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[Cietl Mant] and Cheomalis [suavan] onrt-4 [parti] = Survey's bot arn 3 Suriverieg Swvsyzing Bs dhe branch ax oxt q dibuming dhe es position. S} peint an abous a below Mt ausryace of ensttie adh wares do em ane rmeona 4 Aner and Tndivect meaner. 5 tape _ a~ B fanpse of surveying 4. To dumingo HM steal positon of Nabrinal and. onliytek (ote Such Q4 Mountain , Jokes. joys ereBluouys vek- a. To Psp a map shoudirg. ATS) SRE Rape 3. Te prepow ot cantour map To dalingine bert possible role. ClassitivaHon 3 Swivey! ® Bored on Puspost a © GBeored on Plaw of Sane ate & @ Gured on InsWument A chaln swivey goog 7° a oan “4s 4. Deena ip FD) Land Susy a Crrologteal, Survey a. Wapbro graphic Susan S. Te staion tt A SHU Based 3. Engfraening Survey ciple of. Susvegtig & wv oe - a - foe Absmols to post . “4. To work from udholt cho pant t+ Fountts whole p cote iar” H.- 8 + Main bestyile to do HA dy to /ocolise obi. _—t eles - 4M yma and, pruant tide AEF O58 ae SPa : AccumutaTion « 2. To docs a poat_by ob vunit ive weasuenend é S As —78 A = “ B ase . a ae Ss Sy ie ie % st é r debtled Sn the ane And tho olfirone b]vo + TO contel point ov vee aun i yantarusieod, OCU q EEUU aa eee eee k Sencitivencss OF Bubble [pave 2017-2019) par. © o. Re hoim Sensiffuenan dn tre Conlxt of a bubble mens ths effect Cued. by the ost’, 2 8 6 dovicLion Of the bubble put dturaion of tha ieee 4 dro bubble Tube. Derivation - ——_ moment a) wiibu a) bubble Ee Fe d \ [eeenal ee Triangle 0€€) ard ACB ov Simi lan. RKE ONC ES) with es rae ak | Ure of Sigh. TRA prota of St InBimediale polit on ov want Une bliin tive end petite. W) Diteo Ronging = Tp fk sel when, hwo end pols ol subvoay ins ane Fetal. TR Such ce ranges con be clone 4 halghe 4 ranging Inttromens - ia and LF metho: AF feoe 8 2). Indited Ronging:- usronw bots end of survey Une ove not ini-wisble dus to borg sina or hy Kan elevation fn suc at cae an tea coat a pene port. be an ie £ rat Y. Mesiclian ~ ve) Dragirary ine 4 angie en tht epathy thet extlenol prone tN Novth Lo South pou ss the ge 4 ion of Suovegiog Une th busty of thah St og sin hol dive Beayi, oALclou wit ayn a 4 magna morths Sn cLoukwhe direction Hy ve Booth Padamilic compors au gredualed cin te Cong. é 6 [s% Jo, $ Re Bemis of Line fs measured fron RATAY or boty AL neprenee and ght Gn ke either Clockwie or Ankichockwit. .Depencting upon #M* positon ¢ 8 CreecectttHH HUN Main formule.” Table for Wee and RB. O. Nae ia 24'€ wee | Quad | Rub jerks ao? [oe | ome | ee acco ai 2 10- @® fioc- ar] sw [RBs we 190" fe wotes Wo RB +36) a RB seo wes] = wo 3rse Q_[s8- 36] Nw | ee . ee av 36 Numerial = a " @. seve Qui! Convert thes fovewirg Yeduu beating BBs wEBr 10P" FO Whole cine“ bemtirg = yous» REIT 7 . os a 4180" QW). Pout 19 N i2'ay! ~ Wid. Post 22> S 3r 36° € To Gil). fork 33> Soo o'W @.x5" RS ghe T4 . 60 - UW). tore NS qt w ey soo OES 36 3 gat Noumeviel 2. Find omy J cp gato!-205%0 q aasbel- 20838 | CO = 20°30" Fo ae FO op AB = J20'o' = 60% 30! ger av ae’ 2008 60! = iat 30! - Go 38! ape 2030 2 care 3077 26> 0B og GP FBO] BC” wae Tatas OM reel BP IP = Quo 3e! wtz2cet aaa = uo ae! Ze~ go2%e'-Ueo! Lez ave'o! © J Manbrae) z im Swain ond Gyeomabie * Me ne Tobi pany i i. ae a a Plone Ta = da epeot soulhod of Sunveg Jn which the plotting axe done Sinulatoncoutly «Th ik ts oak muthod Surveying « Ss iheeneg a govizentd dialer nel weve than Gorn “Tabs, SM) ON opun gravid jor Tape of phane Tabling :- (1)-Rangirg i- ony a rd d= pee as Jeu mubed: 5 ®.-orr “\ SloHon vinsrtbtr Should Wan abl wt sede? torn — lon ~ game aun jom- 30m USm- 2TH Hensecdion !- ©. fist wy hows to Take ey piaseauen. ©: Wak ve O. Frawunis POTS muned a wed whan ony rs Havter da wisibl }r0 the Of. song poinkohes ous unek mrountain). Inte oar need One Station. 2» Bird than: vat haw Qo ald both tit Shion wh whith wy Valled baw Lin, ond aU JK Web Wl saperd upee ' Yr say. Crew hme dint ©. WS ruonwy bow ne hy invor topes & ep N 7 \ ' \/ ' vx \ iy 47~n\ a7: ave \e pz) ESI fl gem Ro ST geo > Sine WP ome Hue < gobs Senz2tn bury = lon Jom> she) ne pat = Sune Im yweey> 9 He Refprowl Leatling:- ay adhe Jobing bulma Tivo vatdaly sep @- 2 pera So WH obsexvalion ow mrndt dn born TH: dinetion Lo WUminslie tht ye 4 odmopphude saepredions ond! Cunvalune qs eouth. Method :- pyirensel lint sa Ke cfandin, oF THAD, B=, Lieweds aha aoe vary oa hye “Canned Are aypeuns bo Aerd 8 op eoverion ai ble ee sprees | = hae (bore) =e (nye Y hp boca BON] | =(ha-hb) dnd CL feird Pont B ined Sore! L (habe) | (rd he) ; | @ sy Sucrvegi ard’ Cpeomalte :- Civ3] Mantrag (ets ] uNaT- 1 (PART 4) Csnzvamy %. Cunvituu Comidion > The veitied Wistanu bles os horizontal listanee Lint ond ih dou Line epauent dh tert 4 eww elu 4 The