of him.
Me: "Ntsika are you drunk?" i asked.
He pulled me to him. My body was pressed against his. He
grabbed my ass. Ntsika: "There are no men around you, right?"
Me: "No. Just us girls.
Ntsika: "Good.
He kissed me. Then he left a hickey on my neck. I also left a
hickey on his neck. I left two futhi.
Ntsika: "Lets get out of here. " His eyes half closed.
Me: "Siyaphi?"
Ntsika: "A hotel or something."
Me: "Hayi Ntsika. Ufuna ukungi pregisa. " he laughed.
Ntsika: "Well....that wouldn't be a bad thing now, would it?"
Me: "It would. Im still busy with school and i dont want to have
a child out of wedlock.
Ntsika: "I should send my uncles to your family. And officially
make you mine. "I smiled.
Me: "You want to make me your wife?"
Ntsika: "Ntombi yami bantu. " He was leaning against his car,
wearing jeans and a sweater and sneakers.
I stood in front of him.
Me: "Ntsika are you drunk?" i asked.
He pulled me to him. My body was pressed against his. He
grabbed my ass. Ntsika: "There are no men around you, right?"
Me: "No. Just us girls.
Ntsika: "Good.
He kissed me. Then he left a hickey on my neck. I also left a
hickey on his neck. I left two futhi.
Ntsika: "Lets get out of here. " His eyes half closed.
Me: "Siyaphi?"
Ntsika: "A hotel or something."
Me: "Hayi Ntsika. Ufuna ukungi pregisa. " he laughed.
Ntsika: "Well....that wouldn't be a bad thing now, would it?"
Me: "It would. Im still busy with school and i dont want to have
a child out of wedlock.
Ntsika: "I should send my uncles to your family. And officially
make you mine. "I smiled.
Me: "You want to make me your wife?"
Ntsika: "Yes. Mamazi, I want to make you the mother of my
kids, my wife, mine and mine alone.
Me: "I would love to be uMaZulu
Ntsika: "I'll build you your own house from you a
car for everytime you fall pregnant. Cook for you, sometimes.
You make want to be better MaZulu. I want to be better. For
you." he said.
Me: "I love you. " i whispered.
He pulled me in a warm embrace. He hugged me tight.
Ntsika: "I love you more.
"Let me go back inside.
"I dont want you to go. " Ntsika. "I will see you tomorrow.
"But thats too far.
"Babe please. Its a only a few hours." He sighed.
We kissed one last time then i went back inside!
The girls and I went to Vanessas home, where the rest of the
family was at 2am. Manje we're still getting ready.
The bridesmaids are wearing pink off should long mermaid
dresses. And silver stilletoos.
We all had 'touch my ass' black weaves.
Azania: "Zes, your ass dude!" Azania complained.
Me: "Leave me alone. "We all laughed. Vanessas mom got in
the room.
V. Mom: "Lets pray so we can go. We prayed then left. Travelling
in Rolls Royce motho!!
Thapelo: "Boy, you getting married!!!!" Thapelo said to
We wore our grey cotton suits and Italian shoes. No ties. We
looked HOT!!!
Khulekani: "Yea man. I gotta secure the bag. "We all laughed.
Dean: "You are paving the road for us." Dean said. "And Sihle
has been nagging me about marriage. '
Me: "I'll probably secure the bag next year."
Thapelo: "So fast. '
Dingane: "Dad is calling us. Lets go."
Khulekanis father has been a father to all of us. His mom also.
Khulekani is the only child.
K. Dad: "Lets go bafana. '
We are traveling by our Porches then the rest of the family will
use limos.
We arrived at the venue. Everything was pure white!! And some
flowers with a bit of gold.
Everybody was seated and we were already standing next to
Khulekani. Then 'This is why i love you' by Major started playing.
Vivian walked in first, followed by Oratile then Azania then
Her dress was holding her in all the right places. Her wide hips
and that ass was all in display. I smiled at her and she
Then the Bride!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could see some tears in Khulekanis
The pastor did all those things pastors do at weddings then the
couple said their vows.
Vanessa: "Muntu wam. I dont have much to say but i just want
to confess my love for you in front of everyone. I love you,
Khulekani. I love you so much that it scares me. I love
everything about you. I love your dominance, I love how you
take control, I love it when your lips pout when you're sleeping.
I love the way you stare at me when i eat, even though its
creepy. I love how you can be angry at me, but still call me
'Muntu wam.' I love you. We have been through alot muntu
wam. But here we are. Im so happy that im officially Mrs
Khumalo. Even though you didnt propose. (we laughed).
Khulekani: "Muntu wam. Mama wengane zam. Mfazi wam.
I just want to thank you for your perseverance. I know there
have been times where you hated me, times where you wanted
to leave but thank God you didnt. Thank you for loving me even
when im at my lowest. For being strong for me at times. God
knows where I
would've been if wasn't for you. Ngyak'thanda. Kakhulu. And
you look beautiful."
Pastor: "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you pmay kiss
your wife Khumalo.
And they kisssed. I looked at my woman, I guess she felt me
looking at her because she also turned to look at me.
"I love you. " i said without making a sound.
She blushed then blew a kiss.
We did our dance routine and went out of the venue heading to
our cars to go take some pictures. I pulled MaZulu to
Me: "Uyaphi?"
Mazulu: "Emotweni.
Me: "You are going with me." She took out a phone then called
some 1.
MaZulu: "Yaya Im travelling with bae...... (giggles)...mxm I dont
care about her....Okay cool... Bye. " then she looks at
MaZulu: "Lets go then. "i held her hand then we walked to my
I opened the door for her. Before she got in I kissed her.
Me: "You look beautiful MaZulu. " she blushed.
MaZulu: "You look good too. " she said. "Ntsika, I dont like
Ŏratile. And the fact that shes your dance partner makes me
uncomfortable. But theres nothing i can do about it. " she
Me: "What did she do?" she sighs. MaZulu: "Yesturday at the
bachelorette party, you know women love talking about men.
She ruined the moment by talking about you. She was like,
'Ntsika is so hot. His voice. His tattoos. His strong arms...ohh.'
She really irritated me. Legit.
I laugh.
Me: "I've also noticed that shes touchy touchy. I will sort it out
sthandwa sami." Mazulu: "You better.
Me: "I only have eyes for you. You know that right?" she
MaZulu: "But you better sort her out before I do it myself."
Me: "Yehlisa umoya MaZulu."
She laughed then sang along with the song.
"Can the bride and the groom come here!" the camera man
We had finished taking the pictures. We're now waiting for the
bride and the groom.
MaZulu: "Baby, I want to sit down." Me: "Okay. Lets go sit on
that bench. '
We walked to that bench. MaZulu: "But baby you look FIRE she
Me: "Thank you baby.
MaZulu: "My feet hurt."
I took her one feet and put it on my lap as i squated infront of
I took of her shoe then massaged her feet. I did the same to the
other feet. We heard some 'kli kli' sound.
Camera man: "Im sorry. This is just very cute. I had to take a
MaZulu: "Can i see it." my women asked. The camera man gave
her the camera. We both looked at the pictures. MaZulu: "Wow.
You are good." Me: "It seems like you took a lot of pictures of
MaZulu: "Ya. Why?"
C. Man: "You guys are just goals. I noticed that you my guy just
randomly kiss her. And i saw her, umadam fixing your shirt and
your jacket. I also saw how you guys look at each other. Now
this, you are taking of her shoes. Its just goals. I first noticed
that at church. Its just beautiful. "
MaZulu looked at me. I pecked her lips. MaZulu: "Ntsika stop."
Me: "You have been watching us my guy.
She gave the camera guy back his
MaZulu: "Thank you.'
Me: "I want those photos my guy. I dont mind paying for them.
"Took out a couple of two hundred notes from my wallet and
gave it to him. "Send them to the bride and groom.
C. Man: "Okay. Dankie groot man. " MaZulu: "Bye."
He walked away.
Me: "We are goals sthandwa sami. " She giggled.
MaZulu: "Look. People are leaving. Lets go."
She walked barefoot to the car.
MC: "Can the brides sister come to the podium to say a few
We are already at the reception. I was sitting next to Oratile and
MaZulu was a bit far from me, sitting next to Azania and
Oratile was touching me and whispering some things in my ear.
And i hate that. Basically, girls who throw themselves at me, it
turns me off.
Vivian: "My sister is stubborn. Very stubborn and i hope you are
able to deal with that skwiza. She is my best friend. My only
sister. I dare you, i repeat, I dare you to hurt her Khulekani. will know me. NguVivian kay1 mina. Anyway, i
wish you guys happiness. Marriage is not easy. But if both you
and your partner invest in then it will be better. You can ask my
husband. Thank you.
People clapped hands for her. Then more and more people gave
Oratile: "You need a woman in your life, not a child." she
Me: "Leave me alone Oratile. "
She took my hand and placed it on her thigh.
Me: "What are you doing?" I removed my hand. Me: "Stop it. "
She put her hand on my thigh.
Next thing, Zes was next to me.
MaZulu: "What are you doing?" she asked looking at Oratile.
Oratile: "Uhm..." Oratile stuttered. Zes looked at me.
MaZulu: "Didnt i warn you?" She asked Oratile.
Oratile: "He is not married to you though. Stop acting like his
wife. You are a child, Zesuliwe. Dont try competing with me.
Ohh. The look Zes gave her!!!!! If looks could kill! Then she
looked at me. I have to admit, sometimes she scares me. Like,
she is so intimidating! She can just look at you and you will
immediately respect her. You will shake in fear. So when she
looked at me, I didnt say anything. I was scared guys! You guys
dont understand. When she saw that I'm not saying anything,
she chuckled then walked away. I think i messed up. I kept my
eyes on her.
Oratile: "You see? You dont deserve her. Me: "Hlukana nami tu!
Music played, people were eating. Zes and Azania and Ayanda
went to dance. The way her hips were moving and all that!
Fucken turns me on.
MC: "All the single ladies please. The bride is about to throw
her bouquet. All the ladies come to the front please.
Single ladies played in the background. Zes and Azania didnt go
to catch the bouquet.
Azania: "Friend I dont like her too. She is after your man after
Me: "He seems to be enjoying her attention. "I took a sip from
my drink. Azania: "Dont jump into conclusions." Me: "No
Azania. He should've put her in her place like i told him to. Like
he said he would. But look, she was busy brushing his thighs
and when she basically disrespected me, he said nothing. I'll
just keep quiet and besides,
there are alot of fine guys here." We both laughed.
Honestly, when Ntsika kept quiet when Oratile insulted me, i
got hurt. He hurt me. She called me a child and he said nothing.
It hurt me. Really hurt me. But I want to have fun and thats
what im intending to do. Fuck him.
Azania: "Dont you want some alcohol?" Azania asked me..
Me: "No. Im good." Ayanda came to join
Ayanda: "Bitch, what did you do to Ntsika?"
Me: "Uh?"
Ayanda: "He has been staring at you and that Oratile bitch is all
over him.
Me: "Dont tell me about them. Plus im tired now.
It was 10pm now.
Azania: "Me too. Lets go tell the guys we wanna go. Even the
parents have left." Ayanda: "Lets go."
We walked to the guys. They were chilling with some other girls
and the rest of the girl squad. Azania: "Guys, we wanna go now.
Sihle: "I told them .they dont wanna go." Ayanda: "You think
wearing heels the whole day is a joke. "
Me: "Where are our newlyweds?" Dingane: "They're sleeping at
a hotel. Azania: "Okay. Lets go. " Azania commanded.
They stood up then we walked to the cars.
I was going to travel with Dingane and Sihle but i decided to go
with Ntsika. Even though im mad at him.
Ntsika: "MaZulu im....."
Me: "Ntsika please. I dont wanna talk about it. Im exhausted.
Please." He kept quiet then we drove to their house.
The elders were already sleeping. We all walked to our rooms, i
went to Ntsikas room.
"Good night."
I found my suitcase on top of the bed. I took out my pyjamas
then went to take a shower. I took of my weave by the way.
