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SBA Guide
Requirements of the School-Based Assessment

▪ The word limit of the report is 1000 words. This excludes the acknowledgement, content

page, charts, tables, pictures, references, bibliography/reference and appendices.

▪ Research should be double line spacing, font size 12, right margin 1.5 inches and left 1

inch Times New Roman.

▪ Research must be written in the past tense. When writing the SBA, do not use the first

person discourse; for example ‘I’ or ‘me’. Instead use terms such as ‘the researcher’, ‘the
writer’, or ‘the investigator’.

▪ Pages must be numbered.

The components of the SBA

The SBA is marked out of 40 and has the following weighting:

⮚ Acknowledgement

⮚ Introduction

⮚ Background/Overview of Issue -2

⮚ Statement of Problem -2

⮚ Research objective (Reason/s for choosing the area of Research) – 2

⮚ Methodology– 8

⮚ Presentation of Data – 5

⮚ Analysis and Interpretation of Data -5

⮚ Conclusion -2

⮚ Recommendations-4

⮚ Reflection – 6

⮚ Overall Presentation – 4

Total marks – 40 marks

This is where the researcher acknowledges and expresses gratitude to all who assisted in the
completion of the SBA. These individuals may include; family, friends, teachers and respondents
[persons who answered the questionnaires].

Example of acknowledgement
I sincerely express gratitude to the individuals who assisted me in the successful completion of
this project. I specifically would like to thank my aunt for her patience, encouragement,
dedication, motivation and financial assistance throughout my research. Special thanks to my
teacher for her guidance and to the residents of Maroon Town who willingly answered the
questionnaires given.

TASK 1 (a) Introduction

The purpose of your introduction is to provide your reader with relevant background information
about the topic understudy. Information about the community or area of research may also be
presented here. These may include demographic information about the population, location of
community, the duration of the problem understudy etc. in your introduction you may define the
problem, explain the general causes and effects that have already been documented. Ensure you
see two or three sources for this part.

Example of introduction

Air pollution is the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of
humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate or to materials. There are
different types of air pollutants, typically, this entails gases, particulates, and biological
molecules. Air pollution is one of the main causes of respiratory illnesses in Jamaica.
Retirement District is a community within the parish of St. James, Jamaica which is popularly
known for its high level of air pollution within the parish. It has drastically changed from the
once ideal farming community, place to live, do business and raise families due to its now
overwhelming prevalent burning of garbage. I have been a resident of Retirement District for
15 years. During this time I have observed that many people are affected by the issue of the
burning of garbage which has severely polluted the area. I have therefore decided to do a
survey investigating the causes, effects and possible solutions towards this problem. A survey
with the use of questionnaires has been conducted and presented with the use of statistical
diagrams. The project provides a detailed analysis regarding the issue of crime and violence
and feasible recommendation are made.

(B) – Statement of Problem

The following should be taken into consideration when writing the statement of problem.
i. It must be taken from a topic in the syllabus.
ii. It is an action research, ensure that the topic is a problem that exists in your school or
iii. It must be in the form of a question.
iv. Ensure that the problem statement is clear, specific and measurable.
v. Variables can be one or two [that is the causes, effects or solutions].

Examples of Statement of Problem

▪ What are the causes and effects of Air Pollution in the community of Retirement
District in St. James?
▪ What can be done to alleviate the misuse of drugs by Youths in the City of Montego
Bay, St. James?

(C) – Research Objective (Reason/s for selecting the area of Research)

Students should give a brief overview of the topic and an explanation [the reasons] for choosing
the topic. Also brief information about the area where the study/research will take place. E.g. At
a prominent high school in urban St. James or rural St. James or in the Community of Norwood .
NB. Please note that the main purpose of any research is to investigate, examine, explore, assess
and make recommendations based on findings.

Example of reason/s for selecting the area of research

Eg. 1
The area under investigation is Norwood, a small rural community located in the hills of
Montego Bay, St. James with approximately 200 households. A number of youths in the
community seemly mainly males, have been using drugs heavily which has resulted in many
of them becoming not only a nuisance to many residents, but more disturbingly, demented or
of unsound mind. As a child growing up, the researcher has observed that there seems to be a
dramatic increase in the number of persons who are using drugs in the community. In
addition, there have been many articles in the printed media that speak about the increasing
number of young people taking drugs in Montego Bay, Jamaica. This current health- related
issue is on the rise in the western region of Jamaica. These reasons motivated the researcher
to conduct the survey.

