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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 12 Issue 3, May - Jun 2024


Fault-tolerant Gateway Connectivity Using Honey Badger

Optimization Algorithm in LoRaWAN
Mr.A.Ramesh [1] Dr.K.Kamali [2]
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Annamalai university, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu
Assistant Professor. Dept. of CSE, Annamalai university, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu

Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) stands out for its less energy consumption and cost-
effectiveness. Existing studies have largely ignored the fault tolerance of LoRa networks in the event of failures.
Addressing the problems of fault tolerance and reliability in LoRa networks is vital for the large-scale
deployment of LoRa applications. In this paper, we propose to design a fault-tolerant gateway connectivity
using Honey badger optimization algorithm (FTGC-HBO) in LoRaWAN. In this technique, backup gateways
are deployed during gateway failures and interference, using HBO algorithm based on Received Signal Strength
(RSS), data transfer time and load level metrics. By simulation results, it has been shown that FTGC-HBO
technique achieves maximum energy efficiency and packet success rate with reduced packet loss rate.
Keywords:Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), Marine Predator Optimization (MPO), Fault-tolerant,
Gateway deployment, connectivity

1. INTRODUCTION for the large-scale deployment of LoRa

applications [4][5].
One of the common Internet of Things (IoT)
communication standards is Low-Power Wide Area Fault-tolerant communications encounter several
Networks (LPWAN) [1]. LPWAN acts as low- challenges, including the requirement for efficient
power alternatives to cellular networks. LPWANs fault detection and diagnosis mechanisms that
provide essential features such as low energy operate in real-time without considerably
consumption, extensive coverage, and low increasing energy consumption, which is vital
implementation costs. Amongst LPWAN given the inadequate battery life of IoT devices [6].
technologies, LoRaWAN stands out for its less
energy consumption and cost-effectiveness. Long 2. RELATED WORKS
Range (LoRa) is the physical layer of LoRaWAN Bundle Protocol over LoRa (BPoL) has been
that is registered by Semtech. It uses Chirp Spread presented by Schmidt et al. [7] as a workable
Spectrum (CSS) modulation for robust LoRa-DTN overlay network that supports duty-
transmissions. A LoRa radio is characterized by cycle restrictions. This is extensible for various
transmission parameters like coding rate, spreading scenarios and standard routing algorithms, and
factor, and bandwidth [2]. LoRaWAN is gaining integrates with an established implementation of
attention in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) the Bundle Protocol (BP) as defined in RFC 9171.
because of its low data transfer volume, wide An overlay network protocol is developed based on
spatial range, and relatively low energy Protocol Buffers (protobufs) for controlling BPoL
consumption when compared with other nodes, including bundle distribution, discovery, and
technologies [3]. network diagnostics, along with offering a novel
In spite of these capabilities, several challenges convergence layer for BP-over-LoRa. Moreover, a
obstruct the broader implementation of LoRa and wide range of LoRa transceivers is easily supported
LoRaWAN, predominantly related to scalability by expanding upon the rf95modem4 firmware.
and reliability. Existing studies have largely Ribeiro et al. [8] concentrated on important
ignored the fault tolerance of LoRa networks in the management concerns within LoRaWAN. To
face of failures. The sparse distribution of gateways improve security and availability in LoRaWAN
and long communication links make LoRa environments, a secure key management
networks susceptible to gateway interference and architecture is built on private blockchain and
failures. In contrast to traditional wireless smart contracts. Using open-source tools and
networks, LoRa uses a single-hop broadcast and the commodity hardware, a functioning prototype was
Aloha MAC protocol, making conventional created to demonstrate the viability of the
reliability-aware or fault-tolerant approaches suggested architecture.
through alternative path routing and scheduling
inappropriate. Addressing the problems of fault The core of IoT works and design problems, a
tolerance and reliability in LoRa networks is vital discussion of its guiding principles, and IoT

