Email Draft

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‭To‬ ‭info@butterflyeffect.

co‬ Person Person

‭Cc‬ Person

‭Bcc‬ Person

‭Subject‬ ‭Business Partnership Proposal‬

‭Dear Sir/Madam,‬

‭ e would like to introduce our company through this email. We are The Butterfly Effect Company, a‬
‭specialized Digital Marketing agency based in Bahrain. We help companies in improving their digital‬
‭strategy, manage the social media accounts and develop attractive websites and apps in order to boost‬
‭customer engagement.‬

‭ e would like to propose a commercial collaboration with your esteemed organization. We thoroughly‬
‭evaluated the requirements you have as a business, and we firmly believe that our collaboration will‬
‭benefit both of our businesses.We believe that our services can well compliment your business to‬
‭reach its desired goals.‬

‭ e are looking forward to discussing this partnership ahead and if it suits you we would like to‬
‭schedule a meeting to explain the business proposal we have curated for your company at your‬
‭preferred time. Please feel free to write back to us or contact us on __ for any further requirements.‬

‭Best regards,‬

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