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BP 454 MAN – TEL : 33 79 06 35/ 07 08 85 37 92 Niveau : Formation qualifiante

Email : Durée : 1h30
Date :
ACTIVITY ONE : Write the following numbers in words. Example : a - One

a- 1

b- 15

c- 709

d- 40,000 Frs CFA

e- 557,632,030,000

f- 1st

g- 2nd

h- 5th

i- 06 : 15 (A-M)

j- 25/05/1980

k- 97.97%

ACTIVITY TWO : A computer is an electronic device that you can use to perform
different functions. Fill in the statements below with the expressions from the
words box, to make them meaningful.
Example : a – screen.

Internet – electricity – selecting – printing – connect – system’s basic operations –

produce the sounds – type – screen – destop – activity.

a. The monitor is made with a …………….. used to display pictures and images.
b. The Central Processing Unit, the brain that perform the ……………..
c. The keyboard is used to …………….. the task or ……………..
d. The mouse is used for …………….. the activities on the screen.
e. The speakers are needed to ……………..
f. The printer is used for …………….. the tasks.
g. The Modem conncects the computer to ……………..
h. The cables …………….. the different parts of a ……………..
i. The electric cable and the soket supply ……………..
ACTIVITY THREE : Complete this conversation with these expressions :
recovery – expensive – sir – how much – cashier – goodbye.
Example : 1 – sir.

Customer : Good morning, Madam !

Pharmacist assistant : Good morning …(1)… ! what can i do for you ?

Customer : I am suffering from a strong fever and i need some treatment.
…(2)… is the medicine ?

Pharmacist assistant : It costs 3,500. Frs CFA only.

Customer : Well. It is not so …(3)… . Take this bank note. But you’ve got to
make the change.

Pharmacist assistant : Ok ; let me look for the medicine for you… Come and pay with
the …(4)…

Customer : Thankyou Madam !

Pharmacist assistant : You are welcome, sir. Take care of yourself and good …(5)… .

Customer : …(6)… ; have a nice day !


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