quit. @. agottt SF ©. Was sonfars r+ A daatt Lins contoce de dyines : Okt We Surfons eufth cabin OF end paint 1s Porperaiudon TOT dinedion fl ry . ©. dad Ear B ont Wor a dine ying in dont Surfer, * Shug medicg owe Taken Corvrupo Do horinontal Sirs Horna bho Mavis Line ond dhe ual Une wa Vid Commedion aay do anwelion. Ot? on? + AC> a4 ac)*s R2+ AL a ae = or (eres pane (Cat oe ee oat R44 aRee Ree ALE Gomopns te orm wang cre acre d® [see] CLeran) a2 ferment — ce Carvel Goerecion Tak Re Roding ds diene blos Winer fo teins, Cueniny Zr Cow whan a Te Light OMA: 1 : thse a : ofr dipper athe : eee the watch re Hk Un of Sight Lh aufretbive downward toward > Ginny si Swifau of vit | wae =a R K > 2 wind Qee Tk: en chrotun G7 m oboe Sea dural and Ke Uren able Qo bee @® a dighr “how Seem Kigh just abou thi hovizontal. find dhe distones bjs ohhonere and light hous ? Are - 2o1-nJ Combirrd worvredton 2 De Pr4ea ee aii WK F OR. i a SS Spe 0,003 oe we £ a aN 2 W700" ae To »S me oer TNS OMS ar Sar F Wa esroem a lo Tht 92.25 : : D> 33.0ok) te: 0.06328 d™ SPH im obwwrvin an HN dete boar x Light home : a MANIC lu Lom abou the Sto Lene! “TRe petition IN cher fh HES Com chou Seq ton Atoms, . : The Aten af IN ght Kamae from ane obsennur? Bev soie-r97 i D> BitPa : fo, fst Sor .06Td pz 293 24.38 os ake ee ce a oe ee K. Loukiog. and TO method > @. is othe. TR pros y oattienieg th Nagnt of ent Sua wubttiae Le ons Method © coufmation en Haigh | Insfroment (HI) Rin ond FOU Mathed. method - * how kafour , move “rept ond Simpl ruunod.| * TRA auhod Lt mou adous. + lo rumbend Cloumon one Sieg uved. [+ mont cofoaliten cl ouTion ane © dus OL Ly. waegpined. on / eo MON ceo. wou fo CA UnleLion yy ey ¥ ony © TR. nlghaku modu de cafudlstion ¢ pont Us nek Commaied’ forersod . ge 4 ony point Au ks Coruna fort © EBS—EFS © Lot RL - Fish AL » SS eee EES IS EEEEEEEEEEE CEE EES EEE LE ESE wane Dake. Clue te steduy dawtt af point hy HZ. op tw 3rd and 6M sodiog Que TR follouteg meal method “ond the” inthumedl wor shiyGel TH wed Jot of Jivst peirct 132. 388. 2. 2S, =. Station 8. = — Les Fis high R-LOrd),. 134.6 132.305 2) ©. 160s Bw a.aas a1 @ 0.908 | 134.6 Bae 4] @. [e.coe BSF [aac s| @. mS. 64F | igacar 61 HO Ld4. ey TO. BON a 2S, 669F, 0.90F, 2.08 12IST, 1256, 0607, 1-998, Lous, 2.605, as tres 356 abo EFS = Wrenn fi z6s ae U.qe 4.420 = 132. 36- 132. 307 =0.02T = —0.0%5 ] gut Th forewing Yeodting jonut token olang the choi Wine GL a Lommor oo Toterval @ 15m. Redwe deval 4 ane 1+ point by 208.1aSm. 0-385, 1.035, 1-425, 2-925, 3.430, 4.685, 0.627, 2-005, 3.410, WHIT. 8.5 as Fs = . . oS | £6-8- F397 LP RL PORE Lele WF © 104467208. RE Obs Ont GUSTTTU CU EU dia [Chast monFran]) sn Ouwneyieg ard: Crema 15 [onsvarny @. UNZT-I" ( Pank- ©) K Ree and fall wethod - Ge Tre consent Yeading talan wht o dauuting friFrumest at inGoonels yim aval 9-398, 1-430, 0-61 , 3.450, 2-955, 2.030, 1838S, O.49T, 0.43, 1.630, 2.2855 on 3-650m. Ke fr SWument wor SRY Gal ofGR the fount and efyhth sendings . Thy de tending unas takin, on 6M of RL 110. 200m Fire the R's of OM She point - ee [aetu- 2ois-16} Rie | fall | Ree | Pe ng.6a0s| soy - sFs7 Rim -ffe- W3.a6se —2Mvor+ 9.42955 3 WY. 3008) en Mn eass] 0. 46S [We 3108 0.23F | jaesass| 18:88 [3.38 LE fa. Deer O-FAEE [legos Let |yo.200— MUUUCLESC CTS TESTE TITTY QU Th Stojf tending Jor a survey work auras as follows t- 1.810, 2-110, 1.225, 1455S, 0.408, 2438, 2.010, 2.698, ond 1 FCS. TY dom sy SRYTL ep A me art a analy. RL= Se,c00 ? 2BS-SFs = ERu- Shut F.3heb- 035 - 0.64 -395-2.43F -0-cy é. i Sal SECO) Erne s2245¢ | | | STUCCO TT HK. Contour 8 channeliiisties = Contour may be defined. a on Smogirany wine posieg troygh potest, eed unstion. Ras, Contots Pino on ov plon iWuurrel th Conpermiion of ths ground. . Udualag The confowts sy nok Whibl on thu Growrd wupl dn ahs caus gf shortins. ©. chonadtristia ©. Gahowu ose smooty aur. ©. No hwo tontown sinlinseck each othur exped & nathan i tt En Can don o diff an ov Guat penetrating a KU Hae. zt : i }. A contour Gini moat be close an ray Z\ @, daw contoer dine fndfesl step Stopes, ©. uses spoced contours tins aes genthe Slaps LP ©. Wer @. T drow sedions wlory a dint. ®. to ddiamin intial billy 4 Rrongutsten br6en. O. T know Aovalion of How. ©. 