Task 2- Methodology

(A) Students can use one or more than one method/instrument such as questionnaire, interview
or observation. Whichever method/s you select, give a brief description and then write two or
more reasons justifying your choice. Your responses must be in sentences and not in bullet

Example of method of investigation

In order to obtain information about this current health-related or environmental issue, the
researcher used printed questionnaire as participants could state their opinions with privacy.
The questionnaire as a tool for collecting data has a few advantages:

▪ It requires little time to be completed

▪ Reduces interviewing bias as respondents are not influenced by the researcher:
▪ Allows the researcher to gain information from many people in a relatively short

(B)- Instrument used to collect data

▪ The instrument must have a minimum of 15 questions, excluding the demographic or

introductory questions. Introductory/Demographic questions include age, gender and
length of residence. Age groups should be in bands of 2 and over. However, if the focus
is on a particular age group, e.g. Adolescents/Teenagers, the bands should be single.
Example of Age Groups 5-year bands: 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 Single
bands: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
▪ In addition, a cover letter should accompany the instrument. The letter can be at the top
of the instrument, after the topic.
▪ The cover letter or introductory paragraph should:

▪ clearly state the purpose of the questionnaire

▪ explain clearly how the respondents should complete the questionnaire

▪ include a note thanking the respondents

▪ state that the information presented will be held in strict confidence and the person’s
name is not required.

▪ ▶ Be careful of the use of questions that require the answers, ‘Yes’ and/or ‘No’ use a
maximum of two. If there are more than 2, ensure that they all have follow-up questions.
▪ ▶ Questionnaires should provide answers for respondents.

▪ ▶ Always put the word ‘Other’ at the end of answers given for questions, so that
respondents can suggest possible answers.
▪ ▶ Be mindful of the target population. Therefore, read the questions and answers as the
need arises.
▪ ▶ Questions MUST seek to answer the research questions.

▪ ▶ Questions MUST be in chronological order, from simple to the more difficult.

Example of Instrument used to collect data

The Instrument that the researcher used to collect the data is a printed questionnaire with
responses. A letter accompanying the questionnaire was used to explain to the respondents the
reason for the survey.
Dear Residents,
This is a survey being carried out in the Portland Bight Area in Negril, Jamaica to determine
the reasons for the increasing level of Dengue fever in the community as well as problems
faced by residents and suggestions on what can be done to reduce the level of dengue fever
outbreaks within the community.
This study is conducted as part of the requirement for a Human and Social Biology Course
that I am currently pursuing. Please answer the questions as honestly as possible. Do not
write your name on the questionnaire as it is not necessary. There are no wrong or right
answers. Please put a tick in the spaces provided or write on the lines where necessary.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Instructions: Please tick the answer that best represents your choice. You may also write
your response in the spaces labelled (Other___), if none of the options matches your
1. Gender
Male Female
2. To which age group do you belong?
18 – 25 26 – 33 34 – 41 42 – 49 50 – 57
3. How long have you been residing at Portland Bight?
Under 5 years 5 – 10 years 11 – 16 years Over 16 years

