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Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, XX, 1-11 1

Artificial Intelligence in Eye Movements Analysis for Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Diagnosis
Shadi Farabi Maleki1, Milad Yousefi2, Navid Sobhi1, Ali Jafarizadeh1,*, Roohallah Alizadehsani3
and Juan Manuel Gorriz-Saez4,5

Nikookari Eye Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran;2Faculty of Mathematics, Statistics, and
Computer Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran;3Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation,
Deakin University, VIC3216, Australia;4Department of Signal Theory, Networking and Communications, Universidad
de Granada, Granada, Spain;5Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract: As the world's population ages, Alzheimer's disease is currently the seventh most com-
mon cause of death globally; the burden is anticipated to increase, especially among middle-class
and elderly persons. Artificial intelligence-based algorithms that work well in hospital environ-
ments can be used to identify Alzheimer's disease. A number of databases were searched for En-
glish-language articles published up until March 1, 2024, that examined the relationships between
artificial intelligence techniques, eye movements, and Alzheimer's disease. A novel non-invasive
ARTICLE HISTORY method called eye movement analysis may be able to reflect cognitive processes and identify ano-
malies in Alzheimer's disease. Artificial intelligence, particularly deep learning, and machine
Received: April 18, 2024 learning, is required to enhance Alzheimer's disease detection using eye movement data. One sort
Revised: May 14, 2024
Accepted: May 16, 2024 of deep learning technique that shows promise is convolutional neural networks, which need fur-
ther data for precise classification. Nonetheless, machine learning models showed a high degree of
10.2174/0115672050322607240529075641 accuracy in this context. Artificial intelligence-driven eye movement analysis holds promise for
enhancing clinical evaluations, enabling tailored treatment, and fostering the development of early
and precise Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. A combination of artificial intelligence-based systems
and eye movement analysis can provide a window for early and non-invasive diagnosis of
Alzheimer's disease. Despite ongoing difficulties with early Alzheimer's disease detection, this pre-
sents a novel strategy that may have consequences for clinical evaluations and customized medica-
tion to improve early and accurate diagnosis.

Keywords: Eye movements, Alzheimer's disease, artificial intelligence, neurodegenerative disease, geriatrics, machine learn-
ing, deep learning.

1. INTRODUCTION wing concern, ADRDs affect individuals in mid-life and es-

calate in older adults, constituting a significant yet often
The aging of the world's population has led to a rise in overlooked aspect of mental health burdens [7]. Modern sci-
age-related noncommunicable diseases; Alzheimer's disease ence is working to improve AD diagnosis techniques, look-
(AD) stands out as the seventh leading cause of mortality ing for quicker, less invasive ways with higher accuracy [8,
worldwide [1]. Projections suggest that the number of AD 9].
cases could triple to 152 million by 2050 [2]. AD, responsi-
ble for 60-80% of dementia cases, is a progressive neurode- Current methods for detecting AD, such as neuroimag-
generative disease marked by cognitive, behavioral, and ing and biomarkers, have limitations in terms of accuracy,
functional impairments [3]. AD pathology shows the build- cost, availability, and ease of use. Neuroimaging techniques
up of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and extra- such as positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic
cellular amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques [4, 5]. Public health and resonance imaging (MRI) are non-invasive and offer valu-
able insights into brain structure and function. However,
healthcare systems need to tackle the challenges that are in-
they can be costly and time-consuming [10]. Biomarkers,
creasing with the growing number of people with AD. The
such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, can help diag-
burden of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias [A- nose AD with greater accuracy, but they are invasive and
DRDs] is anticipated to rise rapidly with population aging, may not be accessible to all patients [11]. With artificial in-
particularly in low- and middle-income countries [6]. A gro- telligence (AI) at the forefront of scientific advancement, tra-
ditional methods such as imaging (MRI) or computed tomog-
* Address correspondence to this author at the Nikookari Eye Center, raphy (CT) and body fluid biomarkers (CSF) may not be
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; able to distinguish early-stage advances [12] adequately. To-
E-mails:; day, early diagnosis and secure screening tools are included
1567-2050/XX $65.00+.00 © XXXX Bentham Science Publishers
2 Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Farabi Maleki et al.

