08.04. Advanced Well Technology

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References 81416
Objectives 8/47
Resume 81418
Topic 1 Technology management
1 High level process
2 Technology challenge records
3 Technology planning
Topic 2 Wells technology
1 Through-tubing rotary drilling (TTRD)
2 Coiled tubing drilling (CTD)
3 Expandable tubulars
4 Cemented completions (CC)
5 Swelling elastomer packers
6 Casing drilling
7 Multilateral technology
8 Real time operations centre (RTOC)
9 Drilling waste disposal technologies
Topic 3 Wells Services technology
1 Intelligent slickline
2 Enhanced perforators
3 Cableless communications systems
Appendix 1Abbreviations


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The Wells Global Network provides many areas for further study.
Individual references specific to each technology are given under each topic

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After studying this Part, consulting other relevant documents and, if necessary, discussions
with your mentor, you will be able to:
Outline a process to screen projects for application of new technology.
Describe a number of different well technologies and explain their applications and the
conditions under which they should not be applied.
Discuss the different technologies that are applied in your OU and explain the reasons why
these are applied.
Explain why the technologies introduced are not applied in your O U and discuss what
would need to change to make them viable for your OU.
Explain where to find additional information on each technology.

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I Resume
The purpose of this part is to provide an overview of new technology. Initially this part dis-
cusses the process and challenges surrounding the introduction of new technology and how
screening may be used to find project candidates for new technology application. Thereafter, a
number of technologies are described and their areas of application discussed. For each tech-
nology, sources of additional information are provided for those with an interest in application
of a particular technology.

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In order to ensure that technology can have the highest impact on a well, it must be considered as
early as possibly in the planning stage. Within EP Europe the Well Delivery Process (WDP)
breaks down the project into a number af phases from initiation to execution and review. It is
during the first two project phases "Initiation" and "Feasibility" where all the potential well
design options are considered. Once the "Concept Selection" gate has been then the well design is
frozen and it becomes very difficult to introduce new technology. Other E&P Regions will have
similar or identical processes in plare which fdow the same generic project maturation stages.

The diagram below provides an outline of the Shell EP Europe WDP and highlights the areas
where technology should be considered and placed firmly in the plan.

~ r sTL ~ E+ WS) I [mn

l W t k 5 i d ! ~ b & k ~ - d * r ~ n)
ate SWE [Rlg Team)
+4 b
C tlDap&nWE+WS
, ~ ~ H & , . ~ ~ c ~ ~C l&) l~f uMm w) #~d I~ ~
~ ~~W w& ~ ~ t % i r i ' i
4 - - - - e m - - - - - - -

Operations WE (Rig Team)



In order to ensure that every well has been reviewed for potential technologies, Shell EP Europe
has developed a Technology Challenge Record (TCR) sheet. This record sheet outlines a wide
selection of technologies that are supported by the Technology Team. It provides details of where
a technology has previously been deployed (or not) and also has a focal point assigned to each
technology, who can provide more detailed information should the engineer consider applying it.

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Version 2.00
This record sheet becomes particularly useful in capturing the cost savings that have been
provided through the introduction of technology.

An extract from the TCR sheet is provided here outlining the "Well Design" section. The other
sections of the sheet are Well Completion Best Practices, Well Intervention Best Practices and
Supporting Technologies.

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Extract from the Shell EPE TCR sheet

Although this sheet is specific to EP Europe, it could be considered a best practice and there is no
reason why it cannot be adapted to suit your own region's requirements if nothing presently exists.

Technology application is a fundamental aspect of business improvement for Well (Services)
Engineers. Along with other improvement initiatives like DTL or Non Productive time (NPT)
reduction, the implementation of technology can and should be planned for in the yearly business
planning rounds.

Any business plan in Shell will contain aspirations and a set of promises to our shareholders. O n an
asset level, that usually means a yearly commitment to unlock a certain portfolio of reserves and to
produce a certain amount of oiI or gas. Well engineers play a vital role in meeting those promises
and making sure the right wells are drilled or serviced in the right place. The business plan will
also contain promises related to cost and there is always some tension which drives Well Engineers
to do their work better and smarter in order to reduce the cost of their wells and servicing

Technology can help reduce the cost of drilling, servicing or abandoning wells and even enable the
drilling of wells. In writing the yearly business plan, Well Engineers will take their knowledge of
what's possible with the latest technology in order to make reliable promises to the assets. I t is
therefore very important that there is a common understanding between the Well Engineers,

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Asset Representatives, and Technology Engineers about what is required to meet the Asset's
aspirat ions.

The alignment of the right technology to the right application is usually captured in a forward
looking technology plan. This technology plan will form an integral part of the overall business
plan. A selection of the technology plan for one of the Assets in EPE is shown below. Note that a
probability of implementation (POI) and a business value are included. An extract from the
technology plan for EP Europe is provided below.

Exrracr from Shell EPE Technology Plan

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Version 2.00
In a mature field, where the strategy for
accessing the remaining reserves is driven
predominantly by a reduction in cost,
through tubing rotary drilling (TTRD) can 1-1/16" BOP
provide the optimal solution.
Christmas Tree
'ITRD allows for low cost sidetracking
opportunities to near wellbore targets by
leaving the existing completion and Xmas
tree in place. Additional time and cost Existing Completion
savings are achieved once the well has been I
drilled as there is no need to run a new
completion. This allows access to reserves
that would not be economically viable using
conventional drilling techniques.
Through tubing drilling also permits deeper
3-118" BHA with M\VD I LWD
kick off points and higher doglegs which
lead to shorter open hole lengths, further
reducing the time it takes to drill the well. k
- Bi-centred bit

TfRD Schematic

The other main benefit of TI'RD is the reduction of environmental impact due to the smaller hole
size (less mud, cement etc).

Through tubing drilling is carried out using skinny jointed pipe typically 2'/sWODin conjunction
with a slimmed down 3'1s" OD BHA. Drilling a 3% " to 4%" hole size.

