Christmas Surprises

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Christmas Surprises

Muriel was excited, she has a week to impress her new bosses. Of course, she was
friends with all the boys in the club, but she wanted to prove she could also be a great
professional. She would make the best Christmas drinks and some snacks for Brendan
and Joel's party. She was happy cause this year would be her first family holiday. The
Orion Club's family.
When Brendan suggested him to celebrate Christmas in Orion with his friends and
family, Joel hesitated, but after thinking it over he agreed that it was a great idea. They
had been through a lot of things over the last two years, and they deserved a great
celebration. And what better way than to do it at the club that was like their home,
everyone's home. He didn't think twice and spoke to his employees about the changes he
wanted in the place and sent them to buy the best pine tree they could get. He had a
surprise for Brendan, but he would wait until the evening when the two of them would
be alone. They could celebrate the news the next day with the others but first, they
would enjoy it alone.
Since they had been late with the preparations for Christmas Eve, they accompanied
Muriel to Gastón's apartment and then went back to theirs, right above the club. It was
late, and they were tired. They had to start early the next morning, so it wasn't worth
going back to their home on the outskirts of town. After taking a shower, Joel came out
of the bathroom determined to tell Brendan the news, he was worried about how he
would react. They had never talked about this, but he knew that he had always wanted
what he had finally achieved.
“I have to talk to you about something. Something that I've been doing without telling
you,” Joel said, holding the fear inside him.
“Ok, what is it? If I didn't know you, cause of the panic on your face, I'd say you've
killed someone,” Brendan said gracefully.
“No, I haven't killed anyone. This is serious and I don't know how you're going to take
it,” Joel explained.
“Drop the drama and tell me. I'm starting to get worried,” Brendan said anxiously.
“A few months ago, I started the procedures for something that will change our lives,
and, in a few days, social workers are going to visit us to see if we are suitable for what
I asked for. But according to what a judge friend told me, there won't be any problems,”
Joel mysteriously told him.
“Can you cut off the damn mystery and tell me what you are talking about?” Brendan
asked, losing patience.
“I started the adoption procedures, and I think they will give us a baby in a short time.
Time in which we have to do some lifestyle changes,” Joel blurted out.
Brendan was staring at him with wide-open eyes, unable to believe what he had just
heard. He had waited many years to be a father and when he had finally resigned
himself, Joel comes and drops such a bomb on him. He didn't know what to do, say or
feel ... he was afraid ... afraid this was a dream. That Joel was making a joke, and, in the
end, nothing would be true. Joel approached the bed and lay down next to him, he didn't
like Brendan's face at all, he couldn't read what he was thinking or feeling on his face.
“If you don't say something the worried one will be me,” Joel said joking.
“I ... I don't know what to say, I'm scared what if this is a dream,” Brendan stammered.
Those words relieved Joel. He had been worried about Brenan's face, so he decided to
put a bit of humor and pinched his arm hard to show him that it was not a dream and to
ease the panic on his face.
When the expression on Brennan's handsome face changed, he couldn't bear to be
serious for another minute and began to laugh out loud.
“Are you crazy? That hurt, you know,” Brendan yelled angrily before joining Joel's
“Let's be serious, tell me what you think, you always wanted to be a father. I think now
we can make it happen,” Joel said full of hope.
“What I think?” he said with a frown and an angry face, “I think you can never get over
this Christmas present.”
They embraced excitedly, dreaming of a future that they had not dared to imagine
before. They were together, they loved each other, they were happy and soon a baby
would arrive to complete the long-awaited family.
“What changes were you talking about earlier?” Brendan asked doubtfully, he wasn’t
sure if he wanted to know the answer.
“Well, if we want to have a child, we must take care of him and we both have jobs and
also the Orion,” Joel explained.
“Yes, I know ... What can we do?”
“With the club, we are doing very well, and we could rent the properties outside the city
except for the house on the beach. We could live in this apartment and take turns
looking after the baby or we could both do so. Both Muriel and Claudio could take care
of Orion and if problems arise, we would be few steps away.”
“Are we quitting our jobs?” Brendan asked, evaluating the possibilities.
