Single and Two-Phase Discharge From A Pressurized Vessel

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Rev G&I Therm (1996) 35, 503-516

0 Elsevier, Paris

Single and two-phase discharge from

a pressurized vessel

Julie Lenclud, James ES Venart*

Fire Science Centre, University of New Brunswick, PO Box 4400, Fredericton E3B 5A3, Canada

(Received 30 June 1995; accepted 18 July 1996)

Abridged French version at the end of the text

Summary - The objective of this work was to establish models for the blowdown process of partially filled pressure
liquefied vessels and to validate the models by comparison with experimental pressure measurements. On the basis of
experiments using small 400 mL steel pressure vessels with creep and knife induced cracks, a crack opening model
was developed using the Crack Opening Displacement theory and plastic displacement assumptions. For a single-phase
discharge, an expression for the unsteady compressible choked flow through openings of varying areas was developed.
The results of this blowdown model were compared with experimental pressure measurements obtained for nine small
vessels filled with argon and water - at different fill levels (70, 80 and 90%) with different initial pressures. The influence
of the speed of crack propagation and discharge coefficient were evaluated. The simulations of the single-phase model
were found to be in reasonable agreement with the experiments. The work also presents a comparison of several available
two-phase blowdown models applicable to the discharge of a pressure liquefied gas (simulated here by refrigerants
Rl 1, R22 and R123). Some modifications to these models were also examined. The two-phase models did not seem to
adequately describe the experimental results even when the model parameters were adjusted to suit the experiments.
Keywords : modelling, blowdown, discharge, pressurized vessels, single-phase flow, two-phase flow, creep, crack propagation

R&urn6 - koulement mono et diphasique depuis un reservoir sous pression. Cette &de a pour objectif d’Ltab/ir
des modPlIes de d6pressurisation de riservoirs sous pression, partiellement remplis de gaz liqu&t, et de valider ces
mod&/es par comparaison avec des r&/tats exptrimentaux mettant en jeu des r&ervoirs d’acier de 400 mL. Un mode/e
de propagation de fissures provoquees par fluage thermique ou par couteau, est de’velopp8 en utilisant /a thaorie du
ddplacement de fissure et des hypothtses concernant le dtplacement plastique. Pour un e’coulement monophasique,
une expression du flux variable compressible &rang/e’ ci travers une ouverture de superficie variable est determinte.
Les r&u/tats de ce modtile sont compare’s avec les mesures exptrimentales de pression obtenues pour neuf re’servoirs
remplis d’eau et d’argon b diff&ents niveaux (70, 80 et 90 %) et diffirentes pressions initiales. L’inpuence de la
vitesse de propagation de fissure et du coefficient d’dcoulement a 6te’ aussi ttudit. Les simulations relatives au modPIe
monophasique sont en accord raisonnable avec /es expdriences. Cette ttude prisente aussi une comparaison des diffirents
modhles applicables aux e’coulements diphasiques de gaz liqutfie’ (simuli ici par /es r6frigLrants R 1 1, R22 et RI 23).
Des modifications sont aussi apportLes d certains modtiles. Les modLIes diphasiques ne dkcrivent pas adiquatement les
rkultats expe’rimentaux mime aprtk un ajustement des paramttres des modtles.
Mot+cl& : modilisation, depressurisation, reservoirs sous pression, (coulements critique monophasique ou diphasique, fluage
thermique, propagation de fissure

Nomenclature CD discharge coefficient

Dt iteration time. . .
A crack area........................ m2 E elastic modulus of the container. . . Mm-:
a half crack length. . .. . m G mass flux......................... kg.m-2.s-1
b half crack width . m h enthalpy per unit mass . .’
c constant ratio of length over plastic lf final half crack length . . m
displacement n thermal equilibrium polytropic ex-
cp,V heat capacity at constant pressure, ponent
volume...........................’ N correlation factor for the Henry and
CZ constant introduced in the second Fauske model
step crack extension . .. . m P pressure of the gas. Pa
R plastic radius. . . . m
RO mean radius of curvature of the
* Correspondence and reprints container......................... m

so3 5
J Lenclud, J ES Venart

entropy per unit mass . . . . .’ with high speed cinematography of the vessel and
iLIP slip ratio the discharge behavior of its contents [l].
Th wall thickness of the container.. . m
t1 time till which the first step crack
extension is valid . . S

