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Harssaf 66

Contents Hengeyokai 67
Hydralisk 68
Contents 3 Illithid 69
Foreword 5 Jackalfolk 71
6 Korobokuru 72
Part I: Races Krinth 73
Abeil 7 Kuo-Toa 74
Aboleth-Touched 8 Leprechaun 75
Alaghi 9 Luminar 76
Alu-Fiend 10 Lunar Ravager 77
Aldani 11 Maendad 78
Amazon 12 Medusa 79
Astral Stalker 13 Meazel 81
Azer 14 Meenlock 82
Banshrae 16 Merfolk 83
Beholderkin 17 Minotaur 84
Berbalang 18 Modron 85
Bladeling 19 Myconid 87
Blight 20 Neo-Orogs 89
Blooded One 21 Nezumi 90
Bullywug 22 Nubari 91
Centaur 23 Ocelotl 92
Chaosborn 25 Ocelotl Names 92
Child of Ashardalon 26 Ogrekin 93
Curst 28 Old One 94
Dabus 29 Oni 95
Deep Scion 30 Penumbral 96
Demigod 31 Phaerlock 97
Demonborn 32 Phoelarch 98
Derro 33 Pixie 99
Drider 35 Pterafolk 100
Dromite 36 Quadion 101
Durzagon 37 Quaggoth 102
Dwarf 38 Quicksilks 103
Elan 39 Qullan 104
Elf 40 Rakasta 105
Ephemeral 41 Raptorans 106
Equiceph 42 Ratatosk 107
Fey’ri 43 Ravenkin 108
Florite 44 Replicant 109
Foulspawn 45 Revenant 110
Frostborn 46 Rilmani 111
Foxfolk 47 Sahuagin 112
Genasi 48 Sandmen 113
Gargoyle 49 Sarkrith 114
Gatorfolk 50 Saurial 115
Ghost Rider 51 Shade 116
Gnoll 52 Shardmind 117
Grimlock 54 Slaad 118
Grippli 55 Solarspark 120
Gulgar 56 Spellweaver 121
Hag 57 Spirit Folk 122
Half-Dwarf 59 Sunfire Salamander 123
Half-Giant 60 Sylph 124
Half-Vampire 62 Troglodyte 125
Hamadryad 63 Thri-Kreen 126
Harengon 64 Vanara 127
Harpy 65 Voidborn 128
Spider Domain 189
Contents Druid 190
Circle of Blight 190
(Continued) Circle of Dragons 191
Circle of the Bloodroot 192
Vryloka 130 Circle of Serpents 193
Wispborn 131 Empath 195
Wilden 132 School of Apathy 197
Wraithkin 133 School of Fear 197
Xeph 135 School of Joy 197
Yuan-ti 136 School of Love 198
Zern 138 School of Rage 198
139 Fighter 199
Part II: Classes Blackguard 199
Alchemist 140 Demonsoul 200
Plague Doctor 142 Dragon Knight 202
Transmuter 143 Giant Slayer 203
Elixirist 143 Hagbound 204
Toxicologist 144 Packmaster 205
Artificer 145 Tormentor 206
Engineer 145 Monk 207
Gunsmith 147 Way of the Arcane Aegis 207
Barbarian 148 Way of the Bloodstained Palm 208
Path of the Bloodrager 148 Way of the Elements 209
Path of the Giants 151 Way of the Haunted Soul 210
Path of the Plague Brute 152 Way of the Senses 211
Path of the Cursed 152 Way of the Whiskey Fist 212
Path of the Saloon Brawler 154 Paladin 213
Path of the Tribal Warrior 156 Oath of Balance 213
Bard 158 Oath of Despair 214
College of Folk Music 158 Oath of Inquisition 215
College of the Conman 159 Oath of Penitence 216
College of the Showman 160 Oath of Rebirth 217
College of the Song Dragon 161 Oath of Ruin 218
Bounty Hunter 163 Oath of the Spiritwalker 219
Arcane Hunter 166 Oath of Suffering 221
Deadeye 166 Oath of Vigilance 222
Avenger 167 Ranger 223
Saddle Savant 167 Beastbond Ranger 223
Warden Tracker 168 Desert Strider 224
Cleric 170 Trailblazer 225
Art Domain 170 Urban Ranger 226
Chaos Domain 171 Rogue 227
Cold Domain 172 Serpent Assassin 227
Cosmos Domain 173 Spirit Dancer 228
Darkness Domain 174 Shinobi 229
Dream Domain 175 Soulthief 230
Freedom Domain 176 Sorcerer 232
Hunt Domain 177 Oracle 232
Illusion Domain 178 Warlock 233
Justice Domain 179 All-Knowing Patron 233
Love Domain 180 Ancestral Spirits Patron 234
Madness Domain 181 Beholder Patron 235
Mind Domain 182 Chaos Patron 236
Night Domain 183 Desert Sun Patron 237
Ocean Domain 184 Dragon Patron 238
Order Domain 185 Elemental Patron 240
Plague Domain 186 Hag Coven Patron 241
Sacrifice Domain 186 Moon Patron 242
Rebirth Domain 188 Pact of Fate 243
Shaman 305
Contents Slave 306
Storyteller 308
(Continued) Soothsayer 309
Soulless 310
Pact of Clockwork 244 Soulless 310
Pact of Time 245 Survivor 311
Pact of Torment 246 Tax Collector 312
Primordial Patron 247 Tinkerer 313
Succubus Patron 248
Undying Patron 249
Vampire Patron 250
Void Patron 251
252 Foreword
School of Almancy
School of Hemomancy 253 s always, we would like to extend our

Part III: Backgrounds 254 gratitude for purchasing this product and
Alcoholic 255 supporting independent creators and
Animal Trainer 256 sincerely hope you enjoy the tremendous
Amnesiac 257 amounts of work put in the coming pages.
Apothecary 258
Astrologer 259
Apprentice 260
Betrayed 261
Blacksmith 262
Bounty Hunter 263
Cultist 264
Cartographer 266
Diplomat 267
Executioner 268
Exile 270
Explorer 271
Farmer 272
Feral 273
Fiendtouched 274
Forsaken 275
Fugitive 276
Gladiator 277
Godtouched 279 On the Cover
Grave Robber 280 A red moon rises in the distance, an evil omen heralding
Harlot 281 the approach of dark forces. the world is in dire need of
Heretic 282 an equally dark hero.
Hunter 284
Innkeeper 285
Insane 286
Jester 287
Lich 288
Medic 290
Messenger 291
Nomad 292
Occult Scholar 293
Prisoner 295
Prison Warden 297
Raider 298
Refugee 299
Revenant 300
Romantic 302
Serial Killer 303
Scavenger 304

beils are a unique race with features

reminiscent of bees and elves. They possess
bristly fur marked by alternating bands of
black and yellow that covers their bodies.
Their faces resemble elves, except for their
black, faceted eyes and delicate antennae.
Abeils have four-digited hands, translucent
bee-like wings, and a stinger.
Abeil Names
Abeil names often resonate with the sounds of nature
and the hive. Here are some examples:
Male Names. Buzzar, Hivecrown, Pollenar, Zephyros,
Nectarion, Thornwing, Wispflare, Beetlekin, Virendor,
Female Names. Aeris, Honeyrose, Breezelle, Flitwing,
Petaline, Glimmerbell, Amberdawn, Dewsong, Nectaria.
Abeil Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Age. Abeils mature at a rate similar to elves but have
extended lifespans, often reaching several centuries.
Size. Abeils have a slender and graceful build similar
to elves. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Wings of Drowsiness. You can emit a sleep-inducing
droning sound by beating your wings. As an action, you
can use this ability to cast the sleep spell without
needing components. You can use this ability once, and
you regain the ability to do so after a long rest.
Stinger Strike. You have a natural stinger that you
can use as a melee weapon, dealing 1d4 poison damage
on a successful hit. Your stinger is considered a finesse
Poison Resistance. You have advantage on saving
throws against poison, and you have resistance to
poison damage.
Natural Herbalists. You have proficiency in the
Nature skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
Sylvan, and Abeil, a language unique to your race.

boleth-touched are individuals who have

been touched by the ancient and enigmatic
Aboleths. Whether through exposure to
their mucus, psychic influence, or other
mysterious means, they bear a connection
to these aquatic horrors. This connection
grants them unique abilities and a deep
understanding of the dark depths of the world.
Aboleth-touched may be drawn to the secrets of the
ocean’s depths, seeking to uncover ancient knowledge
or serving the will of their Aboleth masters.
Alternatively, they might struggle to resist the sinister
urges that come with their connection, constantly at
odds with their own nature.
Aboleth-Touched Names
Aboleth-touched names often reflect the eerie and
aquatic nature of their lineage. Here are a few
Male Names. Dagonis, Krakenscale, Murkdeep,
Ozymandar, Slithertide, Thalassar, Umbravos,
Xalanthar, Zephryxis.
Female Names. Aquaria, Echowisp, Koralia, Nereidra,
Selachia, Sirensea, Umbralith, Vortessara, Waveren.
Aboleth-Touched Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.
Age. Aboleth-touched mature at a similar rate to
humans but have slightly extended lifespans. They can
live up to 90 years or more.
Size. Aboleth-touched have a similar range of heights
and builds as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Your connection to the Aboleths grants
you the ability to see in the darkest depths. You can see
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aquatic Affinity. You are proficient in the Athletics
skill and have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Aboleth’s Insight. You have advantage on Intelligence
(History) checks related to underwater civilizations and
ancient secrets.
Mind Link. You can communicate telepathically with
any creature you can see within 30 feet of you, using a
limited form of telepathy.
Aberrant Resistance. You have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened.

Stealthy Prowess. You have proficiency in the Stealth
Silent Movement. You can move silently and blend into
your surroundings with remarkable skill. You have
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move
Natural Weapons. Your claws and strong fists are
formidable weapons. You can make unarmed strikes,
dealing 1d4 slashing damage with your claws or 1d6
bludgeoning damage with your fists.
Clerical Affinity (Elderly Alaghi). Elderly Alaghi have a
deep connection to the divine and can cast cleric spells.
You can choose one cantrip from the cleric spell list. At
3rd level, you can cast the Bless spell once per day.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Harmonious Nature. Despite their imposing
appearance, Alaghi are skilled at resolving conflicts
through diplomacy and harmony. You have proficiency
in the Persuasion skill.

laghi are enigmatic, fur-covered humanoids,

distant cousins of yeti known for their
immense size and stealthy prowess. Despite
their formidable appearance, they are
creatures of demure and harmonious

Alaghi Names
Alaghi names often reflect their serene nature and the
sounds of the natural world. Here are a few examples:
Male Names. Brakar, Thurnak, Drusk, Harkar,
Grendar, Skarnok, Tarnak, Vorlok
Female Names. Vasha, Gritha, Larnia, Kressa, Tura,
Shanra, Zarna
Alaghi Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2 and your Wisdom increases by 1.
Age. Alaghi mature at a slightly slower rate than
humans but have significantly longer lifespans. They
can live up to 200 years or more.
Size. Alaghi stand much taller and broader than
humans. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Charm Resistance. You have advantage on saving
Alu-Fiend throws against being charmed.
Bad Luck’s Favor. You have advantage on saving
lu-fiends are the offspring of a succubus and

a mortal male, usually human. They inherit throws against curses and bad luck effects.
Beshaba’s Whispers. You have proficiency in the
both demonic and humanoid traits, making Deception and Stealth skills.
them unique and alluring beings. Females
are often attractive or beautiful, hiding their
needle-like teeth and diminutive wings.
Males are harder to distinguish from
cambions, the male counterparts born of female
Alu-fiends are striking beings, often possessing a
seductive charm that conceals their darker nature.
Their appearance varies depending on their lineage, but
they tend to exhibit both alluring and abyssal features.
Some alu-fiends serve the goddess of bad luck,
Beshaba, and may act as her closest attendants. As an
Alu-Fiend, you embrace your dual nature and navigate
the challenges of being both alluring and dangerous.
Your unique heritage grants you intriguing abilities and
ties to the demonic realm, while your alignment may
lead to moral dilemmas and choices that shape your
Alu-Fiend Names
Alu-fiend names possess an otherworldly charm,
reflecting their dual nature as beings of allure and
darkness. Here are a few examples:
Male Names. Alistair, Asmodeus, Azazel, Balthazar,
Belial, Dagon, Draven, Eldritch, Hades, Lazarus,
Lucius, Magnus, Malachi, Malevolentus, Mordecai,
Mortis, Oberon, Radagast, Severus, Vortigern, Xandor,
Xenos, Xeraxis, Xolvar, Yssandra, Vexith, Vhissar,
Vortul, Zalvus, Zalthor, Zarakis, Zephram.
Female Names. Agatha, Belladonna, Calypso,
Cassandra, Desdemona, Elara, Hecate, Isolde, Lilith,
Maleficora, Medea, Melantha, Morgath, Morwen,
Myrina, Myssandra, Mystran, Nyx, Odessa, Selene,
Seraphina, Sybella, Sylissara, Sythria, Valara, Vaeloria,
Valdor, Valtoria, Vexara, Xaelia, Xandra, Xanthia,
Xylena, Xyra, Xyphos, Ylana, Zaraea, Zaraeth, Zaryna,
Zelara, Zyrellis, Zeryna, Zivara.
Alu-Fiend Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Age. Alu-fiends mature at a similar rate to humans
but have extended lifespans. They can live up to 100
years or more.
Size. Alu-fiends have a similar range of heights and
builds as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to dimly lit environments,
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

ldani are enigmatic crustacean-humanoid

beings, resembling lobsters in their
physiology. They possess a unique blend of
aquatic and humanoid traits, making them
distinct and fascinating beings. Aldani are
known for their intelligence and civilization,
despite their formidable appearance. They
have developed a complex society with unique customs
and practices.
Aldani Names
Aldani names reflect their aquatic heritage and are
often characterized by their unique sound and rhythm.
Here are a few examples:
Male Names. Crustak, Karklesh, Thalvok, Zilthar,
Drekthor, Gulmash, Vorkrul, Jalthar, Braxik, Narlak,
Quilthok, Zarnak.
Female Names. Zeshira, Krallia, Selthana, Quilassa,
Vornelia, Krashira, Dralitha, Xarissa, Kylara, Phalana,
Aldani Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2 and your strength by 1.
Age. Aldani mature at a slower rate than humans,
reaching adulthood at around 30 years and living up to
150 years or more.
Size. Aldani vary in size, with a typical height ranging
from 4 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also
have a swimming speed of 40 feet.
Darkvision. Your chitinous eyes are well-adapted to
dimly lit environments. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness
as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
Natural Armor. Your chitinous exoskeleton provides
you with natural armor. When you’re not wearing
armor, your Armor Class is 12 + your Dexterity
modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine
your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a
lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you
use your natural armor.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Underwater Combatant. You have advantage on
attack rolls with natural weapons (such as claws) when
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Aquan.

You have proficiency with
Amazon Amazon Weapon Training.
spears, shortbows, longbows, and shields.
mazons are a race of proud and disciplined Artificial Origin. Amazons, were sculpted and born from

warriors who combine exceptional physical the ground are said to be as strong and as resilient as
abilities with tactical brilliance. They the earth. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it
possess a unique connection to the natural increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Aditionally,
world, drawing strength from the untamed you do not require sleep.
wilderness that surrounds them. Renowned
for their mastery of various weapons, their Charismatic Whenever you make a Charisma
skill with bows and spears is particularly noteworthy. (Persuasion) or a Charisma (Intimidation) check against
These warrior women possess a strong sense of unity a humanoid creature, you are considered proficient in
and communal spirit, with their society structured the Persuasion or Intimidation skill. If you are already
around sisterhood and the pursuit of excellence in proficient you may add double your proficiency bonus to
combat. Their military training starts at a young age, the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
and each Amazon undergoes rigorous physical and
mental conditioning to become a fierce warrior. Honor, Endurance of Weather. You have advantage on ability
integrity, and loyalty are paramount to their way of life, checks and saving throws to resist the effects of
and they fiercely defend their lands and each other. extreme weather.
While Amazons are predominantly female, some
males also inhabit their society. Amazons value gender
equality, recognizing the strengths and contributions of
both genders.
With their unwavering determination and unyielding
spirit, the Amazons are a force to be reckoned with.
Whether defending their homeland from invaders or
embarking on quests to seek glory and honor, they
inspire fear and admiration in equal measure. Their
legend echoes through the ages, and those who face
them in battle will find themselves confronting a truly
formidable opponent.
Amazon Names
Male names are not Amazonian, since traditionaly,
Amazons are all traditionally female. However, if an
Amazon reproduces with a human male, they create an
Amazon child that can be male. Because of this nature,
Amazons bearing male names can typicially be human
Amazon names are powerful and evocative, reflecting
their warrior heritage and connection to the natural
world. Here are a few examples:
Female Names. Artemis, Callista, Thalassa, Iliana,
Lyra, Xena, Elektra, Myrina, Phaedra, Zenobia, Cassia,
Male Names. Orion, Leonidas, Achilles, Hector,
Perseus, Theseus, Ajax, Ares, Heracles, Nestor,
Cadmus, Adonis.
Amazon Traits
Age. Amazons reach maturity at around the same age as
humans and no longer age shortly after. Amazons do
not typically die of old age.
Languages. You can speak, read, write, and understand
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Astral Stalkers have a similar range of heights and
Astral Stalker Size.
builds as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
stral Stalkers are enigmatic beings born of

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
the cosmic energies that permeate the you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
astral plane. They possess a mysterious were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
connection to the stars and the boundless shades of gray.
reaches of the multiverse. Astral Stalkers Starry Affinity. You have proficiency in the Arcana
often serve as guardians of the astral skill.
realms, using their unique abilities to Astral Resilience. You have advantage on saving
protect against threats that seek to disrupt the delicate throws against being frightened.
balance of the astral plane. Celestial Connection. You can cast the Guidance
Astral Stalker Names cantrip at will. At 3rd level, you can cast the Astral
Armor spell once per day without expending a spell slot.
Astral Stalker names reflect their celestial origin and At 5th level, you can also cast the Starfall spell once per
affinity for the astral plane. Here are a few examples: day without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your
Given Names. Astra, Celestia, Elarion, Lumina, Nova, spellcasting ability for these spells.
Quasar, Solara, Starlyn. Astral Step. You have the ability to briefly phase into
Surnames. Astralwalker, Celestialsurge, Starfallen, the astral plane, allowing you to teleport up to 30 feet to
Voidwarden. an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this
Astral Stalker Traits ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1. and Celestial.
Age. Astral Stalkers have lifespans similar to humans
but often live slightly longer, with some reaching up to
120 years.

Your Constitution score
Azer Ability Score Increase.
increases by 2.
Molten Weaponry. You have an innate talent for
orn of living flames and forged in the heart of

molten mountains, the Azers are a race of creating and wielding fiery weapons. When you make a
elemental beings with a deep connection to melee attack with a weapon, you can choose to imbue it
fire and craftsmanship. They are known for with fire. On a hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 fire
their robust bodies, fiery skin, and damage.
Lava Walk. You can move across molten lava as if it
unwavering dedication to the art of were solid ground. However, you still take fire damage
metallurgy and creation. Azers are typically from being in contact with lava.
associated with the elemental plane of fire, where they
tirelessly labor to create magnificent works of art and Forge Azer
powerful weapons. Despite their fiery exterior, Azers Your Intelligence score
possess a strong sense of honor and duty, and they are Ability Score Increase.
increases by 2.
often sought after as skilled blacksmiths and loyal allies. Master Smith. You are a master of the forge and can
As an adventurer, you are a member of this fiery race, craft magical items with exceptional skill. When crafting
with the power of flames coursing through your veins. non-magical items, it takes you half the time and
Whether you choose to embrace your elemental nature, materials normally required. Additionally, you have
or seek to explore the wider world beyond the elemental advantage on Intelligence checks related to crafting.
plane, you carry with you the legacy of a master Metallic Fortitude. Your connection to the elemental
craftsman and the fire of determination. plane of fire enhances your natural durability. You have
Azer Names resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and
Azer names are usually short and resonant, reflecting slashing damage.
the fiery nature of their language. Ember Azer
Male Names. Forgeus, Magmar, Ignar, Emberax,
Pyrion, Infernus, Blazek, Ignatius, Fornax, Vulcan. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
Female Names. Embera, Pyralia, Volcana, Magmara, by 2.
Fornessa, Flamara, Avidra, Inferna. Ember Dash. You can use your bonus action to ignite
your body, gaining increased speed. Your walking speed
Azer Traits increases by 10 feet for 1 minute. Once you use this
Azers have incredibly long lifespans, often living ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
for several centuries. They reach maturity around 50 long rest.
Flame Blade. You can summon a blade of fire as an
years of age and are considered young by their action. This flame blade counts as a finesse melee
standards until they reach 200. weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 1d6 fire
Size. Azers are typically shorter than humans,
standing between 4 and 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium. damage on a hit, and it sheds bright light in a 10-foot
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The flame
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
blade lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a
understand Ignan, the language of fire elementals. bonus action.
Fire Affinity. Your connection to the elemental plane
of fire grants you resistance to fire damage.
Artisan’s Expertise. Azers are skilled craftsmen. You
have proficiency with blacksmith’s tools, and you gain
expertise in one of the following skills of your choice:
Smith’s Tools or Tinker’s Tools.
Flameforged Body. Your body is composed of living
flames and metal. You are immune to the effects of
extreme heat, and you can endure high-temperature
environments that would be unbearable to other races.
However, you are vulnerable to cold damage.
Firecraft. You have an innate ability to manipulate
and control flames. You can cast the “Produce Flame”
cantrip using your Constitution as your spellcasting
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.

Magma Azer

The fiery image of an azer

Your music compels those who
Banshrae Compelling Ditty:
hear it to move a considerable distance in a direction
anshrae are a spiteful and treacherous fey of your choice, as if they were charmed.

race, known for their deep connection to Dart Barrage. When you use your flute as a blowgun,
music and their dangerous, malevolent you can do one of the following once per day:
nature. They are bitter and consumed by grief
and fear, reveling in causing turmoil and Dart Spray: You can spray a 15-foot cone with darts,
chaos wherever they go. Banshrae have a dealing damage to all creatures in the area.
unique relationship with their masterwork Locust Dart: You can fire a special dart that sickens
flutes, using them both as instruments to create the target and summons a swarm of locusts under
haunting melodies and as blowguns to unleash deadly your command.
darts. Their powers of manipulation through music and Fey Evasion. You possess fey magics that make you
innate fey abilities make them formidable adversaries in more elusive in combat. Once per day, when a creature
battle. makes an attack roll against you, you can use your
Banshrae Names reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll.
Banshrae names are lyrical and often evoke the beauty
and enchantment of their race.
Male Names: Aelarion, Caladrel, Elowen, Faeranduil,
Lirael, Thalorin, Valandor, Ysrael
Female Names: Althea, Eilistra, Lurelia, Maelisandra,
Seraphina, Thessalya, Vaeloria, Zephyrine
Banshrae Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Size. Banshrae come in various sizes, but they are
typically slender and lithe. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can understand Common, Elven, and
Sylvan, but you cannot speak. Instead, you
communicate through telepathy, which has a range of
100 feet.
Low-Light Vision. You can see in dim light as if it
were bright light, but you can’t see in darkness.
Cold Iron Weakness. You have a weakness to cold
iron, which makes you vulnerable to attacks made with
weapons made of this material.
Fey Music. You are proficient with masterwork flutes,
which can be used both as musical instruments and
blowguns. These flutes have terrifying magic behind
their music.
Musical Manipulation. When you use your flute as a
musical instrument, you can affect enemies within a 60-
foot radius with your music. You can choose one of the
following effects:
Fear-Inducing Dirge: Your music instills fear in those
who hear it, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving
throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
Catchy Sing-Along: Your music compels those who
hear it to join in a nonsensical sing-along. This
distracts them, imposing disadvantage on their
Concentration checks and saving throws for 1

see within 120 feet. You have two eye rays, and you can
Beholderkin use each ray once per turn. The DC for your eye rays is
eholderkin are aberrations that share many 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

traits with beholders, but are smaller and less Each ray has a different effect:
powerful. They have a humanoid body with a Charm Ray. The target must make a Wisdom saving
bulbous head, covered in eyes and tentacles. throw or be charmed by you for 1 minute. Fear Ray: The
Beholderkin society is rare and often target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be
secretive, as they are often feared and frightened by you for 1 minute. Paralyzing Ray: The
mistrusted by other races due to their target must make a Constitution saving throw or be
heritage. paralyzed for 1 minute. Sleep Ray: The target must
Beholderkin Names make a Wisdom saving throw or fall unconscious for 1
minute or until it takes damage. Slow Ray: The target
Beholderkin names tend to be harsh and guttural, must make a Wisdom saving throw or have its speed
reflecting the race’s aberrant and monstrous nature. halved and suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and
They often have two to three syllables and are ability checks for 1 minute. Telekinetic Ray: You can
composed of sounds that are difficult for humanoids to move an object weighing up to 30 pounds within 30 feet
pronounce. Beholderkin don’t have gender, so all names of you using telekinesis. Tentacles: You can use your
are gender-neutral. Some examples of Beholderkin tentacles to make an unarmed strike, dealing 1d6
names include: bludgeoning damage.
Azzikar, Bix’thar, Galth’rok, Gix’trix, Graxxus, Gyxen,
Hrazzith, Kraxir, Krenzara, Krezyn, Kyranth, Naxzor,
Nyrlax, Pyraxis, Pyrithrax, Sylpharion, Sylthar, Vaxzoth,
Vhazth, Viz’ra, Vyllix, Xa’thar, Xyrax, Xyrik, Yur’thax,
Zaxir, Zorathar, Zorathax, Zorvax, Zylphar.
Beholderkin Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Beholderkin mature at a rate similar to humans,
but they can live for centuries, with some rare
individuals living for over a thousand years.
Alignment. Beholderkin tend to be neutral or evil, but
some may be lawful or chaotic depending on their
upbringing and experiences.
Size. Beholderkin are Medium creatures, standing
between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,

Deep Speech, and Undercommon.
Darkvision. Thanks to your aberrant nature, you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Beholderkin Magic. You know the Mage Hand cantrip.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Detect
Magic spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you
can cast the Invisibility spell once per day. Intelligence
is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Eye Rays. As an action, you can use your eye rays to
make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can
While projecting, your physical body remains in a
Berbalang trance and is unaware of its surroundings. If your
erbalangs are evil creatures from the Astral physical body takes any damage or is moved, the

Plane that feed on human flesh. They have projection ends and the duplicate disappears. If the
leathery skin, wide eyes, and bat-like wings. duplicate takes any damage or is more than 1 mile away
They can project a duplicate of themselves from your physical body, the projection also ends. You
that can roam and hunt while their physical can use this feature once per long rest.
Astral Resistance. You have resistance to psychic
body remains in a trance. They are feared and damage and advantage on saving throws against effects
hated by most other races, and often hide that would banish you to another plane of existence.
their true nature. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
As a berbalang, you are a cunning and ruthless and Abyssal.
predator that seeks to satisfy your hunger and curiosity.
You have a connection to the Astral Plane and can use it
to your advantage. You may have a reason to travel with
other adventurers, such as finding new prey, escaping
your enemies, or exploring the mysteries of the
Berbalang Names
Berbalang names are usually derived from the
languages of the races they prey on, often with a sinister
twist. Some examples are:
Male Names. Arcturus, Bane, Corvus, Darius, Erebos,
Fenris, Gideon, Harkon, Ixion, Jareth, Kain, Luthor,
Magnus, Nero, Orion, Raze, Samael, Tharion, Uriel,
Vexen, Xanatos, Zane.
Female Names. Astraia, Bellatrix, Circe, Delilah, Eris,
Freya, Hela, Ishtar, Jezebel, Kira, Lilith, Morrigan, Nyx,
Ophelia, Ravena, Selene, Talaia, Ursaia, Vespera,
Xaraia, Zaraia.
Berbalang Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Berbalangs mature at the same rate as humans
but live much longer. They can live up to 500 years or
Size. Berbalangs are about the same size and build as
humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have
a flying speed of 40 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness.
Astral Projection. As an action on your turn while you
are not incapacitated or unconscious, you can project a
duplicate of yourself that appears in an unoccupied
space within 30 feet of you. The duplicate has the same
appearance, statistics, and equipment as you, but it
cannot use any of your class features or magic items.
The duplicate acts on your initiative and obeys your
mental commands. You can see through the duplicate’s
eyes and hear through its ears as if you were located
where it is. On each of your turns, you can switch
between using your senses or the duplicate’s senses, or
end the projection (no action required).

ladelings are enigmatic beings with metallic

spikes and blades integrated into their
bodies, a testament to their origin on the
harsh and war-torn Plane of Acheron. They
possess an innate connection to weapons and
a disciplined nature, often leading them to
excel as formidable warriors.
Bladeling Names
Bladelings often adopt names that resonate with their
martial prowess and disciplined lifestyle. Here are some
Male Names. Azrak, Kharok, Thaldir, Vorkas, Dravok,
Zanrik, Voran, Karthas, Zolren, Xarik, Vorak, Kaelor,
Female Names. Valara, Zelara, Xyria, Thalara, Vorala,
Kylara, Zanithra, Vaeloria, Azraela, Sythria, Xandara.
Bladeling Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Bladelings mature at a similar rate to humans
but have a longer lifespan, living up to 150 years or
Size. Bladelings are similar in size and build to
humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Blade Resilience. Your metallic blades provide
natural armor. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC
is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use this natural
armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear
would leave you with a lower AC. However, you can’t
use both natural armor and worn armor to determine
your AC.
Bladed Strike. You have proficiency with one melee
weapon of your choice. You can manifest your metallic
blades as a bonus action, granting you a natural melee
weapon attack. This attack deals 1d6 slashing damage.
You are proficient with this attack, and it uses your
Strength or Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls.
Acheronian Heritage. You have resistance to cold
Martial Training. You have proficiency in one martial
weapon of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and one additional language of your choice.
Feel free to adjust the specific ability scores, traits, or
flavor to suit your campaign’s needs or to match the
power level of existing D&D races. Additionally,
playtesting and refining the race with your players can
help ensure balance and enjoyment in your game.

