Adminguide-8.8.15 46

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Flushing LDAP Cache

When you modify the following type of entries in the Zimbra LDAP server, you might need to flush
the LDAP cache to make the change available on the server.

• Themes

• Locales

• Account

• Groups


• Domains

• Global configuration

• Server

• Zimlet configuration

Flush the Cache for Themes and Locales

When you add or change theme (skin) property files and locale resource files for ZCS on a server,
you must flush the cache to make the new content available.

To flush skins:

zmprov flushCache skin

To flush locales

zmprov flushCache locale

Flush Accounts, Groups, COS, Domains, and Servers

When you modify the account, COS, groups, domain, and server attributes, the change is effective
immediately on the server to which the modification is done. On the other servers, the LDAP entries
are automatically updated after a period of time if the attributes are cached.

The default ZCS setting to update the server is 15 minutes. The caching period is configured on local
config key.

To change the setting:

zmlocalconfig ldap_cache_<object>_maxage

To enable changes immediately:

zmprov flushCache {account|cos|domain|group|server|...} [name|id]...


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