t Af time when the final area is reached S

velocity of the gas .
. ., . m.s-l
W crack half width from plastic
theory............................ m
X quality
void fraction
factor in Henry and Fauske model The gas discharge or blowdown from a pressure
crack opening displacement . . m vessel into the atmosphere can be choked (sonic) or
crack tip opening displacement. m unchoked (subsonic) [3-61. Upon first opening of a
isentropic exponent
critical pressure ratio Pez/P gas filled vessel, the pressure gradient accelerates
density........................... kg.m-” the gas through the opening so that the discharge is
stress............................. N.m-’ initially n-rotational, then with laminar boundary
equivalent uniaxial gross stress for layers, and finally turbulence. As the crack size
a flat plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . increases, the mass flow rate increases. A maximum
actual circumferential hoop stress. flow rate is soon established where sonic velocity
yield stress of the container.. . . . occurs at the throat of the opening 141 tie, choked
specific volume . . . . or critical flow). In the cases considered here,
crack speed in first step crack the initial containment pressures are such that
extension . . . . . . . . a choked discharge is always initiated. As the gas
crack speed in second step crack continues to discharge from the vessel, its internal
extension . .. . pressure decreases along with a decrease in throat
Subscripts pressure until the flow eventually becomes subsonic
and the gas velocity diminishes through turbulent
C choked onto laminar flow regimes until there is no further
e equilibrium flow and the pressure inside the vessel is completely
ex at the exit throat released.
f liquid phase
9 gas phase A complete description of the compressible lam-
i initial conditions inar or turbulent flow through an opening is very
complex [7,81. Consequently most models assume
choked flow from the commencement of discharge
19-111. Woodward et al 191 present a review of the
procedures used to evaluate the time varying volu-
1 n INTRODUCTION metric gas discharge rate in sonic flow and deduce
the time at which subsonic flow occurs for a constant
sized opening after the commencement of choked
flow. Moody 1101 predicts the time-dependent gas
This paper is part of the ongoing study into properties of the fluid during the discharge process
the causes of accidents of pressure liquefied gases of a pressure vessel with a constant throat area
(PLG). The boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion aperture. Choked flow is assumed and all variables
(BLEVE) - when the contents are released in an are considered space independent. He considers a
adiabatic flash - has been considered by some to rigid and adiabatic vessel, an ideal nozzle and an
be the most severe type of containment failure ideal gas. Using the conservation of mass, the isen-
for these fluids. Recent experimental evidence has tropic flow hypothesis and the mass flux expression
however shown the possibility of a more serious based upon the energy equation, he obtains a time
event than the BLEVE. This type of occurrence dependent differential equation for the pressure
has been termed a boiling liquid compressed bubble inside the vessel. By integration, the internal pres-
explosion (BLCBE) [1,2]. As part of this study to sure is deduced. A similar study is also conducted
determine the complex sequence of events that for an isothermal blowdown.
result in the BLEVE or BLCBE, a series of Xia et al 1121 also present a heat transfer model
small scale experiments have been conducted with for gas filled pressure vessels discharging through
partially filled vessels pressurized with argon, Rll, a constant sized opening. This model utilizes:
R22 and R123. A restricted set of these tests was a lumped parameter model which determines
undertaken to determine the transient blowdown of the temperature of the pressure wall, constant
the vessel through a time varying opening, initiated properties of the fluid (except the density), constant
either by local torch impingement (creep rupture) or heat transfer coefficient between the vessel wall
by a knife. Dynamic pressures were recorded along and the fluid and constant mass flow rate. The

504 5
Single and two-phase discharge from a pressurized vessel

model gives reasonable agreement on the pressure factor is applied to the stress intensity factor
and temperature in the vessel as well as the with a plasticity correction factor to the Dugdale
temperature of the vessel wall with experiments, model parameter necessary to take into account
however it is unrealistic since it assumes a constant the plasticity-curvature interaction. On the other
mass flow rate and as such is only valid to either hand, to take into account curvature, Folias 1221 and
the early stages of discharge or very large vessels. then Leibowitz [23] expressed a correction factor to
In most flow models, the area of the throat the stress to make those relationships, originally
is considered constant [9,10]. In case of thermal valid for an infinite flat plate, valid for the cracked
rupture (creep) however, the crack opens slowly, cylinder.
and if subcritical, arrests or stops. The size of Erdogan et al in 1111 is the only author found
the crack formed depends upon the time and to consider the coupled case of fracture mechanics
temperature of exposure in addition to the vapor and gas discharge of a pressure vessel containing a
volume and its change in internal energy between defect. They studied crack propagation and arrest
initial and choked states. A constant area opening in gas pressurized vessels. A thin walled cylindrical
model is then far from satisfactory under these vessel was assumed to contain a symmetrically
circumstances. longitudinal part-through crack with a relatively
Baum [13,14] considers the development of a small net ligament. They apply the COD theory to
breach occurring in a gas pipeline. His deductions calculate the crack surface displacements, taking
are based on high speed photography of an axial into account the effects of the curvature by a
ductile shear fracture of a steel pipe. An axial defect procedure similar to the one used by Folias.
is machined at the middle surface of the pipe. The They assume a quasi static shell problem with
crack propagates because of the plastic deformation an elliptical crack opening, the crack length and
of the pipe wall. On average, the free edge velocity the elastic crack opening displacement at the
measured from the 6lm is 150 m.s-’ while the center of the crack as the major and minor axes.
breach velocity is 200 m.s-’ at its peak or of the An approximation of the crack opening area is
order of the speed of sound in the gas. Baum also introduced for low stresses. They assume the flow
describes a pressure transient model for the axial to be sonic and develop a differential equation
propagation of the crack. in pressure similar to that of Moody 1101 except
Bhandari and Leroux 1151 concentrated their that they introduce a discharge coefficient and an
work on French pressurized water reactors (PWR) area function of the internal pressure and crack
and especially on a break down occurring in length. Four different models of crack length are
the steam generator entry elbow. The purpose of introduced that utilize maximum crack opening
their study was to calculate the time of crack velocity varying from 0.2 m.s-’ up to 762 m.s-‘.
opening and the maximum leakage areas for The depressurization models are compared for
longitudinal through-wall cracks. They observed by a discharge coefficient of 0.5 or 0.8. However,
visual measurements an average break opening no experimental validation is presented. Erdogan
velocity of 60 m.s-’ and 120 m.s-’ for the break et al 1111 only consider an elastic fracture for low
propagation velocity nominal stresses.
For creep induced rupture, crack velocities have In the case of this work, creep induced rupture
been found to be very much smaller 1161 than or slow knife induced piercing has been utilized so
those noted above where brittle fracture or ductile that plastic flow during the opening is predominant.
shear fracture occurs. Here, because of stress Such a crack opening is then a combination of
concentrations, plasticity is important at the tip elastic and plastic components. The crack length
so that linear elastic fracture mechanics cannot and thus the crack opening, are measured using
be applied 1151 and new fracture criteria have been high speed cinematography taken from the vessel.
developed 1171. This leads to a relative displacement A COD equation will also be derived for higher
of the crack surface and the necessity of the crack stresses observed during the experiments. The area
opening displacement (COD) theory. As noted in model will next be used in parallel with a single
WI, this methodology combines perfect elastic choked flow model as developed in 1101.
stresses and displacement around a central through
thickness crack in an infinite plate subjected to a
tensile stress perpendicular to the plane of the 2.2. DEPRESSURIZATION MODELS FOR TWO-
crack. These assumptions appear to be reasonable
for an elastic-plastic material. The COD theory is PHASE FLOW
based on the Dugdale model, which assumes the
crack to be partially constrained by a uniformly After gas discharge and repressurization, a two-
distributed internal tension over the plastic radius phase discharge occurs if vessel containment is
at the tip. The displacement at tip has been maintained. At this time, the crack can be assumed
successfully derived [20] and Dieter 1213 provides to be fully developed and arrested. Whalley in
an expression of the relative displacement of the [241 reviews the different available models. In
crack edges at any point function of the crack the simplest instance, the homogeneous equilibrium
opening displacement at the tip. Thus in [15], model (HEM) with the two-phases assumed to be
the COD theory is applied but an amplification in thermodynamic equilibrium and their average