in these advancements [13]. Therefore, it is imperative that those of AD but require different forms of care [23]. Mea-
eye movement (EM) data has been studied for decades and surements of CSF and other validated markers, like imaging
has expanded its relevance to AD research by offering in- modalities, are presently quite accurate in diagnosing AD
sights into cognitive and memory states. Moreover, a study [24]. While brain imaging and fluid biomarker analysis are
has surfaced that examines new and safe screening and early frequently employed, their utility is limited to specific sce-
diagnosis instruments with AI methods [14]. narios due to challenges with specificity, invasiveness, and
With a nearly 70-year history, AI is a dynamic field impairments of various cognitive, motor, and perceptual pro-
within computer science that develops systems effective at
cesses, such as working memory, learning, attention, motion
processing, and processing speed [1]. The ideal AD marker
process data, represent knowledge and promoting learning
should be non-invasive, simple, and affordable [25]. Bio-
[15, 16]. The progression of AI can be delineated through
markers like beta-amyloid and tau in CSF and brain, com-
three distinct generations. Initially, in the first generation, AI bined with neuroimaging and immunological detection, of-
primarily focused on rudimentary tasks [17]. Subsequently, fer a promising path for diagnosis. Yet, challenges like high
during the second generation, advancements led to the crea- cost and low sensitivity persist, and the relevance of specific
tion of autonomous software that can mimic human-like in- biomarkers to early and accurate AD detection remains de-
telligence. Finally, in the third generation, AI systems are batable [26]. Therefore, there is a pressing need for alterna-
poised to transcend human intellect, potentially achieving tive, accessible, and affordable methods with high sensitivi-
self-awareness [17]. This evolutionary trajectory signifies a ty in AD detection.
remarkable advancement in the field of AI research and de-
velopment [17]. AD diagnosis is difficult due to its ambiguity and multi-
faceted symptoms. However, recent findings indicate that an-
AI has the potential to assist healthcare professionals alyzing eye movements during visual exploration can reveal
with routine tasks, detection, and prescription decision-mak- insights into impaired cognitive processes [27]. Given the
ing. It also raises important questions about how to improve shared neural and vascular characteristics between the eye
healthcare's efficiency, accuracy, and impartiality [18]. This and the brain, eye movement assessment emerges as a
review explores AD detection, highlighting the importance promising alternative to identify individuals at high risk for
of early detection and going over the AI algorithm's capacity AD [28]. Evaluating eye movements may be a promising al-
to analyze eye movement data for AD detection. It provides ternative method to identify individuals at high risk for AD,
a thorough overview of the current state of Alzheimer's re- offering language-independent and culture-fair measures of
search as well as its prospects going forward. It also investi- various cognitive, motor, and perceptual processes such as
gates the limitations of the diagnostic markers used today, motion processing, attention, processing speed, inhibition,
the possibilities of EM analysis, and the revolutionary role working memory, and learning.
of AI in enhancing diagnostic capabilities. AI algorithms, Saccades, the rapid eye movements that direct attention
widely successful in medical applications, play a key role in toward visual stimuli, are fundamental to functional impair-
detecting and diagnosing various diseases [19, 20]. ments in patients with AD at mild to moderate stages and in
patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) re-
2. LITERATURE SEARCH STRATEGY semble those in mild AD patients. Lage et al. [29] found that
The Cochrane Library, PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Goo- prosaccade latencies exhibited the strongest correlations to
gle Scholar, and SpringerLink are just a few of the academic constructional and imitative praxis in the neuropsychologi-
databases that were used to review recent literature. Only En- cal assessment, suggesting that prosaccade latencies may be
glish-language publications were included in the study, affected by parietal damage in AD. Tokushige et al. [30]
which made use of the most recent data available as of found that patients with AD show longer latencies than the
March 1, 2024. The search phrases "Deep learning", "Ma- control group in horizontal and vertical prosaccades and re-
chine Learning", "Artificial Intelligence", "Eye Movement- turn saccades.
s", "Eye Tracking", "Alzheimer's disease", and "Alzheimer-- Antisaccade tasks inhibit eye movements in response to
type dementia’s" defined the keywords. This study aimed to stimuli and are associated with frontal lobe function. Dys-
obtain a comprehensive and current understanding of the re- function in antisaccade tasks indicates a significant insight
lationships among eye movements, dementia, AD, and the into neurological and psychiatric conditions, particularly in
developing fields of deep learning (DL), machine learning AD [31]. Recent research highlights the significance of the
(ML), and AI. antisaccade task as a major abnormality in early AD com-
pared to healthy controls (HCs) [32]. A study by Kaufman et
3. DIAGNOSIS OF AD al. [33] found that patients with AD and MCI had impaired
Effective AD intervention requires early diagnosis and inhibitory control and error correction in antisaccades,
ongoing observation [21]. Standard components of an AD di- which exceeded the effects of normal aging and correlated
agnostic procedure include a physical examination and struc- with dementia severity [34]. However, the task is difficult
tural imaging using techniques such as MRI and CT scan for elderly patients, especially those with dementia. Another
[22]. The primary purpose of these tests is to rule out other study by Opwonya et al. [28] revealed that prosaccade and
conditions that may present with symptoms resembling antisaccade latencies and frequency of antisaccade errors
AI in Eye Movement Analysis for Alzheimer Alzheimer’s Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 3

