2021 Science How Prepared Are You

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1. What is meant by the term science?

2. Outline the subjects that make up natural and applied science.
3. Explain the term integrated science.
4. Outline five skills scientist use in their work.
5. Explain scientific method and states its importance.
6. Distinguish between science and technology.
7. Explain how science and technology affect society.
8. Outline some negative uses of science and technology.
9. What is measurement?
10.List ten (10) physical quantities and their S.I. Units.
11.State the other units of Length and Mass.
12.Explain the term density.
13.Briefly explain how to determine the density of regular and irregular
14.Explain the term matter.
15.Describe the nature and states of matter.
16.Outline the characteristics of the states of matter.

17.Demonstrate how matter is changed from one state to another.

18.Distinguish between plant and animal cell.
19.Describe the nature of soil (meaning, composition and types).
20.Outline the uses of soil.
21.Describe the physical properties of soils (texture, air content, water holding
capacity, capillarity and organic matter).
22.State the meaning of soil profile and its importance to the farmer.
23.Explain the term hazard.
24.Draw and label any six hazards you know.
25.State five safety precaution to prevent accidents in the home and school.
26.Discuss the effects of accidents on victims.
27.Differentiate between hazard and accident.
28.What are flowering plants?
29.Outline the stages in the life cycle of flowering plants.
30.Describe an experiment to demonstrate the conditions for germination.
31.Explain how the knowledge about the life cycle of flowering plants is used in
vegetable crop production.
32.Outline the principles in vegetable crop production.
33.Explain the term vegetable crop.
34.State the factors in vegetable crop production.
35.What are cultural practices? Give six examples.
36.State four importance of vegetable crops to humans.
37.What are farming systems?
38.State and explain five farming systems and give two advantages each.
39.Draw a flower and label its parts.
40.Prepare a four –year crop rotation programme from the following: yam,
cassava, cocoa, groundnut and maize.
41.Explain the principles of your cycle above.
42.What is respiration?
43.Draw and label the respiratory system.
44.Distinguish between the two types of respiration.
45.Distinguish between respiration and breathing.
46.Describe three diseases of the respiratory system.
47.Explain the term energy.
48.Describe renewable and non renewable sources of energy with examples.
49.List eight forms of energy with a source each.
50.With examples show how various forms of energy are transformed.
51.State the law of energy conservation.
52.A car of mass 500 kg is moving with a velocity of 40ms-1. Calculate its kinetic
53.Outline five ways of conserving energy.
54.What is light? Give four properties of light.
55.Give three examples each of natural and artificial sources of light.
56.Distinguish between transparent, translucent and opaque materials.
57.Distinguish between reflection and refraction of light.
58.State two uses of plane mirror.
59.Explain why a stick appears bent when it stands in water.
60.Explain how a solar eclipse occurs. Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.
61.Describe an experiment to show that light travels in a straight line.
62.Outline three characteristics of images formed by both pinhole camera and plain
63.What is electronics?
64.Draw the symbols of each of the following: P-N junction, LED, capacitor,
Diode, resistor.
65.What is ecosystem?
66.Explain the term habitat and give examples each.
67.What is adaptation?
68.Differentiate between food chain and food web.
69.Enumerate five activities that disrupt the balance in the ecosystem.
70.How can the balance of nature be maintained?
71.Differentiate between pollution, pollutant and air pollution.
72.State the names and source of three common air pollutants.
73.List the possible harmful effects of air pollutants.
74.Differentiate between physical and chemical changes.
75.`What is an element?
76.Write the chemical symbols for the first twenty elements of the periodic table.
77.Draw and label the structure of an atom.
78.State the electrical charges on the sub-atomic particles.
79.Describe the formation of ions.
80.Describe the characteristics of metals and non-metals.
81.Group the first twenty elements into metals and non-metals.
82.Differentiate between reactive and non-reactive metals.
83.Explain the term alloy.
84.Outline the composition of some common alloys and their uses.
85.Differentiate between corrosion and rusting.
86.Outline the effects of corrosion on metals.
87.States four ways of preventing rusting.
88.Explain the term compounds.
89.Write the systematic name of any five chemical formula of your choice.
90.Explain the term mixture.
