Class 15

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Miss Débora Muñoz M

Let’s revise the structure of simple present tense.

The First Conditional.

The first conditional is used to express situations based on fact in the present or future (things which may
El primer condicional se usa para expresar situaciones basadas en hechos en el presente o en el futuro
(cosas que pueden suceder).
It uses the simple present tense + will or a modal verb.
Utiliza el tiempo presente simple + will o un verbo modal.
1. If I get graduated this December, I will travel to work in Cajamarca.
Si me gradúo en diciembre, viajaré a trabajar a Cajamarca.
2. If we are hired, we will do our best to make the company bigger.
Si nos contratan, haremos lo mejor para hacer la compañía más grande.
3. They will finish the project next month if they don’t stop.
Ellos terminarán el proyecto el próximo mes si no paran.
4. If I take up an electricity course, I will be a better worker.
Si tomo un curso de electricidad, seré un trabajador mejor.
1. Complete the sentences with the zero conditional.

1. If I__________________ (speak) to John, he______________ (get) annoyed.

2. I _________________ (feel) good the next day if I______________ (go) to bed early.

3. Lots of people______________ (come) if Jenny________________ (have) a party.

4. She________________ (buy) expensive clothes if she_____________ (go) shopping.

5. My daughter _____________ (pass) her exams if she______________ (work) hard.

2. Complete the sentences with the first conditional.

1. Her father will be angry if she ________ to this party. (go)

2. If he ________ so hard, he will ruin his health. (work)

3. Will her ticket still be valid if she ________ the plane? (miss)

4. I will phone you if I ________. (not / forget)

5. My parent _________ me if I am in financial troubles. (not / help)

6. I will allow you to take my car if you ________ slowly. (drive)

7. If we _________ in groups, we will finish it quicker. (work)

8. You _________ this problem if you read his paper. (solve)

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