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P7w Jorjie-dawne

New School

One day, there was a young girl called Erica, her and her parents moved to a new town the
town was small, the people there were very nice, or at least in her neighbourhood, she was
starting a new school, called Riverdale High school.
She missed her friends but decided to make new ones, she made friends with these 4 girls
called Anna, Lola, Alisha and Lelo. After a month of being friends with them, she started to
see the real them, it turns out that she has friends that bully other people.
This bullying went on for the next five months, Erica kept trying to tell them that It wasn’t
right but the 4 girls didn’t care and carried on. They bullied anyone they could whenever they
had the chance to, and Erica wasn’t involved in the bullying, she felt bad for the people her
friends bullied, but she didn’t know what to do!
She was thinking about unfriending them, but didn’t know what to do, she knew there was a
few choices and they were: unfriend them, tell a teacher and get them suspended, tell the
headteacher so he/she could deal with it or just walk away and say sorry to the people her
friends bullied for them and never talk to the bully’s again, but she didn’t want to blame
herself because she knew she done nothing wrong, but she felt bad!
about 3 or 4 months after trying to tell them that they shouldn’t be doing that Erica decided
that they need to be taught a leason and went to go tell the teachers.
The 4 girls Anna, Lola, Alisha and Lelo got talked to and there parents were called in, Anna
got a two week suspension Lola got a one week suspension Alisha got a three week
suspension and Lelo got a month suspension because she bullied people the most and they all
got grounded, so they went back to school on the days they were supposed to.
They all asked to be friends with Erica again.
“ on one condition…” Erica said
“ what is it?” Said the girls
“ to be kind and respectful to others, and not to bully again!” Erica said
“ okay!” Said the girls.
The 4 girls said sorry to everyone they bullied and the four friends became friends with Erica
The 4 girls never bully anyone again, and I hope this story teaches you these:
1. Never bully anyone, no matter what!
2. Always be kind and respectful to others and yourself!
3. Make sure to look out for people!

I hope you enjoyed my story, and remember, always be kind and respectful!

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