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Stettin. ent. Zeit. xliv. 1883, pp. 299, 305.


For the British species, see M‘Lachlan, Ent. Month. Mag. iii. 1867,
p. 177.


The genera Atropos and Clothilla were named after the two fates
Atropos and Clotho. Westwood attempted some years ago to
complete the trio by establishing a genus Lachesilla. This proved a
failure, the genus being a misconception. As the name Lachesis is
in use in various branches of zoology, the desired circle of Psocid
fates is likely to remain always incomplete.


Phil. Trans. xxii. 1701, pp. 832-834; and xxiv. 1704, pp. 1586-1594,
Plate 291, Figs. 4, 5 (pp. 1565 to 1604 occur twice in this volume).


Stettin. ent. Zeit. xliii. 1882, p. 265.


P. Boston Soc. xiii. 1871, p. 407.


Tr. Linn. Soc. xx. 1851, p. 433.


Bull. Soc. ent. France (4), viii. 1868, p. xxxvii.


Zool. Anz. iii. 1880, p. 304.


Stettin. ent. Zeit. xxxviii. 1877, p. 487.


Morphologie des Tracheensystems, Helsingfors, 1877, p. 21.


Beitr. Anat. Perla maxima. Inaug.-Diss. Aarau, 1881.


Entom. Month. Mag. xxix. 1893, p. 249.


No satisfactory systematic work of a general character on British

Perlidae exists. References to the scattered descriptions and
notes will be found in the Catalogue of British Neuroptera
published by Entom. Soc. London, 1870.


Mem. Ac. Pétersb. (7) xxxvi. No. 15, 1889.


Insectes fossiles, etc., p. 407, 1893.


Festschrift Ges. naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1873.


Reference may be made to Calvert's recent paper introductory to

the study of Odonata, in Tr. Amer. ent. Soc. xx. 1893, pp. 159-161.


Horae Soc. ent. Ross. xvi. 1881, p. 3.


Physiol. facett. Aug. 1891, p. 115.


Bull. Ac. Belgique (3), xvi. 1888, No. 11, p. 31.


SB. Ak. Wien, lxxxiii. 1881, pp. 289-376, pls. i.-vii.


Rev. Sci. Nat. Montpellier (3), ii. p. 470.


Abh. Senckenb. Ges. x. 1875, p. 13, pl. iii.


Zool. Anz. iii. 1880, p. 160.


CR. Soc. ent. Belgique, xxiii. 1880, p. lxvii.


Ann. Sci. Nat. (5) xi. Zool. 1869, p. 377.


Zur Morphologie des Tracheensystems, Helsingfors, 1877, p. 38.


Zool. Anz. xiii. 1890, p. 500.


The following works convey the best information: Evans's British

Libellulinae or Dragon-flies, illustrated in a series of lithographic
drawings, 1845. Hagen, "A Synopsis of the British Dragon-flies," in
Entomologists' Annual, 1857. M‘Lachlan, Catalogue of the British
Neuroptera, published by the Entomological Society of London in
1870; and "The British Dragon-flies annotated," Entom. Month.
Mag. xx. 1884, pp. 251-256.


Rev. d'Entomol. v. 1886, p. 232.


Riveau, Feuille Nat. xii. 1882, p. 123.


Bull. Mus. Harvard, viii. 1880-81, p. 276.


Insectes fossiles, p. 394.


Insectes fossiles, p. 396.


Mem. Ac. Sci. Toulouse (7), iii. 1871, p. 379.


In reference to a doubt as to the name of this nymph cf. Eaton, Tr.

Linn. Soc. Zool. (2) iii. p. 20.


Tr. Linn. Soc. xxiv. 1863, p. 62, and xxv. 1866, p. 477.


Hist. Nat. Neuropt. Ephémérines, 1843, p. 24.

Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (6) xiii. 1882, pp. 1-137, pls. 2-11.


Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (7) ix. 1890, pp. 19-87, pls. 2-5.


Ann. Nat. Hist. (3) xviii. 1866, p. 145.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxiv. 1880, p. 404.


Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) xv. 1885, p. 494.


Mem. Cour. Ac. Belg. 4to, xix. 1847, p. 1.


Zur Morphologie des Tracheensystems, Helsingfors, 1877, pp. 1-



Tr. Linn. Soc. xxv. 1866, p. 483.


Ann. Nat. Hist. (3) xviii. 1866, p. 145.


Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (6) xiii. 1882, p. 113.


Réaumur, Mem. vi. 1742, p. 457.


Über vaarige Ausführsgänge, etc., Helsingfors, 1884, p. 53.


Ber. Ges. Freiburg, iv. p. 5; cf. J. R. Micr. Soc. 1889, p. 206.


Tr. Linn. Soc. 2nd ser. Zool. iii. 1883, p. 11.


Fly-Fisher's Entomology, 4th ed. 1849, p. 49.