7 weak ender ghey ond Obroinage Lins. MR ae # Method q contousting ia . Diver method ;- In Ais method point ans stototicg thaanghy KevinnAlals dns weaial maaswumert tte Rovizonial musiununant can te Lov chain, topes Than dltight « ont wil sumuumnn a sore by sdeahicg ond Ahoy pau mnumant @ Drdivet muned = Thea rewthod ooy Jum expensing wa tine canswining a4 Um pone fo ths dined method. | O)_Gyrid mnod :- Th: munod i used for Small ota, dn Zid merred. ths whole asta is divided Snto arid an dqusne Than the rede dont cannes of Gpride AUF ine Or oon? 1 i), Radial muthod:- TKy mehod is used whi Be ground a Shap wt hi Arsambor of Yadiol Unes is det ou on as ska fo fos SSeS SSeeeesT see SEE EEE ESI FEET, & R Caloutation of axean and voluns > : ).by antat aauas a gaia us Hoo Hiangle> Re antes is diudud unto number of ‘Tiangle ard Sh SHA Mong is colada by Arosieg mates. A>~tyexh 2 4 = 9 A= [Sray(s-b) (So) Frapaoia: = Thig x p2sidal metmod : TNs vols St bored on the oxusm lien. a: (Ste TO FRF.... Op) d: eB oI Wii). Simpson matnode:- This vole amu. TNAE The Shovt anyin 4 bove 1D Coordinr ose “4 a [Coe ton) +4( 014053. se) Ont) +2 (0.4 oys.. ot ona)} fo oO od oe ay De atitee erty eke tet catenin an Ge ea Ofere menod to Cl ©. Tryesioal Ne Parte F2(PrtAyte et anid} BD HOA Gi). Prismeidel sauhod + Ne 0 ° 3} At Ans S(arteyt... Apt)t2(Ayt ag? . 4 Ana) Qui Tee amen. waltiin ne contour Uae ane siti ton Ren Fou, reouCmt) Taking 10) oa bettom Lad a . — 1 tooo Au “ ee nese to GA top Jad. Glodéla the capt op Mord ‘ nase a ay Topas ond aioe emaned In IWthoo , f 972500 ot me nyse oe Ve 2 [pitAnt2(ea4rr feet end). [st WO Teo 2 ie eens D= tor-Iet von ATi2000— a M4 e 2 [reo sasizsee 42 (12doottTeo0 + 149 2 Prim a ne (eure rae - + 99270 0 +13 Te0ee 4 AOTOO 12> é wk ; Oe ‘~ . L [ovo tes 1000 + sa toroc) 3 wed Lrsaastee) - [ onssuot) * Jani dnl \ 663 Te eyes! . Tae cep ate ve w iiges) Rae SRSSEEESESEEEEEEGGEPOOHRBREOEEOE OEE” H Trignomebic luuting = Zp 2, 6 is dyjeitned a) aust pote ee ae Atl cohen the bare actin Se oxensibie Pe inshumert station @* Point to be oboe q'+ Pasjruien af on hovizontol plot be Might iniiment D2 havinontal distenw blo Pond G & Reading 44 Stal ecengule eluakbon ter Atcg I RLY 3 = RLEYP + h(a) 4 DAH ) Oo Se memmmereritarn® © 8.0 8 0 88 ae CotZL. WNan disteau ©D) Connot ho meaunedi~ 6 sents | ye ton (84) —O- o> : yen or = : . veqen as —O> eqostg, 40 ord > jon M1 Oe Eee Fano) tee volun of DAD: on poy . 6 yo genes | eR oJ Ctond2 - tahOi J ae aS neo) ee Se ee eee ee ee i cs TL: whan ths provnd Lk unduloDad ab distant: bfeo ov INFrument o: Object Cannot be rreawoted . on am aye ton b> " iT Ve tone) 9 OD. — 2 m™ 4on0= VAs _@). Bw 6 Sk > fang +0) > V*hS a Or s ye ron. C Bt0)— equetirg oO a4. piano: = fan 0,CB4P) = V3 = Dz Brande Feno\— Fenea, eee EEE IIE MEL IIIT . Chain at Tape covresion: @. ©. Cornestion por absoliy Lingin he daiganolid sangin of tof: : a Le tmeanwued angi Cys tL Car Worreton re C> Canuuion af choln oF tops uy ©. ovrtuion gor Temperatura :- ; ee iF moe . Tero exparwicn. tet k(Tme ToL. AP Consens HT Tin> Muon Tenputine To > Siondead Snperstint ©). Gnedion for pull or Hnvien!- pe Ys gests pues cp» LER hs wen AS Hon Ae E+ Young Megha of vs al gu A Sted tape stom long Glendon cubs oF coef Wi she poll eae ae c vans uted Jor meaning a Wine +f ake Tempexstiuar ot She DIME 6 pMtouMmant A 4 Son Ko d ay 5% find ar doy TOF Carfedens oy, eapantoy of, aps da 6.2 KIT © find dhe Cemsurion : chur Xo Damperatont po 2 ot tet X(T TE soon .2 ' es ak & or cy emia Cae 53 Hees Z Ae woot F Ce? 39% ope PITT IPE EEE EE Eee Cee ee dad’ [c8u?] Mantra] GNTT- 2. {part 15 (suzvary © | [ovrve} > 4 Re Lunve & Th bighws 1 ef luauys 11 corals tHe cue Ot Paoudledl for smooths aH gradual ange fh dvedfon dus Lo enlace af “dvd , culhurad feclun , 0m efron unuadlable "reasons « Clastfeaiton 9 owes fe | HorPzontad cwive ‘Feansisten curve, Combinud curve. eet W, Simple doraclarrshe AE rcurve bho canteen -). Summit Cups eee " Simple roton ‘ + Wid. Say ard vatley ©). Compound — __ ove ot rreaton oo comes Conve, tee areoight ound bronaifion me ). Rewane Cys ont: ZX v | wn _Stnply Proiton Cane i= Gd. sangin op tongen’, me tb og FOR chord Ttze Tengant As Stotirg point Be Gnd poi Vee Ager aiblones vBs Backboard fan yy Co MN eins Ave Pover coud Way Sing e Se C ing. WP, 1,077 a/R ang | Se eee ee Tee eee ee ee eee eens ee in ws. see (apes ators SILVILPEEEESIFEEOCCEEEOOOLOEE %. Method gy Settiey Our af Rererlon Casas t Ee “Fue aoe fous methods setting our Chyarlan cute ©. off-ser q lag dow. oO. angi = ®. Of -8h from tangent gongs T . Ronkin's muthod Ga uray oe + Teoo- taodali& muthod- BRETT hag axe ‘ yay ORES w. OH Aer af long chord: ii a> Bree a ah int v GeFe mide ovdlralt Git tepinage op Sra Ye ovis onan Cateye + T+ Cholrage: of poiny est, - Re Rediva of vot intoneuten = Hongig) diy: Ve VIy =e Tangy dine Gsineye e+ chainege of Tr + layin you @. wate ott zaxf arses), es mae wor #2)... r= 02) on eo? ea 2 +e Be [CR -m) +] t 2 er) yt alee) at I ie pram oem t ONE + anya am th “TTR mitkod: 4) akan She Ree RETARY ARM on? atygee ae e-amh ener oe ai pee al etan- 2m) seme 4 pet (at = 200% oye ae Reayc amt ist (y+ (a ae), a Tea a Fee 1M, green? Lon? # 3 akyn® = ate foam & TES. : ; Bah noahe eres of age We Gaye Ye { a ape k Oo OOO OOOO Ob Ob ereeeeeda TO TReoddl manele | UNETHR [Preto] (iui) Mantras] © 2 Survegig ond Qyeondlie a Csnzvam], Pringple Ange “Subladed ‘by a chord ine oppaitt Segre io eal co ah segs sukinded, b sha Chord ond. the tengant Plug bea 5 ee fied produont, ; ht " nig . Q, Ser ont THod ttl OF T, Ord ofhye OF ode wuinien A ol both The dict Truadlitiy fe aro ©. Diver ths THodollki GF Trtoword Ty ond th Trodoli ar Te towond @. Ser omylt di in botiy the trrodoliir ob to alineck AK dine of” Syhr foward To. ond Tra. Point a Lh Abbushed oF JN SKtueseion da dKe firth pink on Me Gury Q. Sin Flay CAloBUak tht point on dy GUMAL ond Vomphth thy Ua ReRankin.d Methods cst | OW: methedts! SuMAbL: Jor Lage radius >. bees Th Fp eae BF eaanaen gf tong, SAngth : Iv WT O.0 LTOLEAK LTT 5) 281 RKGweToeay © o ° &e ae ° * $= St -vodians vot ak fe. I, br oe ASE x60 ng b= 1HSO.90 Kin & bre 1318-9S2 mins fads Re + yz NRO. 83 Win ae SETEEELOE SFO OOO GOO OOO EEE aa = ee Senne ot 0 hose 1320-5» The = Clout the yy, and used siner * Cunut 5 hi Sebting cud Oo CUMME @) VFEM Tadins? [pwty - 20is“1e] igen dao pol pe 1320-599. “A os ipeuidn one > at Q. Tarpar dargin 2h 40-2 ae hf ah ton 2 sargin >? 2 ae Aa: yusd sind rue ?? Pog are eon 129 SE utr ©. vod sins Qs Eppes Asters) i 2 ar eele ae CNM, — umediol TRe oper diskane: of 0 3° esata estat Bh 89-4 Een. Dduniy The eaaion ange , tango dargin, and anginw 4 jory chord. [AkTU- 0016-19 : LB) Apr aislantes Gaur. Sat * Ap iaskonu * = $93 don £3.99. [HI gaurs Sap (ae 2 -) 37 | a Ae a | % be a ‘aig Vaan v9 Tadius ond vanyirg cuuniahuu. Inlfoduced betuun ov siinple Coroat auive ond Shrug Kor biluuin Dwo bronches 4e Compound. Cunt OF Fue Conus To Provide Pe * GRAY Tranai Hon ©. Euler's spivaks geo? oRL Ps Apsinten tt cwnus Je Arges mode oF Pith sais Le bale — wr L* To Langin 4 TFronaifion wnue. Re Radin s Ga valoot Wsiut. D). Cubical Spivol :- ‘2 Yo herpendiaalen oyfser BPEDSPDOREP Fe ePOPeoget ) a @ cute Powabela XO ae eee deal a) equ : 2a rrentiion euaw. She eee ©. Ur Should be rongentol nz hoviaonhd dieu TEX ity tothe sffcight- QF Perpendicular atfstonc. ®. uy should mut the Hrowkoou ° Cue tanpotioly . ©. dametscdhs wee ©. UW wnivslaw shows be f vhere CRe ) ar origin on SSin 24, Font, X= Polon dytuton “4 ae see ees TESTE EAE EEE *. Expxunion 4ox Fdaol transition tamu s- 4 2. @® @. Recordi fo the oreprema on ideal sronsition euiua, ts St ete ‘de. be trode watformly asith Touteate af eantifagel fore, ob 0 wes mage te ©. Tre speed of the vadiels Ts odtumed to be Con. Beet Pe tantijogad focus wove : - Ts ok Le {engin of frossition eunuse Hus, WOiVs 9 oom cans lon far OR —LRe Constorl Agoir , the supetelidlfon (iv) ig ofto Proportions to the angi oy the Arowuiton « we hae we qt Mares, wus 9th Lut oY LReatenhw R tet Nusmesicad t- Two SRoight Preset op orgs 04 122. THE Morin allow ®. Spud ofthe whut en the coun ig 9g Krahn, Cnt pupal EO iy ond the oh % thong a Taal oulumon is 30 Un) Sed, Clot The Yodius 4 i the Fron, Cyuilon nur ond tr conus « 20-18) Bc ee tao - a2 : 229 m [He = GORI palyec = WW Spesd of wit com es : jee BE ote ee Ee we ts a@l ouMt y ria cae 1.3 Tr ge @2 anajr44 , 20) aT on .222)? LOL. CHM: hn of Frew Hon ia, - a2 ; eg saat “R Veutal wan ‘ nse BD @. wwnsh Tivo dj owead gicdienr iclosech oF @ prin then thy one cannidlud by @ OA In Oo wutond plomt Tamed 4 @ asad: wunue. 1 Type og wovical cov = ©. Gumeth of Comma aon q a wakok cunue has ie convesily Ag le find. Rabe fe uoavd , Fd, oUed « Summit cunus. ©. valley bog and Mancow cue i Tee wi qunw Rowing ith tanwusity downward ov whiny # SA Can tout wpesovd thas Goud deg Vand valiog’ OW. | vob oosnnt e ay loo > mo too SUEPPEULE ERE ISECCEL “S f ECCEEEEEE COCEEE EE N . bee CEEEL “&. Jumenfead find tre bangs TN Uwvical curve canned wo uniporre UD... ods - 0.5% ond H17 i id 7 fe P14 Tebpeativaly Tha ouile of change of grads sit O-PS pow ; ie 30m. pp varias caer + ROG SE ES try & Tom cronge poe eos (H)t at 30m act rs sere, * OM ores Numerical i patie, + 0:8 L A usiiPeal cure Les bebe dw edie 0.607% ond = 0.0 ae y 60% 70.9% ROG 4 gdienn ws Lo be 0.095% 4 035% prs aoin’ =F Iiisedtton 4 130m. ond seer onypeibals AesSLionw ond cinage f pint * find the cho Ope af ths Cusat. ag Ag oY the Tovrypenrpoin i wt 2 0-60 - (=e sunyln of sativa ooat ¢ ea) 430 = 6ooM. 0.09F — ‘ 0 = 226x300 2430-18 tooe 49 & 80-3002 696 ong 19 dangunt point © Ws 2 420.20 qgr.fo4 B89 058 aS gory poi © (N80+ O:V prone [aot ?! 