When i came back, Ntsika was sitting on the bed with his
pyjama pants and no t-shirt. Is he trying to tempt me. I tried
walking passed him but as anticipated, he pulled my hand, and
he also stood up.
Ntsika: "MaZulu. "I looked at him. Me: "What?"
Ntsika: "Im sorry." He apologised. Me: "Why are you sorry?" he
sighed. Ntsika: "Im sorry for keeping quiet when Oratile
disrespected you. Please forgive
Me: "Its okay. "I tried moving around him but he still stopped
Ntsika: "Baby please. I know that you were hurt by what she
said and im sorry for not standing up for you. Its just that
sometimes you intimidate me. I dont know how but you do. So I
kinda ...I was scared of you that moment."
I sighed.
Me: "Its okay. She made me feel abit insecure when she called
me a child. But i guess, I did act like a child.
Ntsika: "No you didnt. Im sorry you felt insecure. You forgive
me, right?"
I nodded. He smiled then kissed my forehead.
Me: "I seriously want to sleep. And Im not sleeping here.
Ntsika: "Haaa baby."
Me: "Haui its disrespectful." Ntsika: "Kodwa...."
Me: "No. Bye my love."
I pecked his lips then ran out.
Azania: "I thought you are sleeping with your man.
She said as i got in the room.
Ayanda, Azania and I are sharing a room.
Me: "Nope. Gudluka. "
Azania moved closer to Ayanda, I settled next to her, with her in
the middle.
Ayanda: "Goodnight."
Us: "Good night.
In the middle of the night there was a knock.
Ayanda: "Ubani loyo."
Me: "Yaya you are awake.
Ayanda: "Ya. I went to the bathroom. "
Person: "MaZulu...... baby... sthandwa sami open the door.....
baby " he was whispering.
Ayanda:" Awu uNtsika."
I went to open the door.
Me: "Mageba.' Him: "Baby.
Me: "Whats wrong?'
Him: "Can you come sleep with me please.
Me: "Kodwa baby...."
Him: "Please. I miss you.
Me: "What will people say Ntsika? The elders? "
Him: "Its not their house baby. Please." Ayanda: "Zes just go.
I sigh.
Me: "Okay bye bye ke. "
Ayanda: "Dont make a baby. Ntsika: "If it happens, it happens.
Ayanda: "Pssh. Close the door." Me: "Baby lets go."
We tip toed to his room.
Me: "You are such a baby Mageba.
Him: "Im your baby. '
Me: "No funny business please. Im tired.
Him: "I just wanted to have you in my arms.
We both got in bed then slept.
I woke up at 5am when i just felt uncomfortable. I felt wet.
Shit! Periods!
Me: "Ntsika..Ntsika.. Mageba wake up. "I shook him.
Ntsika: "MaZulu sleep. " He turned to face the other way.
Me: "Baby wake up. Im on my periods. " He quickly turned to
look at me. Ntsika: "Menstruation?" I nodded. Me: "Please go
ask Ayanda for my sanitary pads. They are in my bag. "
He rushed out the room. In the mean time, I took out the bed
sheets and replaced them with clean ones then went to take a
Ntsika: "Baby." He said from the bedroom.
Me: "I'm taking a shower."
Ntsika: "Okay. Here are your things. So...I'll go wash these.
Me: "Dont wash my clothes. I'll wash them myself.
No response. Dont tell me he is going to wash them.
After taking a shower, I got dressed in Ntsikas sweatpants and
his hoodie which looked a bit big on me and socks and his
Balenciaga flops. My weave in a messy bun and a hairband.
A few minutes later Ntsika came in the room with a water
bottle, a bowl of porridge and some pills.
Ntsika: "MaZulu. " He sat next to me. Me: "Mageba, where are
my clothes?" Ntsika: "I washed them.
Me: "Ntsika..the blood and..." he cut me off.
Ntsika: "I used a washing machine. Baby, I'm not ashamed of
washing my woman's clothes. I would do that anytime for. Your
blood doesn't disgust me, okay?" I nodded. "And besides, this is
not the first time im doing this,
remember?" I nodded with a smile on my face.
Me: "What did i do to deserve you?" He pecked my lips.
Ntsika: "We were meant for each other.
Now open up and eat so you can take the pills and rest. I've also
brought a water bottle for period pains.
I opened my mouth and he fed me. Me: "You cooked this?" he
nodded. Me: "Unamanga."
He chuckled.
Ntsika: "Okay. Ayanda helped. She was giving me instructions
while she sat on that bar stool. So yea. I cooked this porridge."
Me: "Thank you sthandwa sam."
He raised his eyebrow and clenched his jaw. I know he is
blushing but doesnt want to show it.
He fed me until i was full. Then he gave me the pills and some
water. Then he made me lie in the bed.
Ntsika: "Lets sleep sthandwa sam. Its still 6am.
He cuddled me from behind.
Me: "Ngyabonga sthandwa sam. He kissed my shoulder.
Ntsika: "I love you.
Me: "I love you too, Mageba. "
I woke up and MaZulu was not next to me. Its 10am.
Hawu..where is she?!
I decided to take a shower and wore my black sweatpants and a
red hoodie and push ins.
K. Mom: "Zesuliwe this is really good." Khulekanis mom
At the dinner table was Mr Khumalo and Mrs Khumalo
[Khulekanis parents ] and his two aunts. MaZulu, Ayanda,
Azania, Dingane, Sihle, Dean, Mpho and Thapelo. They were all
having breakfast. I walked to sit next to MaZulu.
Bab'Khumalo: "Sawbona nawe Ntsikayomuzi.
Me: "Sanibonani. " They greeted back. I kissed MaZulu's cheek.
MaZulu: "Do you want me to dish up for you?" she asked. I
She dished up for me.
MaZulu: "Go wash your hands. "she instructed.
Me: "Kodwa..."
MaZulu: "Ntsika. Go wash your hands. Please.
I stood up and went to the kitchen to wash my hands then i
came back.
Mrs Khumalo: "You have finally met your mate, Ntsika.
The whole table laughed.
I sat down and ate my food.
Ayanda: "Babes, how are the pains?" Ayanda asked Zes.
MaZulu: "They're better now. Nothing i can't handle.
One Aunt: "So you girls are behaving like you're married to
these men?" One of Khulekanis aunts asked.
Mrs Khumalo: "Thembeka leave the kids alone." Mrs Khumalo
reprimanded. The aunt: "No i wont. These kids have turned
themselves into some rich trophy wives. Who knows? Maybe
they are with them for the money.
Okay. This woman is getting on my nerves.
Her: "Little girl, how old are you?" she asked Zes.
Zes didnt answer her, she just carried on eating.
The aunt: "You see, she is disrespectful." "Zesuliwe, are you
fine?" Mr Khumalo asked.
"Im good dad."
"Okay then answer me." The annoying aunt.
Zes looked at her.
"Oh. You were talking to me?
"Of course im talking to you. "The aunt. "Im 21. " she answered.
"So you are Buhle's {Azania} age. You are dating a man 9 years
older than you. Hayi...I give up on you kids. Even you, Ayanda?"
Ayanda nodded.
"Are you done eating?" Azania asked. We all nodded.
"Zes, me clean up.
They cleaned up then went to wash the dishes.
"Aunt, I seriously dont know what your problem is." Dean said.
'Haibo Siyabonga [ Deans african name]." The other aunt said.
The one that was quiet.
"No aunty. These women didnt come here for you. And
remember this is not Khulekanis house, its our house. You will
not disrespect them or else ill drag you
out of here.
"Dean. Stop." Mpho tried reprimanding him.
"Baby no! What did they do to her? Nothing. Zesuliwe made us
breakfast even though she was suffering from period pains.
Then uAunty decides to fucken belittle her. Her and Ayanda. No
marn thats unacceptable! " He stood up and stormed off with
Mpho at his tail.
We all sat in silence. I wasnt going to say anything because she
is not my aunt. Minutes later the girls came back.
"Uhm Thapelo. " Ayanda. "Are we leaving today?"
"Yea. Do you want to leave now?"
"Not exactly now but abit later.
"Why are you in a rush?" Mr Khumalo asked.
"We have school tomorrow and since we are reaching the end
of the semester, we cannot afford to lose a lesson." Zes
"Women who strive for education. " Mrs Khumalo.
"So... What will we be doing in the mean time?"
Azania asked.
"Shopping. " Ayanda and Mrs Khumalo screamed.
"What about us?" the aunts said. "What about you?" Mrs
Khumalo s.Ouchh
Me: "MaZulu. Lets go. " she followed me upstairs.
MaZulu: "What's up?" she asked sitting on the bed.
Me: "What's wrong?" i asked.
Mazulu: "With what?"
Me: "I can see something is bothering you. What is it?" I sat
next to her. Me: "Talk to me." She sighed.
MaZulu: "It's just that..Uhm...It's just that this thing of me being
younger than you keeps popping up. People are calling me a
child and all that. I cant ignore it. I can't pretend like it doesnt
bother me because it does. " she explained.
Oh god.
Me: "Baby listen to me. Fuck them. Are you listening to me?"
she nodded. "I love you. Just the way you are. Okay, you're 21
so what? I fell inlove you with knowing that you are a few years
younger than me. I cant seem to fathom,
why are they bothered by us? I mean, age is nothing but a
number. People who are 10 years apart get married these days.
So i cant seem to understand why know what. I love you,
you love me and thats all that matters. Okay?" She
MaZulu: "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Well after my mom of course.
I laughed
Me: "Ya of course.
MaZulu: "Oh did i tell you that Ghost is my father?" she asked.
Whaaaaa!!!!!! Me: "What?"
MaZulu: "Ya. That scary Ghost man is my dad. Which makes
Dingane my cousin. Me: "But, why didnt Dingane say anything."
Mazulu: "Angazi.
Me: "Have you met your half siblings?" she nodded.
MaZulu: "I've met them. Kayla
Ntombenhle Ngema and Kelvin Nkosana Ngema.
Me: "How are they?"
MaZulu: "First if all, Kayla and I will not get along. She thinks the
world revolves around her. While Kelvin is a cool guy. I like him.
Me: "You like him?" she laughed. MaZulu: "Jealousy doesnt suit
you munt'wam. Besides, he is my brother. I smiled.
MaZulu: "I wanna cuddle. "
Me: "Come.
I laid on the bed and she laid her head on my shoulder and her
arm around my waist with our legs tangled together.
Me: "You love wearing my clothes, dont you?"
She giggled.
MaZulu: "Its not my fault your clothes look better on me
Me: "Okay.
MaZulu: "Wake me up in 2 hours." She drifted of to sleep.
I stared at her as she slept. I felt her warm breath on my neck.
This woman is beautiful like really beautiful.
I removed some strands of from her face then held her tighter. I
dont want to lose her. I won't survive it.
Two hours later we were preparing to leave. MaZulu has
changed into a pair of
jeans and a sweater and Fila kicks.
I was travelling with MaZulu and Dingane and Sihle.
Me: "Dingane why didnt you tell us that Ghost is MaZulu's
father?" i asked. Sihle: "What!" Sihle exclaimed.
Dingane: "Bruh it was also a shock to me. But i was going to tell
you, sooner or later. "
MaZulu: "Basically, Dingane and i are cousins.
Dingane: "No. We are siblings." MaZulu: "Okay bhuti. We all
Me: "You've already changed your surname?"
MaZulu: "Nope. I still need to have umsebenzi weMbeleko then
im good." Sihle: "So you will be Zesuliwe Nobuhle Ngema." Sihle
said. She nodded. Me: "But you will always be MaZulu. "I said.
She blushed then kissed my cheek.
Ntsika: "Baby which car do you want to take?"
Me: "I will take the BMW thank you. "I said as i rushed
It is the next day. Monday.
Im wearing brownish Proxy cargo pants and a white tshirt
tucked in but not completely. Asics sneakers and my weave in a
ponytail and some hairpins. I took my bag.
Me: "Mageba, Im leaving."
