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Veyvoda 2020 Re-Imagining Community-Engaged Purpose: Community-engaged learning, often practiced
Learning: Service-Learning in through service-learning pedagogy, has been shown to
Communication Sciences and Disorders have numerous benefits for both students and
Courses During and After COVID-19 communities in communication sciences and disorders
undergraduate and graduate programs. While service-
learning typically involves students applying their
knowledge and learned skills to help satisfy an
expressed community need, the recent shift to online
learning combined with shuttered community partner
organizations may make some practitioners hesitant to
pursue the pedagogy. This tutorial reviews the literature
on service-learning, its use in online learning, and ways
in which faculty in higher education can re-imagine and
prioritize community engagement during and after the
COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: Continued
community-engaged learning, whether through virtual,
hybrid, or in-person practice, is still an essential
component of a liberal education that can help students
practice clinical skills, develop cultural humility and
cross-cultural knowledge, gain an understanding of
social inequities and health care disparities, and build
positive relationships with their community. There are
ways for faculty to re-imagine service-learning course
delivery in order to maintain the virtues of higher
education, sharpen clinical skills, and develop civic
engagement among students.
Doody 2020 Service Learning in the Time of COVID-19 This essay describes a collaborative service-learning
project in which psychology and speech-language
pathology undergraduate students, along with special
education graduate students, completed developmental
screenings as part of their training in providing effective
services to children. Universal developmental screening
is an important tool in the early identification of
developmental delays in young children and is
increasingly incorporated into early childhood
education. However, limited resources make it difficult
for educators to routinely screen all young children in
their care. Our students were able to meet this need for
two local childcare centers by conducting
developmental screenings in transdisciplinary groups.
Components of this project also included a focus on the
development of professional dispositions and civic
engagement. Students maintained reflective journals
and responded to prompts that aligned with
components of the project before, during, and after the
screening transpired. Students also completed a final
project that contained a written component and oral
presentation of a selected child in case study form.
Although the final assignments varied between the
three courses, the basic expectations of the written and
oral assignments remained consistent from professor to
Tian 2020 Service-Learning in Catholic Higher Drawing on a review of the literature on service-learning
Education and Alternative Approaches in Catholic higher education and the development of
Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic online service-learning, as well as an empirical case
study of 2020 Vincentian Service Day at DePaul
University, this article examines an alternative way to
develop service-learning in Catholic schools in response
to the reality and needs of the world in front of us.
Service-learning is widely practiced in higher education
institutions and plays an essential role in Catholic
schools as it integrates students’ faith, morals, and
spiritual growth with social justice commitments. School
closures due to COVID-19 significantly impede service-
learning. However, a successful case of virtual service-
learning design and practice at DePaul University in May
2020 can provide insights and prospects of developing
service-learning during and beyond the pandemic. This
article highlights the importance of service-learning in
Catholic higher education and explores the feasibility of
developing virtual service-learning during this
unprecedented time and moving forward.
Tsima 2020 Service-learning in response to the The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: pandemic has disrupted many lives worldwide. Training
Emerging lessons from the Department of programmes in academic institutions have also been
Family Medicine and Public Health at the affected by the pandemic. Teaching and learning family
University of Botswana medicine and public health medicine in the COVID-19
era require adjustments to training activities. At the
University of Botswana, the pandemic presented an
opportunity to steer training programmes in the
Department of Family Medicine and Public Health
Medicine more towards service-learning. The
department collaborated with the Ministry of Health
and Wellness as well as the District Health Management
teams in the national response to the pandemic as
essential service providers. The increased demands for
service provision were balanced with educational
opportunities for trainees during the COVID-19 public
health emergency. Including structured ongoing
reflections for trainees involved in the COVID-19
response helps to connect service and the academic
Pak 2020 Exploring the Long-term Impact of Service- Service-learning (SL), as a pedagogy that promotes
Learning: Former Students of Spanish reciprocal partnership building between campus and
Revisit their Community Engagement community through meaningful service and critical
Experiences reflection, can provide language students with not only
valuable language and cultural immersion experience,
but also civic learning opportunities. Although SL
research has revealed numerous positive outcomes on
students’ academic and civic learning, most studies have
focused on short-term effects. In particular, in the
context of language classrooms, there is a dearth of
research examining the lasting impact of SL pedagogy.
This study explores the long-term benefits of SL on
students of Spanish, two to seventeen years after their
SL experience. Former students who participated in
various types of SL projects across different levels of
Spanish courses at a public university in the Midwest
completed surveys (n 5 60) and interviews (n 5 15)
identifying aspects of the SL experience they consider
valuable. The majority of former students in the study
noted SL participation as one of the most significant
educational experiences in college, leading to positive
gains in knowledge, attitudes and behaviors for
interacting with target language communities. The study
also explores the value respondents placed on engaged
learning, relationship building, and language learning for
community engagement.
Kodancha 2020 Service-Learning in Indian Higher Service-learning is a pedagogy that allows students to
Education: Experiences of Adaptation to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, while
the COVID-19 Pandemic serving the needs of their communities. It is a recent
introduction in Indian education and has faced
multidimensional obstacles in the face of the COVID-19
pandemic. However, by innovatively adapting the
pedagogy to suit the needs of the time students have
ensured that the service-learning activities do not halt
completely. The current study aimed to explore the
subjective experiences of undergraduate students who
engage in service-learning in an Indian educational
institution during the pandemic. Data was collected via
in-depth, personal interviews from six undergraduate
students who are involved in the central planning and
execution committee for service-learning. The
transcribed data was analyzed through thematic
analysis, and various sub-themes and themes were
obtained were obtained under the domains of the
various challenges faced while engaging in service-
learning during the pandemic, the adaptational
strategies employed to overcome them, and also the
personal challenges and development of the students
while engaging in service-learning. The results of the
study allow for a better understanding of the experience
of service-learning in the pandemic, paving way for
institutional policies that can better equip students and
allow for greater preparedness.
Nutefall 2021 Assessing Service-Learning Programs in Service-learning is an important practice in higher
Academic Libraries: A Rubric in Action education, allowing institutions to combine essential
campus functions of research and learning with
meaningful engagement in the community. As service-
learning has made its way into institutional strategic
plans, libraries have sought to support this work by
integrating community engagement into such library
functions as collection development, instruction,
reference work, and events or displays. This article
explores the need to assess the support libraries provide
for service-learning, introducing the “Self-Assessment
Rubric for Development of Service-Learning Programs in
Academic Libraries” by Katherine Kott. The rubric is
comprehensive, touching on mission and culture,
information access, space, programming, relationships,
and organizational leadership, with four tiers for each
dimension. Thoughtful completion of the rubric, with
modifications based on one’s institutional context,
allows libraries invested in service-learning pedagogy to
identify their strengths, improve their work, and tell
their story to stakeholders and decision makers.
Adoption across multiple institutions would benefit
efforts to tell the story of libraries’ impact on service-

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