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New Ideas
Case Report
Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (2009) 187–190

Institutional report - Thoracic non-oncologic

Headscarf pin tracheobronchial aspiration: a distinct clinical entity
Nael Al-Sarraf*, Hassan Jamal-Eddine, Fatma Khaja, Adel K. Ayed
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Chest Disease Hospital, Kuwait

Received 16 March 2009; received in revised form 3 May 2009; accepted 5 May 2009


Foreign body (FB) aspiration is commonly seen in children and less commonly in the elderly. However, due to some social and cultural
factors, a distinct group of tracheobronchial FB aspiration is increasingly recognized. We sought to assess our experience with such entity.
A retrospective review of all cases with veil pin tracheobronchial FB aspiration in a single center over a 13-year period was carried out.
There were 35 cases of headscarf tracheobronchial FB aspiration. All were females with mean age of 14 years. All patients experienced
coughing and all had positive chest radiography findings. Commonest anatomical location was right main bronchus (32%) followed by left
main bronchus (23%). Tracheal pins occurred in 17%. Rigid bronchoscopy was used more often than flexible bronchoscopy (83% vs. 17%,
respectively). Repeat bronchoscopy was required in two cases (6%). Thoracotomy was required in one patient (3%). There were no

complications or hospital deaths. Headscarf pin aspiration is seen in middle-aged women who inappropriately place the pins between their
lips prior to securing their veils. Bronchoscopy is the treatment modality of choice and surgery is rarely required. Preventative educational
strategies should be implemented to reduce such an avoidable risk.
䊚 2009 Published by European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bronchoscopy; Foreign body; Tracheobronchial aspiration

Best Evidence
1. Introduction examination followed-up with chest radiography prior to

undergoing bronchoscopy. FB was removed by either rigid
Foreign body (FB) aspiration remains a common but large- bronchoscopy (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) or flexible
ly preventable problem. It is commonly encountered in bronchoscopy (Lucera, Olympus, Japan). Rigid broncho-

Proposal for Bail-

children at a young age w1x and in the elderly due to an scopy was performed under general anesthesia while flex-

out Procedure
underlying medical condition w2x. However, there is a dis- ible bronchoscopy was performed under intravenous
tinct group of patients who are recently being recognized sedation and local anesthesia. In all cases, 1 mg of atropine

by guest
and are at risk. These patients include women wearing was administered intramuscularly 30 min prior to the pro-
headscarves and inappropriately placing the safety pin in cedure and patients were sedated with 2–5 mg of intrave-

their mouth prior to securing the veils leading to an nous midazolam (0.05 mgykg). In flexible bronchoscopy,

on 16Report
Work in
accidental FB aspiration w3–8x. In contrast to other forms local anesthesia was administered to the patients before
of FB aspiration, this group often presents early and the and during the procedure via the instillation of 2% lidocaine

June 2024
diagnosis is made solely on radiography due to the radio- solution. Lidocaine was administered via a nebulizer or
opaque nature of the safety pins. The use of bronchoscopy directly through the bronchoscope in a ‘spray as you go

has dramatically reduced the need for thoracotomies. In fashion’. The trans-oral route was used for both flexible
this paper, we analyze our experience over 13 years with and rigid bronchoscopy. The type of instruments used
such entity, together with our short-term outcome. include: grasping forceps, alligator type forceps, and bas-
ket. The patient is normally positioned in a supine position
2. Materials and methods in 258 Trendelenburg position. Appropriate airway control

was maintained through the bronchoscope as we have

All patients with sharp object FB aspiration treated in the

previously reported w9x. All cases (with the exception of

Department of Thoracic Surgery at chest disease hospital
one patient who had surgery) were treated as day cases.
between the period of January 1996 and December 2008
All data are presented as percentages. Continuous variables
were retrospectively reviewed. There were a total of 48
are presented as mean with standard deviation (S.D.). This
patients with sharp object aspiration, of which 35 cases

study was approved by our Institutional Review Board.

were due to headscarf pin aspiration. All of them were
females. All patients had detailed history and physical
3. Results
*Corresponding author. Al-Jabriah, P.O. Box 718, Postal Code: 46308,
Kuwait. Tel.: q965 66600543; fax: q965 24741504. There were a total of 35 patients, all were females. Ages
E-mail address: (N. Al-Sarraf). ranged from 8 to 35 years with a mean ("S.D.) of 14 ("5)
䊚 2009 Published by European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
188 N. Al-Sarraf et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (2009) 187–190