An overview of the current (2004) operating envelope is provided in table 1.

Hole Size 3 XI"-4 %" (From 4 !h" - 5 M" completion)

Drill String 2 31~" - 3 1 ~ .
Min Tubing Size 4%"
Liner Size 2 '18" - 3 M"
Min Restriction 3-8"
Deepest KOP (MD) 16,OOOft
Max Extenr 3200ft
Max Kick Off Inclination 78"
Max Hole Inclination 94"
Max Build Rate 18"1 10Oft

Table 1 : TTRD operating Envelope

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The first TI'RD well drilled by Shell was BB-O8s2 in 1998. Globally TTRD is mostly carried out
in the USA (South Texas) and the North Sea. Other regions are currently reviewing their portfolio
for suitable candidates. There is a global common interest network (CIN) which provides a TTRD
focal point for your region.

TTRD has proved to reduce well delivery costs on average for Shell (and other operators). The
typical TTRD well can drilled within 20 days, however there is scope to reduce this down to 11
days by doing the well preparation work offline.

In order to carry out TTRD operations there may need to be some rig modifications e.g.
installation of an intermediate racking board and windwalls which could make a single candidate
economically unviable in the North Sea. However, if a campaign of wells is in place, the associated
up front cost can be spread out between the wells, reducing the cost of an individual well.

Further idormation on TTRD can be found in the TTRD CIN area of the Wells Global Network
(WGN). A link to the ABC Guide to TTRD is provided here:

A number of SPE papers have also been written on the subject of TTRD and make excellent
background reading. The following table outlines the current papers available:

87128 Invert Emulsion Fluids for Drilling Through Narrow Hydraulic Windows
87 127 Novel Drilling Fluid for Through-Tubing Rotary Drilling
86086 Combining Pulsed Neutron Spectroscopy and LWD Resistivity for Analysis Behind Casing
in Small Holes
85328 Short Radius TTRD Well with Rig Assisted Snubbing on the Veslefrikk Field
83955 Through Tubing Rotary Drilling and Its Associated Cementing Challenges: A North Sea
81096 String Design and Application in Through-Tubing Rotary Drilling ('ITRD)
79863 The Transfer of Through Tubing Drilling (TI?))Technology Between Provinces
67823 Through Tubing Well Construction
37613 The Evolution of Profitable Development Drilling in Prudhoe Bay: A Case of Adapting to
82283 Drilling, Producing and Treating Complex Wells. A Collection of New Technologies to
Optimise the Overall Well Process.
69448 Designing Underbalanced Thru Tubing Drilling Operations
67829 Designing Underbalanced Thru Tubing Drilling Operations
7 1835 Developing Small Targets in a Mature Oil Field: Cormorant North TTRD Well Develops a
Million Barrels for a Million Pounds
91005 Through Tubing Rotary Drilling: A Cost Effective Method for Sidetracking Wells in
Mature Assets

For an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on www.spe.org and search the
e-Library using TTRD in the "Key Word" section.

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A non-conventional drilling application that has been used around the world is Coiled Tubing
Drilling (CTD). Coiled tubing is essentially a long, coiled drillstring, which by its nature has no
intermediate connections.

The coiled tubing is

brought on site on a large
spool and can be stripped
into a well at significantly
higher speeds than
conventional pipe.

Other advantages of coil

tubing include:
Drill and Trip under

Continuous Circulation
while tripping pipe
CTD Reel
Continuous high quality
two-way telemetry between surface and down hole (Cable through the reel).

Slimhole and thru tubing capability

Portability / Stand Alone capability

Coiled tubing is used in a variety of applications

other than drilling. The main use is in well
services operations, where coil is used to access
plugs and other completion jewellery, which
cannot be reached with wireline.

Other uses include setting abandonment plugs,

milling out restrictions in compIetions, milling
windows for sidetrack, and drilling new formation.

As the coil cannot rotate in the we11 Like

conventional jointed pipe, CTD relies solely on
mud motors for rotating the bit.

The pictures gives an appreciation of the size of

coiled tubing BHAs and the flexibility of the coil
itself. It is because of these properties that CTD CTD B H A

lends itself very well for short radius drilling.

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The other big application for CTD is Under Balanced Drilling (UBD). UBD can equally be done
with a conventional rotary string, but because coil is normally stripped into a well through a so-
called "stuffing box" or "stripper", which is essentially a small annular preventer, a closed pressure
system is already in place.

Limitations of coiled tubing are mostly around the length of well that can be drilled, intuitively it
is easy to see why it's difficult to apply weight on bit with such a light string, especially as coil
tubing cannot be rotated as well as the need for a sufficient margin of overpull. BHA components
that can overcome this problem are tractors or vibration tools. The typical operational envelope of
CTD is provided in the Table 2.

Hole Size 2 %"- 6 '1;

Drill String 1 jI4" - 2 'I<
Min Tubing Size 3 %"
Liner Size 2 j/8" - 5 Yr"
Min Restriction 2.8"
Deepest KOP (MD) 13038ft
Max Extent 7654ft
Max Kick Off Inclination 92"
Max Hole Inclination 110"
Max Build Rate 52"I lOOft

Table 2: CTD operating Envelope

Coiled tubing drilling is mostly carried out in Alaska (North Slope), Canada, Oman and Europe
(Netherlands and United Kingdom)

Further information on CTD can be found in the 'ITD CIN area of the Wells Global Network
(WGN). A link is provided here:
http:llsww.global- - ,,- -

A number of SPE papers have also been written on the subject of CTD and make excellent
background reading. The following table outlines some of the papers available:

87 127 Novel Drilling Fluid for Through-Tubing Rotary Drilling

67823 Through Tubing Well Construction
64225 Coiled-Tubing Drilling of Horizontal Sidetrack in House Mountain Field, Alberta
56941 The NeuRobot Project: Advances in Drilling Technology for the New Millenium
5279 1 Electric Coiled Tubing Drilling: A Smarter CT Drilling System
46046 Coiled Tubing Drilling on the North Cormorant Platform
37655 Planning, execution and Review of Brent's First Coil Tubing Drilled Well
3 5 127 Coiled Tubing Drilling of Horizontal Sidetrack in House Mountain Field, Alberta
271 56 Coiled Tubing Drilling: A Means To Minimize Environmental Impact
26715 Horizontal Drilling With Coiled Tubing: A Look at Potential Application to North Sea
Mature Fields in Light of Experience Onshore The Netherlands

For an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on ww.spe.org and search the
e-Library using CTD in the "Key Word" section.

