HW CLASS X 2024-25

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SESSION: 2024-25

Dear Parent(s),
Summer vacation is a special time for children to unwind and enjoy. It's also an opportunity for our Class X
& XII students to set goals and stay focused. This sense of dedication and responsibility should begin as
students enter the X grade.
As the temperatures soar to unprecedented heights, the summer vacation offers a brief respite from the
scorching heat. It also presents students with ample time for reflection, reviewing past performances, learning
from mistakes, setting goals, and planning strategically and tactically. As we gear up for this rejuvenating
period, let's prepare to make the most of our time in constructive ways. To foster new learning experiences
and enhance individual curiosity, the school has organized activities to channelize the energy of our young
Here are some guidelines for you to invigorate your ward while giving him the chance to enjoy this period
of unrestrained fun -
1. Embrace family time: Use this period to reinforce family ties and create cherished moments together.
2. Explore through reading: Dive into interesting books about different places and people to expand
knowledge and imagination.
3. Prioritize health: Maintain good hygiene and opt for nutritious foods like fresh fruits and plenty of
water to stay energized.
4. Engage with holiday homework: Use Holiday Homework as an opportunity to bond and guide your
child, rather than completing tasks for them.
5. Encourage physical activity: Encourage your child to participate in healthy activities like yoga or
outdoor games.
6. Foster responsibility: Involve children in household chores to teach them valuable life skills.
7. Appreciate nature: Take leisurely walks in parks and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors together.

Holiday Homework (for all subjects) must be submitted as per the mentioned dates.


HINDI, SCIENCE, 10th July 2024
Let's make this vacation a time of growth, reflection, and enjoyment for our students.
Wishing you all a happy and fulfilling holiday season!

a. Holiday Homework should be handwritten.
b. Follow the instructions given with each task.
c. The worksheet including unseen passage, grammar and literature to be done in English notebook.

1. WORKSHEET- (to be done in English copy)

A. Change the following sentences into reported speech-
1. The boy said, “My mother has never scolded me.”
2. The teacher said, “Students, open your copies.”
3. She said to her mother, “Did you buy a gift for me?”
4. My brother said, “I’ve already eaten an apple.”
5. The Maths teacher said, “Three divided by three is one.”
6. Arun said, “What kind of a poem is this?”
7. “Don’t run too fast” said the mother to her child.
8. She said, “Where do you live?”
9. He said to me, “Did you come by train?”
10. She said, “When can we have dinner?”
11. He said, “They were never my friends.”
12. They said, “What a beautiful house this is!”
13. I said, “How lucky I am!”
14. She said, “Alas! My brother failed the test.”
15. The players shouted, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”

B. Attempt the following questions in not more than 150-200 words after reading the lessons from FIRST

a. Write about the childhood experiences of Nelson Mandela and Anne Frank with reference to
b. Write a dialogue conversation between Valli and Amanda expressing views about their parents and
ways of parenting.
c. Explain the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’ and the lesson ‘Sermon at Benares’ bringing out the importance
of God.

C. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow-

The buildings that we live and work in have a major impact on the environment since they consume energy,
resources and generate waste. There are countless studies which show a direct correlation between an
occupant’s health and adequate daylight and ventilation. With our lifestyle and the majority of our time spent
indoors, the design of our spaces is of great importance.

Over the last few years, the term ‘Green Building’ has been used extensively by everybody. It implies these
projects have incorporated measures like energy saving, water conservation and ventilation. The important
thing is to remember that when we decide to build or buy a new home or office, we must ensure that it is
‘Green-certified’. Secondly, even if your current space is not designed according to Green standards, you
can still protect the environment by adopting a few simple strategies.

The first thing to be kept in mind is energy saving. Major energy consumption happens when we use
appliances at home. It is best to use 3-star or high rated air conditioners and appliances at home. We must
clean the air filters in the AC regularly. Turn off plugs when not in use. Chargers and appliances, even if they
are not turned on, will consume electricity if they are connected to a plug point.
Water is fast becoming a scarce commodity and fresh water is brought in large tankers to most city homes
and apartments. So we need to save water. This can be done by fixing water saving fixtures in bathrooms
and kitchens and turning off taps, when not in use.