Ntsika: "You dont even say goodbye. " I went back upstairs
where he was getting ready.
Mmh..he was wearing navy blue tight fit suits and a white shirts
and black formal shoes. Hair cut madoda he was flames
Me: "So you are a businessman today? What happened to Dr
I said as i walked closer to him. Ntsika: "I'll be a Dr tomorrow.
Me: "You look good. " i compliment him. Ntsika: "You too. Even
though you're dressed like those skrr skrr kids.
I laughed.
Me: "Bye bye. "
We kissed then i walked out.
Went into my car then drove off.
After class, Ayanda and I went to catch some lunch at Steers.
Ayanda: "Mogyel you have basically moved out of our
apartment. " She says. Me: "No. Im just...."
"You have basically moved in with Ntsika. You are hardly home.
"Im sorry then. I'll be home more often. " "Good. Or else I'll tell
your mom. " We both laughed
"Let me get going and spend the rest of the day with my
boyfriend since ill be coming back home tomorrow."
I walked to the car and drove off.
There was no one at home. I just decided to take a shower and
wore some shorts and a t shirt and flip flops. Then went to
watch tv.
I watched 'Acrimony'. I feel sorry for that woman bathong.
Hawu the guards called through the house phone saying there
is a woman outside. I told them to let her in.
"Felicia. "I said after opening the door. "Zes. Is Ntsika home?"
She pushed me aside and got in.
"How can i help you?" I asked. "No, how can i help you?" Okay
"Haven't you heard?" she asked. "Heard what?"
"That im pregnant with Ntsikas child." I laughed. AMANGA!
"Im not joking. Im serious. " she said. "How far are you?"
"3 weeks." she responded
"Excuse me.
I walked to the kitchen. I called Ntsika. Him: MaZulu
Me: Please come home.
Him: But its not home time yet.
Me: I know but i just need you to come home.
Him: MaZulu whats wrong?
Me: Just do as I say. Please.
Him: Okay. Give me 30 minutes. Me: Okay.
I had a glass of water.
If Felicia really is pregnant with Ntsikas
child, it means....Oh Gawd! She will really make life unbearable
for me. She looks like the type that will call at
midnight and cry for weird cravings. Or call just because the
child kicked. I dont think i will be able to deal with that. I just
dont think i can handle it.
Felicia: "Hi..whats your name again? she asked as she got in the
kitchen and sat on the barstool. "Make me some food. And be
quick. " Hebanna! Me: "Do i look like your maid maybe?" Im so
annoyed right now. Nxn.
Felicia: "Darling listen. Soon all of this will be mine. Okay? So
dont you dare disrespect. Im carrying Ntsikas heir after
Ohh . I gave her a devil~ish smirk.
Me: "So you dont know?" i asked. Felicia: "Know what?"
Me: "That Ntsika already has a son? A 5 year-old son. His
duplicate. You are so pathetic, Felicia. A complete 27 year old
old lady chasing after a man for his riches. Thats just disgusting.
Why cant you leave him alone? He doesnt want you!!!!!!!!!
Look at yourself, getting
pregnant for him. You know..( chuckles)...maybe that baby isnt
his. Felicia: "Are going to let her talk to me like that, Ntsika?"
She was fake crying.
I turned around. Ntsika was standing at the door, his laptop bag
in his hand. He walked in and closed the door. Then he walked
closer to us.
Ntsika: "MaZulu. Whats going on?"He stood next to me.
Me: "Ask your baby mama.
Ntsika: "Baby mama?"
He was confused.
Felicia: "Baby we are pregnant!" This bitch!
Me: "Baby? Dont patronize me wena!" I shouted.
Ntsika: "Pre...pregnant?"
Felicia: "Yes Ntsika. Im 3 weeks pregnant.
Ntsika looked at me.
Me: "Dont look at me, Mageba.
Ntsika: "Felicia. Are you serious?" Felicia: "Yes. Im dead serious.
Im carrying a part of you in me. Baby Ntsika.
I laughed.
Me: "So what now?"
Felicia: "Im moving in. Ntsika: "To hell you are not!" Felicia:
"Baby im carrying a really precious cargo. We need to live
together just in case something happens.
Me: "You better stop calling him that! Im warning you for the
last time Felicia. "I warned.
Felicia: "You are just a child.." I interrupted her.
Me: "A child that will kick your flat ass and you will fall on your
stupid ugly face bitch. Dont you dare try me. DONT!" Yeses!!!!!
Felicia: "Baby..." I walked closer to her and she moved back.
Me: "Didnt i warn you? You will give birth to that baby right
now! Dont patronize me Felicia! I will FUCK YOU UP! CHILD MY
ASS! "
I could see fear in her eyes.
Ntsika pulled me closer to him so i could get away from Felicia.
Ntsika: "MaZulu calm down. '
Felicia started crying hysterically. Felicia: "Ntsika talk to your
little girlfriend! Do you want me to lose this child, huh? Is that
what you want?" I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Please take her out. I cant deal with
this. "I walked to the lounge and laid on the couch on my back
with my eyes closed.
5 minutes later i felt him kissing my cheek.
Ntsika: "MaZulu.
Me: "Baby."
Ntsika: "Im sorry. " he apologized. Me: "Its okay Mageba. " he
sighed. Ntsika: "What if the child is mine? What then?"
Me: "Then you are going to have a relationship with your child.
You are going to co-parent with Felicia. Thats it. Ntsika: "Just
like that. You are not angry?" he asked.
Me: "The child was concieved when we had broken up. So it
aint a big deal. " Ntsika: "Why are you so calm?"
Me: "I came to realize that there are people who are against
our relationship and they will do whatever it takes to ruin us. "I
opened my eyes and looked at him.
Me: "Mageba, its gonna take much more that a pregnancy to
keep me from you. And i accept this pregnancy.
Ntsika: "Baby, you are worrying me." Me: "Why are you
Ntsika: "You are too calm for my liking. " I chuckled.
Me: "Relax.
Ntsika: "She says she wants to move in." Me: "That will never
Ntsika: "MaZulu she lives in a flat. I dont want my child growing
up in such an environment.
Oh my Gawd! Is he kidding me!
Me: "She is still pregnant Ntsika! The baby isnt here yet. Im sure
she will manage.
Ntsika: "Baby..." I interrupted him. Me: "You want her to move
in?" Ntsika "Thats not what im saying." Me: "WHAT ARE YOU
Ntsika: "Dont raise your voice when speaking to me Mazulu. "
He said with his bold voice.
Me: "I dont see Khanyisile and Manqoba moving in.Whats so
special about
Felicia? What! You want her to
disrespect me, right? You know very well what kind of a person
she is! She will belittle me everytime she gets
masekahlala lana Ntsika! Why dont you buy her a house like
Khanyi? Or you
want her to seduce you then you guys can have other kids and
hurt me more than I am right now Mageba. Thats what you
want, right?" I already had tears in my eyes.
Ntsika: "No.
I wiped my tears then stood up.
Me: "Im tired Ntsika. Really tired. Im really trying not to be
dramatic about the situation. Im trying to support you and
putting my feelings on the side but you disregard that. You dont
even know if this baby is yours or not. I looked past the fact that
you slept with her with no protection knowing very well there
are lot of diseases out there. Im trying Ntsika. It hurts. Trust me,
it hurts so bad( sniff) but you dont care. You dont give a flying
fuck Ntsika.
I wiped my tears then wore my shoes. "You dont even feel bad
for what is going on here. But its fine Ntsika. Its fine.
I took a deep breath.
He was facing down with his face buried in his hands and his
elbows on his lap. Me: "She can move in Ntsika. You can live
with her, let her disrespect me. You
both can have more kids, I dont care. But keep me out of it
Im going back home tomorrow and ill be sleeping in one of the
guest rooms.
I went to one of the guest rooms and just sat on the bed with
tears on my cheeks. I dont want to cry. I wiped my tears then
decided to take a nap with my heart in pieces.
My life is so dramatic!!!!!!!!
Im hurt to be honest. I feel like this pregnancy is too much for
me. It is alot to take in.
Now I'll have to endure Felicia's drama and all that. I want to
support Ntsika but he is also making it hard for me. Oh Gawd.
I hate my life right now
I messed up I know. Its not that I want to hurt Zes or I want
Felicia to seduce me. I just want to experience this whole
pregnancy. The mood swings, the cravings, the doctor's
appointments and etc. I was deprived that experience with
Manqoba and I dont want to miss it
again. But i guess Felicia moving in will cause problems for
MaZulu and I and im not prepared to lose her over this.
I need to fix things with MaZulu and let her know that I dont
have any feelings for Felicia and that I didnt intend on hurting
I know she is supporting me even though its hurting her. I just
want her to be happy, you know. I love her way too much.
And when she had that encounter with Felicia at the kitchen, I
was shocked. I mean, I never thought MaZulu had it in her to
threaten someone like that, or rather attempt to 'Fuck 'em up '.
It made me realize how much she loves me and how much she's
willing to fight for us. That just made me love and appreciate
her more.
She has been in that bedroom for three hours now and Im
scared of going to her.
Mam'Sbongile is now preparing dinner, my favourite, tripe and
I have also been doing some paperwork. At 8pm, Mam'Sbongile
announced that
dinner is ready. I went to MaZulu while Mam'Sbongile prepared
the table.
She was sleeping. I just took a moment and just stared at her.
I walked closer and stood by the
bedside. I removed a few strands of hair from her face. I guess
that woke her up. Me: "MaZulu. " i said softly.
MaZulu: "Mmmh. " She sat up then rubbed her eyes in a really
cute way. MaZulu: "What do you want?" I sighed.
Me: "MaZulu im sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. Please believe
MaZulu: "You chose her over me. Me: "MaZulu i didnt choose
her over you. Im not choosing anyone over you. I will make
some DNA test between me and the baby to ensure if the baby
is mine. If it is mine, I will purchase a house for Felicia. She will
not live here. Im sorry I even initiated that. I was just so excited
that Im having yet another child. I dont want to miss the
pregnancy phase again. I want to experience all that I lost with
Manqoba. I guess i got a little bit over excited. Bottom line is, Im
sorry." She just shrugged her shoulders. Me: "MaZulu say
something. Shout at
me, scream, cuss I dont know but say something.
MaZulu: "How is that going to help? Felicia is already pregnant
so me cussing and arguing will not help. Ntsika, Im trying to
make the best of the situation. Im trying to look at that brighter
side of this but..."
Me: "Baby its okay. I understand why you're feeling this way. "I
MaZulu: "We will find a way to make it work, right?" she asks.
I took her hand and made her get off the bed. I pulled her body
closer to me then kissed her forehead.
Me: "We will make it work. I love you." MaZulu: "I love you too.
" she responded. That made my heart melt.
Me: "Lets go eat."
MaZulu: "Wait, let me change. "
She took off her shorts in front of me.
She went to the walk in closet then came out wearing pyjamas.
Me: "Arent you going to get cleaned up?" i asked.
MaZulu: "No. Im lazy. Lets go." I laughed!
Me: "Vila!" MaZulu: "Phuma kimi wena
We went downstairs.
MaZulu: "By the way, Im leaving tomorrow." she blurted out.
Me: "Uyaphi?" I asked.
MaZulu: "La ngihlala khona.' Me: "Why?" i asked.
MaZuku: "I miss my friends, Ntsika. I dont really spend much
time with my Ayanda and my sister because Im always with you.
Me: "Im your man. You should be with me most of the times."
MaZulu: "Tough luck.
She continued eating her tripe with her hands.
MaZulu:" MA this is good. " she said to Mam'Sbongile who was
at the table with
Mam'Sbongile: "Thank you."
MaZulu: "ma, when are we meeting your grandkids. I so wish to
meet them. Mam' Sbongile: "My child, they are with their
stubborn parents. And I doubt they would want their kids here.
MaZulu: "Ah..thats bad."
Yea. Its been a month.
2 weeks ago I had my welcoming ceremony so Im officially
Zesuliwe Ngema; Madlokovu.