4. How many people are living in your household?

1 - 3 4 - 6  7- 9  10 and above
5. Do you have running water at home?
Yes No
6. If No above , how do you store water for your household use?
 open container  closed container  both
7. How do you control the mosquito population in your home?
 bushing  pesticides  proper waste disposal other, please state: ___________
8. How often is fogging carried out in your community?
once per week every 2 weeks once per month every 6 months
9. What have the local authorities done in the fight against the mosquito borne diseases?
Fogged the area Implement laws against having mosquito breeding sites
Invest in public education Other, please state: _______________________
C – Procedures for Data Collection
A step-by-step outline of the process or method used to collect the data from the sample must be
given. Begin by mentioning the instrument used, as well as the quantity distributed and collected
or returned. Describe the process of data collection by responding to the following questions.
▪ WHICH instrument was used?
Example: A printed questionnaire was the instrument used. The questionnaire had
19 questions, including the demographic data. There were 14 close-ended and 4
open ended questions. Include sample size – characteristics of the sample.
▪ WHO received the instruments?
Example: Twenty-five instruments were distributed to 15 males and 10 females in
the 19 – 57 age group; to males in the ‘18 and over’ age group; females in the ‘25
and over’ age group.
▪ WHO collected the data?
Example: The researcher/writer, with the assistance of a friend, collected the data.
▪ WHAT data collection method was used?
Example: Random sampling or deliberate selection was done. For instance: Every
other house OR every house until all the questionnaires were finished.
▪ WHEN was this exercise done? (Indicate period)
Example: The data collection period was three weeks, March, 2021.
▪ WHERE was the data collected?
Example: The data was collected from Accompong Town, a rural community in
St. Elizabeth.
▪ HOW was the data collected?
Example: The researcher OR the researcher and a relative/friend distributed and
collected the instruments by hand.
▪ WHY was this procedure necessary?
Example: It was necessary as it ensured accuracy. It was the only way that the
researcher was able to access data that is both valid and reliable.

Example of procedures used to collect data

A printed questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data. The questionnaire had 13
questions. There were 13 closed ended questions. 10 questionnaires were distributed to 5
males and 5 females in the age group 26 - 45 years. The researcher with the assistance of a
friend collected the data. The random sampling technique was used to collect data. Every
house was given until they were finished. The data collection period was 2 weeks, from
March. 28 - April 4 , 2021. The data was collected from Norwood Gardens, St .James. The
researcher along with friends distributed and collected the questionnaires by hand. It was
necessary as it ensured accuracy, it was the only way that they was able to access that the data
is valid and reliable. At the end of the two (2) weeks March. 28 - April 4, 2021, all
questionnaires distributed were collected.


(To be added)

Task 3 – Presentation of Data

Write a brief summary indicating the number of instruments distributed and collected. Include
how the data will be presented.
Example: A total of 25 questionnaires were distributed and collected. Data will be presented in
the form of statements and on diagrams such as tables, bar graphs, histograms and pie charts.

o Graphs and charts should be identified as figures.
o Example: Figure 1: Bar graph showing…
o Tables are identified as tables.
o Example: Table 1: Showing reasons for the increased level of obesity at a
prevalent High School in Montego Bay
o All graphs and charts must have a key.
o Graphs must be clearly labeled: the x-axis, the y-axis and the title
o Diagrams must be in a box.
o An indication of the source must be beneath each diagram /outside of the box,
stating fieldwork (date is optional) and year.
o A brief explanation (one or two sentences) should also be at the bottom.

Below are some examples of presentation of data

(Figure 1): Shows causes of drug abuse in Norwood Gardens.
The bar graph (fig1) above shows some of the causes of drug abuse in the community of
Norwood Gardens. From the data collected, 50% of the respondents believed that unemployment
was the main cause of youth taking drugs. 30% of the respondents stated that poverty was the
cause while the remaining 20% choose lack of education.
Table below: Showing causes of drug abuse within Spanish Town.

Causes Percentage of respondents (%)

Poverty 70%

Lack of supervision 5%

Peer pressure 5%

Unemployment 20%

Table 1
Table 1 shows that seventy percent (70%) of the respondents said that poverty is cause of drug
abuse among youths within their community. Five percent (5%) stated that lack of adult
supervision had contributed to the increase of young people taking drugs. Five percent (5%) of
the respondents cited peer pressure and the remaining twenty percent (20%) stated
unemployment was the cause of this issue.
Task 4 – Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This should show a clear interrogation of the data. Special emphasis must be placed on the
problem statements. In order to get maximum points, the following should be done:
o Give an overview of the problem, the area of research as well as target group in the
first 2 to 3 lines.
o Make inferences based on data collected.
o Address, interpret and analyze all questions on the instrument.
o Make references to figures, tables, quotations and the rationale.
o Use terms such as majority, minority, trends, unanimous, none/no one when
analyzing and interpreting the data.
o Use related literature such as books, newspaper clippings and articles to support the
o Cite sources in the body to support, expound on or refute a point (optional).
NOTE: Sources used must be visible in the bibliography/reference page.