505 s
J Lenclud, J ES Venart

speeds equal can be utilized. The expansion of the the bubble size or number of bubbles, the bubble
fluid is considered to be isentropic [24-261. Another radius is here a function of time and space. The
frequently quoted model is the homogeneous frozen rate of critical bubble formation for heterogeneous
model (HFM). This assumes that the two phase nucleation is derived from previous literature. It
velocities are equal, that no mass transfer takes introduces a parameter function of the contact an-
place between the two phases and that an isentropic gle at the bubble interface. A careful choice of this
expansion of the vapor with a consequent increase parameter allows a better agreement with experi-
in kinetic energy due only to vapor expansion ments than the models without nucleation.
[24,26] occurs. Moody [25] proposed an alternative Because of their strong dependence on empirical
model that considers annular flow with uniform parameters, the above nucleation models described
but unequal phase velocities and the fluids in will not be developed further here and the more
thermodynamic equilibrium. The expression of the analytical ones earlier discussed will be examined.
slip ratio is made by minimizing the kinetic energy The results of three models (HEM, HFM, Moody)
in the energy equation with respect to the slip ratio. will be described in detail along with a correction
As noted in [24], comparison to experimental data to the HFM (introduced at very low quality) as a
usually indicates that the HEM yields a good critical fourth possibility as well as a modified Henry and
pressure ratio but underestimates the flow rate Fauske model based on Tangren et al [30].
while the HFM underestimates the critical pressure
ratio but provides a good prediction for the tlow rate.
Moody’s model overestimates considerably the flow
rate. As the quality increases, the HEM and the
HFM both tend to give similar results.
Besides these analytical models, numerous em-
pirical ones also exist. Among them, the model of
Henry and Fauske [26] appears most promising.
No heat or mass transfer is considered to occur in The test facility utilized in this work consists of a
the nozzle but the mass and heat transfer rates small scale steel pressure vessel with internal pres-
between phases at the throat are not negligible. In sure transducers, recording devices (photographic
this model, the two phases are assumed to have the and video), a means of thermal or mechanical ini-
same velocity with the gas expanding isentropically tial partial failure of the vessel, provision for ex-
and the liquid being incompressible. At the throat, ternal and/or internal heating of the contents and
the vapor is taken to behave polytropically and is experimental control; greater detail may be found
not in equilibrium. This hypothesis is based on the in references [7] and [19].
observed properties of real flows. In brief, the pressure vessels were made of
0.075 mm thick low carbon low alloy deep drawing
Then, there are the nucleation models. Based
steels. The vessels were 350 mL cold drink bever-
on previous detailed observations, Deligiannis and age cans modified by pre-pressurization to extend
Cleaver [27] conclude that the thermal non equi-
the recessed end as to provide vessels with nominal
librium is a necessary requirement to predict the
400 mL capacity. As pressure vessels, such con-
early stage of rapid depressurization. They empha-
tainers are inexpensive yet strong (hydraulic burst
size the fact that the effect of nucleation should be
pressures 2.7 MPa) thus permitting many replica-
taken into account in the conservation equations. tions of tests, based upon initial conditions, with
That is why references [27-291 consider nucleation factors of safety in excess of three.
for rapid depressurization. In [28], Bartak reviews
bubble growth theory for homogeneous nucleation The pre-removed tab-end of the can is placed
and introduces a heterogeneous nucleation param- over a fabricated end piece and the end sealed by
eter into the theory. From his own data and that of an 0 ring and clamp. The end piece contains two
others, empirical correlations are introduced and a dynamic and static pressure transducers in addition
pressure undershoot is then deduced as well as the to a copper-constantan thermocouple, a fill and a
pressure and void fraction at any point of the pipe. vent line.
In [29], Hooper et al use previously developed mod- Dynamic and static pressures are measured. The
els for nucleation and introduce a variable pressure static transducer is an Ashcroft sealed diaphragm
growth. However, since the predicted radius of bub- unit (ASH-S-050~5-M-OS-F2-500) with a maximum
bles is smaller than experimental data, the model indicating capability of 3.5 MPa over a temperature
is corrected by an amplification factor, and in par- range of - 50 to + 90 ‘C; the unit has a response
allel with a hypothetical temperature change, it time of better than 5 ms. The dynamic pressures are
gives good agreement. Deligiannis and Cleaver [27] indicated by Endevco, model 8511A, piezo-resistive
account for the early stage of depressurization by transducers with a capability of 70 MPa with rise
taking into account significant thermal non equilib- times better than 1 s over the temperature range
rium. The model is based on thermal and calorific - 54 to + 107 ‘C. All transducers, appropriately
equations of state with interfacial transfers. These signal conditioned, were recorded using a Nicolet
transfers are a function of the size and number of Pro 90 4 channel digital oscilloscope capable of
bubbles. Contrary to most studies that obtain good sampling rates of up to 10 M-samples per second
agreement based on assigning arbitrary values for with 12 bit resolution and greater amounts at lower