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Version 2.0.0
The development of expandable tubular technologies was initiated by the business need to reduce
drilling costs, to increase production of tubing constrained wells and to enable operators to access
reservoirs that could otherwise not be reached economically.

Str'ess Strain Curve - Tensile Specimen


The principle of the downhole expansion Strain to frattutw~e b:

UGMrm stra-i i
is the cold working (permanently
deforming) of steel in its plastic region.
This technology is fairly fundamental
and has many applications. However, to
do this downhole with oilfield tubular
goods is rather complex. The objective of
downhole expansion is to increase the
diameter of the tubular while providing
the required tension, compression, burst
and collapse resistance.
E T ~ . ~ . Engineering stmin

The construction of wells involves a few basic activities:

Cutting away hundreds of tons of rock

Installing hundreds of tons of steel lining (casing)

Filling the excess space (annulus) with hundreds of tons of cement.

Would it not be more efficient and cost effective to drill a hole and subsequently line it with a
pipe having an outside diameter equal to the inside diameter of the hole or that of the previous
installed pipe?

Expandable technology provides such an option!

Expanded tubular applications

Comp.arative qeli des" ns usin exparded
and nun-expan ed tubu ars K concentrate on reducing the telescopic
profile of well designs. Casing and liners
can be expanded against the previous
casinglliner in such a way that each
5- Rul.
'tubing time they are installed, the inside
diameter is just reduced by twice the
tubular wall thickness. Furthermore,
expandable well bore tubulars give new
(or extended) life to existing well bores
through capabilities for selective water
shut-off, damaged casing and tubing repair or for increasing burst and collapse ratings by
cladding the inside of casing and tubing.

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Version 2.00
The concept of tubular expansion was first tested by Shell in Rijswijk, around 1993. In the early
expansion days, the pipe was constructed of special automotive steel, similar to that used in the
crumple zone of a car. Not really applicable for installation in oil and gas wells, but it was the start
of an alternative way of looking at borehole lining.

Since the beginning of 1997, expandable oilfield tubular goods have been available in the

The expandable products can be used in a wide variety of applications, from Alternative Borehole
Liner (ABL@' - a slotted pipe installed and expanded in open hole for formation stabilisation) to
mono diameter wells, wells having one single internal diameter from top to bottom.

Up until the end of 2003, two main suppliers of the technology, Enventure and Weatherford
installed more than 450 expandable products worldwide. Shell installed + 30 % of these products.
Other suppliers like Baker are entering the market and have installed a small number of products
for several operators.

During the development, testing and installation of the expandable products, typical teething
problems were encountered. A review of these problems has resulted in:

4 Modifications to the relevant product

The (recommended) use of additional items

Modified procedures

Stricter installation and manufacturing controls.

At the moment it is fair to say that because of the abovementioned actions, expandable products
have a success ratio which is equal or better than relevant conventional products.

The chance of a successful installation is greater than 95 %.

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Version 2.0.0
The principle of a cemented completion is relatively straight forward, once the reservoir section
has been drilled, the completion is run straight into the open hole and cemented in place. There is
no need to run a liner and the cement also replaces the production packer. This does not affect the
integrity of the well as long as the cement column provides an effective barrier. Therefore integrity
of the cement job is paramount.

The cementing operation is, in essence,

like cementing any another casing string,
however the inclusion of a control line at
surface for the subsurface safety valve
(SSSV) complicates matters as it prevents
any pipe rotation which would be typically 7" X L Y '
done on a liner job. This makes it more
difficult to ensure a good cement bond Srdinn 5 t h

across the reservoir.

9 5cW Wng-

In order to maximise the chances of an

effective cement bond it is critical to
ensure that all cement is correctly
displaced. The internal bore of the tubing
and jewellery must not be contaminated
by cement as this would result in a costly
clean out operation prior to perforating the Conventional Vs Cemenred complerion

Contrary to conventionally completed wells, drilling fluid rather than completion fluid is left in the
"A" annulus. Chemically this is not an issue but depending on the weight of the fluid, pressure
testing of the "A'' annulus may be a potential showstopper. Timing of the tubing and "A" annulus
pressure tests is also critical to ensure that the integrity of the cement bond is not compromised.

Other issues include:

Ensuring good open hole condition in which to run the completion
Life cycle stress analysis of the completion tubing as it is anchored in position by the cement.
Effective management of the interface between seawater displacement fluid and cement in the
well and at surface.
Designing the well for the completion rather than the completion for the well.

Failure mechanisms for cemented completions include:

"A"annulus pressure test failing due to a poor cement bond or
Tubing leak
The inability to install or test the wireline retrievable subsurface safety valve (WRSSSV).

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The basic outline procedure for a cemented completion operation is as follows:
1. Drill to TD, circulate the hole clean and POOH. (Perform openhole logging if required).
2. Run completion to T D including Safety Valve Landing Nipple (SVLN) and control line.
3. Make up, land and pressure test the hanger, tie back control lines to surface.
4. Cement through the completion string displacing the cement with seawater and taking
returns through the "A" annulus valves. Top of cement in the previous casing shoe.
5. Pressure and inflow test the tubing and "A" annulus.
6. Install and test the Wireline Retrievable SSSV.
7. Set a shallow barrier in the tubing to enable BOPS to be removed and xmas tree to be
8. Recover shallow barrier, perforate and hand over the well to production.