P. ent. Soc. London, 1882, p. xiii.


Ann. Sci. Nat. series 3, ix. Zool. 1848, p. 91, pl. 1.


Newport, Tr. Linn. Soc. xx. 1851, pl. 21, fig. 13. Loew, however,
who also describes and figures the anatomy of S. lutaria, states
that there is no paunch. Linnaea entomologica, iii. 1848, p. 354.


M‘Lachlan, Ent. Month. Mag. vii. 1870, p. 145.


Rep. Ins. Missouri, ix. 1877, p. 125.


Tijdschr. Ent. vol. xxxiv. 1891.


Arch. f. Naturg. iv. i. 1838, p. 315.


Linnaea entomologica, iii. p. 1848, 346, pl. i.


Mem. Ac. Sci. étrang. vii. 1841, p. 582.


Linnaea entom. iii. 1848, p. 363.


Ent. Month. Mag. 1894, p. 39.


Stettin. ent. Zeit. xxvii. 1866, p. 369; this author has also sketched
a classification of the larvae in P. Boston Soc. xv. 1873, p. 243.


Ov. Danske Selsk. 1889, p. 43.


Ann. Sci. étrang. vii. 1834, pl. 12.


M‘Lachlan, Ent. Month. Mag. ii. 1865, p. 73.


Redtenbacher, Denk. Ak. Wien, xlviii. 1884, p. 335.


J. Linn. Soc. Zool. xi. 1873, p. 227.


Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, iv. 1854, p. 471.


Westwood, l.c. p. 12.


P. Boston Soc. xv. 1873, p. 244.


Tr. Entom. Soc. London, 1888, p. 1, pls. 1, 2.


Cf. M‘Lachlan, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. ii. 1873, p. 219.


Tr. Linn. Soc. xiv. 1825, p. 140, and xv. 1827, p. 509.


P. Boston Soc. xv. 1873, p. 245.


M‘Lachlan, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1885, p. 375.


Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xix. 1869, p. 831.


Brauer, Zool. Anz. x. 1887, pp. 212 and 218.


Linnaea entomologica, vii. 1852, p. 368, with plates.


See Albarda in Tijdschr. Ent. xvii. 1874, p. xvi.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1868, p. 189.


Biol. Centralbl. iv. 1885, p. 722.


Bull. Soc. ent. France (6), i. 1881, pp. xxi. and xxxi.


Arch. Naturges. lix. 1893, Band I. p 285.


Ent. Nachr. xiv. 1888, p. 274.


Trichoptera europ. 1878, p. 356, note.


Berl. ent. Zeitschr. xxv. 1881, p. 54.


Monograph of the British Trichoptera in Tr. ent. Soc. London, third

series, vol. v. 1865; and Monographic Revision of the European
Trichoptera, 1874-1880.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxv. 1881, Pl. IV. fig. 6.


Rep. of the Entomologist, 1886, p. 510, Washington.


Insectes fossiles des temps primaires, 1893, p. 38.


P. ent. Soc. London, 1866, p. lxv.


For a history of this complex question, see Gosch, Naturhist.

Tidskr. (Rk. 3) vol. xiii. 1881; and also Brauer, Sitzb. Ak. Wien,
lxxxv. 1882.


Introd. hist. Insects, 1841, p. 143. The names proposed by

Newman may be adopted when it is specially requisite to use
terms that are morphologically correct. According to his
nomenclature the true whole abdomen of petiolate Hymenoptera
consists of three anatomical parts: 1, the petiole or podeon; 2, the
propodeon or part in front of the petiole; 3, the metapodeon or part
behind the petiole.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxv. 1874, p. 184.


Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) x. 1892, p. 442.


CR. Ac. Paris, lxxxiii. 1876, p. 613, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4)
xviii. 1876, p. 504; also Horae Soc. Ross. xv. 1880, pp. 20 and 31.


P. Boston Soc. x. 1866, p. 279.


Adler, Deutsche ent. Zeitschr. xxi. 1877, p. 209.

Cameron, Brit. Phyt. Hym. Ray Society, i. 1882, p. 29, and ii. 1885,
p. 218.


Cameron, op. cit. iv. 1893, p. 9.


Brit. Phyt. Hym. i. p. 27. Fletcher's record, referred to by Cameron,

mentions N. miliaris, but this name was probably erroneous.


See Perez and Cameron, Tr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, n.s. ii. 1889,
p. 194.


Fabre, Marchal, Nicolas.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxx. Supp. 1878, p. 103.


Rejoinder to Professor Weismann, p. 11. Reprint from

Contemporary Review, December 1893.


Mon. Brit. Phyt. Hym. 4 vols. 1882 to 1893.


Insect Life, i. 1888, p. 8.


Souvenirs entomologiques: quatrième série, 1891, p. 308.

Tr. ent. Soc. London, i. 1836, p. 232.


Ichneumonen der Forstinsecten, i. 1844, p. 86.


See Cameron, Brit. Phyt. Hym. iii. Ray Soc. 1890, p. 152.


