Krishna Arjuna and Gita

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Discuss some of the ideas and issues raised between Arjuna and Lord Krishna in

the Gita.

Arjuna had a long lasted relationship with his cousin and brother-in-law, Lord
Krishna. Lord Krishna accompanied Arjuna to the war of Kuruksetra. Four million
warriors were ready to give their lives. Arjuna, overcoming with guilt, fear, and
remorse of loosing his friends and elders on each side, consulted Krishna.

Krishna then revealed Gita -divided in eighteen chapters - to Arjuna. Each

chapter, in Gita, contained a series of advice that Krishna gave to Arjuna to
overcome the fear, remorse, and guilt of war.

One of the main advices was to let Arjuna know that although body is mortal;
however, soul is eternal. Blood will shed from the body, and body will die, but
soul will remain. In addition, just like him (Krishna), the soul will reincarnate and
come back to earth. Hence, fear not in loosing friends, for that their soul will not

Furthermore, Krishna reveals that how by following Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga,
karma yoga, and raja yoga; a soul can attain eternity and escapes rebirth. The
end of all souls is to return to God, in this case meeting with Lord Krishna.

In addition, Lord Krishna advised Arjuna that the elimination of oppression,

suppression, and tyranny is a worthy cause; worthier than loosing friends and
relatives. Sacrifices must be made in order to make this world a better place. In
this case, sacrificing friends and relatives.

-As a side note: Amazing enough, while reading the story of Lord Krishna's birth -
I found many resemblances between the births of Lord Krishna, and Moses.
Although, two thousand years apart, King Urgasena - fearing his death by
Krishna's hands - poisoned Krishna's parents, and ordered to kill every child that
was born to them. After his birth, Krishna was smuggled out to be raised by his
foster parents. Pharaoh on the other hand - fearing his death at Moses' hands,
ordered to kill every child born in the year of the prophecy. Moses however,
survived and was cast in the river Nile, only to be raised by his foster parents;
Pharaoh and his wife. Could it be that Moses and Krishna are the same? Could it
be that Torah stole the idea from Gita? Alternatively, could it be that the
historians got the dates wrong?


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