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University of Anbar Subject: Foundation Engineering II /CE4337

College of Engineering Stage: Year 4

Civil Engineering Dep. Time: 1 hours
Date: 25/3/2024 Examiner: Dr. Ahmed Hazem
Dr. Maher Z. Al-Rawi
Semester Exam – 2nd (2023-2024)
Note: Answer all the questions (Max Score 40)
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Q1/ Choose the correct answer. (20 Marks)

1- On designing retaining walls it is necessary to take care of _________ exerted by soil mass.
a) Erosion b) Lateral pressure c) Surcharge d) Vertical stress e) Shear strength

2- The material retained by the retaining wall is known as________

a) roof b) slab c) backfill d) footing e) walling

3- The backfill has its top surface ____________

a) horizontal only b) inclined only c) both horizontal and inclined d) vertical only e) vertical
and horizontal

4- The portion of backfill lying above a horizontal plane of wall is called ________
a) surcharge b) base c) foot d) truss e) stem wall

5- The coefficient of earth pressure when the soil is at equilibrium is ___________

a) σv /σh b) σh /σv c) σv×σh d) σ1 / σ3 e) σ2/σ3

6- Based on the assumptions of Rankine’s theory, the soil mass is __________

a) Stratified b) Submerged c) homogenous and roughness d) All of the mentioned e) none of them

7- For a dry backfill with no surcharge, the active earth pressure intensity in sand is _________
a) σa=Ka γH b) σa =γH c) σa =Ka H d) σa =Ka γ e) σa =qKa

8- The resultant active pressure per unit length of wall for dry backfill with no surcharge in sand
a) Pa=1/2KaγH2 b) Pa=γH2 c) Pa=Ka γH2 d) Pa=Ka H2 e) Pa=qKa H2

9- The resultant active pressure per unit length of wall for dry backfill with no surcharge acting at
_________ above the base of wall.
a) H/2 b) H c) H/6 d) H/3 e) H/4

10. When the surcharge angle reduces to zero, the coefficient of active earth pressure is given by_____
a) Ka=1 b) Ka=1−sinφ/1+sinφ c) Ka=1+sinφ/1−sinφ d) Ka=0 e) Ka=1-sinφ

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11- Compute the active pressure intensity when the sand backfill has unit weight of 18 kN/m3 and
height of wall is 6 m. The angle of internal friction is 30°.
a) 45 kN/m b) 36 kN/m2 c) 87 kN/m2
d) 27 kN/m2 e) 35 kN/m2

12- For an angle of internal friction of 30o, the values of coefficients of active and passive earth
pressures are given by a _____ and ____ respectively.
a) 1/3, 3 b) 1/5, 5 c) 3, 1/3 d) 5, 1/5 e) 1/2, 2

13- Compute the passive pressure intensity when the backfill has unit weight of γ=18 kN/m3 and
height of wall is 6 m. The coefficient of active earth pressure Ka=1/3.
a) 176 kN/m3 b) 154 kN/m3 c) 324 kN/m3 d) 476 kN/m3 e) 576 kN/m3

14- Find the tension crack depth of retaining wall is supported a cohesive soil of c= 18KN/m2, φ=0
and γ=18KN/m2.
a) 5m b) 2m c) 8m d) 9m e) 12m

15- If a backfill has unit weight of 12 kN/m3 and the equivalent height of surcharge as 3m, then find
the surcharge.
a) 12 kN/m2 b) 25 kN/m2 c) 36 kN/m2 d) 75 kN/m2 e) 68 kN/m2

16- When the height of retaining wall is 6m in sand soil, then the location of point of application of
the resultant force from the base is ________
a) 10m b) 2m c) 3m d) 7m e) 4m

17- The coefficient earth pressure at rest is ____________

a) less than coefficient of active pressure b) greater than coefficient of active pressure c) equal to
coefficient of active pressure d) one e) All of the mentioned

18- The coefficient of active earth pressure is_______ than the coefficient of passive pressure.
a) less b) greater c) equal to d)high e) more

19- For earth pressure at rest, there will be no ______

a) vertical stress b) shear stress c) horizontal stress d) both vertical and horizontal stress e)none
of the mentioned

20- The pressure distribution diagram for earth pressure at rest is ______
a) circular b) cubic c) triangular d) rectangular e) square

Q2/ / A vertical retaining wall is 6.3 m high with a horizontal backfill. For the backfill, assume that
γ= 17.9 kN/m3, φ' = 26o, and c' = 15 kN/m2. Determine the Rankine active force per unit length of the
wall before and after the occurrence of tensile crack and location of the resultant. Plot the diagram of
active earth pressure before and after tension crack. (20 Marks)

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