100 = (432-408 (cist) Montrag] —— ~' Sutvegng ard Cyeonite + (sezvarq © Modan qield Susy (enter 8] [eset] (Diodx et ra ‘0M (EletFrorve Distance Measwuig): + EteTrorke distents mensuntng taHumcct Si A Swiigeg drthamert for meawtog dacs, Lidrong bho Iubo eit annonghs eT ainagne Ruth . “ * Eléchoe, distme measusument (Eom) iy ia S vethod of dulGunty MMPS. phate Charge sothat; occu is etedhrone cored me serge ble Lave pet. FRI oH en ursmtindery add PANO TiO! She en gf the ing * Type Messing Method = Siemwies HOA pe promo’ Aa ah -“ 1 gadtoleoae AY ©. Dor (Dive distance Measunement) > TRE 8. rndinty, do ©: COM (optical distenu Measindnnnt)” fhts meatwrinint £6 Conducted by Touhvomtly shone © Subtense method. : EDM (CeuTrone Distone meagunemant) inthis method 81 Of bect cls anes WiSolianun nner ike Simplumeated in ap fowsywroie : mgheo t 7,9. 99 9, FR. SBeeessvuesTeerTee Tee eee ee ae wT €oM fon) Inshrument 2 UW). Miprewaw Tn tnt te © There fn SFumetts come und the Agony of sang range TNTuners, whens tn he courte , frequnder q the rengt 4 340 20 Cuz. U cane = 10D Cable UisTanu meosuensRt upho — Hoo key yargt- Tetuunomdliny comes undiv thot oy" * Phos Compostisor. technique A ured Jor distane Meaurnunt. * THis Sn shames , Known os vemole GNI Fruir - @). visibu Wane TasFrunnent 3° S TRet frames uae uisTble AiynT on Corvdor wars , evitiv o Rlghur frepuaney ) uf dhe ovdow 4 Sxtol Hz. The range 4 Such EDM jndtrumeRls is Luar tho hole 4 mivtowons units. ; A geodintiun wm under ths igory oy Eom SnTrumerd - STR wouden | tranimittal os Wykt bom, fb Wonurlratet on ov sh : Pista Syftiony b9 that Signas da dau nol Toler. plo Q) Titrord int Frumed © THe EDM, ins uments dt ARE About 0-4 pm. Tee Uh ttedemBnance af thtreveat PMFawcce dn EDM. nah uding ans ee igptoyp ude miter in frovech Yadialion, band af woyseteng te, Stee ee ee eee ee H. Total Station :- A+total Station , alio kn ian option ton of on eleélronte thuodoli for meaaiuileg horinontel ond — rn us iiand Mneasiaennerr EDM) "divicer for! meauusumerl of Slope 'elistance ONE ont bose Softwood focenuny van obiorel Kile te. thre dimentforal Cor ovdlhsls - DE F user, QO. Disthe primary Suvey sinsirument, taed pe eter Seanaging ©. VU dt usd ay wecovd the abiolile orilion ef Fhe Tunnel panlit ceilings (hacks) 5 ard, qleovs on ohe anl{G of on undpataund ming oe avon. a ptaeae @©. YA wed 40 Frack Ceillng batons do ceBinnsine the Kughh of & Claud asen, Raven ‘ edvontngt L Reditinady quice coltetion of Sofornition 1 youieal, elurkvon, ceca neh obi? ecadithe od: 2 Mubtiph surveys can be performed oF UNtirg Canusrtonel sunuay “sLiiek oval sod! echnlpns ona ser-up Locilion a. ob be Aifpioutr for the Sustuagor Jw Aook 3. bag 4 cenalfuuion site quickly onal anew ond cruel PRE vont WAU SUIWEITY Hey: S.TK Salina) a Calty ona) skill prorat 4: Greta, oxcunacy in onen compilihion, ons Wequined - "The GS is 6 spau'~ bed Ut dogathin, Yad namigation ‘eyplim © The GAPS. 18.00. newark of Sectelli TEs: okey ayiesn wed To Cunning tht, 406 Sons HS, ; 2 lanes Soh leasnaihe ape 4 gai a nuite. Prindipte S| GPs i= 1 Re Ges SHAE ae ot ref venice Points jvom which wecteuw an INE 8). Sreensual Journ A System thos ules positional Corredions WO Gps Sigel. DGPS Wes ov rabwork OL ftted » -gprounds bowed oaapanee .Shations ho” bucadcast tha efor, bluo 4h positions Undicld. bg TNE SoMilE sytlinan ond ae Known fired positon, a) Kinane Gres - ; KN Uk os SateH E maukgaion dog’ ara apis ih aldiady position date fron. a mrpudeRlon. 5 GULE sivas’ CONS), ee ee Rrrousn as Real Hane Kinematic (R7k) oy i : ts RTR CPS da wield is baat: “pp edion seg Semeugicg , eppicg , Apsiuthun , Caxstndion, O). Spaw Segnet - ©, Fo SATU constuction consits of Ne norinal o4- SHAUL canttellilion. ©. They habnst signed Cit SAS M2 MANE) that Con be ATT by dueuctutns on Ihe ground. ©. Th Solty cw positioned in Six easton sanieadt Orbitas pes with in cacy pe. @. Tis wpeant thot rons or ony pain an eosin \ yee Can he sae bfadd | too Beets (2). 0 Pertional cam 3 Sep Coes): @. hr, oes hes eaponibatity dev, melotnicdng: ha iS POWER det, pHi fiasieiirg: @ Th. oes oui Nenoniters the Shabt iC s sold: otros rneodicaapy po “pepeons sok wred Jor rmeneuvens and Clima spaiut | seattle” 6. TR thous phyweal cammpontnty oP ORS OMI uatiingh gee” ey ©. Te moat. canTo! Steuton (mes) @. Grown ominnas . ©. TW noe toy station (ms) © user epatpmans segment — Reguliiial de Pou QU). TRe User feciows equip, ¥ Ty on CAPS retin tea Lebord signal rrasmsisted from the & ts vam potion , ody ord Ho CPT) peed ond prow Fo dey Diimint eT ee CELE EEE EEE O EET p. Sov + wviey in Gs :- . 