506 s
Single and two-phase discharge from a pressurized vessel

resolution (8 bit). Low-speed measurements were surface. The crack is then elliptical and the relative
recorded using a Keithley-Metrabyte Das-16 data movement of the two surfaces, called A, is the
acquisition card at rates, determined by software, crack opening displacement which represent twice
of up to 50 kHz with 12-bit resolution. the elastic displacement (of each surface). The crack
Both standard SVHS video recordings and tip opening displacement (CTOD) is noted as S
high-speed cinematography were made. The video (fig 2). In 1211, Dieter introduces a crack opening
records were framed at 30 fps at a shutter speed of displacement at the center of an elliptical shaped
l/10000 s and analyzed with a MATROX MVP- crack and deduces a relationship for A as a function
AT frame grabber. A HYCAM I 16 mm rotat- 0fS:
ing prism camera (400 ft capacity) operating at
5 000 fps (200 @frame) was used with Eastman
A=% (u~+-$~)~‘~ (1)
Kodak (7259 Ektachrome 400/27’) film. The film
capacity provides for events of up to 1.5 s duration.
Refrigerants, Rll, R22 and R123 were utilized in where G is the equivalent uniaxial gross stress
the results analyzed here at 70, 80 and 90% initial
volumetric fills. Failures in the vessels were either
torch (thermal) induced, as creep ruptures which b m plastic zone
arrested, or mechanically by a longitudinal knife
blade remotely actuated.

A(x) S ’



Fig. 2. Crack displacement concept.

The objective here is to model the observed Fig. 2. Dkplacement de fissure.
crack propagation and opening. Crack lengths are
obtained from high speed cinematography. Crack
A common expression for 6, when a/cry < 0.6, is
widths are not available with precision from those
given as 1201:
measurements so that the width is assumed to be
the sum of two components, an elastic displacement
and a plastic displacement.

The previous analysis considers only a flat

4.1. ELASTIC DISPLACEMENT plate specimen. To take into account the effects
of curvature, it is necessary to use an equivalent
The elastic displacement is derived as a function uniaxial gross stress for a flat plate, ag, which is
of the crack length and the internal pressure from given as a function of the actual circumferential
linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) using hoop stress produced by the internal pressure,
crack opening displacement theory in a manner oh [=I.
similar to [ill. The Dugdale model [213 takes For a thin specimen of steel:
into account the plastic zone at the tip as two
narrow strips extending as indicated in figure 1.
It is assumed that there is an elastic crack of
length ~(CL+ R) but the plastic zone is closed up (3)
by applying compressive stresses normal to the

When one combines equations (1) (2) and (31, the

crack opening displacement is:


4 >
R 2a
Fig. 1. Dugdale mode/. APRQ
Oh = ___ (5)
Fig. 1. Mod6le de Dugdale. Th
J Lenclud, J ES Venart

Up to now, we have only considered elastic initiates a timing light record on the film. Thus,
deformation, however, some plastic deformation when the film is reviewed frame by frame back-
remains after the vent when no stress is applied. wards from the time after crack arrest, the initia-
tion of the crack can be determined. Each frame in
the present experimental series represents 0.2 ms
and thus the crack length is measured on the film
4.2. PLASTIC DISPLACEMENT 1321 from the final crack length to the commence-
ment of the opening. The crack length is then nor-
To take into account the creep phenomena dis- malized to the final crack length measured by direct
cussed, a plastic displacement must be introduced measurement after the vent.
into the model. We therefore make two assump- It is possible therefore to trace the time since
tions: (i) the crack shape after the vent is elliptical, the crack opened. The crack length development
and (ii) the shape aspect ratio, ie, the ratio of the 2a can then be determined as a function of the
length to the plastic deformation width is constant time and a regression made to determine crack
over time (fig 3). extension velocity The crack length extension can
a be inferred to be a double step process(l), each of
-= c
W which proceeds at constant velocity:

o<t<t1 2a = vld2)
tl=<t<tAf 2a = v2t + C2 (8)
t > = tAf 2a = 21s
(1) For two tests net 069 and 036, a single step process was found
w to better describe the crack extension.
(2) The crack velocity is usually defined in the literature as
I v = a/t.
P a
-T (net is the prefix of the individual experimental file numbers).