show significant differences among patients with AD and ing recorded videos in this way could aid in early detection
MCI. by comparing areas of interest in people with AD and those
Smooth pursuit tasks involve following moving targets without [45]. In general, data on eye movements falls into
continuously [35]. These tasks are used to identify any im- three categories: ET data, webcam data, and gaze estimation
pairments in compensatory saccades and to measure factors data from head-mounted devices [46]. Identifying abnormali-
like latency and velocity, particularly in patients with AD ties in eye movements for early diagnosis of dementia in the
[36]. Prolonged latencies in smooth pursuit tasks are one of elderly is a scientific challenge. Some approaches aim to em-
the abnormalities that could be observed in AD. The poten- ulate the human visual system, using computational models
tial mechanisms underlying smooth pursuit abnormalities in like computational visual attention models (CVSM) on ego-
AD may involve impairments in the neural networks respon- centric video to estimate areas likely to capture human visu-
sible for visual attention, motor control, and predictive mech- al attention in naturalistic scenarios [47]. Early visual salien-
anisms for smooth pursuit [36]. Specifically, abnormalities cy modeling used handcrafted low-level features, integrating
in the basal ganglia, parietal lobe volume, and the integrity color, contrast, edges, and orientation based on Treisman
of the predictor mechanism for smooth pursuit may con- and Gelade's theory [48]. Many approaches added high-
tribute to the observed deficits in smooth eye movement con- er-level features like objects and faces. Recently, as AI has
trol in AD patients. Additionally, dysfunction in the accelera- become integrated into virtually every domain, the impact of
tion saturating nonlinear element that limits smooth pursuit AI algorithms is noticeable in the analysis of eye move-
and the occurrence of large-amplitude saccadic intrusions ments. Presently, eye movement data rank among the essen-
disrupting pursuit suggest complex interactions between cog- tial inputs for training AI models, specifically in the diagno-
nitive and motor processes in AD-related smooth pursuit ab- sis of cognitive disorders such as AD [49]. So, the latest
normalities [37]. Fletcher et al. found that smooth pursuit studies focused on improving the precision, sensitivity, and
dysfunction is present in AD and is associated with impair- speed of these models to enable early diagnosis of AD and
ments in visual attention and motor control [37]. The study other neurodegenerative disorders.
also found that smooth pursuit dysfunction is not specific to
AD and can also be found in other neurological disorders, 4. AI AND AD DETECTION USING EYE MOVE-
such as Parkinson's disease. Another study reported that MENTS DATA
smooth pursuit abnormalities, including decreased gain and Similar to other fields, AI has rapidly advanced in aiding
increased latency, are prevalent in AD and are associated humans in this realm and has provided new opportunities for
with impairments in visual attention and motor control [38]. detecting various diseases with increased capabilities and
These abnormalities have been found to be related to the de- speed [50, 51].
gree of cognitive impairment in AD patients.
Pupillary responses, affected by both the autonomic and 4.1. ML Approaches
central nervous systems, show decreased amplitude, in- Initially, ML methods were applied in a variety of fields
creased latency, and decreased velocity in AD, which may of medical sciences, and their effective results have been re-
be related to cholinergic impairments in the visual system ported [49]. ML, known as a main branch of AI, uses certain
[39]. Pupillary responses, saccades, and smooth pursuit are algorithms to let computers learn, decide, and predict things
just a few of the eye movements that AD notably affects without the need for explicit programming. It encompasses
[40]. Microsaccades and saccadic intrusions, as well as tiny developing algorithms that improve performance over time
eye movements made during fixation change in AD, may be by processing data [52, 53]. Contrary to traditional program-
signs of cognitive decline [41]. Therefore, understanding th- ming, ML relies on examples, allowing computers to deter-
ese ocular alterations is crucial for assessing functional im- mine how to achieve goals based on given tasks. Voice assis-
pairment related to AD [42]. Fig. (1) shows the diverse tants, recommendation engines, self-driving cars, and predic-
range of abnormal eye movements observed in AD. tive analytics have all advanced thanks to their capacity to
Eye tracking (ET) is a simple, accurate, and non-inva- learn from data. Lagun et al. applied ML to enhance MCI de-
sive screening tool that holds significant promise for AD di- tection, utilizing ML methods to model eye movement char-
agnosis. These techniques measure eye position, movement, acteristics like fixations, saccades, and re-fixations during
and pupil size, detecting areas of user interest. Utilizing opti- the Visual Paired Comparison task. Support Vector
cal methods, especially infrared reflection, ET offers a sensi- Machines (SVMs), which were fed these features, distin-
tive measure of cognitive impairment by examining explora- guished between age-matched controls and MCI subjects
tion patterns without explicit instructions [43]. with 87% accuracy, 97% sensitivity, and 77% specificity by
combining SVMs with fixation and saccade patterns [54].
Eye trackers have been used to measure gaze fixation
and saccadic motions for AD diagnosis in controlled lab sett- Various classifiers, such as Naïve Bayes, k-nearest neigh-
ings. However, in real-world situations such as daily activi- bor [KNN], decision trees, neural networks, and SVM, are
ties, computational video analysis is needed for more accu- integral to classifying cognition status for AD detection
rate assessments [44]. Combining computer vision tech- [55]. Naïve Bayes groups training instances based on dis-
niques with insights from psychology and neurology helps tances using lazy learning, whereas KNN groups them based
distinguish attention-grabbing elements in scenes. Analyz- on feature independence using the Bayes Theorem [55].
4 Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Farabi Maleki et al.