years. A summary of the anatomical distribution, type of traditional or social habits have become a discrete category
extraction method and short-term outcome is depicted in of FB aspiration. This is seen in women wearing headscarves
Table 1. All patients initially experienced coughing and all in Islamic countries because of socio-cultural and religious
had normal physical examination as they were all non- tradition. Some women tend to hold the headscarf pin
asphyxiating and non-obstructive FB aspiration. Hemoptysis between their lips while wearing headscarves using their
was only observed in four cases (11%). Incidence of head- two hands to secure the veil. Any maneuver, such as
scarf tracheobronchial aspiration over the study period is laughter, talking and coughing then predispose them to
illustrated in Fig. 1. There were no complications and no aspiration, especially in the young teenage groups where
hospital mortality. Two cases required re-bronchoscopy due they lack experience with such maneuver w3–8x. In contrast
to failed primary attempt, one of which required surgery to other forms of FB aspiration, headscarf pin aspirations
in the form of right thoracotomy and bronchotomy for a tend to be easily diagnosed as all of these inhaled FBs are
pin impacted in the right lower lobe. The second re- radio-opaque w3x and, as such, can be picked up easily by
bronchoscopy patient had an initial flexible bronchoscopy chest radiography. Furthermore, in contrast to other forms
which failed to extract the FB and required a rigid bron- of FB aspiration, chronic forms are rarely encountered

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choscopy to be performed (in the same setting following because patients tend to seek medical advice quicker than
general anesthesia administration). in organic FB aspiration. Therefore, diagnostic broncho-
scopy is rarely needed but rather a therapeutic intervention
4. Discussion is required.
Once diagnosed by means of radiography, these inhaled
FB aspiration remains a common problem among young pins should be removed bronchoscopically either by rigid
children and is commonly divided into organic and inorganic bronchoscopy or flexible bronchoscopy. Fluoroscopy has
FB aspiration. Organic materials such as nuts and seeds are been used successfully as an adjunct in cases of more
the most commonly aspirated while the inorganic materials distally located pins w7x. During rigid bronchoscopy, the
include a wide range of objects such as plastic pieces, toy pointed end of the pin should be grasped and taken into
parts, etc. w8x. Up to 85% of all FB aspiration occurs in the bronchoscope. The pointed end can harm the bronchial
children. In adults, most of FB aspirations are seen in the mucosa or bronchial wall if the pin is grasped and pulled
6th or 7th decade of life when airway protective mecha- from the other part of the pin. The need for thoracotomy
nisms function inadequately e.g. due to central nervous and bronchotomy is required in only a small number of
system dysfunction, intubation or facial traumas w10x. The cases and is mainly related to failed attempts of broncho-
younger age group is more vulnerable because of the lack scopic extraction and a distal location of inhaled FB.
of adequate dentition and immature swallowing coordina- Factors that influence the success of bronchoscopic man-
tion. In addition, among children of this age, introducing agement include: anatomical location, the experience of
objects into their mouths is their way of exploring the
world w2, 11x. However, in recent years (Fig. 1) some

Table 1
A summary of the anatomical distribution, type of extraction method and
short-term outcome (ns35)

Variable Number (%)

Left 12 (34)
Right 17 (49)
Central 6 (17)
Anatomical location
Left main bronchus 8 (23)
Left lower lobe 4 (11)
Right main bronchus 11 (32)
Right lower lobe 6 (17)
Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the incidence of veil pin aspiration
Trachea 6 (17)
in our population over the study period (from January 1996 to December
Type of foreign body
Pins 25 (71)
Safety pins 7 (20)
Metallic clips 3 (9)
Extraction method
Rigid bronchoscopy 29 (83)
Flexible bronchoscopy 6 (17)
Repeat bronchoscopy 2 (6)
Surgery required
Yes 1 (3)
No 34 (97)
Status at discharge
Alive 35 (100)
Dead 0 Fig. 2. Chest radiographs of two patients with headscarf pin tracheobronchial
foreign body aspiration. (a) Pin in the right lower lobe bronchus. (b) Pin in
S.D., standard deviation. the left main bronchus.
N. Al-Sarraf et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (2009) 187–190 189

New Ideas
clinician performing the procedure and the early interven- our experience has improved with dealing with this entity,
tion w3x. In our experience, we have used rigid broncho- flexible bronchoscopy has been used more often. A rigid

Case Report
scopy (29 cases, 83%) far more commonly than flexible bronchoscopy provides a greater access to the subglottic
bronchoscopy (6 cases, 17%), although in recent years, as airways ensuring correct oxygenation and easy passage of

Table 2
Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of rigid and flexible bronchoscopies in the setting of foreign body aspiration

Type of bronchoscopy Advantages Disadvantages

Rigid bronchoscopy 1. Ideal for children and young patients 1. General anesthesia administration
2. Better airway control and more effective 2. Cannot be performed in certain
ventilation cases (e.g. mechanically ventilated
3. Efficient suctioning and control in case of patients or those with spine or skull
major airway bleed fractures)
4. Requires less experience than flexible

bronchoscopy in FB removal

Flexible bronchoscopy 1. Local anesthesia 1. Difficult in young patients and

2. Easy to use and safe children
3. Useful in extracting distal FB 2. Limited airway control
4. Useful in certain cases (e.g. mechanically 3. Difficult suctioning in massive
ventilated patients or those with spine or airway bleed
skull fractures) 4. Requires more experience than
5. Useful in elderly patients rigid bronchoscopy in FB removal
5. Success rates are lower in FB

removal than rigid bronchoscopy

FB, foreign body.