91.Identify classes of mixtures and give examples.
92.Explain the terms solute, solvent and solution.
93.Outline eight methods of separating mixtures.
94.Give three differences between a mixture and a compound.
95.Describe the composition and properties of water.
96.Explain the terms hard and soft water.
97.Explain the causes of hardness of water.
98.List four ways of softening hard water.
99. Outline the health benefits of water to humans.
100. Outline the uses of water in agriculture.
101. Outline the uses of water in agriculture.
102. Outline ways of conserving water in the home.
103. Identify and explain the stages in the carbon cycle.
104. Describe ways the carbon cycle is disrupted.
105. Outline ways of maintaining the carbon cycle.
106. Explain weather, climate and season.
107. List five elements of climate and state their measuring instruments.
108. Explain the term reproduction.
109. Explain the functions of the parts of the reproductive systems.
110. Explain the term teenage pregnancy.
111. State the causes of teenage pregnancy.
112. List the effects of teenage pregnancy.
113. Explain the term heredity.
114. Distinguish between chromosomes and genes.
115. Give five examples each of inheritable and non-inheritable characteristics.
116. Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis.
117. Briefly describe an experiment to demonstrate diffusion and osmosis.
118. List three applications of osmosis and diffusion.
119. Outline the composition of the circulatory system.
120. Outline the functions of the parts of the circulatory system.
121. Describe the composition and functions of blood.
122. Mention the causes of high blood pressure.
123. Explain the term photosynthesis.
124. Outline the factors necessary for photosynthesis and give the functions of
each factor.
125. State the importance of photosynthesis to plants and animals.
126. Classify food items based on their nutrients.
127. State the importance of food nutrients.
128. Briefly describe how to test for a food nutrient of your choice.
129. What is a balanced diet?
130. What are deficiency diseases? Give five examples.
131. List five sources of electrical energy.
132. Draw and label a simple electrical circuit.
133. Draw and label a three pin plug.
134. State four ways of conserving electrical energy.
135. Outline the composition and types of transistors.
136. Explain the term infectious disease.
137. State the causes, mode of transmission, and prevention of any four diseases.
138. Differentiate between pests and parasites and give examples.
139. Outline methods of controlling pests and parasites.
140. What is force?
141. Describe the different types of force.
142. State four effects of force on objects.
143. Outline the effects of friction on objects.
144. Briefly describe how to demonstrate that pressure acts equally in all
directions in fluids.
145. Outline some uses of pressure in fluids.
146. Explain the term machine.
147. Give examples of simple machine.
148. Describe the types of levers and give two examples each.
149. Differentiate between work and power.
150. Explain work output, work input and efficiency of a machine.
151. Explain the terms acid and base.
152. Distinguish between an acid and a base.
153. Classify substances as acids and bases.
154. Briefly describe an experiment to demonstrate neutralization reaction.
155. Outline the factors that lead to soil depletion.
156. Outline the methods of restoring depleted soil.
157. Explain the term water conservation.
158. Outline the practices that destroy water bodies.
159. Outline methods for conserving water bodies.
160. Outline the stages in the life cycle of mosquito.
161. Outline methods of controlling mosquitoes.
162. Describe the components of the solar system.
163. Explain what a star is.
164. List the planets of the solar system.
165. Explain the term satellite.
166. Distinguish between natural and artificial satellites.
167. State the uses of artificial satellites.
168. Identify parts of a tooth.
169. Identify the different types of teeth in humans in humans and state their
170. Explain the causes of tooth decay, gum diseases and the formation of plaque
and how to prevent them.
171. Explain what is meant by digestion.
172. Identify the parts of the digestive system in human and state their functions.
173. State the uses of the end product of digestion.
174. Definition, causes and prevention of indigestion.
175. Explain the terms heat and temperature.
176. Describe the modes of heat transfer.
177. Outline the properties of magnets.
178. Explain the term magnetic field.
179. Describe the methods of making magnets.
180. Outline the uses of magnets.
181. What is science related industries.
182. Enumerate five science related businesses in your locality.
183. Describe the scientific concepts and principles on which the industries are
184. What is Bio-technology?
185. What is recycling?


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