Blight Blight Traits
anifesting as sentient plant creatures, Age. Blights are seedlings until the age of 20 at which
they become adults. Adults stop aging and cannot die of

blights possess a unique connection to age as they are unnatural beings made from dark magic.
the natural world and often live in Alignment. Most blights are evil, but you could be
secluded groves or hidden forests. Their different. Perhaps you witnessed something utterly evil
appearances range from hauntingly and decided to escape blight society and so you could be
beautiful to eerie and unsettling, as their good.
physical forms mirror the flora of their Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
surroundings. Blights are deeply attuned to the ebb and Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
flow of the natural order, wielding the powers of growth, increases by 1.
decay, and transformation. As they venture into the Plant. You are classified as both a plant and
world beyond their sanctuaries, blights can befriend humanoid. You are vulnerable to fire damage.
other races or remain enigmatic, embodying the False Appearance. While you remain motionless and
untamed spirit of nature, ever seeking harmony amidst are not wearing armor, you have advantage on Dexterity
a chaotic world. (Stealth) and Charisma (Deception) checks to be
mistaken for a normal plant.
Languages. Most blights can only understand one
language and cant’s speak, but you are an exception;
maybe you hoarded stolen books and taught yourself or
perhaps you were a leader among blights and were
taught by the knowledge contained in a Gulthias Tree.
You can speak, read, write, and understand Common.
Additionally, you can understand and speak one other
language of your choice. You cannot read or write the
language, and you must roll a DC 15 Intelligence check
when speaking it.
Subrace. There are three kinds of blights: twig,
needle, and vine.
Twig Blight
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Size. Your size is Small.
Claws. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 slashing
damage on a hit. If your unarmed strikes are already
increased, for example, if you are a monk, you deal 1
slashing damage additional to the damage you normally
deal on unarmed strikes.
Natural Stealth. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

Needle Blight
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 1 and your Constitution increases by one (aditional to
the +1 bonus granted as a blight).
Size. Your size is Medium.
Needle Blast. You can use your action to fire sneedles
covering at up to three different targets. Make a ranged
Blight Names attack roll against each of the targets. On a hit, the
target takes piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your
Blights bear names given to them by the Gulthias Tree Dexterity modifier. This attack has a normal range of 20
from which they sprout. Some blights shed their names feet and a long range of 60 feet. You must complete a
and choose names of other races to forget the cruel short or long rest before you can make this attack again.
scoiety they used to live in. Below are some names
given to blights by Gulthias Trees.
Names: Eblath, Endor, Guenvar, Jalar, Lothor, Mivas,
Palax, Sarynx, Sehr, Valoz, Voar, Vyzim.
Vine Blight the affected Blooded Ones, making them a greater
danger in combat.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases Sensitivity to Light. Blooded Ones find it hard to hit
by 2. targets or concentrate while exposed to daylight,
Size. Your size is Medium. making them more effective in underground locations
Vine Arms. Your arms are an extendable set of vines and at night.
with sharp thorns extending from your palms. You can
extend your arms to a maximum distance of 10 feet. In
addition, if you are unarmed, you can make a melee
attack with them as an action, which deals 1d4 piercing
damage on a hit. This damage increases to 2d4 at 6th
level, 3d4 at 10th level, and 4d4 at 14th level.
Blooded One
looded Ones are humanoid creatures who

have undergone a malevolent magical
enhancement in the service of the evil wzards
of Thay. Altered through a grueling ritual,
these beings are designed to be “perfect”
warriors, gaining increased physical prowess
at the cost of decreased intelligence. They
bear dark, maroon-red splotched skin and possess deep
yellow eyes that are easily distinguishable from afar.
The Blooded Ones are not natural beings; rather, they
are humanoids enhanced through a grueling ritual. The
process involves baptism in a vat or pool of magically
and alchemically altered blood. This ritual is usually
performed on infants, predominantly orcs, to transform
them into tougher and stronger warriors.
Blooded One Names
Blooded Ones often retain their original names from
their base humanoid race. Some may adopt names that
reflect their brutal nature or the sinister rituals that
transformed them. Here are a few examples:
Male Names. Grak, Zogar, Thurg, Drath, Karg, Vorak,
Krul, Threx, Grom, Urgoth.
Female Names. Braka, Zura, Gorla, Shara, Vekka,
Xula, Lurza, Thraxa, Zelga, Morga.
Blooded One Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution
scores each increase by 1.
Size. Blooded Ones are similar in size to their base
humanoid race. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Brutal Toughness. Blooded Ones have slightly
tougher hide than others of their species, granting them
resistance to slashing damage.
War Cry. Once per day, you can emit a mighty war cry
that affects all other Blooded Ones within 30 feet of you.
This war cry boosts the morale and attack strength of

Webbed Feet: You have advantage on checks made to
Bullywug resist being grappled or restrained.
Quick Reflexes: You can take the Dodge action as a
ullywugs are amphibious humanoid creatures

known for their swampy habitats, unique bonus action on your turn, provided you haven’t used it
physiology, and tribal societies. They are agile already on your turn.
hunters and gatherers in the marshes, often Mudrider Bullywug
misunderstood by other races due to their Your Strength score increases
peculiar appearance and behavior. Ability Score Increase:
by 2.
Bullywug Names Mudslide Charge: When you move at least 20 feet
Bullywug names are guttural and amphibious in nature, straight toward a target and then hit it with a melee
often imitating the sounds of their swampy homes. attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a
Male Names: Croak, Glop, Mudwort, Ribbit,
Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength modifier +
Slimefoot, Toadwart, Wartsnout your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone.
Mudskin: You have resistance to bludgeoning
Female Names: Bogberry, Frogwort, Lilytongue,
Swampblossom, Tadpole, Waterlily damage from nonmagical attacks while in swampy or
Surnames: Mudskipper, Swampstalker, Toadlicker,
muddy terrain.
Bullywug Traits
Age: Bullywugs mature quickly, reaching adulthood by
the age of 5. They have relatively short lifespans, rarely
living beyond 40 years.
Size: Bullywugs are shorter than humans, typically
standing between 4 and 5 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you
have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Languages: You can read, write, speak, and
understand Bullywug and one additional language of
your choice.
Amphibious: You can breathe both air and water,
allowing you to move effortlessly in aquatic
Swamp Camouflage: You have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in swampy or marshy
Nimble Leaper: You are an adept jumper. You can
make long jumps up to 20 feet and high jumps up to 10
feet, with or without a running start.
Natural Swimmer: You have proficiency in the
Athletics skill when swimming.
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.

Poisonbulb Bullywug
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Toxic Skin: Your skin secretes a mild toxin. When a
creature makes a melee attack against you, it takes 1d4
poison damage if it hits you.
Poison Resistance: You have resistance to poison
Swampstrider Bullywug
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.

entaur are noble and majestic creatures, half- Despite their imposing appearance, centaurs are often

human and half-horse. They possess great gentle and empathetic beings. They have a strong
physical strength and agility, as well as an connection to the natural world, often acting as
affinity for nature and the wilderness. With protectors of the wilderness and defenders of the weak.
the body of a horse and the torso, arms, and Centaur Names
head of a human, they embody the balance
between human intelligence and animal Centaur names are typically inspired by nature,
instinct. reflecting their close bond with the environment. They
Centaur society is organized around herds, led by may include names related to animals, plants, or
wise and experienced leaders. They value unity and celestial bodies. Below are some examples:
cooperation, with each member contributing their Centaur Names. Blazeheart, Bramblehoof,
unique skills to benefit the group. Centaurs have a deep Duskrunner, Dusksong, Emberheart, Embermane,
respect for nature and the natural order, often living in Flamehoof, Frostleaf, Frostmane, Glimmermane,
harmony with the land and its creatures. Goldenmane, Meadowstride, Moonbeam, Moonlight,
Their swift and graceful movements make them Moonshadow, Morningdew, Nightshade, Oakheart,
formidable warriors, and they are skilled with both Riversong, Riverwind, Shadowtail, Silvermane,
ranged and melee weapons. Centaurs are known for Skydancer, Stardust, Starfire, Stargazer, Stonehoof,
their archery and equestrian abilities, using their speed Stormhoof, Stormrider, Sunbeam, Sunburst,
and mobility to their advantage in battle.

Sunfire, Sunsparkle, Swiftarrow, Swiftstorm,
Swiftwater, Swiftwind, Thornfire, Thunderclap,
Thunderhoof, Thunderstrike, Thunderstrike,
Timberhoof, Whisperwind, Wildfire, Willowbreeze,
Willowisp, Windrunner.
Centaur Traits
Age. Centaurs mature at the same rate as humans and
have a similar lifespan.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Sylvan.
Size. Centaurs are large creatures, standing between 7
and 8 feet tall. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases

by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a
target and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the
same turn, you can immediately follow that attack with
a bonus action to attempt to shove the target with your
hooves. The target must succeed on a Strength saving
throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Strength modifier or be knocked prone.
Nature’s Gift. You have proficiency in the Nature skill.

Hooves. Your hooves are natural melee weapons, which

you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with
them, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your
Strength modifier.
Charge Resistance. You have advantage on saving
throws against being knocked prone.
Equine Build. You count as one size larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
can push, drag, or lift.

pass as someone or something else for up to 1 hour.
Chaosborn This transformation ends if you use your action to revert
orn of the turbulent energies of chaos and to your true form or if you die.

primal forces, the Chaosborn are an Riftborn
enigmatic and unpredictable race. They Riftborn Chaosborn have a peculiar connection to the
embody the ever-shifting nature of the chaotic rifts between dimensions, allowing them to tap
multiverse, possessing a chaotic and into otherworldly powers.
mercurial disposition that sets them apart Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
from other beings. Chaosborn individuals increases by 2.
often appear in forms that defy convention, with bodies Dimensional Instinct. You have advantage on saving
that seem to ripple and warp as if they are in a constant throws against spells and effects that attempt to banish
state of flux. Their existence is a testament to the you to another plane of existence.
unbridled power of chaos, making them both fascinating Riftwalk. Once per short rest, you can use your innate
and terrifying to those who encounter them. connection to rifts in space to teleport up to 30 feet to
Chaosborn Names an unoccupied space you can see. This teleportation
Chaosborn names are a cacophony of sounds and does not provoke opportunity attacks.
syllables that reflect the chaotic essence of their being.
They often change their names on a whim, embracing
new identities as their moods shift.
Example Names: Zephyrak, Xylosh, Quixil, Rendrak,
Sylphar, Phaedrin, Zyrryx, Vortexia, Kaelithar,
Caelarion, Syrinx, Aelindra.
Chaosborn Traits
Age. Chaosborn do not age in the traditional sense, and
their lifespans are as chaotic as their nature. Some may
exist for centuries while others blink into and out of
existence in the span of moments.
Size. The physical forms of Chaosborn vary widely,
but they are typically Medium-sized.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Primordial.
Chaos Infusion. You have an innate connection to the
chaotic forces of the multiverse. You can cast the Chaos
Bolt spell once per long rest as a sorcerer spell, using
Charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Unpredictable Form. Your form is ever-changing,
making it difficult to pin you down. You have advantage
on saving throws against being restrained, and you can
use an action to grant yourself advantage on your next
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to escape from a grapple or
any attempt to physically hold you in place.
Subrace. Choose one of the following subraces.

The Fluxborn Chaosborn are in a constant state of
transformation, their bodies shifting and altering with
each passing moment.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Fluidity of Form. You have advantage on checks and
saving throws against effects that would alter your
physical form, such as polymorph spells. Additionally,
you can use an action to change your appearance, giving
yourself advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to
Child of Ashardalon
he children of Ashardalon are demonic

half-dragon monstrosities that were trained
in barracks and temples, created to kill the
enemies of the great fiendish dragon-god

Child of Ashardalon Names

The children of Ashardalon are usually not given much
attention as youth and are named a series of numbers
and letters just so that they are kept track of in the
baracks or temples they were born. Most however adopt
human names while out in the world or nicknames that
describe them such as Lucky or Red.
Child of Ashardalon Traits
Age. Due to your godly/draconic descent, you mature at
around 300 years of age and live up to 10,000 years.
Ability Score Increase. Like dragonborn, your Strength
score increases by 2, and your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Alignment. The children of Ashardalon are usually evil
due to their training to kill as a child. However, some
may learn abaout the outside world and be good or
neutral. Good and neutral children of Ashardalon are
put on death row, and so if you are of good or neutral
alignment, you had escaped.
Size. Children of Ashardalon range from 6.5 feet to even
9 feet and weigh from 150 to 350 pounds. While you
tower over most humans, your size is medium.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet and a
flying speed of 40 feet. To use this flying speed, you
can’t be using heavy armor. If you are, the flying speed
is reduced to 25 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, write and understand
Common, Draconic, and Abyssal.
Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale
destructive energy. YWhen you use your breath weapon,
each creature in a 15 ft. cone must make a Dexteruty
saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 +
your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A
creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as
much damage on a successful one. The damage
increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6
at 16th level. After you use your breath weapon, you
can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
You may change the damage type between necrotic or
fire at will.

A child of Ashardalon.

during this time. Once you use this feature, you can’t
Curst use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
he Curst are an ill-fated and cursed race of Tormented Wraith

humanoids perpetually trapped in a Your Dexterity score increases
relentless state of undeath. Their ashen Ability Score Increase.
by 2.
white skin, jet-black eyes, and hollow Wraithlike Visage. When you aren’t wearing armor,
expressions are haunting manifestations of your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use
their cursed existence, which cruelly denies your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength for the
them the solace of time’s passage. This attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
enduring curse has driven them to the brink of Haunting Presence. You can cast the fear spell once,
madness, resulting in eccentric behaviors that color targeting only one creature, without expending a spell
both their mundane routines and their engagements in slot. You regain the ability to do so after completing a
battle. long rest.
Curst Names
Curst commonly bear human names, as that was the
origin of their wretched race.
Curst Traits
Age. Curst do not age in the traditional sense,
remaining in the same physical state throughout their
existence. Some Curst have been cursed for centuries,
while others may have recently fallen into this unending
Size. Curst typically have a similar height and build to
humans, but their distinctive appearance sets them
apart. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Abyssal.
Darkvision. Your cursed existence has granted you
the ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Undying Nature. Your state of undeath renders you
immune to diseases and the need for sleep. Instead of
sleeping, you enter a deep, trance-like state for 4 hours
each day. After resting in this way, you gain the same
benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Madness Resistance. Your enduring curse has
granted you a peculiar form of mental resilience. You
have advantage on saving throws against being
frightened and are immune to the effects of the insanity
Curst Resilience. You have resistance to necrotic
Subrace. Choose one of the following subraces for
your Curst character.
Lost Soul
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Ethereal Step. As an action, you can temporarily
phase into the Ethereal Plane for up to 1 minute. While
in this state, you can move through objects and
creatures as if they were difficult terrain. You cannot
affect or be affected by anything on the Material Plane

Dabus Guardian Dabus
he Dabus, a unique and enigmatic race Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by

native to the plane of Sigil, serve as the Sentinel’s Ward. You have an innate ability to protect
personal entourage of the enigmatic Lady against extraplanar threats. You have advantage on
of Pain. They are shrouded in mystery, saving throws against spells and effects from creatures
possessing peculiar abilities and a deep native to other planes.
connection to the ever-shifting city of Sigil. Planar Ward. You can cast Protection from Evil and
Dabus are known for their devotion to Good once, targeting only yourself, using your Wisdom
maintaining the balance and order within the city and as your spellcasting ability. You can’t use this ability
assisting the Lady of Pain in her inscrutable duties. again until you finish a long rest.
They are a race with an inscrutable nature, veiled in
secrets and hidden agendas.
Dabus Names
Dabus names are often monosyllabic and cryptic,
reflecting their mysterious existence.
Male Names. Zyk, Vex, Qil, Jor, Phyx, Ysh.
Female Names. Zyr, Vexa, Qila, Jora, Phyla, Ysha.

Dabus Traits
Age. Dabus have a peculiar aging process, and their
lifespans are largely unknown. Some Dabus appear to
be timeless, while others age at a glacial pace.
Size. Dabus are slight and delicate in build, standing
around 4 to 5 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Planar Cant, a unique
language known only to Dabus.
Planar Affinity. Dabus have an innate connection to
the planes. You can cast the Plane Shift spell once,
targeting only yourself, using your Charisma as your
spellcasting ability. You can’t use this ability again until
you finish a long rest.
Silent Understanding. Dabus communicate through a
form of telepathy, allowing them to silently convey
simple concepts and emotions to other creatures within
30 feet of them.
Natural Navigators. Dabus have an uncanny sense of
direction and an innate ability to navigate the complex
streets and portals of Sigil. You have advantage on
Intelligence (Survival) checks made to navigate urban
environments or find your way in complex, planar
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.
Sigilite Dabus
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.
Planar Knowledge. You have advantage on
Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to recall information
about the planes, portals, and planar creatures.
Planar Sensitivity. You can use your Silent
Understanding ability to communicate with creatures
native to other planes, even if they don’t share a
language with you.
Your Charisma score increases
Deep Scion Ability Score Increase.
by 1.
Abyssal Heritage. You have an innate connection to
eep Scions are eerie and enigmatic beings

born from the depths of the ocean. They the abyssal forces. You can cast the Eldritch Blast
embody the mysteries of the abyss and the cantrip as a warlock of your character level. Charisma is
strange, often malevolent forces that lurk your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Tentacle Grasp. You can use your elongated, abyssal
beneath the waves. These aquatic beings are tentacles to manipulate objects and perform tasks as if
known for their ability to seamlessly blend you had a free hand, even while holding a weapon or
with underwater environments, their affinity shield. Your tentacles are not dexterous enough for fine
for dark magic, and their unsettling appearance. Deep manipulation, such as using tools or writing, but they
Scions can take on various forms, but all share a can handle basic tasks.
connection to the abyssal depths. Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Deep Scion Names
Deep Scion names often resonate with the eerie sounds
of the ocean and the abyss, reflecting their aquatic
Male Names: Thalassar, Koralix, Nereus, Sarguul,
Lurion, Murkthar, Vortok, Abyssus, Kaldrak, Vylgar.
Female Names: Seraphena, Morana, Ilyndra, Sirenna,
Vaelora, Azurine, Nyxaria, Zephra, Coralindra, Uvallis.
Deep Scion Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Size. Deep Scions vary in size, but they are generally
taller and more sinewy than humans. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you
have a swimming speed of 40 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Abyssal.
Aquatic Adaptation. You can breathe underwater and
in the air. Additionally, you have advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks made to swim.
Darkvision. Your deep-sea origins grant you the
ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Abyssal Magic. You have an innate connection to the
abyss, allowing you to harness its dark magic. You can
cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip.
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.

Murkborn Deep Scion

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 1.
Murky Camouflage. You have the ability to blend
seamlessly with your surroundings underwater. While
underwater, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks to hide, and you can attempt to hide even when
only lightly obscured by underwater vegetation, coral, or
other natural features.
Eldritch Resistance. You have resistance to psychic
Abyssalborn Deep Scion

You can read, write, speak and understand
Demigod Languages.
Common and Celestial.
emigods are extraordinary beings born from Godly Being. You do not require sleep to survive.

the union of mortal creatures and deities.
They embody the essence of both mortal and Divine Parent. You can use the channel divinity feature
divine realms, wielding immense power and of your godly parent’s domain as many times a day
influence over the world around them. equal to your proficiency bonus plus 2.
Demigods possess traits and abilities that set
them apart from ordinary mortals, and their Mortal Parent. You are granted the Ability Score
presence shapes the course of history and the fate of Increase feature of your mortal parent’s race. If they are
civilizations. human, you only gain +1 to three stats instead of all of
The origins of demigods vary, ranging from celestial them.
unions to divine interventions. These extraordinary
beings inherit a fraction of their divine parent’s divine
essence, granting them supernatural abilities, longevity,
and a unique connection to the realms of gods and
mortals. This divine lineage sets them on a path of
destiny and greatness, but also exposes them to the
challenges and expectations that come with their
extraordinary heritage.
Demigods often find themselves torn between two
worlds, navigating the complexities of mortal existence
while grappling with their divine nature. Some embrace
their heritage, using their powers and influence to guide
and protect mortals, acting as champions of justice,
patrons of civilizations, or sources of inspiration. Others
may struggle with their identity, torn between their
mortal emotions and the call of their divine bloodline,
and may wander the world seeking purpose or
The appearance of demigods varies widely, as they
often inherit physical characteristics from both their
mortal and divine parents. Some exhibit divine beauty
and radiance, while others possess unique and striking
physical traits that reflect their celestial or otherworldly
lineage. Their personas can be equally diverse, ranging
from stoic and regal figures to enigmatic and
unpredictable beings, their personalities shaped by their
upbringing, experiences, and divine nature.
Demigod Names
The name of a demigod typically comes from either the
culture of their mortal parent or their godly parent.
Assuming their mortal parent named them, consult the
race of their mortal parent for names. Otherwise, a
demigod might be named after another celestial being
or they might bear the name of the culture from which
their celestial parent hails.
Demigod Traits
Age. You mature like a human, but stop aging shortly
after and cannot die of old age.
Size. Your size matches that of your mortal parent’s
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

In battle, you can throw yourself into a
Demonborn Hungry Jaws:
vicious feeding frenzy. As a bonus action, you can
housands of years ago, demons walked the make a special attack with your bite. If the attack

earth terrorising mortal civilization until hits, it deals its normal damage, and you gain
they were overthrown by those who called temporary hit points (minimum of 1) equal to your
themselves heroes. The material plane Constitution modifier, and you can’t use this trait
however, remained changed forever. The again until you finish a short or long rest.
Keen Sight and Hearing. You have advantage on
essence of the demons were left behind, Wisdom (Perception) checks that use hearing.
and so the heroes that dispelled the Being of Darrkness. You are resistant to necrotic
demons went mad and were never heard from again. damage.
But their descendants were. They were rumored to have
demons, no, to be demons on earth with dark callings to
vanquish evil in their world.
Demonborn Traits
Ability Score Increase. One score of your choice
increases by two and one other score of your choice
increases by one. The two scores cannot be the same
Age. They mature slower than humans, reaching
adulthood by 30 and dieing of age by the age of 150.
Alignment. All demonborn are chaotic, but not all are
Size. Demonborn range from 6 to 8.5 feet, and 200 to
350 pounds. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You gain a darkvision of 40 feet.
Savage Predator. You are at the top of the food chain,
and have trained hard at perfecting your predator skills.
Whenever you make a melee attack against a creature
you have surprised or you are chasing, you have
advantage on that attack roll.
Demonic Ancestry. You can choose three of the
following features and one more at fourth, seventh, and
fifteenth level.
Supernatural Darkvision. You gain a darkvision of
90 feet
Creature of Fire. You gain a resistance to fire
Creature of Frost. You gain a resistance to fire
Being of Chaos. Whenever you kill a creature, you
gain 2 hit points
Flight. You gain a flying speed of 35 feet
Stinger. You are basically never unarmed. As action,
you can make an attack to one target dealing 2d6
piercing damage. Also, the target must make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d4 poison
damage and becoming poisoned on a failure.
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a
melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the
weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it
to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Claws. You have long, sharp claws on your fingers
that can slash as well as any blade. Your unarmed
strikes deal 1d4 piercing damage on a hit, and you
add your Strength modifier to the damage roll.

erro are a mysterious and enigmatic race that Derro Traits

bears a striking resemblance to dwarves, yet Your Intelligence score
their true nature is far from ordinary. With Ability Score Increase.
increases by 2.
their blue-gray skin and uniformly pale eyes Age. Derro have a lifespan similar to that of dwarves,
devoid of irises and pupils, they possess an typically living for several centuries.
otherworldly appearance that often evokes Size. Derro are shorter than humans, standing
pity from those who encounter them. Despite around 4 to 4 and a half feet tall. Your size is Small.
their haggard appearance and shabby attire, Derro are Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
far from helpless; they are known for their unique
abilities and the dark secrets that shroud their kind. Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Undercommon.
Derro Names Darkvision. Your eyes are adapted to the
Derro names are often short and guttural, reflecting subterranean darkness. You can see in dim light within
their straightforward and no-nonsense demeanor. 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness
Male Names: Krag, Tharn, Zoltar, Grulm, Tordek,
as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
Balin, Drazz, Gundar, Nark, Yorik. darkness, only shades of gray.
Derro Madness Resistance. You have advantage on
Female Names: Briza, Hildi, Lurka, Gerra, Mhurren,
Zerra, Helda, Tashka. saving throws against being frightened and charmed.
Derro Craftsmanship. You have proficiency with one
Surnames: Derro surnames are typically inherited or
earned based on significant accomplishments within type of artisan’s tools of your choice.
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.
their secretive communities. These surnames often
carry great prestige among the Derro.

Mad Derro
Mad Derro are known for their unpredictability and
their propensity for eccentric inventions and erratic
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Mad Inventions. You have a talent for crafting bizarre
contraptions. You can create small, non-magical gadgets
and devices. The DM can determine the effects and
limitations of these inventions.
Unpredictable Mind. Your thoughts and actions are
often difficult to predict. You have advantage on saving
throws against effects that would determine or
influence your actions or thoughts, such as charms and
mind-control spells.
Cursed Derro
Cursed Derro are marked by their eerie connection to
dark magic and their proficiency in manipulating curses.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Curse Mastery. You have an innate understanding of
curses and dark magic. You can cast the “Hex” spell
once per long rest without requiring material
components. At 5th level, you can cast “Bestow Curse”
once per long rest without requiring material
Cursed Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against curses, and you can’t be cursed with a
curse that lasts longer than 24 hours.

These driders are skilled in shadow magic, enabling
Drider them to blend into darkness seamlessly.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
riders are the haunting result of a twisted

fusion between drow and giant spiders. These increases by 2.
Shadow Blend. While in dim light or darkness, you
abominable creatures are both feared and can use a bonus action to become invisible until you
reviled by most, bearing the curses of both move or take an action. Once you use this feature, you
arachnid and elfin origins. They combine the can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
grace and cunning of the drow with the
monstrous appearance and abilities of giant
spiders, creating a terrifying and enigmatic race.
Driders are often outcasts, shunned by both drow
society and the surface world, forced to find their place
in the dark corners of the Underdark.
Drider Names
Driders typically retain their original drow names,
although they may adapt them to suit their new
arachnid forms. Their names often carry a sinister and
eerie tone.
Male Names. Zirak, Velkanis, Xalanth, Drelkith,
Vornir, Zhaelar, Rylvar.
Female Names. Ilvara, Phaere, Shyntia, Vaelindra,
Sszara, Ulae, Zilvra.
Drider Traits
Age. Driders have unnaturally extended lifespans due to
their elven heritage, often living for several centuries.
Size. Driders typically stand around 7 feet tall, with
the upper body resembling that of a drow and the lower
half resembling a giant spider. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Undercommon and Elvish.
Darkvision. Your arachnid nature grants you superior
vision in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.
Spider Climb. You can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
Webweaver. As an action, you can cast the “Web”
spell once, requiring no material components. You
regain the ability to cast it this way after a long rest.
Poisonfang Drider
Some driders develop venomous fangs, making them
even deadlier predators.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Venomous Bite. You can use your fangs to make a
melee weapon attack as a bonus action. On a hit, you
deal 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier poison
Shadowspinner Drider

abillity to deal an extra amount of psychic damage in
Dromite your attack equal to twice your proficiency modifier.
romites, who could be confused as halflings Dromite Caste

from a distance, are psiconic humanoids also You are a member of one of the Dromite Castes. You
reffered to as “bug-men.” Something unusual gain an Abillity Score Increase depending on your caste.
about Dromites are that they are
androgynous, apart from their Grand Queen Fire Caste
(who is female) and Elected Consort (male). Your Strength score is
Dromite Societies are ruled over by Queens Abillity Score Increase.
increased by two.
and Elected Consorts who are selected every year.
Society is split among four castes (as previously Ice Caste
mentioned) being the Fire, Ice, Voice, and Glimmer Abillity Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is
Castes. increased by two.
A Dromites’ personality reflects their caste; society is
divided into four distinct castes: Voice Caste

Members of the Fire Caste have short patience yet Abillity Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is
are quick to laugh and forgive increased by one (to a total of two) and your Wisdom
Members of the Ice Caste are insanely methodical score increases by one.
and precise. They are usually, however, slow to act. Glimmer Caste
Members of the Voice Caste are performers above Abillity Score Increase. Your Constitution score is
all else and are especially talented singers. increased by two.
Members of the Glimmer Caste are always in motion
and relentlessly pursue their goals.
Dromite Names
Dromites have no gender, and so all names are unisex.
Dromites don’t have families either, but they form
bonds with one another called “life bonds” which
include more than two dromites. Life bonds cycle in
new members as the older dromites age and die. These
life bonds resemble parents in a family and will raise
young dromites and have them adopt the life bond
name. Life bonds include members across the different
castes of dromite society.
Names. Aazar, Alantaar, Altun, Basdu, Ferva, Ghahz,
Greleg, Jarza, Imru, Noj, Rhervek, Vyra, Ynri, and Zok.
Life Bond Names. Adanech, Dedanech, Fanech,
Gyalech, Imtesh, Marimech, Massawech, Nikech,
Tlalesh, Ulech, Zervech.
Dromite Traits
Size. Dromites range from 2.5 to 3 feet in height. Your
size is small.
Abillity Score Increase. As a Dromite, your Charisma
score is increased by one.
Age. Dromites mature like a human and have a life
span reaching 115 years.
Speed. Your speed is 30 feet.
Chitin. A dromites’ skin is hardened and protects
them from enemies. You gain a +2 bonus to armor class.
Additionally, you become resistant to one damage type
of your choice. These damage types are limited to cold,
fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
Psiconic Weapon. Being a psiconic being, you have
the power to infuse psiconic energy into your weapon.
Once in between a long or short rest, you have the

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Durzagon increases by 1.
Umbral Step. As a bonus action, you can magically
escended from a lineage of duergar and

infused with fiendish powers, the Durzagons step into the shadows, allowing you to teleport up to 30
are a unique and formidable race. With their feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in
bald heads, distinctive gray-red streaked dim light or darkness. Once you use this ability, you
beards, and rust-colored heat-emitting skin, can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Durzagons are a sight to behold. Their Remember, these traits are meant to be balanced
menacing appearance is complemented by with existing D&D 5e races and mechanics, and they
razor-sharp claws and teeth that can effortlessly pierce should encourage interesting role-playing opportunities
flesh. These beings combine the natural abilities of and diverse character concepts.
duergar with the infernal magic coursing through their
veins, making them fearsome opponents and valuable
Durzagon Traits
Age. Durzagons mature at a rate similar to humans but
have longer lifespans, often reaching up to 250 years.
Size. Durzagons have a sturdy and compact build,
with an average height of 4 to 4.5 feet. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common, Dwarvish, and Infernal.
Darkvision. Thanks to your duergar lineage, you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Infernal Magic. You inherit a touch of fiendish magic
from your ancestry. You can cast the Darkness spell
using this trait. Once you cast it, you can’t do so again
until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for this spell.
Fiendish Resilience. The fiendish blood running
through your veins grants you resistance to fire damage.
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.