Everyone was there, Ntsika, the girls, the guys, My fathers wife
and a whole lot of people I didnt know. My stepmother and I do
get along. Or rather, we tolerate each other for my dad's sake.
Kayla and I dont get along, at all. Whilst Kelvin is just a
Ntsika and I are doing good. We randomly go on dates and he
buys me gifts and all that.
Basically, we are good.
Felicia. Regarding the Felicia matter, we are still going to
address it. She is now 2 months pregnant and Gawd! she is
pissing me off. Two days ago, I was having lunch at Ntsika's
office, she called Ntsika crying. She demanded that Ntsika buys
a tiramisu cake for her and she is craving for a McFlurry. This
other time she came to the house and slept there because
apparently, she is having
nightmares. Well... she slept alone in the guest room. Baby
mamas are a living HELL!!!!! !! To think that we
still have seven months to go.
Mama finally bought a house in La Lucia but she didnt sell that
one in KwaMashu!
Phume is apparently fixing things with her parents. She doesnt
call anymore and we do not spend time together. She is doing
the most on Instagram!!!! ✔ ✔. My mom is heartbroken
because after everything she has done for Phume, she throws it
back at her face.
Ntsika: "Mama wants to officially meet you." He randomly says.
Me: "Why?"
Ntsika: "What do you mean, why? She wants to meet the love
my life. My woman. My soulmate. My..." I interrupted him.
Me: "Okay okay I get it.'
Ntsika: "Felicia wants a baby shower. " Haike!
Me: "Uyifuna kubani?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.
Me: "Her friends will do one for her. Ntsika: "Okay. " he said.
Good. Me: "Have you done a DNA test?" | asked.
Ntsika "Not yet. We will do it after the baby is born. I nodded.
(Incoming call: Mama)
Me: Mama
Mama: My one and only child Me: Unjani mama ka Zes [She
laughed ]
Mama: Im good. I need to talk to you about something.
Me: Im listening.
Mama: I want to adopt a child.
Me: What?!
Mama: I want a child Nobuhle. Me: Oh my God
Mama: So there is this young girl I met emsebenzini. She is
already 8 months pregnant. The boy that impregnated her ran
Me: That's so typical.
Mama: I spoke to her and she said she doesnt want this baby so
Im adopting her child. Legally.
Me: Im so happy for you mom.
Mama: When are you coming to visit your mom. Im lonely.
Me: Next weekend.
Mama: Okay. I love you baby.
Me: I love you mom.
(Call ended)
Me: "My mom wants to adopt a child babe. "I told Ntsika.
Ntsika: "Thats good, I guess. "
Me: "Ya. I guess too.
We both chuckled.
Ntsika: "You do know that no matter what, I will always love
you, right?" He said. Sincerely.
His eyes burned into mine.
Me: "I know."
He came to stand infront of me then he crouched.
Ntsika: "Thank you, MaZulu. For being here, with me.
I semi-smiled.
Me: "It's okay."
Ntsika: "I'm scared of telling my mom. He said.
Me: "Why?"
Ntsika: "Úzong'thethisa."
I laughed. Its really rare to find a grown ass 30year old still
scared of his mama. I mean, some men think they are all this
and that once they get rich, then they forget their moms. A
woman who brought them here.
Me: "Im sure you will be okay. "I assured. Ntsika: "Dont you
think I should tell her when you go meet her?" I shook my head
Me: "No. You should tell her in private. Not with me around. "
He sighed. I stood up, he also stood up.
Me: "Ntsika you are freakin' tall. "I commented.
He chuckled.
He pulled my body pressed against his then grabbed my ass.
When Ntsika grabs my ass, HE GRABS MY ASS!!! Like, he makes
sure I FEEL it. He presses me against his erect d***. And my
undies get WET! He gives my feather kisses on my shoulder to
my neck. JESUS!!!!! His hand moves under my tshirt to my titts.
I moaned. By the way, we are standing. He picked me up and
took my upstairs. Fast forward......
we had oral sex. He made me cum, I made him cum.
Ntsika: "Why dont we hit the club today?"
Me: "Its a Wednesday Ntsika. " Ntsika: "So?" Haibo
lomntwana!! Me: "Dont forget Im still a student.' Ntsika: "Why
dont you drop out. I will teach you some gangster stuff then we
become the Dangerous couple." He said jokingly.
Me: "Teach me? Bra I know how to hijack a car, I know how to
use a gun, I know how to pick pocket, shoplifting and all that.
What could you possibly teach me?" Modesty people. Y'all
better recognize!!
Ntsika: "How can you prove that?" I cleared my throat.
Me: "We can go steal a car right now." He laughed.
Ntsika: "MaZulu, are you serious?" I nodded.
Ntsika: "Okay. "We both got out of bed. I changed into black
long leggings( puma) and a matching sports bra. I wore a black
hoodie, black Relay cap and running shoes.
We took his BMW i8. Blue in colour.
"When you get caught, you dont know me. Clear?" He said. I
"My nigga stop trippin'. I gaat this. ' He laughed.
"Im not your nigga, MaZulu. Musa ukung'delela.
"Im sorry ke.
We drove to this empty area.
"I want to test your shooting skills. "He said as he got out of the
car. I also got out. He took out three empty bottles of Johnny
He arranged them on top of the rocks a bit far from us.
He gave me his fully loaded gun then stood behind me.
"Shoot." He instructed.
I positioned my myself properly.
I turned to look at him, he placed his one hand around my
"I love you" we both said at the same time.
I shot all three bottled in less than 10 seconds.
Then blew on the gun just to spite him. "MaZulu where did you
learn that!!!" I laughed.
"I dont kiss and tell babes. "I kissed his cheek and gave him his
"Are you still doubting me?" I asked. He shook his head.
We kissed.
"I think Im dangerously in love with you, MaZulu." He said with
his lips still against mine.
"I am dangerously in love with you too. He spanked my ass.
Me: "That hurts. "I said softly.
Ntsika: "Im sorry baby. But this is my asset!" Say what now.
Me: "Isibaya saka baba asinalutho."
Which translated means my father's kraal is empty. That means
he has to pay iLobola before claiming my body!
Ntsika: "Ngizosi qcwalisa kungek'dala. "I smiled.
Ntsika: "Ngyak'thanda Zesuliwe
Nobuhle Ngema. You have changed me to be a better version of
myself. People from my past would tell you if they can. I
was a heartless, cruel human being Zesuliwe. I killed without
thinking twice, remorseless. Yesturday I had a talk with my
mom, and for the first time in years I said I love you back. She
cried. She said she has been waiting for me to say those words.
She said she has noticed change. Apparently I've gained weight.
[chuckles] I hugged her tight for the first time in years and we
cried together."
He hugged me tightly.
Me: "I've witnessed my mother kill someone.
He lightly pushed me off him. He gave me the 'What the fuck?'
Me: "My uncle almost raped me when I was 17 years old. "
Ntsika: "What!"
Me: "I was visiting my grandparents and my know
the drill. My uncle, Themba was a drunkard yabo so I remember
my cousin, Hope, and I were making food in the kitchen for the
younger kids. I asked HOPE to go fetch
my phone from our room. So when she left my uncle came to
the kitchen. He sent me to his room to fetch some cigarettes for
him. Obliviously unaware that he was following me I only
noticed when he got in the room and locked the door. He
wasn't drunk by the way. He was as sober as a judge. He pushed
me to the bed and got on top of me. That is when it dawned to
me that this man is about to violate me. I fought with all I had. I
heard my mom screaming my name that is when I screamed for
help. With the help of my grandfather, my mom broke the door.
Themba got off me and I ran to my mom, crying. My mom
pushed me to my grandfather then took a bottle of beer that
was at one corner of the room. She smashed the bottled on my
uncle's head and it broke. Then she stabbed him multiple times.
God knows what could've happened that day.'
Ntsika: "I would've killed him too."
I smiled.
Me: "My mom and Mkhulu took the body and I dont know what
they did with it. A
month later the body was found and we buried him.
He sniffed.
Ntsika: "Where is your grandfather?"
Me: "He passed away."
Ntsika: "I respect MaDlamini more than I ever did before.
Me: "She is my heroine. "
Ntsika: "Why did your mom name you Zesuliwe?"
I laughed. That was just so random. Out of the blue njer!
Me: "My full name is Zesuliwe
'izinyembezi zami. After my dad basically broke my mom's
heart, I was her light. She stopped crying over him when I was
born. I basically wiped her tears.
Ntsika: "That's cool. So cool. "
Me: "Psssh....."
Ntsika: "I cant wait to have kids with you.
Me: "What would you name our son?"
Ntsika: "Nkosanayethu. Then our daughter, Ntombikayise."
wow! Cool names.
Me: "I want four kids. I would name our sons Mpandeyomuzi
and Mqobizitha. And our daughter, Fikanokuthula and
Buhlebothando "
Ntsika: "I love them."
I smiled.
Me: "Lets go. Im tired. I will hijack another day."
His phone rang.
He looked at me then showed me who was calling. Argh Felicia
He answered.
Ntsika: "Felicia.... im good. What's up..... what....
contractions.....okay Im coming." he sighed.
Ntsika: "MaZulu I..... " I cut him off. Me: "Just go Ntsika."
Ntsika: "Baby I.."
Me: "Take me to my place."
Ntsika: "I thought we are spending the day together.
Me: "I thought so too.
I opened the passenger door then got in the car.
Ntsika: "Sthandwa sami- " Me: "Ngyacela. Asambe. "
He also got in the car.
Ntsika: "Look at me. "I looked at him. "I love you. "I nodded.
He sighs.
Today I'm meeting Ntsika's mother. Im as nervous as hell!
Me: "How is this dress?"
I wore a navy blue off shoulder dress from Zara.
Ntsika: "You look beautiful. "
He wore black jeans, a red shirt and sneakers.
Me: "Let's go then. "
Ntsika: "You ready?" I nodded.
We both got out of the car.
This house is huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Double storey house. Double
garage which can fit 4 cars. An amazing driveway. A beautiful
garden. You see this house is in a township by the way..
Ntsika: "Mama! " he shouted. Voice: "Sise muva!"
We walked inside the house then walked to the lounge. There
was a sliding door leading outside. Beauty I tell you!
There was his mom and Nkanyezi his sister and another
beautiful girl, and also some goodlooking guy and an older
woman. Nerves kicked in.
I held Ntsika's hand tightly. When we reached them, the mother
came to me.
Me: "Sawubona ma. "I said with a genuine smile. She kissed my
lips. Ntsika: "Nah ma. Im the only one allowed to do that." Ma
and I laughed.
Ma: "Aww' kahle.
The other kid: "Ma we also want to meet uMakoti wethu. " She
stood up and also came to hug me. "Im Ntsika's youngest sister,
Ntando. You are beautiful! " | laughed.
Me: "Thank you. You are also beautiful."
Everyone introduced themselves. That guy is Zakhele, Ntsika's
cousin. The other woman is Ntsika's aunt, Aunt Nomakhwezi.
We had settled. Nkanyezi doesn't seem to like me. Psshhh...she
can go jump off a cliff for all I care.
Zakhele: "So Zes, what are you studying?"
Me: "Criminal law. Im doing my third
year. " He smiled then looked at Ntsika. Ntando: "Are you on
Instagram?" I laughed.
Me: "Yes I am. We will exchange handles later. " she nodded
Aunt Nomakhwezi: "Ntsika I hope this is the first and last girl
you will ever
introduce to this family. " Ntsika looked at me.
Ntsika: "First and last auntiza. " He took my hand under the
table and entangled our fingers together.
Aunt Nomakhwezi: "Kuhle lokho. "
I saw a post on Instagram. I was actually tagged by Felicia on a
post a few weeks ago. It was on the day I went to meet
Lebogang, the girl that's going to give my mom her child.
So it's been like a month since I've been active on Instagram so
Im only seeing this post now.
