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The making of the Internet


The Beginning

- The beginning was in mid 1940s

- Initial Goal - to use the downtime of computers efficiently

- First progress
- Separation of terminals from the processors

- Start of the DARPA project - 1969
- Started in California
- Goal:
- Help connect DARPA scientists with each other
- Help them get access to the latest researches from universities
- They created the first network of computers and called it ARPANET

First challenge: The switching problem


- Circuit Switching was not effective enough

- Existed at the time
- Used by phone lines

- Invented Packet Switching (Still in use)

- What it is Packet:
- Data packaged in the most efficient way to transmit
- The entire message is broken down into pieces.
- The wires cannot hold everything at once.

- What is Packet Switching

- Transfer of Packets from one computer to the next until it gets
to the destination

- How does it work

- Uses a single wire to send messages
- Each computer in the network is assigned a unique address (Set
of numbers)
- Each packet contains the sequence number and the destination
- The sender sends the message to the nearest computer
- Each computer is required to carry the updated list of
addresses of all the computers in the network
- The receiver then passes the packet in the direction of the
included destination address
- Once a packet reaches the destination, it gets hold until all
the other packets get to the destination
- When all arrive, they get assembled

Second Challenge: keeping updated list of addresses

- A single address change disrupts the network
- In 1973, Stanford became the official central record keeper
- Only 60 computers were connected at the time
- Means, computers are no longer required to keep record of all the addresses
in the network
- They reference the address book on Stanford server to identify where
to send the Packets to

Third Challenge: packet formating and transmitting standardization issue


- Other organization also started forming their own network

- They also adopted the method of packet switching
- Formated and transmitted the packets in a way that works for their network
- Sending messages through a different network wasn't possible
- For that, the administrators of each network agreed to develop a standard
way of formating and transmitting protocol.
- Hence, in 1983, the famous Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) got developed. (Still in use)

What is TCP/IP
- It has four layers
- The application layer
- HTTP (Browsers Ex: Chrome)
- FTP (FTP Clients Ex: Cyberduck)
- POP3 (Local Email clients, Ex: Outlook)
- SMTP (Email Clients Ex: Gmail)
- SNMP (Routers and Printers)

- The transport layer

- TCP (Most Internet Connections)
- Defines how to establish and maintain connection
- Provides error-checking and guarantees delivery
- Focuses on reliability
- Used in cases where loss of a packet is NOT

- UDP (Ex: DNS connections)

- Similar to TCP
- Doesn't guaranty delivery of message
- Used in cases where loss of a packet is acceptable

- The network layer

- IP
- Basically the name/address of a computer

- The physical layer

- Ethernet for LANs
- How do computers in LAN communicate
- Used to identify the address of specific devices
with in a physical network

- As a web developer, the layer that you are most interested on are the
Application layer protocols. Mostly HTTP and FTP.
- We will later focus and discuss the HTTP protocol
- The standardization and development of this protocol meant, a message
that follows the TCP/IP protocol can be sent through any other network that follows
the protocol

- Which means all the smaller individual networks can now be connected
with each other

- These connected network of computer networks, that follow the TCP/IP

protocol to communicate is called

******** THE INTERNET! ********

- In 2019, there are over 12 billion computers/devices connected to the


Fourth Challenge: Keeping the updated list of all the addresses


- Back to 1983
- At that time, there were about 1000 computers connected to the ARPANET
- Stanford University quickly realized keeping track of all the addresses of
connected computers is going to be hard
- Hence the invention of Domain Name System (DNS)

- What is DNS
- It is the phonebook of the Internet
- How does it work
- Instead of remembering the numerical IP addresses of host computers,
a human readable name is assigned to a specific IP address of a computer
- This human readable name is called the - Domain Name
- Who manages this right now
- A non profit organization called ICANN (The Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers)
- ICANN doesn't directly communicate with the public when someone wants
to register a domain name. Domain Registrars do.

- Domain Registrars are accredited partners of ICANN who are allowed to

submit applications to ICANN to register a domain name.
- Example: Domain, Godaddy, Google Domains, etc
- These companies charge you to submit your application to
register your domain name.
- Once you register your domain name, a default IP address is assigned
to the name. When you try to change the IP address associated with the domain name,
so that you can point it to the actual server that contains the
- We will learn more about this when we get to Deployment

The rise of ISPs (Internet Service Providers)

- By the late 1980s, DARPA decided to end the ARPANET project and pass it
onto others
- NFSNET became the leader and backbone of the Internet
- Companies started charging individuals to help them get connected to the
- Phone companies are ideally placed to be the perfect ISPs (As people used
the dial up system to connect to the Internet)
- The likes of AT&T and Verizon
- As newer technologies of transmitting data using cable lines got developed,
the broad band technology, cable networks like Comcast became major ISPs. As
broadband is much faster compared to the dial up connection, AT&T and Verizon were
forced to develop their own optical broad band networks.

