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1st Edition: 2024

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"The only way to truly free yourself"
END your porn addiction forever

You have to genuinely HATE it

The matrix manipulation

The crisis of NOFAP

DESTROY the soldiers of shaytan

Stop consuming these foods

The EASIEST trick

Control your reality


Seek knowledge and increase in taqwa

In Islam, watching porn is a major sin that can lead to a weak
mind, procrastination, lower testosterone, failed marriages,
and, most importantly, a weaker connection to Allah.

If you struggle with watching pornography, this guide is for


It will help you build iron discipline, have a stronger

connection to the Creator, give you a clear mind, increase
your productivity, and prevent you from repeating this ugly
To stop doing this sin, you have to hate and despise it.

If you don’t, you can leave.

This is only for those who are serious about changing their

It will be impossible to stop an addiction you don’t hate. It is

a destructive force that harms individuals, families, and
society as a whole.
In recent years, there has been a growing trend of Muslims
consuming pornographic material, despite it being strictly
forbidden in Islam.

This has caused concern among the Muslim community, as it

goes against the teachings of the religion.


What many fail to realise is that this trend is not a mere

coincidence, but rather a result of a well-planned and strategic
manipulation by higher-ups and the ‘Matrix’.

You may think what I am saying is cringy, and I understand,

but it is true. Let me explain.

The 'Matrix', a term coined by the popular movie franchise of

the same name, refers to the system of control and
manipulation that exists in our society.

It operates through various means, such as media, advertising,

and even religion, to shape our thoughts and actions.

In this case, the 'Matrix' is using the influence of media and

societal norms to convince and manipulate Muslims into
thinking that porn consumption is acceptable when it clearly
is not.

One of the main tactics used by the 'Matrix' is the

normalisation of porn in society.
With the rise of technology and the internet, porn has become
easily accessible and widely available. It is now being
marketed as a harmless form of entertainment and even a tool
for sexual education.

This normalisation of porn has led to the belief that it is a

normal and acceptable part of human behaviour, regardless of
one's religion.

The Matrix also manipulates Muslims by promoting the idea

that porn consumption is a form of sexual liberation.

In a society where sexual freedom is highly valued, the idea

of indulging in one's desires without any restrictions or guilt
is appealing.

This idea is often reinforced through advertisements, where

porn is portrayed as a means to fulfil one's sexual fantasies
and desires.

As a result, Muslims who consume porn are made to believe

that they are breaking free from the shackles of their religion
and embracing their sexuality.

Bear in mind, this does not just affect Muslims.

Think about it.

Why do you think people are now free to change their

genders or identify as ridiculous things?

Why do you think there has been a rise in the LGBTQ

It is all planned.

The 'Matrix' is everywhere.

They use the concept of individualism to convince Muslims

that watching porn is a personal choice and does not affect

In a time where individualism is highly celebrated, the idea of

personal freedom and choice is deeply ingrained in our

This individualistic mindset is used to justify porn

consumption, as it is seen as a personal act that does not harm
anyone else.


The brutal reality is that the effects of porn consumption go

beyond the individual and can have a detrimental impact on
relationships, families, and society as a whole.

These are just a few of the many tactics they use to

manipulate your mind and cause you to stay WEAK.

They want to be able to control you, to make you live out

your lives without questioning the reality in front of you.

Humans possess a unique ability to think critically, question

authority, and challenge the status quo.
This potential for rebellion (especially in Muslims) is seen as
a threat to the higher ups.

By keeping humans weak and controlled, they can maintain

their dominance over us.

That's why it's up to you TO WAKE UP.

Realise the truth and fight against it. Do not let them control
you my brothers and sisters.
One of the most common reasons people do this sin over and over

You should quit NoFap right now. It won’t get you anywhere.

I’m not saying you should go and do this sin now, I am saying
NoFap is about “trying” to quit porn, whereas you could just say,
“I quit”, and that’s it.

Your mind will make excuses if you tell yourself you are “trying”.
Don’t allow yourself to fall for this trap.