Im in my room on the bed, busy with an assignment then I
decide to take a break. I get notifications that blah blah blah like
your photos, and what what what started following you. Some
dm'ed me. I notice that Ntando tagged me in a
post. I like and comment. Then DANG DANG DANG!!!! The post.
Felicias post. There were like 10 slides in that post. slide mosss.
1st slide: A cake. You know marn those baby shower cakes. I
think uhhh cute.
2nd slide: The decor. Gazebo, tiffany chairs, blue colours here
and there. The new mommy designated chair.
3rd slide: A picture of herself sitting on her designated chair.
Her hand on her huge tummy! She looks chubby and beautiful
4th: A picture of herself and couple other slay queens I dont
know. Everyone was wearing white. All white.
5th: A picture of all the ladies: Mpho, Vanessa, Sihle, Tlholo,
Ayanda and Azania. They had glasses of cocktail in their hands.
6th: A picture of all the guys~ Dingane, Dean, Khulekani,
Thapelo, Tlholos fiancee Xolani, and the DEVIL HIMSELF! I could
feel tears burning in my eyes.
7th: A picture of Felicia with a blindfolder. She had a romper in
her hands. You knows those silly baby shower games.
8th: A picture of the gifts! In cute nyana gift bags.
9th: A picture of herself and Ntsika. Wow..just wow! She had
her arms wrapped around Ntsika's waist and he wasn't even
concentrating on the
10th: A picture of an ultrasound.
Caption: 'My best friend Lerato @lee. love organized a baby
shower for me. My friends came to support, bearing gifts. I also
want to thank my new support system, Vanessa
@Vee_khumalo, Mpho @M.Gift, Tlholo @ShawtyT, Azania
@Buhle Africa and Sihle @See. hle and Ayanda @Yaya. ndaa.
Not forgetting the Godfathers, Thapelo @thaps, Dingane
@dingane, Dean, Xolani and Khulekani [they dont have IG]. And
My baby daddy, the person that made me a mother,
NTSIKAYOMUZI @ntsika. mageba.
Everyone that made it, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately my son's other "mommy" @Zes_buhle couldn't
make it. She had to study for a test. But she did send her love.
The gifts are beautiful guys.
The Zulu 2nd Prince will arrive in a few months.
Im 5 monts pregnant meaning 4 months to go. I love you all
2, 976 likes
View all 2, 001 comments It was a good day indeed friend
shawtyT We all had fun. Congrats once again
I have never felt so betrayed in my life. I took a screenshot then
sent it to Ntsika.
'I hope you all enjoyed the baby shower. Still wondering why I
didnt get the invite I guess the DNA tests proved that she is
carrying your second son. Congra.' Sent
I switched off my phone and my laptop. And slept with a heavy
Shit! Why the fuck did Felicia tag in the post! No why did she
post them in the first place!!
I got that text from MaZulu. I tried calling her but it took me
straight to voicemail. I just got in my car, I was at work by the
way. I drove to Kyalami Corp. I went straight to Thapelos office.
I just barged in. He was having lunch with Ayanda.
Me: "She knows.'
Thapelo: "Who knows what?
Me: "MaZulu knows about the baby shower. " I said. Fast.
Ayanda: "Who- ohh Instagram. Shit! Thapelo: "Felicia! Damn
that bitch! "I was already pacing up and down the room.
"Mmoona calm down."
Me: "I can't. "I sat down. "What are we going to do. What am I
going to do?!" Ayanda: "I told you guys. We should've told her."
Thapelo: "Pointing fingers won't help. Maybe we should go to
Me: "It wont work. She is angry. Shit!!!!"
I tried calling again and it still sent me to voicemail. I called
Him: Ndoda.
Me: MaZulu knows about the baby shower.
Him: What!!!!
Me: Instagram mfethu!
Him: Shit! She must be feeling betrayed and hurt. Why didnt
you tell her that the results were positive?
Me: It crossed my mind bhudda.
Him: We are in trouble bra. You know how she gets when shes
angry. I dont wanna lie, Im scared.
Me: Me too.
Him: We'll talk later bra. I am in a meeting.
Me: Why ungasho?
Him: Hai bazoba strong. (Call ended)
_Next day
I got a text from Ayanda saying Azania is in hospital. Something
about being shot. By the way, Ayanda didn't sleep here today. I
know she knows I know about the baby shower.
I took a quick shower after class. I wore a white short umbrella
dress and gladiator sandals. I left my dreadlocks untied. I took a
pic for the gram.
I took a cab to the mall and bought some goodies and a cute
teddy bear
When i went in Azanias ward, there was Ntsika, Thaps, Ayanda,
Dingane and Vanessa. The rest weren't there.
"Hi. "I greeted.
"Hi/ Hello/ Hy." They greeted back.
I walked to Azania.
Me: "How are you?" I asked softly. Azania: "I'll be fine."
Me: "What happened? - Dont answer that." breath. "It has to
do with this gang thing right?" she nodded.
Me: "Get well soon. "I placed the gifts on that side small table.
Ayanda: "Look Zes, we are...- "I cut her off.
about the baby shower, save your
breath. You did what you thought was best for you guys. And Im
cool with that.
Dingane: "But- "
Me: "Bhut'Dingani I dont wanna hear it. You hid the baby
shower from me. Why?
Ayanda: "We thought you wouldn't want it to happen."
Me: "So Im the bad guy. You should've told me! You should've
told me about the results also! Maybe I would've came through.
But you guys painted me as the bad guy. But anyway it is what it
is. I dont know where your loyalties lie, but Im damn sure they
dont lie with me. I mean you guys knew each other before I
came in the picture so you dont have to be loyal to me and Im
cool with that.
I opened the door then went out.
I was waiting for a cab when i heard him.
Ntsika: "MaZulu. " He said with his deep voice.
I turned to look at him. Me: "Hi. " Ntsika: "Unjani.
Me: "Im well how are you?" Ntsika: "Im good." Me:
Ntsika: "Im sorry. For not telling you. I guess I was scared of the
unknown. Me: "It's cool.
Ntsika: "So we're good?" I shrugged my shoulders.
Ntsika: "Baby please. Im sorry. I didnt say anything.
Ntsika: "MaZulu. "I looked at him. Me: "What do you want me
to say?" I whispered.
Ntsika: "Tell me you forgive me. Ngyak'cela.
Me: "I forgive you.
He hugged me.
Christmas Day!!!
Christmas was Christmas. I spent it with my dad's family. And oh
my father bought me a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Suzuki S.
Presso,orange~ish in colour. Personalized number plate:
Ngema. Yep, my dad loves my second name.
When I told Ntsika he said, "It should've been MaZulu, not
Nobuhle Ngema. And i said, "I told you Isibaya saka baba
siEmpty. "We laughed about it.
We had New years and what what.
Felicia is 9 months pregnant now and gosh! She is huge.
Its February. Back to school! I am doing my fourth year!!!!!
Ya! Im still living with Ayanda. I have gotten over the baby
shower matter. Azania has moved in with us and damn is she
Me: "Bye guys. I will see after class. "I took my bag and rushed
After class$
I got a text from Ayanda saying I should come to the hospital.
Felicia has given birth.
Am i suppose to be happy about that? Because Im not. Am I
hurt? Yes I am. What can i do about it? Ya. That's right. Nothing.
Yaya sent the location. I drove there with my heart on my
Me: "Hi. "I greeted. Everyone was here, even Ntsika's mom and
Ntando. Ntsika was standing next to Felicias bed, his hand in
I felt this pinch of pain in my heart. Ouch! It stung.
I walked to Ntsika's mom.
Me: "Sawubona ma.
Ma: "Mntanami. "I also hugged Ntando. Then I went to stand
next to Dingane.
Me: "Big bro."
Dingane: "Kid. '
He kissed my forehead.
Me: "Where is the baby?"
Khulekani: "Uyeza? The nurse will bring him.'
Ayanda and Azania came to me. Ayanda: "How are you?" she
looked at me with pity in her eyes. They both were. Me: "Why
are you two looking at me like that? You feel sorry for me?"
They looked down.
Azania: "No. We are just worried.' Me: "Well, Im fine.
The nurse brought the baby in. He was wearing a blue romper
and a matching hat. Ntsika rushed to her and took the baby.
Ntsika: "He is so beautiful." Felicia: "Can I see him. "
They had their family moment together. Their perfect little
happy family. I watched them, kissing their baby and giggling.
Ntsika was continuously kissing Felicias forehead. I WATCHED
THEM!! Making a fool out of me. No. How can I watch him hurt
me like this. How can He hurt me! I mean I know this is a very
special moment for them, but... Nevermind. My feelings dont
matter. They NEVER DID anyway.
Dingane: "Baby sis. Are you okay?" I nodded.
I walked to them.
Me: "Can I see him?"
They looked at me with shock in their faces.
Ntsika looked at Felicia. She rolled her eyes then gave the baby
to me.
Wow! Beauty i tell you.
I felt some connection with him. Strong connection! I dont
know how and why but I love HIM! I feel like he is my baby.
Me: "What's his name?"
Felicia: "I was thinking Ntsika Junior. " Ntando: "Thats so
overrated. "
Ntsika: "Sbanisethu. He is uSbani. " I smiled.
Me: "Hey baby Sbani. "
I felt Ntsika's hands around my waist. He kissed my cheek.
Ntsika: "He is beautiful isnt he?"
Me: "Dont touch me.
Ntsika: "MaZulu."
Me: "Please."
Ntsika: "Whats wrong?" Me: "Nothing."
Ntsika: "Why dont you want me to touch
Me: "You are done playing happy family with Felicia then you
are coming to me, kumnandi ukuba wuwe.
Ntsika: "Baby what are you talking about?
Me: "It hurts how you dont see anything wrong with what you
I turned my attention back to the baby.
Sbani is light skinned. Felicia is a yellow bone so...... Or maybe
he will get darker as he grows.
Ntsika: "Can we talk. " Me: "Later. "
I kissed Sbani's forehead.
Ntando: "Can I also hold him! I've been waiting! "We laughed.
They took turns with the baby. The girls left after seeing the
baby, except Ayanda and Azania. And the guys are still here.
Ntsika: "Baby. "I looked at him. "Im sorry.
Me: "For?" He sighed.
Ntsika: "I know how this is hurting you...and I am not making
this easier for you. I realised what you were talking about and
Im sorry. You know I cant stand you being angry at me. Me: "It is
what it is my nigga. He chuckled.
Ntsika: "You are crazy. "I smiled. "I love you.
Me: "I love you too." He pecked my lips three times.
Ya. He loves doing that. He said its means I LOVE YOU.
Ma: "Mntanam how do you do it?" Ntando: "How do you do it?
"I chuckled. Me: "Do what?
Ma: "What you are doing? After all this you still with him?"
Me: "I dont know. I guess, I love him too much."
Ntsika: "Did you just tell everyone how much you love me?" He
whispered. Me: "Mxm. Phuma kim. " He chuckled. Ntando:
"You two are just goals hey.' Ma: "Ukhethile la mntanam. '
Dean: "Dingane you should've beat him up for dating your
Dingane: "We're still going to have World War my guy.
We laughed.
Felicia: "Enough about them. Please."
Azania: "Phuma kithi wena. You are not even part of the family."
I laughed.
Felicia: "Kid -" Ayanda cut her off.
Ayanda: "Gogo thula.
Ma: "Hayi Nina!"
(Incoming call: Mama ka Zes)
Me: Mama ka Zes.
Mama: Why didnt you tell me Ntsika has children!
Me: Mama.....
Mama: Am I not your mother?
Me: You are.
Mama: Do you want me to tell you to break up with him!?
Me: No.
Mama: How many kids does he have? Me: Two.
Mama: So you're already playing stepmother to them?
Me: No mom.
Mama: Umthanda ngaleyo ndlela.
Me: Yebo ma.
Mama: Tell him I want to see him.
(Call ended)
I looked at Ntsika.
Me: "Mama wants to see you.
Ntsika: "Why?"
Me: "Angazi.
Dean: "I feel for you bro." Dingane: "Ayeye!"
