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The human body has about 600 muscles

Did you know that?

- More than 50% of body weight is muscle!
- Muscle is made up of proteins and water

A few fun facts about your muscular system

- There are muscles in the root of your hair that give you goosebumps
- It takes 17 muscles to smile and 42 muscles to frown
- The hardest working muscle is the eye
- The largest muscle in your body is the Gluteus Maximus

The muscular system is made up of muscles and tendons

How many muscles do I have?

- I have more than 650 muscles in my body
- My muscles make up half of my body weight

My muscles are important because they…

- Hold my organs in place
- Hold my bones together so that I can move
- Help me chew my food
- Open and close my eyelids
- Pump my blood
- Allow me to run and play
- Help me to smile

What are muscles made of?

- Stretchy, elastic cells and fibers

Why do I need tendons?

- Tendons attach my muscles to my
bones helping my body move.
- The thickest tendon is located above
your heel in the back of your leg

One way to keep our muscles strong…

- Eat foods from the meat group every day. They are high in protein which helps to
build strong muscles
- Exercise every day

Muscle Classification
● Voluntarily- can be moved at will
● Involuntarily- can’t be moved intentionally
● Striated- have stripes across the fiber
● No striations- smooth

The Three types of Muscles

Classification of Muscle

Skeletal- found in limbs Cardiac- found in heart Smooth- found in viscera

Striated, multi-nucleated Striated, 1 nucleus Not striated, 1 nucleus

voluntary involuntary involuntary

Skeletal Muscle
● Functions
- Locomotion and breathing
- Maintain posture
- Heat production

● Form smooth contours of body

● Vary in shape (spindle, fan or circle shape)

Skeletal Muscle Characteristics

● Striated
● Cells are multinucleate
● Voluntary- subject to conscious control
● Attached to bones
● Slow to fast contraction

Skeletal Muscle Activity

● Contracts rapidly but tire easily
● Can exert much power without ripping
● Cells are surrounded by connective tissue
● Adds strength and support
Naming of Skeletal Muscles
● Location of the muscles origin and insertion
- Example: sterno (on the sternum)

● Shape of the muscle

- Example: deltoid (triangular)

● Action of the muscle

- Example: flexor and extensor (flexes or extends a bone)

Head and neck muscles

Trunk Muscles

Deep trunk and Arm Muscles

Muscle of the Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh

Muscles of the Lower Leg

Superficial Muscles: Anterior

Superficial Muscles: Posterior


Elevate Mandible


Elevate & Retract Mandible


Extend Head, Adduct, Elevate or Depress Scapula

Latissimus Dorsi

Extend, Adduct and rotate arm Medially


Abduct, Flex & Extend Arm

Pectoralis Major

flexes, adducts & rotates arm medially

Biceps Brachii

Flexes Elbow Joint

Triceps Brachii

Extend Elbow Joint

Rectus Abdominus

Flexes Abdomen

External Oblique

Compress Abdomen
External Intercostals

Internal Intercostals

Forearm Muscles
● Flexor carpi- Flexor wrist
● Extensor carpi- Extends wrist
● Flexor digitorum-Flexes fingers
● Extensor digitorum-Extends fingers
● Pronator-Pronates
● Supinator-Supinates

Gluteus Maximus

Extends & Rotates Thigh Laterally

Rectus Femoris

Flexes Thigh, Extend Lower Leg


Adducts and Flexes Thigh


Flexes Thigh, and rotates thigh laterally

Biceps Femoris

Extends Thigh & Flexes Lower Leg


Plantar Flexes and Flex Lower Leg

Tibialis Anterior

Smooth Muscle
● Lines walls of hollow organs
● Ex stomach, bladder
● Found in two layers
● Layers alternately contract
● Function:
- Propels substances along a tract

Smooth Muscle Characteristics

● No striations
● Single nucleus
● Involuntary- no conscious control
● Found mainly in the walls of hollow organs
● Slow contraction

● Fibers are thin and spindle-shaped.

● No striations
● Single nuclei
● Involuntary
● Contracts slowly

Smooth Muscle
● They fatigue but very slowly
● Found in the circulatory system
- Lining of the blood vessels
- Helps in the circulation of the blood

● Found in the digestive system

- Esophagus, stomach, intestine
- Controls digestion

● Found in the urinary system

- Urinary bladder
- Controls urination

Cardiac muscle

● Pumping mass of heart

● Arranged in spiral
● Heart muscle cell behave as one unit
● Heart muscle always contracts to its full extent

Cardiac Muscle Characteristics

● Striations
● Single nucleus
● Involuntary
● Found only in the heart
● Contracts at slow, steady rate

Cardiac Muscle Activity

● Intercalated disks closely coordinate

● Own pacemaker controls contraction
● Can be stimulated by the nervous
● Muscle contracts→ chambers
become smaller forcing blood into
Body Movements

Abduction- moving the leg away from the midline

Adduction- moving toward the midline
Circumduction- cone-shaped movement, proximal end doesn’t move, while distal end
moves in a circle

Types of Musku-skeletal movement

Skeletal Muscle
● Bundles are formed by:
Epimysium epi=upon
Perimysium peri=around
Endomysium end=within

● Plasmalemma= Sarcolemma
● Sarcoplasm= Cytoplasm
● Sarcoplasmic Reticulum= Endoplasmic Reticulum

Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle

● Endomysium- around single muscle fiber
● Perimysium- surround multiple fibers
● Fascicle- bundle of fibers
● Epimysium- covers the entire skeletal muscle