A-Air conditioners, fans and lights
A-42 %
B-Gas stoves and LPG
C- 27%
C-Electrical appliances

B-20% D-other factors

Recycling waste is another important thing that all of us need to do. Many cities have large, unsightly and
ever-growing landfills surrounding them. These are not only an environmental hazard, but a breeding place
for disease-causing germs. Surprisingly landfills are filled with materials that can be easily recycled. Most
countries in the world collect trash in a segregated form because it becomes easier to recycle. One of the
simplest ways to reduce waste is to reduce our consumption of items that produce waste.
a. Design of our homes is of immense significance because-
i. buildings consume energy.
ii. studies show inverse correlation between occupant’s health and ventilation.
iii. maximum of our time is spent indoors.
iv. we spend a major part of our income on our comforts.
b. Explain the term ‘Green Building’.
c. Why should chargers and appliances not remain plugged in?
d. Complete the analogy-
Water: scarce :: landfills: _____________
e. State two reasons why waste should be recycled.
f. According to the pie diagram, what are the two major factors affecting the energy consumption in
i. B and C
ii. A and B
iii. A and C
iv. B and D

g. Reducing consumption can ________________.

h. Which word in para 5 is same in meaning as ‘unpleasant to look at’.
Which word in the passage is the antonym of ‘amalgamate’?


आवश्यक निर्दे श :
1 यह सभी कायय व्याकरण की कॉपी में करिा है I
2 कायय सुंर्दर तथा स्पष्ट लेख में करें I

( 1 ) अिच्छे र्द लेखि

निम्िनलखखत ववषयों पर सुंकेत व ुंर्दओुं के आधार पर लगभग 120 शब्र्दों में अिच्छे र्द नलखखए I
( क ) चलती का िाम गाड़ी
 मािव जीवि में निरुं तर गनत आवश्यक
 िए कमय , िए लक्ष्य
 लक्ष्य पर चलिे वाले पनथक के आिुंर्द
 ग्लानिरहहत जीवि
( ख ) पस्तकें पढ़िे की आर्दत
 पस्तकों का महत्त्व
 पस्तकें पढ़िे की प्रवृवि
 घटती प्रवृवि के कारण
 समाधाि
( ग ) िए भारत की िई तस्वीर
 गौरवशाली इनतहास
 ववकासशील से ववकनसत
 ज्ञाि – ववज्ञाि में अग्रणी
 अुंतरायष्ट्रीय प्रनतष्ठा

( 2 ) ववज्ञापि लेखि -
निम्िनलखखत ववषयों पर लगभग 40 शब्र्दों में रुं गीि ववज्ञापि तैयार कीखजए I
1 स्वच्छता स्वास््यपूणय जीवि की महत्त्वपूणय शरुआत है - स्वच्छता और
स्वास््य के प्रनत जागूककता ढ़ािे हे त एक ववज्ञापि I
2 ववववधता और एकता भारतीय सुंस्कृ नत की ववशेषता है , इसकी एकता और
अखुंडता का पररचय र्दे ते हए एक रुं गीि ववज्ञापि I
3 वृक्ष परोपकार की साक्षात प्रनतमा हैं , प्रकृ नत और मािव के सुंतलि का मूल
आधार वि हैं I वि सुंपर्दा के महत्त्व को र्दशायता एक ववज्ञापि I

( 3 ) लघकथा लेखि
िैनतक नसद्ाुंतों को स्थावपत करिे और चररत्र ववकास के साथ – साथ जीवि
कौशल नसखाती है – लघकथा
निम्िनलखखत ववषय पर लगभग 100 शब्र्दों में एक लघकथा नलखखए I
( क ) पररश्रम : सफलता की कुं जी


निर्दे श:- सर्वं कार्यं पुस्तिकार्याां अथर्वा पत्रेषु (ruled sheets) कुरुत।

1 “िास्ति त्यागसमां सुखम्” इनत कथार्या: सनित्रसारां निखत।

2 अधोनिस्तखतेषु नर्वषर्येषु पञ्चर्वाक्यािाम् सनित्र-अिुच्छेर्दां निखत।

मम प्रिया क्रीडा, मैट्रोरे लयात्रा, मम प्रिनचयाा , िात: भ्रमणम्

3 पनितािाां पािािाां पुिरार्वृनतां कुरूत।


Allons au France!!
Creéz "Une petite histoire" de Votre choix et collez les images en utilisant l'imparfait et Passé Composé
dans Votre cahier.
General Instruction:

Part A & B consists of an assignment to be done in Practice assignment register no:3.