Khulekani: "Mama Sgebhengu!" Me: "Hayi nina!!!!!
A few minutes later:
Ayanda: "Girls lets go." Me: "Ya. Im exhausted.
We gathered our things.
Me: "Congratulations by the way Felicia.
Felicia: "Kea leboha. "
I hugged uMa noNtando. Then the guys.
Dingane: "When last did we spend a day together? Only the two
of us?'
Me: "Its been a while. '
Dingane: "I'll fetch you on Friday. You're spending the weekend
with me. "I nodded. "I love you kid. "
Me: "I love you too.
I went to the sleeping Sbani next to Felicia.
I kissed his forehead.
Me: "Bye bye Sbani. I love you."
He wrapped his hand around my finger. I felt tears burning in
my eyes. What is going on with me and this child!
Ma: "Makoti. "
I wiped my tears.
Ma: "Are you okay?"
Me: "Yes ma. Im fine. Asambeni. "
I went to Ntsika.
Ntsika: "Why are you leaving?"
Me: "Hayi Ntsika.
Ntsika: "You dont love me anymore." He sulks.
Me:"I love you with my soul and body my love." He raised his
eyebrow and
clenched his jaw. I know he is blushing. Ntsika: "Uthandwa yim.
Azania: "Whuuu asambe ZESULIWE! " Me: "Nisaleni kahle.'
Azania: "But honestly babes, how do you feel about this baby
Me: "What I know is I love Sbani.' Ayanda: "Njani? I mean..."
Me: "Hayi guys! What with these 3rd degree questions.
Azania: "I ordered pizza. "
We had supper then went to bed.
I am a father to two boys!!! If someone told me this a year ago,
I would've probably laughed at them.
Manqoba looks exactly like me and on the other hand, Sbani is
a light skinned version of me.
What more can a man ask for?? Well, I want children with my
The next day.
Felicia has settled in her new house. The nursery has been
done. Felicia was discharged within 24 hours because her and
Sbani were healthy.
My mom and I were at Felicias place, in the nursery room.
Ma: "When is your mom coming?" Felicia: "She could walk in
any minute from now.
Mom nodded then walked out. I was left with Felicia and Sbani.
Felicia: "Baba ka Sbani. "I looked at her. She walked closer to
Felicia: "Why dont you want to be with me? "
She brushed my chest.
Me: "Uyenzani?
Felicia: "Why cant you see that I love you?"
She touched my cheek.
Felicia: "You need a woman in your life, not a child. We can be a
happy family. Nna, lewena le ngwana wa rona. You see, we can
be our little perfect family.
Mmh? I can be your Mažulu.' Me: "By child, who are you talking
She rolled her eyes.
Felicia: "Zesuliwe. Batho ba buwa. She is a kid. "
I chuckled coldly.
Me: "I dont love you. The only thing that connects me and you
is Sbani, other than that, you are nothing to me. Siyezwana?
I pushed her off me.
Felicia: "Ntsika..."
Me: "Ngisakhuluma. Women who throw themselves at me are a
total turn off. I care about you as the mother of my second son,
dont mistake that for love. Ngyathemba siyazwana. "
I kissed Sbanis forehead then walked to the door. Before I
walked out, I turned to look at her.
Me: "And there will only be one MaZulu. And that is Zesuliwe.
Hai wena. Nxn.
Then I walked out. In the lounge, mom was sitting with a certain
woman who i assume is Felicias mom.
Ma: "I must say, our grandson is beautiful."
Felicias mom nodded in agreement. F. Mom: "Mmontle.
Another thing, ngwana wa hao has marry my daughter. No
grandson of mine will be born out of wedlock."
Me: "Ngeke ukbone lokho. Felicia and i will not get married.
I saw her face drop.
Ma: "Hai Ntsika. "
I sat next to my mom.
Ma: "My son, this is Nthabeleng. Felicias
I smiled at this is Nthabeleng.
Nthabeleng: "Kenna mme wa Felicia. "
Me: "Thabela ho tseba. "
Felicia came to the lounge, her eyes were red and swollen and
her cheeks
were red. Yellowbones.
Nthabeleng: "Keng?"
Felicia: "Nothing.
Ma: "Is Sbani still sleeping?" Felicia: "Yes.'
Ma: "We need to do a welcoming ceremony for Sbani.
Nthabeleng: "It will happen when Sbani is 6 months old. He is
still young. Only Modimo knows what you Zulu people will do to
him as tradition.
Eh! Ma and I looked at each other.
Ma: "We are leaving now. Mntanam asambe.'
We both stood up.
I quickly ran to the nursery. Took a quick picture of Sbani then
my mom and I left.
In the car:
Ma: "Did you hear what that woman said?"
I sighed.
Me: "I heard her ma.
Ma: "Uyadelela.
I kept quiet.
Ma: "How is uMakoti?'
Me: "She is fine. I spoke to her this morning.
Ma: "It amazes me how she is dealing with all of this. '
Me: "She is a strong woman.
Ma: "She is. You better not break her heart.
Me: "I wont. I love her. "
Ma: "She loves you too. I saw that myself.
Me: "She does? "
Ma: "Yes. What? Are you doubting her?" Me: "Ey ma. "I sighed.
Ma: "Talk to me.
Me: "I just have this fear that someday she will meet someone
her age that doesnt carry any burdens, unlike me and she
leaves me. You know, I try to make her happy. All the time."
Ma: "I understand. But do you think after enduring this, she will
still leave you? I mean, she stayed with you after these two kids.
She stayed with you even after she got introduced to your
crimes. Any other girl would've ran for the hills. I dont wanna
lie, at first I wasnt convinced. I thought she was in it for the
money but when you told me she never asks for imali yakho,
instead you are the one giving her money and buying her
clothes, I was sold. I knew she was umakoti wami. I love her.
She is beautiful, thick, she is respectful, humble, and she gives
this sort of positive energy. Even though she carries an aura.
I chuckled.
Me: "Everyone says that. On a serious note, I love her alot. Even
though she is hella stubborn! Damn that woman is stubborn
and frustrating. She sometimes thinks she wears that pants in
this relationship.
Mom laughed.
Ma: "I hope you never hit her.' Me: "Never.
Ma: "And when you guys have some disagreements, use your
third leg to sort her out. Thats how she will listen."
Third leg? Third leg? Thir.....ohhhhhhh! I laughed.
Me: "Unfortunately ma, she is sealed." Ma: "Sealed? She is a
virgin??" | nodded. "How perfect is this girl???" Me: "She is the
best. I want to send cows ekibo in the next two months.
Ma: "Why are you in a rush?
Me: "They will take her from me."
Ma: "You gotta have some trust in her. Get rid of those
insecurities. I nodded.
Week later
Today im meeting Zes mom. And her dad!! Imagine. We are
meeting in Zes_ 'dad's house thats here in Cape Town.
MaZulu is driving me there.
MaZulu: "Baby are you sure you are going to be fine? I can...." I
interrupted her.
Me: "Sthandwa sami I will be fine, okay? Even though both your
parents are gangster like.
I laughed.
MaZulu: "Mxm. I will shoot you wena.
I laughed.
MaZulu: "Asambe. "
She walked out. I followed her.
MaZulu: "We're taking the Dakar." I nodded.
She got in the front seat. I just looked at her.
MaZulu: "Hai Ntsika. I want to drive. "
I got in the passenger seat.
Me: "Why are you in a good mood?" MaZulu: "Drake and Future
said it, LIFE IS GOOOOOOD! "
I smiled.
Me: "Im happy when you're happy." She blushed.
MaZulu: "You make me happy Mageba. " Me: "Do you want to
make me happy?" MaZulu: "Dont I make you happy?" she
Me: "You do, but you know what else will make me happy?'
MaZulu: "What?" She was getting impatient.
Me: "I would be really happy if you could be my wife as soon as
possible. MaZulu: "I hope this aint you proposing to me ngoba I
reject the proposal. " I laughed.
Me: "What if it is?"
MaZulu: "Ngeke sbali andizi."
What!!!! Im Sbali now!
Me: "Hawu MaZulu !"
MaZulu: "Hayi Ntsika. I refuse.' Me: "You dont want to be my
wife? MaZulu: "I do. But not like this? Who proposes to their
woman when they're in the car and the lady is driving? Who?"
Me: "Me!
MaZulu: "Haike. You will never get married.
Me: "You know some women were going to look passed how
the proposal took place and just agree!"
MaZulu: "Unfortunately im not one of them.
I chuckled.
Me: "Kodwa wena.
She smiled lightly. We drove in silence.
MaZulu: "Baby?" Me: "Mmh?"
MaZulu: "Were you really proposing?"
Oh kanti she was thinking about it.
Me: "Yes." MaZulu: "Okay. Me: "Uyavuma?" She laughs.
MaZulu: "No dummy."
At Ghosts house:
We were still in the car.
MaZulu: "Let's go in. "
Me: "If I dont make it, tell my kids I love them.
MaZulu: "Uyahlanya. "
We walked in. This place is filled with body guards everywhere.!
Ghost was in the living room with Mam Sghebengu.
MaZulu: "My parents." She walked to them.
Ghost: "Nobuhle.
They hugged and Ghost kissed her forehead. I noticed that
MaZulu looks like her father. Like exactly. She is the female
version of him.
Then she also hugged her mom.
Mama Sghebengu: "Zulu. " I nodded.
Ghost: "Axe. "I nodded.
MaZulu: "Baba did you really have to call him that." she frowns.
Ghost: "Stay out of it.
Mama Sghebengu: "Nobuhle
MaZulu: "Just like that.
Ghost: "Ya. Hamba. '
She huffed.
Ghost: "You can walk her out.
We walked to where the car was.
Me: "Your parents are scary."
She laughed.
MaZulu: "I know."
Me: "I love you.
She blushed. Wrapped her arms around my waist.
MaZulu: "Why are you shaking? Relax. " Me: "I will be fine.
She kissed my chin.
MaZulu: "Relax.
She kissed my nose them forehead then my lips.
MaZulu: "Are you relaxed now?"
I nodded.
I gave her a lingering kisss!!!!!!!!!!
MaZulu: "Bye. Text me when you want to be fetched. And
another thing, My mom hates flowers and chocolates so its a
good thing you didnt bring that. And I bought this.'
She opened the backseat of the car.
Came back with a bottle of white wine.
MaZulu: "Give this to my mom and my dad doesnt like
handouts. "
I took the bottle of wine.
Me: "He doesnt like handouts? But this is not a handout."
She shrugged her shoulders. Me: "Thank you baby.
We kissed then she got in the car. MaZulu: "Goodluck.
She drove off.
I walked back inside the house.
Mama Sghebengu: "You can sit.
I sat across them.
Ghost rang a bell and two helpers rushed to us.
Them: "At your service."
Ghost: "Bring some appetizers. And drinks. I will have whiskey
on the rocks. Mama Sghebengu: "White wine. Me: "I will have
orange juice." They looked at me. "Okay, beer please.
The "waitresses " rushed out.
Ghost: "What do you want from my daughter?"
Me: "I love her."
Mama Sghebengu: "You love her?
Me: "It was love at first, if I may say. " Ghost: "You love her or
you just want to play with her heart.
I sighed.
Me: " Bantu abadala with all due respect, Im old enough to
know what I want. Im way past the stage of playing around. I
want to settle down. I love Zesuliwe. With my being. If I wanted
to toy with her heart, I wouldnt be here.
They looked at each other. Yaa. I felt
more confident than i did when I walked in.
After dropping Ntsika off, I drove to Khanyisiles crib. We are
friends now.
I took out my swim wear from the boot and some snacks.
Walked in.
Me: "Ngikhulekile ekhaya!"
Khanyisile: "Sisemuva!!!"
I walked to the backyard.
Me: "Hello hello hello hello hello sanibonani.
She screamed!!
Me: "Babes you are glowing!!"
Khanyisile: "Brian is treating me good, honey.
Brian is her white boyfriend.
Me: "Okay babes. I see you."
Khanyisile: "Angithi you are Virgin Mary.