Flameforged Durzagon
The Flameforged Durzagons embrace their fiery
heritage, harnessing their innate powers to manipulate
heat and flames.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1.
Heat Aura. You can use an action to exude an aura of
searing heat. Creatures within 5 feet of you take fire
damage equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of
each of their turns while they remain within the aura.
The aura lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a
bonus action. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Shadowmarked Durzagon
The Shadowmarked Durzagons specialize in tapping
into the darkness, using it to their advantage and
confounding their enemies.

Arctic Dwarf
Arctic Dwarves are a hardy and resilient subrace of
dwarves who have adapted to the frigid, unforgiving
climates of the polar regions. They are known for their
ability to withstand extreme cold and their strong
affinity for crafting items that can endure in harsh,
frozen landscapes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.
Arctic Endurance. You are acclimated to cold
climates, and you can comfortably endure cold weather
without any need for additional clothing or protection.
You have advantage on saving throws against extreme
Urdunnir Dwarf
The Urdunnir Dwarves are a subrace of dwarves who
dwell deep beneath the surface in the heart of the earth.
They are skilled miners, expert gem cutters, and
masters of underground construction. Urdunnir
dwarves are known for their profound connection to the
earth and their ability to navigate and thrive in the
subterranean world.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence
(History) check related to stonework, you are
considered proficient in the skill and add double your
proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal
proficiency bonus.
Subterranean Survival. You have advantage on
Wisdom (Survival) checks made while underground.
Wild Dwarf
Wild Dwarves are a subrace of dwarves who have
chosen to live in harmony with the natural world. They
often reside in remote wilderness areas and are known
for their affinity for animals and their mastery of natural
magic. Wild Dwarves are reclusive and have a deep
understanding of the flora and fauna of their chosen
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Nature’s Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against poison, and you have resistance to
poison damage.
Nature Magic. You can cast the “Druidcraft” cantrip.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
Is there anything else you would like to add or modify
about these dwarf subraces?

Elan Elan Features
he Elan is a race of psiconic beings who Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by
two and your Consitituion by 1.

arose in the days of Jaamdath, the only Age Elan are created as adults and do not age.
psiocracy to ever exist, but the method by However, most elan fall apart after about 2,000 years.
which they were created was lost long ago, Size. Elan typically stand just under 6 feet tall and
and so, they can no longer be created. weigh around 180 pounds, with men usually taller and
When a tidal wave destroyed much of heavier than women, but not always. Your size is
Jhaamdath, the only nation ruled by medium.
psionics, (and the knowledge needed to create elan), the Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
rulers of the twelve Jhaamdathan cities teleported to Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
safety while their nation and its people perished. Over and one other language of your choice.
the next three centuries, they lived and had families who Creature Type. Elan are aberrations. Spells, features,
went on to become the nobles of Chondath. Each ruler and other effects that only affect humanoids do not
eventually agreed that their time was ended and apply to you.
returned to the Palace of Naarkolyth in Jhaamdath. Sixth Sense. Your eye can see more than just light-
They placed themselves into temporal stasis until your eye can see through the veil sepparating the
mortals once again entered Dhinnilith, a phantom city material plain from the other plains of existance. As an
that appears only on moonless nights. action, you may check for any magic or psionic energy
Unknown to the offspring of Jhaamdath, there was a in a 30 foot radius. You can use this feature up to two
festival celebrating Jhaamdath’s new fleet at Naarkolyth times inbetween long rests.
hours before its destruction, and two powerful beings Elan Weapon Training. Elan were created as psionic
were created from the drowned souls of that day: a warriors. You are proficient with light armor, shields,
caller in darkness known as Bpdethrys, formed from the daggers, longbows and shortswords.
souls of the spiteful, and a vestige named Abysm, Mental Reffuge. Elan have the legendary ability to
formed from the rest. survive from ownly energy from their own minds. You
Abysm guarded the bodies of the Jhaamdathan lords do not require to breathe, eat, or drink (but you do
from harm while every few years, the city of Dhinnilith require sleep.)
manifested for a night. Despite this, no mortal ever Petinance. Starting at fifth level, your mind whispers
entered the city for over a thousand years and so the the secrets of the future before they happen. As an
lords of Jhaamdath did not awaken. However, after six action, you can undo everything that happened in the
hundred long years, a ship carrying minor dignitaries last four rounds, and if you are not in battle, in the last
sank in a mighty storm while Dhinnilith was manifested. ten minutes. While all effects are undone, you retain the
Abysm saved twelve of those dignitaries - one for each of knowledge you had and know the outcome of what will
the Jhaamdathan lords, who were awoken by their happen next. Unless you make a decision that changes
presence - and Abysm was granted the ability by the the timeline, every action and roll will occur normally.
lords to turn the survivors into elan. Unfortunately, Once you use this feature, you cannot use it until after
Abysm went periodically insane and was too mad to you finish a long rest.
help the lords, transporting the new elan to random
places across the face of Faerûn, stripping them of all
memories save for a vision of Bpdethrys’ screams.
At this point, the Jhaamdathan lords were desperate
for the elan to return to Dhinnilith since they had lost
the means to leave due to the corruption of the power
used to keep them alive. They could, however, impart
the knowledge required to free them to someone
outside and the elan would be perfect for such a task.
The lords’ time was limited though, as one day, the
psionic forces preserving and transporting the city
would fall, collapsing their prison on top of them.
Elan Names
ELan were created by the humans of Jhaamdath, so
theire names are human. Elan had no sort of surname,
but may adopt one they like, or some attribute of
themselves as a surname.

Nature’s Blessing. You can cast the Druidcraft cantrip
Elf at will. At 3rd level, you can cast the Entangle spell once
per long rest. You regain the ability to cast Entangle in
Avariel this way when you finish a long rest.
Avariel, also known as winged elves, are Eldariel who Wild Elf
possess feathered wings, allowing them to take to the
skies with grace and ease. Wild Elves, also known as wood elves, are renowned for
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score their agility, stealth, and affinity with the natural world.
increases by 2. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this increases by 2.
speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to
35 feet.
Baelnorn Stealthy. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Baelnorn are ancient Eldariel who have chosen to
become guardians of their people by becoming liches,
preserving their wisdom and magic for eternity.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.
Undying Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened, and you have
resistance to necrotic damage.
Dreamweaver Elf
Dreamweaver Elves are skilled in manipulating the
dreams and subconscious thoughts of others, often
using their abilities for guidance and protection.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.
Dreamwalker. You can cast the Dream spell once per
long rest, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Dusk Elf
Dusk Elves, also known as the cursed elves, have a
strong connection to the shadowy realms and have
adapted to life in darkness.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Shadow Affinity. You can cast the Minor Illusion
cantrip at will. At 3rd level, you can cast the Darkness
spell once per long rest. You regain the ability to cast
Darkness in this way when you finish a long rest.

Grey Elf
Grey Elves, also called high elves, are known for their
deep knowledge of magic and intellectual pursuits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.
Arcane Knowledge. You have proficiency in the
Arcana skill.
Mosswood Elf
Mosswood Elves have a strong connection to nature and
excel in the arts of wilderness survival and druidic
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.

spells that affect the Ethereal Plane or using items that
Ephemeral require attunement to the Ethereal Plane.
Ethereal Shroud: As a reaction, you can temporarily
phemerals are mysterious beings whose

existence straddles the boundary between shield yourself with ethereal energies when targeted by
the Material Plane and the Ethereal an attack or a spell. You gain a +2 bonus to your AC
Plane. They possess the unique ability to against that attack or spell. You can use this ability a
phase through solid objects, perceive the number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a
normally hidden Ethereal Plane, and minimum of once). You regain all expended uses after
manipulate the interface between these finishing a long rest.
two realms. Ephemerals are often enigmatic and Wraithbound
reclusive, as their existence is intertwined with the Wraithbound Ephemerals have a stronger connection to
ethereal energies that flow through the multiverse. the spectral energies of the Ethereal Plane, granting
Ephemeral Names them abilities related to phasing and stealth.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases
Ephemeral names often reflect their connection to the by 1.
ethereal and otherworldly. Ethereal Phasing: You can use your Ethereal Phase
First Names: Lysandra, Zephyrion, Erevan,
Seraphine, Sylvaris, Thalassia, Aeris, Nyx, Astrid, ability as a bonus action rather than an action.
Silent Passage: When you move through objects
Kaelar. using your Ethereal Phase ability, you do so silently.
Surnames: Ethertouch, Mistweaver, Ghostcaller,
Shadowbinder, Veilstalker, Umbralshroud, Aetherwisp, You also have advantage on Stealth checks made while
Phasewalker, Duskmantle, Vortexweaver. using Ethereal Phase.
Fade Away: Once per short rest, when you take
Ephemeral Traits damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you can
Your Dexterity score increases instead choose to drop to 1 hit point and immediately
Ability Score Increase:
by 2. use your Ethereal Phase ability as a reaction. This
Age: Ephemerals do not age in the same way as other
ability cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.
races. They reach maturity at around 20 years old and
can potentially live for centuries, as long as they avoid
mortal dangers.
Size: Ephemerals vary in height and build, but they
are typically slender and graceful. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Celestial.
Ethereal Sight: Your connection to the Ethereal Plane
grants you the ability to see into it. You can see 60 feet
into the Ethereal Plane when you are on the Material
Ethereal Phase: As an action, you can partially phase
into the Ethereal Plane, allowing you to move through
solid objects for up to 1 minute. During this time, you
can move through objects and barriers as if they were
difficult terrain, but you cannot end your turn inside a
solid object. You must finish a short or long rest to use
this ability again.
Phantasmal Ephemerals have a deeper connection to
the Ethereal Plane, granting them additional abilities
related to manipulation and illusion.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Ethereal Manipulation: You have advantage on
checks and saving throws related to manipulating or
interacting with the Ethereal Plane, such as casting

Looters’ Instinct. When you make an attack against a
Equiceph creature that is surprised, you can add your Intelligence
quicephs are imposing and merciless modifier to the damage roll.

horse-like humanoids known for their Slave Soldier Equiceph
cruel tendencies and affinity for slavery. Slave soldier equicephs are formidable warriors used as
They often live in small, tightly organized shock troops by hobgoblin armies. They are known for
bands, with a revolving population of their combat prowess and resilience.
slaves. Hobgoblins are favored among Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
their captives due to their disciplined increases by 1.
minds, but some powerful hobgoblin tribes have Battle-Hardened. You have proficiency in the
managed to subjugate equicephs, employing them as Constitution saving throw.
shock troopers in their armies. Slave Trooper. When you are within 10 feet of an
Equiceph Names allied creature that is a hobgoblin, goblin, or other
Equiceph names are typically harsh and guttural, creature bound to servitude, you gain a +1 bonus to AC
reflecting their ruthless nature. and saving throws.
Relentless Assault. When you score a critical hit with
Male Names: Grakar, Vornak, Thulgar, Zarkul,
Kragoth, Draknar, Vorath, Gulmok, Tharnak, Zorgul. a melee weapon attack, you can roll one additional
Female Names: Dralmira, Vroshka, Sylgara, Zorlinda,
damage die when determining the extra damage for the
Malthara, Skarnia, Orvasha, Thulmira, Krashara, critical hit.
Equiceph Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Size. Equicephs are larger and bulkier than humans.
Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Goblin. Equicephs have a unique sign language they
use to communicate with their slaves.
Tactical Mind. Equicephs have keen tactical acumen.
You have proficiency in the Intelligence (Tactics) skill.
Slave Master. You have experience in commanding
slaves in combat. When you are within 30 feet of an
allied creature that is a hobgoblin, goblin, or other
creature bound to servitude, you can use a bonus action
to issue a command. The commanded creature can
make one weapon attack or take the Dash, Disengage,
or Dodge action on its turn. Once you use this feature,
you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces for
your equiceph character:
Raider Equiceph
Raider equicephs are known for their ruthless tactics
and cunning raiding parties. They excel at capturing and
looting their enemies, always seeking minor advantages
in battle.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Cunning Raider. You have proficiency in the Survival
skill, and you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival)
checks made to track creatures or navigate through
challenging terrain.

must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
Fey’ri Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take
he Fey’ri, also known as “the Scions of 1d4 poison damage.

Darkness,” are a unique and enigmatic
race with a dark and twisted lineage. They
bear a striking resemblance to elves, but
their connection to infernal forces sets
them apart. The Fey’ri are the result of a
fiendish bloodline coursing through their
veins, and their appearances can vary greatly, from
subtle elven features to more overt demonic traits.
Fey’ri Names
Fey’ri names often carry an elven grace with an
underlying hint of their fiendish heritage. Here are some
Male Names. Lirael, Thalorien, Vaelenar, Nymarion,
Xiloscient, Eldrakar, Mordrakai, Valandor, Kyndrath,
Female Names. Illyndra, Sylvarae, Nyssara, Zaeliana,
Maelistra, Vexandra, Daerisstra, Sylnara, Vylmyssra,
Fey’ri Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2, reflecting your innate charm and fiendish heritage.
Darkvision. Your fiendish blood grants you superior
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim
light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Infernal Ancestry. You have fiendish blood running
through your veins. Choose one of the following infernal
Fiery Fey’ri
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 1. Infernal Resistance. You have resistance
to fire damage. Hellish Heritage. You can cast the
produce flame cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for this spell.
Winged Fey’ri
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 1. Wings of the Abyss. You have a set of bat-like
wings, granting you a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this
speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Serpentine Fey’ri
Ability Score Increase.Your Wisdom score increases by
1.Serpent’s Tongue. You can communicate in Abyssal,
the language of demons and infernal beings. Venomous
Bite. You have fangs that can deliver a venomous bite as
a natural weapon. When you make an unarmed strike,
you can choose to deal piercing damage instead of
bludgeoning damage. On a successful hit, the target

Your Wisdom score increases
Florite Ability Score Increase.
by 1.
Solar Affinity. You have resistance to radiant damage.
lorites are unique plant-like beings known

Solar Radiance. You can use your action to emit a
for their vibrant personalities and deep radiant glow in a 10-foot radius. Creatures of your
connection to nature. They possess the choice within this radius have advantage on saving
ability to communicate with plants, throws against being frightened, and any magical
manipulate pollen and spores to produce darkness created by spells or abilities is dispelled. You
various effects, and have a natural can use this feature once, regaining the ability to do so
resistance to poison. Florites are an after a long rest.
enchanting addition to the diverse races of the world,
embodying the harmony between the botanical world Moonshadow Florite
and sentient life. Moonshadow Florites are creatures of the night,
Florite Names thriving in the quiet serenity of moonlit landscapes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Florites are given names that reflect the beauty and increases by 1.
tranquility of nature. Their names often include sounds Lunar Affinity. You have resistance to necrotic
and elements found in the natural world. damage.
Male Names. Sylvan, Thistlewood, Bramble, Verdant,
Shadowmeld. You can use your action to blend into
Fernan, Petaline, Mossire, Zephyr. the shadows, becoming invisible until the start of your
Female Names. Blossom, Ivyra, Lilliana, Faelis,
Vineshade, Aeliana, Petaline, Sylvari. next turn or until you attack or cast a spell. Once you
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
Florite Traits short or long rest.
Age. Florites have varying lifespans, but most live for
several centuries, maintaining their youthful appearance
throughout their lives.
Size. Florites typically stand between 5 and 6 feet tall.
Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan.
Photosynthesis. You can spend 4 hours in direct
sunlight instead of sleeping. Afterward, you gain the
same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Nature’s Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against poison and resistance to poison damage.
Plant Whisperer. You can communicate with plants
as if they had a simple understanding of one language of
your choice, which you must specify when you gain this
Pollen Manipulation. You have the ability to
manipulate pollen and spores. As an action, you can
release a cloud of pollen in a 15-foot cone in front of
you. Creatures in that area must make a Constitution
saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Constitution modifier) or become poisoned for 1
minute. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
a success. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once),
regaining expended uses after a long rest.
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.

Sunbloom Florite
Sunbloom Florites are attuned to the sun’s energy and
are often found in bright, sunny environments.

You have resistance to psychic
Foulspawn Aberrant Resistance.
he Foulspawn are a race of humanoid Foulspawn of Madness

creatures twisted and corrupted by the Your Charisma score increases
malevolent energies of the Far Realm. Ability Score Increase.
by 1.
Each Foulspawn exhibits a universal Madness Veil. Once per long rest, you can unleash a
contempt for beings originating from the surge of aberrant energy. For 1 minute, you gain
Prime Material plane, seeking to destroy all advantage on Charisma-based ability checks, and
living creatures in their relentless pursuit creatures that hit you with a melee attack take psychic
of power and dominance. They are associated with damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
aberrant creatures such as aboleths, mind flayers, and
beholders, working together to spread madness and Foulspawn of Corruption
darkness across the land.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
Foulspawn Names by 1.
Foulspawn names are guttural and unsettling, often Unstable Form. As a bonus action, you can
reflecting their connection to the Far Realm. Here are a temporarily harden your skin, granting yourself
few examples: resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Male Names. Zarakith, Vysskor, Xalareth, Vexiss, damage until the start of your next turn.
Malgazar, Sythrix, Yssandra, Zhaeriss, Xaraxis, Vhissar. Playing a Foulspawn character may present unique
Female Names. Zulraza, Syliss, Xeraxis, Vhysskara, challenges due to their malevolent nature. Ensure that
Vipra, Xalneth, Vessan, Xalara, Zyrra, Zehvra. your character’s actions align with the agreed-upon
boundaries and expectations of your gaming group.
Foulspawn Traits
Age. Foulspawn have varying lifespans depending on
their type and individual circumstances. Some may live
for centuries, while others meet untimely ends due to
the chaotic nature of their existence.
Size. Foulspawn are similar in size to humans,
ranging from small to medium builds. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Having adapted to dimly lit environments,
you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dimly
light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of
Telepathic Communication. You can communicate
telepathically with other Foulspawn within 30 feet of
you. This ability allows you to share thoughts, emotions,
and basic information.
Dark Cloak. Thrice a day, you can envelop yourself in
a magical cloak of shadows, concealing you from view
even in bright light. This ability aids your defense,
making it difficult for foes to target you. Only creatures
with the ability to see in magical darkness can penetrate
this darkness.
Daylight Vulnerability. When exposed to daylight
(natural or magical), you become dazzled and badly
demoralized in all ways, making you vulnerable and less
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.

Foulspawn of the Deep

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.

Frost Affinity: You know the “Frostbite” cantrip. Once
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the “Ray of Frost” spell
once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.
Subrace: Choose one of the subraces below.

Glacialborn Frostborn are like walking fortresses,
embodying the unyielding strength of ice and stone.
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Frozen Endurance: You have advantage on saving
throws against being paralyzed and restrained.
Additionally, you can use your reaction to grant yourself
resistance to a damage type of your choice until the end
of your next turn. Once you use this ability, you can’t use
it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Frostweaver Frostborn have a deep connection to the
arcane frost, allowing them to shape and wield it for
various effects.
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score
Frostborn increases by 2.
Frost Cantrips: You know the “Frostbite” cantrip. At
escended from the icy heart of the northern 3rd level, you can cast the “Armor of Agathys” spell

realms, the Frostborn are a hardy and once per day as a 2nd-level spell. Intelligence is your
resilient race that embodies the frigid spellcasting ability for these spells.
embrace of winter. These beings are a Arcane Frost: When you cast a spell that deals cold
testament to survival in the harshest of damage, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the
environments, adapting to the freezing damage.
temperatures and treacherous landscapes
that they call home. With frost coursing through their Snowstrider
veins, Frostborn are known for their frost-infused Snowstrider Frostborn are swift and nimble, able to
abilities and their unyielding determination. move gracefully across icy landscapes.
Frostborn Names Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Frostborn names often evoke the chill of winter and the Nimble Movement: Difficult terrain created by ice or
rugged landscapes they inhabit. snow doesn’t cost you extra movement. Additionally,
Male Names: Drakkar, Haldor, Ingvar, Jorn, Leif, you can move across icy surfaces without needing to
Ragnar, Sven, Ulfric, Vormund, Yngvar. make Dexterity checks to avoid falling prone.
Female Names: Astrid, Eira, Freya, Ingrid, Karina,
Linnea, Runa, Sigrid, Thora, Ylva.
Frostborn Traits
The Frostborn possess traits that reflect their affinity for
the cold and their resilience against its effects.
Age: Frostborn have lifespans similar to humans,
reaching maturity around the age of 20 and living up to
100 years.
Size: Frostborn stand around the same height as
humans, but their stocky build makes them slightly
heavier. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Giant.
Cold Resistance: You have resistance to cold damage.

oxfolk are a race of cunning and mystical

beings, closely tied to the realm of spirits
and magic. They possess a natural affinity
for illusion and enchantment, and their
wisdom is revered among their kind. With
their fox-like features and graceful
movements, they embody both elegance and
mischievousness. Foxfolk appear as humanoids with
distinct fox-like traits. They have pointed ears, sharp
teeth, and a slender, agile build. Their hair and fur
range in colors, including red, white, black, and silver.
Their eyes are often vibrant and captivating, reflecting
their magical nature. Foxfolk typically have a slender
tail, which they can control and manipulate with
remarkable dexterity.
Foxfolk society is deeply rooted in the traditions of
Chinese and Japanese folklore. They are known for their
magical abilities and their connection to the spirit
world. Foxfolk possess a great reverence for nature and
strive to maintain harmony with the natural world.
Foxfolk Names
Foxfolk names reflect their mystical and elegant nature,
often drawing inspiration from both human and fox-like
elements. These names are a blend of tradition,
mysticism, and grace.
Male Names: Ashitaka, Daichi, Kitsuroku, Hideo,
Isamu, Kazuki, Sora, Takeo, Yukihiro, Zenzo. Darkvision. Thanks to your fox-like senses, you have
Female Names: Akiko, Chiyoko, Emiko, Haruka, superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
Katsura, Mei, Sakura, Tamako, Yumeko, Yukiko. in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
Surnames: Foxfolk surnames often connect them to light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
their ancestral lineage and the spirits they revere. These discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
surnames may include words like “Kitsune,” “Inari,” Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws
“Tengu,” or “Kaze.” against spells and other magical effects.
Nickname: Foxfolk may also have a nickname or an
affectionate term used by friends and loved ones, often Fox Shape. As an action, you can magically transform
derived from their unique qualities or personal into a fox or back into your true form. While in fox form,
experiences. your speed increases to 40 feet, and you can use your
Foxfolk Traits Cunning Action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Foxfolk have lifespans similar to humans, reaching action as a bonus action. You can remain in fox form for
maturity at around the same age. They can live up to up to 1 hour, or revert to your true form earlier as a
150 years. bonus action.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Size. Foxfolk are similar in height to humans, ranging
you finish a short or long rest.
from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Mystic Illusion. You know the minor illusion cantrip.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the disguise self
spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases for these spells.
by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
Sylvan, and one additional language of your choice.

slot. You regain the ability to cast it this way after a long
Genasi rest.
Acid Genasi
Acid Genasi are infused with the essence of corrosive
materials, granting them unique abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 1.
Acid Resistance. You have resistance to acid damage.
Corrosive Touch. You can use your touch to corrode
objects. You can perform a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check to damage or weaken an object with a touch.
Frost Genasi
Frost Genasi have an affinity for cold and ice, allowing
them to endure freezing conditions.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.
Frostwalk. You can move across and even walk on
water or other liquids, as long as they are at least
partially frozen.
Smoke Genasi
Smoke Genasi are connected to the element of smoke
and possess abilities related to concealment and
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Smoke Resistance. You have resistance to poison
Obscuring Mist. You can cast the “Fog Cloud” spell
once per day as a 2nd-level spell without expending a
spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it this way after a
long rest.
Storm Genasi
Storm Genasi are imbued with the power of lightning
and thunder, granting them electrical abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 1.
Lightning Resistance. You have resistance to
lightning damage.
Thunder Strike. You can use your action to unleash a
thunderous clap, forcing all creatures within a 10-foot
radius to make a Constitution saving throw or take
thunder damage.
Void Genasi
Void Genasi are tied to the mysterious forces of the
cosmos and possess abilities related to the void.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Nebulous Resistance. You have resistance to psychic
Voidstep. You can cast the “Misty Step” spell once
per day as a 2nd-level spell without expending a spell
make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
Gargoyle proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be
argoyles are a race of stone-like beings, restrained as their body starts turning to stone. The

hailing from the dark and gothic corners of restrained creature can repeat the saving throw at the
the world. They are known for their end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
fearsome appearance, formidable strength, The effect also ends if the creature takes any damage.
and their ability to traverse between the Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
realms of stone and flesh. Gargoyles are finish a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
often associated with architectural and Terran.
structures, perched upon rooftops and cathedrals,
silently watching over their domains.
Gargoyles possess a unique connection to stone and
earth, enabling them to endure incredible physical
punishment and resist the effects of time. They have a
reputation for being stoic and unyielding, their stony
exteriors reflecting their unshakable resolve and
unwavering loyalty.
While most gargoyles are solitary creatures, some
form small communities or clans, united by a shared
purpose or the need for protection against common
threats. Their society values discipline, vigilance, and
the preservation of their ancient heritage.
Gargoyles are neither inherently good nor evil, but
their appearance often invokes fear and distrust among
other races. However, those who take the time to
understand gargoyles often find them to be steadfast
allies and defenders of justice.
Gargoyle Names
Gargoyles possess unique names that often reflect their
stony nature and their connection to the earth. Some
examples of gargoyle names are Gravestone, Flint,
Marble, Obsidian, and Petra.
Gargoyle Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Gargoyles have long lifespans, often reaching
several centuries. They reach maturity at around 50
years old and can live for several hundred years.
Size. Gargoyles stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and
have a solid, muscular build. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also
have a climbing speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. Thanks to your stony nature, you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Stone’s Resilience. You have resistance to non-
magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Claws. You possess natural clawed hands that can be
used as natural weapons. If you hit with a melee attack
using your claws, you deal slashing damage equal to
1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Petrifying Gaze. As an action, you can focus your gaze
on a creature within 30 feet of you. The target must

Subrace. Depending on whether you are from the
Gatorfolk desert or swampland will greatly affect your character
ailing from ancient swamplands and deltas, and their skills.

these humanoid creatures, also known as Desert
Sobekians, bear a striking resemblance to Your Strength score increases
crocodiles, embodying the ferocity, cunning, Abillity Score Improvent.
by 2 and your Constitution by 1.
and ancient wisdom associated with the Natural Armor. Your armor class goes up by 2
revered deity Sobek. Weapon Training. You are proficient in using
Gatorfolk possess robust bodies covered shrotswords, longswords, and tridents.
in thick scales, varying in color from earthy browns and
greens to shimmering hues of gold and blue. They are Swamp
adorned with intricate patterns and markings
reminiscent of the sacred symbols and hieroglyphs of Abillity Score Improvent. Your Constitution score
ancient Egypt, a testament to their connection to the increases by 2 and your Intelligence by 1.
divine realm. Corrosive Saliva You can use your action to exhale
Gatorfolk are fierce defenders of their territories. destructive energy. When you use this as an action, each
They have a strong sense of justice and are known to creature within a 12 foot cone must make a
intervene when threats arise, acting as protectors of the Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw
balance between the mortal realm and the divine forces equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency
that govern it. bonus. A creature takes 2d6 poison or acid damage
Gatorfolk Names
(your choice) on a failed save, and half as much damage
on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at
Gatorfolk names often reflect the ancient Egyptian 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After
influence on their culture, drawing inspiration from the you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it again until
rich history and mythology of the Nile region. They may you complete a short or long rest.
also incorporate sounds reminiscent of crocodiles and
the natural world.
Male Names: Sobekar, Khepri, Akhom, Khenti,
Ra’ken, Meneset, Sobesh, Horun, Amun’hotep,
Female Names: Neferi, Seshen, Tiyah, Bastetra,
Meretseger, Nephra, Serqet, Renenet, Isetnofret,
Family Names: Gatorfolk often adopt family names
related to their clan, ancestral symbols, or significant
achievements. These names can be quite elaborate and
include references to natural elements and divine
beings, such as Sobek or the Nile.
Clan Names: Gatorfolk clans may have distinct names
that reflect their territory, totemic animal, or a shared
belief. Some examples include Nileclaw, Crocoscale,
Sandshroud, or Serpenteye.
Gatorfolk Traits
Age. You mature like a human, and die around the age
of 70.
Size. You range from 6 feet to 8.5 feet. You are taller
than most humanoids, yet your size is Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak and
understand Common and Aquan.
Swimmer. You can hold your breath for a number of
rounds equal to four times its Constitution score.
Aditionally, you gain a swimming speed of 30 feet. Bite.
As an action, you can bite an opponent dealing 2d4
piercing damage plus your strength modifier.

