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Twitter Profile Optimization

A quick Twitter profile optimization mini-course by @thatroblennon

Max time to complete: 1 hour

Inside this mini course:

• Video: 11 Profile Audits

• Profile Optimization

• Case Study: @JohnIsBuilding

First, watch at least part of the video as I review 11 profiles for the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Then take the optimization checklist and run your own profile through it. Keep in mind what you learned
in the video, and you won't miss anything major because of the checklist.

But unfortunately, a lot of people will read this and never watch the video or take action.

To make sure you're convinced, check out the annotated case study of how I helped @JohnIsBuilding
improve his profile, and how that helped transform his Twitter journey from less than 500 followers and
barely growing to shooting up to 12,000+ followers in the last 4 months.

Twitter is so much more enjoyable when you have followers. Don't deny yourself an opportunity to grow

Let's do it.

Video Lesson: 11 Profile Reviews

Here, I break down what works to drive followers, and what needs improvement for a variety of

Profile Optimization Checklist

Run through this checklist. Feel free to create your own or copy/paste this one into another
app if you want to check things off.
High level
Your profile showcases...
A specific benefit someone gets from following you
Your unique method
Your credibility (proof that following you is valuable)
A personal touch (optional)

Name and @-handle make sense together
Uses sentence case (Not Title Case)
Lists have no more than 3 ideas (e.g. "Sharing lessons on profile pics, banners, and pinned
Remove wasted words (I tweet about, I also talk about)

Has 1-3 credibility signals (years of practice, well-known companies, money made, number of
clients, etc)
Following followers ratio is flattering (Once you're above 50 followers, never follow more than
follow you. Work toward a 1:3 ratio.)

Hide useless info

Hide job type
Hide birthday

Hide location (or use it as a clever text field to draw attention to your link)

Not self-serving or salesy

No #hashtags

Be very cautious about self promotion. Including an offer makes it look like you're more likely to
promote yourself in your feed and reduces follows

Vibe check. Do you look warm, friendly, and trustworthy?

Image is sharp (not low res)

Face is centered and not tilted unless intentionally off center

Don't use a plugin to put a partially colored circle around your profile pic that nobody understands
but you

Vibe check. Is this the right vibe for your niche? Professional enough? Polished enough?
Should have few words. (Like 7-10 max)

Words/visuals aren't covered up on mobile by time/banner/etc

Colors match or are harmonious with profile pic

Don't use a plugin to highlight your recent followers. Again, these plugins don't actually improve
your follow rate

Pinned Tweet
Highlights the main idea behind your account (not a random Tweet)
Has good engagement stats compared to your average tweet

Value is here on Twitter (not a link you have to click)

3 Final profile tests

Mobile test. Check it on your mobile phone again. Is anything messed up?

5 second test. Just look at your profile for a very short time. DOn't read the whole thing. Did you
get enough information to want to follow or want to read more?
Squint test. Squint your eyes. Do the graphics still pop? If not, consider adjusting color/contrast.

Case Study: @JohnIsBuilding

For months, small profile mistakes were holding John's follower count in the low hundreds.

Here's the step-by-step advice I gave him (with screenshots), to get him above 1,300 followers (+800) in
3 weeks back in June/July 2022.
As I write this 3 months later, off of that momentum, he's ~10X'd to 12.3K.

This is how we set that growth machine into motion:

Above is John's original profile when @JohnIsBuilding asked for my help.

Right away I see major credibility killers and a bunch of missed opportunities.

Profiles should:
-> Tell the visitor what THEY get
-> Show your POV
-> Prove credibility

Here are the 8 tweaks I gave him:

1) Visual Polish

He has a clear, simple, value-driven message on his banner.

But John's background is a totally different color palette than his pic. It looks cheap and amateurish.

FIX: Match the colors

2) Wasted Words

Your profile is about THEM, not you.

Plus, everyone's tweeting. Duh.

FIX: Remove "I talk about" and replace with value-driven copy.
3) Credibility Killers

Don't give potential followers a disclaimer that your tweets might not be great.

Focus on what they'll get, and live up to it.

4) Quantify Value

John built this hugely profitable company from nothing. He knows a ton.

But you couldn't tell from his original profile.

Attach a number to what you've done:

• years of experience

• $$$

• total sales
5) Professional Category Adds Nothing

Don't put data in your profile just because you can.

Unless you're marketing in a specific industry, remove the category.

6) Bad follow/follower ratio

Too many followers makes you look unpopular.

Never to follow-for-follow.

John's number isn't terrible, but he doesn't look in demand.

Get that following number down.

7) Oops. Forgot About Mobile

Most people use Twitter from their phones.

Most people update their profile from a computer.

John's main CTA, "Start" is partially covered.

Always double-check on the phone.

8) No Line Breaks On Mobile, Either

A lot of people don't know that line breaks don't appear on mobile.

The text just runs together.

Use punctuation to counter this.


I asked John if he'd write up something on what happened.

Here's what he sent me:

I reached out to Rob initially because it took me 44 days to go from 30-297 followers.

I was posting a thread a day, getting no feedback, & doing everything by myself...this week I'll break

Other things worth mentioning...

Before Rob's group:

My traction came from borrowing the credibility of others & curation.

My follows were from anon accounts with cartoon PFPs that were trying to sell me NFTs.

I was writing by myself & got no feedback.

After Rob's group:

Some of my unique ideas have gone viral. I've had two VCs reach out & ask to chat about my

Others have asked for paid business consulting.

I have a community of people who're better than me, that take time out of their day to improve my

I hope this helps improve your Twitter journey (and accelerate it!)

A profile that converts to more followers will help make everything else you do on Twitter more

Other ways I can help

1/ Follow me on Twitter
I share tips this good on a regular basis: @thatroblennon

2/ Tweet Inspiration Database

Get my reusable tweet structures and additional guides on

3/ Zero to 10k Twitter Accelerator

In my first 75 days on Twitter, I grew from 0 to 24,500 followers, was offered 4 freelance/ghostwriting
gigs, and had 5 people ask me for Twitter coaching — $9,200 in total opportunity, all from simply
building an audience.

If you'd like to really accelerate your growth and start attaining tangible business results faster, I'm
running a 3-week program to teach and implement my growth strategies with a small group.
Helpful Free Tools

TweetHunter Untweeps

Write and schedule tweets. Easy, free (but janky- Profile A/B testing.
Find inspiration. looking) tool to stop
following inactive accounts. Testing text description is
If you want to go pro on free.
Twitter, this is where it's at.

For a less expensive

option, try Typefully which
has a gorgeous editor, but
less automation.

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