Mole Solved Examples

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ALSophistacaed techniquea fo denmining the fainly

accunak akomie maSSes. Is ?
Ps: Mass spectOmckny.

2: Standand, aqheed upcn in 1961 fon Ae pnesent sskem

o tomie masses is ba sed on

ms: Canbon -

12 On C

83n po1 esent suakem, tha ass lgned mass o On atom o c


t s E xacly 12 atom mass unik(amu) on 12 unihintd mass(u)

4ehne atemc naskut (amu ?

n s t is mass exacely equal to one-tuelgh the mass
One akom and 1 amu == 6 6 0 5 6 io 2
N x a
G5:hne nelakhie akcmicmass (RAM) ?
hnsRAM -Aveage Mass of One atom of theelement
5 mass of one C-i2 aom
RAM s unitlesS numbe qiving magnikude of atomic
maSs assigmed aelatve o C-12 as sandand.

a6Hoa Can ue obtin akome Masc usinq RAM ?

tns:Akomii mAss=RAM) amu 091 (RAM) u
1. Un of aomi mass is anu 0nu & magnikude is
equal o nelative akomiè mass (RAM).

Atom naSS IS mass cf hoa many ak0 ms

HnsAtomi mass S mSS o One tom
M T_ W_T
Page No.

a : ehne 91edathve molecula massRMM).

as Ave1age mass o one molecule 04 tha subst na
"of mass of one C-12atom
RMM 1s the sum of the nelahve aBom mass (RAM)
of the atoms ponesent in the kamula epaAsAnting
the elemnt on COmpaund.
Q9: Hos Can e otum malacedah mass using RMM
Ans: Mokecudan mass =(RMM) amu 0n RMM U
1e.Unit of moleculan mass is am Gnd
magn tude o f molecwas mass is helative moleculaA
Mass RMM).
Note: MM is unit les.

Qlo: Moleculkn mass s maas o hc man malecudes -

ms:Molecuaa mess s Mas o One malccule

Q11: hine actud maSs oakom oa molecule ?

Ans: 9t is the mass one atom an One molecule
ooaa subskanca, NosAnenal measuned by

Q13 what is the dutkAence betuten atome mass

09 0tomic weIghk &_Moleculah mass O moNecuan
wtight 2
Non, Both mean one t h e sane n chemstay 0
Page N.

13 Moleculan weigdt of unea }H,NCONH,} ?

4) 60 9 (2) 60 amu (3) 60u 4(2) & 3) bott
s:4), Moleculam e i t of umea={(2x1)+[4aA)r[2x)r{16»1)+(14xi)t en1)}u
6 0 U 0n 60 amu

al4MaSs of one akom o an elemenk is 8imes the mass

of o n atom oC-42.n d atomic mass hat
element ?

Pns: mass. of eleatnt- Mass a one akom of element

o f rmass of one atom f C-12
tnd,Mass ef ne atom o f C-12 I S 12

'At mass of elernt nt =12 MasS of gn atom of elemert

|Mass o o n aom of c-i2
12x8anu)Macsof aom of element=8
Mass of atom ofc-12 (givn))
96 Gmu
At. mass o element =8xMass o One 12 atom
8 x (2 amu)=96
aIs Mass of one atom of elememt A is 14 times the(
f maSS o one C-L2 akom.find ekomd mas o A 2
ths At. mass. of A=14 x Mass of one C-12 adom

-8 12 Gmu = 6 6Gmu

a4EJnenkX is bao times heaviesa han element Y, he

ass o eleent Y is ten bes o}( o mass o q
one om o c-12.find oonic o} 'x?
Page No.


ns: t . mass of ele ment X= 2% At. mass of elemtnt Y

the o one akom.
because, At. mass iS mass

AE massoY10xxMass of one alom of C-12)

10x Lx(12 amu)=20Gmu

t mASS o X' =2x(At. mass of Y)E 2x20 amu =40amu.

G17 S the akomic mass 9 n b E) paat

b masS o t ont akom oC-12 isokope, then what
wnuld La he akomic
Pms:On stándaad mcele1n scale

At:masS of oxysm =16amy =Mass o one akom ot ox1gtnn

xMas of one abn of c-i2) |
S0, 16 Mass of one akom of oxen
x(MaSS of one akom of c-12)
Mass of one atom oF OxJe
L6x amu
x(Mass oqone ko ot
amu E At. mass o oXge on {his ney Scale

So n s :3 qmu
Note NUmeaaho e mass ne aton Aemalns constant
and denominadot g e d l e d, *. Raho beams
half 0n At: mass Lecomes hal
|Page No.