- By 1995, NFSNET shutdown for good and passed everything to the ISPs

Fifth Challenge: Lack of information organization on the Internet

- As more and more people got connected to the Internet, more and more useful
researches and information were made publicly available
- These researches were made available in plain text format
- But it was hard to navigate through all these documents easily

- In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, the God Father of the Internet proposed a way to
solve this problem to CERN, where he used to work at the time.

- Tim Berners-Lee's proposal

- First: Break down big documents in to smaller documents
- Second: Include links (HyperTexts)
- Third: Mark the texts in a way that provides more information to the

- To assist his proposal:

- He developed a way to create a HyperText (link) and Mark the
texts using tags
- He called it the - HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- He also developed a standard protocol to transmit these Marked
documents (HTMLs)
- He called that protocol the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- This method became a huge success inside his organization (CERN)
- In 1993, they released this method of organizing the Internet to the
- He called it:

******** World Wide Web ********

- That was just 26 years ago :)

- Your job as a web developer is to Mark Texts using HTML tags and make
them available on the Internet

Sixth Challenge: Information overflow


- Advancement of operating systems, Internet speed and ease of developing and

sharing HTML documents lead to the explosion of shared information on the Internet

- In mid 1990s, two kids in Stanford University decided to build an

application that solves this problem

- They faced three main challenges

1. What information actually exists on the Internet?
2. Which documents talks about what topic?
3. Among the list of documents that actually talk about the same
topic, which one is the most important one?
- Their solution:
1. Crawl and collect all the web pages on the Internet into a
single computer
2. Index all of them using key words
3. Backlink ranking

- In 1998, they released their solution to the public for Free

- That application is now called:

******** GOOGLE ********

The rise of Web 2.0


- What is Web 2.0

- Before Web 2.0, websites used to be mostly static pages
- After Web 2.0, websites became more dynamic
- In short Web 2.0 means a website with a database and a middle layer
that controls the logic

- Websites became more of template based

- Instead of contents being generated by companies, they are now

generated by users
- Companies just provide the platform to share contents
- They just keep the information on their databases and servers
- Collecting data became the thing
- Hence the rise of data science

- Most successful Web 2.0 platforms

- Facebook, YouTube,, etc

- Web development during Web 2.0

- The responsibility of a web developer included developing and
managing the added layers
- The logic
- Databases

- Design became the differentiator

The rise of web frameworks

- As building a website evolves from being just Marking Up Texts and throwing
them up on the Internet, the work of a developer started to get more and more time

- To solve that problem, companies and groups started to package things

together and made it available to developers to serve as a **** starting point ****

- Developers now start by choosing a frame work that best serves their need
and build on top of that to deliver the required functionality

- Popular web frameworks

- Backend
- Express (JS)
- Rails (Ruby)
- Larvel (PHP)
- Django (Python)
- ASP.NET (C#)
- CMSs
- Wordpress (Open source)
- Drupal (Open source)
- Square Space (Paid Model)
- Wix (Paid model)
- Node.js (Open source)
- Sharepoint (Microsoft)

- Front End Frameworks

- Bootstrap (Open source)
- Angular.js (Open source)
- Vue.js (Open source)

The smart phone revolution:

- Officially started with the release of the first iPhone (2007)
- The total share of traffic of mobile phones
- 2013 (16%)
- 2018 (52%)
- This rise of mobile phone usage brought a fundamental priority change for
web developers
- Developers used to focus a lot in making websites look better on
- Now, much of their time is focused in making things look better on
mobile phones
- The mobile first approach took over

The power players of the Internet: (Hierarchy of control)


- Device Owners
- Ultimate control
- Apple, Samsung, Windows, Firephone, Huawei (Apple vs Samsung vs
(Apple charges search engines (Siri Search) & ISPs (AT&T))

- Operating Systems
- At the Mercy of Devices
- IOS, Android, Windows (Apple vs Google vs Microsoft)

- ISPs
- Version, AT&T, Comcast

- Search Engines
- Google, Bing (Google vs Microsoft)

- Browsers
- At the mercy of operating systems
(IOS, Windows, Android)

- Web 2.0/Application
- At the mercy of browsers
- Facebook
- IG
- Twitter
- Snapchat
- TikTok
- LinkedIN
- Gmail
(Facebook vs Google / Battle of data)

- All in all, the hierarchy is

- Apple
- Google
- Microsoft
- Samsung
- Facebook
- Etc

- The current competition is on collecting more data and having control on

what gets to your eyes
- FB algorithm, FB Internet access
- Google Search
- Google filtered browsers
- Apple blockers

What to focus on as a React Web Developer

On your computer's side
- Master your operating system
- Learn how to make your computer run faster
- Learn shortcuts to navigate through your operating system
- Improve your typing speed
- Anything that improves your speed should be your focus

On the Internet
- Master the skill of using Google
- Master the skill of using stackoverflow
- Master HTML
- Master CSS
- Master JavaScript
- Understand how the HTTP protocol works
- Understand how the DNS works
- Master the React frame work

Useful stackoverflow sections

For next week:


HTML Tutorial:
CSS Tutorial:

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