Ghost Rider
host Riders are enigmatic beings that have

forged a mystical connection with the
spirits of the afterlife. They are often those
who have faced death and returned, forever
changed by the encounter. These
individuals are bound to otherworldly
entities, granting them powers that straddle
the line between the living and the dead.
As a Ghost Rider, you are a conduit for spiritual
forces, wielding powers that harness both the ethereal
and corporeal realms. Your appearance may be
ordinary, but when your powers are invoked, your eyes
may glow with an eerie light, and your voice might echo
with an otherworldly resonance. You walk a path that
bridges the gap between the mortal world and the realm
of spirits, seeking justice and righting wrongs along the
Ghost Rider Names
Ghost Riders usually retain the name they had in their
previous life.
Ghost Rider Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Age. Ghost Riders’ aging process is slowed due to
their connection with spiritual forces. They can live well
beyond 100 years.
Size. Ghost Riders have a similar range of heights
and builds as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Your encounters with the other side have
sharpened your senses. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness
as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
Spiritual Resilience. Ghost Riders have an innate
resistance to necrotic damage. You have resistance to
necrotic damage.
Spectral Sight. Your connection with the spiritual
realm allows you to perceive spirits and ethereal beings.
You can see into the Ethereal Plane up to a range of 60
Spirit Charger. Once per long rest, you can call upon
your spectral steed to aid you. As an action, a ghostly
horse appears within 30 feet of you. You can mount the
steed and gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 1 hour. The
spectral horse disappears after the duration or if it
drops to 0 hit points. If it disappears before the duration
ends, you must complete a long rest before using this
ability again.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Gnoll Speed.

Languages. You can read, write, speak, and understand

nolls are ferocious and savage hyena-like Common and Gnoll.

humanoids that roam the wilds in
marauding packs. Combining the cunning Darkvision. Your nocturnal heritage grants you the
of a predator with the brutality of a warrior, ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
gnolls revel in the thrill of the hunt and the have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
taste of fresh blood. Their society is built on
strength and dominance, with the strongest Hyena’s Endurance. You have advantage on saving
and most ruthless individuals rising to lead their tribes. throws against being frightened.
As a gnoll adventurer, you might be an outcast Natural Athlete. You have proficiency in the Athletics
seeking redemption, a cunning rogue seeking treasure, skill.
or a fearsome warrior eager to prove your strength.
Whatever your path, you carry the untamed spirit of Rampage. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points
your kind within you, a force that drives you forward with a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus
through the untamed lands. action to move up to half your speed and make a bite
Gnoll Names attack.
Gnoll names are typically guttural and evocative of the Subrace. Choose one of the following subraces.
wild, often inspired by the sounds of their hyena kin.
Male Names. Zarnak, Grukka, Dak’kor, Thraag, Ragnor,
Skarrg, Gorg, Zekthar, Hrothar, Gharuk.
Female Names. Skorna, Dralga, Grisla, Kragga, Norga,
Zurga, Thulga, Brakka, Nalga, Zagla.
Gnoll Traits
Age. Gnolls mature quickly, reaching adulthood around
the age of 6. Their lifespans are relatively short, usually
not exceeding 40 years.
Size. Gnolls are tall and lanky, standing between
6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Flind Gnoll
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Superior Weapons. You are proficient with flails and
Terrifying Presence. As an action, you can unleash an
aura of fear for 1 minute. Each creature of your choice
in a 30-foot radius that can see you must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier or become
frightened for the duration. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on a success.
Hunter Gnoll
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception
Hunter’s Instincts. When you make a Wisdom (Survival)
check to track creatures or navigate the wilderness, you
can add twice your proficiency bonus to the check,
instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
Packmaster Gnoll
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Pack Tactics. You have advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5
feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Commanding Presence. As an action, you can let out
a terrifying howl that lasts for 1 minute. When you use
this feature, each creature of your choice within 30 feet
that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier or be frightened for the duration. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Grimlock Silent Stride:
Umbral Cloak: You can cast the Pass without Trace
rom the depths of darkness and isolation, spell once per long rest without requiring material

the Grimlocks emerge as a unique and components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
enigmatic race. Cut off from the light and this spell.
society, they have evolved to navigate their
subterranean world using their heightened
senses. Despite their lack of sight,
Grimlocks possess remarkable abilities that
make them formidable adversaries and intriguing allies.
Grimlock Names
Grimlock names are often guttural and resonant,
reflecting the harsh environment they inhabit.
Male Names: Thokk, Gruk, Korg, Brag, Hruk, Dragg,
Vorn, Tharn, Groth, Karg.
Female Names: Zara, Veyra, Lyth, Ursa, Krana,
Hulga, Nyrna, Grenda, Orna, Vorka.
Grimlock Traits
Age: Grimlocks have relatively short lifespans, seldom
exceeding 50 years.
Size: Grimlocks are sturdy and compact, typically
standing between 4 to 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write
Undercommon, the language of the Underdark.
Blindsight: Lacking sight, you have developed a
heightened sense of awareness. You can perceive your
surroundings without relying on vision. You can
perceive your surroundings within a radius of 30 feet
without needing to see, but you are still affected by
effects that require sight.
Keen Hearing and Smell: Your acute senses grant you
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
hearing or smell.
Subrace. Choose one of the following Grimlock
Deep Dweller
Deep Dwellers are Grimlocks who have embraced the
most remote and lightless regions of the Underdark.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Darkvision: You can see in darkness as if it were dim
light, within a range of 120 feet.
Tunneler: You have a burrowing speed of 15 feet
through non-magical, unworked earth and stone. While
burrowing, you do not disturb the surrounding material,
creating a small tunnel for you to move through.
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalkers are Grimlocks who have adapted to
the stealthier aspects of their subterranean existence.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.

Grippli Rainforest Grippli
rippli are a diminutive and agile race that Grippli who call the vibrant rainforests home display a
wide array of skin colors, such as bright yellow, blue, or

closely resembles bipedal tree frogs. Their red. They are known for their love of bright colors and
natural habitat varies from swamps to lush often have a mischievous streak.
rainforests, and as a result, they exhibit a Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score
wide range of colorful skin tones. Despite increases by 1.
their small stature, they possess Colorful Wardrobe: You have a keen eye for colorful
remarkable dexterity and a unique charm attire. You have proficiency with the Artisan’s Tools
that can be both endearing and mischievous. (Tailor’s Tools).
Grippli Names Canopy Acrobat: You have a natural aptitude for
navigating the treetops of the rainforest. You gain
Grippli names are often short and whimsical, reflecting proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
their playful nature. They might choose names based on
sounds found in nature or inspired by the vibrant colors
of their environment.
Male Names: Croak, Hopscotch, Quibble, Rumble,
Splash, Tadpole, Wobble
Female Names: Bubble, Fizzle, Lily, Ripple, Sparkle,
Twinkle, Zephyr
Grippli Traits
Age: Grippli have relatively short lifespans, typically
reaching maturity by the age of 10 and rarely living past
Size: Grippli stand around 2 feet tall and weigh
approximately 30 pounds. Their size is Small.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you
have a climbing speed of 25 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common
and Grippli. Grippli is a melodic language that
combines ribbits, chirps, and clicks.
Amphibious: You can breathe both air and water.
Colorful Charm: You have a natural inclination for
bright and vibrant colors. You gain proficiency in the
Performance skill.
Sticky Grip: Your sticky fingers grant you advantage
on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to climb surfaces
or objects.
Camouflage: In your natural environment, you have
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide.
Subrace: Choose one of the below subraces.

Swamp Grippli
Swamp-dwelling grippli have gray-green skin, often
mottled with darker shades such as green and brown.
They are adapted to the murky waters and damp terrain
of the swamps.
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score
increases by 1.
Swamp Resilience: You have advantage on saving
throws against diseases and poison, and you are
resistant to poison damage.
Mudslide Leap: You can make a standing long jump
or standing high jump without a running start, provided
you have a surface to push off that is covered in mud or
he Gulgar are a unique and enigmatic race

known for their subsonic speech and
remarkable sense of hearing. These
creatures have adapted to a world where
sound and vibrations are their primary
means of communication and perception.
Despite their limitations in vision, they
excel in their ability to hear even the faintest of sounds,
making them formidable foes and skilled hunters.
Gulgars are sturdy and compact beings with
crystalline skin that shimmers in various shades. Their
eyes are multifaceted and sensitive to vibrations,
compensating for their limited vision. Though they lack
overt physical prowess, their affinity for sound and their
unique abilities make them formidable in their own
Gulgar Names
Gulgar names often consist of harsh and guttural
sounds that resonate well in their subsonic speech.
Male Names: Gralk, Vurnok, Thrusk, Zorgrim,
Drakar, Brolgash, Gurnak, Hrothar, Vorlak, Thrazak.
Female Names: Zolga, Krivva, Brundis, Jharra,
Skranja, Vorga, Trasha, Gurna, Krulga, Zelga.
Gulgar Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Languages. You can speak, write, read, and
understand Common and Primordial (Terran).
Subsonic Speech. You can communicate using
subsonic speech, a method of communication that relies
on vibrations and sounds below the range of normal
hearing. Creatures with tremorsense, blindsight, or
blindsense can understand your subsonic speech.
Others can attempt to read your lips using the Spot
skill, with a DC of 20. Those reading your lips must
speak Terran.
Keen Hearing. You have a +2 bonus on ability checks
and rolls based on hearing.
Limited Vision. Due to your poor vision, you have a -2
penalty on ability checks and rolls based on hearing.
Sonic Pulse. As an action, you can emit a focused
sonic pulse in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in the cone
must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or take
1d12 thunder damage and be deafened until the end of
your next turn. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Weapon Training. You are proficient with longbows
and lances.

You have an innate ability to harness the
Hag Hag Magic.
dark arts. You can cast one cantrip from the warlock
orn of dark magic and ancient rituals, the spell list with your spellcasting ability as Charisma.

Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.
Hags are a twisted and malevolent race that
embodies the darkest aspects of the Sea Hag
supernatural. They are known for their
hideous appearances, insidious powers, and Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
sinister nature. Hags are typically associated by 2.
with witchcraft, curses, and manipulation,
and they delight in causing misery and suffering Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
wherever they go. Hags come in various forms and Sea Shroud. While underwater, you have advantage on
possess unique abilities, reflecting the different types of Stealth checks and have resistance to cold damage.
Hags that exist in the world. Some Hags appear as old
crones, while others take on more monstrous or
otherworldly forms. Despite their outward differences,
all Hags share a common drive for power and a
penchant for preying on the innocent.
As an adventurer, you are a member of this enigmatic
and feared race. Whether you embrace the darkness
within or strive to break free from its grasp, you must
navigate a treacherous path filled with moral dilemmas
and the constant struggle between your innate
malevolence and the potential for redemption.
Hag Names
Hag names are often guttural and unsettling, reflecting
their eerie nature.
Male Names. Alistair, Asmodeus, Azazel, Balthazar,
Belial, Dagon, Draven, Eldritch, Hades, Lazarus,
Lucius, Magnus, Malachi, Malevolentus, Mordecai,
Mortis, Oberon, Radagast, Severus, Vortigern.
Female Names. Agatha, Belladonna, Calypso,
Cassandra, Desdemona, Elara, Hecate, Isolde, Lilith,
Maleficora, Medea, Melantha, Morgath, Morwen, Nyx,
Odessa, Selene, Seraphina, Sybella, Vespera.
Hag Traits
Age. Hags have varying lifespans depending on their
type and individual circumstances. Some Hags may live
for centuries, while others may meet untimely ends due
to violence or magical interference.
Size. Hags come in different shapes and sizes, ranging
from short and wiry to tall and imposing. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can read, write, speak, and understand

Common and Abyssal.
Darkvision. Your malevolent nature grants you the
ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Green Hag Night Hag
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
increases by 2. by 2.
Swampborn. You have advantage on saving throws Infernal Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
against poison, and you have resistance to poison
damage. Ethereal Jaunt. You can magically enter the Ethereal
Plane as an action. Once you use this feature, you can’t
Changling Form. As an action, you can magically use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
change your appearance to look like an ordinary
creature or person of the same size for up to 1 hour.
This transformation ends if you use your action to revert
to your true form or if you die.

Dwarven Toughness. Your hit point maximum
Half-Dwarf increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain
alf-Dwarves are a unique blend of human a level.

and dwarf heritage, resulting in a race that Mountain Dwarf-Human
embodies the strengths and qualities of Mountain Dwarf-Humans inherit the dwarven love for
both parent races. They share the resilience the mountains and their affinity for combat.
and craftsmanship of dwarves and the Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
adaptability and versatility of humans. Half- by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Dwarves often find themselves navigating Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with
the worlds of both humans and dwarves, sometimes light and medium armor.
struggling to fit in with either group, but also possessing Stone’s Resilience. You have advantage on saving
a rare ability to bridge the gap between these two proud throws against being poisoned and resistance against
cultures. poison damage.
Half-Dwarf Names
Urban Dwarf-Human
Half-Dwarf names can vary widely, often influenced by Urban Dwarf-Humans are adapted to city life,
the customs of the region they grow up in and the possessing the resourcefulness and adaptability of
culture that has the most significant impact on their humans and the curiosity of dwarves.
lives. They might choose human or dwarf names, or a Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
fusion of both. increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Male Names. Dain, Borin, Thorin, Gavin, Kellan,
Brogan, Finnian, Tordek, Eben, Noland. City Dweller. You gain proficiency in one tool or skill
Female Names. Bruni, Lirra, Gilda, Faela, Audhild, related to urban life, such as a thieves’ tools or
Mira, Thora, Hilda, Elira, Nissa. Persuasion.
Surnames. Half-Dwarves sometimes adopt the Keen Mind. You have an innate talent for recall and
surnames of their human or dwarf families, or they may reasoning. You can read and write one extra language of
create a new name that symbolizes their dual heritage. your choice.
Half-Dwarf Traits
Age. Half-Dwarves mature at a rate similar to humans
and can live for about 150 years.
Size. Half-Dwarves are typically between 5 and 6 feet
tall, with sturdy builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
Dwarvish, and one extra language of your choice.
Darkvision. Thanks to your dwarven heritage, you
have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Dwarf Blood. You have the resilience of dwarves in
your blood. You have advantage on saving throws
against poison and resistance against poison damage.
Human Adaptability. You gain proficiency in one skill
of your choice.
Dwarven Craftsmanship. You have proficiency with
one artisan’s tool of your choice.
Subrace. Choose one of the following subraces.

Hill Dwarf-Human
Hill Dwarf-Humans combine the hardiness of hill
dwarves with the adaptability of humans.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2, and one other ability score of your
choice increases by 1.

Most half-giants stand between 7 to 8 feet tall.
Half-Giant Size.
While extraordinarily tall, your non-giant lineage keeps
ith giants as their ancestors, half-Giants are you from reaching the size and stature of your giant kin.

a rare race that combines the strength and Your size is Medium.
stature of their giant ancestry with the Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
adaptability and ingenuity of their mortal
lineage. Towering over most other races, Powerful Build. You count as a Large creature for
Half-Giants possess a commanding purposes of determining your carrying capacity, and
presence and a physical might that sets how much you can push, pull, and lift.
them apart.
Despite their size, Half-Giants are not mere brutes. Fearful Presence. Staring down a someone of your size
They possess a unique blend of strength, intelligence, can make even the fiercest foes tremble and cower with
and an affinity for the natural world. Gifted with an fear. You have proficiency in the Intimidation Skill.
inherent resilience and an instinctive understanding of Languages. You can speak, read and write both
the land, Half-Giants often find themselves drawn to Common and Giant.
paths of adventure, becoming powerful warriors, skilled
druids, or wise sages who seek to protect and restore Subrace. The giant races vary tremendously, shaped
the balance of nature. heavily by both their environment, and the will of the
In their societies, Half-Giants value loyalty, honor, and god Annam, and so are their offspring. Choose a
community. They possess a deep respect for their giant subrace from the following options: Cloud, Fire, Frost,
heritage and the natural forces that shape the world Hill, Stone, or Storm.
around them. Although they are often misunderstood
due to their imposing appearance, Half-Giants are Cloud
known for their kindness, compassion, and unwavering Your Charisma score increases
determination. Ability Score Increase.
by 1.
Living in harmony with both the mortal and giant
realms, Half-Giants have forged unique bonds with You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. At
other races and have become valued allies and Magic of the Sky.
3rd level, you can cast the spell Misty Step once per
defenders. Their presence in the world brings with it a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
sense of awe and respect, for their size alone demands spells.
attention, and their actions leave a lasting impact on
those who cross their paths. Fire
Half-Giant Names Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
Half-Giant names often reflect their imposing presence by 1.
and their deep connection to both their giant ancestry Master of Forge and Flame. You have resistance to Fire
and the mortal world. These names can vary widely, damage, and are naturally acclimated to hot
drawing from both giant and mortal traditions. environments, as described in chapter 5 of The
Male Names: Thrain, Brondar, Argus, Kaldor, Borin, Dungeon Master’s Guide. Additionally, you are
Vornak, Drakar, Torgrim, Halrek, Grendar. proficient with Blacksmith’s Tools.
Female Names: Sylga, Astrid, Freyja, Helga, Hilda,
Runa, Thrya, Valdis, Yrsa, Elin. Frost
Family Names: Half-Giants often take on family
names that carry meaning related to their giant heritage Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
or the natural world. These names can include words by 1.
like Stoneforge, Oakheart, Stormcaller, Frostbeard, and Frostblood. You have resistance to Cold damage, and
Earthshaker. are naturally acclimated to cold environments, as
Half-Giant Traits described in chapter 5 of The Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Additionally, you are proficient in the Athletics skill.
Ability Score Increase.Your Strength score increases
by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 1. Hill
Age. Half-giants mature at roughly the same rate as
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
humans, but live much longer, often reaching 250 years increases by 1.
of age.

Barrel Through. When you move, you can attempt to
enter the space of a creature of Medium size or smaller.
When you do so, that creature must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone as you enter
their space. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 +
your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. You
can’t force a creature to make this saving throw more
than once per turn.
Thick-Skinned. While you are not wearing armor, your
Armor Class equals 10 + your Constitution modifier.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Child of Stone. You have Darkvision out to 60 feet, and
you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made
to hide in rocky terrain. Additionally, you are proficient
with Mason’s Tools.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 1.
Stormborn. You know the shocking grasp cantrip. At
3rd level, you can cast the spell Thunderwave once per
long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.

orn of a dark and unnatural union between a

vampire and a mortal, Half-Vampires are
creatures torn between two worlds - the living
and the undead. They inherit a blend of their
vampiric parent’s otherworldly abilities and
the resilience of their mortal heritage. Often
shunned and feared by both humans and
vampires, Half-Vampires must navigate a treacherous
path, seeking their place in a world that regards them
with suspicion and mistrust.
Half-Vampire Names
Half-Vampire names are often a mix of traditional
human names and vampiric influences, reflecting their
dual nature.
Male Names. Adrian, Draven, Lucian, Viktor, Damien,
Kain, Gabriel, Soren, Nikolai, Valerian, Lazarus,
Seraphim, Moros.
Female Names. Elara, Seraphina, Isolde, Valeria,
Selene, Lilith, Elysia, Morgana, Sybella, Thalia,
Melisandre, Vespera.
Half-Vampire Traits Vampiric Gaze. You can cast the Charm Person spell
once per day without expending a spell slot. Charmed
Age. Half-Vampires age at a slightly slower rate than creatures are unaware that they were charmed by you.
humans, living for several centuries if they avoid harm Night Stalker
or capture by vampires.
Size. Half-Vampires have the same size and build as Half-Vampires who embrace their predatory instincts
humans. Your size is Medium. become skilled hunters of the night.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and increases by 2.
understand Common and one other language of your Predator’s Agility. You have proficiency in the Stealth
choice, typically one related to your upbringing. skill.
Darkvision. Your connection to the vampiric lineage Darkvision Enhancement. Your darkvision range
grants you the ability to see in darkness as if it were dim increases to 120 feet.
light. You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Undead Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic Daywalker
damage. Daywalkers have adapted to live in the daylight, making
Vampiric Bite. As a Half-Vampire, you can use your
bite as a natural weapon, dealing 1d4 piercing damage, them more resilient during the day but less attuned to
and you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage the night.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
dealt when you bite a creature. You can use this bite increases by 2.
attack once per short or long rest. Daylight Adaptation. You have resistance to radiant
Eternal Thirst. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed or frightened. damage.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when
Noble Blood you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying
to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Half-Vampires with noble bloodlines possess a regal
bearing and greater control over their vampiric heritage.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.
Charm. You can use your charm to persuade others.
You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.

escended from the ancient spirits of trees, the

Hamadryads are a mystical race deeply
intertwined with the forests they inhabit. They
are ethereal beings, both alluring and
enigmatic, with a profound connection to
nature. Hamadryads are guardians of the
woods, able to manipulate the flora around
them to aid or hinder those who enter their domain.
Their existence is a testament to the enduring bond
between mortals and the natural world.
Hamadryad Names
Hamadryad names are often melodic and reflective of
natural elements and sounds.
Female Names: Elowen, Lyra, Amarante, Sylva,
Callista, Isolde, Fiora, Seraphine, Thalassa, Ysolde,
Caelia, Elysia.
Male Names: Orion, Thorne, Eldan, Sylvan, Caelum,
Alderan, Lynden, Dragan, Oberon, Sylas, Aelar, Finian.
Hamadryad Traits
Age: Hamadryads have a connection to the lifespan of
the trees they bond with. They can live for centuries,
sharing the growth and eventual passing of the forest
around them.
Size: Hamadryads stand around 5 to 6 feet tall, with
slender and graceful builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan, the language of the
fey creatures.
Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to
Nature’s Bond: You have a deep connection to the
natural world. You can cast the druidcraft cantrip using
your Wisdom modifier. At 3rd level, you can cast the
entangle spell once, and you regain the ability to cast it
this way when you finish a long rest.

allowing you to cast the “Earth Tremor” spell as a 1st-
Harengon level spell without expending a spell slot. Charisma is
arengons are a unique and energetic race of your spellcasting ability for this spell.

bipedal rabbit-like creatures. They possess
extended feet, prolonged ears, and a wide
range of fur colorations, making them easily
distinguishable. What sets them apart,
however, is their boundless energy and
powerful leg muscles, always poised for
swift action.
Harengon Names
Harengon names are often whimsical and lively,
reflecting their energetic personalities.
Male Names: Thumper, Zigzag, Bounce, Pippin,
Whisker, Fizzle, Hopper, Tumble, Skippity, Fidget.
Female Names: Twitch, Flopsy, Fuzzy, Sizzle,
Sprinkle, Twirl, Puddle, Skipper, Zipper, Giggles.
Harengon Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Harengons mature quickly and have relatively
short lifespans, rarely living beyond 50 years.
Size. Harengons are small and lightweight, standing
about 3 to 3.5 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Sylvan.
Keen Senses. Your long ears grant you advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks based on hearing.
Energetic Leap. You have powerful leg muscles,
allowing you to jump much farther than most races.
Your long jump is up to 20 feet and your high jump is up
to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Swiftfoot Harengon
Swiftfoot harengons are known for their incredible
speed and agility.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by an additional 1.
Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to
35 feet.
Quick Reflexes. You have advantage on Dexterity
saving throws against effects that you can see.
Bounding Ear Harengon
Bounding ear harengons are distinguished by their
oversized, sensitive ears.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by an additional 1.
Keen Hearing. You gain proficiency in the Perception
Earthen Bond. Once per long rest, you can use your
extended ears to detect vibrations in the ground,

Song of Enchantment. You can use your enchanting
Harpy voice to cast the suggestion spell once per day without
arpies are avian beings with a mesmerizing expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting

blend of grace and ferocity. They are known ability for this spell.
Alluring Presence. You gain proficiency in the
for their beautiful, bird-like features and Persuasion skill, and your proficiency bonus is doubled
their hauntingly enchanting voices that can for Persuasion checks related to charming or
lull victims into a false sense of security. persuading others.
However, beneath their captivating exterior
lies a predatory nature that drives them to Raptor
hunt for sustenance and power. Harpies often dwell in Raptors are more predatory and physically imposing
high cliffs and mountains, using their keen eyesight and than other harpies, with a focus on aerial combat.
aerial prowess to surveil their surroundings and stalk Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
their prey. As a harpy, you are part of this intriguing by 2.
race, torn between your captivating charm and your Talons of Fury. Your talon strikes now deal an
primal instincts. additional 1d6 slashing damage.
Harpy Names Aerial Prowess. You have advantage on Dexterity
Harpy names are often melodic and lyrical, reflecting (Acrobatics) checks and saving throws made to stay
their affinity for music and their avian heritage. balanced or maneuver while flying.
Female Names. Aeliana, Seraphine, Lyrithia,
Calliope, Melodora, Sirena, Ariastra, Faeloria, Avielle,
Male Names. Avianthus, Lyricus, Cadencio,
Harrowin, Aelius, Serenian, Orpheon, Skylarion,
Thalassius, Zephyros.
Harpy Traits
Age. Harpies have varying lifespans depending on their
individual circumstances. Some harpies may live for
several decades, while others may meet untimely ends
due to violence or accidents.
Size. Harpies are slender and graceful but have
impressive wingspans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You have
a flying speed of 50 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Auran, the language of the air
Keen Eyes. Your avian heritage grants you keen
eyesight. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
Enchanting Voice. You can use your captivating voice
to cast the charm person spell once per day without
expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for this spell.
Talon Strike. Your talon-like claws are natural
weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to
1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Sirens are known for their irresistible allure and their
ability to beguile and mesmerize those who hear their
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.
Harssaf Sand Harssaf
he Harssafs are a race of enigmatic beings, Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.

seemingly born of fire and sand, dwelling Desert Camouflage. You have proficiency in the
within the harsh and unforgiving terrain of Stealth skill, and you can attempt to hide even when
the Calim Desert. These desert-dwelling only lightly obscured by sand, dust, or similar terrain.
nomads are known for their predatory
nature, often ambushing merchant
caravans and fellow travelers who dare to
venture into their domain. Harssafs possess striking,
reptilian features, with slitted red eyes that seem to emit
an eerie glow. Their rough, grainy, brownish-red skin
covers a tall and imposing frame.
As a Harssaf, you navigate the desert’s treacherous
sands, utilizing your unique abilities and connection to
the arid wasteland. Your race has a deep affinity for the
desert’s secrets, and you harness the elements of fire
and sand to your advantage.
Harssaf Names
Harssaf names are often influenced by the desert’s
harsh environment, evoking images of sand, fire, and
Male Names. Zarruk, Ignisar, Drakthar, Solven,
Terrak, Pyroth, Valthar.
Female Names. Sylthara, Embera, Seraphis,
Lysandra, Kalyss, Pyrelle, Dhrana.
Harssaf Traits
Age. Harssafs have lifespans comparable to humans,
typically living up to 70 years. However, some Harssafs
have been known to live longer, particularly those who
have mastered the secrets of the desert.
Size. Harssafs are tall and imposing, standing around
6 feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Primordial.
Desert Adaptation. You have advantage on
Constitution saving throws to resist the effects of
extreme heat and dry conditions. Additionally, you can
endure harsh conditions for longer periods without
suffering exhaustion.
Sandshaper. You have an innate ability to manipulate
sand and fire. You can cast the shape sand cantrip from
the sorcerer spell list and the produce flame cantrip
from the druid spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for these spells.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Flame Harssaf
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Fire Affinity. You have resistance to fire damage, and
you can cast the burning hands spell at 1st level once
per long rest as a racial ability. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for this spell.
spellcasting ability for this spell.
Hengeyokai Trickster’s Guile. You have proficiency in the
engeyokai are mystical shape-shifters with a Deception skill.

deep connection to both the animal and Tengu
human worlds. They seamlessly transition Your Dexterity score increases
between three distinct forms, each Ability Score Increase.
by 2.
revealing their unique nature. In their Keen Sight. You have advantage on Wisdom
animal form, they appear indistinguishable (Perception) checks involving sight.
from ordinary creatures of their kind, Martial Prowess. You are proficient with the
concealing their intelligence beneath a veneer of shortsword, longbow, and shortbow.
instinctual behavior. In their hybrid form, they stand
upright, their animal traits merging with humanoid Tanuki
features, creating a captivating blend of the two worlds.
Finally, their human form reflects the land of their birth Ability Score Increase.Your Constitution score
but often carries subtle characteristics of their animal increases by 2.
lineage. Hengeyokai are enigmatic beings who navigate Resilient Form. You have advantage on saving throws
the delicate balance between the animal kingdom and against being frightened.
human society, drawing strength from their adaptability. Shapechanger’s Trickery. You can use your