“We're not quitting, we would be taking an indefinite vacation. Let's see how the three
of us function as a family and pick up when we're really ready to do it,” Joel planned.
“Yes, I think it's a good idea. We don't have money problems and we can support the
baby very well with the club and the properties. Won't it be too noisy here for a little
baby?” Brendan asked, and Joel could see the family picture in his eyes.
“We've been here all the time. Did you ever hear noises?”
“It's true, it's very quiet,” Brendan agreed.
Joel pulled him into his arms with a smile, as they settled into bed he asked:
“Did I surprise you with your gift?”
“I'm very surprised… and it got me thinking,” Brendan said.
“Think about what?” Joe asked.
“It's going to be very difficult to match such a gift.” Brendan said.
“That's why I've already made my letter to Santa Claus,” Joel said with a smile.
“Mmm, and what did you ask him for?” Brendan asked doubtfully.
“May you be the one who doesn't sleep at night for the first month,” Joel replied with a
great laugh.
He didn't let him finish. It was too much talking for Joel, he preferred to use that time
kissing, caressing, and loving him. Every time they were together it was like the first
time. He pulled him in and pressed him hard against his chest. He seized Brendan's lips
and with his tongue, he conquered territory already explored. Joe loved to enjoy the
warmth of his mouth.
Little by little the kiss lit the embers until it turned into a scorching fire. The caresses
became more and more demanding, the skins burned, and the bodies claimed attention.
Joel didn't delay in giving him what he needed, lowering to Brendan's hard erection; he
took him in his mouth to torture him with pleasure as he knew he liked it.
Brendan's moans confirmed to Joel that he was on the right track. That night was to
please his love and he would do so. Nothing was more beautiful than seeing the
happiness in Brendan's eyes, absolutely nothing.
The screams intensified and soon Brendan's body began to writhe and shiver in the
sweetest of ecstasy. He loved that man, he loved Joel above all else, and he will love
like crazy the family they were starting. They continued kissing with the same passion,
with the same urgency, they were far away from ending.
Brendan took Joel's erection determined to torture him, he needed to explore the soft
flesh with his mouth and give him maximum pleasure. It was always like the first time
with him, they were never tired or in pain, when it came to showing the love, they had
for each other.
When he needed him too much, he turned Joel on his back and began to take him little
by little and he knew he was ready for him. Brendan was so desperate, that he only had
time to put on a condom and penetrate him. He was well buried in Joel's refuge, which
received him with the same urgency. He was where he belonged. He began to rock his
hips back and forth at a rhythm that soon Joel followed. It was amazing how well they
bonded together and how good it felt to be together.

Angel walked nervously in the corridor in front of the surgery room where Daniel was
operating. He had to talk to him, and this was a conversation that made him extremely
nervous. He had never done anything like this with anyone in his life and he was afraid
it would not turn out well.
Angel Trelles, who are you trying to fool? He wondered. He was terrified of rejection,
that his plans would not go as he expected. Daniel had never said anything about it, so
he didn't know what his answer would be. What if he said no? He couldn't take off that
question out of his head. If he says no: you'll deal with it. His mind was his enemy, it
was playing tricks on him.
Passing doctors and nurses looked at him without understanding what was wrong.
Everyone knew him, and they were used to seeing him in the corridors of Daniel's
clinic. But that day he looked really bad. A nurse came up to him and offered him
“I think you're needing one of these. Is something wrong?”
“Thank you. I do need it,” he said, taking a sip of coffee. "Everything is fine, I'm just
waiting for Daniel.”
“I realized that, but since when do you wait for him outside the operating room? And
why are you so nervous?”
“It's really important that I talk to him right away,” Angel insisted.
“But you live together, I mean you saw him this morning and you will see him tonight,”
the nurse said, not really understanding.
“You don't get it, I have to talk to him as soon as he walks out that door, or I'll lose my
“You're right, I don't understand, and I don't know what's wrong with you, you're acting
weird,” the nurse said, leaving him alone again.
