ESG Key Performace Indicators 2023

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Doc. No.

: HR-0015
ESG Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] and Targets Rev. No.: 1
Rev. Date: 27.03.2023
Plant: TAFE-EPD III Target release Date : 27.03.2023

Monitoring Target
# Category KPI# Key Performance Indicator UOM Responsible
Frequency FY' 2023

1 Employee Participation in Ethics related trainings % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%

2 No. of Training Conducted - Ethics Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5

3 No. of Received Cases - Ethics Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

1 Ethics

4 No. of Confirmed Cases - Corruption Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

5 No. of Confirmed - Information Security Incidents Nos Monthly IT 0

Coverage of Offices/ Facilities/ Functions for internal monitoring related to

6 % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%
Business Ethics

1 Employee Participation in Human Rights related trainings % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%

2 No. of Training Conducted - Human Rights Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5

3 Percentage of Minority/ Vulnerable Employees % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 20%

4 Percentage of Minority/ Vulnerable in Top Management % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5%

5 Percentage of Women Employees % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 20%

2 6 Percentage of Women Employees in the Top Management % Mothly Hariharan Parthasarathy 10%

Human Rights 7 Percentage of Differently Abled Employees % Mothly Hariharan Parthasarathy 1%

8 Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

No. of Received Cases - Sexual Harassment

9 No. of Received Cases - Workplace Harassment Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

10 No. of Confirmed Cases - Sexual Harassment Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

11 No. of Confirmed Cases - Workplace Harassment Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

12 Average Training Hours / Employee / Year Hours Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 48

13 Average Training Cost / Employee / Year INR Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 15000

1 Coverage of Employees' Health Check-up Rate % Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%

2 Employee Participation in Health & Safety Trainings % Monthly Utiraraj 100%

3 No. of Training Conducted - Health & Safety Nos Monthly Utiraraj 5

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) -

4 Nos Monthl;y Utiraraj 0
Direct Employees

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) -

5 Nos Monthly Utiraraj 0
Indirect Employees

3 Safety 6 No. of Fatal Accidents Nos Monthly Utiraraj 0

7 No. of Accidents - Reportable Nos Monthly Utiraraj 0

8 No. of Accidents - Non Reportable Nos Monthly Utiraraj 2

Sheet 1 of 6
Doc. No.: HR-0015
3 Safety
ESG Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] and Targets Rev. No.: 1
Rev. Date: 27.03.2023
Plant: TAFE-EPD III Target release Date : 27.03.2023

Monitoring Target
# Category KPI# Key Performance Indicator UOM Responsible
Frequency FY' 2023

9 No. of Near-miss Incidents Nos Monthly Utiraraj 3

10 No. of First Aid Incidents Nos Monthly Utiraraj 3

Loss of Man Hours due to Incidents

11 Hours Monthly Utiraraj 0
(Accidents + Near-miss)

1 Employee Participation in Environment related trainings % Monthly Utiraraj 100%

2 No. of Training Conducted - Environment Nos Monthly Utiraraj 10

3 Reduce Scope 1 Carbon Emission % Yearly Renganathan 12%

4 Reduce Scope 2 Carbon Emission % Yearly Renganathan 20%

5 Reduce Scope 3 Carbon Emission % Yearly Renganathan 4%

6 Scope 1 Carbon Emission TCO2E Yearly Renganathan 4121

7 Scope 2 Carbon Emission TCO2E Yearly Renganathan 5916

8 Scope 3 Carbon Emission TCO2E Yearly Renganathan 121

50 TCO2E/ Revenue
9 Carbon Intensity Yearly Renganathan 3790.3
in Cr

10 Reduce Electricity Consumption MWh Yearly Renganathan 5100

11 Renewable Energy % Yearly Renganathan 10%

12 No. of Tree Plantations - Plant Nos Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5

13 No. of Tree Plantations - Outside Plant Nos Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 20

14 No. of Tree Varieties - Additional Nos Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 3

15 NOx Emissions Yearly Renganathan 1021

4 Environment
16 SOx Emissions Yearly Renganathan 3

17 Particulate Matter - PM10 Yearly Renganathan 62.4

18 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 mg/m3 Yearly Renganathan 30.2

19 NOx Emissions Ton Yearly Renganathan 0.25

20 SOx Emissions Ton Yearly Renganathan 2.1

21 Particulate Matter - PM10 Ton Yearly Renganathan 0.271

22 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 Ton Yearly Renganathan 0.27

23 Reduce Water Consumption KLD Monthly Renganathan 5

24 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) - Treated Water mg/L Monthly Renganathan 8.3

Sheet 2 of 6
Doc. No.: HR-0015
ESG Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] and Targets Rev. No.: 1
Rev. Date: 27.03.2023
Plant: TAFE-EPD III Target release Date : 27.03.2023

Monitoring Target
# Category KPI# Key Performance Indicator UOM Responsible
Frequency FY' 2023

25 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - Treated Water mg/L Monthly Renganathan 72

26 Reduce Generation/ Disposal of General Wastes Ton Monthly Viswanthan 700

27 Reduce Generation/ Disposal of Hazardous Wastes Ton Monthly Viswanthan 500

28 Adherence to the Consent's limit for disposal of hazardous wastes % Monthly Viswanthan 1.5

29 Increase the amount of Recycled/ Reused Wastes Ton Monthly Viswanthan 0

30 Reduce Consumption of Hydraulic oils Liters Yearly Renganathan 5000

Prepared By: Approved By:

Sheet 3 of 6
Doc. No.: HR-0016
ESG Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] Monitoring Report Rev. No.: 1
Rev. Date: 27.03.2023
Plant: TAFE-EPD III Last Updated On:
Monitoring Target
# Category KPI# Key Performance Indicator UOM Responsible Remarks
Frequency FY' 2023
Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24

1 Employee Participation in Ethics related trainings % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%

2 No. of Training Conducted - Ethics Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5

3 No. of Received Cases - Ethics Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

1 Ethics

4 No. of Confirmed Cases - Corruption Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

5 No. of Confirmed - Information Security Incidents Nos Monthly IT 0

Coverage of Offices/ Facilities/ Functions for internal monitoring related to

6 % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%
Business Ethics

1 Employee Participation in Human Rights related trainings % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%

2 No. of Training Conducted - Human Rights Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5

3 Percentage of Minority/ Vulnerable Employees % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 20%

4 Percentage of Minority/ Vulnerable in Top Management % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5%

5 Percentage of Women Employees % Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 20%

6 Percentage of Women Employees in the Top Management % Mothly Hariharan Parthasarathy 10%

2 Human Rights 7 Percentage of Differently Abled Employees % Mothly Hariharan Parthasarathy 1%

No. of Received Cases - Sexual Harassment

8 Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

9 No. of Received Cases - Workplace Harassment Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

10 No. of Confirmed Cases - Sexual Harassment Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

11 No. of Confirmed Cases - Workplace Harassment Nos Monthly Hariharan Parthasarathy 0

12 Average Training Hours / Employee / Year Hours Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 48

13 Average Training Cost / Employee / Year INR Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 15000

1 Coverage of Employees' Health Check-up Rate % Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 100%

2 Employee Participation in Health & Safety Trainings % Monthly Utiraraj 100%

3 No. of Training Conducted - Health & Safety Nos Monthly Utiraraj 5

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) -

4 Nos Monthl;y Utiraraj 0
Direct Employees

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) -

5 Nos Monthly Utiraraj 0
Indirect Employees

3 Safety 6 No. of Fatal Accidents Nos Monthly Utiraraj 0

Sheet 4 of 6
Doc. No.: HR-0016
ESG Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] Monitoring Report Rev. No.: 1
Rev. Date: 27.03.2023
Plant: TAFE-EPD III Last Updated On:
3 Safety Monitoring Target
# Category KPI# Key Performance Indicator UOM Responsible Remarks
Frequency FY' 2023
Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24

7 No. of Accidents - Reportable Nos Monthly Utiraraj 0

8 No. of Accidents - Non Reportable Nos Monthly Utiraraj 2

9 No. of Near-miss Incidents Nos Monthly Utiraraj 3

10 No. of First Aid Incidents Nos Monthly Utiraraj 3

Loss of Man Hours due to Incidents

11 Hours Monthly Utiraraj 0
(Accidents + Near-miss)

1 Employee Participation in Environment related trainings % Monthly Utiraraj 100%

2 No. of Training Conducted - Environment Nos Monthly Utiraraj 10

3 Reduce Scope 1 Carbon Emission % Yearly Renganathan 12%

4 Reduce Scope 2 Carbon Emission % Yearly Renganathan 20%

5 Reduce Scope 3 Carbon Emission % Yearly Renganathan 4%

6 Scope 1 Carbon Emission TCO2E Yearly Renganathan 4121

7 Scope 2 Carbon Emission TCO2E Yearly Renganathan 5916

8 Scope 3 Carbon Emission TCO2E Yearly Renganathan 121

50 TCO2E/ Revenue
9 Carbon Intensity Yearly Renganathan 3790.3
in Cr

10 Reduce Electricity Consumption MWh Yearly Renganathan 5100

11 Renewable Energy % Yearly Renganathan 10%

12 No. of Tree Plantations - Additional Nos Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 5

13 No. of Tree Plantations - Outside Plant Nos Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 20

14 No. of Tree Varieties Nos Yearly Hariharan Parthasarathy 3

15 NOx Emissions Yearly Renganathan 1021
4 Environment

16 SOx Emissions Yearly Renganathan 3

17 Particulate Matter - PM10 Yearly Renganathan 62.4

18 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 mg/m3 Yearly Renganathan 30.2

19 NOx Emissions Ton Yearly Renganathan 0.25

Sheet 5 of 6
Doc. No.: HR-0016
ESG Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] Monitoring Report Rev. No.: 1
Rev. Date: 27.03.2023
Plant: TAFE-EPD III Last Updated On:
Monitoring Target
# Category KPI# Key Performance Indicator UOM Responsible Remarks
Frequency FY' 2023
Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24

20 SOx Emissions Ton Yearly Renganathan 2.1

21 Particulate Matter - PM10 Ton Yearly Renganathan 0.271

22 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 Ton Yearly Renganathan 0.27

23 Reduce Water Consumption KLD Monthly Renganathan 5

24 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) - Treated Water mg/L Monthly Renganathan 8.3

25 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - Treated Water mg/L Monthly Renganathan 72

26 Reduce Generation/ Disposal of General Wastes Ton Monthly Viswanthan 700

27 Reduce Generation/ Disposal of Hazardous Wastes Ton Monthly Viswanthan 500

28 Adherence to the Consent's limit for disposal of hazardous wastes % Monthly Viswanthan 1.5

29 Increase the amount of Recycled/ Reused Wastes Ton Monthly Viswanthan 0

30 Reduce Consumption of Hydraulic oils Liters Yearly Renganathan 5000

Prepared By: Approved By:

Sheet 6 of 6

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