Fig. (1). Schematic illustration depicting various abnormal eye movements observed in AD. (A higher resolution / colour version of this fig-
ure is available in the electronic copy of the article).

Neural networks mimic the synaptic connections found in study involving 26 MCI participants and 29 controls using a
the human brain, and decision trees use a branching struc- multimodal ML approach. Combining language and neu-
ture. SVMs provide a variety of kernel functions, including ropsychological classifier predictions improved results
linear, non-linear, Radial Basis Function (RBF), polynomial, (AUC = 0.90, accuracy = 0.84), with language predictions
Gaussian, and sigmoid, and they locate hyperplanes for class moderately correlating with Rey Auditory Verbal Learning
separation by projecting data into higher dimensions. Never- Test scores. Performance and interpretability are improved
theless, there are difficulties in the field due to studies that by this modular strategy, which can be adjusted to different
use unidentified kernels and a similar lack of specificity classifiers and data sources [58]. Comparably, Barral et al.
when using neural networks, which can include deep multi- demonstrated that speech and ET data combined yield better
layer perceptron (MLP), recurrent neural networks (RNN), AD classification via ML algorithm than either modality
long short-term memory (LSTM), or convolutional neural alone. In experiments with 68 memory clinic patients and 73
networks (CNN) [56]. healthy volunteers, ET alone. Predicted AD (AUC = 0.73)
and the combined approach achieved the best classification
Jang et al. presented an ML analysis of a new multimo-
performance (AUC = 0.80) [59].
dal dataset used for AD classification; they included it from
two previously unassessed tasks (describing a pleasing In an international study, dual-task patterns, eye move-
former experience and pupil fixation) and two well-known ment, and gait were assessed in 1,481 participants (724 cog-
tasks (paragraph reading and picture description). The da- nitive impairment, 757 controls) by Lin et al. Out of 105 fea-
taset, comprising eye movement and language data from 79 tures extracted with LightGBM, 46 parameters showed signi-
AD patients, subjective memory complaints (SMC), MCI, ficant group differences (P < 0.05), with 32 of them related
and 83 older HCs, demonstrated similar classification accura- to gait and 14 to ET. A significant correlation was observed
cy for novel and established tasks. Combining data from all between plasma p-tau181 levels and dual-task cost-Turn
tasks resulted in the highest total area under the curve Time and Gait_3Back-TurnTime. A model that combined
(AUC) of 0.83 ± 0.01, highlighting the complementary na- prosaccade, antisaccade, dual- task smooth pursuit, and du-
ture of novel task data to well-known tasks [57]. al-task gait yielded a high AUC rate of 0.987 for cognitive
impairment detection. When joined with p-tau181, the mod-
Fraser et al. classified cognitive impairment more accu-
el's AUC of 0.824 aided in its ability to differentiate MCI
rately than neuropsychological tests by using eye tracking,
from controls [60].
speech, and comprehension measures. When compared to
neuropsychological tests and an early fusion approach, multi- ML techniques frequently map facial landmarks to the
modal data from language tasks demonstrated superior re- point of gaze, which facilitates the task when the head is mo-
sults at the task level (AUC = 0.88, accuracy = 0.83) in a tionless. However, the transformation becomes more com-
AI in Eye Movement Analysis for Alzheimer Alzheimer’s Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 5