Should the well not go as planned the main contingency following the cementation of the
completion is to cut and retrieve the completion above the top of cement and re-run it with a
convention packer and overshot to go over the stump of the well.

The main advantage of the concept is financial, typical savings are in the range of $0.5Mln-
$1.OMln. This saving can be roughly broken down in to the following:
Rig Time - $5 OOK
Equipment (Production packer, Liner Hanger etc) $500K
Eliminate Clean up operations - $100K

Most of the cemented completions to date have been done in:

SEPCo (South Texas) - >250,
PDO (Oman) > 40
AFPC (Syria) > 30.
Shell EPE have carried out 13 so far in the North Sea - all on the mature assets.

Further information on Cemented Completions can be found in the Cemented Completions CIN
area of the Wells Global Network (WGN). A link is provided here:
networks.shell.co~nlfor~~nslnetworksldisutc.c~lwseicesfolder~ra~nell01001/0/dtIfllf 41

A number of SPE papers have also been written on the subject of cemented completions and make
excellent background reading. The following table outlines the current papers available:

75700 Safe and Economic Gas Wells through Cement Design for the Life of the Well
67820 Planning and Execution of Big Bore Wells - Offshore N W Australia
84267 South Texas Hybrid Monobore High Pressure, High Temperature Well Design
84173 Underbalanced Drilling with Casing Evolution in the South Texas Vicksburg

For an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on www.spe.oEg and search the
e-Library using Cemented Completion in the "Key Word" section.

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A good alternative to cementing yet still gaining zonal isolation is the swelling packer. The
concept of the Swelling packer is extremely simple. The packer is made up of a rubber element
vulcanised to the outside diameter of the pipe (Liner). When run in hole on pup joints specific to
the spacing of the completion intervals, the rubber element absorbs aromatic hydrocarbons or
formation water (depending on type) which causes it to expand until equilibrium.

The drilled formation is normally irregular and as the elastomer expands, it can conform to the
required shape against the formation.

The first ever application of a swellable packer was by Norske Hydro in well 25111-G21 in
December 2001. The first application by Shell was in June 2003 in two South Furious wells in
Shell Malaysia EP.

It is envisaged that these packers will be mainly used in the open hole environment. However, the
low sealing pressure against the formation means that they could also be used within casing as a
liner top packers, etc.

The main advantages of the Swelling Packers are:

Simple Design
No extra runs for mechanical inflation
Can potentially eliminate cementation, clean up, perforation and the requirement for liner top
Self healing properties
No environmental impact

The main disadvantages of the Swelling Elastomers are as follows:

Relatively new technology, limited field application and history

Testing is recommended with regards to explosive decompression for wells with free gas and
very high drawdown pressures
Once swollen the packer is irretrievable
Not enough field experience to confirm the longevity of the packer life

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There are two categories of swelling packer - water swellable and oil swellable.

Water Swellable:
Developed by Shell EPT
Swelling mechanism: osmosis process
Around 44 applications in Shell
Used in water injectors and for water
shut-offs Water Swellable Elastomer

Typical temperature range: 50 - 90°C

Maximum water salinity: 20%
Highest tested pressure differential: 3 50
bar (5000 psi)
Typical swelling time 14-50 days

Oil Swellable Elastomer

Oil Swellable:

Developed by Easy Well Solutions (EWS)

Swelling mechanism: diffusion of hydrocarbons
Around 15 applications in Shell, 50 in industry
Primarily used in oil wells
Typical temperature range: 80-130°C
Highest tested pressure differential: 240 bar (3500 psi, higher ratings possible)
Typical swelling time 15-20 days

The choice between running an oil or water swellable or indeed mixed packer is not
straightforward. Both packers will expand in the others environment (Oil swellable only requires
2% hydrocarbons and will swell in oil-based mud. The water swellable packer will also swell in
oil-based mud as it is usually around 30% water!!)

When considering using swelling packers for zonal isolation, the following should be discussed in

Water Or Oil Based Swelling Packer

Length Of Seal Required (Maximum Differential Pressure Seal)
Swell Volume
Time To Swell
Self Healing Element
Sand Face Erosion

Further information on swelling packers can be found in the Common Interest Network area of
the Wells Global Network (WGN). A link is provided here:

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Version 2.0.0
A number of SPE papers have also been written on the implementation of swelling elastomers and
make excellent background reading. The following table outlines the current papers available:

92346 Deployment of Swelling Elastomer Packers in Shell E&P

91005 Through Tubing Rotary Drilling: A Cost Effective Method of Sidetracking Wells in
Mature Assets
78495 Using Solids Expandable Tubulars for Open Hole Water Shut Off
81489 Water Production Management - PDO's Successful Application of Expandable
88026 Worlds Longest Expandable Open Hole Clad & Open Hole Liner With Swelling Elastomer
Deployed in Yibal Horizontal Well
88736 Expandable Tubular Completions for Carbonate Reservoirs

For an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on www.spe.org and search the
e-Library using Swelling Elastomers in the "Key Word" section.

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Version 2.00
Casing Drilling is where the traditional drill pipe is replaced with casing allowing the well to be
simultaneously drilled and cased. This is extremely valuable in areas where a lot of Non Productive
Time (NPT) due to shale instability, formation depletion, stuck pipe, well control and losses is
encountered. The diagram below gives an overview of the various systems deployed for each phase
of the well:


b&g +trievStrk - O@BLL casing S k

- V ~ l mhdsr
l d y e d 1 &I f /ion
Wl vs W a d MI.

The main benefits of implementing casing drilling are:

Elimination of tripping the drill pipe

Confidence to slim down well designs by mitigating conventional NPT.

Reduce the time it takes to drill the sequence of wells

Increase the number of wells that can be drilled from the same budget.

