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Title: Building a Weight Scaling Machine with Arduino Uno, HX711

Module, and LCD


The objective of this project is to create a weight scaling machine using Arduino Uno, HX711
load cell module, and an LCD display to accurately measure and display the weight of

Materials Required:
Arduino Uno

HX711 Load Cell Module

Load Cell (for weight measurement)

LCD Display (16x2 or as per your preference)

Breadboard and Jumper Wires

Power Supply (usually 5V)

1. Assemble the Hardware:

a. Mount the load cell securely to a stable platform or structure.

b. Connect the strain gauge (if needed) to the load cell and secure it.

c. Connect the HX711 module to the load cell using the appropriate wiring. The HX711
module typically has four wires: VCC, GND, DT (Data), and SCK (Clock).

d. Connect the HX711 module to the Arduino Uno: VCC to 5V, GND to GND, DT to a digital
pin (e.g., D2), and SCK to another digital pin (e.g., D3).

e. Connect the LCD display to the Arduino Uno using appropriate wiring. Typically, you'll
need to connect VCC, GND, SDA, and SCL pins.
2. Upload Arduino Code:

a. Write or download the Arduino code for interfacing the HX711 module and the LCD
display. Libraries like HX711 and LiquidCrystal can be used.

b. Upload the code to the Arduino Uno using the Arduino IDE.

3. Calibrate the Load Cell:

a. Place a known weight on the load cell (e.g., 1 kg) and note the value displayed on the LCD.

b. Adjust the calibration factor in your Arduino code to match the actual weight.

4. Testing:

a. Place objects with unknown weights on the load cell to test the accuracy of the weight

b. Ensure that the LCD display accurately shows the weight of the objects.

5. Fine-Tuning:

a. If necessary, fine-tune the calibration factor and the code to improve accuracy.

6. Documentation:

a. Document your project, including the schematics, code, and a user manual for operating
the weight scaling machine.

7. Final Testing:

a. Perform a final testing of the machine to ensure it's functioning accurately and reliably.

8. Maintenance:

a. Regularly check and calibrate the machine to maintain accuracy.


With this methodology, you can build a weight scaling machine using an Arduino Uno,
HX711 module, and an LCD display. This machine can accurately measure and display the
weight of objects, making it suitable for various applications, such as kitchen scales or
industrial weighing systems.

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