1. Atmospheric condition Geior! a. Cloak arigt Eanor- 3. Murtipath Error 4 Erter Minimization x lication CrPsi- : 1 Navigation = ©. Bothy miliary and altars ode 4 know stay spiel daeiVion os precely, OU possible. secdas. “aie sux amagae (paggsteet “uh O.m “ntegtonal ppictions Garb ncaa SxplovSher)Tranaper oor a Suotverfng + @®, Ke Combination of real ie positioning , mobile dy Lommunkdiont , and on board dake. prowming ond opplications Smee 1 Ll Contribale to a Wud wie Nin surveying. > Setting =A tajer Canty planeta of GPS cond Sn IME prteton of round ‘teasting 1 Ot arientetion 4 auto Photopost y . +1 Sutveying ond Geoméies :- (snzvam). @. (Givi Mantrad] C onbids ) (part-2] 2 K.GL1S¢ Geographical Information Sy sli): . i ; * GIS is w Combination the cUffount woovds . ¢ Gee graphy + Tnforniation ¢ Syihw). > ae ° GIS wa 2 Spats of, Kesdooew , eles end proadunas snigned do ype ns plane mn en eae ' walling ond displog Lt Spalioky rate dale for ty mpl P i) ond ye Problems. yr. Lompontrls « of ets i- To Gils how faa age Componets &- J, Handweos:- ge aap te datices Cstonnen , tes ete) Senge aden <0, DVB, Co ROM ere) ©. cov “Conini Compu, coork Seckon ere) @ oper duis Cdinploy clusice , printir ee) ploy re Obs Compuly Kasidosons on cakich GIs Sofiia runs. ee eee eee eee oJ. Softwa ©. Thers cow programme uaridy won an dhe Comput “Tus programmes proviats fusTion and Leels ie Apne n mines coda Sep geographic information « . 3 3). Dota. Greoguaphiol ond sieliled oftvibile dla can alto be colledid ©. DaGbeme a srs joundstfon of a (25, ord isos good ot dhe ay tate “S 9. Proud ©: foci dutgrud 10 suppoTl th dela cali , Ste prowning anatyiis! Hlineiitfng ond ‘ailptsy! @ ‘gis jet “abies ipa Yyorestras! 8). YoEE The ort, Sf WHYS oot JLo Select potlF ra | used infor do ser sslaiea #9 dugg, “Cour efledeXl Updalling Schima Wd onalyne Gils ewpur fev eluant gst . W a 8. . op Ks 2 & Functions of Gite: 0. Gupfesing 5]. Filing A). Reclownipicshon sorry - fh ve 7, soit Py fowaley Arataysis Frveney } aa fe senidl J Proxieity analysis a8 eiqelt tation ef Gr1S 3. Gas be Subjected to miu of wisinterpresvion. | S Colleding dalk bs time Coniuaiing . OY GIS nods Comput equipment and doptars. 1. Data Jor Soom ance. wy Jock. Spatial ot sempoval continu co mariage ogee, eee my 5: GIS Shows onty’ spatial Telotionship: bu does nol captain dia alll. wicks mag be the Hequivenud af th en H- Applicosion of Guts: 1 Acadanie :- UW) Rireancn in engieantiryy science. Wi) Primary and Hetondoves Sthool. 9 Gada UD. Grains Pull Gid- Treasporfation, 3. Gurion: W). Real exile : Ye fopaltsy ORAL TRAE. “ Gownanant i). Notional tepopuaphic mappirg 5. MiUtevy > Gi). Training. ’ ). Comenand ond comtyol. PSSSESEES ES ISESESEEOGEEECECEEOCEEEECCEEEEEEE ir. Date Model :- Te “e4 upreating dat ote Known as Dato model, The Dato, model veprsrenle are Winkage byeo he “real coorld domain 4, qeognaptieat doles ond ars, compullin . Ht. Type af Della modal :- a oa D. Kost Dare model t= ©. The vastery dla, mole ha vldly uredmenod of sieving geographic: da ©. The model most Commons Taku dhe for of grid sike GiFudiias thot holds valu oF siequlonty Spaced intruals ous the extend of ade vastin oc © Rast grids ans wauallyy wade up of Spuart or Yecangutan cult. D. Vector dol mod ©. tn'vudor data woah , a hic ALG UF where data alt Stored Ov & collation, a ot one it ohong willy aktribal dita. Sf perm a Botgqan ofeny SO ©: In os uidoy mod , TH Postion of poikt , Lines , o Specie’. Sat y ©. The position of enth object da clopinedl by a, (Werior af) Coordindlt paisa. x t and oneas one predtaty BSeeeeeeseee EGG ees ssa se ss ot Pr Robter Dali Stiactont + Neier Dale Shruclie ® Aavestogs- Aéventege =: . _ J. Simple file Sine O. Simple ata. Side ee sdanty fr elcoe oles YJ. Cosy and pide. overlong ita dine , Poly ger , ete. 4. Compatible with: senile Seat imaguony . 3). eyficiees gor topologybiall setelfonthip Y. High ‘Spatial Voodiabitthy a Gfecioclly vepresented] a}. equa pov porojection Franiporon o —Disediventega : Disadvantegs :- i. Lasegen Pik sis WJ. Compas dalla Shaieliie. 8). Digflatt to DBL topological velslfonship. |). Dixfioult eva operation. a). trggedest projedtions tranifornilfon. 3}. Nok compsttele Akh, wemths sensing 4. tow of, Snforeadten wanin uae Jwagirony . SJ. Digyiour de aa. Binet ates cattinous clon . FESS SEES EEEOEEEGEEEELECEEEELES H. DAS acquisition DolB osslsition 1s CoWsg epeAial asa from anilably werounte eg -> map Se canuunting Uk SREO alfetial form: protographs yinoges “and et a Sour I, Del efrowy SoTL rer Be senting « a. Digthal asta by cs. B). Oo prime Src (userid wSele ewub> uJ. Dao by adel Phslogophy. 33. Dehn from edsifig wops. ? +! SURVEYING ‘AND GEOMATICS > (suzvaniy $99) —=——er (chal Mantra) UNIT-4 CPART-I] 4K. Phetogremmatic Susvey i ° Tr Show scenw obkiinting accuse meorunemeAL of by wed phelo- graph. * Dr us the sciente ond onk of obi Sn So acesusle meosumtennerta by ure of photogmoph. , For vorfous PUnpowe such ot He constFudlion of planFmerie onal Fepogeaphic rvapr, Usoniticotion of sotls, inl ‘on. of pores. 