He kept on walking down the hall from one side to the other. He had been there for a
long time and he didn't even know what he was going to say to Daniel anymore. At that
moment voices were heard behind the operating room doors, which made Angel stand
up anxious. Many professionals came out, but none of them was Daniel. He was sure
Daniel had told him he would be there in the morning.
He kept waiting until he finally saw him appear in his operating clothes, looking
“What are you doing here, is everything okay?” Daniel asked with a tired face.
“Nothing has happened. I wanted to talk to you, but you look tired. Go to sleep and
we'll talk tonight,” Angel answered.
“Tell me now,” Daniel insisted.
“We better talk tonight, I’m gonna make dinner,” Angel said.
“Are you going to make dinner?” Daniel asked incredulously.
“Okay, I'm going to order dinner” Angel replied, rolling his eyes.
“See you tonight then. I’ll change clothes and rest. I have another surgery later,” Daniel
said goodbye and went back into the OR.
Angel stood looking at the white doors that had taken Daniel, without being able to
speak to him. The nurse was right, he wasn't feeling like himself. He didn't know why,
but his nerves and what he had to say, made him feel like a different person.
Shaking his head to ward off every thought that might haunt him, he went to meet
Gaston in Orion. They have to come up with a plan to rescue the FBI director who had
been kidnapped. He knew where she was because he had followed the criminals. It
would be a matter of reducing them to get in and out with her and be back in time to
prepare everything for dinner with Daniel. They could finally talk tonight, he needed to
get that weight off his chest to be able to continue with his life
When he finished all the paperwork at the clinic, Daniel remembered that Angel wanted
to talk to him, and he has been acting weird. He would be waiting for him with dinner,
so Daniel took a quick shower in the office and he was ready to go.
Angel arrived early and begin preparing for an intimate evening. He hadn't idea how to
do that, but luckily his friend Muriel told him exactly what he had to do and what menu
to choose. She told him to put candles on the table, but he decided not to cause he was
too nervous for details.
Daniel texted him to let him know he was arriving in a few minutes, so he put dinner in
the microwave, He has never felt that nervous before. He paced up and down around the
living room until he heard Daniel´s car in the garage. He sat in an armchair in front of
the television, pretending indifference and tranquility, two things he was far away from
Daniel looked at him as he entered and smiled, he knew perfectly well that he was
feigning calm. Angel's face was an open book for him, he always knew what he was
feeling, and at this moment he was extremely nervous about something. He just prayed
to God that he didn't tell him that he was leaving again.
“Dinner smells good,” was the only thing Daniel could say, he didn't want his feelings
to betray him and say something wrong at that moment, he would let him speak.
“I hope you're hungry, I went overboard buying food. Or we'll eating the same thing all
week,” Angel tried to joke.
“If that means we'll eat together, it's not a problem for me,” Daniel said hopefully.
“why you say that? You know your job is the reason that keeps us from eating
together,” Angel defended himself, ignoring the reasons behind the comment.
“I'm just saying…”
They ate in silence but watching each other. Daniel didn't understand why Angel was so
nervous, he hardly ate, and it was difficult for him to swallow the few bites that he took
to his mouth. He looked anxious, scattered as if he had something important spinning in
his mind.
Angel was looking at Daniel trying to guess what he would answer be. This was stupid,
he needed to cut the crap and ask him once and for all.
“Did Joel call you?” Daniel asked, to break the awkward silence.
“Yes, he did. Do you agree to spend Christmas Eve at The Orion? I'm worried about
leaving Gina alone,” Angel said.
“Joel invited her this morning, and she loved the idea,” Daniel smiled.
“Your mother never ceases to amaze me. Is it okay for you to celebrate at the club?”
Asked Angel.
“I'll be okay as long as I'm with you.”
He immediately regretted his words; he didn't want to force Angel to something that he
couldn’t, or he didn't want to give him.
“I'm sorry, I'm not trying to force you to do anything you don't want to,” Daniel
“What are you talking about? I love what you've said and that gives me the chance to
ask you something that has been burning my chest all week,” Angel said.
“What is that so mysterious that you wanted to ask me? Just say it.”
“We never talked about it, and I don't know if this is what you want or not, but nothing
is lost for asking, right?” Angel said.