Prepare Mind Maps / Concept Maps for the following chapters:
1) Real Numbers
2) Polynomials
3) Pair of linear equations in two variables
4) Triangles

Section A

1 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: To enhance the reading skills of grade X [4]
students, the school nominates you and two of your friends to set up a class library. There are
two sections - section A and section B of grade X. There are 32 students in section A and 36
students in section B.

1. What is the minimum number of books you will acquire for the class library, so that
they can be distributed equally among students of Section A or Section B?
2. If the product of two positive integers is equal to the product of their HCF and LCM
is true then, the HCF (32, 36) is

3. 7× 11 × 13 × 15 + 15 is a

4. If p and q are positive integers such that p = ab2 and q = a 2 b, where a, b are prime
numbers, then the LCM (p, q) is

2 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: An object which is thrown or projected [4]
into the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity is called a projectile, and its path is
called its trajectory. This curved path was shown by Galileo to be a parabola. Parabola is
represented by a polynomial. If the polynomial to represent the distance covered is, p(t) = - 5t
+ 40t + 1.2

1. What is the degree of the polynomial p(t) = - 5 t2 + 40t + 1.2?

2. What is the height of the projectile at the time of 4 seconds after it is launched?
3. What is the name of the polynomial p(t) = - 5t2 + 40t + 1.2 that is classified based on
its degree?
4. What are the factors of the given quadratic equation p(x) = x2 - 5x + 6?
3 [4]

Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Lokesh, a production manager in Mumbai, hires a taxi everyday to go to his office. The taxi
charges in Mumbai consists of a fixed charges together with the charges for the distance
covered. His office is at a distance of 10 km from his home. For a distance of 10 km to his
office, Lokesh paid ₹ 105. While coming back home, he took another route. He covered a
distance of 15 km and the charges paid by him were ₹ 155.
1. What are the fixed charges?
2. What are the charges per km?

3. If fixed charges are₹ 20 and charges per km are ₹ 10, then how much Lokesh have to
pay for travelling a distance of 10 km?
4. Find the total amount paid by Lokesh for travelling 10 km from home to office and 25
km from office to home.
Fixed charges and charges per km are as in (i) & (ii).

4 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Veena wants to make the curtains for [4]
her window as shown in the figure. The window is in the shape of a rectangle, whose width
and height are in the ratio 2 : 3. The area of the window is 9600 square cm.

1. What is the shape of the window that is uncovered?

2. What will be the ratio of two sides of each curtain (other than hypotenuse)?
3. What are the dimensions of the window?
4. What will be the perimeter of the window?

Section B

5 Assertion (A): The H.C.F. of two numbers is 16 and their product is 3072. Then their [1]
L.C.M.= 162

Reason: If a, bare two positive integers, then H.C.F. × L.C.M. = a × b

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

6 Assertion (A): If the product of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x 2 + 3x + 5k is - 10 [1]
then value of k is - 2.
Reason (R): Sum of zeroes of quadratic polynomial ax 2 + bx + c is - .

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

7 Assertion (A): System x + y = 3 and x – y = k has unique solutions for every real value of k. [1]
Reason (R): Two lines in plane can never intersect
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
8 Assertion (A): If in a △ ABC, a line DE || BC, intersects AB in D and AC in E, then 𝐴𝐷 = 𝐴𝐸 [1]

Reason (R): If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersecting the other two
sides, then the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

Section C

9 Express 23150 as product of prime factors. [1]

10 Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 + 4x - 12. [1]
11 Write a solution of the linear equation 5x + 0y + 8 = 0 in two variables. [1]
12 In the adjoining figure,△ 𝐴𝐻𝐾 is similar to △ 𝐴𝐵𝐶 . If AK = 10 cm, BC = 3.5 cm and HK = [1]
7 cm, find AC.