Me: "You just had to take it there." Khanyisile: "Im sorry ke.
Me: "Can i have something to drink!!!!!!! Khanyisile:
"Manqoba!!! Get Aunt Zes a can of soda!'
Manqoba: "Okay mom! Hey Aunt Zes." Me: "Hey babe.
He ran inside the house.
Khanyisile: "Sisemuva!!!"
I walked to the backyard.
Me: "Hello hello hello hello hello sanibonani.
She screamed!!
Me: "Babes you are glowing!!"
Khanyisile: "Brian is treating me good, honey.
Brian is her white boyfriend.
Me: "Okay babes. I see you."
Khanyisile: "Angithi you are Virgin Mary.
Me: "You just had to take it there." Khanyisile: "Im sorry ke.
Me: "Can i have something to drink!!!!!!! Khanyisile:
"Manqoba!!! Get Aunt Zes a can of soda!'
Manqoba: "Okay mom! Hey Aunt Zes." Me: "Hey babe.
He ran inside the house.
Me: "Im aware of that, but i love her. Mama Sghebengu: "Cant
you wait any longer? I mean-
Ghost: "Nobuhle.
Me: "Im not getting any younger, Mama ka Zes. I know I've
found my wife in Zes. I've found the love of my life. Mother of
my kids. I want to make her mine, officially. I promise i will not
interfere in her school work or force her to have kids. I love her
way to much for that.'
They looked at each other. Then they both nodded.
Ghost: "Do things the right way. Send a letter.
I nodded.
Two hours, I called Zes to fetch me.
She arrived an hour later. Yoh this
MaZulu: "Hyyyyy everyone.
We laughed.
Ghost: "Where are your clothes?'
She was wearing swimwear, two piece and had a towel around
her with flip flops.
MaZulu: "I was swimming."
Mama Sghebengu: "Uthanda izinto." MZulu: "Hai ma.
Mama Sghebengu: "Hai suka. Come give me some sugar.
They hugged each other, Zes also hugged her father.
Ghost: "Dont forget our little get away
MaŻulu: "Yes dad."
MaZulu: "Asambe ke.
I handshaked her parents then we left.
MaZulu: "You are driving."
I chuckled.
In the car:
Me: "What get away was your father talking about?
MaZulu: "Ohhh.... my dad, my siblings and I are going away for a
few days. Me: "Why dont I know that.
MaZulu: "I was gonna tell you." Me: "When?"
MaZulu: "It's not a big deal. "
It's not a big deal???? WTF!
Me: "It is! The fact that you never tell me anything. We dont
have communication in this relationship.
MaZulu: "Cut me some slack Ntsika. Do you ever tell me things
about your gang heists? Or whatever you discuss? No you dont.
But i dont nag you like you're doing to me now.
Me: "You know I can't tell you those things. It's confidential. "
MaZulu: "Whatever I discuss with my father is confidential.
Me: "So I didnt have to know?" MaZulu: "It's not a big deal.'
I just kept quiet. Guys this is a big deal. So what was going to
happen? She was going to pack and leave without me knowing?
Is that what was going to happen? She doesn't give me my
place in this relationship. I wear the pants okay. She should
acknowledge that position.
We drove to my place. She opened the door and went inside.
MaZulu: "By the way, Khanyisile is bringing Manqoba over
She went upstairs. I followed her.
Me: "How do you know that?" MaZulu: "I was with her and
him." Me: "MaZulu- "
Her phone rang.
MaZulu: "Babes.....wait I cant hear you... ini... okay im on my
way...I love you.
Me: "Who is babes? MaZulu: "My side nigga."
Say what now????
Me: "Kuzofa umuntu. "
MaZulu: "Uban??? Mina???
Me: "That side nigga. "
She laughed. Then pecked my lips.
MaZulu: "You my love got issues.
She went into the ensuite bathroom and took a 5minutes
shower then got out with a towel around her body. Shit i got
Me: "Baby." MaZulu: "Hmmm. "
She went to sit infront of the mirror. Towel down in a split of a
What the fuck is she trying to achieve???!!!!!!! #^$:^
Me: "Ithi ngihambe before i do something we will both regret."
She laughed.
MaZulu: "I love you too Mageba.
I went downstairs.
After sometime she came down wearing a short denim skirt and
a tank top. She unplaited her dreadlocks so it was in a pony tail.
MaZulu: "Baby Im leaving okay." Me: "What's going on?"
MaZulu: "Umngani wakho uThapelo cheated on Ayanda.
Me: "What? Is he crazy?"
MaZulu: "He is your friend. Im out."
She took her keys and ran out.
I also drove to Thapelos crib.
He was sitting in his living room, weed in his hand and a glass of
Me: "What the fuck were you thinking?!" Thapelo: "I made a
mistake man. Me: "A mistake that cost you the love of your life.
Thapelo: "I know man. I know."
Me: "You know she wont forgive you, right?"
Thapelo: "She has to. I cant live without her.
Me: "You should've thought about that before fucking up.
Thapelo: "You gotta help me."
Me: "I aint helping you. Who was it with?
Thapelo: "Lerato."
Me: "Lerato? Felicias friend?" He nods.
"You are way stupid that I thought Thapelo.
Thapelo: "You also slept with Felicia. " Me: "At that time,
MaZulu and I had broken up." He sighs
Thapelo: "I messed up didnt I?" Me: "Big time.
I arrived at the apartment.
Me: "Babes what happened. " Azania: "Calm down and tell us,
Ayanda: "I've been busy with school lately so Thapelo and I
haven't been spending so much time together. So I went to his
place aiming to surprise him but i got the surprise. They were
lying in his bed, i think they just fucked. How can he hurt me
like this? Dont I satisfy him? What am I lacking?"
Me: "You are fine, just the way you are. He is the bastard.
Ayanda: "I love him. I love him so much Zes. "
Me: "I know. I know."
She continued crying until she slept.
Azania: "Thapelo is a bastard. " Me: "I know."
There was a hard knock.
Me: "I'll get it."
Me: "Thapelo."
Thapelo: "Is Ayanda in? Can I see her?'
He was a messss!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: "I don't think she wants to see you." Thapelo: "Please.
Me: "Come back tomorrow when you are all cleaned up."
He sighs.
Thapelo: "Tell her I love her and I'm sorry.
I nodded.
He slowly walked to his car, he looked down.
I went back inside.
Me: "Ayanda.. wake up. Go sleep on your bed.
She nodded and slowly walked to her
I started making supper, rice and chicken stew.
Then i went to study.
Outfit: Yellow dress and white sandles Hairstyle: Neat bun
Bag: Slay bag with books.
Me: "Im out!
Azania: "Okay. Bye!"
Me: "Please wake Ayanda up. She
shouldn't miss a class." Azania: "I'll try.'
I got in my car then left.
3 hours later I was done.
I passed by the mall to buy things for the getaway.
I bought swim wears, sandales, dresses, and jewellery.
My dad didnt say where we are going but he did say we should
buy summer garments.
I'll do my hair tomorrow.
I had my nails done.
I drove home.
Azania: Bitch!!!
Me: Hey.
Azania: She is still in her room.
I sigh.
Me: I'll go check on her.
I walked to her room. It was locked.
Me: Yaya please open up.
* Silence*
Me: Ayanda open this door right now.
* Silence*
Me: Ayanda dont bore me. Open this fucken door. Right now.
Before I break it
She opened up.
The curtains were closed. She was still in ther pyjamas.
Me: "Did you eat?"
She shook her head.
Me: "Im giving you 30 minutes to get cleaned up. We are going
out, okay?" Her: "Kodwa Zee..."
Me: "No, Ayanda. I'm not going to let you do that to yourself.
You cried enough. So what you are going to do is, you are going
to get dressed up and look sexy. We are going clubbing today.
Okay? "She nodded. "I love you."
She smiled.
Her: "I love you too."
I walked out of her room, leaving her to get ready.
Azania: "How is she?"
Me: "She'll be fine. Get ready, we are going clubbing.
She screamed.
Azania: "Let me get ready." She ran to her room.
I ordered some food for us since we cant go clubbing on empty
I also went to get ready.
A short spaghetti strip black leather dress, and block heels.
Make up on fleeck!!! Left my dreadlocks hanging.
Azania wore a denim boob tube dress with bright pink stilettos.
Ayanda wore short leather bum short and a white one hand
bodysuit and white thigh high heeled boots.
We looked hot neh!!!!
We had food first then at 7pm we ubered to the club.
At The Club
It was fully packed at the club. We settled at the VIP section!
They bought alcohol while I had juice. Different types of
unalcoholic beverages.
Mr Jazzi Q was performing, alongside Reece Madlisa and Zuma
and Busta 929. We know everybody loves them.
We were all jolly, dancing to amapiano! You know the drill.
Ayanda was dancing with this other guy.
Three guys came to our table. Aiii here comes trouble.
Guy1: "Hey ladies."
Us: "Hi. "
Guy2: "Can we join you?"
Aya: "No."
Guy3: "Please.'
Me: "No."
Voice: "Well well well. If it isnt the sluts. Argh it was Lerato and
Ayanda: "The biggest bitches of the house.
Felicia: "I wonder what Axe will do if he finds his precious
MaZulu in the comfort of another man. '
Me: "Do you see another man touching me or are you an
Guy3: "Axe? Are you thee Axe's woman?
Me: "Ya."
Guy2: "Bafethu lets march. "They left.
Lerato: "So Ayanda... "
Aya: "Bitch keep my name out of your disgusting mouth.:
Lerato: "Well.. your man likes what magic this disgusting mouth
of mine did for him. If you know what I mean.
Aza: "Did she just call her own mouth disgusting?"
Me: "Yes she did.
Felicia: "It's funny how your men love making love to us. Don't
you give it to them?"
Aza: "They dont make love to you, they fuck you hard.
They both swallowed hard.
Aza: "You are actually no different to prostitutes and escourts
you know." Felicia: "Bitch I'll fuck you up.
Zes: "I wish to see you try.
Felicia: "Don't forget I am Ntsikas heir's mother, I can make him
marry me in a blink of an eye.
Me: "Ntsika told me what you did the other day. Don't you
value yourself? | mean, throwing yourself at a man is degrading
and you should be ashamed of yourself. Learn to love yourself
Felicia, umdala mawungaka. You are a mother now, what are
you teaching your son? Self love babes, is very essential. They
didn't say anything.
Azania:"With that little dignity you have
left, fuck off. '
They both walked away with tails between their legs.
Azania: "Now let's party!!!!!!!!
Megan Thee Stallion busted on the speakers.
We were twerking like hell, Ayanda grinded on this other guy.
The next thing, the guy was pinned against the wall.
Ayanda: "Thapelo leave him alone!!!!!" Ntsika: "Ndoda calm
Thapelo: "You fucken touched my woman!!!! No one touches
my woman like that except me, Clear!!!! Or I will kill you!
Ntsika managed to pull him off. The guy ran off.
Ntsika: "Calm down."
Thapelo: "Ayanda lets go.
Ayanda: "Im not going anywhere with
Thapelo: "Ayanda."
Ayanda: "Hai haiii phuma kum. "
Thapelo picked her up like a sack of potatoes then walked out
with her.
The eyes!!!!!!
Ntsika walked to me. He gave me three pecks and smiled. The
Him: "Hi. " Me: "Hi. "
Him: "I love you.
I blushed.
Me: "You are so random. I love you too." Him: "You look sexy.
Me: "Thank you baby."
We kissed.
Him: "I just wanna rip this dress off you." Azania: "Hayiii
Ntsika!!!!!! PG! " We
Me: "Lets go.
Ntsika took my bag and held my hand. The PDA.
I just love him.
Ayandas POV
Thapelo drove us to his house.
He walked inside the house leaving me in the car.
I slowly walked behind him.
He was in his lounge with a glass of cognac in his hand.
Him: "Thats how you dress now, Ayanda."
Me: "Yes, Im a single lady now." Him: "So you wanted attention
from other guys?
Me: "Why am I here?"