Q1 he mass
Q17he Of a C-12 atom is 19.92679 x 10 2 &
that of a He-4 atom is 24, 4f he
6.64658 x 1 0
inteihaional akomic mass scale has de ined the mass
of a He-4 atom_as exadly 4amu.hat wowd be he
akomic mass ot i , ahich is 6.341 On t h paesenk
ns 0n pnesenk scale
L9.9264Sx LO T
Amu =19 12

On Ne scalo 1e. based on He

amu 6.64658x 10 -i)

Nou, eq ) ) L9-92679xL6
amu re senk scale. 12

amu)Ne i scale 6.64+658x Lo*

6.64658 x 1o-24|

2.998x L 0.99935
(amupaescat sca = (0.9993S)x Gmu)vea scale

AL. gS of Li on Nea Scake =0.9993s) t as of puert scale

= 0:99935x 6.941

A18: Cadculate fonmula mass oHeavy scdea {D,o2

fn:fonmula mass of D,0-Mass of one molecule of D2O_
Molecaa nass o D,o xMass o onc
atom of C-12

2x(Ma ss of one ocon of D) +ix(Mass of one adom of 'o)

(2Mass ona adom of C-12

Mass of one atom of D 1xMaSS of_one aom of't

Mase of one atom of c-12) I)Mas of one C-12ao,
= RxAtomic mas of D+1xA mii mass o O
x 2amu) +1x(16 Gmu) =20 amu :D is H

19 Calculate malecwaa mas oth ollouaing

(6) H,O Hs4 d)H,PO,4 eNH)PO4
Ce) Sg 9)Ne (W P (t) HF (Í) So3
ms: a) Moleculan mass (MM) of NH3 = LxL4amuy) t3x
1+ amu
MM. x1 amu)+ 1x(L6amu)=18 gmu

C)MM4c x(Lamu)t Lx(32 amu)+ 4x(16 amu) =38 gmu

a MM4o 3x(Lamu)+Lx(31 ma)+4x|1L6 amu) 98amu

e) 3x(14 amu) +12x(1Lamu) +Lx(31amu)+4r(L6Gmu)

MNHa)PO4 149 amu
E)MM= 8x(32 amu)= 256 amu

) MMo Lx(20 aMa) 20 qmu

6) MMp 4x(31 amu) 124 amu

) MM4FE Lx(4 ama) + Lx(19 anu)= 20 amu

MMsA.= Lx(32 am)+3x (16 amu)=80 amu

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20: 3 the atomi maSs we V n . by as pank å

mole cuda9i mass as ( " pat by mass o one akom
o C-12 isokope then h a wsoudd be the moleculaa.
mass owaken (H0) 3Supposa akomtc
hydo 0gen & oxygen on Nes scala ane 1& 16 nespeckively
Mass f one malecula o 40
12 Mask ef one atom of C-12)

Massof ona dom of H)+1%Mass of one adom of'O

()x(Massof one atom of C-12)

Rx(Mas of one adom of H'))+ix(mMass of one atem of 'O

x Mass ofone -12 a

-2 Mass of one akom o'')+1( Mass o

MasS sf one C-12 atom
one atom of "o
a s s of one c-i2akom

= 22 At mass of "H on nesscale) +1x(A mass ofd on neus scale)|

= 2124)+ ix(16)= 36
G21 fine acomic numbea (Z)?
fns Atominumbe9 is numbe og_peOoms pesen In
h a nucleus.
Noke:Atommi numben is the idenk eemen ie. 92
atomiC numbeH IS same misns nam oelemen*
IS S a m

922:ehne isotapes
fhs:|Ane the akoms itn eleme having samaakomié
numbeZ) but diffeenk mass nmumben (A).
M T W_
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a23 ehne mass numben A) ?

ms: s the numben o nucNeons (ie. paoton &neutn0n).
Mass humben(A) ={No. of paokon)+(No. of neutnon)
need o Akomi
AvenaGe Mass ?
a24 Whak is th
Ans:Many nakunally occuning elements exist as m o
than one isotope, ton Sucla eXements Akomi mass
IS acually epaecenked by hein avenag2 atomc

25 ehne Aveiage Akomi mass

Hns:Ave1asl atomc mass of the elemtnt is h e oeighted

aveAaqR mass' o thL akoms in a natuayoccuning
the element.
Sample o
nelabye 9setopii Atome
Avenae Aomi mass abundance

TTo isotope- x f isotope-4)t(abndance
isotope-2)*(%f isotope-2t
Aomic masS

a26: Calculate aveaage adomi maSS o Canbon

satope %Reladive Nbundance Aom1i mass(u)
2C 99.892 42
1 L08 13 00335
2x 10 10 14.003 11

Averas Atomi ass 8.892xli2u)+11o8»1380335 4+ 4

AveRgAtomi mass =(98.892)x(12 u)+{L-108)x(13.00335u) +(2x 1o 4.00313u)

= 12.014 u

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