plex and specific to the head position when it changes. ML Similarly, Biondi et al. developed a DL approach to
can estimate these intricate relationships, but current open- distinguish eye movement behavior in people with neurode-
source methods do not achieve the accuracy required for psy- generative diseases through reading from HCs. Using ET da-
chophysics experiments (>3 degrees of visual angle) [61]. ta from people with and without AD reading various sen-
Kim et al. carried out a study to find key behavioral traits tences, their model, with denoising sparse-autoencoders and
from a virtual kiosk test in order to differentiate MCI pa- a softmax classifier, achieved 89.78% accuracy in identify-
tients from HCs and develop an ML model for early screen- ing AD subjects [67]. Additionally, Harisinghani et al. ex-
ing. Fifty-one participants were enrolled in the virtual kiosk plored ET data from a webcam using a DL approach. They
test, which tracked their hand and eye movements and com- found that while the webcam gaze classifier is not as effec-
puted four behavioral features. Statistical analysis revealed tive as high-end ET classifiers, it outperforms the majority--
significant differences in fixation duration, time to comple- class baseline in an area under the receiver operating charac-
tion, hand movement speed, and number of errors among teristic (AU-ROC). While there is still a long way to go be-
MCI patients and HCs. Analyzing eye and hand movements fore webcam gaze tracking is practically relevant for AD de-
during the virtual kiosk test, an SVM model demonstrated tection, these results provide an encouraging proof of con-
notable potential for early MCI screening, with an accuracy cept and point to the need for more research into this technol-
of 93.3%. The mentioned digital marker in virtual reality is ogy as a less expensive substitute for expensive eye trackers
a useful tool for early MCI screening because, in contrast to [68].
traditional biomarkers, it allows ecologically usable data col- Zuo et al. carried out a study focusing on utilizing DL to
lection at a reasonable cost in a short amount of time [62]. diagnose AD through ET behaviors, emphasizing the clini-
ML has thus demonstrated its potential for helping the cal value of visual attention. They collect heatmaps to ana-
healthcare system, particularly with regard to AD detection. lyze differences in visual attention between AD patients and
Different ML classifiers, such as Naïve Bayes, KNN, deci- normal people by conducting a 3D visual task with a non-in-
sion trees, neural networks, and SVM, are needed to classify vasive ET system. Introducing the Multi-layered Compari-
cognitive status in AD diagnosis despite challenges like low son Convolutional Neural Network (MC-CNN), they effi-
neural network specificity and undefined kernels. By demon- ciently distinguish visual attention disparities. MC-CNN's hi-
strating how ML can be used to reliably and early detect cog- erarchical convolutional layers capture multi-layered
nitive impairment by using a variety of data sources, these heatmap representations integrated into a distance vector for
advancements will heighten the field's significance and improved task performance. Extensive experiments on their
progress. dataset validate MC-CNN's consistent accuracy in classify-
ing AD patients and normal people based on ET data [69].
4.2. DL Approaches In an investigation by Haque et al., they created the Visu-
With the spread of AI methods around the world and net- ospatial Memory ET Test (VisMET), a brief task identifying
works being used, newer methods such as DL have come to cognitive impairment in AD in under five minutes. They im-
the fore and have revolutionized the healthcare system [63, plemented the test on iPads to increase accessibility and
64]. Generally, DL, particularly CNN, showed promise but made a mobile version for broader use. Using transfer learn-
required more annotated data. There are two main categories ing (TL), a DNN tracked eye gaze to extract memory fea-
in DL: bottom-up, which uses features like color and con- tures for assessing cognitive status in a sample of 250 indivi-
trast, and top-down, which requires prior knowledge. Cur- duals. With a minimum ET calibration error of 2 cm, the
rently, most work falls under bottom-up methods. For ins- AUC of the test in identifying mild to severe cognitive im-
tance, a study by Sun et al. applied ML and DL models to pairment increased to 0.76%, matching that of commercial
identify key eye movement features in AD during a 3D visu- ET hardware. This study concludes with the presentation of
ospatial memory task. The novel DL model, incorporating a a mobile VisMET version that can effectively estimate the
nested autoencoder network and a weight adaptive network presence of cognitive impairment [70].
layer, achieves an average accuracy of 85% in distinguish- The accuracy of multimodal AD detection can be im-
ing patients with AD from HCs [65]. proved by integrating physiological signals such as heart
Jiang et al. established an automatic MCI detection ap- rate (HR), electrocardiography (ECG), and electromyogra-
proach, employing multimodal measurements and the Deep phy (EMG) with ET [71]. EEG and ET are frequently used
Belief Network (DBN) framework for primary cognitive as- together, but there is always potential for improvement, par-
sessments in clinical practice. Studying 152 MCI patients ticularly when EMG or ECG features are integrated with ET
and 184 HCs, they used Electroencephalogram (EEG), eye data to increase overall performance [72]. Studies frequently
movement signals, and neuropsychological assessments. Af- fail to take inter- and intra-subject variability into account.
ter extracting features from physiological signals and apply- Retraining for new users may be necessary due to high
ing a DBN framework, three models were constructed. The recognition rates that are limited to intra-subject classifica-
combined model, integrating clinical variables, neuropsycho- tion [73]. Conversely, a method that works well for classify-
logical, and physiological features, showed superior MCI de- ing different subjects can be applied to different users with-
tection accuracy (89.87%) compared to the feature model out requiring retraining [57]. Further studies on ET imple-
(84.21%) and clinical cognitive model (73.52%) [66]. mentation are necessary, particularly with regard to smart-
6 Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Farabi Maleki et al.