● Cylinder as long as entire muscle fiber
● Each fiber contains 100s to 1000s
● Responsible for contraction
● When myofibrils contract the whole cell contracts
Consist of proteins
- Actin: thin filaments
- Myosis: thick filaments
Connective Tissue Sheaths
● Connective Tissue of a Muscle
- Epimysium: dense regular c.t. surrounding entire muscle
- Separates muscle from surrounding tissues and organs
- Connected to the deep fascia
- Perimysium: Collagen and elastic fibers surrounding a group of muscle
fiber called a fascicle
- Endomysium: Loose connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle
- Also contains b.v., nerves, and satellite cells (embryonic stem cells
function in repair of muscle tissue)
● Collagen fibers of all 3 layers come together at each end of muscle to form a
tendon or aponeurosis

● Muscle contractions require energy

- Blood vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients to produce energy (ATP)

● Muscle contractions are under stimulation from the CNS (Centra Nervous

● Smallest functional unit of a muscle fiber
● Each myofibril contains 10,000 sarcomeres end to end
● Interaction between thick and thin filaments cause contraction
● Banded appearance
Sarcomere- repeating functional units of myofibril
- About 10,00 sarcomeres per myofibril, end to end
- Each is about 2 µm
Differences in size, density and distributions of thick and thin filaments gives the muscle
fiber a banded or striated appearance
- A bands: a dark band; full length of thick (myosis) filament
- M line- protein to which myosins attach
- H zone- thick but NO thin filaments
- I bands: a light band; from Z disks to ends of thick filaments
- Thin but NO thick filaments
- Extends from A band of one sarcomere to A band of the next sarcomere
- Z disks: a filamentous network of protein. Serves as attachment for actin
Titin Filaments: elastic chains of amino acids; keep thick and thin filaments in proper

Microanatomy- Sarcolemma and T-Tubules

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
● Specialized form of SER
● Tubular network around each myofibril
● In contract with T-Tubule
● SR is an elaborate, smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- runs longitudinally and surround each myofibril
- Form chambers called terminal cisternae on either side of the T-tubules
● A single T-tubule and the 2 terminal cisternae form a triad
● SR stores Ca++ when muscle not contracting
- When stimulated, calcium released into sarcoplasm
- SR membrane has Ca++ pumps that function to pump Ca++ out of the
sarcoplasm back into the SR after contraction

Thick and Thin Filaments

● twisted actin molecules
● Each has an active site where they interact with myosin
● Resting- active site covered by tropomyosin which is held in place by troponin

● Myosis
● Head attaches to actin during contraction
● Can only happen if troponin changes position, moving tropomyosin to expose
active site

Muscle Fiber Anatomy

Sarcolemma- cell membrane
- Surrounds the sarcoplasm (cytoplasm of fiber)
- Contains many of the same organelles seen in other cells
- An abundance of the oxygen-binding protein myoglobin
- Punctuated by opening called the transverse tubules ( T-tubules)
- Narrow tubes that extend into the sarcoplasm at right angles to the surface
- Filled with extracellular fluid
Myofibrils- cylindrical structures within muscle fiber
- Are bundles of protein filaments (=myofilaments)
- Two types of myofilaments
- Actin filaments (thin filaments)
- Myosin filaments (thick filaments)

At each end of the fiber, myofibrils are anchored to the inner surface of the
When myofibril shortens, muscle shortens (contracts)

Myosin( Thick) Myofilament

- Many elongated myosin molecules shaped like golf clubs.
- Single filament contains roughly 300 myosin molecules
- Molecule consists of two heavy myosin molecules wound together to form a rod
portion lying parallel to the myosin myofilament and two heads that extend
- Myosin heads
- Can bind to active sites on the actin molecules to form cross-bridges. (Actin
binding site)
- Attached to the rod portion by a hinge region that can bend and straighten
during contraction
- Have ATPase activity: activity that breaks down adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
releasing energy. Part of the energy is used to bend the hinge region of the
myosin molecule during contraction

Sliding Filament Model of Contraction

- Thin filaments slide past the thick ones so that the actin and myosin filaments
overlap to a greater degree
- In the relaxed state, thin and thick filaments overlap only slightly
- Upon stimulation, myosin heads bind to actin and sliding begins
- Each myosin head bind and detaches several times during contraction, acting
like a ratchet to generate tension and propel the thin filaments to the center of the
- As this event occurs throughout the sarcomeres, the muscle shortens

Sliding Filaments and Cross Bridges

- Sarcomere contraction: Sliding Filament Theory
- Thin filament slide toward center of sarcomere
- Thick filaments are stationary
- Myosin head attaches to active site on actin (crossbridge)
- Pull actin towards center, then detaches
Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt
- When a muscle is fatigues, it is unable to contract
- The common reason for muscle fatigue is oxygen debt
- Oxygen must be “ repaid” to tissue to remove oxygen debt
- Oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated lactic acid
- Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of ATP causes the muscle to
contract less

Muscles and Body Movements

- Movements is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone
- Muscles are attached to at least two points
- Origin: attachment to moveable bone
- Insertion: attachment to an immovable bone

Effects of Exercise on Muscle

- Result of increased muscle use
- Increase in muscle size
- Increase in muscle strength
- Increase in muscle efficiency
- Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant
Types of Ordinary Body Movements
● Flexion- decreases angle of joint and brings two bones closer together
● Extension- opposite of flexion
● Rotation- movement of a bone in longitudinal axis, shaking head “no”
● Abduction/Adduction
● Circumduction

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