By being on NoFap, you are identifying yourself as a person who

is in the process of quitting the sin rather than someone who
simply doesn’t do the sin.

Your self-identity can have a powerful impact on your actions. If

you identify as someone who is trying to quit, you will struggle
because you have associated yourself with the sin.

In addition, if you are on NoFap, you will compulsively count the

number of days that you have spent abstaining from the sin. This
means that the sin will always be on your mind, which will
actually make it harder to abstain in the long-term.

Instead, tell yourself that you have quit, don't count days, and
make yourself busy with productive and positive activities, such as
worshipping Allah, making money, working out, and spending
time with family.
Have you ever felt like you just can’t control this urge?

The solution is simple, but many people still don’t know about it.

These urges come from Shayateen, they are the soldiers of

Shaytan, and they try to trick you into disobeying Allah.

The easiest way to counter this is whenever you get an urge, you
do something positive, whether it’s pushups, learning, reading the
Qur’an, or just going for a walk.

You will notice that after a few minutes, your mind will be clear,
and you will feel ashamed for even thinking about something like
Believe it or not, food can lead to you sinning.

Refined sugars and processed food mess up your hormones

and you can’t think clearly when you eat them.

This is like making it easy for the Shayateen. You will be like
a puppet for them.

Whereas if you eat healthy, you will reduce brain fog, which
will increase your willpower.

Just imagine the mental clarity you will regain.

This is one of the easiest things to do and still has a massive

effect on you.
You already know that a foggy mind will make you an easy
target for the Shaytan.

Yet many people still don’t do this. It's like throwing away the

You need to get enough sleep.

I don’t mean the bare minimum which is 6 hours, I mean

ENOUGH sleep.

If you don’t sleep for 7-8 hours a day, your body has no way
of processing the stuff you’ve learned.

This means it will be incredibly hard to have a clear mind and

to remember what you’ve just learned.

In circumstances where you were genuinely too busy to get

enough sleep, take a 10-15 minute power nap on the floor. Do
not nap on your bed, because you could end up sleeping for
You already do this and influence your reality with it.

Your thoughts are a strong weapon you need to learn to control.

How you talk to yourself determines the actions you take.

If you catch yourself thinking of something bad, take a moment

and remember who you are.

Are you the guy who lies to himself? The one who keeps making
and then breaking promises?

Remember your goals, and don’t forget that even if you are alone,
Allah is always watching.

Every morning, take 15 seconds to imagine the ideal future version

of yourself - the version of yourself who has achieved all of his
long-term goals. Imagine life from his perspective.

By doing so, when you snap back to the present, you will be filled
with the drive to achieve your goals and become that future version
of yourself. Any urges to engage in the sin will be destroyed by
your ambition.
Think about your most recent relapse. What were you doing
and where were you prior to relapsing?

For example, you might have relapsed late at night when you
were alone in your room.

Write the details down or make some mental notes about it.

Avoid that situation to avoid relapsing again.

If you ever relapse again, remember the circumstances of

your relapse and take notes on them.

Keep repeating this until you have eliminated all of the

actions that lead to your relapses.
The more you learn about the dangers of porn, the more your
resolve to quit will increase.

Learn about the dangers of this sin from both a religious and
worldly perspective.

For example, an authentic Hadith from the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

informs us that those who sin in private may lose all of their
good deeds!

Increasing your knowledge of Allah and your accountability

before Him will intensify your taqwa.

Taqwa is an especially effective deterrent for engaging in this

sin because it prevents you from doing what you desire from
the haram, even if you have the ability to do it, out of fear of

With regard to the worldly harm, consider the well-known

fact that porn consumption can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can obviously ruin your marriage in a

very humiliating way.

The harmful consequences mentioned above are only the tip

of the iceberg.
I could discuss the Coolidge effect as it relates to porn.

Or how porn can lead to homosexuality.

But I wanted to keep this guide short.

What I've spoken about should be enough for the intelligent

among you.

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