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Draft Resolution

Speaking Sponsors: The People’s Republic of China


Signatories: The Republic of Turkey

AGENDA: Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of

Fostering Global Peace;

The United Nations Security Council,

Emphasising the regulation of AI,

Ensuring the integrity of humanitarian laws with the use of Artificial intelligence,

Deescalating the race for Artificial Intelligence weaponization,

Condemning fully autonomous Artificial Intelligence weaponization,

Promoting global development and peaceful cooperation,

Liberalising the international trade of Artificial Intelligence,

Establishing a basis for future AI-based laws and regulations,

Realizing the potential of weaponizing Artificial Intelligence being misused,

Reviewing the international law pertaining to Artificial Intelligence,

1. Enacts the AIDP (Artificial Intelligence Disarmament Pact) which shall be signed by
all member states, implying the following:
a) All member states shall comply to deescalating and eradicating all weaponized
Artificial Intelligence falling under the category of ‘fully autonomous’,
i) The member states will be required to be rid of all Lethal Autonomous
Weapons (LAWs) within 4 months,
ii) The remaining fully autonomous weapons must be eradicated and
neutralized by the end of 2024,
iii) All member states will be required to provide monthly reports to the
UNSC until 2024,
b) Fully autonomous weaponry shall be classed as ‘Weapons of Mass
Destruction’ and the production of them shall be ceased immediately,
c) AIDP shall not be applicable to semi-autonomous weapons;
2. Suggests the creation of a subsidiary body answerable to the United Nations Security
Council to regulate and deliberate upon Artificial Intelligence,
a) A council by the name United Nations Council on Artificial Intelligence (UNCAI)
should be created,
b) It should be a suggestive body in form,
c) The council should host open representation to all member states of the UN,
d) The council should convene to discuss and regulate Artificial Intelligence in all
fields where it is applicable whilst developing plans for the advancement and
development of Artificial Intelligence to ensure maximum productivity,
e) The funding for this council shall be provided by member states with respect to
their contribution in Artificial Intelligence;

3. Implores all member states to refrain from the deployment, production and use of
semi-autonomous weapons in order to reduce international tensions and prevent the
build-up of another arms development race;

4. Liberalises international trade and demands the lifting of all trade barriers put in place
with respect to Artificial Intelligence,
a) International trade barriers should be lifted to ensure uniform and productive
development on an international level,

5. Recommends that all nations establish national laws and regulations upon the use of
AI with emphasis upon humanitarian rights,
a) Regulations should be put in place preventing the damage of sentiments of certain
b) All willing member states should opt for the creation of a national regulatory body
for Artificial Intelligence to ensure that it is not misused,
i) The produced body should have the power to overlook and manage
privatised as well as public endeavors in Artificial Intelligence,
ii) The body should be interlinked with the UNCAI;

6. Urges member states that are developed in Artificial Intelligence to provide aid to
developing countries to promote uniformity and global peace,
a) Member states classed as ‘developed’ should export Artificial Intelligence related
produce at subsidized rates,
b) The classification of ‘Developed’ will be provided by the following factors:
i) The economic strength and integrity of the nation,
ii) The nation’s investment in Artificial Intelligence,
iii) The nation’s total development in Artificial Intelligence,
c) The member states on the receiving end will have the following criteria taken into
i) The economic strength and integrity of the nation,
ii) The nation’s investment in Artificial Intelligence,
iii) The nation’s total development in Artificial Intelligence
iv) The nation’s development and requirement for Artificial Intelligence to
support other sectors of development such as healthcare;

7. Requests member states to use Artificial Intelligence in non-military sectors for

increased development primarily to increase the aid in healthcare, education and other
similar sectors;

8. Initiates the use of Artificial Intelligence in conflict analysis and peace mediation on
an international forum;

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