13 Prove that (7 - 2√3 ) is an irrational number, given that √3 is an irrational number. [2]
14 An electronic device makes a beep after every 60 seconds. Another device makes a beep after [2]
every 62 seconds. They beeped together at 10 a.m. At what time will they beep together at the
15 Form the quadratic polynomials whose zeroes are: [2]
1. 2 and√2

2. 2 − √2 and 2 − √7

3. √3 and −√5
2 1
4. and − 2

16 The graph of the polynomial f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is as shown below. Write the sign of c. [2]

17 Two straight paths are represented by the equations x – 3y = 2 and –2x + 6y = 5. Check [2]
whether the paths cross each other or not.
18 Solve the system of equations by using the method of substitution: [2]
3x - 5y = - 1
x- y=-1

19 In the given figure PQ∥ AB and PR ∥ AC. Prove that QR ∥ BC. [2]

20 D is a point on the side BC of a triangle ABC such that∠ ADC = ∠ BAC. Show that CA 2 = [2]
CB ⋅ CD.
General Instructions:
 Worksheet to be attempted on the ruled sheets.
 All questions of the worksheet (Science) to be done together.

It consists of Section A- MCQs and Section B-Short answer type questions.


Q1: (i) When a concave mirror is held towards the sun, its sharp image is formed on a piece of carbon paper.
As a result, a hole is burnt in the carbon paper. What is the name given to the distance between the mirror
and carbon paper?
a) Radius of curvature
b) Focal length
c) Principal focus
d) Principal axis

(ii) The focal length of a mirror is 15 cm. The radius of curvature is

a) 15 cm
b) 30 cm
c) 45 cm
d) 60 cm

(iii) In a convex mirror, reflection of light takes place at its

a) Flat surface
b) Bent-in surface
c) Bulging–out surface
d) Uneven surface

(iv) A child is standing in front of a magic mirror, finds the image of her head bigger, the middle portion of
her body of the same size and that of the legs smaller. The following is the order of combinations for the
magic mirror from the top.
a) Plane, Convex, Concave
b) Convex, Concave, Plane
c) Concave, Plane, Convex
d) Convex, Plane, Concave

Q2: (i) What is the position of an image when an object is placed at a distance of 20 cm from a concave
mirror of focal length 20 cm?
a) 5cm
b) 20cm
c) 10cm
d) infinity

(ii) If the magnification of an image is -2, the characteristic of image will be:
a) real and enlarged
b) virtual and enlarged
c) virtual and diminished
d) real and diminished

(iii)What is the position of an image when an object is placed at a distance of 60 cm from a concave mirror
of focal length 30 cm?
a) 30cm
b) 40cm
c) 50cm
d) 60cm

(iv) A parallel beam of light is made to fall on a concave mirror. An image is formed at a distance of 7.5 cm
from the mirror. The approximate focal length of the mirror is
c)3.75 cm
d) 10cm

Q3: (i) The chemical reaction in which a single substance breaks down into two or more simpler substances
upon heating is known as
a) thermal decomposition reaction
b) photo decomposition reaction
c) electric decomposition reaction
d) both (a) and (b)

(ii) A white salt on heating decomposes to give brown fumes and yellow residue is left behind. The yellow
residue left behind is of
a) lead nitrate
b) nitrogen oxide
c) lead oxide
d) oxygen gas

(iii) Which of the following reactions represents a combination reaction?

(a) CaO (s) + H2O (l) → Ca(OH)2 (aq)
(b) CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2(g)
(c) Zn(s) + CuSO4 (aq) → ZnSO4 (aq) + Cu(s)
(d) 2FeSO4(s) → Fe2O3 (s) +SO2(g) + SO3(g)

(iv) Complete the following statements by choosing the correct type of reaction for X and Y.

Statement 1: The heating of lead nitrate is an example of ‘X’ reaction.