“Mystery is not for you. Angel just say it,” said Daniel.
“Will you marry me?”
Daniel stared at him stunned, he never imagined hearing anything like it from Angel's
lips. It was impossible, he must have misunderstood, he never thought Angel was one of
those guys who asked this kind of question. His mind was suspended in time without
daring to ask if he had heard right.
“It's okay if you don't want to, or if you want to think about it ...”
“Did I hear right?” Daniel asked, still stunned.
“Do you need me to repeat it? Or you are looking for a way out to refuse?” Angel asked
“No ... no ... I just wanted to be sure I had heard right. I never imagined you asking the
big question. It's just that I'm having a hard time getting out of my astonishment.”
“You didn't expect it, or you don't like the idea?” Angel asked.
“Yes?” Angel asked without knowing which of the two questions he answered
“Yes, I want to marry you. Of course, I want to marry you. How could you even think I
was going to say no?” Daniel said with a big smile.
They hugged, they kissed, they let go to look into each other's eyes and they hugged
again. It was the most beautiful thing Angel could have given him on Christmas Eve.
Now they were ready to celebrate everything, the good and bad things they've been
through this last year.
They leaned back on the living room chair, forgetting everything around them. There
were only them and their happiness. Angel began to stimulate Daniel so he could
receive him inside, he needed him, and he would have him. It was always the same
when they were together. First, he takes Daniel desperate, and then he takes all the time
to do it slowly. Angel moved his hips in and out of Daniel's body while he took his
erection and made him moan with pleasure. They came to orgasm together and
embraced the pleasure that lifted them to heaven, and they remained there. They made
love until dawn, and sleep surprised them in each other's arms. They loved each other
and nothing and no one could change that.
It was already dark when Máximo arrived from his trip, but Gastón insisted that both he
and Muriel accompany him to a place. After going around several times and that Gastón
stopped in two places, they finally reached their destination. A large house, with steps in
front, a door worthy of a movie mansion.
They entered with the key that had been given to Gastón and they were astonished,
inside the house also looked like something out of a fairy tale, but modern.
“This house is a beauty,” Muriel said.
“Do you like it Máximo?” Gaston asked.
“It's impressive,” answered Maximo.
“Are you planning to rent it?” Muriel asked. "It must cost a fortune.”
“I wanted to be sure you both were going to like it,” Gastón said. “I'm not going to rent
it, I bought it.”
“Are you insane? It's too big for you,” Muriel said.
“It's for us, it's my Christmas present for you guys,” Gastón said in a barely audible
“Are you giving us this house? to whom?” Maximo asked without understanding.
“It's for the three of us live together,” Gastón finally said. "There is enough space for
privacy or to be together,” he explained.
“I don't understand what you are trying to do with all this. I think you are rushing
everything,” Máximo said leaving the place.
Muriel looked at everything around and she got an idea of what Gaston imagined and
she liked it. She looked at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him.
“Do you think I'm going too fast?” Gaston asked.
“Not at all, but you must understand everything is new for Máximo,” Muriel said.
“Do you think I was wrong buying the house? This can take him away from us?”
“I think we should give him time; he's been through a lot,” Muriel insisted.
“You're right. I feel I messed up, but when I saw this house, I imagined you two here
and I didn't think it,” Gastón explained.
“Give him time to appreciate the place and you'll see he will love it as we do,” Muriel
They left their new and beautiful home hugging and went to the car. They thought that
maybe Máximo was outside, but no sign of him. Gaston and Muriel decided to leave
him alone. He would look for them when he was ready.
Máximo was walking aimlessly, he couldn't stop thinking about how he had reacted. He
didn't understand what had bothered him so much, maybe it was everything he had been
through in such a short time, or how fast his relationship with Gaston and Muriel was
There ain't no doubt he was in love, but he was afraid of having a throuple relationship.
Could they have a peaceful and lasting relationship? He expected that, or everyone
would suffer. He soon realized that his thoughts and his footsteps took him back to
Gaston's apartment. He should go in and apologize for his bad behavior. He wasn't like
that; he didn't even know what had happened to him. When he walked into the
apartment, Muriel ran to hug him.