Him: "Baby... "I cut him off.
Me: "Thapelo Mokoena why am i here!!!!!
Him: "Okay, lerato laka Im sorry. I know I shouldn't have slept
with her. But I did. I regret it alot. To be honest, I was just
thinking for that moment, I wanted to let go of the sexual
frustration. You know we haven't been intimate for months. "
Me: "Put the blame on me. It's my fault you cheated right, so
put the blame on me.
Him: "Im not blaming you, baby. I just... " Me: "Im tipsy, I want
to sleep. I had a quarrel with your girlfriend Lerato earlier at the
Him: "Lerato? What did she do?"
Me: "Hayi shes your girlfriend, not mine. Can i sleep in one of
the guestrooms? I'll leave first thing tomorrow morning. "
He just stared at me.
I walked away.
Him: "I love you, Ayanda."
Me: "Love is not enough."
I walked to one of the guestrooms downstairs.
Im done with him, honestly.

I sat on the bed while MaZulu took a shower. Azania was in the
She got out with only a towel around herself.
Her: "Why are you staring at me like that?"
She applied lotion on her body.
Me: "Im admiring God's work." Her: "He really is good right?"
Me: "Ya he is.
I wish to just make love to her. God knows how much my body
yearns for her. But ill wait. I will wait.
Me: "When are we getting married?" Her: "Haibo. Where is all
this coming from?"
Me: "I want to be your husband." She came to kneel on the
bed, behind me. Her: "All in good times my love." She rubbed
my shoulders and kissed my neck.
Me: "I cant wait anymore." She sighed. Her: "What's the
problem? "I turned. Me: "I want you to be mine, MaZulu. I
know how fucked up i can be but I want some guarantee that
you wont leave me. What's happening between Ayanda and
Thapelo made me realise how much i wont be able to handle
losing you. Her: "I'm not going anywhere baby." Me: "How
much more can you take? You have been patient with me and
my nonsense but how much more? There's only so much a
person can take, sthandwa sami. I love you so much baby. I'd
die if I lose you.
She just fiddled with her fingers. I used my fingers to lift her
chin up so she can look at me.
Me: "Will you marry me? " Her: "Ntsika..
Me: "Baby please. I need this. Her: "Let me get my degree first.
" I sighed.
Me: "Sthandwa sami. "
Her: "Ntsika you just want to tie me to you because of this mini
break up between Thapelo and Ayanda. We both know they will
fix this and things will go back to how they were. Plus, I still
want my Cum Laude and my degree. Please dont make me feel
bad about rejecting this proposal.
Me: "You dont want to marry me. Her: "God knows how much I
want to marry you. But you're doing this out of the blue, you
didn't think this through. You are acting on emotions and fear. I
love you, but this is too much.
She's right. I kissed her forehead.
Me: "I'm sorry."
Her: "It's okay. I understand."
Me: "I want a cuddle.
Her: "You are such a baby."
Me: "I'm your baby.
She laughs.
We laid in bed with her head on my chest.
This right here is where my heart is
It's the day of the get away. Im in my apartment with Ntsika off
Me: "What am I forgetting?"
He just kept quiet and continued typing on his phone. He's
sulking because I'm leaving.
Me: "Mxm. "
I pulled my Gucci travelling bag to the lounge. Yes babes...
Gucci!!! I'm rolling with the big dogs now.
What to wear?????
I settled for denim shorts, a multi coloured Cotton eater tshirt
and Fendi flops. Tied my dreadlocks in a bun.
My dad texted that we meet at the airport.
Ntsika was still sulking. I did my make up in front of the mirror.
His eyes met mine through mirror but we both said nothing.
I look cute.
Me: "Are you driving me to the airport? " Him: "Do you really
have to go?"
Me: "Yes!"
Him: "Let's go then. "
He pulled my bag to his car while i gathered the rest of my stuff.
Him: "I'm going to miss you sthandwa sami.
Me: "I'm going away for three days. But, I'll miss you too.
Him: "I'll call as many times as I can. Me: "That's not necessary
but okay.' Him: "How is she?'
I know who she's talking about. Me: "She is taking it one day at
a time. Thapelos cheating took a toll on her. But now she's
Him: "I promise to never put you through that.
Me: "Please don't."
We arrived at the airport. My dad and my siblings were waiting
for me in some private garage, next to a jet.
Me: "Sanibonani!" Them: "Sis!"
I hugged my siblings. Dad: "MaNgema.
Me: "Baba, unjani?"
Dad: "Im a man. "We laughed.
We hugged and he kissed my forehead. He looked at Ntsika.
Baba: "Zulu.
Ntsika: "Ngema. " They shook hands. Baba: "Where are my
cows?" Kelvin and Kayla laughed.
Ntsika: "Zisendleleni.
He said that while looking at me.
Kayla: "Your man. " she whispered.
Dad: "Our pilot has arrived lets go. Me: "This is your private
jet?" Kelvin: "Yes. Dad bought another jet."
It was matte black and red, written 'Madlokovu
in gold writing.
Kayla: "It was nice seeing you Ntsika. Bye.
She half ran to the jet followed by Kelvin.
Dad: "And you?" He asked looking at
Me: "Can I talk to my boy... Ntsika for a bit dad?"
Dad: "Uhambe kahle mfo ka Zulu." Ntsika: "Madlokovu. "They
shook hands again. Dad went into the jet.
Ntsika: "Call me when you've landed. " Me: "I will baby."
Ntsika: "Come back in one full piece. I still need to get you
Me: "Hai suka. Just kiss me already." We kissed.
Ntsika: "I love you sthandwa sam. Me: "Uthandwa yim."
Me: "Seriously dad where are we going?
Dad: "Maldives!!! "
Kelvin: "Dad quit capping?"
Dad: "Capping??"
Kayla: "Don't mind him dad. Let's get the party started!!!"
3 Days later.
Maldives was amazing. I even took a picture with Pearl Thusi!
Ntsika has been bugging me this whole weekend but I miss him
Back in SA 1 week after.
"Sikhulekile KwaDlamini! Nabakwa Ngema!!!
Today is my lobola negotiations day and we are also doing the
traditional wedding!!
How did Ntsika ask me to marry him??? Lemme tell you
1 Week back.......
We were at Thapelos house. Yes him and Ayanda are still not
back together but we were there.
Ntsika: "MaZulu come here.'
I obliged.
He went down on one knee.
Ntsika: "Almost a year ago I walked in here and saw this
beautiful melanin woman wearing simple jeans and a tshirt
sipping juice when everyone else had alcohol. I was instantly
attracted to her. Baby you captivated my heart the moment I
saw you. As clichè as this may sound but it was love at first
site." He took out a velvet small box from Dinganes hand and
opened it. "Im a man who knows what he wants and I want
you. I know you wanna get your qualifications first but I can't
wait anymore. Thambo lama thambo ami (bone of my bones)
ndoni yam yamanzi, sizathu sami sokuphila (my reason for
living) ngyakucela bandla ungenze umyeni wakho, inhloko
yomuzi wakho, ubaba wezingane zakho, umvikeli wakho,
nenkosi yakho. (Please make me your husband, the head of
your home, the father of your kids, your protector and your
king). I want to love you for the remaining days of my life.
Qabhula indoda yakho mangabhe uyavuma ukubha indlovukazi
yekhaya lami (Kiss me if you accept being the Queen of my
How can I say no to that!!!
I just pulled him up and kissed him.
The girls started ululating!!!!!
Azania: "Ntsika that was beautiful!! "
He slipped the ring in my finger.
Me: "I love you so much Mageba. "
He just pressed his lips against mine.
That's how it happened.
An hour later the Zulu family entered the yard. Yes. The
negotiations are
happening in my mother's house where I grew up.
Ma: "Baby you can go meet your inlaws.
I fixed my ankle length traditional print dress and its matching
head wrap and the white blankie over my shoulders. This outfit
was chosen by my granny, from my mothers side.
Sindi: "Babes lets go."
She pulled me outside.
Immediately people started ululating and dancing.
My husband walked towards me rocking navy blue chino pants
and a white shirt with formal shoes.
Ntsika: "Sthandwa sam. " he whispered as i wrapped my arms
around his waist.
Me: "Mageba. "
Ntsikas ma: "Woza makoti."
I took strides towards the Zulu family and greeted.
Mom: "Let's go you need change. "
My mom and Ntsikas mom helpedme change into my full zulu
attire. Isidwaba and all that.
Ntsikas mom: "You look beautiful. "I smiled.
Ntsikas aunts came into the room.
They all started advising me blah blah blah.
Aunt Nomakhwezi: "We are naming you Thembalethu. Embrace
that name because it represents what you are to the Zulu clan.
They started ululating.
They sang songs as I walked outside with my parents beside me.
Ntsika looked sexy in his bheshu- he was shirtless in his full zulu
We Zulu danced together!!!
There was an exchange of gifts.
At some point I had to walk around topless since I'm still a
virgin- much to my husband disapproval.
We even signed papers to officiate our marriage. We are
married in community of property.
8pm we drove to Ntsikas birth home.
I was introduced to the ancestors at 23. 00 imagine! God know
Im tired.
We went to some rondoval: my husband my mother inlaw and
uncle in law and my dad, and I and Bab' Tshabalala. I think he's
related to Ntsika or is he a traditional healer.
Bab' Tshabalala: "Mama ka Sbani. "
Ntsikas mom: "Felicia is not here."
Bab'Tshabalala: "Im not talking about her. The ancestors have
blessed you (me) with a son, Sbanisethu.
Me: "I don't understand."
Bab'Tshabalala: "According to abakwaZulu, you are Sbanis
mom. Not Felicia. Siyezwana? "I nodded. "Take your motherly
role with him because this Felicia girl, will get tired of him soon.
They performed all they had to do then I went to bed. With my
Me: "Baby i need a massage."
Ntsika: "Lie on your stomach. I'll massage y-"
Someone knocked. Ntsika opened the door.
Ntando(with a wailing Sbani in her hands): "He has been crying
the whole night. We dont know what to do."
Me: "Bring him here."
He stopped crying immediately when i held him in my arms.
Ntando: "How did you do that?"
Ntsika: "She is his mother. "
I smiled.
Me: "Ntsika please follow Ntando and get his things. We are
sleeping with him tonight.
Ntsika: "Baby kodwa..."
Me: "Mageba. "
He huffed as he followed Ntando out.
I laid on the bed with Sbani on my chest. He sucked on his fist
and fell asleep.
Ntsika came back.
Ntsika: "He's sleeping?"
I nodded.
Me: "Bring his bottle. " He gave it to me.
I laid Sbani between Ntsika and I.
Ntsika: "But baby I want to hold you.
Me: "Not tonight baby. I love you thou. "
I kissed him.
Me: "Good night myeni wam."
Ntsika: "Ulale kahle themba lami. "
Cape Town
Im in my marital home now!!!!!! Living with my husband and
Felicia decided to leave the continent. Weird? I know.
And oh... im a woman now. Ntsika broke my v-card.
Ntsika: "Baby im leaving. Come give me a kiss! "
I laughed.
Me: "Im coming. "
I went downstairs with Sbani in my arms. I was in my joggers
and a sport bra and socks, im not going anywhere today.
Me: "Mageba you look good."
He was in a formal shirt and black pants and his white doctor
coat on top.
Ntsika: "Ngyabonga thembalam.
Me: "Did you take your lunch? "
Ntsika: "Yes baby. It's in the car. "
We walked outside.
He placed his bag in the passanger seat.
Me: "Have a good day baby."
He wrapped his arms around my waist; pulling me to him.
Ntsika: "I didn't know having a wife comes with so many pecks.
I smiled.
He kissed Sbanis forehead and mine, then he deeply kissed me.
Ntsika: "Uthandwa yile' inhliziyo. " (You are loved by this heart)
he pointed at his left breast.
I blushed.
Me: "Uthandwa yim Zulu. "
Ntsika: "Usale kahle mkam. "
He left.
…………………………………………….The End…………………………………..

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