1% militar, Seruite dnteligenee onal the potepuration of Composite. pidtin, of #Ke guound.” Type of Protoyvammatic Susve pie J). Teuwtria! Phagtoprammiley :- Lr cis that branch of Photegpauniciyy vohuntin photograph osu Takuy frome a. fired position on an mvc the ground « Q] Acta Photessenich, ED S4 thar brondh of photo ig are Pte OOM takin by & Comenas mount in an aircraft fuping oun ahs ances x Aavantage org disadven hye 4: Aafal Photogtommitry . Adunntnge Dis acvontage J. Sudtahle jor Traceamible ances J. Mok suftebe for duns forall and flail sondy A]. Subtable jor mountetnous regen uufty | OME ao lfosty a} Seanigying objed open ns ot ‘ths prologxapht. 3). Subbu for mappi dosge orice, J. Nor Real for Sus rel eee. G50 ond ALR, a ae W. Factor influnce eer avril Photo 1 Atmospheric Condition. 2. Stale 3. Camere | Film | Filta, Combination 4. fitgnt pireuion S. Time] seators of photography - rR Row Phohogaaphy tape * A]. Tevrestrioh Photogrophy :- O. Weis Hs pholognaphs takwy from geounck = Shotion. @. Th inven wed ay photortodouk, canith if a tro dolPhe ‘mowTid he comune eaith UT oat Keninontl ex mean herivonit- gL AQ). Ausal phologuaphi- Thee one the phologuoph. tolen from ounhwact position — With oO Comero, boond en an Areplone ; On anhficial an nBlusnal SoteiUly a1 ow plonat. U. vevicat Photopuph:- dha ans, dn CUNEOn ARs of Heal ok of gE Comuna us Monil on nsortly yowicad. A Fruly uutionl pholegroph: Tuemblus a mop Shasctagte a WHtHical phorogmephy Wn he | obFAnid « ae rating SY Sradtnud to the wusteal by nek MEW fron 3°, Tren dre eeteplane phakoguaph tatan i cud “Tied Phologroph ? Comann vi i : unvaing ony Voie ear) ‘Tied Phatepnepi ae fr Atal canara {ei Mann Cones OSE Lani corFrel Gi). fills Dds veduee effect odmosphuse Shute consent Hane 1 probed: dens from out. iegh age ), Shute: a comely the SAPOsIUY Fines dapundl Fitts “pon olneaft Spend So tak Shay P Soro con be ob teainued, Dioghiagin . De conTls the oniount seuiry the Size % oputay « ui). 4 Bye 0 pos Hrewaud th Aan, y W. Photo—intupreasion :- Gy © TRe ppIowrs o| Studying ond pret The Gnforrdkion Mequined Jo Fdanti-y the vortous Urltusred ond vested jordan Ss Caued proto Saliyoudstion ¢ sTHE Snjormaion from an aantel protconaphs a. ty aa 4 Praipeph gap “4 be efFracked hy Studying The Chanadlud shia *} _Thobe groph:- A. Shape 3. Sing S. Tons 4. site a. Shadow . Podboans G6. TetTine «8. Marododion Oo . Sale % oe untied Photognaply © . ee Ope Sine , Photo gph ds ThE pyrojedion , &, i 5 = eee : rej mage of goes rs nt one splae aku SRE Freund elution. Duco dhs tLuu A no udiforne Stal. Blo ThE pole on ov Prolographs . Gxupt wren ane ground polar homing AN Sony cunithion. Caml Whin tha ground ia hovizontal : Arfel cameras [Aircragt] Sco ‘= dfs tonw, oi Carruapondirg distin o ground. —f— Vik AokAc od AOKDo ftom the prop Gimilowt blo boo noieg- oy % aok = Boe | ha Casa, whan the growed a on » ©: Cesiel Sto Map wiser” Carvupondieg: (round ainvins from Doak ond BOAKR ak : i Aka neha Prom ond! ond Oke 8 Ce Kg Uebe . Relief DisplaumerL :- . Relig displaamens GUAR han dhe poll bel hols ° Ye canton, af the ean AAT af ng prolupeph dl ot en Met Radiol Astenc 4 "a> from prindpal potar ¢P?, Geo ii) Mtg pian see wes Re Gyrtound dfsrence Bo Pe - ‘ | | heh fre toUnen) «® to (= h GODS RSS E ESS ae PCIEECECECECEEC LES” Eevorn Reallon Triory aah? ond Peahp0 to Neh he : ® pe agerarhd = oO andexD) ons gently mrg( Heh) THEA [ver % COO ee eee in duel do aatt o westat A comnw bsg 0 phy Heth Shad total 9 aE proliguophs Umistton of 1T0OM whor dh dhe ha bow dy medn sea Qual a aids obicnatt nauk plying de odin to geodt_ 1? (Dewy - so1t-20l6) “Po00 s! [5 = a-h on etre & 0.2% 9000 x 000 H- tro ye o-2e00 ou 1500 qu TH israru from The pindpal print Jo oo _sinege an wn phatgrephy ds buyer ond ths daason 4 oN cbje obo SN anbioy sh ato ry rbot Jd ubiq disput Of tes point x ohabiton in Yroove wd Foret vurghe uzouw. AktY (4olt- -aolr) " rs te, 2efvo : 1) Sete oefhee la 2 joooo OH ooo Mm Ghows dalumn Joun > Orb: He 28 ytopo0 = ive ta} daplames shi, SMUXATE « EHD neh 000 = 270 ; S pefocqQamnsd Tye rm soy Utoos) fo vega — remenee wo bury sya prune 0 mp. on pam we unon ty wyber wok Pape mene y “FG FECECELCECEEAFEBFELIUILAELIIIIINIDIQ (cis) MatFran] ~ [SUANGTEHin PAD GromAnzs!