“I want to apologize, I don't know what happened to me,” Maximo said as he received
her in his arms.
“You don't have to apologize. I understand, we've been through a lot in the last few
months,” Muriel said.
“The fact I bought the house doesn't force you to live with us. I also did it to protect
Muriel,” Gaston said, approaching them.
“I know, I wanted to apologize to you, and if I'm still welcome, I'll live with you, the
house is amazing,” said Máximo.
“You're free to come and go as you wish, but if you want to stay here, you know this is
your house too,” Gastón explained all the options, no pressure.
He knew it was a matter of time before Maximo approached and understood that the
three of them were one. The three of them will be a family, an unusual one, but who is
brave enough to give up happiness when you manage to achieve it?
“We are all invited to spend Christmas in Orion,” Muriel said.
“Everyone?” Maximo asked.
“Yes, and you all will have the fortune of enjoying my special drinks and snacks,”
Muriel said proudly.
“Why are you surprised about you’ve been invited?” Gastón asked Máximo.
“I'm not part of the group,” answered Máximo.
“You're right. You aren't part of Orion's group of friends, you're part of Orion's family
and that's why you're invited,” Gastón assured.
“In that case, I'm going to enjoy Muriel's cocktails,” said Maximo.
“Me too,” Gastón added.
“I'm so happy to hear that. because it's not the typical menu. It's a surprise,” Muriel said
Máximo and Gastón looked at each other without understanding. The last few days
Muriel had been very mysterious preparing things that she wouldn't let anyone see. Will
they have to wait for Christmas to find out? Or they could make her speak with torture.
The sweetest tortures. They vote for the second option.
Gastón drew her into his arms as he leaned against the walls and took her lips. Máximo
was behind her back, kissing her neck and putting his hands under her shirt to lift it and
take it off. Then he went for her bra, while he entertained himself by kissing the smooth
skin of her back and lowered her skirt along with her underwear.
They had her naked in the middle of them, and the frenzy that followed enveloped them
in its magic. Muriel's hip movements turned both men on and they began to rub against
her. Without wasting time, Gastón dragged the three of them to the nearest bed, where
they laid Muriel on her back.
After putting on his condom, Máximo buried himself deep inside her. Gastón, without
wasting time and after a little preparation, got into Maximo’s body. The three began a
rhythmic hip dance. Muriel looked up and saw how Gastón loved Máximo and got
excited without being able to hold back her orgasm any longer. She loved them and
being witnessing how they took each other drove her crazy.
She loved that both entered her body at the same time, but that one of them was inside
the other, while they made love to her was the best thing that had happened in her life.
She hoped that Máximo sees it the same way so they could be happy together for
forever. When the orgasm surprised the three of them, they fell without being able to
escape from the passionate cloud that enveloped them. They remained embraced,
sweaty, and happy.
That night Jorge received a mysterious message from Daniel to meet in Orion. The
party would be the following night, so he didn't understand what his friend wanted, but
he was always there for his friends.
When he arrived at Orion there was nobody there and Daniel was at the bar having a
beer. The place was closed until the following night, which would also be closed to the
public, except for family and friends.
“So, what was that so important that you wanted to tell me?” Jorge asked after greeting.
“I received an invitation for you tonight in exactly one hour,” Daniel said.
“What are you talking about? Who?”
“I can't tell you who, but I can promise you're not in danger. It's for a private dance,”
Daniel explained.
“You know I don't do that anymore,” Jorge said angrily.
“I know that my friend and I really hate asking you this, but I owe this favor and It has
to be repaid with one of your dances,” Daniel said with pity.
“So, I'm doing you a favor?”
“And you owe me one?” Jorge insisted.
“Yes, I do,” Daniel replied with a satisfied smile ... he got it.
“Where do I have to go?”
“You will find all the information and some indications on this card,” Daniel explained.
Jorge went to his house, took a shower, and prepared to pay Daniel's favor. It's been a
couple of years since he performed this type of dance. It wasn't that he didn't like to do
it anymore. On the contrary, he always liked to dance for some clients in private and if
the guy was handsome, the night ended up in something else. Otherwise, when the
choreography was finished, he leaves. But he had set out to take care of his gym and
expand the business, so he had to give a serious image. Although from time to time a
dance was irresistible.