Table 3

Summary of published studies dealing with sharp object foreign body aspiration (including the series of headscarf pin aspiration)

Author (year) Gender and Age range Extraction method Locations Main findings
number of (mean) years

Best Evidence
patients (n)

Kaptanoglu et al. Females only 7–21 (14.4) Rigid (ns57) Trachea (ns22) 1. No mortality
(1999) w3x (ns63) Flexible (ns2) Right lung (ns21) 2. Repeat bronchoscopy in
Laryngoscopy (ns3) Left lung (ns17) 8% (ns5)
Thoracotomy (ns1)

Proposal for Bail-

out Procedure
Murthy et al. (2001) Females only 5–6 (NyA*) Rigid bronchoscopy Trachea (2) 1. No mortality
w4x (ns6) in all cases Right lung (ns2) 2. No complication
Left lung (ns2) 3. No repeat bronchoscopy

by guest on 16 June 2024

Sersar et al. (2006) Females (ns122) 6–40 (14) Rigid (ns114) Trachea (ns7) 1. No mortality
w5x Males (ns2) Flexible (ns0) Right lung (ns54) 2. Complication rate 35%

Progress Report
Thoracotomy (ns8) Left lung (ns63) (ns44)

Work in
3. Repeat bronchoscopy 24%
4. 2nd repeat bronchoscopy
11% (ns14)

Hasdiraz et al. Females only 13–35 (18.7) Rigid (ns93) Larynx (ns6) 1. No mortality
(2006) w6x (ns105) Flexible (ns4) Trachea (ns21) 2. Repeat bronchoscopy 11%
Laryngoscopy (ns6) Right lung (ns52) (ns12)
Thoracotomy (ns1) Left lung (ns26)
expectoration (ns1)

Yuksel et al. (2006) Females (ns49) NyA* Rigid bronchoscopy Trachea (ns12) 1. No mortality
w7x Males (ns7) in all cases Right lung (ns20) 2. Repeat bronchoscopy 4%
Left lung (ns24) (ns2)
3. Complication rate 11%

Gencer et al. (2007) Females only 12–23 (17.5) Flexible (ns21) Trachea (ns3) 1. No mortality
w8x (ns23) Other** (ns2) Right lung (ns11) 2. No repeat bronchoscopy
Left lung (ns9)

*Not available in the relative study.

**These two cases were initially extracted by flexible bronchoscopy but then were dropped and due to postural drainage and coughing, the patients swallowed
these two pins which were later excreted uneventfully in the stool.
190 N. Al-Sarraf et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (2009) 187–190

the telescope and grasping forceps during FB extraction. In required to prevent such aspiration and adequate education
addition, rigid bronchoscopy allows a very efficient airway of women wearing headscarves is required to avoid the
suctioning in case of massive bleed and is not time consum- habit of placing the pins in their mouth prior to securing
ing. That is why it is preferred in children w11, 12x. In their headscarves.
adults, flexible bronchoscopy has many advantages includ-
ing its ease, safety profile and its superiority in cases of References
distally located FBs w8, 11, 13x (Fig. 2a). A summary of
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choscopy is depicted in Table 2. foreign body aspirations in childhood: a 10-year experience. Eur J
Cardiothorac Surg 1998;14:388–392.
Our results seem consistent with previously published w2x Baharloo F, Veyckemans F, Francis C, Biettlot MP, Rodenstein DO.
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depicted in Table 3. One important finding is the general dren and adults. Chest 1999;115:1357–1362.
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series. In addition, the condition is preponderant in females potential risk for young Islamic girls. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol

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of early teenage years due to their lack of experience when w4x Murthy PSN, Ingle VS, George E, Ramakrishna S, Shah FA. Sharp foreign
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procedures in extracting the pins. All of these sharp pins approaches of inhaled veil pins in the Egyptians. Clin Otolaryngol 2006;
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quicker than in cases of organic FB aspiration and chronic asphyxiating tracheobronchial foreign body in young Islamic women.
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the general variation in the anatomical location of aspirat- w7x Yuksel M, Ozyurtkan O, Lacin T, Yildizeli B, Batirel HF. The role of
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The main limitations of our study are two. The first flexible bronchoscopy. Respiration 2007;74:674–679.
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However, within these acceptable limitations, we believe w11x Dikensoy O, Usalan C, Filiz A. Foreign body aspiration: clinical utility
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5. Conclusion
Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2000;53:143–148.
w13x Swanson KL, Prakash UB, Midthun DE, Edell ES, Utz JP, McDougall JC,
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social, traditional or religious purposes. The lack of expe- w14x Sersar SI, Hamza UA, Abdel Hameed WA, AbulMaaty RA, Gowaeli NN,
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