— Lsnzvew] best-4 [part 2) WY. Ousibep = To ensure o Complsi cam AKL atta, fo ba Sus ed thane Should bt dome Ousnlep of dire ante Cousnedl 4 each ovo photograph. * Type of ownlep :- 1} End oy longitudinal or Forwond Ousilap :- U Ss ake ounnlop Bo phstognephs sn she dfaciton o) flighh. This kept 662 O57, & Side ounrtep:- ca GW). dn Aha ousilop dn phokognaphy sin o- disnedion pepaati do ahs Sine gy flighe § Dea kept 62 40 arz. = H Drift: Tis shighi alacraft from 3G plonred flight Wines ss coumed doar Lo Sing dns Coote “Jekng photo guaphs). gs pee fond Fugrs rddion Teoknd « r @. Crab Wy ov Condi Hon coured failure to onfented the comma “clin Tepe’ do the figs ding 4s eSsevat 7 SAL WO GRE Crab dK Tot bt paca, porn go GKt Line of fi Plighe Be W. Cludiion oY mumber of _photogsapiy- eae Of can cicatine photo Coul. y The Dotel aus 4 yous oe given :~ rambo protegiiaph = Se Stale of photoguoph Pas crea Le Nek guoud hangin counsel T i by phokogeaph. ae LX]. ae \ We Nek ground ouside Conmd aA \ Sho gph. FRU gHound aten co Ov phafonophs —* Se PhsTogmay . ee nae j eae f er | Par % of dargitwtinal ounleyre * stangin dn prstoophs dn dinediion of flight. : | © GUldMy & protognophy nannal clo obinecUon j for to oie step: of phe Nunwidend, © Rn onecy 30 Ken din dhe north Souths divetlion ond awlon’ dn dha colt uuat divedion Lt bo pholo graphed Gudim a dant honing 80 on focal “I he photograph Sing oun x20un - Stake kk 1: 12000 pettus aren eondtion na} oom abuse dati. - ihedrod ond side Lope Ont 60% ond Jor vp einaly - Te ion ofan URL Linu oo do caincide cufln east ond uuunt boundavdel of thy ona, Delonsine fy OARTL , Teamhor ct flight dines , poumibie af: %h phoFognapha pe Par ding Ord Selo mauumtor 4 prahporh wyubred « Cate - elore=147, ee ww 2: Diraendion of Gprnd ot Yuan: 2 ob "Gress * Noe owe Cie Fe) 50 hot graphy + Ny XAla. eee ee mana: Sol,» Kafogneph sits £ exzoun 02 0-20M seats» 1312000 Elustion™ Woom— ~ pes Gov, Par r%. 4Ts0un yy “4 he 3600m- ), Truman, Spacieg af Lighy ns « we (le Bp) 8 2 Ce 0.30) x12900% 0-29 We Vedor®z 5). nurntar of {gh int quia Aue beets in ~ “Teao 1% @,. Abed foteg flyer din = be 2 1foom i © Ne ©. Gyeoud ainvirw vhe PSN” Le (Ife) St BOT aaa = agorn. ©. Numan of phology ne gonte® a1 2 33. abo eo Ko-20 fs pa pug ©, Bs woke 4 probe yon: Ne ny XNE 2 apne TUK? Le NGS Humodend The scalt owt wander ah en ol protogrophs da lems Ibom ond uke sine photeguaphy, = ee Vounsacun . H ahe uo zi end dap di 65% ond Side dop is 30% » olalrmnd, nL tha pum ox af) photogreyh : waquiied Do Convud an ovea 34d dg kn. Cooly ae pend) Bet fag? 31%, ging 2OUNEIO Oy Lume 16 mnie Leom}22 = jeovo:! gels 7 Nusohin of phslegaeph pa fig die Ne La Jase igeren numba 4 pizrt dos nr>_W +) WSC I= Peo) : yo. grt > er +h oaextso® XC- eat)? we 12 BME cess ene PSY e pla BU ENE Ww a we! Tao ps weespe’ @. BR. Stereo Stope > DX on dnsbiimert wred for views Storeopol. be phalogrommélric Suaaaging en osniod Sormaing Gy called as SWitevicope W Fintion. 4 Storeoscope :- 1A Stoteastope ih usedt To amanmodite the cafe Seperiion of dhe Sndiubdnal philognopte af AM Stowopain do the fined degtty the ue boar. vB obto ured do wregetty INL depth oy pereption « t Tyr? 4 Sirosiope Y he dens Stowo suope | e «) of , a. Mivior Slee» soj00 sf a OT 3. Zoom §1Greo seope, Y Stoning mur Stouosupe ee m Stusseope plovig Pod trumucly SLLEEEELEESISFHEEEEEEENN” H Lins Shou saps Ae Te eee TR type SwALseepe Cont rifuteg dant ol to place of waisuver. heaps. nN Such Gxt Sdn pi 1 Tha so JUnts ot mnousdted an an ouremb! HEL Aton beta thun di equal Jo ahs bee. Bienes of dhe humon eyss. Hoenn sedcer adhulment Wa done for the gepansiion of, thee Two Janter cacancog Wo dhe wien. 3. Since dunes Kane dhe ihe og oe St rte en ee ae emo Th SiG yarope As of jour Se et any mde Ons Srmall pice, waster ond other wo ny My ard Mz ant dangun On wianer «That foun ULE OE Strsied oF an enteatavion of SF caatihy ama plone of 2 praogreph W- Payatlax Box :- > GontRudon 1. Tr Lb ured do mearwre the parallax diy enue b]us 40 The petRla. The aliyerence dn poyeatox 94 Taso pestech, a called Patalhax aif erence Panola dt tne splaumendL dn dhe eof on object al Mictome (0-a1nn) fixed k—v- Moveable Cauned apa. SKIL din dhs poll of Gbienvdtion he» Sucentue Srposune dani a pligha - Be bs odio collet Stomoseopfe poroLlx ov = ponatlax. 3. The dniFrumut Gaal fey uso plotia of Kionaponart iluial otoched do a bun. HTN Ay plall is fined ond the oan ane movable Sty the hulp of ov walerontin suis. STK Dstt moument possible being USe 4 UahSch Con A Head ruomert 0 0-0lmm. Faun plot cambio a Way dot in dnt conGur 6. The Strmopodn dt viewed unde a Stourcope ond dhe Porathor bor wi plaud an di =k gender »EETTEET' COTTTTLUEE REE E bbc bia d saces ‘ (Ssntvam {avi MANTRAA] a1 SURWEYING, AND CyEOMAIECS :- unzt-5. (part-") EE Ht Rarwale Sentiog s Raenle Sontag hy ab pind of ony aoe, by oo mena, OMFAODE doudkleg $E he, Daakdrg tha plefine ously - on : Revolt, (i 2, 9 ‘row aloes wun Stent andesth of Calley Inforniltons show stjecr, owas being sn pryient cartrad with Shun, *. Rduontogs + RS Ria Te ten oe meg say ee tgee «oh coulll- SpedTnt wrt hous ap tliet : ul Caan ‘ a _ We calleck Unt Snforatitlon sin a Aittle peSods 5] sti 1 Te gedal Pholpeyl ond The LLM A, Prolégeaphy actin athe gueend. a he mot Kae TRE pacity The Casuccte

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