This night will be different comparing with... well, any other night and he needed a little
fun. He arrived at the building indicated on the card and took the elevator up to the top
floor. As the doors opened, he walked straight into the apartment. Music was sounding,
soft lighting, and scented candles. He loved the atmosphere, but he didn't see anyone
He entered as instructed and set his backpack on a chair and turned to look around him.
From the darkness, a thick but velvety voice startled him.
“Play your music on and start dancing,” was the order of someone sitting in the dark.
Jorge could barely see the shape.
All that mystery was unusual, but it was surely someone who had not come out of the
closet. It didn't matter to him, he just hoped wasn't the kind of guy who just likes to
watch. He wanted some action.
He took off his coat, took out a CD from his backpack, play it on the computer, and
started dancing. He loved getting lost in music, dancing at his own pace. He starts
taking off his clothes very slowly, he enjoyed doing it, he loved being looked at
adoringly. He knew he was wanted and that's why he maintained his body very well.
He just kept on dancing lost in music, naked only with a boxer that contrasted with his
tanned skin. He had put on a red ribbon with a sprig of artificial mistletoe on his wrist,
which Muriel said would bring him luck. Without noticing, the strange got up and
walked through the room, through the shadows, and placed himself behind Jorge.
When his aroused body did not allow him to see anymore, the mysterious men grabbed
the dancer's waist and pulled him against his torso. Jorge felt a wet body on his back
and the excited whisper of the spectator in his ear.
“Unless the rest of the night is included, you must end your number right there, or I
won't control myself.”
“Tonight, is for you. You can do whatever you want,” Jorge replied so excited about the
mystery environment as his host.
Without saying anything else the stranger began to caress him delicately, almost
reverently, it seemed that he wanted to memorize his skin to the last corner. He removed
Jorge's boxer and took his erection in his hand, always from behind him. As he
masturbated him, he stroked his shoulders and neck with passionate kisses, until he
caught the earlobe between his teeth. He bit tugged and kissed until he lost control and
he asked him to back up with him to the couch. It was completely dark there. His host
laid him on his back and stretched out on top of him and seized his lips almost
desperately. He explored Jorge's mouth with his dominant tongue, while he uses his
hands to travel over his body with devotion.
He took both erections in his hand and jerked them to the long-awaited ecstasy. It was
maddening to finally have Jorge in his arms, even though he had no idea who he was.
He took advantage of the shelter of his anonymity and went through it with pleasure. He
memorized each elevation, each muscle, each shudder, he needed to treasure in his mind
everything he could remember. He kissed him again, caressed him, savored him until
his own lips ached with pleasure. He didn't want to leave him, but in the end, he would
have to.
They loved each other intensely until before dawn when Jorge understood the stranger
didn't want to be seen. He dressed in silence while his lover watched him in the dark.
After a brief greeting, he left the apartment in the same way he had arrived. But with a
great desolation inside of him. They had connected so well, for a moment he believed
that he would show himself or ask him to meet again.
He was sad and disappointed again. He would never find his partner in this life; he was
tired of looking for him. Apparently, his destiny was to be alone, with occasional lovers
who said goodbye to him at dawn and didn't call him again. It’s the sad reality, and he
had to accept it if he didn't want to lead a totally celibate life.
When he got to his apartment, he threw herself on his bed and turned on his cell phone
to read his messages. Joel, Daniel, and even Muriel among others reminding him that
they were waiting for him in Orion at night to celebrate Christmas. That was his family
and he loved them above all things. Without them, his life would have no reason to
exist. He set the alarm clock with enough time to get to the party, from that moment on
he would sleep all day.

Brendan and Joel were pacing nervously. How could they not have found a Christmas
tree in the whole damn city? Muriel had convinced them that leaving a few decorations
and adorning the tables would be more than enough. The important thing was to share a
beautiful evening with family and friends. But Christmas without a pine tree was not
what they had planned. And when they came down from their apartment, they found the
club empty
Friends began to arrive at the party, and no one knew exactly what was happening, but
the Orion looked like always. Except for some colored garlands, there was nothing to
suggest that they would celebrate Christmas there. When Muriel arrived at the club, she
didn't understand what had happened. There were no decorations and the tables that
they had ordered for that night were missing.