Less tubular handling therefore less HSE exposure

Continual circulation while tripping with retrievable BHA's

Synergy with other technologies, UBD, TTRD, Rotary steerable systems (RS), Air Drilling

Batch Drilling / Campaign opportunity ta get maximum learning quickly

Poge 8/4/24 WDlP - Advonced welt technology

Version 2.0.0
There are however some technical challenges to implementing this technology and these can be
summarised as follows:

Changing the bit and bottom-hole assembly

Casing connections - Handling drilling loads, fatigue and costs

Directional Drilling track record

Formation Evaluation

Cementing with a pump down float

Drilling out of the previous casing shoe with next casing drilling assembly

There are three Casing Drilling systems presently available:-

1. Non Retrievable - Drillable casing Shoe (Weatherford / Baker)

- Can drill out for subsequent casing strings

- Vertical holes only and 1 bit per hole section

- Requires Top drive to realise maximum potential

2. Non Retrievable - Conventional Bit / BHA (Standard BHA's cemented i n place)

- Simple and cheaper - sacrificial systems

- Option to sidetrack I 1 bit per hole section.

3. Retrievable BHA's (Tescol Baker I Sperry Sun)

- Allows directional, logging, Coring

- Requires Casing drilling enabled rig and surface equipment

Further information on casing drilling can be found in the Common Interest Network area of the
Wells Global Network (WGN). A link is provided here:

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Version 2.00
A number of SPE papers have also been written on the implementation of casing drilling and
make excellent background reading. The following table outlines the current papers available:

52789 Casing Drilling: A Revolutionary Approach to Reducing Well Cost

59179 Casing Drilling: Application Design Considerations

6773 1Casing Drilling: An emerging Technology

For an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on www.sDe.org

. C . and search the
e-Library using Casing Drilling in the "Key Word" section.

Other (non SPE) papers written include:

Madell, Garret, Tessari. R. M., and Warren, Tommy, "Casing Drilling an Innovative Approach to
Reducing Well Cost", Paper Number 99-121, CADE/CAODC Drilling Conference, Calgary,
April 7 - 8,1999.

Laurent, M, Angman, P, and Oveson, D., "A New generation Drilling Rig: Hydraulically
Powered and Computer Controlled", Paper Number 99-120, CADEICAODC Drilling
Conference, Calgary, April 7 - 8, 1999.

Tessari. R. M., Madell, Garret, and Warren, Tommy, "Drilling with Casing Promises Major
Benefits", Oil and Gas Journal, Val. 97 No. 20, May 17,1999, pp 58-62.

Warren, Tommy M., Houtchens, Bruce, and Portas, W . R (Bill), Jr. "Directional Drilling with
Casing Reduces Drilling Time",

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Version 2.0.0
Multilateral technology allows the drilling of more than one production or injection conduit from a
single well slot. This can be done either by simple open hole sidetracks which are the cheapest

- ,x-
option, or the degree of complexity can be increased to ensure that there is a full metal seal
throughout the drilled well for maximum integrity.

The degree of complexity is driven by the reservoir or

reservoirs that are to be penetrated. Highly stable
reservoirs can simply be open hole side tracked if the
formation is strong enough to support the reservoir
pressure drop throughout the life of the well. When this is
not possible, then the next level of complexity is required
where a liner or screen is required to support the well

If the Multi-lateral junction is vulnerable, then a steel

liner, tied back into the casing main bore, may be
rn TAML Classificatio~
required. These levels of complexity have been defined by
TAML (Technical Advancement of Multi-Laterals):

Level 1 - Open Hole Junction

Level 2 - Cased Or Open - Not Cemented

Level 3 - Mechanical Tie-Back, But No Seal

Level 4 - Cemented Junction-Integrity From CementlFormation Strength

Level 5 - Mechanical Sealed Junction From Completion

Level 6 - Mechanical Sealed Junction From Casing

The main advantages of Multilaterals are as follows:

Health, Safety and Environment

- Additional Rig Move not required

- Reduction in repetitive rig operations - BOP and High pressure line hookup and testing,
flow and return lines to pits, V-door and catwalk, Pipedeck layout, etc

- Drilling, fluids handling, casing operations, riser movement, flowline1 tree hookups etc.

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- Environmental Footprint, platforms or land sites

- Flow control and well shut off facilities are shared for all multilateral branches


- Increased reservoir exposure which reduces the drawdown across the formation and delays
onslaught of water or gas breakthrough.

- More efficient exploitation of complex reservoirs (40-70s improvement over a horizontal


- Assists in Reservoir Mobility


- No (or minor) added cost for the main bore and surface equipment

- No additional slot use on an offshore platform

- Increased NPV by accelerating production

- Abandonment costs are reduced. (If lateral legs are in different reservoirs there may be
additional work required to access each leg however this is mitigated against by the lack
of rig move)

Implementing a multilateral is not straight forward and there are a number of challenges which
need to be addressed:

A multilateral is more complex than a single horizontal hole section. The challenge is to
design the well with the minimum TAML level and thereby reduce complexity (and cost) of
the well.

Increased well construction risks, junction area. As more Multi-lateral wells are being drilled
then lessons learned and equipment improvements are reducing these risks.

Mitigate by proper junction selection.

More complex production control. There may be a need to have the ability to selectively
produce either leg. This can be achieved with downhole flow control devices such as sliding
sleeves. To be economical the Capex increase should be no greater than 50% for a dual lateral

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Further information on multilaterals can be found in the Common Interest Network area of the
Wells Global Network (WGN). A link is provided here:

A lot of SPE papers have also been written on the implementation of multilaterals and make
excellent background reading. The following table outlines some of the current Shell papers

90245 The Analytical Solution for Wellbore Stability in Multilateral Junctions in Non-
hydrostatic In-Situ Stress Field

63813 Burst and Collapse of a Sealed Multilateral Junction: Numerical Simulations

63267 Multilateral Technology, State-of-the- Art Downhole Milling Equipment, and

Underbalanced Perforating Techniques Combine to Meet Challenges to Maximize Last Slot on
Subsea Template

57283 Use of Formed Metal Technology to Provide Low-Risk Solutions to High-End

Multilateral Completion Challenges

56954 Multilateral Well Utilization on the Increase

56931 Optimised Slot Utilization with a Geosteered Multilateral Well

56669 Use of Formed Metal Technology to Provide Low-Risk Solutions to High-End

Multilateral Completion Challenges

54115 Long-Stroke Pumping System at Shell Canada's Peace River Multilateral Thermal

52873 Burst and Collapse of a Sealed Multilateral Junction: Numerical Simulations

For an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on www.spe.org and search the
e-Library using "Multilaterals" in the "Key Word" section.

