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Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.

For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet. Part 3 : Good Jobs for Teenagers

Part 2 : Pancakes and Profit When you become a teenager, you reach the age of responsibility and financial independence. You may want to
earn money so that you can buy the clothes that you like or get music by your favourite artists. You may want to
My parents decided to take everyone in the family for holiday. Everyone, that is, except for me. The
go out with your mates at weekends and pay for the meal or the film. If you are thinking of your future, you
holiday was going to be especially for my sisters, and my parents (0) figure that I would have more fun staying
with my grandma for the weekend. I love Grandma, that is for sure. But a whole weekend together? Just her and might also want to start putting money in a savings account for college or a new car. Performing various part-time
me? I was skeptical about it, (9) and I didn't have much of a choice. jobs can help you get the cash for whatever it is that you need. Here are some options that are perfect for teens
The first day at Grandma's house, we did the usual stuff. She paraded me around to all of her seeking school holiday employment, so you can decide which is the right one for you.
neighbours, so they could pinch my cheeks and tell me how 10) bigger I had grown. Also, Grandma always made Do you like amusement parks? An amusement park is a perfect place for a teen to work. The
sure she had my favourite foods in the house, and one of (11) that was pancakes. environment is fun, the people are friendly, and the perks are appealing. If you are looking for an exciting
The next morning, as always, I woke up very early. By 9.00 a.m., I was so (12) boring that I couldn't position, you can apply to work as a ride operator. It is a position for a person who is very detail-oriented and
imagine what I would do to pass the time till my parents came home. That was when I decided to help my takes safety very seriously. Also, amusement and water parks hire legions of young people to keep track of the
grandmother make breakfast. rides and to entertain visitors.
Grandma showed me how to make my favourite pancakes. We stirred the batter, poured it and As a teenager, you won't quite be ready for work as a veterinarian or even a veterinary technician, but
cooked the pancakes to golden perfection. My very first batch came out so well that I couldn't help (13) feel you still have plenty of opportunities to start working with animals. Getting a job in a pet store is one way to start
proud. In fact, I was so proud that I wanted to share my newfound talent with none other than the cheek- working with pets. Pet store jobs are often entry-level, with little to no formal experience required, so they can
pinching neighbour ladies! Grandma invited them over and they raved about my pancakes. How light and fluffy be good jobs for teens. Pet store jobs require animal care, including walking and feeding dogs and cats, and
they (14) are, how even the ones at the restaurant up the street couldn't compare. Things were starting to look
cleaning animal living quarters. Pet store workers may also be responsible for stocking supplies, assisting
up. I enjoyed cooking for people. Maybe Grandma could teach me some more. And this weekend wouldn't be so
customers and managing a cash register. If you are interested in an animal-related career later on, a part-time job
boring after all.
is a good place to start.
After brunch, I started to clean up. I lifted a plate to bring it to the sink and gasped (15) up surprise.
There was a RM10 bill under the plate! In fact, there was a crisp ten-ringgit bill under every plate. It was like I had Many teenagers can find starter positions in fast-food restaurants based on the minimum age to work
won the lottery! in each country. These establishments will usually hire people who do not have any experience.
As I got ready for bed that night, I started thinking about what I would do with the RM40 I had earned To work well in this position, you have to love working with people at a fast pace. Most fast-food restaurants
that day. And I started (16) wonder how I could get even more money. Hey, if I saved enough of it, maybe I could expect the servers to be very quick and work well under pressure. Working in a fast-food restaurant is not
open my own pancake restaurant someday. glamorous, but it offers flexibility in scheduling work time. Fast-food servers take and fill customers' orders for
When my parents came to pick me up, they gave me souvenirs from their trip, but nothing could food and drinks, assemble some items, such as sandwiches and salads, and collect payment.
compare with the money I had made on Saturday morning. On my way home, I had only one thing on my mind - Lawn mowing is an excellent holiday job for a teen who does not mind putting in hard work. If you like
asking if I could go to my grandmother's house again next weekend. After all, those ladies were hungry for my to get a good workout, this might be the job for you. Some families like the idea of giving a local kid a leg up. The
pancakes and I was making a tasty profit! best way to get started is to knock on their doors and ask if they need help. As a mower, you must be able to
handle a regular responsibility on your own without adult prodding. Also, you must be detail-oriented enough to
Example : handle tricky aspects of mowing, such as mowing small areas, coping with fallen limbs, and using a clipper to tidy
areas that a lawnmower cannot reach, and be able to handle feedback from homeowners who may want to see
0 figured
the job done differently.

