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1. The character matched against the hero of a play is the

[a] antagonist
[b] Anti-hero
[c] Braggart
[d] Clown
[e] Hypocrite

2. “He bleats like a goat” is an example of

[a] hyperbole
[b] Irony
[c] Personification
[d] Pun
[e] Simile

3. An epistolary method of writing a novel is a method whereby a novel is

written in the form of
[a] dialogue
[b] Drama
[c] Essay
[d] Letter
[e] Monologue

4. Which of the following is not a genre of literature?

[a] farce
[b] novel
[c] play
[d] poetry
[e] satire

5. A simple story with a deeper meaning is called

[a] an allegory
[b] an elegy
[c] an epic
[d] an ode
[e] a romance

6. A poetic device which exaggerates situations or objects is known as

[a] climax
[b] epigram
[c] flashback
[d] hyperbole
[e] paradox

7. Which of the following is odd in the appreciation of a poem?

[a] chapter
[b] rythm
[c] setting
[d] stanza
[e] theme

8. The term ‘tragic flaw’ means

[a] A mistake made by the hero
[b] A moral weakness in the hero
[c] the first act in a play
[d] the prologue
[e] wrong spellings in a play

9. The first eight lines of a sonnet is called

[a] a couplet
[b] an octave
[c] a quatrain
[d] a sestet
[e] a set

10. The last part of a literary work is known as

[a] acknowledgement
[b] an epilogue
[c] an epitaph
[d] a prologue
[e] conclusion

11. The identical sound at the end of a poem is known as

[a] mere
[b] refrain
[c] rhyme
[d] rhythm
[e] verse

12. A direct address to a dead/absent person or thing is known as

[a] apostrophe
[b] direct speech
[c] dirge
[d] lyric
[e] oration

13. The use of mild expression to avoid the direct statement of an

unpleasant truth is known as
[a] euphemism
[b] hyperbole
[c] irony
[d] simile

14. Which of the following is not a play?

[a] Doctor Faustus
[b] Romeo and Juliet
[c] Galileo
[d] Dizzy Angels
[e] The trail of Dedan Kimathi

15. But from this earth, this grave, this dust my God shall raise me up,
‘I trust’ The feeling of the poet is one of
[a] hatred
[b] indecision
[c] love
[d] optism
[e] sarcasm
16. But from this earth, this grave, this dust, my God shall raise me up,
‘I trust!. The underlined are examples of
[a] assonance
[b] paradox
[c] repetition
[d] rhyme
[e] sarcasm

17. The period of laughter or amusement in a tragic play is called

[a] comedy
[b] comic relief
[c] denouncement
[d] interlude
[e] suspense

18. The principal female character in a novel is called a/an

[a] actress
[b] clown
[c] hero
[d] heroine
[e] villain

19. A Poem telling of spending deeds of a hero is

[a] a ballad
[b] a lampoon
[c] an epic
[d] a parody
[e] a sonnet

20. The major features of a play are

[a] acts and scenes
[b] chapters and paragraphs
[c] characterization
[d] metres and rhythms
[e] stanza and verse

21. One of the main aim of a did active literary work is to

[a] laugh at the society
[b] make people laugh
[c] show man’s weakness
[d] teach a moral lesson

22. A poem which portrays a simple rural life of the common people is
[a] a carol
[b] a lyric
[c] an epic
[d] an ode
[e] a pastoral

23. The expression ‘He is a living dead’ is an example of

[a] antithesis
[b] imagery
[c] oxymoron
[d] paradox
[e] personification

24. The counsel for the accused addressed the bench. The underlined is an
example of
[a] a seat
[b] metaphor
[c] metonymy
[d] onomatopoeia
[e] oxymoron

25. A sonnet may be divided into an octave and a/an

[a] a couplet
[b] octave
[c] quatrain
[d] Sestet
[e] tercel

26. In drama, the clown

[a] creates confusion
[b] creates hatred
[c] creates humour
[d] generates horror
[e] identifies with the hero

27. Pick out the odd item

[a] ballad
[b] hyperbole
[c] metaphor
[d] pun
[e] simile

28. A protagonist who has a disastrous end is a

[a] comic character
[b] flat character
[c] round character
[d] tragedy
[e] tragic hero

29. Romantic poetry deals with

[a] beauty
[b] conquest
[c] kingdom
[d] marriage
[e] nature

30. The anxiety of the reader to know of the subsequent developments in a

novel is known as
[a] conflict
[b] Fiction
[c] Love
[d] Surprise
[e] Suspense
31. A metrical pause occuring in the middle of a line in a poem is
A rhythm
B tetrameter
C assonance
D caesura

32. In tragedy the moment when the protagonist suffers a reversal of

fortune is known as

A Catharsis
B exposition
C anagnorisis
33. A poem written in honour and praise of somebody else is
A a eulogy
B an epic
C an epigram
D lyric

34. In literary criticism the vocabulary, language used by a writer is

generally know as
A diction
B figure of speech
C characterization
D rhythm
35. A dirge is a
A romantic poem
B poem of nature
C poem of expectation
D poem of lament
36. A short witty statement is an
A epistle
B eulogy
C epigram
D anecdote

37. In narration,the first person point of view is

A the author
B a participant
C the publisher
D an observer

38. A brief but witty expression is called

A song
B epigram
C Anecdote
D Joke
39. Theme Is best define as
A the subject matter of a novel or play
B the central idea in a play or novel
C the point of view in that novel
D the sum total of all characters experience
40. Suspense in a novel means
A the postponement of the hero's death till the last possible moment
B the intense emotions that the author convey
C the inconclusive end of a novel
D when we are curious Abt what happens in a novel

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