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Topography and Geodesy Miss Débora Muñoz M


Future Simple Passive

Future Simple Passive is used to talk about an action that is going to happen in the future. In
the passive voice, emphasis is put on the effect of an action rather than on the doer.
Future Simple Passive se usa para hablar de una acción que va a suceder en el futuro. En la voz pasiva, el
énfasis se pone en el efecto de una acción en lugar de en el hacedor.
• The email will be sent tomorrow.
El correo electrónico se enviará mañana.
• The work will be done on time.
El trabajo se hará a tiempo.

More examples.
Active : We will take the horses to the stable.
Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable.

Active : The manager will sign the contract tomorrow.

Passive: The contract will be signed by the manager tomorrow.

Active : Will the boss give me a job?

Passive: Will I be given a job by the boss?

For regular verbs, a past participle is typically formed by adding -ed to the end of the root
form of the verb
For irregular verbs, you need a list you have.


Example: Someone will clean the room.
The room will be cleaned.

1. They will take a picture of the building.

A picture of the building ________________________

2. Both parties will sign the contract.

The contract ____________________ by both parties.

3. They will accept our proposal.

Our proposal ___________________ .

4. Will they build a new bridge?

_______ a new bridge ____________?

5. They will not refund the money.

The money _________________________

6. The architect will stop the project due lack of money.

The project ________________ due lack of money.

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