An example of the crack extension evaluation for

Fig. 3. Crack area schematic. the test net 055 is shown in figure 4. For each test,
Fig. 3. Schema de la fissure. the determined values of WI, tl, ~2, C2 are shown
in table I. For the tests where cinematography was
The ratio a/w is evaluated from measurements not available (when needed, ie, for the partially
made of the length and the width taken from the water filled vessels), values of VI, tl, ~2, C2 were
vessel after the vent. The measurements for nine obtained by averaging tests with double step crack
tests are summarized in table I. extension: net 070, 054, 040, 060, 044.
Half the actual crack width is the sum of the
elastic and plastic components:

The previously developed crack opening model is

And the crack area is then from (6): a cold model since it is applied for ambient tem-
perature vessel properties and a purely cylindrical
vessel. However, because of the torch, the tempera-
(7) ture of the vessel in the heated zone reaches 400 OC!
and an hemispherical blister is created so that the
previously developed model is theoretically incor-
where a is derived from (4) and (5). rect. A hot model was therefore also developed and
One unknown still remains: the crack length. the results of the two models were found to pro-
The value of the crack length as a function of duce very similar results [33]. Even though the hot
time is deduced from analyses of the high speed model represents better the crack opening, impre-
cinematography taken during the experiments. cision is introduced with the measurements of the
blister geometry and the temperature of the blister.
Consequently the cold model was used.
Since the vessels which failed by knife are
4.3. ANALYSIS OF THE HIGH SPEED the ones filled with Rll, R22 or R123 and the
CINEMATOGRAPHY discharge of the two phase mixture is delayed
by the gas discharge, we consider the crack
For most experiments, the crack formation and to be fully open when the two-phase discharge
opening process was filmed by high speed cine- begins. Consequently, the previously developed
matography. The time when the crack commences model (based on cold assumption) is applicable to
is unknown, but a trigger, activated by the depres- the fully developed knife crack and crack extension
surization response of a dynamic transducer 1311 coefficients are not necessary

508 s
Single and two-phase discharge from a pressurized vessel

Summary of crack measurements
Resume des mesures de fissure
Fluid Mode Final crack c=a I uI Crack extension Timing of final crack Timing Test
of failure length 21p Izoefficients WI; tl; VZ; C2 length tAf (on film) Tdelay net
(mm) m.s-l; ma; m.s-l; mm (ms) (ms)
4dHZO torch 12.54 12.78 0.85; 14.8; 0.85; 0 14.8 15.8 036
11.38 20.32 - 039
15.43 17.14 3.13; 2.2; 0.86; 5.3 12 12 040
12.74 30.33 0.75; 11; 0.3; 6.6 19.8 19.6 044
11.6 18.12 - - 045
12.8 13.62 1.3; 8; 0.18; 9.07 20.2 20.8 054
10.26 17.69 1.19; 3.6; 0.38; 2.9 21 21 055
11.84 17.16 - 057
7.3 21.47 - - - 060
17.89 18.44 1.02; 17.6; 1.02; 0 17.6 17.8 069
15.4 18.33 1.43; 8; 0.68; 4.98 15.6 15.6 070
R22 torch 7.28 2.8 - 104
knife 8.13 12.9 - 142
Rll knife 9.04 14.35 131
R123 knife 9.27 14.71 - - 134

12 (about 50 ps) [331. Consequently, the flow here is

considered to be choked during the whole process.
Depressurization is assumed to be sufficiently slow
for the stagnation variables to be homogeneous for
the whole vessel. Based on Moody’s derivation [lo],
a choked flow model is tist presented in which
we introduce a time varying area and a discharge
Using the mass flow rate equation and the
assumption that the process is considered isentropic
and the gas perfect:

Fig. 4. Crack speed evaluation (net 055). As for choked flow:

Fig. 4. Calcul de la vitesse d’ouverture (net 055).

5I DEPRESSURIZATION MODEL From the steady energy equation

critical mass flux G, is:
and (101, the

For the experiments of argon/water, the tem-

perature of the water stays such that its volume
stays constant so that we consider only a gas dis- The equation for pressure becomes with (11):
charge. It is assumed that initially the discharge
is irrotational with laminar boundary layers before
establishment of the critical flow at the throat of
the opening. The establishment of the choked flow
is often considered instantaneous [g-111. Simplified
models on unchoked flow were studied and the du- (Y+l)lGYY--1) yp.
-2 (12)
ration of this first stage is shown to be negligible
d Pi
J Lenclud, J ES Venart

The problem can be considered to be quasi 6.2. HOMOGENEOUS FROZEN MODEL

static. With this assumption, equation (12) may be
integrated between t - At and t which corresponds The assumptions are that, we can neglect wall
to last P = P(t - At) and P: shear forces, the liquid is incompressible, the
quality does not vary through the ex and the vapor
expands isentropically.
The momentum equation is integrated from one
end of the ex to the other:

(l ,yf (1 - Q) + 2 [l - (y)(y

= y (1 -+Jf
2 [ xvg
+ (p)lr
1 2 @/)(1+4/Y

Equations (15) can be written as:

This equation can be combined with the equa-
tions of the area function of the internal pressure
and the time (41, (5) and (7) as well as in combina-
tion with the high speed cinematography deduced
crack velocities (8) to deduce the time dependent
internal pressure.
In the classical HFM, the critical mass flux is
derived from the enthalpy difference [26], by
neglecting the liquid contributions and using the
steady-flow energy:


When a vessel containing a PLG suffers a partial As emphasized in [24], (17) is an attempt, at
failure above its liquid level, the first fluid to exit least in part, to represent the influence of the liquid
will be the vapor. As the pressure decreases inside in the expansion process. One takes better into
the vessel, the liquid boils and as the bubbles account the effects of the liquid by using:
of vapor grow, the mixture swells and the gas
discharge is followed by a two-phase discharge Gc= 1
[34]. Four two-phase flow models available from Vex
the literature are considered as well as a correction
2 Pug [l - &l)/~] + aP(l-z)vf(l-74
to one of them: the homogeneous equilibrium model
(HEM), the homogeneous frozen model (HFM), a
low quality correction of the HFM model, the Moody (18)
model, and the Henry and Fauske model. Equation (18) can be expressed more simply by
All five models presented assume that the using (16):
properties at the entrance of the exit are constant
and the entrance velocity is equal to zero. The ex is (1+-Y)l-Y
considered ideal and the flow process isentropic. For G, =
each model, the properties of the fluid at the throat
are calculated by an iterative process. An isentropic
process in the vessel will be assumed to transform 6.3. MOODY’S MODEL
the stagnation property models into transient ones.
The properties of the fluids are obtained using the It is assumed that the two phases are in
NIST database REFPROP [35]. equilibrium but do not have the same velocity and
the flow is annular at the exit [251. Using the
continuity equation in combination with the steady-
flow energy equation and the slip ratio definition,
The flow is choked when the value of the mass Gex =
flux is maximum for a given set of stagnation
properties [24], ie: 2(h - hex)
1 - Xex
xex + SLIP& I[
G, = max

510 5
Single and two-phase discharge from a pressurized vessel

The mass flux will be maximum when both its Introducing /3 with the definitions (23) and (24):
derivative with respect to exit pressure and exit
slip ratio are equal to zero. This imposes:

SLIP,, =
2.‘f ex

and hence:

G,, = max

2(h - he,) The critical mass flux is then defined with (26)
1 - x,x as:
(1 ( xex+ -[SLIP& > 1
G, =
Equation (25) becomes a transcendental expres-
sion of n:

The Henry and Fauske model [261 is based on a

presumption of non equilibrium homogeneous flow.
The authors suppose however that there is little
time for mass or heat transfer to occur in the ex. The
velocity of the two phases are assumed to be equal. It should be noted that the expression of the
The system is presumed to behave isentropically thermal equilibrium polytropic exponent (23) is the
with an isentropic expansion of the gas phase and one derived from Tangren et al [301; in their original
the liquid assumed to be incompressible. model, Henry and Fauske 1261 used a different
The negligible interphase heat transfer during expression (supposedly from Tang-i-en). Ironically
the expansion results in large heat transfer rates however, the Henry and Fauske model was designed
at the throat [26] so that it is assumed that the for low quality and it is in this range that the
vapor at the throat behaves polytropically with n a thermal equilibrium polytropic exponent used by
thermal equilibrium polytropic exponent defined by them varies most from Tangren’s expression.


(1 - x)$ + ;
A discharge coefficient is introduced to take
into account the reduction of jet area due to the
In the same way, the mass transfer rate at the formation of a vena contracta. First, the real mass
throat is also not negligible. If an equilibrium flux G is determined for each model as:
quality is defined, the mass transfer rate at the
G = CDG, (29)
throat has been correlated for steam-water critical
flow as follows with N the partial change of where G, is defined as (141, (171, (191, (22) or (27).
quality at the throat defined 1261 for steam-water, For the homogeneous frozen model and Henry
potassium vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and all and Fauske model, the transcendental equations
geometries as: derived from an energy equation (16) or (281, should
be modified as follows:
N = min(Xe,e/0.14,1) (24)
- Y/Y-l
q1 -Q) + *
Following the same procedure as for HFM, one
obtains: rl= (30)
- -+*
(l ;;l”f (1 - 7))+ * [l - (q)(7-1!/7]
with /3 = l/y for the two homogeneous frozen
9 models.
_ xvgex17-1/7 (l-x)w.f +1 2Gz (25) It should again be noted that this expression of
2P [ Xugex 1 the transcendental critical pressure ratio equation

511 5
J Lenclud, J ES Venart

with a discharge coefficient differs from the one

used by Henry and Fauske [261.
Summary of Ar/HzO data tests
Don&es pour les tests avec At-/H20

Fill level Nominal Pi Actual Pi Test

(%I MPa g (psi g) MPa g (psi g) net
50 0.76 (110) 0.81 (118) 069
0.82 (119) 070
It is also of interest to compare the throat 0.62 (90) 0.69 (100) 057
discharge velocity of the two-phase models with
the speed of sound in the two-phase mixture. This 70 0.76 (110) 0.81 (118) 036
value can be locally defined as 1361: 0.88 (128) 045
0.62 (90) 0.71 (103) 054

d P 80 0.76 (110) 0.79 (115) 040

U sound = (31) 0.62 (90) 0.81 (118) 055
PfU - Qb 0.84 (122) 060

where Q is specified for the throat conditions of the

appropriate model.
l-3 y-c-

6.7. THE TRANSIENT TWO-PHASE BLOWDOWN 0.8 1 0-4 Sifiulatiori


The models presented earlier are based upon

stagnation properties and by using mass conserva-
tion with assumed isentropic processes inside the
vessel, it is possible to describe the transient two-
phase model which allows for the depressurization
which will occur with discharge. The isentropic pro- 0.2
cess can be written as:
.I,,,, -;;la,,,,d,l ,,,.
z=--- so - Sf (32) -50.0 -25.0 0.0 25.0 50.0
%I - S.f Time (ms)

The mass conservation is expressed through: Fig. 5. Single-phase discharge: net 055.
Fig. 5. koulement monophasique : net 055.
CDGC [P(t - At)] A [P(t - at)] at
p = p(t - At) - V

I----- I1

7 1 IiT

Vaverage -
I1 1


0.8 1


Results from the simulations and experimental

curves (table I and II) obtained from a dynamic
transducer are compared. We only present here one
example: test net 055 with a discharge coefficient of
1 and an iteration time of 1 ms (fig 5). The influence
of different parameters, crack speed and discharge
coefficient are also studied for the same test cfig 6 Time (ms)
and 7). The simulation is also compared with the
prediction from Moody [lOI with an instantaneous
opening with or without elastic displacement cfig 8). Fig. 6. Influence of the crack speed (net 055).
Two parameters seem essential in order to correctly Fig. 6. Influence de la vitesse d’ouverture de la fissure
describe the blowdown process: (i) the final crack (net 055).