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The aim of this technology is to create a multi-disciplinary work environmenr that will allow the
onshore and offshore drilling teams to collaborate with subsurface colleagues in a real-time
common visual environment. This will create value in these main areas of well construction:

Well Planning Phase

Operational (Drilling) Phase

Reservoir Navigation (Geosteering) Phase

The use of visualisation and coIlaboration tools helps to break down some of the traditional barriers
between disciplines and can also be used to strengthen links with service providers. This will lead
to the following benefits:

Reduced Well Planning Cycle times

Reduced Well Construction Costs by minimising N P T and rig time

Improved HSE performance from remote operations and effective mitigation of drilling hazards

Improved Knowledge Management

There are several commercially available software packages that allow 3 D visualisation and
integration between subsurface applications (seismic, geological models etc.) and well engineering
software. Shell has selected Landmark's Decision Space software as the corporate standard 3D

visualisation tool. This is PC software that allows the user to display and manipulate (rotate,

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translate, zoom) geoscience earth-model data objects together with drilling engineering and
operations data for integrated knowledge management and real-time decision-making. In
summary this software provides a 3D view of the well being drilled into the seismic.

In well planning sessions engineers and geoscientists can view seismic data, geological models and
well trajectories in 3D. The integrated well planning module is integrated with Compass and
other well engineering planning tools, which drastically reduces the cycle time for multiple well
path planning iterations, and provides a truly collaborative tool.

During the drilling phase real-time data (LWD, MWD, trajectory data and surface drilling data)
can be automatically uploaded to the drilling information database and the project database
management system via a sysrem called Wellsite Information Transfer Standard Markup
Language (WITSML).

Decision Space dynamically displays in 3D the real-time updates of well trajectories and log
curves. This allows real-time comparison of plan versus actual information and allows improved
decision-making regarding drilling operations.

There is an active Common Interest Network (CIN) for RTOC's. For further information about
RTOC's in your region please contact your local CIN representative.

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In many countries the management of waste from drilling operations is an essential part of the
licence to operate now that environmental concerns are a priority. It is also a requirement of
Shell's internal environmental policy on waste management that an annual reduction is planned.

Drilling waste may be oil mud contaminated fluids, waste muds, oil mud or hydrocarbon
contaminated cuttings. In some countries even water based muds are considered to be not
dischargeable and have to be disposed of by alternate means.

There are a number of different ways to dispose of oil based cuttings and waste liquids, they can

Transported onshore to be processed and sent to landfill sites

Re-injected down the annulus of a well - cuttings reinjection (CRI)

Processed offshore to such a level that it can be discharged to the sea

Land fill

Landfill is often the least environmentally attractive and the most expensive option. Most countries
require thermal processing of hazardous waste cuttings prior to landfill as a non hazardous waste.

Cuttings 1 Fluids Re-Injection

There are a number of different

types of Cutting Re-injection
options depending on what is
available, note that it is only on
platforms where access to the B or
C annulus is available can CRI be
performed. Legislation is different
for each region, the example below
is from the UK.

1. 'B' AntpzcExa~Itijectars

Injection is performed down the 13

318" by 9.518" annulus to the Tern 'B' Annulus CRI Schematic

mudstones at the 13 3/8" casing

shoe. As there is only a small cost involved in btaining 'Byannulus injection wells, this is by far
the most common type of injector.

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It is also possible to inject down the 20" (or 18 518") by 13 3/87' annulus to the base of the 20"
casing. Injection pressures are lower at this depth however due to the shallow injection depth the
risk of fracture growth to surface or seabed is greater limiting the ultimate injection storage

3. Resewoir Itljecors

Normally only used as a contingency measure. This has to be agreed with the reservoir engineers
as the cuttings slurry can have an adverse effect on the formation.

4. Dedicated Injection Well

The final and most expensive option is to modify a suspended or abandoned well for injection to
the intermediate depth 13 318" casing shoe or thereabouts. It is possible to perforate the tubing
and through the 9 518" casing into the 12 !A" hole formations at a pre-selected depth for injection.
Note that the deeper the injection depth the greater the surface injection pressure (function of the

A further scenario may involve the drilling of dedicated

cuttings reinjection wellls for the project.

Full details and procedures can be found in the document

GUIDELINES", document no. 0163-001.

Interfield Drilling Waste Transfer:

In February 2004 a 10 year Licence from the Department

of trade and industry (DTI) was granted to Tern A in the
North Sea for the interfield disposal of "drilling cuttings

drilling fluid and cuttings waste from other Shell operated

North Sea ventures to the Tern Alpha where it is processed and injected.

Offshore Thermal Cuttings Processing:

This system takes the cuttings and crushes them with

high-speed hammers. The mechanical energy is
transformed into heat due to the friction created by
rotation of the hammermill and the oil and water is flashed
off at 260° C and the vapours are then condensed into oil
and water. This process can deal with the equivalent of
Discharge of processed cuttings below sea
6OftIhr 12 !A" hole or 12OftIhr 8 ?4." hole. It is a new level
technology and there are few units available worldwide for
offshore use.

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The offshore thermal process can process cuttings to on average 0.28% oil on cuttings and
discharge water to less than 40ppm continuously (2003 status).

Drilling Related Fluid Waste:

There are a variety of processes available to treat waste fluids from clean ups, pit cleaning,
displacements etc that are available. These all have the advantage that the bulk fluid is treated
offshore and the volume reduced substantially such that the contaminated fluid returned to shore
for processing is minimal. This reduces the cost as less transportation costs are involved.