phone cameras that use CNNs. Smartphone cameras can ex- vices like the Gazefinder NP-100 show promise in differenti-
tract relevant ET features. Additionally, integrating ET and ating between cognitive and motor behavior impairments in
cognitive assessment technologies for AD detection could AD patients [76]. Innovations such as wearable sen-
have a significant positive impact on applications such as sor-based glasses, termed NeuroGlasses, offer the potential
meditation, advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS), to discern disparities in visual attention patterns between in-
and smart homes [74]. dividuals with AD and those without the condition [77]. By
Digital biomarkers linked to pupillary reflexes and eye utilizing DL, cutting-edge technologies like MC-CNN and
movements are collected using cameras and light sensors, DeTrAs demonstrate the potential for individualized support
which are widely used in research and disease diagnosis within a patient-centered healthcare system, enhancing the
[75]. Patients with AD have been shown to exhibit early ab- clinical assessment of early dementia [77]. Table 1 provides
normalities in their eye movements [55]. Eye-hand tasks are an overview of recent studies that explored AI algorithms in
used to evaluate dysfunctions of the visuomotor network, ET data for AD detection. Fig. (2) depicts the eye tracking
which may be biomarkers of AD and MCI. Research using process for identifying abnormal eye movements in AD, inte-
low-cost robotic interfaces like the Omni robot and ET de- grated with AI analysis for diagnostic purposes.

Fig. (2). Overview of the eye tracking process for identifying abnormal eye movements in AD, integrated with AI analysis for diagnostic pur-
poses. (A higher resolution / colour version of this figure is available in the electronic copy of the article).
AI in Eye Movement Analysis for Alzheimer Alzheimer’s Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 7

Table 1. A brief assessment of existing research that used AI for eye movement analysis and AD diagnosis.