512 s
Single and two-phase discharge from a pressurized vessel

area appears to determine the rate of depressuriza- 7.2. TWO-PHASE FLOW MODELS
tion, and (ii) the time for crack opening, however,
determines the delay before the depressurization
begins. In most cases, these two characteristics Four tests (t&e III) were studied for the five
are in relatively good agreement with experiments, two-phase models presented previously. The results
even if some simulations start later compared to from the different simulations were compared to
the experimental data. Since the crack propagation the experimental pressure traces obtained with
velocity and exact crack opening time are derived a static transducer. We only present here two
from the cinematography, they are subject to im- examples, net 142 and 104, with respectively a
precision that can explain this discrepancy. The discharge coefficient of 0.5 and 1, and both a crack
model results differ from the experiment in the fully opened and an iteration time of 0.1 s <fig 9
later stages of the depressurization process because and 10). It has been assumed that the discharge
the dynamic pressure transducer used for the mea- of the vapor leads to a liquid level swell with
surement of pressure is AC coupled and so cannot bubble growth but that the two-phase mixture
measure slow changes of pressure such as those stays at its equilibrium saturated conditions. All
near the end of the depressurization. The present the models therefore used the following initial
model appears thus to be an improvement to the conditions: (i) initial containment pressure equal
commonly used model developed by Moody 1101. to the filling containment pressure, (ii) saturated
initial conditions with a void fraction equal to
the initial percentage of volume of gas 1361. The
influence of the different parameters are also
studied: for net 142, the discharge coefficient is
increased from 0.5 to 1 @g II) and for net 104, the
void fraction is decreased from 18% to 10% CfIg 12)

Summary of crack measurements

R&sum6 des mesures de fissure

0.2 t -4-l

-50.0 -25.0 0.0 25.0 50.0
Time (ms)

Fig. 7. Influence of the discharge coefficient (net 055).

Fig. 7. Influence du coefficient d’koulement (net 055).


z 0.4
lz 0.2

0.0 380 390 400
-50.0 -25.0 0.0 25.0 50.0
Time (ms) Time (s)

Fig. 8. Comparison with Moody’s model (net 055). Fig. 9. Two-phase discharge: net 142.
Fig. 8. Comparaison avec le modtile de Moody (net 055). Fig. 9. koulement diphasique : net 142.
J Lenclud, J ES Venart


0.8 0.8
s 3 -MoooY
!i Is
z 0.4 g 0.4
3 I
t 2
Q 0.2 a 0.2

180 150 180 170
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 10. Two-phase discharge: net 104. Fig. 12. Influence of the initial void fraction (net 104).
Fig. 12. Influence du taux de vide initial (net 104).
fig. 10. koulement diphasique : net 104.

pressure in the early stages of depressurization.

0.8 ('1 Consequently, the dynamic opening model devel-
oped provides a better description of the depres-
surization than the instantaneous opening model
usually assumed (the time to reach 75% of the ini-
tial containment pressure is about 10% smaller for
- MOODY the instantaneous opening than for the dynamic
opening event). The usual range of discharge coeffi-
cient was found to be of little significance especially
for the start of the depressurization.
In the case of two-phase discharge, several avail-
able two-phase blowdown models applicable to pres-
sure liquefied gases were presented as well as some
modified forms of the models. They were used in par-
-~~ allel with the crack opening model for a fully opened
380 - 390 crack and applied after the single-phase discharge
Time (s) event and following an assumed repressurization
back to the original saturation condition. They were
compared with the experimental pressure traces of
Fig. 1 1. Influence of the discharge coefficient (ncr 142). four tests with three fluids (Rll, R22 and R123) for
Fig. I 7. Influence du coefficient d’kcoulement (net 142). both knife and torch induced rupture. There were
two generalized failures in the considered models:
(i) the overall blowdown time and rate of depressur-
ization are incorrectly predicted for all the models,
8 n CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEN- and (ii) the qualitative features of the blowdown
are wrong since the repressurization noted experi-
DATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK mentally is not considered. Consequently, the ther-
modynamics of the different models are considered
to be incorrect and likely so the mechanics. The
For the case of gas discharge, a model for poor representation of the experiments cannot be
unsteady frictionless compressible choked flow explained by a poor choice of initial conditions since
through varying size opening (with slow crack even for the most favorable set of initial conditions,
opening) was presented. The results of the model the predictions highly underestimate the rates of
were later compared with the experimental pres- depressurization and overestimate the times for to-
sure measurements obtained for nine 500 mL steel tal discharge. The discharge coefficient, which was
vessels filled with argon and water, at different found to be very important for the two-phase knife
fill levels (70%, 80% and 90%) and different ini- initiated discharge, was also chosen to provide the
tial pressures. The comparisons showed reasonable most favorable results. Even though only few exper-
agreement with experiment for both rate of de- iments are available, it can be concluded that the
pressurization and delay before the commencement models are not applicable to the process and that a
of the depressurization. The speed of crack propa- very careful description of the initial conditions is
gation was shown to have major influence on the necessary.