There are many papers on CRI, Drilling Waste Management available on the SPE e-library. For
an up to date list of relevant papers go on to the SPE website on www.spe.org and search the e-

There is also an active Common Interest Network (CIN) for Drilling Waste Disposal. For further
information about this in your region please contact your local CIN representative.

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Historically, the main operations carried out by
slick-line have been to run/pull protection
sleeves, setting plugs, shifting sleeves and
drifting a well to determine potential ID or
depth restrictions due to scale/solids build-up
prior to conducting electric-line (e-line)
operations such as logging or perforating.

The requirement for e-line and not slickline in

such operations has been due to the depth
correlation within +/- 2 feet being critical.

However, slick-line systems are now available

that provide comparable depth correlation to
that of traditional electric-line logs.

The obvious benefits of using Intelligent Slick- , I

€-Line Log Slickline Log
Line to carry out the complete operation are: Two collar locator logs from same well. The significant differences, the
slick line log took less than half the time to run and ir cosr 30-5046 less.

One equipment set I crew to perform full

Courtesy Hdiburton.
wire-line operation.

Less personnel and equipment required on sit

Enhanced pressure control.

No radio silence required.

Job cost reduction.

Smaller equipmentlfootprint.

Depth accuracy to +I- 2 feet.

The Capacitance Array Tool (CAT) has 12 sensors around thc
tool instead of 4. The CAT can also log in and out of the well
giving 1 pass data.

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The emergence of "Intelligent Slick-Line" has been facilitated by the introduction of improved
depth measurement hardware in conjunction with software, new correlating tools, improved
setting tools and radio safe tools.

Slick-Line units can now accurately run plugs, packers, logging tools, samplers, dump bailers,
perforating guns and cutters on depth. Systems from most contractors are portable for use with
any slick-line unit, can be used in 25% Cr completions, Zone I capability and full range of tools,
including HPHT, are available.

As for the future of Intelligent Slick-Line, the introduction of slick fibre optic or conductor line is
deemed possible, together with advancing the earlier systems that had depth limitations and
hence extending the operating envelope.

For further details of Intelligent Slick-Line and applications, the following SPE Papers can be

8 1536, An Improved Method of Slickline Perforating

72325 A New Electronic Firing Head for Slickline Explosive Services

71560 Field Validation of 3-Dimensional Drag Model for Tractor and Cable-Conveyed Well

7003 1 Slickline-Deployed Electro-Mechanical Intervention System: A Cost-Effective Alternative

to Traditional Cased-Hole Services

597 10 Innovations in Slickline Technology

5 1183 Field Cases of Cost-Efficient Slickline Well Interventions

38549 Spinners Run While Perforating

SPE 38097, Field Cases of Cost Efficient Well Interventions Performed With Advanced Slickline

35236 Low Cost Solutions for Well Interventions Through Advanced Slickline Services

29459 A Battery-Operated, Electro-Mechanical Setting Tool for Use with Bridge Plugs and
Similar Wellbore Tools

26742 The Development and Application of a Slickline Retrievable Bridge Plug

26063 New Electronic Measurement System Enhances Slickline Service Capabilities

SPE 15606, Development of Slickline Logging Tools for Very High-Temperature Applications

There is an active Common Interest Network (CIN) for Intelligent Slickline. For further
information in your region please contact your local CIN representative.

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Perforating is a critical component in well completions, representing the connection point
between formation and wellbore. Currently available perforator technology has not evolved
significantly in more than a decade. The result is a significant amount of locked in production
potential due to sub optimal completions.

Internally Shell has recognised the lack of progress in this

area and has invested in third party perforating Research
and Development (R&D) in order to stimulate innovation.
A number of enhanced perforating charges have been
successfully developed and deployed since 2000. In essence
an enhanced charge is either: (1

An existing premium charge which has been modified

or tuned Perforating Charge

Or a completely new and radical design

Or existing charges being deployed in a novel manner

In all cases however an enhanced perforator should provide the maximum productivity and
penetration (for Deep Penetrating charges only) under representative downhole conditions. This
means the performance of the charge system has been tested under representative stress (actual
overburden and reservoir pressures), rock strength and underbalance conditions.

Existing enhanced perforators have been designed with high rock strength, high effective stress
and low underbalance conditions, thus providing worst case design criteria.

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Key advantages of Enhanced Perforators include:

Enhanced production from all wells

Low cost alternative to well stimulation (matrix acidising & hydraulic fracturing)

Substantially lower cost I environmental impact alternative to UBD

Maximised production from low productivity I poor quality reservoirs

Maximise inflow from slirnhole (TTRD) environment

A number of enhanced perforators have been developed and qualified via the Intervention
Equipment Review Team (IERT) process already. These include the following types currently
available via Halliburton:

1 34" Liquid deployed only Dominator (6spf GO0 phased, HMX, Hollow carrier)

3 3/s" Liquid deployed only Dominator (6spf 60° phased, HMX, Hollow carrier)

3 3/8" GasILiquid Dominator SR-2 (6spf 60° phased, HNS, Hollow carrier, IGP)

3 ?h"GaslLiquid Dominator (6spf GO0 phased, HMX, Hollow carrier)

For more general information on perforating please speak to your asset Production Technologist,
Concept Design Completion Engineer, local PGFT (Perforation Global Focus Team) member or
refer to the following Shell guidelines (EP94-0208) entitled Completion Design - Perforating.

The guidelines can be accessed from the SIEP Drilling Engineering Advanced Document browser
under the 'Well Construction I Modification I Abandonment' folder from the following website:
- -

Please note these guidelines are currently undergoing a full revision by the PGFT due to the many
changes in the perforating market since 1994. Hence apply caution when using them and always
speak with a Production Technologist and Completions engineer when reviewing perforation

The technology has been successfully applied on the Penguins, Pierce, North Cormorant and Scott
fields in the North Sea and has been shown to provide significant value to the teams involved due
to the increased well productivity. For example the Penguins team calculated E900K value per
well, in addition to the technology being a key enabler in the development of this field.