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 12 Issue 3, May - Jun 2024

development concepts are offered by Dymora et al. RSS computes the received signal strength from
[9]. A thorough description of Wireless Sensor device i at the gateway j with transmit power (TxP)
Network (WSN) as a crucial part of IoT and path loss (PL) ,which is given by
infrastructure was provided. Fault-tolerance (FT)
has emerged as a critical concern for IoT systems, RSSij = TxPi + Gtx + Grx – PLij
as evidenced by the multiple failures that can occur (1)
at all levels of the IoT architecture, including where Gtx and Grx are the antenna gains at
sensor nodes, actuators, network linkages, as well transmitter and receiver, respectively.
as processor and storage components. When a
routing algorithm is implemented correctly, it PLij is the path loss from the end device i to the
directly affects the power consumption of sensors, gateway j, which is computed as
which in severe situations causes nodes to shut
down because of battery degeneration. In order to PLij(d) =
investigate the resilience of IoT infrastructure, a d
ZigBee network topology was established and PL(d 0 ) +10  log 10 ( ) + N (2)
multiple node failure scenarios were replicated.
Additionally, based on the link between throughput Where d is the distance between LoRa node and
and the quantity of rejected packets, as well as the gateway, PL(d0) is the mean path loss at reference
proportionality between the value of management
traffic and other factors, such as the ratio of distance d0,  is the path loss exponent, N  is a
rejected packets, the results demonstrated the zero-mean Gaussian variable with std. deviation
significance and influence of selecting the .
appropriate routing scheme.
In constraint (ii), DT is the data transfer time and
LoRaWAN's low energy and implementation costs DTmin is the minimum threshold of DT. Data transfer
are offset by its packet delivery rate and latency, time is the time taken for transmitting data between
which are insufficient for the IIoT's real-time and two nodes. It includes the processing delay (PD)
dependability needs. According to Rezazadeh et al. and network delay (ND).
[10], LoRaWAN fault tolerance can be achieved by
foreseeing packet collisions. A unique technique to D T = PD + N D
prevent packet loss is given by anticipating the (3)
occurrence of collisions. By enhancing packet
PD can be computed as
delivery rate and reducing message retransmission,
this reduction in packet loss enhances LoRaWAN PD = (SjT – AjT) + ICT
reliability and efficiency in energy use. The (4)
evaluation findings demonstrate that the suggested
method's PDR has converged to 88% and that there Where SjT and AjT are the service time and arrival
is an average 21% improvement in latency when time of packet j and ICT is the inter processor
compared to regular LoRaWAN. communication time.


In this paper, we propose to design fault-tolerant ND = RxT - Tx T

gateway connectivity for deploying gateways in (5)

LoRa network. In this technique, backup gateways where RxT and TxT denote the time of packet
are deployed during gateway failure by applying receiving and packet sent, respectively.
the HBO algorithm.
In constraint (iii), LL is the load level of a node and
3.1 Gateway Connectivity Constraints LLmax is the maximum limit of the lode.
Given a set of end devices’ locations, how to place LL of a functional node ni is defined as
gateway and allocate transmission parameters at
each end device to satisfy the following constraints: Si
LLi =
(i) RSSij > PDRreq Ci
(ii) DT < DTmin (6)
(iii) LL < Lmax
Where Si is the data size and Ci is the capacity of
In constraint (i), RSS is the Received Signal the node.
Strength and PDRreq is the required Packet
Delivery Ratio at the device i. In order to meet constraints, we will apply the
Honey Badger Optimization (HBO) algorithm [13].

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 12 Issue 3, May - Jun 2024

3.2 HBO Algorithm S

I j = r1  (10)
The fitness function derived in terms of the 4  dis 2j
constraints defined in Eq.(7)
Fitij() = f1.(RSSij > PDRreq) + f2(DT <
where r1 is the random number, S is strength,
DTmin)+f3(LL < Lmax) (7) dis j is the distance of prey and j HB
The HBO algorithm selects the device and gateway
such that the fitness meets all the 3 constraints. (ie) Updating density  : The term  manages time
with RSS greater than the required PDR, data varying randomization for ensuring better changing
transfer time less than the minimum threshold and from exploration to exploitation. This  is given
load level less than the maximum. as:
The metaheuristic algorithm HBO [11] is used for
 −t 
finding the optimal solution. There are three stages  = K  exp  (11)
are involved in the HBO; they are initializing the  max_ iter 
population, evaluating the fitness function and
when the best solution is obtained the process ends. where max_ iter and K are the maximum
HBO influences the foraging characteristics of an iterations and constant number.
Honey Nadger (HB). To identify food sources, the
Digging stage: In this stage, the HB carries out the
HB smells and follows honey guiding bird. There
action in Cardioid shape and it is given as:
are two stages like digging and honey stages. In the
digging stage, the HB utilizes its smell capacity to Ynew = Y prey + F    I Y prey + F  r2    dis j
show the prey location. When the location is
reached, the HB moves over the prey for selecting (12)
the proper area to dig and catch the prey. In the
honey stage, HB considers the suggestion of honey where Ynew is the new position, Yprey is the prey
guiding bird for locating beehive. position,  is the search factor, r2 is the random
Following section briefly the digging and honey number and F is the Flag that changes the search
stages. HBO has the exploration and exploitation position.
stages and it is the global optimal model. The
candidate solution population of HBO is given as: Honey stage: In this stage, the HB follows honey
guiding bird for reaching hive and it is expressed
Y1,1 Y1, 2  Z 1, Dim  as:
 