Hengeyokai Names
shapechanger ability to create illusory changes in your
appearance, giving you advantage on Charisma
Hengeyokai names are influenced by both the natural (Deception) checks to impersonate specific individuals.
world and human culture, resulting in names that
reflect their dual nature.
Male Names. Akira, Daichi, Hayato, Kenzo, Makoto,
Noboru, Ren, Satoshi, Takeshi, Yukihiro.
Female Names. Ayame, Chika, Emi, Hana, Kiyomi,
Mei, Sakura, Tomoe, Yumi, Yuuna.
Hengeyokai Traits
Age. Hengeyokai have lifespans similar to humans,
reaching maturity at around 20 years and potentially
living into their mid-70s.
Size. Hengeyokai’s size varies depending on their
form. In their hybrid and human forms, they are similar
in size to the local humans, standing 5 to 6 feet tall and
weighing between 100 and 140 pounds. In their animal
form, they are no larger than 2 to 3 feet in length.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan.
Shapechanger. As a hengeyokai, you can seamlessly
shift between three forms: animal, hybrid, and human.
Shifting between forms takes one minute and requires
concentration. You can stay in any form indefinitely, but
you revert to your true form if you fall unconscious, die,
or choose to revert.
Dual Nature. You have advantage on Wisdom (Animal
Handling) checks when dealing with animals, and on
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when dealing with
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Kitsune Magic. You can cast the “Charm Person”
spell once per day as a 1st-level spell. Charisma is your
cone. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
Hydralisk until you complete a short or long rest.
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.
ydralisks are extraordinary multi-headed

creatures known for their remarkable Venom Hydralisk
regenerative abilities and the unique trait of Your Intelligence score
each head possessing distinct personalities Ability Score Increase.
increases by 2.
and skills. These enigmatic beings are a Venomous Bite. Your natural attacks, such as bites
marvel of nature, able to perform various and claws, are coated with a potent venom. When you
tasks simultaneously with their multiple hit a creature with a natural weapon, they must make a
heads. Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency
Hydralisk Names bonus + your Intelligence modifier) or take an additional
Hydralisk names often reflect the individual 2d6 poison damage.
Poison Resistance. You have resistance to poison
personalities of their heads, resulting in a melange of damage.\
names that can be quite eclectic.
Personality Names. Forge, Blaze, Storm, Echo, Flare,
Zephyr, Tempest, Ignis, Terra, Aqua, Nova, Ferox.
Hydralisk Traits
Age. Hydralisks have a relatively short lifespan, typically
living up to 30 years. However, their regenerative
abilities can extend their life in certain circumstances.
Size. Hydralisks vary in size, with an average height
ranging from 6 to 8 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and one other language of your
Regeneration. You have a natural ability to
regenerate, allowing you to recover from wounds
quickly. At the start of your turn, you regain hit points
equal to your proficiency bonus if you have less than
half of your hit points remaining.
Multi-Headed. You possess multiple heads, each with
its own personality and skills. You have advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws
against being blinded, deafened, or charmed.
Multi-Tasker. You can use your multiple heads to
perform different tasks simultaneously. You can take
two reactions during your turn instead of one. However,
each reaction must be used for a different purpose.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Fire Hydralisk
Ability Score Increase.Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Flaming Strikes. Your attacks with natural weapons,
such as bites and claws, deal an additional 1d6 fire
Fire Resilience. You have resistance to fire damage.
Frost Hydralisk
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Icy Breath. You can exhale a cone of icy breath as a
ranged attack, dealing 2d6 cold damage in a 15-foot

llithids, also known as Mind Flayers, are

enigmatic and mysterious beings that dwell deep
within the Underdark. Their alien appearance
and psychic abilities set them apart from other
races. With a fearsome reputation as sinister
masterminds and devourers of minds, Illithids are
feared and shunned by many. However, those
who embrace the dark allure of the Illithid find
themselves gifted with exceptional intellect, telepathic
powers, and the ability to manipulate the thoughts of
others. Playing an Illithid allows you to explore the
intricate complexities of their society, balancing the
thirst for knowledge and power with the danger of
succumbing to the darkness within. As an Illithid, you
must navigate a world of suspicion and mistrust while
seeking your place in the surface realms or the twisted
depths of the Underdark.
Illithid Names
Illithid names are often strange and eldritch, befitting
their alien and mind-flayer nature. Here are a few
Male Names. Xalzithar, Zyraxis, Cephalar, Thulzog,
Mindrak, Azgoth, Vorlak, Xyrazor, K’zarnak, Zenthros,
Orynthar, Gharlak, Zyrnax, Vorphir, Tzarnoth, Xyndor,
Yalthor, Khaalor, Zolthir, Vryxen. Your race has endured countless years in
Female Names. Zylthra, Xandrissa, Cephalia, Azrynn,

Vylthra, Zythara, Myndra, Azuria, Thalzara, Vrallaxa, the Underdark, so you are well adapted. You can see in
Cephira, Zynthra, Zyrvira, Xyrlana, Vylara, Myrrana, dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light,
Kyzara, Thalyra, Zyrathra, Xyndra. and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Illithid Traits Telepathy. You can communicate telapthically with
another creature within 60 feet that knows at least one
Abillity Score Increase. Your Intelligence score language. This creature doesn’t need to share a
increases by 2, and either your Wisdom or Charisma language with you, but unless they have telepathic
score increases by 1 (your choice). abillities themselves, they can only receive and reply to
Age. Illithids fully complete ceremorphosis by the age messages, but can’t start or end a telepathic
of 9, and have become fully mature and educated by the conversation.
age of 15. while they live longer than most humans, they You must be conscious to use this trait and cannot
don’t do so by much, only living up to about 120 years. telepathically communicate with multiple beings at
Size. Most illithids are as tall as humans, standing at once.
least a few inches short of six feet, but their bodies very Extract Brain. As an action, you may extract the brain
being slender and weigh much less. Your size is of a humanoid corpse that died within the last minute,
Medium. which must be within 5 feet of you. You can devour it as
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. a bonus action or store it for later. If you chose to
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common consume it as a bonus action, you gain temporary hit
and Deep Speech. Additionally, you can read Qualith, a points equal to your Intelligence modifier plus the
system of tactile writing (like braille) which can be read creature’s Intelligence score. This effect ends after an
by the tentacles of a mind flayer. Qualith is written in hour.
four-line stanzas. The language is so strangely
structured that non-illithids must use to magic to
discern it.
Creature Type. Illithids are aberrations. Spells,
features, and other effects that only affect humanoids do
not apply to you.

Mind Blast. You can use your action to magically emit
psychic energy in a 15-foot cone. When you use your
mind blast, all creatures in the area must make an
Intelligence saving throw. The DC of this saving throw
is 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency
bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save,
and half as much damage on a successful one. The
damage increase to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th, and
5d6 at 16th level. After using your mind blast, you
cannot use it again until you complete a short or long
rest. Instead, you may use your mind blast a number of
times equal to your Constitution modifier. You regain
expended uses on a short or long rest.

he Jackalfolk are a race of humanoid beings

with strong ties to the jackal, an animal
revered in Egyptian mythology. They
embody the cunning, resourcefulness, and
adaptability associated with jackals. With
their jackal-like features and keen senses,
they navigate the world with agility and
precision. Jackalfolk have a deep respect for their
ancestral traditions and hold a special reverence for
Anubis, the god of the afterlife.
Jackalfolk Names
Jackalfolk names are often a reflection of their cultural
ties to Egyptian mythology, with an emphasis on
meaning and symbolism. Their names can carry a sense
of history and honor the gods they revere. Here are
some examples of Jackalfolk names:
Male Names: Ankar, Khufu, Sutekh, Thothar,
Bastetep, Rahek, Sobekri, Anubisar, Horuska, Setamun.
Female Names: Neferi, Sekhara, Hathora, Mutet,
Atenka, Isisra, Nefertari, Bastara, Amunet, Khepeshet.
These names often reflect their deep connection to
their cultural heritage and the reverence they hold for
their deities, particularly Anubis, the god of the afterlife.
Jackalfolk Traits
Age. Jackalfolk mature at a similar rate to humans but
have longer lifespans. They can live up to 100 years.
Size. Jackalfolk stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and have
a slender, athletic build. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common

and one extra language of your choice.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Darkvision. Thanks to your keen senses, you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception
Ancestral Knowledge. You have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened. Additionally, you have
proficiency in the History skill.
Desert Runner. You are adapted to the harsh conditions
of the desert. You have advantage on Constitution
saving throws against exhaustion, and you can travel for
longer periods without needing water.
Forest Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity
Korobokuru (Stealth) checks when in forested terrain.
Nature’s Gift. You can cast the Goodberry spell once
he Korobokuru, often standing at about 4

feet in height, are a unique and enigmatic per day without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your
race known for their distinctive physical spellcasting ability for this spell.
features and affinity for simplicity in their
attire. Their bowlegged stance and big,
colorful eyes make them easily
recognizable, while their small ears and
noses with large round nostrils add to their distinctive
appearance. Korobokuru commonly possess thick blond
or light brown hair, and males may grow small beards.
It’s interesting to note that even female Korobokuru
may grow small whiskers below their chins.
Korobokuru Traits
Age. Korobokuru have a relatively long lifespan, often
living up to 150 years.
Size. Korobokuru are shorter than most other races,
typically around 4 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Dwarvish.
Darkvision. Your keen eyesight allows you to see in
the dark. You have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Natural Crafters. Korobokuru have an innate talent
for crafting. You gain proficiency in one artisan’s tool of
your choice.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Ishikorobokuru are a subrace of Korobokuru adapted to
cold climates. They have distinct traits that set them
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.
Snow Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks when in snowy terrain.
Tsuchikorobokuru are Korobokuru who have a deep
connection to the earth and the natural world.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Earth Affinity. You have advantage on saving throws
against being restrained.
Stonework Proficiency. You gain proficiency with
mason’s tools.
Moriokorobokuru are Korobokuru who have spent
generations living in dense forests, becoming attuned to
the secrets of woodland life.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.

Shadow Step. You have learned to harness the power
Krinth of the Plane of Shadow to move with incredible
all and imposing, the Krinth are a swiftness. When you take the Dash action, you can

humanoid race with dusky gray skin, black move through dim light and darkness as if it were
hair, and piercing black eyes. They exhibit difficult terrain.
a wide range of heights and builds,
reflecting their diverse humanoid ancestry,
which could be human, dwarf, orc, or
another humanoid race. Despite their
varied backgrounds, all Krinth share a unique
connection to the Plane of Shadow, granting them
resilience against shadow-based magic and a reputation
for their nearly fearless nature.
Krinth Names
Krinth names are often strong and evocative, reflecting
their dark and mysterious nature.
Male Names. Zarak, Thorne, Malgrim, Kaldar,
Draxus, Gorrak, Vorthan, Zul’gar, Xyron, Durak.
Female Names. Valeria, Zephyra, Lethira, Xanthe,
Vasha, Malisande, Nyxira, Drilith, Seraphira, Zarastra.
Krinth Traits
Age. Krinth have a lifespan similar to that of humans,
reaching maturity in their late teens and living up to
around 80 years.
Size. Krinth vary in height and build, with an average
height ranging from five to seven feet. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Abyssal.
Shadow Resilience. Your familiarity with the Plane of
Shadow grants you resistance to spells and effects that
involve shadows. You have advantage on saving throws
against spells of the illusion and necromancy schools of
Fearless Nature. Krinth are known for their nearly
fearless disposition, but they suffer from agoraphobia in
large open spaces. You have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened, but you have
disadvantage on saving throws against fear effects that
occur in open areas.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Demonspawn Krinth
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Shadowborn. You have innate darkness in your
blood. You can cast the “Darkness” spell once per day
as a 2nd-level spell without expending a spell slot. You
regain the ability to do so after finishing a long rest.
Trueborn Krinth
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.

Your Wisdom score increases by
Kuo-Toa Ability Score Increase.
Spellcasting. You have an innate ability to cast spells.
he Kuo-Toa are a mysterious aquatic race,

dwelling in the darkest depths of the ocean. You can cast the guidance cantrip. At 3rd level, you can
They are known for their bizarre and cast the bless spell once per day. At 5th level, you can
sinister appearance, as well as their deep cast the control water spell once per day. Wisdom is
connection to the unfathomable forces of your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Channel Divinity. You can use your Channel Divinity
the underwater world. Kuo-Toa societies to compel the will of your deity. Choose one of the
are often shrouded in secrecy, and their following options:
actions can seem enigmatic and even unsettling to
surface-dwellers. Tidecaller: As an action, you can summon a powerful
Kuo-Toa Names wave that crashes over your enemies. Each creature
in a 20-foot cone must make a Strength saving throw
Kuo-Toa names are typically a series of clicks, hisses, (DC 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency
and guttural sounds, often difficult for other races to bonus) or be pushed 10 feet away from you and
replicate. They may also have names that resonate with knocked prone. Once you use this feature, you can’t
the aquatic environment they inhabit. use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Deep Insight: As an action, you gain advantage on
Kuo-Toa Traits your next Wisdom (Insight) check, and you can
Age. Kuo-Toa have relatively long lifespans, often choose to gain advantage on one attack roll, saving
reaching up to 150 years. throw, or ability check you make before the end of
Size. Kuo-Toa are typically between 5 to 6 feet tall, your next turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t
with slim, amphibious bodies. Your size is Medium. use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you
have a swimming speed of 40 feet.
Languages. You can understand and communicate
using Undercommon and Deep Speech.
Darkvision. Your adaptation to the depths grants you
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Sensory Adaptation. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Bioluminescence. You can cast the light cantrip,
illuminating your surroundings with a soft, eerie glow.
Once you cast it, you can’t cast it again until you
complete a short or long rest.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Kuo-Toa Whip
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Deep Swimmer. You have advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks made to swim and can swim at full
speed even in difficult currents.
Whip Tongue. You have a prehensile tongue that you
can extend up to 10 feet as a bonus action, which you
can use to interact with objects or make Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) checks at a distance. You can also use
it to make unarmed strikes, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning
Kuo-Toa Archpriest

Charisma (Persuasion) checks for 1 minute. Once you
Leprechaun use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a
ischievous and elusive, the Leprechauns short or long rest.

are a race of fey folk known for their Gold Leprechaun
love of pranks, their cunning nature, and Gold Leprechauns are obsessed with wealth and
their affinity for treasures. They are treasures, often amassing impressive hoards that they
often found deep within forests, rolling guard fervently.
hills, and secluded meadows, where Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
they guard their precious hoards and increases by 2.
engage in playful tricks with both mortals and other Treasure Sense. You have an innate sense for hidden
creatures of the fey. Leprechauns are small in stature treasures. Within 30 feet of you, you can detect the
but brimming with personality, possessing an innate presence of precious metals and gems, even if they are
connection to luck and fortune that allows them to hidden or disguised.
manipulate the outcomes of events.
As an adventurer of the Leprechaun race, you carry
with you the legacy of your fey ancestry. Your abilities
allow you to confound enemies, find hidden treasures,
and navigate the complexities of the world with a
charming demeanor and a sprinkle of enchantment.
Leprechaun Names
Leprechaun names are melodic and whimsical, often
inspired by nature and luck.
Male Names. Finnegan, Ailill, Branagan, Keegan,
Lorcan, Padraig, Seamus, Turlough, Ronan, Alaric,
Oisín, Dara, Faelan, Gwennan, Puck, Rafferty,
Female Names. Niamh, Aine, Brigid, Ciara, Eilis,
Fiona, Grainne, Maeve, Orlaith, Saoirse, Clodagh,
Sorcha, Elara, Faela, Rowan, Tansy, Clover.
Leprechaun Traits
Age. Leprechauns have a longer lifespan compared to
humans, often living for a few centuries. They retain a
youthful appearance throughout their lives.
Size. Leprechauns stand around 2 to 3 feet tall, with a
slender build. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan.
Lucky Charm. You can use your innate luck to your
advantage. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, you can re-roll the die and must
use the new roll.
Fey Step. You can cast the Misty Step spell once,
requiring no material components. You regain the
ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Rainbow Leprechaun
Rainbow Leprechauns are known for their vibrant and
colorful personalities, as well as their unique connection
to the natural world.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.
Colorful Aura. You can use an action to emit a
colorful aura around you. This aura grants advantage on
powers for stealth and subterfuge.
Luminar Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
uminars are bioluminescent beings, their increases by 2.

Shadowmeld. You can cast the Minor Illusion cantrip
bodies radiating an ethereal glow. This at will, but it can only create illusions of darkness or
innate luminosity grants them unique shadows.
abilities related to light and its Cloak of Dusk. You can use your action to become
manipulation. Luminars have an invisible in dim light or darkness. This invisibility lasts
otherworldly beauty and an aura that until you attack, cast a spell, or use your action to
captivates those who encounter them. become visible again. Once you use this feature, you
Whether they use their radiant powers for good or ill is can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
a choice each Luminar must make on their own.
Luminar Names Daystar
Luminar names are often melodic and evoke the beauty Daystars are Luminars who embrace the full potential
of light and its various forms. of their radiant abilities, often becoming beacons of
Male Names. Solarius, Lumino, Rayden, Helios,
hope and inspiration to others.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
Dazzar, Luminos, Aurion, Luxon, Phosphor, Prismar. increases by 2.
Female Names. Luminara, Radiantia, Aeliana,
Solar Flare. You can unleash a blinding burst of
Gleamora, Seraphina, Lustra, Solaris, Luminae, radiant energy. As an action, you can force each
Daybreaka, Astra. creature of your choice within a 10-foot radius sphere
Luminar Traits centered on you to make a Constitution saving throw
Luminars have a relatively long lifespan, often (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency
reaching several centuries. They age gracefully, and bonus). On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 radiant
their radiance only grows more resplendent with time. damage and is blinded for 1 minute. On a successful
Size. Luminars are lithe and graceful, typically
save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t
standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. blinded. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
until you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Celestial.
Luminous Radiance. Your bioluminescent nature
grants you the ability to emit a soft, radiant light. You
can cast the Light cantrip at will without requiring any
material components. Additionally, you have Darkvision
with a range of 60 feet.
Radiant Resilience. You have resistance to radiant
damage, and you can’t be blinded by bright light or
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Dawnbringers are Luminars who embrace their radiant
abilities to heal and protect. They often serve as
guardians of light and hope.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Healing Radiance. As an action, you can emit a
brilliant burst of healing light. Choose a creature you
can see within 30 feet of you. That creature regains hit
points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier. Once you
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Duskmancers are Luminars who have mastered the
manipulation of shadows and twilight, using their

Skyward Vision. You have advantage on Wisdom
Lunar Ravager (Perception) checks related to spotting creatures or
unar Ravagers are bloodthirsty fey objects in the sky.

Cloudstep. Once per short or long rest, you can cast
creatures that call the skies their home. the Feather Fall spell on yourself without expending a
They descend from their lodges among the spell slot.
clouds to the surface world in pursuit of
their relentless hunt. These fey beings are Bloodmoon Marauder
often seen as embodiments of nature’s The Bloodmoon Marauders are Lunar Ravagers who
ferocity. Lunar Ravagers possess pale skin, relish in the thrill of the hunt and the chaos they bring to
with females being slightly paler than males, and their the surface world during their raids.
hair is always a striking shade of blond. When on the Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
hunt, they don heavy armor, wield a shield, and carry a by 2.
crescent-bladed battleaxe. A bronze hunting horn is Rampage. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points
their constant companion, a tool they use to signal their with a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus
presence and coordinate their deadly pursuits. action to move up to half your speed and make another
Lunar Ravager Names melee attack.
Bloodlust. You have advantage on saving throws
Lunar Ravager names are lyrical and evoke the against being frightened, and you can’t be charmed.
untamed beauty of the natural world.
Male Names. Thalendir, Serion, Elowyn, Branar,
Caelum, Orion, Thaldris, Aerion, Sylvaris, Erevan,
Female Names. Selenea, Lyria, Eloweth, Thessara,
Astrid, Lunaria, Sylvaine, Elyndra, Thalindra, Aeloria,
Lunar Ravager Traits
Age. Lunar Ravagers have a lifespan similar to that of
humans, reaching adulthood in their late teens and
potentially living up to a century.
Size. Lunar Ravagers stand tall and lithe, with an
average height ranging from 5 to 6 feet. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Sylvan and Common.
Cloudwalker. You are adapted to high altitudes and
can move through difficult terrain caused by mountains
or cliffs without penalty. You also have resistance to
falling damage.
Hunter’s Instincts. You have proficiency in the
Perception skill.
Bronze Horn. You carry a bronze hunting horn, which
you can use to emit a loud and distinctive call. This call
can carry for miles, signaling your presence to other
Lunar Ravagers and potentially alerting or intimidating
creatures in the area.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Skyward Sentinel
The Skyward Sentinels are Lunar Ravagers known for
their vigilant watch over the skies. They are fierce
protectors of their cloud lodges and are often the first to
respond to any threat from above.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.

hile their origins are unknown, maendads

are believed to be survivors of a sunken
civilization from thousands of years before.
Being psionic humanoids, maendads wield
powerful emotions that can be manifested
as pure energy. Maendads are often
mistaken for strong, bulky human. One way
to differentiate a maendad, however, is their slighly
shining skin.
Maendad Names
Maenad names are given and used much like human
names. Every maenad has at least one given name and a
family name.
Male Names: Alberik, Alrik, Basilius, Erland, Gunnar,
Isak, Ragnor, Rurik, and Tor.
Female Names: Agaton, Annalina, Blenda, Eleonora,
Gala, Lena, Malin, Ragnara, and Vedis
Family Names: Coebelliantus, Hjalmar, Kolbjorn,
Perchnosius, Torborn, Valborg, Valentin, Xaljorn
Maendad Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by
two and your Strength by 1.
Age Like humans, maendads mature at around the
age of 20, but can live slightly longer, up to about 105
Size. Maendads are typically 6 feet tall and weigh
around 200 pounds, slightly larger and heavier than
humans. Maendad men are usually taller and heavier
than women, but not always. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common, Aquan, and Primordial.
Energy Ray. You can cast the eldritch blast cantrip.
Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence.
Psionics. You know one psionic avatar discipline (as
described in the unearthed arcana Mystic class) that you
do not already know. You have four psi points and a psi
limit of two. Your psi points are regenerated after every
long rest. Your psi limit is the maximum amount of psi
you can use per discipline. Your psi limit increases to 3
at level three, to 5 at level 5, 6 at level 7, and 7 at level
10. If you are already a mystic, your psi points and limit
are not increased by this feature; your psi points and
limit are equal to what is described in the mystic class.
You do, however, learn a new discipline from this

modifier + your proficiency bonus or be magically
Medusa petrified until the end of its next turn. The target must
orn from ancient curses and twisted repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the

enchantments, the Medusa are a race steeped petrification effect on a success. Once you use this
in dark magic and terrifying beauty. These feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
serpentine beings possess the power to turn long rest.
their enemies to stone with a single gaze. Snake Hair. You have a nest of snakes for hair. You are
Medusas are often associated with forbidden proficient in the Intimidation skill.
knowledge, tragic tales, and the eternal
struggle between their monstrous nature and their
yearning for acceptance.
Medusas have distinct features that set them apart Suggested
from other races. Their hair is comprised of writhing
serpents, their eyes glow with an otherworldly light, and Characteristics
their lower bodies are that of serpentine creatures. Medusas exhibit a wide range of personalities, shaped
Medusas often face prejudice and fear from other races by their cursed nature and the circumstances they have
due to their fearsome reputation, but some seek to rise faced. The following tables offer examples of personality
above their cursed origins and find a place in the world. traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that Medusas might
As an adventurer, you are a member of this enigmatic possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these
race, seeking to shape your own destiny and prove that suggestions to create a unique character.
there is more to Medusas than their terrifying abilities.
Will you embrace the darkness within, using your d8 Personality Trait
powers to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies, or 1 I am haunted by the fear of accidentally turning my allies to
will you strive to break free from the curse and find stone.
acceptance among the races that fear you? 2 I have a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
3 I find beauty in darkness and am drawn to eerie and
Medusa Names macabre things.
Medusa names possess a sense of mystique and ancient 4 I am keenly aware of how others perceive me and work to
allure. Here are a few examples: change their preconceptions.
5 I struggle with anger issues and have a tendency to lash out.
Female Names. Ariadne, Calliope, Eurydice, Lysandra, 6 I am fiercely protective of those I care about.
Melantha, Nyx, Ophelia, Seraphina, Thalia, Xanthe. 7 I have a sly and manipulative nature, enjoying toying with
others’ emotions.
Male Names. Damon, Evander, Hesperus, Leonidas, 8 I am haunted by the guilt of past actions and strive to make
Orion, Perseus, Silas, Typhon, Xerxes, Zephyrus. amends.

Medusa Traits
Age. Medusas have lifespans similar to humans,
typically living into their early hundreds.
Size. Medusas stand taller than most humans, with
heights ranging from 6 to 7 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can read, write, speak, and understand

Common and Abyssal.
Darkvision. Your serpentine nature grants you superior
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim
light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Petrifying Gaze. As an action, you can focus your gaze
on a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you. If
the target can see you, it must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw against a DC of 8 + your Constitution

d6 Ideal
1 Redemption. I seek to break free from the curse and prove
that I can rise above my monstrous nature. (Good)
2 Power. I embrace the darkness within, using my abilities to
exert control and instill fear. (Evil)
3 Knowledge. I am driven to uncover ancient secrets and
hidden truths. (Neutral)
4 Acceptance. I strive to find acceptance among other races
despite their fear and prejudice. (Any)
5 Balance. I seek harmony between my monstrous nature and
my desire for a normal life. (Neutral)
6 Survival. I do whatever it takes to ensure my own survival in
a hostile world. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I am determined to protect my loved ones from harm.
2 I seek to uncover the origins and purpose of the curse that
afflicts my race.
3 I am dedicated to freeing other Medusas from their cursed
4 I am driven to acquire power and influence to reshape the
5 I am fascinated by the intricacies of mortal emotions and
6 I am bound by loyalty to a specific group or individual who
saved me from a dire fate.

d6 Flaw
1 I struggle with controlling my anger and often succumb to
fits of rage.
2 I am haunted by the fear of accidentally turning loved ones
to stone.
3 I find it difficult to trust others due to a lifetime of rejection
and fear.
4 I am easily swayed by flattery and compliments.
5 I have a tendency to be overly secretive and mistrustful of
6 I am deeply self-conscious about my appearance and feel
the need to hide my true nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Meazel increases by 2.
Curse Affinity. You have resistance to necrotic
eazels are a sinister and solitary race,

dwelling in desolate and swampy damage.
Malevolent Curse. You can cast the Hex spell once
realms, far removed from the bustling using this trait. You regain the ability to do so after
societies of other races. They are known finishing a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
for their deep-seated malevolence and a ability for this spell.
propensity for harboring curses and
afflictions. Meazels, with their clawed
hands and webbed digits, are well adapted to the boggy
terrains they call home. Their sickly, pallid skin
contrasts sharply with their jet-black eyes. Gender
differences are nearly imperceptible among them, as
both males and females share an almost identical
Meazel Names
Meazel names are often harsh and guttural, reflecting
their grim nature.
Male Names. Zylar, Xanthar, Krelm, Vorgar,
Grizznok, Zalgrin, Yskar, Gravlok, Zhuldan, Xyphos.
Female Names. Zylara, Xyndra, Krelmia, Vorgara,
Grizznoka, Zalgrina, Yskara, Gravloka, Zhuldana,
Meazel Traits
Age. Meazels have a relatively short lifespan, rarely
living beyond 60 years.
Size. Meazels are typically shorter in stature,
averaging around 4 to 5 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan.
Swamp Dweller. You have adapted to life in the
swamps and marshes. You have advantage on Stealth
checks made in swampy terrain, and you are proficient
in the Survival skill when used in swamp-related tasks.
Cursed Touch. You can cast the Bane spell once using
this trait. You regain the ability to do so after finishing a
long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Bog Meazel
Bog Meazels are well-suited to the muck and mire of
their swampy homes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Muddy Camouflage. When you are submerged in
water or mud, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks to remain hidden.
Cursebearer Meazel
Cursebearer Meazels have an innate connection to
curses and afflictions.

eenlocks, with their hunched-over

bodies and dragging claws, are truly
hideous beings. Their slow movements
contrast sharply with their
surroundings. Covered in cysts and
sores, their grotesque hides remain
concealed beneath shaggy spines that
envelop their entire forms. Adapted for the darkness,
these yellow-eyed insectoids struggle to see in daylight.
Surprisingly enough, only their heads defy this eerie
pattern: smooth and hairless, they boast flat noses and
small toothy mouths.
As a Meenlock, you embody the eerie and unsettling
nature of your kind. Your unique physiology grants you
both physical and sensory traits that set you apart from
other races. Your alignment may lean toward the darker
aspects of existence, reflecting your otherworldly
Meenlock Names
Meenlock names often sound guttural and eerie,
reflecting their unsettling nature. Here are a few
Male Names. Grizznok, Vorkesh, Gnarltooth,
Slithertongue, Murkscale, Drakthar.
Female Names. Nixithra, Sludgecrawler, Skithra,
Blightbloom, Vilegaze, Gloomshade.
Meenlock Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1.
Age. Meenlocks have relatively short lifespans,
typically living up to 40 years.
Size. Meenlocks are shorter and more hunched than
the average humanoid. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to darkness, you can see in
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Natural Armor. Your hide is tough and covered in
spiny growths. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC
is 12 + your Dexterity modifier.
Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you
can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them,
you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength
Light Sensitivity. In direct sunlight, you have
disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
Otherworldly Presence. Your eerie appearance
unsettles others. You have advantage on Charisma
(Intimidation) checks.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Undercommon.

encounter otherworldly creatures.
Merfolk Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
he Merfolk are an aquatic race of beings by 1.

