Biology Mock Jan I Solutions

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In the transverse section of a dicot stem, the vascular bundle is the

A Parenchyma

B Pericycle🤝

C Phloem

D Hypodermis

2. The mammalian vein which starts and ends in a capillary network is the

A Pulmonary vein

B Menseteric vein

C Renal vein

D Hepatic portal vein🤝

3. Mammals are capable of producing hypertonic urine mainly because of the reabsorption in the

A Bowman’s capsule

B Urethra

C Ureter

D Loop of Henle 🤝

4. The product of excretion common to the mammalian kidney, lung and skin is

A Mineral salt

B Carbondioxide

C Water🤝

D Urea

5. Xerophthalmia results from deficiency of vitamin.....

A A🤝




6. The two normal types of sex chromosomes are


B XX and XYY

C XY and XXY

D XX and XY🤝

7. The mambilla Plateau is a unique Nigeria biome located in

A Plateau state

B Borno state

C Taraba state🤝

D Benue state

8. The only caste in the termite colony whose members can feed themselves are the

A Reproductives

B Workers🤝

C Nymphs

D Soldiers

9. The only caste in the termite colony whose members can feed themselves are the

A Reproductives

B Workers🤝

C Nymphs

D Soldiers

10. The spots and stripes of the leopard and tiger are examples of

A Cryptic colouration

B Warning colouration

C Disruptive colouration🤝

D Counter shading

11. Paternity disputes can most accurately be resolved through the use of

A Fingerprinting

B Blood group typing 🤝

C DNA analysis
D Tongue-rolling

12. A farm practice that results in the loss of soil fertility is

A Mixed farming

B Bush fallowing

C Shifting cultivation

D Continuous cropping🤝

13. The part of the mammalian digestive system where absorption of nutrients takes place is the

A Ileum🤝

B Colon

C Oesophagus

D Duodenum

14. The chamber of the mammalian heart with the thickest wall is the

A Right ventricles

B Left auricle

C Right auricle

D Left ventricle🤝

15. A soil consisting of alumina and iron(III)oxide is known as

A Loamy soil

B Clayey soil

C Laterite🤝

D Podzol


In which of the following groups of organisms do all the members have asexual method of

A. A geen filament algae, a flowering plant and a bird

B. A toad (or frog) , ameoba and mucor ( penicillium)

C. A flowering plant, tape worm (or ascaris) and a green filamentous algae
D. Mucor (or penicillium), a bird and a toad (or frog)

E. Ameoba, mucor (or penicillium ) and a green filamentous algae🤝

17. The hormone which tones up the muscles of a person in time of danger is from the

A. thyroid gland

B. pancreas

C. adrenal gland🤝

D. liver

E. spleen

18 . The study of organism and the environment of an abandoned farmland is the ecology of?