The term inquiline is applied in entomology to a great variety of

conditions covered by the Latin word "inquilinus" (incolinus),
signifying a tenant or dweller in another's property. The term
parasite is used in a still wider and vaguer sense, being in fact
applied to a large number of cases, in many of which we do not at
present understand the exact relations between the two parties
concerned. This subject is no doubt destined to become a most
interesting department of entomology. See Riley, P. ent. Soc.
Washington, ii. 1893, p. 397; and Wasmann, Zusammengesetzten
Nester, etc., 1891.


P. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2), vii. 1892, p. 357.


Science (n.s.), i. 1895, p. 457.


Ray Soc. vol. iv. 1893, p. 24.


Term. Füzetek, v. 1882, p. 198, and Biol. Centralbl. ii. 1882, p. 617.


Ann. Soc. ent. France (4), vi. 1866, p. 198.


Adler and Straton, Alternating Generations, 1894, p. 119.


P. entom. Soc. Philadelphia, ii. 1864, pp. 447, etc.


P. ent. Soc. Philad. ii. 1863, p. 34.


Brit. Phyt. Hym. vols. iii. and iv. Ray Soc. 1891 and 1893.


Entom. Mag. ii. 1835, p. 219.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1881, p. 109.


Bull. U. S. Museum, No. 45, 1893, p. 28.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1881, p. 117.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1881, pt. vi. f. 3; pp. 120, 126.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xix. 1869; Ganin's observations are described

by Lubbock, Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects, 1874, p. 34.


See also Kulagin, Zool. Anz. xiii. 1890, p. 418; xv. 1892, p. 85; and
Congr. internat. Zool. ii. 1892, pt. i. p. 258.

Tr. Linn. Soc. (2) Zool. i. 1878, p. 587.


Tr. Linn. Soc. xxiv. 1863, p. 135.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xix. 1869, p. 417.


Souvenirs entomologiques. Troisième série, 1886, p. 155.


Souvenirs entomologiques. Troisième série, 1886, p. 179.


Tr. Linn. Soc. xxi. 1855, p. 67.


According to Ashmead, P. ent. Soc. Washington, ii. 1893, p. 228,

this genus should take the name of Melittobia.


Ann. Nat. Hist. (6) x. 1892, p. 271.


Rec. Zool. Suisse, v. 1891, pp. 435-534. Cf. Koulaguine, Congr.

internat. Zool. ii. 1892, pt. i. p. 265.


Bull. Soc. Ent. France (5) vii. 1877, p. lxix.; also André, Feuille
Natural. vii. 1877, p. 136, and Riley and Howard, Insect Life, iv.
1892, p. 242.

Insect Life, i. 1888, p. 121.


Report of the Entomologist, Dep. Agriculture, Washington, 1886, p.



Wachtl, Wien. ent. Zeit. xii. 1893, p. 24, and Howard, P.U.S. Nat.
Mus. xiv. 1892, p. 586.


Abh. Ges. Göttingen, xxviii. 1882.


Mitt. Stat. Neapel, iii. 1882, p. 55.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1883. p. 389.


P. biol. Soc. Washington, vii. 1892, p. 99.


Ann. Botan. Garden, Calcutta, i. 1889, Appendix L.


P. ent. Soc. London, 1886, p. x.


For a systematic memoir refer to Mayr, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien,

xxxv. 1885, p. 147, etc.

Insect Life, iv. 1891, p. 193.


Tosquinet, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, xxxviii. 1894, p. 694.


Ichneum. Forst. Ins. 1844, p. 81.


Mitt. schweizer. ent. Ges. iv. 1876, p. 518.


Fifth Rep. U. S. Ent. Comm. 1890, p. 15.


Tr. Linn. Soc. xxi. 1852, p. 71.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1886, p. 162, and 1887, p. 303.


Ent. Month. Mag. xiii. 1877, p. 200.


A catalogue, with references, of the British Ichneumonidae was

published by the Entomological Society of London in 1872. Since
then many additional species have been detected and recorded,
by Mr. Bridgman and others, in the Transactions of the same


Klapálek, Ent. Month. Mag. xxv. 1889, p. 339, and Arch.

Landesdurchforschung Böhmen, viii. No. 6, 1893, p. 53.

Ichneum. Forst. Ins. 1844.


Ann. Soc. ent. France (2), iii. 1845, p. 355.


Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 224, 219.


A monograph of the British Braconidae was commenced by the

Rev. T. A. Marshall in 1885, and is still in progress, in the
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London; cf. op. cit.
1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1894.


Berlin entom. Zeitschr. xxxiii. 1889, p. 197.




Monograph, Schletterer, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xxxv. 1885, p.

267, etc.; xxxvi. 1886, p. 1, etc.; and Ann. Hofmus. Wien, iv. pp.
107, etc.


Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. xxxiii. 1889, p. 197.


Amer. Nat. xxviii. 1894, p. 895.


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