No Write your answer Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
9 For each question, write your answer in the space provided.
Part 4 : What A Terrible Mess
Descriptions Amusement park Pet store Fast-food restaurant Lawn
It was weekend, and Ainur and her elder sister, Airis, were relaxing in their bedroom. Mother suddenly appeared
Position 17 _____________ 18 _____________ 19. 20.
in the doorway, knocking on their door, and said, Why don't you girls help me with the household chores and I'll
available _______________ _______________
give you some extra pocket money. Ainur was excited to be able to earn some extra pocket money, but Airis did
not feel like doing anything. Responsibilities  Keep track of rides  22 ________  23 ________  24 ________
'Sure, Mum, replied Ainur excitedly while Airis only nodded her assent to the idea half-heartedly.  21 ________ ___________ ___________ ___________
T've written down the chores that need to be done. Here they are. I'm going to the supermarket for awhile to ___________  Stock supplies
buy some essential items. And yes, I'm going to cook your favourite salmon steak later. You two work together  Assist  Assemble items  Deal with
and do a good job, reminded their mother. customers  Collect feedback
 Manage cash payment
'Don't worry, Mum, Ainur said reassuringly. 'Everything will be all right.'
Once their mother left to the supermarket, Airis dragged herself out of bed and then to the living room to start
Part 4 : What A Terrible Mess
on the first chore, but Ainur stopped her. 'It's okay, sister. Let me handle the chores.' Airis said, 'Are you sure? You
haven't done so many chores on your own.' 'Don't worry, sister. I
It was weekend, and Ainur and her elder sister, Airis, were relaxing in their bedroom. Mother suddenly appeared
can do this, said Ainur confidently.
in the doorway, knocking on their door, and said, Why don't you girls help me with the household chores and I'll
Ainur started with the laundry. She was unsure about how much detergent to use, so she poured in five cups.
give you some extra pocket money. Ainur was excited to be able to earn some extra pocket money, but Airis did
After ten minutes, soapy water started to flow out of the washing machine. Ainur didn't realise what was
not feel like doing anything.
happening in the utility room. She was at the kitchen trying to do the dishes, but broke a few plates.
'Sure, Mum, replied Ainur excitedly while Airis only nodded her assent to the idea half-heartedly.
When their mother got home, she was shocked to see the house in even more a mess. Ainur and Airis apologised
T've written down the chores that need to be done. Here they are. I'm going to the supermarket for awhile to
profusely for not taking their duties seriously. Then, their mother made Ainur and Airis do their chores properly.
buy some essential items. And yes, I'm going to cook your favourite salmon steak later. You two work together
and do a good job, reminded their mother.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
'Don't worry, Mum, Ainur said reassuringly. 'Everything will be all right.'
For each question, write your answer in the space provided.
Once their mother left to the supermarket, Airis dragged herself out of bed and then to the living room to start
on the first chore, but Ainur stopped her. 'It's okay, sister. Let me handle the chores.' Airis said, 'Are you sure? You
25. Ainur and Airis ________________________________________________________ in their bedroom when
their mother knocked on their bedroom door. haven't done so many chores on your own.' 'Don't worry, sister. I
26. Their mother would give them ____________________________________________ if they did the can do this, said Ainur confidently.
household chores. Ainur started with the laundry. She was unsure about how much detergent to use, so she poured in five cups.
27. Their mother was going to __________________________________________________. After ten minutes, soapy water started to flow out of the washing machine. Ainur didn't realise what was
28. Airis only _________________________________________________ at her mother’s request because she happening in the utility room. She was at the kitchen trying to do the dishes, but broke a few plates.
was not interested to do any household chores. When their mother got home, she was shocked to see the house in even more a mess. Ainur and Airis apologised
29. Their mother reminded her daughters to _____________________________________________ and do a
profusely for not taking their duties seriously. Then, their mother made Ainur and Airis do their chores properly.
good job before she went out.
30. Ainur was not sure how much ___________________________________________________, so she simply
put five cups into the washing machine. Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
31. The soapy water _______________________________________________ of the washing machine because For each question, write your answer in the space provided.
Ainur put too much detergent in the machine.
32.Ainur broke a few plates while _________________________________ at the kitchen. 25. Ainur and Airis ________________________________________________________ in their bedroom when
their mother knocked on their bedroom door.
Complete the table below with a word from the text. 26. Their mother would give them ____________________________________________ if they did the
For each question, write your answer in the space provided. household chores.
27. Their mother was going to __________________________________________________.
Meaning Word 28. Airis only _________________________________________________ at her mother’s request because she
was not interested to do any household chores.
33 not very enthusiastic
29. Their mother reminded her daughters to _____________________________________________ and do a
34 moved reluctantly good job before she went out.
30. Ainur was not sure how much ___________________________________________________, so she simply
put five cups into the washing machine.
31. The soapy water _______________________________________________ of the washing machine because
Ainur put too much detergent in the machine.
32.Ainur broke a few plates while _________________________________ at the kitchen.

Complete the table below with a word from the text.

For each question, write your answer in the space provided.

Meaning Word

33 not very enthusiastic

34 moved reluctantly

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