Author Year Data Sample AI-Model Tasks Findings

The algorithm achieved 87% accuracy, 97%
Distinguishing age-matched con-
Lagun et al. [54] 2011 Eye movements data SVM sensitivity, 77% specificity, and AUC of
trols from MCI subjects
DL (softmax clas-
Biondi et al. [67] 2018 ETdata Classification (AD and HCs) Achieved 89.78% of accuracy
Multimodal data [ECG, neu- Deep Belief Net-
Classification (MCI, healthy The combined model reached an accuracy
Jiang et al. [66] 2019 ropsychological assessments, work Framework
adults) of 89.87%
and eye movements] [DBN]
Cognitive impairment classifica- Combining language and neuropsychologi-
eye tracking, speech, and com-
Fraser et al. [58] 2019 LR, SVM tion, outperforming neuropsycho- cal classifiers reached the highest perfor-
prehension measures
logical tests mance (AUC = 0.90, accuracy = 0.84)
LR, RF, and Combining ET and speech data Multimodal data reached the best classifica-
Barral et al. [59] 2020 eye tracking, and speech data
GNB for AD classification tion performance (AUC = 0.80)
multimodal dataset of language LR, RF, and Classification (MCI, healthy
Jang et al. [57] 2021 Reached the highest overall AUC of 0.83
and eye movements GNB adults)
Visuospatial Memory ETTest
Haque et al. [70] 2021 DNN and TL Classification (AD and HCs) (AUC of 0.76)
ML combined The combined model achieved 85% of accu-
Sun et al. [65] 2022 ETdataset Classification (AD and HCs)
DL racy and 0.977 of AUC
Classification (MCI, healthy The SVM model achieved 93.3% accuracy
Kim et al. [62] 2023 Eye movement data SVM
adults) and an AUC of 0.98
Zuo et al. [69] 2023 ETdata MC-CNN Classification (AD and HCs) Achieved the highest accuracy of 0.83
Harisinghani et al. the webcam gaze classifier isn't as effective
2023 ET data from the webcam DL Classification (AD and HCs)
[68] as high-end ETclassifiers
A model based on dual-task smooth pursuit,
gait, eye movements, and dual--
Lin et al. [60] 2024 LightGBM Classification (CI, controls) dual-task gait, antisaccade, and prosaccade
task patterns
achieved the best AUC of 0.987

4.3. Explainable AI (xAI) normal individuals may show results outside of the normal
Researchers are now concentrating on AI system range, complicating early diagnosis of AD [82].
progress in an effort to detect AD earlier. However, the poor Due to the limitations of current ET system functions
transparency and interpretability of these models have limit- and algorithms in 3D displays, the majority of experimental
ed their usefulness in clinical settings. This brings us to xAI, stimuli have been presented in two dimensions in most
a subfield of AI devoted to building transparent and compre- studies. Prediction, detection, prognosis, and decline mea-
hensible models that can make their decision-making pro- surement are important issues in addressing AI challenges in
cesses more understandable to humans. This is particularly dementia-related research. The ‘‘oblack-box’’ nature of AI
crucial because traditional AI models are often difficult to in- creates challenges for accountability and complicates clini-
terpret due to their complexity, which diminishes their relia- cal trust and decision-making authority. Because algorithms
bility [78]. xAI becomes a major factor in improving model trained on biased datasets affect diverse populations differ-
interpretability by using data from non-invasive methods, es- ently, problems with population generalizability and data
equity arise [83]. Marginal gains over established factors
pecially through feature selection. Choosing the best fea-
like age and sex, covariance among risk factors, and small
tures for a model requires determining which features are sample sizes are some of the challenges that ML faces. Inter-
most important, ranking them, minimizing overfitting, and pretability issues at the population level raise doubts about
exposing any biases by combining multiple feature selection the causal relationship between the risk factors that are high-
techniques to find dominant features in a sizable dataset lighted, accounting for elements such as a broadly applica-
[79]. The study discusses the promise of xAI and helps with ble ‘‘protective lifestyle’’ [84]. These problems are made
the early diagnosis of AD [80]. Feature selection is a critical worse by participation and attrition bias, which makes meth-
xAI technique that gives ML models transparency and inter- ods like participation weights necessary for mitigation. Gain-
pretability, which in turn builds trust and improves decision- ing trust in the individual-level clinical applications of mod-
making in AD prediction [81]. eling requires an understanding of these limitations [85].

5. CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS There are two primary problems with webcam ET tech-
nology as it stands today: it has a number of severe limita-
The existing eye movement tests are helpful, but they tions, which makes it challenging to diagnose AD by using
have limitations because, as people age, even cognitively AI in ET data. First and foremost, no fixation detection algo-
8 Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Farabi Maleki et al.

rithm has been developed, especially for low-frequency web- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
cam data. This limitation potentially compromises the validi-
ty of the results by adding another level of complexity to the AD = Alzheimer's Disease
eye movement isolation procedure. Some novel techniques ADAS = Advanced Driving Assistance Systems
aim to circumvent this limitation in order to provide more re-
liable insights into the patterns of eye movement associated ADRDs = Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
with AD [65]. Secondly, there is no algorithmic support for AI = Artificial Intelligence
taking head movements into account when predicting gaze
points. Because these online experiments are inherently un- AUC = Area Under the Curve
supervised, it is impossible to guarantee that participants AU-ROC = Area Under the Receiver Operating Charac-
will maintain a stationary head position, even in the face of teristic
clear instructions. The diagnostic predictions may become
less accurate as a result of this variability, which adds a Aβ = Amyloid Beta
large confounding factor [86]. Thus, although AI has great CNN = Convolutional Neural Networks
potential to diagnose AD using ET data, there are currently
significant obstacles, such as the inability to detect fixation CSF = Cerebrospinal Fluid
in low-frequency webcam data and the lack of support for CVSM = Computational Visual Attention Models
head movements. However, new technologies are emerging
on a daily basis to address the issues above, including en- CT = Computed Tomography
hanced webcam data, advanced fixation detection, head DBN = Deep Belief Network
movement integration, remote eye tracking devices, sensor
fusion, and real-time feedback [87, 88]. DL = Deep Learning
ECG = Electrocardiography
EEG = Electroencephalogram
Conclusively, lacking precise and non-invasive biomark-
ers for Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRDs) EMG = Electromyography
necessitates the development of novel diagnostic strategies,
ET = Eye Tracking
especially for early detection, given the increasing global
prevalence of ADRD. The older methods, such as imaging HCs = Healthy Controls
and fluid biomarkers, face limitations in terms of invasive-
HR = Heart Rate
ness, specificity, and cost. The primary focus of this fascinat-
ing field of research on how eye movements reflect cogni- KNN = k-nearest Neighbor
tive processes is analysis using AI algorithms. Advances in
LSTM = Long Short-term Memory
diagnostic capabilities are required due to the complexity of
AD diagnosis, and AI shows great promise, having grown MC-CNN = Multi-layered Comparison Convolutional
over decades. This study discusses the restrictions of the Neural Network
available diagnostic approaches while exploring the revolu-
tionary potential of AI in the analysis of eye movement data MCI = Mild Cognitive Impairment
for AD detection. Integration of ML and DL techniques in ML = Machine Learning
AD detection with eye movement data shows notable
achievements in terms of classification accuracy. DL mod- MLP = Multilayer Perceptron
els, which include CNNs and ML classifiers like SVM, RF, MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging
DT, etc., yielded their ability to discriminate between AD pa-
tients and HCs. Multimodal datasets, which incorporate ET NFTs = Neurofibrillary Tangles
with additional measures, can help improve accuracy fur- PET = Positron Emission Tomography
ther. In clinical settings, models' dependability, transparen-
cy, and interpretability become vital requirements for xAI. RBF = Radial Basis Function
Despite these developments, there are still problems. These RNN = Recurrent Neural Networks
include algorithmic constraints on 3D displays as well as
problems with data equity, population generalizability, and SMC = Subjective Memory Complaints
interpretability. These problems must be resolved for AI to SVM = Support Vector Machines
be used effectively in the early diagnosis of AD. Undertak-
ing such efforts could result in improved clinical evaluation TL = Transfer Learning
and tailored treatment in patient-centered healthcare sys- VisMET = Visuospatial Memory ET Test
xAI = Explainable AI
AI in Eye Movement Analysis for Alzheimer Alzheimer’s Current Alzheimer Research, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 9


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