Bioluminescence. You can emit a soft bioluminescent
that dwell in the depths of the ocean. With glow, shedding dim light in a 10-foot radius. You can
their sleek aquatic forms, they navigate the activate or deactivate this glow as a bonus action.
underwater realms with grace and power. Deep Explorer. You have resistance to cold damage,
They are a mysterious and ancient race, and you have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks
known for their connection to the sea, their related to underwater environments and ancient
enchanting voices, and their affinity for oceanic civilizations.
both the beauty and danger of the ocean depths.
Merfolk Names Coastal Merfolk
Merfolk names often have a fluid and melodic quality, Coastal Merfolk are well-suited to the transition
echoing the rhythms of the sea. between land and sea, often interacting with coastal
Male Names. Triton, Nereus, Thalassar, Kelporin,
human settlements.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
Saelios, Lyrion, Maridan, Pelagius, Azurian, Drakus. by 1.
Female Names. Nereida, Sirenna, Coralyn, Aquaria,
Land Stride. You can move through difficult terrain in
Seraphis, Tidalia, Mariselle, Ondine, Nerissa, Calypsa. coastal environments without penalty, and you have a
Merfolk Traits climbing speed equal to your swimming speed when
Your Dexterity score increases navigating rocky shorelines.
Ability Score Increase. Traders of the Tides. You have proficiency with one
by 2. artisan’s tool of your choice, reflecting your coastal
Age. Merfolk have lifespans similar to humans, trade and interactions with land-dwellers.
reaching adulthood in their late teens and often living
up to 100 years.
Size. Merfolk have slender, aquatic bodies that range
from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base swimming speed is 40 feet, and you
have a walking speed of 10 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Aquan.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Aquatic Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance
to poison damage.
Siren’s Call. You can cast the “Enthrall” spell once
per day as a 3rd-level spell, using your Charisma as the
spellcasting ability.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Reef Merfolk
Reef Merfolk are known for their vibrant colors,
intricate patterns, and strong sense of community
among the coral reefs.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Coral Affinity. You have proficiency in the Nature
Reef Dweller. You are adapted to life among the coral
reefs. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
while underwater, and you can move through difficult
terrain in water without penalty.
Deep Merfolk
Deep Merfolk are adapted to the crushing depths of the
ocean, where they navigate the pitch-black darkness and

Labyrinth Minotaurs are known for their deep
Minotaur connection to mazes and intricate structures, often
inotaurs are imposing and robust serving as protectors of these ancient places.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
creatures with the upper bodies of increases by 1.
humans and the lower bodies of Maze Guardian. You have proficiency with Wisdom
powerful bulls. These beings are known (Survival) checks when navigating through mazes,
for their brute strength, strong sense of labyrinths, or complex underground structures.
honor, and indomitable will. They often Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws
inhabit labyrinthine structures and are against becoming lost in such environments.
renowned for their prowess in combat and their ability Maze Magic. You can cast the “Maze” spell once,
to navigate complex mazes. Minotaurs have a deep without needing material components. You regain the
connection to their primal nature and can be found in ability to do so after finishing a long rest. Your
various regions, from ancient ruins to secluded islands. spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence.
Minotaur Names Island Minotaur
Minotaur names are typically inspired by their ancestral Island Minotaurs hail from secluded islands and coastal
traditions and often reflect their physical might and regions, where they often act as guardians and
cultural heritage. fishermen.
Male Names: Vorak, Gorthak, Tharnok, Ralgar,
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
Gorun, Drakar, Zorin, Borin, Kornok, Thakar Female by 1.
Names: Zara, Vola, Kylara, Torva, Thalara, Grena,
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Zorana, Vorka, Rylara, Drathara Ocean’s Blessing. You have proficiency with nets and
Minotaur Traits tridents, and you gain advantage on checks made to
Your Strength score increases catch fish or other aquatic creatures. Additionally, you
Ability Score Increase.
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1. can swim at a speed of 30 feet.
Age. Minotaurs mature at a similar rate to humans, Brute Minotaur
but they have a longer lifespan, often reaching 150 Brute Minotaurs are renowned for their sheer physical
years or more. power and prowess in combat.
Size. Minotaurs are large and imposing, standing
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium. by an additional 1.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Brutal Strike. When you score a critical hit with a
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Minotaur. Minotaur is a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s
guttural and primal language, consisting of deep grunts, damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra
roars, and gestures. damage of the critical hit.
Intimidating Presence. You have proficiency in the
Keen Senses. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Intimidation skill.
Labyrinthine Recall. You have an innate sense of
direction within underground mazes and dungeons,
even when you have no clear line of sight to the exit.
You can’t become lost in such environments.
Horns. You are proficient with your horns, which are
natural weapons that you can use to make unarmed
strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage
equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Gore. When you use the Dash action during your turn
and move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and
then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn,
the target takes an extra 2d6 piercing damage. If the
target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength
saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength modifier + your
proficiency bonus) or be pushed up to 10 feet away and
knocked prone.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Labyrinth Minotaur

Intelligence modifier to any Intelligence checks you
Modron make to solve puzzles or riddles.
odrons are curious and orderly Pentadrone

constructs, known for their clockwork Your Wisdom score increases by
precision and unwavering dedication to Ability Score Increase.
maintaining the multiverse’s order. They Multi-Armed Precision. Your multiple limbs allow
are born from the inner workings of you to perform tasks with exceptional precision. You
Mechanus, the plane of ultimate law and have proficiency in one artisan’s tool of your choice.
order, where they serve as tireless
workers and enforcers of mathematical precision. Decaton
Modrons come in various forms, each with a specific
role and function in the grand design of Mechanus. Ability Score Increase.Your Strength score increases
As a Modron adventurer, you venture out from the by 2.
structured confines of Mechanus into the chaotic world, Brute Force. Your larger size and strength make you
seeking to understand the complexities of existence and an imposing presence. You have advantage on Strength
perhaps even to bring a touch of order to the chaos that checks and saving throws to break objects and force
surrounds you. doors open.
Modron Names
Modron names are often composed of mathematical
symbols and precise designations, reflecting their
logical nature.
Personal Designation. Monodrone, Duodrone,
Tridrone, Quadron, Pentadrone, Hexadrone,
Heptadrone, Octon, Nonaton, Decaton.
Exemplar Titles. Prime, Harmonizer, Observer,
Analyzer, Coordinator, Director, Arbiter, Supervisor,
Adjudicator, Overseer.
Modron Traits
Age. Modrons are constructs and do not age in the
traditional sense. They can exist for centuries, if not
eternity, as long as they are not destroyed.
Size. Modrons come in various sizes, ranging from
tiny Monodrones to towering Decatons. Your size is
determined by your specific Modron form.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Modron and one other language of your
Constructed Nature. You do not require food, drink,
or sleep. Instead, you enter a state of inactivity for 4
hours each day, during which you remain fully aware of
your surroundings.
Modron Mind. Your mind is a precise and orderly
machine. You have advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, and you are immune to the effects of
spells that would alter your mind or thoughts.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Ability Score Increase.Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.
Modron Logic. You have a knack for solving puzzles
and analyzing situations logically. You can add your
Mongrelfolk Stitched mongrels are often assembled from the
remains of different creatures, pieced together through
Mongrelfolk, or mongrelmen, are a peculiar race of arcane or alchemical means. Their bodies exhibit signs
hybrid humanoids known for their patchwork of careful stitching and grafting, which grants them
appearances and diverse lineages. Often marginalized unusual abilities.
by society and subjected to servitude by more Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
conventional races, these humble creatures have increases by 2.
endured their challenging lives and embraced their Constructed Physiology. You have resistance to
unique origins through tolerance and collaborative poison damage and advantage on saving throws against
effort. being poisoned. Additionally, you don’t need to eat,
As an adventurer of the mongrelfolk, you carry with drink, or breathe.
you the legacy of your mixed heritage, allowing you to Alchemical Augmentation. Once per short rest, you
adapt to various situations and form connections with can infuse your body with alchemical concoctions.
diverse groups. Whether you seek acceptance or forge Choose one of the following effects:
your own path, your patchwork nature is a testament to
your resilience and adaptability. Elixir of Vigor: You gain temporary hit points equal
to your level + your Intelligence modifier.
Mongrelfolk Names Tonic of Acuity: You have advantage on Intelligence-
Mongrelfolk names reflect the amalgamation of based ability checks for 1 minute.
different cultures and languages in their ancestry. They
often combine syllables from various languages or adopt
names from those who have shown them kindness.
Mongrelfolk Traits
Age. Mongrelfolk have varying lifespans depending on
the races that contribute to their lineage. Their lifespan
is typically similar to that of humans.
Size. Mongrelfolk’s sizes can vary widely due to their
mixed heritage, but most fall within the Medium size
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and one additional language of your choice,
representing one of the contributing races to your
Adaptive Heritage. Your mixed ancestry grants you an
innate ability to adapt. You gain proficiency in one skill
of your choice and one tool or instrument of your
Tolerant Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or frightened.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Chimeric Mongrel
Chimeric mongrels are born from a diverse array of
racial backgrounds, resulting in their unique and ever-
changing appearances. Their bodies are a mosaic of
features and attributes, allowing them to adapt and
overcome various challenges.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Hybrid Form. As a bonus action, you can temporarily
emphasize certain features of your hybrid form,
granting you advantage on checks related to one ability
score of your choice until the start of your next turn.
Stitched Mongrel

Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
Myconid finish a short or long rest.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.
orn from the fertile darkness of subterranean

realms, Myconids are a peculiar and Circle Myconid
mysterious race of fungal beings. They thrive Circle Myconids are the most common type of Myconid.
in the deep, damp corners of the world, often They are known for their ability to cultivate fungi,
hidden from the surface dwellers. Myconids creating vast underground gardens and networks of life.
are deeply connected to the fungi that Circle Myconids are often peaceful and value harmony
surround them, possessing an innate with nature.
understanding of spores and their mystical properties.
They are reclusive and contemplative, with a strong Circle Myconid Traits
communal bond among their kind. Your Wisdom score increases by
Ability Score Increase.
Myconid Names 2.
Fungal Network. You can communicate telepathically
Myconid names are often simple and sound like the with other Myconids you can see within 30 feet of you.
rustling of leaves or the soft murmurs of the forest. This telepathic communication is limited to emotions
Common Names: Spore, Fungus, Moss, Bramble, and simple concepts.
Thistle, Lichen, Mycelium.
Fungal Lord
Myconid Traits
Myconids have varying lifespans depending on Fungal Lords are ancient and powerful Myconids who
their subrace. Circle Myconids have a relatively short have developed unique abilities through their deep
lifespan, typically reaching maturity in their first year connection with the fungal realms. They are often
and living for around a decade. Fungal Lords, however, revered as leaders and sages among Myconid
can live for centuries. communities.
Size. Myconids vary in size, with Circle Myconids Fungal Lord Traits
typically standing around 3 to 4 feet tall and Fungal Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Lords towering over 7 feet. Your size is Medium. 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Spore Empowerment. You can use your spore ability
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and twice before needing to finish a short or long rest.
understand Common and Undercommon. Fungal Dominion. You have advantage on saving
Darkvision. Your subterranean origins grant you the throws against being frightened, and you have
ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You resistance to poison damage.
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Myconid Spores
Myconids are capable of releasing spores with various
effects. As a Myconid, you can use your spores to
achieve different results. You can choose one of the
following spore abilities:
Poisonous Spores
Your spores carry a deadly poison. You can use your
action to release a cloud of poisonous spores in a 10-
foot radius centered on you. Creatures in that area must
make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take
poison damage equal to your character level. Once you
use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Healing Spores
Your spores have healing properties. You can use your
action to release a cloud of healing spores in a 10-foot
radius centered on you. Each creature of your choice in
that area regains hit points equal to your character level.

A myconid in their underground habitat.

your total. This ability recharges after a short or long
Neo-Orogs rest.
eo-Orogs are a unique and formidable

race, forged through dark rituals that
combined the blood of orcs, ogres, and
other creatures. They were originally
created to serve as powerful warriors for
the nation of Thay. Neo-Orogs come in
two distinct varieties: the fierce Red Neo-
Orogs and the elusive Black Neo-Orogs. Each type
possesses its own set of abilities and characteristics,
making them valuable assets on the battlefield.
Neo-Orog Names
Neo-Orog names are often harsh and guttural, reflecting
their orcish and ogre heritage. They may also include
sounds and syllables that mimic the war cries of their
Male Names. Grukk, Thark, Gorash, Dorn, Skragg,
Krull, Mok, Ulgar, Hroth, Kharum, Zorug.
Female Names. Grizna, Thorka, Grotha, Dursha,
Skralla, Krasha, Mokra, Ulgara, Hrotha, Khara, Zoruka.
Neo-Orog Traits
Age. Neo-Orogs mature quickly and have relatively short
lifespans. They typically reach adulthood around the age
of 12 and can live up to 60 years.
Size. Neo-Orogs are imposing figures, often standing
over 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Orcish.
Darkvision. Your orcish blood grants you the ability to
see in darkness as if it were dim light. You have
darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces:

Red Neo-Orog
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
War Cry. As an action, you can unleash a powerful
war cry that heartens you and your allies. All Neo-Orogs,
orcs, and ogres within 30 feet of you gain advantage on
their next attack roll. You can use this ability once, and
you regain the ability to do so after finishing a short or
long rest.
Black Neo-Orog
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Stealthy Ambush. You have a natural talent for
stealth, allowing you to remain hidden even in plain
sight. When you attempt to hide, even if you do so while
being observed, enemies have a small chance of
spotting you. When you make a Dexterity (Stealth)
check to hide, you can roll a d4 and add the result to

Wild Nezumi have adapted to life in the wilderness and
Nezumi forests, becoming masters of camouflage and survival in
orn of the shadows, the Nezumi are rat-like the natural world.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
humanoids known for their resourceful and by 2.
nomadic way of life. They possess an innate Forest Camouflage. You can attempt to hide even
talent for survival and adaptation, thriving in when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy
environments that others might shun. rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Nezumi are masters of stealth, often avoiding Natural Forager. You can add your proficiency bonus
the spotlight and choosing to remain in the to Intelligence (Nature) checks made to forage for food
periphery of larger conflicts. Despite their humble and water in natural environments.
appearance, they have a rich cultural history and a
unique set of abilities that make them formidable in Tunnel Nezumi
their own right. Tunnel Nezumi have become experts at navigating
Nezumi Names underground tunnels and caves.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Nezumi names are often short and pragmatic, reflecting increases by 2.
their resourceful nature. Subterranean Expertise. You have advantage on
Male Names: Squeak, Scrabble, Rattik, Whisker,
Sniff, Glimmer, Scrounge, Skulk, Nibble, Twitch. saving throws to avoid becoming lost underground, and
Female Names: Morsel, Hush, Pitter, Tatter, Scurry,
you can accurately recall any path you have traveled
Lurk, Shimmer, Nimble, Flicker, Whisper. underground.
Tunnel Rat. You have proficiency in the History skill
Nezumi Traits when it relates to underground structures and tunnels.
Age. Nezumi have relatively short lifespans, typically
living up to 40 years.
Size. Nezumi are small and agile, standing around 3
to 4 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Undercommon.
Darkvision. Your nocturnal instincts grant you the
ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Resourceful Survivors. You have advantage on all
Wisdom (Survival) checks and can forage for food and
water for yourself and up to three other creatures each
day, provided the environment allows for it.
Stealthy Nature. You are proficient in the Stealth
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Sewer Nezumi
Sewer Nezumi are adapted to life in urban
environments, particularly in the dark and damp sewers
of cities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Sewer Dweller. You have advantage on saving throws
against diseases and poisons, and you are resistant to
poison damage.
Sewer Rat. You are proficient in the Sewer Toolkits
which include proficiency with thieves’ tools and
proficiency with the poisoner’s kit.
Wild Nezumi

Nubari Shadow Nubari
he Nubari, often referred to as the “Ancient Shadow Nubari are mysterious and enigmatic beings,
drawn to the secrets of the cosmos.

Nubari” or simply “the Ancients,” were a Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
remarkable starfaring race that made their increases by 1.
home on the continent of Malatra on the Umbral Veil. You can cast the Minor Illusion cantrip.
world of Toril. These enigmatic beings Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
were known for their exceptional height, Cosmic Insight. You have proficiency in the Arcana
reaching up to seven feet, and their willowy skill.
frames. They possessed distinctive elongated skulls,
three fingers, and a thumb on each hand, along with
dark brown skin and striking golden-tinted eyes. The
Nubari’s origins and history are shrouded in mystery,
and their presence on Toril has left an indelible mark on
the world.
Nubari Names
Nubari names are often melodic and sophisticated,
reflecting their ancient and otherworldly nature.
Male Names. Valandor, Seraphis, Elirion, Thalorin,
Solandor, Corvus, Zephyrion, Malachar, Althorian,
Female Names. Lysandra, Elarastra, Sylvari,
Caladria, Seraphina, Elyndra, Nyssara, Meloriane,
Thessalya, Valindra.
Gender-Neutral Names. Eldrion, Vaelan, Thalys,
Myrion, Aeris, Lirael, Nydria, Corael, Valyndor, Ellarian.
Nubari Traits
Age. Nubari have long lifespans, often living for several
centuries. They reach maturity around 100 years old
and can live up to 800 years or more.
Size. Nubari stand tall and slender, with an average
height of around seven feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Celestial.
Starborne Vision. Your golden-tinted eyes grant you
enhanced vision. You have proficiency in the Perception
Elongated Form. Due to your unique physiology, you
have advantage on checks to escape grapples and
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Radiant Nubari
Radiant Nubari possess a radiant and benevolent
nature. They often serve as protectors and guides to
those in need.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Healing Radiance. You have the ability to channel
your inner radiance to heal wounds. As an action, you
can touch a creature and restore hit points equal to your
level. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.

Accustomed to the shadows of the dense
Ocelotl Darkvision.
jungle, you have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
eep within the lush jungles of the Aztec lands, Feline Agility. You can move through the space of any

the Ocelotl race prowls with an air of creature that is of a size larger than yours.
mystique and untamed grace. These feline-
humanoid beings draw their inspiration from Claws. Your sharp claws are natural weapons, which
the revered Ocelot, a symbol of agility, stealth, you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with
and spiritual connection in Aztec mythology. them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your
Ocelotl possess slender, yet muscular Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher.
bodies covered in smooth fur, which can display a range
of colors from tawny browns and spotted patterns to Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.
vibrant oranges and blacks, echoing the striking Jungle Dweller
appearance of their feline counterparts. Their sharp
eyes gleam with an intelligence that hints at their innate Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
curiosity and instinctual nature. by 2.
Guided by a deep reverence for the natural world,
Ocelotl are intimately connected to the spirits of the Natural Camouflage. You have proficiency in the Stealth
jungle. They possess an inherent understanding of the skill.
delicate balance that exists within ecosystems and the If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a
interplay between life and death. This awareness Pounce.
creature and then hit it with a claw attack on the same
shapes their culture, with rituals and ceremonies turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving
dedicated to appeasing and honoring the spirits that throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity
watch over their domains. As adventurers, Ocelotl modifier) or be knocked prone.
embody the duality of their nature—combining agility
and stealth with an unwavering connection to the Spirit Guide
spiritual realm. They seek to explore the world beyond
their jungle home, driven by a desire for knowledge, Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
protecting sacred sites, and unraveling the ancient 2.
mysteries hidden within their ancestral lands. Nature’s Insight. You have proficiency in the Survival
Ocelotl Names
celotl names are deeply rooted in Aztec Spiritual Attunement. You can cast the speak with
spell once, without requiring material

culture and often reflect their reverence components. You regain the ability to cast this spell
for the natural world and the spirits of the after finishing a long rest.
jungle. Their names may have meanings
related to animals, plants, or celestial
Male Names: Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl,
Citlalli, Xolotl, Tlaloc, Cuauhtémoc, Ichtaca, Tonatiuh,
Coatl, Mictlantecuhtli.
Female Names: Xochiquetzal, Itzamara, Tlazolteotl,
Iztli, Malinali, Tzitzimitl, Citlalmina, Toci, Atlacoya,
Ocelotl Traits
Age. Ocelotl mature at a similar rate to humans,
reaching adulthood in their late teens and living up to
80 years.
Size. Ocelotl stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, with a
sleek and lithe build. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can read, write, speak, and understand

Common and Sylvan.

he Ogrekin are descendants of powerful

ogres, possessing a blend of ogre and
humanoid traits. They carry the legacy of
their monstrous ancestors and navigate a
complex world where their brutish nature
clashes with their potential for redemption.
Ogrekin Names
Ogrekin names often reflect their brute origins but can
also encompass names influenced by the humanoid
societies they interact with. They might have names like
Grok, Grimgar, Morga, or adopt names from other races
they come in contact with, such as Dorn or Hilda.
Ogrekin Traits
Age. Ogrekin mature at a faster rate than humans,
reaching adulthood by the age of 12. They have a
shorter lifespan, typically living up to 60 years.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Alignment. Ogrekin inherit a predisposition towards
chaos due to their ogre lineage. However, their
alignment is not predetermined, and they have the
capacity to choose their own path, embracing either
good or evil, or striving for neutrality.
Size. Ogrekin stand tall, averaging around 8 feet in
height and weighing between 450 and 600 pounds.
Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Giant.
Powerful Build. Due to your ogre heritage, you count
as one size larger when determining your carrying
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Darkvision. Thanks to your monstrous bloodline, you
have superior vision in dim light and darkness. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point
instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish
a long rest.
Menacing Presence. You have proficiency in the
Intimidation skill.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Old One increases by 2.
Ancient Magic. You can cast the Mage Hand cantrip
he Old Ones, also known as the Creators,

are an ancient and mysterious race that at will, and starting at 3rd level, you can cast the Detect
predates the emergence of elves and the Magic spell once per day. Intelligence is your
ascendancy of humans. These reptilian spellcasting ability for these spells.
humanoids bear a striking resemblance to
lizardfolk but possess unique features that
set them apart. Their existence is shrouded
in the mists of time, and their origins are veiled in myth
and legend.
Old One Names
Old One names are ancient and carry the weight of their
long history. They often consist of hissing or guttural
sounds, echoing the serpentine nature of their language.
Male Names. Xalorin, Sssketh, Veshnak, Thulgrin,
Kreshar, Zyraxx.
Female Names. Sylthara, Serphina, Vhessira,
Kaelixia, Xyrla, Yssira.
Old One Traits
Age. Old Ones are exceptionally long-lived, with some
individuals reaching ages of a thousand years or more.
They often remain active and vital well into their old
Size. Old Ones vary in height and build, but they are
generally taller and more lithe than humans. Your size
is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Draconic.
Serpentine Resilience. Your snake-like scales provide
you with natural resilience. You have advantage on
saving throws against being poisoned, and you have
resistance to poison damage.
Tail Whip. You can use your tail to make an unarmed
strike as a bonus action. If you hit with it, you deal
bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or
Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

The Scalebound Old Ones have honed their physical
prowess and adaptability.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Dexterity
score increases by 2 (choose one).
Adaptive Scales. You can use your reaction to gain
resistance to a type of damage until the end of your next
turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
Arcane Scaled
The Arcane Scaled Old Ones possess an innate
connection to ancient magic.

Oni Resilient Form. You have advantage on saving throws
ni are fearsome and powerful creatures against being charmed or frightened.

from Japanese folklore. They are known Oni Resilience. You have resistance to cold damage.
for their immense strength, tough bodies,
and menacing presence. Oni possess a mix
of physical might, magical abilities, and a
deep connection to the elemental forces.
While they are often depicted as
malevolent beings, not all Oni are inherently evil. Some
may have complex personalities and motivations.
Oni Names
Oni names are often fierce and imposing, reflecting
their monstrous and formidable nature. Here are a few
Male Names. Akuma, Daikoku, Goro, Hanzo, Ichiro,
Jiro, Katsuo, Kojiro, Masaru, Noboru, Onishi, Raizo,
Shinzo, Takeshi, Tatsu, Ueshiba, Yoshimitsu, Zenjiro,
Zushio, Raiden.
Female Names. Amaya, Chiyoko, Emiko, Fujiko,
Hanako, Izumi, Kameko, Kiku, Mariko, Natsuki, O-Yuki,
Reiko, Sachiko, Tamako, Umeko, Yumeko, Yuriko,
Zenshin, Setsuko, Tomoe.
Oni Traits
Age. Oni have long lifespans, often reaching several
hundred years. They mature at a similar rate to humans
but continue to age more slowly after reaching
Size. Oni are larger and bulkier than humans. Your size
is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common

and Giant.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Darkvision. Thanks to your monstrous heritage, you
have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Oni Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the
glaive, greatclub, and handaxe.
Menacing Presence. You have proficiency in the
Intimidation skill.
Oni Magic. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. Once
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hellish rebuke spell
once per day. Once you reach 5th level, you can also
cast the darkness spell once per day. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.
Eclipse Step. When you take the Dash action, you can
Penumbral move through other creatures and objects as if they
orn of the shifting boundaries between light were difficult terrain until the end of your turn. If you

and darkness, Penumbrals are enigmatic end your turn inside an object, you take force damage
beings with the innate ability to harness the equal to half the distance you moved.
twilight realm. They possess a unique Temporal Shifter
mastery over illusions and the manipulation Temporal Shifters have a unique mastery over time,
of time, making them both formidable and allowing them to manipulate the flow of day and night to
mysterious. Penumbrals are often their advantage.
characterized by their ability to shift seamlessly Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
between the realms of light and shadow, making them by 2.
skilled infiltrators, diplomats, and tacticians. Chrono Manipulation. You have the ability to
Penumbrals Names manipulate time in small ways. Once per short rest, you
Penumbrals often have names that reflect their can cast the Guiding Bolt spell as a 1st-level spell
connection to the twilight realm, with a mix of ethereal without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your
and mysterious sounds. spellcasting ability for this spell.
Timeless Step. As a reaction when you are hit by an
Male Names. Duskarion, Solstarn, Eventide,
Umbralon, Noctarian, Ecliptor, Shadowdawn, Crepus. attack, you can momentarily shift into a different point
Female Names. Lunara, Astridelle, Nyxara, Twilighta,
in time. You gain resistance to the damage from that
Umbriel, Tenebria, Celestia, Eclipsia. attack, and you can immediately move up to half your
speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Once you
Penumbral Traits use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a
Age. Penumbrals have varying lifespans, much like short or long rest.
humans, but some have been known to live longer due
to their connection to the twilight realm.
Size. Penumbrals typically stand at human height,
with a wide range of builds and appearances. Your size
is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Celestial.
Twilight Affinity. Your connection to the twilight
realm grants you unique abilities. You can cast the
Minor Illusion cantrip, and it doesn’t count against the
number of cantrips you know.
Shifting Balance. You have the ability to manipulate
the balance between light and darkness. As an action,
you can create an illusory effect that obscures an area in
dim light or darkness, as if you had cast the Darkness
spell. You can use this ability a number of times equal to
your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you
regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Shadowweavers specialize in the manipulation of
illusions, using their innate connection to the twilight
realm to create lifelike phantasms and deceive their
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 2.
Illusionist. You have advantage on saving throws
against being frightened, and you can cast the Silent
Image spell once per day without expending a spell slot.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

The Revenant Phaerlocks are known for their ability to
Phaerlock endure the harshest of conditions and come back from
he Phaerlocks are a race of lizard-like the brink of death.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases
humanoids shrouded in perpetual agony. by 1.
Standing tall at 6 to 7 feet and weighing Endurance of the Revenant: You have advantage on
between 200 to 250 pounds, their saving throws against the poisoned condition, and you
appearance is marked by a crimson-red, have resistance to necrotic damage.
plate-like hide that bears a resemblance to Resilient Spirit: You can cast the “Spare the Dying”
the hide of a beholder rather than cantrip as an innate spell, using your Constitution as
traditional scales. What truly sets them apart are their your spellcasting ability.
four watery, yellow eyes, evenly spaced around their
head. Their mouths are lined with razor-sharp teeth,
and they possess clawed hands and a reptilian tail. This
unique combination of features makes the Phaerlocks
both striking and unsettling.
Phaerlock Names
Phaerlock names are often guttural and harsh,
reflecting their intense and painful existence.
Male Names: Vornak, Zharok, Grulthor, Xalzor,
Threkarn, Vraskul, Zethrak, Draegon, Yllvar.
Female Names: Sylzara, Thalnara, Zephra, Bryssara,
Vyxia, Zhanna, Krystara, Lyssira, Nyssara.
Phaerlock Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score
increases by 2 due to your enduring physiology.
Painful Existence: You have resistance to psychic
damage, reflecting your ability to endure both physical
and mental anguish.
Crimson Hide: Your crimson-red hide provides you
with natural armor, granting you an unarmored AC of
13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Multifaceted Vision: Your four eyes grant you
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
sight, and you are immune to being blinded.
Reptilian Resilience: You have proficiency in the
Constitution saving throw.
Languages: You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Abyssal.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Beholderkin Phaerlock
The Beholderkin Phaerlocks bear a closer resemblance
to their beholder-like ancestors. They often serve as
scouts and lookouts for their communities.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Eyes of Vigilance: You gain proficiency in the
Perception skill.
Beholder’s Gaze: You can cast the “Ray of Frost”
cantrip as an innate spell, using your Constitution as
your spellcasting ability.
Revenant Phaerlock

Flameheart Phoelarches are known for their fiery
Phoelarch passion and close bond with their phoera. They have a
hoelarches are a unique and fiery race of burning desire for adventure and a strong connection to

monstrous humanoids, closely intertwined the element of fire.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
with elemental fire. They are believed to be increases by 2.
the descendants of phoenixes, and each of Fiery Presence. You emit an aura of intense heat. You
them shares a mysterious connection with a can cast the “Heat Metal” spell once per day without
bird-like creature known as a phoera. When a expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting
Phoelarch meets its demise, the phoera linked ability for this spell.
to it seeks vengeance, and the bond works both ways,
ensuring a powerful and enduring partnership between Pyroclasm
these two beings. Pyroclasm Phoelarches are more reserved and
Phoelarch Names introspective than their Flameheart counterparts. They
Phoelarch names resonate with the crackling energy of have delved deep into the mysteries of fire, seeking to
fire and the elegance of the phoenix. They often choose control and harness its power.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
names that reflect their fiery nature. increases by 2.
Male Names. Ignatius, Pyron, Blaze, Inferno,
Pyrokinetic Mastery. You gain proficiency with the
Solarion, Emberen, Drakar, Voltaire, Incendius, Arcana skill, and you can cast the “Fireball” spell once
Pyrelight. per day without expending a spell slot. Intelligence is
Female Names. Flarea, Pyralis, Solara, Inferna,
Fiametta, Embera, Aelithia, Volcania, Ignisia, Pyrenna. your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Phoelarch Traits
Age. Phoelarches have long lifespans, often reaching
several centuries. They mature at a slower rate than
humans but remain youthful for most of their lives.
Size. Phoelarches typically stand between 5 and 6
feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Ignan, the language of elemental fire.
Elemental Resilience. Your connection to elemental
fire grants you resistance to fire damage.
Flame Affinity. You can cast the “Produce Flame”
cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this
Phoera Bond. You share a mystical bond with a
phoera, a bird-like creature of elemental fire. This bond
grants you several benefits:
Phoera Bond Traits
Flight. You gain a pair of fiery wings that allow you to fly
at a speed of 30 feet.
Fire Infusion. You can infuse your attacks with
elemental fire. Once per turn, you can deal additional
fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier with a
melee or ranged weapon attack.
Phoenix Rebirth. When reduced to 0 hit points, you
can use your reaction to be consumed in flames and rise
from the ashes. You regain a number of hit points equal
to half your maximum hit points. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces:
Flameheart or Pyroclasm.