Statement 2: The burning of magnesium is an example of ‘Y’ reaction.

a) X- Combination, Y- Decomposition
b) X- Decomposition, Y-Combination
c) X- Combination, Y-Displacement
d) X- Displacement, Y-Decomposition

Q4:(i) Digestion of food is a/an:

a) exothermic reaction
b) endothermic reaction
c) reversible reaction
d) substitution reaction

(ii) Identify ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ in the following reaction :

a) x = gas; y = reaction condition; z = gas

b) x = solid; y = liquid; z = gas
c) x = number of moles of KClO3; y = reaction condition; z = number of molecules of oxygen
d) x = physical state of KClO3 and KCl; y = reaction condition, z = physical state of O2
(iii) Which one of the following processes involve chemical reactions?
a) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure in a gas cylinder.
b) Keeping petrol in a china dish in the open.
c) Liquefaction of air.
d) Heating copper wire in the presence of air at high temperature

(iv) In which of the following reactions, high amount of heat energy will be evolved?
a) Electrolysis of water
b) Dissolution of NH4Cl in water
c) Burning of L.P.G.
d) Decomposition of AgBr in the presence of light.

Q5 : (i) In which of the following groups of organisms food material is broken outside the body and
a) Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba
b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
c) Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
d) Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm

(ii) Which of the following is a parasite?

a) Yeast
b) Tapeworm
c) Amoeba
d) Earthworm

(iii) Which of the following is an example of saprotroph?

a) Grass
b) Mushroom
c) Amoeba
d) Paramecium

(iv) In which organism, food enters the body through fixed spot
a) Amoeba
b) Paramecium
c) Bacteria
d) Yeast

Q6: Analyse the following observation table showing variation of image distance (v) with object distance
(u) in case of concave mirror and answer the questions that follow, without doing any calculations.

S.No Object distance (u)(cm) Image distance (v)(cm)

1 -100 -25

2 -60 -30

3 -40 -40

4 -30 -60

5 -25 -100

6 -15 -120
a) What is the focal length of the concave mirror?
b) Write the serial number of observation which is not correct? On what basis have you arrived at this
c) Select an appropriate scale and draw a ray diagram for the observation at S.No. 2. Also find the
approximate value of magnification.
d) What trend (change) do you see for image’s size and position as the object is brought towards the pole
of the mirror from infinity?
Q7: Consider the following diagram in which M is a mirror and P is an object and Q is its magnified image
formed by the mirror.

State the type of mirror M and one characteristic property of the image Q. Also write three uses of mirror.

Q8: Draw the following diagram, in which a ray of light is incident on a concave/ convex mirror, on your
answer sheet. Show the part of this ray, after reflection, in each case.

Q9: An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a converging mirror of focal length 15 cm . Find the
position and nature of the image formed. Draw a ray diagram for the above position of object and image.

Q10: An object 5 cm in length is placed at a distance of 20 cm in front of a convex mirror of radius of

curvature 30 cm. Find the position of the image, its nature and size. Draw a ray diagram to show the above
position of object and image.

Q11: Take 3 g of barium hydroxide in a test tube, now add about 2 g of ammonium chloride and mix the
contents with the help of a glass rod. Now touch the test tube from outside.
(i) What do you feel on touching the test tube?
(ii) State the inference about the type of reaction occurred (Exothermic/Endothermic).
(iii) Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved.

Q12: State the type of chemical reactions, represented by the following equations:
(a) A + BC → AC + B
(b) A + B → C
(c) PQ + RS → PS + RQ
(d) A2O3 + 2B → B2O3 + 2A

Q13: One gram of copper powder was taken in a China dish and heated. What change takes place on heating?
When hydrogen gas is passed over this heated substance, a visible change is seen in it. Give the chemical
equations of reactions, the name and the colour of the products formed in each case.
Q14: Mention the type of chemical reaction that takes place when:

(i) limestone is heated.

(ii) silver bromide is exposed to sunlight.
(iii) electricity is passed through acidified water.
(iv) ammonia and hydrogen chloride are mixed with each other.
Also write the balanced chemical equation for each reaction.

Q15: What is a redox reaction?

Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions.
(a) Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe
(b) 2PbO + C → 2Pb + CO2

Q16: Describe an experiment to show that chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis.

