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Paper – III

Indian Society, Constitution and Governance

I. Indian Society, Structure, Issues and Social Movements
1. Indian Society: Salient features, Unity in Diversity; Family, Marriage,
Kinship, Caste, Tribe, Religion, Language; Rural – Urban continuum;
1. What is Patriarchy?
2. Examine the impact of urbanization on family in modern world.
3. What is the role of family, society and educational institutions in
inculcating values?
2. Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Minorities, Women, Children,
Aged and Disabled.
Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Minorities:
4. Discuss the role of non-governmental organisations in promoting
social welfare among vulnerable sections of society.
5. Analyse the rise and features of anti-caste, Dalit and Non-Brahmin
Movements in modern India.
6. Analyse the major problems faced by religious minorities in India.
Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Women:
7. Elucidate the concept of feminization of poverty.
8. Elaborate on the causative factors of domestic violence.
9. In India, are women empowered through Information and
Communication Technology? Analyse.
10. Critically evaluate dedication for economically weaker section in
the context of Women upliftment.
Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Children:
11. Describe the problems faced by the children due to deterioration
in the environmental conditions and write notes on the "Proposed
Children's Environmental Health Program".
12. Seasonal migration of weaker sections of rural population is
leading to empty schools and closed doors. Critically assess this

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3. Social Issues: Poverty; Unemployment, Child Labour, Violence
against Women; Regionalism; Communalism and Secularism;
Corruption; Caste Conflicts, Problems of Agricultural Labour;
Urbanization; Development and Displacement; Environmental
Degradation; Sustainable Development; Population Explosion;
Agrarian Distress; Migration
Social Issues: Child Labour, Violence against Women
13. Elucidate the favourable factors responsible for the upliftment of
women status in Modern India.
14. Explain the categories of crimes against women.
15. Did 19th Century Socio-religious reform movements address
unethical social practices against women and children?
16. Differentiate between child work and child labour.
17. Analyse whether poverty is the cause of child labour or child labour
is the cause of poverty.
18. What is meant by physical violence?
19. Is Domestic violence a private issue or social problem? Discuss.
Population Explosion
20. Why is Total Fertility rate falling in India? What is its implication on
population explosion?
21. Suggest some ways by which, the problem of unemployment
among the educated youth can be curbed.
Communalism and Secularism; Caste Conflicts
22. Explain the various dimensions of communalism.
23. Describe the concept of Role and Role Conflict. Discuss the nature
and extent of role conflict among working women in India.
24. What is communalism?
Social Issues
25. What is social movement? Bring out two important features of
social movement.
26. What is the social issue associated with the Blue Whale challenge?
Suggest remedies.

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Problems of Urbanization
27. Discuss various social problems that originate out of the speedy
process of urbanisation in India.
Social Issues: Poverty
28. Explain the various measures to tackle poverty.
29. How can individuals be held responsible for their poverty?
30. Disclose the contributory factors for primary poverty.
4. Social Issues in Telangana: Vetti; Jogini and Devadasi System; Girl
Child; Fluorosis; Child Labour; Migrant Labour; Child Marriages.
Social Movements in Telangana.
31. What are the causes for inter-regional and inter-district disparities
in Andhra Pradesh?
32. Highlight the important trends in incidence of poverty in Andhra
33. Write notes on Infant Mortality and Death rates in Andhra Pradesh
in the recent decade.
5. Social Policies and Programmes in India and Telangana: Policies for
Women, Children, Aged and Disabled; Policies for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Minorities; Environmental
Policy; Population Policy; Policy on Education; Policy on Health;
Poverty Alleviation Programmes; Welfare Schemes for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Women, Children,
Minorities, Aged and Disabled.
Policy on Health:
34. Discuss the measures taken by the Government to improve
education and health status in Andhra Pradesh.
Welfare Schemes:
35. Discuss the various dimensions of the role of N.G.O.'s in social
Policies for Women:
36. Examine whether rural women in India have been empowered by
their active participation in Panchayat Raj system.
Social Policies and Programmes in India and Telangana
37. Explain the major governmental interventions in the social sector
with special reference to Health and education.

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38. Enumerate the organisational structure of community
development program.
39. Examine the causes for regional disparities in Andhra Pradesh and
measures initiated by the government to reduce the same.
40. What are the reasons for farmer suicides in India in the recent
years? What are the provisions in the Union Budget 2016 to
address this issue?
Policies for Women, Children, Aged and Disabled:
41. A multi-pronged approach has enabled a drastic decline in the
incidence of child labour in the state. Explain the strategy.
42. What are the measures taken by the Government of Andhra
Pradesh to empower women? Elaborate.
43. What are the legal measures against child labour?
44. Write notes on Measures taken by the Andhra Pradesh
government to empower women.
Poverty Alleviation Programmes:
45. What are the effective strategies for the removal of poverty? What
is the experience of different anti-poverty programs in India?
Policy on Education:
46. Explain the strength and weaknesses of literacy programmes in
the contemporary Indian Society.

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