Female Names. Larkspur, Elowen, Bluebell, Tansy,
Wren, Meadow, Ember, Starling, Moonbeam, Dewdrop,
Rosemary, Marigold.
Pixie Traits
Age. Pixies are ageless and can live for centuries, their
appearance remaining youthful throughout their lives.
Size. Pixies are tiny, standing no more than 8 inches
tall. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 10 feet. However,
you have a flying speed of 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Sylvan and Common.
Fey Magic. You have an innate connection to the
magic of the Feywild. You can cast the “Minor Illusion”
cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast “Sleep” once
per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Wings. You have a pair of delicate, iridescent wings
that grant you the ability to fly. While flying, you can
hover, but you fall if you are knocked prone. Your wings
require regular care, and you must spend at least one
hour each day preening them, or you lose the ability to
fly until they are properly maintained.
Enchanted Aura. You exude an enchanting aura. You
have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when
dealing with creatures that are naturally inclined to be
friendly or neutral toward fey creatures.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Summer Pixie
Pixie Summer Pixies are associated with the vibrant and
orn of ancient magic and closely tied to the warm aspects of the natural world. They have a

natural world, Pixies are a whimsical and penchant for fire and sunlight, and their presence can
ethereal race that dwells in hidden groves, bring life and growth to the land.
enchanted forests, and secluded meadows. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
These diminutive beings are known for their increases by 2.
innate connection to nature, their ability to Fire Affinity. You have resistance to fire damage.
manipulate the forces of the Feywild, and Sun’s Blessing. You can cast the “Produce Flame”
their mischievous nature. Pixies are creatures of both cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast the “Daylight” spell
beauty and danger, often seen as playful tricksters by once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
some and powerful protectors of the wild by others. these spells.
Their small size and graceful wings allow them to flit Winter Pixie
through the world with ease, and their enchanting aura
can charm or beguile those who encounter them. Winter Pixies are attuned to the icy and serene
As an adventurer, you are a member of this elements of the Feywild. They are often seen as
enchanting and free-spirited race. Whether you embrace guardians of frost-covered realms, bringing a chill to
your mischievous nature or strive to harness your innate those who would harm the wilds.
magic for noble causes, you navigate a world where the Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
line between reality and enchantment is often blurred. increases by 2.
Cold Affinity. You have resistance to cold damage.
Pixie Names Frost Touch. You can cast the “Ray of Frost” cantrip.
Pixie names are often melodic and inspired by elements At 3rd level, you can cast the “Sleet Storm” spell once
of nature. per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Male Names. Zephyr, Thistle, Bramble, Puck, spells.
Whisper, Sylph, Willow, Rowan, Skylark, Foxglove,
Finch, Dandelion.

lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow,
Pterafolk mist, or other natural phenomena.
terafolk, with their distinct reptilian features, Desert Pterafolk

are a race of aerial hunters known for their Your Constitution score
striking appearance and mastery of the skies. Ability Score Increase.
increases by 2.
Standing taller and leaner than most Heat Endurance. You have resistance to fire damage,
humanoids, pterafolk possess elongated and you can endure hot environments with ease.
cranial crests reminiscent of the mighty
pteranodons. Their sleek, fine scales range Coastal Pterafolk
from forest-green to light tan, and their long, slender
limbs end with sharp claws. Pterafolk typically eschew Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
clothing, preferring belts and bandoliers for practical 2.
purposes. Aquatic Adaptation. You can hold your breath for
As a pterafolk adventurer, you navigate the world with twice as long as other creatures, and you have a swim
a unique perspective, taking to the skies when needed speed of 30 feet. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the
and using your natural gifts to your advantage. Whether Athletics skill when swimming.
you soar as a solitary predator or engage with other
races, you possess a blend of physical prowess and
innate abilities that set you apart.
Pterafolk Names
Pterafolk names are often sharp and evocative,
reflecting their primal nature.
Male Names: Zarnak, Talon, Vorsir, Sylax, Dracon,
Krivax, Riven, Xalos, Ferak, Vorenth.
Female Names: Skyla, Zephyra, Lirith, Aeris, Vaela,
Seraphi, Drakara, Tyrixa, Sylthia, Nephra.
Pterafolk Traits
Age. Pterafolk have a lifespan comparable to humans,
reaching maturity in their late teens and living for about
six decades.
Size. Pterafolk stand tall and lean, ranging from 6 to
7 feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Draconic.
Darkvision. Your keen eyesight in low-light conditions
allows you to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Natural Flyers. You have a set of leathery wings that
grant you a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed,
you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Talon Strike. Your sharp claws are natural weapons.
When you make an unarmed strike, you can use your
claws to deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Forest Pterafolk
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Woodland Camouflage. You have proficiency in the
Stealth skill when in forested or natural environments,
and you can attempt to hide even when you are only

Nature’s Resilience. You have advantage on saving
Quadion throws against poison and diseases.
uadions are a unique and physically Arcane Quadion

imposing race, known for their Arcane Quadions are gifted with innate magical
distinctive feature of having four arms. abilities, harnessing the power of the arcane to enhance
These beings, with their multiple their capabilities.
limbs and adaptability, are both Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
remarkable and formidable. They increases by 1.
come from a diverse range of Arcane Aptitude. You can cast the Mage Hand cantrip
backgrounds and possess a wide array of abilities, at will. At 3rd level, you can cast the Magic Missile spell
making them intriguing members of the world’s various once per day, requiring no material components.
societies. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Quadion Names Arcane Knowledge. You have proficiency in the
Quadion names often reflect their strong and diverse Arcana skill.
heritage, often combining syllables and sounds from
multiple languages or cultures.
Male Names: Varkus, Thalgar, Kaldrik, Zandor,
Sylthor, Drakmir, Jorlan, Quelthas, Korrak, Vossir.
Female Names: Lyndra, Esyra, Vaelira, Zephira,
Saryn, Valyndra, Illyndra, Keladra, Drisara, Vessara.
Quadion Traits
Quadions possess a unique blend of physical abilities
and mental resilience, making them adaptable in
various situations.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Size. Quadions typically stand between 6 and 7 feet
tall and have a well-built, muscular frame. Your size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Four-Armed. You have four strong and dexterous
arms. You can use your extra arms to perform tasks that
would normally require two hands, such as wielding
multiple weapons or carrying extra equipment.
However, you cannot wield additional two-handed
weapons simultaneously.
Adaptability. You have advantage on saving throws
against being grappled or restrained, as your extra
limbs grant you enhanced maneuverability.
Multitasker. You can use your bonus action to
perform a simple action, such as drawing a weapon or
opening a door, with one of your extra hands.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and one additional language of
your choice.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Primal Quadion
Primal Quadions have a strong connection to the
natural world and possess traits that reflect their affinity
for the wilderness.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Natural Athlete. You have proficiency in the Athletics
Underdark Camouflage. You have advantage on
Quaggoth Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky or
uaggoths, often referred to as deep cavernous terrain.

Climbing Claws. You have sharp claws that allow you
bears, are a species of bear-like to climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on
humanoids native to the treacherous ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
depths of the Underdark. These
towering and robust beings are Frost Quaggoth
characterized by their shaggy, white Frost quaggoths have adapted to the frigid and
fur that blankets their entire bodies, unforgiving regions of the Underdark.
and many quaggoths enhance their appearance with Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
painted fur to blend seamlessly into their dark increases by 1.
underground habitats. Unlike many humanoid races, Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.
quaggoths typically forgo clothing, with pack leaders Icy Claws. Your claws are imbued with frost, and your
occasionally making an exception. unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 cold damage.
As a quaggoth, you are a formidable presence in the
subterranean world, possessing both physical strength
and a deep connection to the hidden realms of the
Underdark. Your society is organized into packs, each
with its own unique culture and traditions. These packs
roam the caverns and tunnels, surviving through both
cooperation and competition, and you are born into a
life of constant challenges and battles for dominance.
Quaggoth Names
Quaggoth names are guttural and primal, reflecting
their connection to the untamed Underdark.
Male Names. Grulnok, Thragar, Varkash, Zornak,
Ulfgar, Brondor, Grothak, Narlak, Draknir, Gorunn.
Female Names. Ursula, Hilda, Krasha, Thulga, Vorga,
Brunda, Magda, Yrga, Felnara, Grishka.
Quaggoth Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Age. Quaggoths have relatively short lifespans,
typically living up to 50 years.
Size. Quaggoths are large and imposing, standing
between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Darkvision. Your life in the lightless depths of the
Underdark grants you superior vision in darkness. You
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Quaggoth Resilience. Your rugged physiology grants
you resistance to cold damage.
Natural Camouflage. You have proficiency in the
Stealth skill.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Cave Quaggoth
Cave quaggoths are adapted to the pitch-black caves
and tunnels of the Underdark.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Frost Resistance. You have resistance to cold
Quicksilks damage.
Frozen Manipulation. You can use your action to
uicksilks are fluid and adaptable

beings with a gel-like form, closely freeze a portion of your body, turning it into a crystalline
related to oozes. They possess the weapon. While frozen, your unarmed strikes deal an
unique ability to mold their bodies into additional 1d4 cold damage. You can also use this
various shapes, ooze through tight feature to form a protective layer of ice, granting you
spaces effortlessly, and even mimic temporary hit points equal to your level + your
the textures and materials of their Constitution modifier. You can use this feature a
surroundings. number of times equal to your Constitution modifier
(minimum of once) before needing a long rest to regain
Quicksilk Names use of it.
Quicksilks favor names that reflect their flexible and Lustrous Quicksilk
ever-changing nature. These names often sound smooth Lustrous Quicksilks are drawn to environments filled
and flowing. with bright lights and reflective surfaces. They can
Given Names. Slikar, Gelith, Viscara, Moltin,
Dripstar, Puddlen, Spongia, Slimesh, Morphus, Glistra. refract light to create dazzling displays and disorient
Clan Names. Quicksilks often adopt clan names
their foes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
based on the dominant environment in which their clan increases by 1.
resides, such as Mossveil, Stoneseep, or Glassflow. Dazzling Display. You can use your action to refract
Quicksilk Traits light and create a blinding burst of illumination.
Your Dexterity score increases Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you must
Ability Score Increase.
by 2. make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your
Size. Quicksilks come in various sizes, but they are
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be
generally Medium. blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
and Primordial. again until you finish a short or long rest.
Light Bending. You have advantage on Dexterity
Amorphous Form. Your body can reshape itself to (Stealth) checks made in bright light or when
slip through openings and tight spaces without attempting to hide in environments with reflective
squeezing. You can move through a space as narrow as surfaces.
one inch wide without squeezing or making an ability
Fluid Mimicry. You have a remarkable ability to
mimic textures and materials, granting you advantage
on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks when attempting
to hide objects on your person or manipulate them in a
subtle manner.
Shapechanger. As an action, you can alter your body’s
form to take on the appearance of another Medium
creature you have seen. This transformation lasts for up
to 1 hour or until you use an action to revert to your true
form. While transformed, you gain no special abilities of
the creature you mimic but can mimic its appearance
and sound, potentially gaining an advantage in social
situations or stealth.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Gelid Quicksilk
Gelid Quicksilks have an affinity for cold and ice, often
dwelling in frigid environments. They can freeze
portions of their gel-like bodies to form icy weapons and
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1.

Qullan Warpaint Qullan
he Qullans are a formidable and imposing The Warpaint Qullans are masters of enhancing their
natural resilience with mystical warpaint.

race of tall and heavily-muscled Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
humanoids, known for their rugged increases by 2.
appearance and their love for battle. Warpaint Resilience. You can apply mystical
Standing at over 8 feet tall, they bear the warpaint to yourself during a short rest, which grants
scars of countless conflicts proudly and you additional hit points equal to your level. This bonus
often adorn themselves with warpaint as a hit points last until you complete a long rest. Once you
testament to their martial prowess. Qullans are a rare use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
sight in most lands, and their unique physical long rest.
characteristics set them apart from other races. Warrior’s Mark. Your warpaint is more than just
Qullan Names decoration; it channels your inner strength. When you
make a Strength or Constitution saving throw, you can
Qullans have strong, imposing names that reflect their add your proficiency bonus to the roll.
warrior heritage.
Male Names. Drakar, Gornak, Throk, Vorag, Skarn, Tribal Qullan
Kaldor, Grimgar, Urthok, Zharok, Borgar. The Tribal Qullans are deeply connected to their
Female Names. Hildra, Valka, Sigrun, Brunda, Helga, ancestral traditions and the spirits of the land.
Rautha, Ysra, Thrymka, Ulfhild, Skara. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
Qullan Traits by 2.
Spiritual Connection. You have proficiency in the
Age. Qullans have relatively short lifespans, reaching Medicine skill.
maturity at around 15 years and typically living up to 60 Ancestral Guidance. Once per long rest, you can
years. commune with the spirits of your ancestors for
Size. Qullans are large and imposing creatures, guidance. This grants you advantage on a Wisdom or
standing over 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Charisma-based skill check of your choice within the
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. next hour.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Giant.
Scarred Resilience. Your rugged physique grants you
an innate toughness. You have advantage on saving
throws against poison and resistance to poison damage.
Battle-Hardened. You are proficient in one martial
weapon of your choice.
Natural Fighters. Due to your martial nature, you
have proficiency in the Athletics skill.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Tigerpelt Qullan
The Tigerpelt Qullans are known for their affinity with
the majestic big cats of the wild.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Tiger’s Roar. You can mimic the fierce roar of a tiger
as an intimidating battle cry. As a bonus action, you can
let out this roar, causing enemies within 30 feet of you
to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be
frightened for 1 minute. They can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect
on a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Feline Agility. You have keen reflexes like the big cats
you revere. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead
of Strength for attack and damage rolls with melee
modifier) or be frightened until the end of their next
Rakasta turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
akasta are a feline-inspired race known for until you finish a short or long rest.

Brutal Pounce. When you make a melee attack on
their agility, grace, and primal connection to your turn, you can use a bonus action to make an
the wild. These creatures resemble additional claw attack.
humanoid cats and possess a strong sense of
independence and adventure. Whether Cheetah Rakasta
prowling through dense jungles or scaling Your Dexterity score increases
towering cliffs, Rakasta have adapted to Ability Score Increase.
by 2.
various environments, embracing the essence of the Swift Stride. Your base walking speed increases to 40
natural world. feet.
Rakasta Names Evasive Dash. When you take the Dash action, you
Rakasta names often reflect their primal connection to can use a bonus action to Dodge until the start of your
nature, with sounds reminiscent of the wilderness. next turn.
Male Names. Zephyr, Kael, Thorne, Talon, Aric, Lynx,
Prowl, Jareth, Riven, Fenrir.
Female Names. Aria, Mira, Nyssa, Seraphina, Sylva,
Aela, Kira, Leona, Zara, Thalassa.
Rakasta Traits
Age. Rakasta have a similar lifespan to humans,
typically living up to 70 years. They mature quickly and
are considered adults by the age of 15.
Size. Rakasta vary in size, with heights ranging from
5 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan.
Cat’s Grace. Rakasta are naturally agile. You have
proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
Natural Instincts. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks related to hearing and smell.
Rakasta Claws. Your retractable claws are natural
weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to
1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Panthera Rakasta
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Night Vision. You have darkvision with a range of 60
Stealthy Prowess. You have proficiency in the Stealth
skill, and you can attempt to hide even when you are
only lightly obscured.
Leonine Rakasta
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Mighty Roar. You can use an action to let out a mighty
roar. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you
that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw
(DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength

Your Dexterity score increases
Raptorans Ability Score Increase:
by 1.
Heat Endurance: You have advantage on Constitution
aptorans are a unique and free-spirited race

of humanoid avians, known for their saving throws against extreme heat, and you are
distinctive avian features. They stand slightly resistant to fire damage.
taller than humans, with elongated arms and Storm Raptoran
legs that give them a graceful and agile Your Wisdom score increases by
appearance. Raptorans typically possess Ability Score Increase:
sleek, white feathers, which gradually darken Stormrider: You can cast the Gust cantrip. Once you
at the tips as they age, creating striking patterns. Their reach 3rd level, you can cast the Feather Fall spell once
facial features are angular and hawk-like, reflecting per day. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the
their avian heritage. Fly spell once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting
Raptoran Names ability for these spells.
Raptoran names often have a melodic quality and are
inspired by the natural world.
Male Names: Talon, Skylar, Kestrel, Soren, Zephyr,
Peregrine, Rook, Griffin, Falken, Hawkyn.
Female Names: Astra, Seraphine, Sparrow, Nyx,
Vega, Feathersong, Larka, Zephyra, Ravena, Talia.
Gender-Neutral Names: Phoenix, Swift, Cirrus,
Soaring, Storm, Dusk, Falcon.
Raptoran Traits
Age: Raptorans mature at a rate similar to humans, but
they have a longer lifespan, often reaching up to 100
Size: Raptorans are slightly taller and thinner than
humans, typically standing between 5 and 6 feet tall.
Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Auran, the language of the air
Aerial Grace: Your avian heritage grants you
exceptional agility in the air. You have a flying speed of
30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium
or heavy armor.
Keen Vision: Your keen eyesight grants you
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
Natural Weapons: Your talon-like claws are natural
weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to
1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces:
Snow Raptoran
Ability Score Increase:Your Constitution score
increases by 1.
Snow Camouflage: You have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made in snowy terrain, and you are
resistant to cold damage.
Desert Raptoran

Ratatosk Firetail Ratatosk
atatosks, also known as squirrel folk, are an Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 1.

agile and arboreal race native to the towering Firestarter. You have a natural affinity for fire. You
realm of Yggdrasil. These creatures closely can cast the Produce Flame cantrip. When you reach
resemble flying squirrels, with a furry 3rd level, you can cast the Faerie Fire spell once per day
membrane extending from their arms to their as a 2nd-level spell. Charisma is your spellcasting ability
legs, allowing them to glide effortlessly for these spells.
between the branches of their arboreal
homes. They possess large, flattened tails that serve as
both rudders during flight and as an aid in maintaining
their balance while scurrying through the treetops.
Their fur, which ranges from shades of black to gray,
brown, and red, keeps them comfortable in the forest
canopy’s ever-changing temperatures.
Ratatosk Names
Ratatosk names often reflect the sounds and rhythms of
the natural world, emphasizing their deep connection to
the trees and woodlands they inhabit.
Male Names. Thistlebark, Bramblewhisper,
Acornswift, Mossclimb, Willowtail, Stoneflit, Pinecone,
Foxshadow, Owlwing, Bramblepaw.
Female Names. Fernglimmer, Leafshade,
Hazelbreeze, Berryheart, Sunstrike, Thicketrun,
Vineshadow, Rosepetal, Squirrelsong, Larkfeather.
Ratatosk Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Size. Ratatosks stand about 4 to 5 feet tall when fully
upright, with slender builds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Sylvan, the language of the forests and woodlands.
Glide. You have a gliding speed equal to your walking
speed. When you fall, you can use your reaction to glide,
reducing the falling damage you take by an amount
equal to 5 times your character level. You land on your
Tree Affinity. You have advantage on Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks made to balance on branches or
other narrow surfaces in forested environments.
Keen Senses. Your sharp eyes and ears give you
proficiency in the Perception skill.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.
Shadowtail Ratatosk
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 1.
Nocturnal Adaptation. You are naturally adapted to
the twilight hours. You have darkvision with a range of
60 feet.
Silent Step. You can move stealthily through the
forest without making a sound. You have proficiency in
the Stealth skill.

orn from the darkness of the night and

blessed by the touch of the raven, the
ravenkin are imbued with avian
characteristics and an affinity for the
shadowy realm. They possess a mysterious
and enigmatic nature, drawing inspiration
from the intelligence, resourcefulness, and
trickery of the raven.Their eyes are often piercing and
keen, reflecting their connection to the raven’s
As an adventurer, you belong to this unique race,
navigating a world that often misunderstands your
intentions and motives. Whether you embrace your
inherent trickster nature or strive to wield your powers
for the greater good, your path will be shaped by the
interplay between light and shadow.
Ravenkin Names
Ravenkin names often reflect their avian heritage and
their affinity for the mysterious. Here are a few
Male Names. Corvus, Grimbeak, Nightshade,
Shadowwing, Talon, Crowther, Ashenwing, Wraithclaw,
Stormfeather, Obsidian, Ravenwing, Emberbeak, Onyx,
Whisper, Skysong, Vesper, Frostwing, Twilight,
Nocturne, Zephyr.
Female Names. Morrigan, Shadowdusk, Lilac,
Ravena, Nyx, Midnight, Azure, Sable, Nightfall, Obsidia,
Umbra, Mystique, Celestia, Whisperwind, Ebon,
Duskfeather, Wren, Zephyrine, Starling, Luna.
Ravenkin Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.
Size. Ravenkin have a slender and agile build. Your
size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Your connection to the raven grants you
the ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Raven Flight. You have a set of feathery wings that
grant you a flying speed of 30 feet. You cannot use this
flying speed if you are wearing heavy armor.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Auran.
Shadow Veil. Once per long rest, as an action, you can
cast the pass without trace spell without requiring
concentration. This ability affects only yourself.

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score
Replicant increases by 1.
Mimicry You have a knack for imitating human
orn of dark and forbidden magic, Replicants

are humanoid creatures designed to emulate behavior. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill,
the appearance and abilities of humans. and you can use your Charisma instead of Dexterity for
Created for insidious purposes, they often Stealth checks when trying to blend in with human
struggle with questions of identity, morality, crowds.
and their place in the world. While they share Infiltrator
many physical characteristics with humans, Infiltrator Replicants are designed for espionage and
Replicants are marked by an uncanny aura that sets infiltration missions. They are highly skilled at
them apart and hints at their unnatural origins. subterfuge and are often used to gather information or
Replicant Names manipulate human society from within.
Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases
Replicant names are often chosen or assigned to them by 1.
by their creators and tend to reflect their artificial Shapeshifter As an action, you can magically alter
nature. your appearance to look like any human you have seen
Male Names. Synthar, Nihilus, Cogran, Mortek,
Aelius, Torvus, Hexor, Xyris, Chronos, Lurian. before or an average member of any humanoid race you
Female Names. Elaria, Vespera, Nyxen, Seraphis,
are familiar with. This transformation lasts for up to 1
Lysandra, Kalara, Thalina, Zephyria, Sylis, Elliora. hour or until you use your action to revert to your true
Replicant Traits
Age. Replicants have a fixed, unchanging physical age
that corresponds to the age they were created to appear.
They do not age biologically.
Size. Replicants have a similar range of heights and
builds as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and one other language of your
Uncanny Presence. Your artificial nature gives you an
unsettling presence. You have advantage on Deception
checks to pass as a human but disadvantage on
Persuasion checks when interacting with individuals
who are wary of the unnatural.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Prototype Replicants are the earliest experiments in
replicating humanity. They often display imperfections
in their design but possess unique abilities that make
them stand out.
Ability Score Increase Your Intelligence score
increases by 1.
Analytical Mind You have a natural talent for
problem-solving and analysis. You gain proficiency in
one of the following skills: Investigation, Arcana, or
Enhanced Replicants are the result of advanced magical
research and refinement. They have been improved in
various ways, making them more effective at blending in
with humans.

Unearthly Might. The rage that burns within you
Revenant gives you an uncanny strength. You can add your
orn from the ashes of their own demise, proficiency bonus to any Strength check you make.

Revenants are a haunting and resilient race. Restless Revenant
They are beings returned from death’s grasp, Your Dexterity score increases
driven by a powerful force or unfulfilled Ability Score Increase.
by 2.
purpose. These spectral individuals embody Ethereal Step. You can use your reaction to become
an eerie connection between the realms of incorporeal, allowing attacks and spells to pass
the living and the dead. Revenants often find harmlessly through you until the start of your next turn.
themselves torn between their past lives and the Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
haunting compulsion that drives them forward. you finish a short or long rest.
As a Revenant adventurer, you bear the weight of
your unresolved past and the curse of your resurrection. Haunted Revenant
Will you seek to complete the unfinished business that
binds you to this world, or will you embrace your Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
spectral nature and harness its dark powers for your increases by 2.
own purposes? Spectral Knowledge. Your connection to the other

Revenant Names
side grants you insights into the arcane. You gain
proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you can cast the
Revenant names are often drawn from their past lives or Mage Hand cantrip at will as a spectral hand controlled
the circumstances of their deaths. by your mind.
Male Names. Arawn, Cadoc, Drystan, Eamon, Faelan, Say “OK” if you’d like to make any adjustments or if
Gavrel, Kaelan, Llyr, Niall, Pryderi, Taliesin, Urien. you’re ready for the final version.
Female Names. Branwen, Ceridwen, Eilwen,
Gwyneth, Lirael, Myrddin, Olwen, Rhiannon, Seren,
Tegwen, Ysbail.
Revenant Traits
Age. Revenants have no natural lifespan. They are, in a
sense, already deceased, and they do not age as living
creatures do.
Size. Revenants typically have the same size as the
race they were in their previous life. Your size is
determined by your original race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and one additional language of
your choice, often reflecting your past life.
Deathly Resilience. The circumstances of your
resurrection have granted you a supernatural resilience.
You have advantage on saving throws against being
frightened, and you have resistance to necrotic damage.
Unfinished Business. You are bound to the world of
the living by a task or purpose that remains unresolved.
You have proficiency in one skill or tool of your choice
that reflects your past life, such as History,
Investigation, or Smith’s Tools.
Spectral Affinity. You can cast the Minor Illusion
cantrip as a ghostly manifestation of your otherworldly
connection. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Vengeful Revenant
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.