514 s
Single and two-phase discharge from a pressurized vessel

In order to extend this work: boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion. AlChE Loss
- the single-phase choked model could be im- Prevention, New Orleans, March/April 1992
proved to handle non ideal gas by introducing tables [17] Wells AA (1968) Fracture control of thick steels for
of properties to calculate both y and the compress- pressure vessels. British Welding J, 221-229
ibility factor; [18] Burdekin FM, Stone DEW (1966) The crack opening
- for the two-phase flow, new models which will displacement approach to fracture mechanics in
have to be developed are required. yielding materials. J Strain Analysis 1, 2, 145-l 53
[19] Venart JES, Sollows KF, Sumathipala K, Rutledge
GA, Jian X (1993) Boiling liquid compressed bubble
explosions: experiments and mode/s. ASME FED 165,
REFERENCES Gas-liquid flows, US Rohatgi et al ed
[20] Hahn CT, Rosenfield AR (1965) Local yielding and
[l] Rutledge GA, Deschenes PC, Venart JES (1994) extension of a crack under plane stress. Acta
Dynamic pressures in a thermally failed small Metallurgica 13, 293-307
pressure vessel. Text presented at the Dangerous [21] Dieter GE (1986) Mechanical Metallurgy. 3rd edition,
Goods Tank Safety Seminar, Montreal, Quebec, Feb McGraw-Hill, New-York
23-24, 1994
[22] Folias ES (1965) A finite line crack in a pressurized
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pressed bubble explosions. Text presented at the 113
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Vol 5: Fracture Design of Structures. Academic Press,
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[24] Whalley PB (1987) Boiling, condensation, and gas-
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Trans ASME, J Pressure Vessel Technol, 90-99 [30] Tangren RF, Dodge CH, Seifert HS (1949) Compress-
ibility effects in two-phase flow. J Appl Phys 20,
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model for depressurization of gas-filled pressure
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development and the depressurization transient
[33] Lenclud J (1995) Blowdown of pressurized vessels.
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MScE Thesis, Univ New Brunswick, Canada
Trans ASME, J Pressure Vessel Technol 104, 20-24
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(1992) To BLEVE or not to BLEVE. Anatomy of a

515 s
J Lenclud, J ES Venart

koulement mono et diphasique depuis un rkservoir sous pression

Pour ameliorer la comprehension des accidents temps necessaire a l’etablissement de l’ecoulement

concernant les reservoirs sous pression, le Fire Sci- &rang16 indique que dans le pire des cas, ce temps
ence Centre de 1’Universite du Nouveau Brunswick est de moins de 50 /AS, c’est-a-dire moins que le
conduit des experiences a petite e’chelle utilisant temps separant deux images. L’influence du coeffi-
des cannettes en acier. Dans cet esprit, cette etude cient d’ecoulement et de la vitesse de propagation
etablit tout d’abord un modele de l%coulement de de fissure est dtudiee. La longueur finale de fis-
vapeur depuis un reservoir sous pression soumis sure semble Ctre un parametre determinant pour la
a fluage par une torche. Le modele est valid6 par vitesse de depressurisation alors que le temps de
comparaison avec des resultats experimentaux de propagation determine le dtlai precddant le debut
mesures de pression obtenus pour neuf reservoirs de la depressurisation. Dans la plupart des cas,
remplis d’eau et d’argon a differents niveaux (70, 80 ces deux caracteristiques obtenues lors des simula-
et 90 TO) et differentes pressions initiales. Un modele tions sont en bon accord avec celles des resultats
de I’e’volution de la superficie de la fissure depuis son expdrimentaux. Le coefficient d’ecoulement semble
apparition jusqu’a sa taille maximale est developpe. avoir peu d’importance. Cette etude presente aussi
On suppose que la fissure est de forme elliptique. differents moo?eles diphasiques de depressurisation
Le moo?ele d’ouverture de fissure se base sur une applicables aux gaz liquefifids ainsi que quelques ver-
mesure experimentale de la longueur de la fissure, sions modifiees. Ils sont utilishs en parallkle avec le
par analyse, image par image, d’enregistrements modele d’ouverture de fissure pour une fissure maxi-
par camera rapide. La longueur de fissure peut male. Les modeles sont compares avec les resultats
btre approximee en fonction du temps comme la exptrimentaux de quatre tests avec trois fluides
composition de deux extensions lineaires. I1 est im- (Rll, R22 et R123). Lors de ces tests, la rupture est
possible de deduire la largeur de la fissure a par- provoquee par fluage thermique ou par couteau. Les
tir de la cinematographic. On suppose done que modeles diphasiques ne decrivent pas adquatement
le rapport longueur sur largeur reste constant du- les resultats experimentaux puisque : (i) le temps to-
rant la o?epressurisation et on obtient ce rapport tal decoulement et la vitesse de depressurisation
par mesure directe apres l’ecoulement. Cependant, a sont incorrectement predits et (ii) la simulation
cause de la pression, le reservoir subit une expan- ne peut pas p&dire des repressurisations observees
sion qui cause une ouverture (elastique) addition- experimentalement. Cette mauvaise representation
nelle de la fissure calculb en utilisant la thtorie de
ne peut pas &tre expliquee par un mauvais choix
deplacement de fissure. Les effets de courbure sont
aussi pris en compte. Lors du developpement du des conditions initiales puisque, meme pour le
mooWe de depressurisation, on fait les hypotheses choix le plus favorable, les simulations sous-estiment
suivantes : le gaz est parfait, I’ecoulement est com- enormement les vitesses de depressurisation et sures-
prime et critique dans un conduit i&al, adiaba- timent les temps de’coulement. Les resultats sont tres
tique et sans fiottement. Un calcul simplifie’ du sensibles au choix du coefficient d’e’coulement.

516 s

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