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Typical problems which require enhanced charges are:

Deep Filtrate Invasion, thick cement layer or severe impairment

Tight reservoirs I High Rock strength & High stress reservoirs

Severe scaling potential

Dual I multiple string penetration

Poor initial perforation gun performance

IGP (Sand Control) - productivity, hot spotting & gravel placement

Highly Laminated Formations or oil rims

Reduced ID / Slimhole systems ('ITRD)

There are numerous papers on the subject of perforating, although there is little emphasis on the
development of next generation enhanced perforators. Most of the experience within this field is
retained in-house, so make sure you speak to your local PGFT member for more details.


Cableless Communications Systems (CCS) allow for the transmission of data from (and to) remote
sources in pseudo real time (Pseudo real time as the transmission of the data is not instantaneous).
The current use of this technology allows for pressure and temperature data to be transmitted
from remote gauges downhole to surface without the need for electrical cabling. This system is
currently available only through Expro Group and is known as CaTS.

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The Cableless Telemetry System,
or CaTS as it is known, consists of
two components, namely the
downhole transmitter assembly
and the topside receiver assembly.
Their combined function is to
recover data from the downhole
location to the surface without
using a cable. The signals received
at surface are then decoded and
stored or transmitted to the
operator in the required format.

CaTS uses the steel completion for

Electro-Magnetic (E-M) signal
propagation at Extremely Low
Frequencies (ELF). This allows
data to be sent over significant
distances without the need for
cables, electrical insulation of the completion or the use of completion systems with special
electrical properties. The surface data pick-up can be at the wellhead, or in certain cases some
way downstream of the wellhead, within the flowline /gathering station complex. This is a
definitive advantage in areas with remote wellheads, and where it is desirable to minimise the
value of equipment located on the wellhead.

The Specifications of the downhole assembly are:

Dimensions: 30' long (approx.) and 2.5'Aiameter

Pressure and Temperature Ratings: 125degC and 7500psi.

Deployment: Typically wireline with tubing sizes from 4" upwards.

Depth: Limited by signal attenuation and number of data transmission readings required.
Well must be characterised before installation.


It can be used in any well monitoring application where pseudo real-time data is required. It can
be run with the completion or (more usually) as a retro-fit device where it is conveyed and set on
wireline. Accordingly, it has a wide range of applications in the monitoring of reservoir data where
complex well configurations are uti1ised:-

Long-term and quasi-permanent well and reservoir monitoring applications

Monitoring of complex completions (i.e. multi-laterals)

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Artificial lift monitoring (i.e. Beam pumps)


The use of ELF does limit the available data rate. To optirnise the value of data being sent from
the downhole tools, there are options available such as data compression, configurable data
schemes, and event scheduling. In addition since it is cable-less it is necessary for the downhole
tool to have its own power supply. This further limits the amount of data packages which can be
transmitted and is generally a function of the depth of the tool.

The tool has had good success in shallow water and land operations worldwide but was very poor
when used in deeper offshore (North Sea) applications. This poor response is caused by increased
signal attenuation and more noise offshore. It is important to characterise the well first by
performing a channel test to determine the optimum setting depth of the tool and associated
attenuation function with depth.

The tool has been successfully run in the

following locat ions:

Onshore BSP, Brunei, Well S354

Onshore BSP, Brunei, Well S721

Onshore BSP, Brunei, Well S813

CCS Tool
Onshore SPDC, Nigeria, Well Imo River 60

Offshore SSB, Malaysia, Well SF36

Offshore SSB, Malaysia, Well SF39

For more information relating to CCSICaTS please speak to the relevant EPT-R global
implementation engineer or the relevant Shell Europe Well Engineering Technology Capability
engineer as this is where the majority of the experience currently resides.

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Appendix 1 Abbreviations
API American Petroleum Institute

BA Breathing Apparatus

BBD Big Bore Dummy (SSSV Protection)

BHA Bottom Hole Assembly

BHT Bottom Hole Temperature

BOP Blow Out Preventors

CIN Common Interest Network

CITHP Closed In Tubing Head Pressure

CRI Cuttings Re-Injection

CTD Coiled Tubing Drilling

DC Drill Collar

DLS Dog Leg Section

DP Drill Pipe

BCD Equivalent C~rculatingDensity

EKD Early Kick Detection

FBG Formation Breakdown Gradient

GLM Gas Lift Mandrel

GLV Gas Lifr Valve

GP Gravel Pack

GPM Gallons Per Minute

GRE Glass Reinforced Epoxy

HBD Huge Bore Dummy QSSV Protection)

H P l HT High Pressure I H ~ g hTemperature

HUD Hold Up Depth

ID Internal Diameter

KOP Kick Off Point

K P ~ Kilo Pascal

LCM Loss Control Material

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LSA Low Specific Activity (Scale)
LWD Logging \Vhile Drilling
MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Standpipe Pressure
MD Measured Depth
M\VD Measurement While Drilling
OBM Oil Based Mud
OD Outer Diameter

PBR Polished Bore Receptacle

POOH Pull Out Of Hole


Positive Displacement Motor

Pounds Per Thousand Foot

PT Petroleum Technologisr
P\VD Pressure While Drilling
PRA Qualitarive I Quantitative Risk Assessment
RIH Run In Hole
ROP Rare Of Penetration
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SIEP Shell International Exploration and Production
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
SSSV Sub Surface Safery Valve
TD Total Deprh
TDS Top Dtive System
TOC Top Of Cement
TR SSSV Tubing Retrievable Sub Surface Safety Valve
?TD Through Tubing Drilling
XTRD Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
UBD Underbalanced Drilling
VCM Versa Wean Mud

WBM Water Based Mud

\VOC Wait on Cement

WOB Weight On Bit

WR SSSV \Viseline Retrievable Sub Surface Safety Valve

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