Someone she didn't know handed her a card and went out the front door, disappearing
without her being able to question him.
Go up to the terrace
It was the only thing the note said, she was afraid, so she asked Jorge who was entering
the club at that moment looking amazed by all that. She expected to find a festive
atmosphere, but the Orion was almost empty. They went up to the terrace and were
impressed with what they found. Tables scattered everywhere with a little pine on it
with a white light in the center. In one of the corners an imposing Christmas tree, fully
decorated and illuminated, at its foot full of gifts all with their names on it.
Lights crossing from one side to another in flashing, next to the Christmas tree a table
with what appeared to be straw was empty. Music was playing in the background and
the tables were prepared for the arrival of the diners, a little further away a space
delimited by lights seemed to be the dance floor and on it, a bowling ball was hanging.
Without knowing who was responsible for all this, they went down to warn the others.
When everyone was on the terrace and seated, a parade of waiters began to wait tables.
Brendan and Joel didn't understand anything, but they decided to have a good time, they
would find out what had happened later.
Jorge was angry, he didn't know that Ivo was invited to the party. What was he doing
there, why wasn't he with his family? And why was he looking at him that way?
“I invited him. He was alone. I don't know what family you're talking about,” Muriel
said without understanding.
“I’m talking about his wife and children,” Jorge answered.
“Dude, I think you're wrong,” Daniel said.
“Trust me, I'm not wrong,” Jorge assured.
Nobody wanted to contradict him, so they left the matter. Brendan told them that they
would soon be a family to which everyone congratulated and toasted them. Then it was
Daniel's turn to tell that he would soon be a legally married man. They all looked
astonished at Angel, they never thought that he could propose to anyone, but they were
all changing, and he was no exception.
Apparently, Jorge was the only one who continued with his pathetic life. His only
achievement of the year was getting that married man stuck to him. Obviously, he
wasn't happy with his life and he wanted to experiment with something new. And he
would never lend himself to that, he would not be his homosexual experiment. Jorge
was lost in his thought when he looked up and saw on Ivo's left wrist a red ribbon with
an artificial mistletoe branch. Instinctively he touched his right wrist where he was
wearing his, but he didn't find it. He probably lost his bracelet the night before. But how
had it gotten into the guy's hands? It was not an ornament that could be bought, Muriel
had made for him.
Gastón and Muriel happily told to everyone about their new house, Máximo remained
on the sidelines in silence but he didn't stop smiling at the happiness of the beautiful
woman. They were sitting next to Javier, Gastón's cousin who join them in the
After dinner and telling funny stories, and laughing the clock rang, it was midnight.
They approached the Christmas tree and after a heartfelt Toast from Brendan and Joel,
they began to distribute the gifts. At that moment, a little further away, Ivo looked Jorge
straight in the eye, and raising his glass with the hand that had the ribbon, he dedicates
him a silent toast.
Jorge didn't understand what was happening. Or was it that he didn't want to
understand ...?
When Joel opened his present and it was a manger figure, in his case Joseph. He placed
it on the table near the pine prepared with straw. Brendan received a Maria figure, and
placed it next to the other figure. Then it was Daniel's turn, who had the baby Jesus and
Angel one of the wise men. Gaston had the other wizard king and Maximo the third.
Muriel a kid and Ivo a figure of a cow. Thus, the birth was formed, without anyone
understanding where all that had come from.
The other guests had normal presents. Only Orion's boys had been chosen for these
special gifts. What did it all mean? Who had organized all this for them? Maybe it
would be what people called a Christmas miracle. They did not find another explanation
and the idea was further affirmed when someone yelled.
“Look at the sky!”
A shower of lights crossed the dark sky illuminating its path. Everyone looked
astounded at the sky, and at the same time, a beautiful melody began to sound.

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother, and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace…

Miracle, wish or beliefs? They will never know.

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