Example of analysis and interpretation of data

The researcher has found numerous factors that contributes to the development of youths
taking drugs in the community of the Community of Norwood, St. James. According to the
data that has been presented, the leading cause of young people using drugs is poverty.
Seventy percent (70%) of the respondents attested to this. The researcher found other factors
that has resulted in youths abusing drugs are factors such as unemployment- twenty percent
(20%), peer pressure- five percent (5%) and lack of parental supervision five percent (5%).
Poor people who are not working are easily frustrated and are often influenced to become
engaged in activities that lead to taking illegal drugs. This often takes a toll on the youths
mental well-being, resulting in their lack of reasoning ability and sometimes unsound mind. .
The issue of drug abuse among young people has affected the well-being of residents socially
and psychologically. Individuals within the community are heavily burdened by this issue and
desire a change. One major way in which the prevalence of the use of drugs among youths
has affected residents is that it causes reduced performance at work or school throughout the
community, Eighty percent (80%) of the respondents claimed this to be true. There are other
ways in which this dreaded issue has affected people such as loss of loved ones ten percent
(10%) and people are grief stricken and living in fear according to ten percent (10%) of the
respondents. How can one live in contentment and do well in school and at work when their
youths are turning to drugs within their community. This is the reality that many residents
face on a daily basis and being awake is a nightmare experience for many residents.
It is axiomatic that measures have to be implemented in resolving or reducing the level of
illicit drug use among youths. A solution to this issue is creating a neighbourhood watch
programme, sixty percent (60%) of the residents saw this as a feasible solution. Other
solutions stated that residents should report known criminals who attempt to influence youths
to take drugs to the police twenty percent (20%) and having a regular police patrol twenty
percent (20%) of the respondents saw this as an achievable solution. Youths like to try new
things hence it will not miraculously end. We all have a role to play by increasing our efforts
in cooperating with the police and taking a strong stance against known perpetrators without
fear or favour. We have to make every effort to save our young people.

Task 5 – Conclusion

This should represent three findings gathered from the data collected from the research
questions. It must focus on the statement of problem.

Example of Conclusion

o The main reason for the increasing level drug use among youths in the community of
Norwood, St. James is poverty which accounts for 70 percent.
o One major negative effect of drug use among youths is that it causes reduced
performance at work or school throughout the community and more seriously,
drastically reduces the mental well- being of user often leading to depressions nad
criminal activities. This accounts for eighty percent (80%)
o In order to reduce the problems faced, 80% of the respondents stated that a solution to
this issue is creating a neighbourhood watch programme, accounting for sixty percent

Task 6 – Recommendations

Propose TWO realistic recommendations based on the findings.

Remember: this must be practical and realistic.

Example of recommendations

In order to reduce the level of air pollution in the Retirement District, the researcher would
like to recommend the following:

● Implement harsher punishments for persons who cause air pollution

● Form a Neighbourhood Watch Association and engage residents in monthly meetings

to inform persons about the consequences of air pollution due to improper garbage
disposals/ Landfills and ways to reduce it in the community of Retirement.
In order to implement the monthly meeting that will inform/educate persons about the
consequences of air pollution and ways to reduce it, community leaders, along with MP’S and
police will be contacted and asked to assist. The meeting will take place in the community
center every last Sunday in every month. Fliers will be sent out to members of the community
to notify them of the meeting.

Task 7 – Reflection

(State two lessons learnt from undertaking the project) TO BE DONE

Example of Reflection


REMEMBER: Writing skills are extremely important, therefore, ensure that your teacher assists
you as you progress with the SBA. You can also ask someone to proofread your project before
submitting it to the teacher. This includes organization [paragraphing], use of language, spelling,
punctuation and grammar.

Your report should be presented electronically.
Ensure that you include a cover page, title page and ensure that each task is in the correct order.
[typed] the presentation should be neat and legible.
Overall presentation should include appropriate layout with four elements such as
acknowledgement, table of contents, bibliography, cover page and appendices.

COVER PAGE: The cover page must be as neat and as simple as possible. Pictures used must
be in keeping with the topic.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This should be brief. Do this when the project is near completion.
Acknowledge the contribution of individuals who assisted and/or contributed to the completion
of the research.


REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHY: All sources, including web sources that were used in the
research, must be placed here. Sources must be double-spaced and listed in alphabetical order; as
much as possible, students should adhere to APA guidelines.


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