Q17: Give function of following enzymes / digestive juices:
a) Salivary amylase
b) Pepsin
c) Trypsin
d) Lipase
e) Bile juice
f) Gastric juice

Q18: Give reasons for the following:

a) Small intestine has numerous finger-like outgrowths called villi.
b) Trachea is made up of rings of cartilage.
c) Right and left side of the human heart is separated by a septum.
d) The length of the small intestine is much longer in herbivores than carnivores.
e) The rate of breathing in aquatic animals is much faster than in terrestrial animals.

Q19: Differentiate between

a) Artery and vein
b) Blood and Lymph
c) Xylem and Phloem

Q20: Draw neat, labelled diagrams of:

a) Open and closed stomata
b) Nutrition in Amoeba
c) Digestive system, Respiratory system and Excretory system in humans
d) Human Heart

General Instructions:
 Each student is required to make CBSE prescribed project on Social Science.
 The project should be handwritten on A-4 size sheets (max 10-15 pages).
 The First five pages of the project should contain - NAME, CLASS/SECTION, TOPIC/TITLE,
 Support your work with pictures, cartoons, magazines and newspapers clippings, Bar Diagrams,
Graphs etc.


Every student must compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:

Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable development


Consumer Awareness -Your project should reflect the following points or any other aspect can also be
Included.This project proposes to discuss the issue of consumer rights within the context of the ways markets
operate in ourcountry. There are many aspects of unequal situations in a market and poor enforcement of
rules and regulations. Discuss how some consumers are exploited in a real-life situation and how legal
institutions help consumers in
getting compensated and in upholding their rights. Express how the awareness of being a well-informed
consumerand active participation of people is important. Mention a few organisations helping consumers in
different ways.
Social Issues Social issues have plagued the life of too many people. Many times, you may have noticed that
a lotof things in the society which does not seem good. For instance, you must have noticed poor children
begging on the streets. They do not go to school. They have been forced to beg for a living. Such
circumstances along with others which affect the population at large are social issues. Begging is an issue
which arises out of poverty.
Poverty is itself is one of the major social issues in India. It is important to understand the general social issues
ofour society and how they impact the lives of the people of the country. Take any two social issues that we
face today and explain them in detail. Keep the following points in mind. Your project should reflect the
following points, or any other aspect can also be included.
What is a Social Issue?
A social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of individuals. It is an aspect of society
that people are concerned about and would like to get it changed. The concern of a social issue may be
objective or subjective. A social issue arises due to diverse opinions of individuals based on what is perceived
as right. Socialissue does not necessarily refer to an ill to be solved, but it may be a topic to be discussed.
Social issues can be different for different groups, societies, countries and world. Causes of the Social Issues:
There are many causes of the social issues. Social issues arise due to inequalities in society. Different
individuals and different societies may have different perceptions about a problem giving rise to a social
issue. There can be disagreements about which social issue is important and worth solving, or which should
take precedence. Solving Social Issues: There are a variety of methods to resolve variety of social issues.
These include political processes, non-profit organizations, community groups and volunteering to have
public dialogue on a social issue and arrive at a most acceptable solution.
Sustainable Development
What is sustainable development? “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
theability of future generations to meet their own needs” Your project should reflect the following points or
any other aspect can also be included
 Is sustainable development just about saving the environment, or other are there other factors involved
such ashuman welfare, construction, politics or economics?
 What are different types of activities or projects that fall under sustainable development?
 What are some national sustainable development projects?
 Are there any local sustainable development projects?
 What are some international sustainable development projects?
 What are the benefits of sustainable development?
 What are problems and challenges associated with sustainable development?
 What are some organizations that are involved in sustainable development?


Using Libre Office Writer template design a poster for your school summer camp activities. Take a
printout and submit.


Do as per the Instructions given-
 All work should be neatly done in a File / Folder.
 File/ folder should be properly covered. Mention Name, Class & Section and Roll No. on the file.
 Paste relevant pictures and draw diagrams.
 Do all topics.

1. Write the four programs (in brief) conducted by the physical education facilitator.
2. ⁠Write activities included in physical education programs with neat diagrams and photos.