A. a community

B. a population

C. a specie

D. a habitat

E. an ecosystem🤝

19. A potometer with a leafy shoot weighed 18.9g initially and weighed 17.9g after one hour. From
this it follow that

A. the shoot absorbed 1g of water per hour

B. 1g of water per hour evaporates from the potometer

C. the shoot lost 1g of water per hour🤝

D. the potometer water receded at the rate of 1g per hour

E. the shoot was respiring and lost weight at rate of 1g per hour

20. At fertilization

A. one chromosome from the male joins another from the female

B. one gene from the male combines with another from the female

C. the male nucleus fuses with the female nucleus🤝

D. one set of chromosome combines with another set from the female

E. one cell from the male fuses with another from the female

The neck region of the tape worm, (taenia) is responsible for the

A. production of egg

B. storage of egg

C. formation of new segment🤝

D. development of the suckers

E. fragmentaion of the body segment

22. Which of these is not true of the insect? The possession of

A. two pairs of antennae🤝

B. jointed appendages

C. exoskeleton

D. three pairs of legs

E. segmented body

23. Rhizopus (or mucor)obtain its food from dead organic matter extracellularly. It is said to be

A. a facultative parasite

B. saprophyte🤝

C. an obligate parasite

D. a commensal

E. an autotroph

24. The feature that distinguish the toad or frog from the fish is the absence of

A. scales🤝

B. lungs

C. paired appendages

D. a tail

E. skin glands

25. Which of these is not associated with tadpole stages of toad or frog

A. V-shaped gland
B. operculum

C. external gills

D. jelly

E. shell🤝

26. Which of these is not associated with the movement of the toad, reptile or bird?

A. Hopping

B. Bopping

C. Flapping

D. Gliding

E. Pecking🤝

27. Which of these is not a part of the feather of a bird?

A. Wing🤝

B. aftershaft

C. Inferior umblilicus

D. Vane

E. Barbule

28. Which of these is not a function of the mammalian skin/

A. Protection against bacteria infection

B. Excretion of waste and water

C. Production of vitamin d when exposed to sun light

D. production of pigments to reduce temperature🤝

E. Regulation of body temperature

29. which of these elements in plants is required in small quantities only

A. Boron🤝

B. Nitrogen

C. Phosphorus

D. Magnesium
E. Potassium

30. a potometer was used to compare the rate of loss of the same volume of water from a plant
under different environmental conditions as under a fan, at the sea shore, under the sun, in the airy
laboratory and in cupboard. What time was likely to have been obtained in a cupboard?

A. 15 secs

B. 30secs🤝

C. 25secs

D. 20secs

E. 28secs

31. The mammalian stomach can carry out a number of processes except

A. absorption of glucose

B. secretion of hydrochloric acid

C. secretion gastric juice

D. churning of food

E. production of trypsin🤝

32. A spirogyra cell placed was placed in solution X after 1 minute the cell has been plasmolysed,
solution X was

A. Tap water

B. a very strong sugar solution🤝

C. a weak sugar solution

D. a very weak salt solution

E. distilled water

33. A farmer X working in a swamp did not eat any food nor drink any water. Which of this diseases
can he not contact

A. Cholera 🤝

B. Bilharzia

C. River blindness

D. Malaria

E. Sleeping sickness
34 .A carbohydrate molecule in the blood in the right ventricles of the heart is pumped into the cell
of the toe of a man. Which of these structure is it unlikely to pass through en-route

A. pulmonary artery

B. lungs

C. Heart

D. liver🤝

E. aorta

35. In a photo-tropic experiment, young seedlings in a box were subjected to light from one
direction. The seedling continue to grow erect. Which of the following statement is correct

A. Only the tip of the seedling received the light🤝

B. The light was not strong enough

C. The seedlings were rather too young

36. Which of these is not a characteristics of a wind pollinated flowers?

A. A smaller quantities of sticky pollen produce🤝

B. Feathery styles of stigmas pendulously hang outrside the flower

C. small inconspicuous scentless flower

D. large anthers which are loosley attached to the filament

E. Light pollen grains produced in large quantities from the anthers

37. A germinating seed requires oxygen which is essential for

A. converting carbonhydrate into glucose

B. Transporting energy from part of the plant to another

C. The production of energy by oxidising essential carbonhydrate🤝

D. hydrolysis of protein

E. The formation of water molecules within the germinating seed

38. Which of these products obtained from analyzing sweat from skin is not an excretory product?

A. water

B. Salts

C. Dust🤝
D. Urea

E. Urates

39. In a breeding program a cross was made between two true breeding cow-pea types: one with
round seeds and the other with wrinkled seed. If roundness is dominant why wrinkleness is
recessive, in the first filial generation all the seeds produced will be

A. 25% wrinkled, 75% round

B. 100% wrinkled

C. 50% wrinkled, 50% round

D. 75% wrinkled, 25% round

E. 100% round🤝

40. All living organism

A. Photosynthesize

B. Respire🤝

C. Move

D. Feed

E. Transpire

D. The tip of the seedling may have been covered

E. The box containing the seedling should have been placed on a laboratory bench

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