SciFi Prototype - Yarn

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title: Start

colorID: 0
position: 231,161
G: That was an unusual entrance, what happened to you?
<<set $told_past to false>>
<<set $these_times_mentioned to false>>
-> I don't remember, I think.... I have amnesia
G: How convenient.
-> Not for me.
-> Where am I?
-> ...Fine, I'm on the run from the Oligarchs' security forces.
I barely escaped alive. <<set $told_past to true>>
G: Now that I can believe.
-> Where am I?
-> Where am I?
-> I'm on the run from the Oligarchs' security forces.
I barely escaped alive. <<set $told_past to true>>
G: Wow, I'm impressed.
G: Not many people that would stand up to them.
G: Or maybe you just looked at one of them funny, which is much less
-> Where am I?
-> I'd rather not talk about it
G: I'm not one to pry, but surely in these times you can say anything to
anyone. <<set $these_times_mentioned to true>>
-> Where am I?
-> Where am I?
title: Proof of divinity
colorID: 0
position: 646,342
You're one of those are you?
I'm not sure we know more or less about divinity than we ever did.
There's still the age old problem of proof, that everyone believes exists, but no
one agrees what it is.
-> There's no way I can convice you, I know.
-> A question that can't be answered, but that's too important to ignore.
People will debate it until the end.
title: Impact Economy
colorID: 0
position: 766,127
It's amazing that the economy didn't collapse and take society with it.
Maybe the oligarchs are good for something.
G: I don't know, people have a way of getting through tough times.
G: I don't think a little scare like the end of the universe is going to stop us.
-> Plus it was a gradual realisation, many people were skeptical for years.
G: Some people are skeptical now, even when the signs are all showing.
-> I believe the oligarchs are hiding things and screwing us over, but the
conspiracy can only go so far.
-> Can we really know the truth of it?
Information is so twisted, filtered and distorted before it reaches us that
I'm not sure how much value any of it has.
G: Maybe not, but you must trust someone's opinion right?
-> Maybe
-> Sure, but not anyone who would know about this.
-> After recent events I'm not big on trusting anyone.
G: Hmm, understandable in your case !!! If told about being on the
G: If only you didn't have amnesia you might be able to get to the root
of those trust issues. !!!! If did not tell about being on the run!!!!!
title: WhereAmI
colorID: 0
position: 512,165
Wherever you want to be
title: End
colorID: 0
position: 547,-45

<<if $told_past is true>>

G: Thanks for the talk, it's nice to meet someone new.
G: Best of luck, you will certainly need it.
G: Well, best of luck I guess.

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