PAINTING (Only for CWSN Students)

Topic: Make a painting on Play Ground Scene
Sheet size: Cartridge sheet A3 size
Colour medium: Oil Pastels


Make a poster on A4 sheet showing any five internet services with brief description of at least three
sentences each.


 This is a CBSE initiative, which aims to celebrate the cultural diversity of India through mutual interaction
and reciprocity between the people of different states and union territories. As per the guidelines, Delhi
has been paired with Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Keeping this in view, the following
subject based assignments have been designed enabling students to appreciate the rich heritage and culture
as well as the customs and traditions of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The tasks will foster
a sense of common identity among the learners.
 It is mandatory for all students to take up AIL project/ assignment which will be assessed for internal
 AIL Holiday homework should be handwritten/ handmade.

S.No. Subject Nature of AIL Holiday Homework Topic with instructions

1 English Travel brochure Make a travel brochure on Andaman and Nicobar
Islands including the following points-
a. Make the brochure by folding an A-3 sheet into 3 or 4
b. Use creativity and imagination.
c. Cover at least three tourist destinations, location on
map, cuisine, folk culture, etc.
d. Also give a 2-minute presentation highlighting the key
features of the brochure when the school reopens.

2 Hindi Project in Scrap कला समेककत परियोजना कायय

आवश्यक कनर्दे श :
1 यह परियोजना कायय स्क्रैप बुक में किना है I
2 परियोजना कायय सुुंर्दि तथा स्पष्ट होना चाकहए I

लक्षयद्वीप में पययटि को ढ़ावा र्दे िे के नलए एक

सनचत्र पररयोजिा तैयार कीखजए I
3 Sanskrit Wall Magazine “स्वच्छां जिां स्वच्छताां ि” इनत नर्वषर्यम् अनधकृत्य नर्दल्लीिगरस्य
अांडमािनिकोबारद्वीपसमूहस्य ि स्वच्छतार्या: तुििात्मकां र्वर्णिां
कृत्वा निनतनित्रां (wall magazine) रिर्यत।
4 French Comic Strip 1. Faites " Un comic Strip" sur un papier " A3 size"

2. Faites un débat entre les gens de Delhi et Andaman et

Nicobar en discutant leur cuisine.
5 Mathematics Project File
Learning Objective: To intertwine mathematical concepts with
the captivating geography of Lakshadweep Islands. Students will
be able to compare various aspects of geography, population,
culture, and environment of Lakshadweep by drawing Bar
graphs , Pie-charts, Double bar graphs and line graphs.

Draw a Bar graph to show

1) Area comparison of Lakshadweep Islands and Andaman
& Nicobar Islands.
2) Population of Lakshadweep Islands for the years
2001,2011 and 2021.

Draw a Double Bar graph to show

1) Literacy rate of men and women in 2001,2011 & 2021
2) Male -Female ratio of Lakshadweep Islands for the
years 2001,2011 and 2021.

Draw a Line graph to show

1) Month wise average rainfall in Lakshadweep in year

Draw a Pie-chart to represent

1) languages of Lakshadweep Islands(Bengali, Tamil,
Telugu, Malayalam & others)
2) Population of Lakshadweep Islands by religion( Islam,
Hinduism, Christianity & others)

6 Science Project File Instructions:

 No. of sheets in project file of Art Integrated learning
(AIL) project: 4 to 5
 Project should be handwritten

Make a comparative project report of Andaman and Nicobar

Islands with Delhi on ‘Climate profile’ and steps taken for
‘Climate-change action plan’.

Project report may include the comparison of Andaman and

Nicobar islands and Delhi based on any three of the
following points:
-Temperature Variations
- Pollution level
- Precipitation
- Ecosystem
- Water Conservation techniques
- Geographical features

Also include the climate change action plan of both places

in your project.

Note: Make your project colourful, handwritten and full of

7 Social Science Collage/ Poster Read the following information on Andaman Nicobar,
Lakshadweep and Delhi –
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, union territory, India,
consisting of two groups of islands at the southeastern edge
of the Bay of Bengal. The peaks of a submerged mountain
range, the Andaman Islands and their neighbours to the
south, the Nicobar Islands, form an arc stretching southward
for some 620 miles (1,000 km) between Myanmar (Burma)
and the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The arc constitutes the
boundary between the Bay of Bengal to the west and
the Andaman Sea to the east. Port Blair (on South Andaman
Island) is the territorial capital.