Y2,1 Y2, 2  Z 2, Dim  Ynew = Y prey + F  r3    dis j (13)
Y =     
  (8)
For finding the best optimal parameter, the above
Ym ,1 Ym , 2  Z m , Dim  stages are repeated till the termination strategy is
  obtained. Algorithm 2 shows the pseudocode of the
  parameter optimization using the HBO.

where the dimension of solution is Dim , and Algorithm 1: Pseudocode of HBO

Input: Initialize the parameters
current candidate’s solution is Z . Output: Solution best fitness value
Define the fitness of every position of HB using the
Initialization: The population of HB is randomly
produced as: Equation (7) and assign to Yj
Record Y prey and fitness assigned to f prey
Y j = r  (ub j − lb j ) + lb j (9)
while t  max_ iter do
where r is the random number, ub j and ub j are, Updating density  using the Equation (11)
upper and lower bounds. for j = 1 to N do
Describing Intensity using the Equation (10)
Describing Intensity: The prey strength and when r  0.5 then
distance among them and the j th HB is called as Update the Ynew position using the Equation
Intensity. Prey’s small intensity is I j . The (12)
movement is fast when the smell is large and the Else
movement is slow when the smell is less.

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 12 Issue 3, May - Jun 2024

Update the Ynew position using the Equation FTGC-

Devices HBO EE-LoRa
(13) 0.9762 0.9461
end if 20
Develop new positions and provided to the f new 0.9735 0.9413
when f new  Y j then
0.9681 0.9365

Fix Y j = Ynew Y j = f new 80

0.9646 0.9328
end if 0.9573 0.926
when f new  f prey then

Fix Y prey = Ynew f prey = f new TABLE 2 Results for Packet delivery ratio
end if
end for
end while ending criteria met
Return Y prey (Best fitness value)

4.1 Simulation Settings
The proposed FTGC-HBO technique has been FIGURE 2 Results of Packet success rate
implemented in the LoRaWAN cross-layer
simulation framework. The performance is The packet delivery ratios of all the protocols are
compared with the existing energy efficiency- shown in Table 2 and Figure 2. From the figure, it
driven heuristic LoRa (EE-LoRa) defined in [12]. can be seen that FTGC-HBO has 4% higher
The performance metrics packet success rate, success rate than EE-LoRa.
packet loss rate, average residual energy and
throughput are measured, by varying the nodes. FTGC-
Devices HBO EE-LoRa
TABLE 1 shows the simulation settings. 915 1108
Number of Devices 20 to 100 1044 1165
Size of the topology 150m X 150m 1128 1254
Propagation Model Two Ray Ground 1173 1287
Antenna Model OmniAntenna 1248 1419
MAC protocol IEEE 802.15.4

Traffic Source CBR TABLE 3 Results for Packet loss

Packet size 512 bytes

Traffic Rate 50Kb

Initial Energy 18 Joules

Transmit power 0.3 watts

Receiving power 0.3 watts

Simulation time 100 seconds

FIGURE 3 Results of Packet loss rate
Transmission range 30m

TABLE 1 Simulation Settings The average packet loss rates of all the protocols
are shown in Table 3 and Figure 3. From the figure,
4.2 Results & Analysis it can be seen that packet loss rate of FTGC-HBO
is 12% lesser than EE-LoRa, for varying the
The performances of the techniques are evaluated devices.
by varying the number of devices from 20 to 100.

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Devices HBO EE-LoRa
15.16 13.82 In this paper, we propose to design a fault-tolerant
20 gateway connectivity using HBO algorithm in
14.65 13.56 LoRaWAN.. In this technique, backup gateways
are deployed during gateway failures and
14.33 13.15
60 interference, using HBO algorithm based on RSS,
13.05 12.74 data transfer time and load level metrics. The
80 proposed FTGC-HBO technique has been
13.44 12.27 implemented in the LoRaWAN cross-layer
simulation framework. The performance is
compared with the existing EE-LoRa model. By
TABLE 4 Results for Residual energy simulation results, it has been shown that FTGC-
HBO technique achieves maximum energy
efficiency and packet success rate with reduced
packet loss rate.
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