Situated on the ancient trade route between India and

Myanmar, the Andamans were visited by the navy of the
English East India Company in 1789, and in 1872 they were
linked administratively by the British to the Nicobar Islands.
The two sets of islands became a union territory of the
Republic of India in 1956. The territory has for more than a
century been recognized for its indigenous communities,
which have ardently avoided extensive interaction with
ethnic outsiders.

In 2004 the islands drew global attention when they were

severely damaged by a large tsunami that had been triggered
by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean near Indonesia.
Landforms are categorized by features such as elevation,
slope, orientation, stratification, rock exposure, and soil
type. They include berms, mounds, hills, cliffs, valleys,
rivers, and numerous other elements. Oceans and continents
are the highest-order landforms. The Andaman tropical
evergreen rain forests, beautiful silver sandy beaches,
serpentine mangrove-lines creeks, marine life abounding in
rare species of plants, animals, corals, etc., provide a
memorable experience to the tourists. It enjoys the
equatorial climate. This is the only place in India where a
volcano is located. This is the only place in India where a
coral bed is found.


Located in the Arabian Sea, Lakshadweep is a group of 36

islands comprising of 12 atolls, three reefs, five submerged
sand banks and 10 inhabited islands. It is the smallest Union
Territory of India with a total geographical area of only 30
sq km. The UT lies between 8°15' N to 11°45' N latitude and
72°E to 74°E longitude. The only district of the Union
Territory is a tribal district. Lakshadweep islands have a
tropical humid, warm and generally pleasant climate. The
annual rainfall ranges between 1,000 mm to 2,000 mm and
the annual temperature varies from 25°C to 35°C. Though
the islands receive high rainfall but lack of surface storage
capacity makes fresh water a precious commodity in the UT.
As per the 2011 Census, Lakshadweep has a population of
0.064 million. The rural and urban population constitute
21.94% and 78.06% respectively. Tribal population of the
UT is 6.99%. The population density is 2,015 per sq km. The
19th Livestock Census 2012 has reported a total livestock
population of 0.049 million in the UT.
One of the oldest city of India, Delhi is situated on the banks
of river Yamuna. It is located at 28.38° N and 77.13° E on
the northern part of India. Considered to be a part of the
Aravalli Range, major part of Delhi is a plain area or
Bhangar which is very fertile. The other regions of Delhi
like the Yamuna plains are prone to flood while the Delhi
ridge which is the most important feature of this region is
bordered by the Aravallis. The entire topography of this city
is divided into two prominent regions - the Yamuna Flood
Plain and the ridge.
A scared river of the Hindus, Yamuna is the only important
river flowing through Delhi while the Delhi ridge which is
simply called the Ridge is an extension of the Aravalli
Range. The river bed is rich in alluvial soil and the plains are
very fertile. As the plains of the river Yamuna are very
fertile vegetation of Delhi comprises of medium size of trees
and herbs.
Make a collage/poster on HALF CARTRIDGE sheet
comparing Delhi with Andaman Nicobar &
Lakshadweep by showing the mitigation strategies of
possible disasters like Tsunami (Andaman & Nicobar),
Cyclones (Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep) with
Earthquakes & Floods (Delhi).
Support your collage/poster with pictorial illustrations,
diagrams, Bar Graphs etc
8 Information Poster Make a handmade poster on half cartridge sheet showing the
technology recent developments in the internet connectivity in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
9 Physical activity Project File Prepare a project report in detail with photos of mesmerizing
trainer (for Lakshadweep islands by covering these topics.
CWSN students) A. Geography of Lakshadweep.
B. Popular games and sports.
10 Painting (for Composition Make a composition on the given topic
CWSN students) Use A3 size cartridge sheet
Colour medium : Any medium of your choice
Topic: Beach view of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
11 Computer Poster Using internet, search for challenges faced by The
Applications Andaman and Nicobar Islands in internet connectivity and
(for CWSN draw a poster for the same on A4 Sheet and submit.

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