Rilmani of the Aether are explorers and wanderers,
Rilmani often venturing into the unknown corners of the
he Rilmani, enigmatic beings of multiverse.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
otherworldly origin, are the living increases by 2.
embodiment of pure neutrality. They exist Aetherial Explorer. You have proficiency in the
to maintain the cosmic Balance, serving as Survival skill.
impartial guardians of equilibrium across Dimensional Step. You can cast the Misty Step spell
the multiverse. Rilmani are beings of great once per day without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is
power, possessing innate magical abilities your spellcasting ability for this spell.
that aid them in their cosmic duties. Their immunity to
psionic attacks on the mind and resistance to various
elemental effects make them formidable and unyielding
in their mission to preserve neutrality.
Rilmani Names
Rilmani names are often melodic and alien in nature,
reflecting their unique existence.
Male Names: Xythar, Zephron, Kallian, Quinarth,
Jexalor, Vylas
Female Names: Elara, Vexia, Sylithra, Nyxandra,
Zephyra, Valeria
Rilmani Traits
Alignment. Rilmani are beings of pure neutrality, and
their alignment is always True Neutral.
Size. Rilmani vary in height and build, but they are
generally taller than humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Celestial.
Innate Magic. You have an innate connection to the
magic that sustains the Balance. You can cast the
Detect Good and Evil spell once per day without
expending a spell slot.
Elemental Resilience. You are immune to cold- and
fire-based effects and spells. You also have resistance to
electrical, gas, and poison-based effects and spells.
Psionic Immunity. Your mind is shielded against
psionic attacks. You are immune to psychic damage and
the charm and frightened conditions caused by psionic
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Rilmani of the Spire

Rilmani of the Spire are diplomats and negotiators,
skilled in maintaining peace and Balance between
opposing forces.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Diplomatic Presence. You have proficiency in the
Persuasion skill.
Spire’s Protection. You can cast the Shield spell once
per day without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your
spellcasting ability for this spell.
Rilmani of the Aether

Sahuagin Sahuagin Priest
ahuagin are a fearsome and aquatic race of Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by

monstrous humanoids known for their Sekolah’s Favor. You can cast the Bless spell once
predatory nature and deadly combat abilities. with this trait, requiring no material components. You
They dwell in the depths of oceans, seas, regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a
underground lakes, and underwater caves, long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this
where they hunt relentlessly, showing no spell.
mercy even to the most vulnerable. With their
formidable jaws filled with sharp fangs and a mastery of Sahuagin Sharkmaster
underwater combat tactics, sahuagin are a formidable Your Dexterity score increases
force to be reckoned with. Spears, tridents, and Ability Score Increase.
by 1.
poisoned weapons are their preferred tools of warfare, Shark Ally. You have an innate ability to communicate
and they are known to wield nets and ride mantas as with sharks and can cast the Animal Friendship spell
they assault ships and other prey. Sahuagin also form once with this trait, targeting sharks only. You regain
alliances with sharks, using them as fierce allies in the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest.
battle. Dexterity is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
As a sahuagin, you embody this predatory and
ruthless nature. Whether you embrace your role as a
merciless hunter or seek to break free from your race’s
violent traditions, you must navigate a world where fear
of magic runs deep, and physical prowess is highly
Sahuagin Names
Sahuagin names are often guttural and aquatic in
sound, reflecting their oceanic origins.
Male Names: Azruk, Dregan, Korthak, Murgan,
Thalassar, Urthok, Varken, Zalruk.
Female Names: Avrana, Drelsa, Karshana, Lythalia,
Selshara, Thessara, Uthralia, Vylska.
Sahuagin Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Sahuagin have relatively short lifespans,
typically living to be around 40 years old. They mature
quickly and are considered adults at the age of 10.
Size. Sahuagin stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and
have a sleek, aquatic build. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you
have a swimming speed of 40 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Aquan, the language of aquatic creatures,
and Common.
Natural Swimmer. You have proficiency in the
Athletics skill.
Fear of Magic. Sahuagin have an innate fear of magic,
and they shun the arcane arts. You have disadvantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical
Predatory Instincts. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Sahuagin Weapon Training. You are proficient with
the spear, trident, and net.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Sandmen Nomadic Wanderer
andmen are an unusual and seldom- You have embraced your freedom and developed a
nomadic lifestyle on the Material Plane.

encountered race originating from the Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
Elemental Plane of Earth, known for their by 2.
unique ability to capture targets without Nomad’s Resilience. Your time spent traveling has
causing harm. They were often employed by granted you resistance to exhaustion.
the dao, denizens of the Elemental Plane of Sandstrider. You can move through difficult terrain
Earth, to secure slaves on the Material Plane, composed of sand or loose earth without expending
thanks to their invaluable talent. extra movement.
Sandman Names Elemental Seeker
Sandman names are typically practical and Your innate curiosity drives you to explore the
straightforward, reflecting their elemental origins and Elemental Planes, seeking knowledge beyond the
purpose. Material Plane.
Male Names: Gharun, Zolan, Drakar, Xarim, Thuran, Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Marok, Voren. increases by 2.
Female Names: Shara, Zylia, Terris, Lyra, Vala, Zara, Planar Scholar. You gain proficiency in the Arcana
Selis. skill.
Sandman Traits Planar Affinity. Once per day, you can cast Plane
Shift, allowing you to travel to and from the Elemental
Age. Sandmen have exceptionally long lifespans, often Planes. You regain the use of this ability after a long
living for several centuries. They reach maturity at rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this
around 100 years old and are considered young by their spell.
Size. Sandmen are generally tall and sturdy, standing
between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Terran.
Earthbound. You have a natural affinity for the earth,
granting you proficiency in the Survival skill.
Elemental Resistance. Your connection to the
Elemental Plane of Earth has granted you resistance to
bludgeoning damage.
Earthshaker. Once per short or long rest, you can
stomp the ground with incredible force, causing the
earth to tremble. Each creature of your choice within a
10-foot radius of you must make a Strength saving
throw (DC 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency
bonus) or be knocked prone.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Dao’s Servant
The dao have favored your kind for their own purposes,
and you carry their mark.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Stone’s Embrace. You gain proficiency with mason’s
tools, reflecting the skills you’ve honed while working
alongside the dao.
Earth Manipulator. You can cast the Mold Earth
cantrip at will, manipulating earth and soil with ease. At
3rd level, you can also cast the Earth Tremor spell once
per day without expending a spell slot. Constitution is
your spellcasting ability for these spells.

arkriths, the enigmatic reptilian humanoids,

harbored a deep-seated aversion to magic and
waged a subtle war against all who dabbled in
its tainted arts. Within their society, Sarkriths
fell into two distinct but physically alike
castes: the Spelleaters and the Thanes. Their
kind was often categorized as part of the
scalykind, alongside other Scaled Ones.
Sarkrith Names
Sarkrith names possess a primal and guttural quality,
reflecting their deep connection to their reptilian nature.
Male Names. Drakar, Gorthan, Zulthar, Threx,
Sarnok, Vraxan, Rukar, Veshnak, Zarkan, Narthok.
Female Names. Thelna, Veshra, Drakara, Xalthea,
Sornith, Zulnara, Nyrissa, Vithra, Kyriss.
Sarkrith Traits
Age. The lifespan of a Sarkrith varies depending on
their caste. Spelleaters tend to have shorter lives, often
not exceeding 60 years, while Thanes can live for over a
Size. Sarkriths stand at a height similar to humans,
ranging from 5 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Draconic, a language deeply rooted in the essence
of your kind.
Anti-Magic Aura. Sarkriths naturally emit an aura
that disrupts the flow of magic. You have advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Natural Resistance. Your reptilian nature grants you
resistance to poison damage.
Caste. Choose one of the below castes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Magic Absorption. When you succeed on a saving
throw against a spell or magical effect, you can choose
to absorb a portion of its energy. You gain temporary hit
points equal to half the spell’s level rounded up.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Berserker Fury. Once per long rest, you can tap into
your primal rage, gaining advantage on Strength-based
checks and saving throws for 1 minute. Afterward, you
suffer one level of exhaustion.
Say “ok” if you have any further instructions or if
you’re ready to proceed.

Natural Climber. You have a climbing speed equal to
Saurial your walking speed, allowing you to climb difficult
aurials are an unusual and distinct race of surfaces without making an ability check.

saurian beings, their origins shrouded in Valley of Spirits Saurial
ancient mysteries. These saurial creatures are Your Intelligence score
not native to Toril and hail from distant lands, Ability Score Increase.
increases by 2.
bringing with them unique abilities and Arcane Knowledge. You have proficiency in the
qualities that set them apart from the more Arcana skill.
common races. Saurials come in various Spell Resistance. You have advantage on saving
subraces, each adapted to their own unique throws against spells and other magical effects.
environments and challenges. These subraces include
the Lost Vale dwellers of Tarkhaldale, the lacerials from
the Malatran Plateau in southern Kara-Tur, and others
yet to be discovered. As a Saurial, you possess reptilian
traits, remarkable adaptations, and a rich heritage that
connects you to distant and unknown realms.
Saurial Names
Saurial names often reflect the unique sounds and
patterns of their language, which may be difficult for
other races to pronounce.
Male Names. Draxas, Xelthar, Varkon, Ssylkarn,
Quiraz, Thranak, Voshek, Kraakar.
Female Names. Zeltria, Syrvana, Valnara, Xylira,
Lissara, Phyriana, Quelzara, Varalla.
Saurial Traits
Age. Saurials have a longer lifespan than many
humanoid races. They typically reach maturity around
the age of 20 and can live up to 200 years or more.
Size. Saurials have a slender and graceful build,
standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Draconic.
Natural Armor. Your scaly skin provides natural
armor, granting you an AC of 12 + your Dexterity
modifier when you aren’t wearing armor.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces:

Lost Vale Saurial

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Prehensile Tail. You have a long, agile tail that can be
used to manipulate objects. You have proficiency in the
Sleight of Hand skill.
Keen Senses. Your sharp saurial senses grant you
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks involving
smell and taste.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
can push, drag, or lift.

Shade “The Trail of Five Darknesses is no easy path to follow. You
mbitious, ruthless, and secretive, shade are say you are ready to take your own journey; to see where the

humans who barter a piece of their souls for trail ends? I can tell you this - the passage to immortality is
unique to the individual. My experiences are my own, as are
a sliver of Shadowfell’s powerful, yet my fears and memories of that aweful time. And if you
untamed essence. No matter what nations, emerge clinging to the fragile thred that is life, expect no
clan, tribe, family, or land one was first born comfort and no kinship, for by embarking on this quest you
into, each and every shade experiences a sever ties with anyone you have ever loved. Are you ready?
dark rebirth that transforms them into a Are you truly prepared?”
creature of insane dark power who is caught in the line
between life and death. In exchange for the twilight — Khasus, High Dark of Fellwarren

powers granted to shadekind, the Shadowfell stains

their souls with dark thoughts and an even darker
Shade Names
Shade do not have any type of family name, since any
ties are destroyed after the dark rebirth. First names
include human names, and the names below.
Male: Dolus, Malum, Mortem, Tenebris, Thanaki
Female: Inanis, Moira, Niebla, Umbra

Shade Traits
Age. You mature like an elf, at around 100 years of age
and can live up to 750 years old.
Size. Shade range from 5.5 feet to 6.5 feet, and weigh
from 100 to 160 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Master of the Shadows. You learn one nethermancy
cantrip (described earlier in this book). Your
spellcasting ability is either Charisma or Intelligence,
depending on which one you gained +2 of thanks to
being a shade. At third level, you learn one 2nd level
nethermancy spell (described earlier in this book), and i
at fifth level one 3rd level nethermancy spell (also
described earlier in this book).
Abillity Score Increase. +2 Dexterity and aditionally
+2 Charisma or +2 Intelligence
Speed. You have a walking speed of 35 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and one extra language of your choice.
Fragile Mortality. You have a -1 penalty to your
Constitution ability.
One With the Shadows. At will, you can use the
following feature: Until the end of your next turn, you
can make a D.C. 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check to become
hidden when you have any cover or concealment, or you
are in a dark enviorment. In addition, you can use cover
from your allies to become hidden or to remain hidden.
Practiced Sneak. You are proficient in Stealth.

hardminds are crystalline creatures consisting

of hundreds of small shards of translucent
green, white, red, or amber crystal assembled
into humanoid form and animated by a force
of pure psionic energy. Shardminds choose
their forms to mimic the shapes of
humanoids; some take on forms that seem
more masculine, while others appear more feminine. A
shardmind’s animating force glows dimly from within
each ofits component shards, emanating most brightly
from where the eyes of a natural humanoid would be.
This inner light sheds dim light in a shardmind’s space,
but a shard mind individual can squelch the light with
an instant’s concentration-in order to hide in the dark,
for example.
Shardmind Names
Male: Arshaka, Balashi, Bashanu, Eshunu, Hunzu,
Kuaya, Kubaba, Manishtu, Naram, Seluku, Ubashu,
Female: Amata, Arwia, Belessunu, Dipana, Erishti,
Iltani, Ishmea, Kuri, Nuraya, Tabni, Zakiti
Shardmind Traits
Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
Age. Shardminds were created fully mature, and do
not physically age.
Abillity Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by one and your Intelligence by two.
Living Construct. Even though you were constructed,
you are a living creature. You are immune to diseases.
You do not need to drink, eat, or breathe, but you can
ingest food and drink if you wish. You do not require
sleep, though you must still rest for five hours to gain
the benefits of an extended rest.
Immortal Origin. Because you came from the Astral
Sea, arcane energy courses through your body. You
have advantage on saving throws against being
charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Psychic Being. You know the mage hand cantrip.
When you cast this version of mage hand, the hand is
crystaline and the smae color as you. You can cast the
identify spell once with this trait and regain the ability to
do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 3rd
level, you can cast the detect magic spell once between
long rests with this trait and regain the ability to do so
when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level,
you can cast the detect thoughts spell once with this
trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a
long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.

Choose one of the below subraces.
Slaad Subrace.

Red Slaad
orn from the chaotic energies of the Plane of

Limbo, the Slaad are a race of amphibious Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
creatures embodying the essence of chaos by 1.
and destruction. They exhibit an array of vivid Chaotic Strikes. Your natural attacks, such as claws
colors, ranging from vibrant blues and greens or bites, count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
to fiery reds and purples, reflecting their resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks.
chaotic nature. Slaad possess a natural Infectious Bite. When you make a successful bite
affinity for manipulating and harnessing the attack against a creature, you can attempt to infect them
unpredictable forces of Limbo, making them powerful with chaos. The target must make a Constitution saving
and unpredictable adversaries. throw (DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your
Slaad can take on different forms and possess unique proficiency bonus) or be infected with a disease that
abilities, often categorized into subraces based on their causes them to transform into a Red Slaad after a
color and corresponding temperament. Whether you number of days. The transformation can be halted by a
embrace the chaos within or strive to find stability remove curse or similar magic. You can use this ability
amidst the madness, your existence as a Slaad will be once per long rest.
an adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns. Blue Slaad
As an adventurer, you bring an element of wildness
and unpredictability to the party, and your innate Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
connection to chaos can prove both a blessing and a by 1.
curse. Embrace your heritage, discover your true Unpredictable Leap. You gain proficiency in the
purpose, and leave your indelible mark on the world. Acrobatics skill. Additionally, when making a long jump,
Slaad Names
you cover a distance up to 30 feet even if you do not
move 10 feet before the jump.
Slaad names are guttural and alien, reflecting their Chaos Burst. When you take damage, you can use
connection to the Plane of Limbo. Here are a few your reaction to release a burst of chaotic energy.
examples: Creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity
Male Names. Kralox, Grixnak, Zerth, Grimgar, saving throw (DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your
Xalnar, Vrexth, Zythor, Kromag, Quixar, Phazir, proficiency bonus) or take 1d6 lightning damage. The
Gravok, Zythor. damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level,
Female Names. Xyrilith, Zentrix, Vraxina, Sylphora, and 4d6 at 16th level. You can use this ability once per
Zarra, Xyra, Zalora, Krysta, Vaelis, Azrya, Quorala, short or long rest.
Xylia. Green Slaad
Slaad Traits Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score 1.
increases by 2. Amphibious Nature. You can breathe air and water.
Age. Slaad have varying lifespans depending on their Regenerative Flesh. At the start of your turn, you
subrace and individual circumstances. They typically regain hit points equal to your proficiency bonus if you
live for several centuries, often facing violent ends due have at least 1 hit point and are below your maximum
to their chaotic nature. hit point total.
Size. Slaad vary in height and build, ranging from 6 to Death Slaad
8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and increases by 1.
understand Common and Slaad. Slaad is a guttural and Necrotic Touch. Your natural attacks, such as claws
complex language, reflecting the chaotic nature of its or bites, deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
Darkvision. Your connection to Limbo grants you the
ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You
have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Slaad Magic. You have an innate ability to tap into the
chaotic energies of Limbo. You can cast the chaos bolt
cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can also cast the
blur spell once per long rest. Constitution is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.

Deathly Presence. As an action, you can unleash an
aura of deathly energy. Each creature of your choice
within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw
(DC 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency
bonus) or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
finish a long rest.
Eternal Decay. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit
points, you regain hit points equal to your level plus your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 hit point). This
ability can only be used once per short or long rest.

energy that can overwhelm their enemies.
Solarspark Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
olarsparks are celestial beings in humanoid increases by 2.

Radiant Burst. You can use an action to release a
form, their essence akin to living stars. blinding burst of radiant energy in a 20-foot cone.
Radiating warmth and light, they bring Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving
blessings to their allies and searing pain to throw (DC 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your
their foes. With the unique ability to absorb proficiency bonus) or take radiant damage equal to your
and channel light, Solarsparks harness their level. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
radiant powers to great effect. until you finish a short or long rest.
Solarspark Names
Solarspark names often resonate with celestial sounds,
reflecting their luminous nature:
Male Names. Helios, Lysander, Aelius, Solarius,
Phoebus, Apollo, Raedon, Caelum, Luxor, Ignatius.
Female Names. Sylvastra, Aurora, Selene, Lucida,
Radiantia, Helia, Luminara, Celestia, Seraphina, Solara.
Solarspark Traits
Age. Solarsparks have a long and radiant lifespan, often
exceeding centuries in age.
Size. Solarsparks stand at heights similar to humans.
Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Celestial.
Radiant Resilience. Your celestial nature grants you
resistance to radiant damage.
Radiant Emission. As an action, you can emit a burst
of radiant energy in a 10-foot radius. Creatures of your
choice within this radius take radiant damage equal to
your level. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once),
regaining all expended uses after a long rest.
Light Absorption. When exposed to a light source,
you can absorb its energy. After absorbing light for 1
hour, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
These temporary hit points last for 1 hour or until
depleted. You can use this feature once, requiring a long
rest to do so again.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Dawnfire Solarspark
Dawnfire Solarsparks are born of the first light of dawn.
They radiate a gentle, healing warmth, embodying the
dawning of a new day.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 2.
Healing Light. You can use your action to touch a
creature, healing it for a number of hit points equal to
your level. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Starflare Solarspark
Starflare Solarsparks are born of the explosive energy
of supernovae. They wield intense bursts of radiant

Your Dexterity score increases
Spellweaver Ability Score Increase.
by 2.
Shadow Step. You can use your innate connection to
he Spellweavers, also referred to as

Weavers, are an ancient and highly the shadows to cast the Shadow Step spell once per
intelligent race hailing from an alternate long rest. This spell allows you to teleport from one area
Prime Material plane. They possess an of dim light or darkness to another area of dim light or
unparalleled mastery of the arcane arts, darkness that you can see within 60 feet.
Stealthy Prowess. You have proficiency in the Stealth
having once built a magnificent empire that skill.
stretched across the multiverse, only to
meet a tragic and swift demise. Elementalweaver
Spellweaver Names Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
Spellweaver names are often melodic and carry a sense increases by 2.
Elemental Attunement. You have resistance to one
of mystique. type of elemental damage of your choice: fire, cold,
Male Names. Alaric, Thalindor, Sylvarian, Myrddin,
Elorian, Kaelandor, Belthazar, Valandor, Zephyrion, lightning, or acid.
Elemental Magic. You can cast the Elemental Blast
Elandrial. cantrip once per long rest. This cantrip allows you to
Female Names. Seraphina, Elowen, Aeliana,
Lysandra, Isolde, Thessalya, Althaea, Calindra, project a blast of elemental energy that deals damage
Amalthea, Elysant. based on the elemental type you chose for your
Spellweaver Traits Voidweaver
Age. Spellweavers have an extended lifespan, often Your Charisma score increases
living for several centuries. Ability Score Increase.
by 2.
Size. Spellweavers are typically of similar height and
Void Sight. You have darkvision with a range of 60
build as humans. Your size is Medium. feet.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Warping Touch. You can use your touch to briefly
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Primordial. disrupt the fabric of reality. Once per long rest, you can
Arcane Affinity. You have an innate connection to the
cast the Reality Warp spell. This spell allows you to
arcane. You can cast the Mage Hand cantrip at will, force a creature to make a Wisdom saving throw or
using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability. become disoriented, granting them disadvantage on
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.
their next attack roll or ability check.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2.
Arcane Mastery. You have proficiency in the Arcana
Spellweaver’s Insight. You can use your intelligence
to outmaneuver your foes. When you make an
Intelligence (Arcana) check, you can roll a d4 and add
the number rolled to the check.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Temporal Manipulation. You have the ability to
manipulate time, allowing you to cast the Chronomancy
cantrip once per long rest. This cantrip allows you to
briefly glimpse into the near future, giving you
advantage on your next attack roll or saving throw.
Eternal Vigilance. You have advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or frightened.

Bamboo Spirit Folk are intimately tied to the serene
Spirit Folk bamboo groves that dot the landscape. They are
pirit Folk are rare descendants of humans and masters of patience and resilience, emulating the

ancient natural spirits. These beings are a bamboo’s flexibility and strength.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
unique blend of human and elemental increases by 1.
essence, closely attuned to the natural world. Bamboo Resilience. You have advantage on saving
Their origins are shrouded in mystery, and throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance
their presence is most prominent in to poison damage.
Rashemen and Kara-Tur. Spirit Folk are Bamboo Stride. You can move through difficult
known for their deep connection to the environment, terrain made of plants, such as dense undergrowth and
their peaceful disposition, and their innate mystical overgrown areas, without spending extra movement.
abilities. Whether they hail from bamboo forests,
towering mountains, meandering rivers, or the vast Mountain Spirit Folk
seas, they are a harmonious part of the world’s tapestry. Mountain Spirit Folk are born in the towering heights,
Spirit Folk Names where they are shaped by the rugged terrain and
Spirit Folk names often reflect their connection to elemental forces. They are known for their unwavering
nature and the elements. determination and endurance.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
Bamboo Spirit Folk Names. Chihiro, Haruki, Mei,
Ren, Sora, Yuki, Zenko. by 1.
Mountain Resilience. You have advantage on saving
Mountain Spirit Folk Names. Daisuke, Hana, Kaito,
Sakura, Taro, Yumi, Zenitsu. throws against fear, and you have resistance to thunder
River Spirit Folk Names. Akiko, Emi, Hiroshi, Kaede,
Mountain Climber. You have a climbing speed equal
Noriko, Ryuji, Yumi. to your walking speed, and you can make a running long
Sea Spirit Folk Names. Akira, Kaida, Makoto, Nami,
Takeshi, Yori, Mizuki. jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 feet on
Spirit Folk Traits River Spirit Folk
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by River Spirit Folk are tied to the flowing waters,
2. embodying the ebb and flow of life. They are adaptable
Size. Spirit Folk vary in size, but they are generally
similar to humans. Your size is Medium. and serene, finding strength in the ever-changing
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and one additional language of increases by 1.
River Resilience. You have advantage on saving
your choice, typically reflecting the environment you throws against being restrained, and you have
come from. resistance to cold damage.
Elemental Resilience. You have resistance to one
Swift Swimmer. You have a swim speed equal to your
damage type associated with your subrace: walking speed, and you can breathe underwater.
Bamboo Spirit Folk: You have resistance to poison Sea Spirit Folk
Mountain Spirit Folk: You have resistance to Sea Spirit Folk call the endless seas their home,
thunder damage. navigating the depths with grace and command. They
River Spirit Folk: You have resistance to cold are often wanderers and explorers of the boundless
damage. oceans.
Sea Spirit Folk: You have resistance to lightning Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
damage. increases by 1.
Sea Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws
Natural Harmony. You have proficiency in one of the against being charmed, and you have resistance to
following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, lightning damage.
Medicine, Nature, or Survival. Aquatic Adaptation. You can breathe underwater, and
Spiritual Affinity. You can cast the Druidcraft cantrip you have a swimming speed equal to your walking
as an innate magical ability. Wisdom is your speed. Additionally, you can communicate simple ideas
spellcasting ability for it. with aquatic creatures, such as fish and dolphins, when
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces. speaking in Aquan.
Bamboo Spirit Folk

lasts for 1 hour and can be up to 10 feet wide. Creatures
Sunfire Salamander that move across this trail have disadvantage on Stealth
unfire Salamanders are rare and mystical checks. Additionally, the trail provides bright light for 30

beings, believed to be the manifestation of the feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You must
sun’s fiery essence in the mortal realm. They complete a long rest before using this ability again.
are creatures of radiant beauty, resembling
ordinary salamanders but with vibrant colors
that mimic the hues of a blazing sun. Their
bodies are adorned with glowing patterns that
emit a warm, comforting light.
These enigmatic creatures are often associated with
the sun and its life-giving properties. They are revered
by some as celestial messengers and bringers of
warmth and light. Sunfire Salamanders have a deep
connection with the natural world and are known for
their wisdom and affinity for fire magic.
Sunfire Salamander Names
Sunfire Salamander names are usually reflective of
their radiant nature and connection to the sun. Here are
some examples:
Male Names. Ignis, Solon, Helios, Phaeton, Ember,
Pyrrhus, Luminos, Brimstone, Aurelius, Solaris,
Incendio, Flare, Ignatius, Blazefang, Daystar, Solarion,
Female Names. Pyra, Aeliana, Solaria, Lumina,
Embera, Aurora, Radiant, Seara, Flarella, Helia, Blazia,
Blazea, Daya, Lumara, Solaris.
Sunfire Salamander Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Age. Sunfire Salamanders have lifespans similar to
humans, but some believe they have ties to the timeless
nature of the sun, allowing them to live beyond ordinary
mortal years.
Size. Sunfire Salamanders are generally the same
size as regular salamanders. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Sunfire Radiance. You emit a warm, comforting light
within a 10-foot radius. This light provides bright light
and an additional 10 feet of dim light beyond that. This
radiance doesn’t impose disadvantage on your Stealth
checks, and you can suppress or activate it at will.
Fire Affinity. You have resistance to fire damage and
are naturally adept at fire magic. You know the produce
flame cantrip and can cast it using Charisma as your
spellcasting ability.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Fire Kinship. You have proficiency in the Nature skill
and advantage on saving throws against effects that
would impose the poisoned condition.
Heat Sense. You can detect sources of heat within 30
feet of you even if they are invisible, obscured, or
Flame Trail. Once per long rest, you can leave a trail
of harmless fire in your wake as you move. This trail

Zephyr Speed. Your flying speed increases by 10 feet,
Sylph for a total of 40 feet when you use your Flight Instinct
orn of ancient elemental forces and intimately ability.

connected to the winds and skies, the Sylphs Tempest Sylph
are a race of ethereal beings known for their Your Wisdom score increases by
graceful forms and mastery of air and Ability Score Increase.
weather manipulation. Sylphs embody the Stormborn. You have resistance to lightning damage.
freedom of the open sky, and they revel in the Storm Manipulation. You can cast the “Gust of Wind”
exhilaration of flight and the gentle touch of a spell once per long rest, using your Wisdom as your
breeze. They come in various forms, with appearances spellcasting ability. When you reach 5th level, you can
that reflect their affinity for the elements, and they share also cast the “Control Winds” spell once per long rest,
a common bond with the boundless sky and the using the same ability.
mysteries of the upper world.
As a Sylph adventurer, you are a member of this
elemental race, embracing your connection to the air
and seeking to harness its power for both peaceful and
adventurous purposes. Whether you soar through the
heavens as a guardian of the skies or explore the world
below, your journey is guided by the winds that carry
Sylph Names
Sylph names are often light and airy, reflecting their
connection to the elements.
Male Names. Zephyr, Aerion, Galeon, Sirocco,
Breeze, Nimbus, Zephyrus, Aurora, Eolus, Tempest,
Cirrus, Skylan.
Female Names. Zephyra, Aura, Seraphine, Elyria,
Zephyrella, Zephyrine, Sylvara, Zephyria, Gossamer,
Galea, Solara, Breezelyn.
Sylph Traits
Age. Sylphs have varying lifespans, but they tend to live
longer than humans, often reaching well into their
second century.
Size. Sylphs are generally tall and slender, with a
height range of 5 to 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Primordial.
Air Affinity. You have an innate connection to the
element of air. You can cast the “Mage Hand” cantrip as
an innate ability, manipulating it with air currents and
finesse. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is
Windswept Grace. You have proficiency in the
Acrobatics skill.
Flight Instinct. When you reach 5th level, you can use
your elemental affinity to manifest wings of air. You gain
a flying speed of 30 feet. You can’t use this ability while
wearing heavy armor or if you are encumbered.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Zephyr Sylph
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2.

avage and barbaric troglodytes live their lives

fighting wars in the Underdark.
Troglodytes Names
As savage as they are, troglodytes don’t
usually have names, but as an adventurer, you
may have adopted a name or been given a
Male Names: Alberik, Alrik, Basilius, Erland, Gunnar,
Isak, Ragnor, Rurik, and Tor.
Female Names: Agaton, Annalina, Blenda, Eleonora,
Gala, Lena, Malin, Ragnara, and Vedis
Family Names: Coebelliantus, Hjalmar, Kolbjorn,
Perchnosius, Torborn, Valborg, Valentin, Xaljorn
Troglodytes Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 2
and your Constitution by 1.
Age Like humans, troglodytes mature at around the
age of 20 and live up to about 80 years.
Size. Troglodytes are typically 6 feet tall and weigh
around 200 pounds, slightly larger and heavier than
humans. Troglodyte men are usually taller and heavier
than women, but not always. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Troglodyte fluently and Common with few
Chameleon Skin. You have advantage in Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide.
Claws. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes
which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.
Darkvision. Your race has endured countless years in
the Underdark, so you are well adapted. You can see in
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Like most troglodytes, light can
deal substantial damage to you. However, you are more
accustomed than most. You are vulnerable to radiant
Stench. During battle, your wild instincts cause you to
release a poisonous stench. Any creature that is not a
troglodyte within 5 feet of you must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your
Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. If they
fail, they are poisoned until the start of their next turn.
On a successful saving throw, the creature becomes
immune to the stench of a troglodyte for 1 hour.

constant movement across the arid lands.
Thri-Kreen Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
he Thri-Kreen are an insectoid race, born by 1.

Swift Runner. Your base walking speed increases to
of the arid deserts and plains. They possess 50 feet.
a unique and intriguing nature, reflecting
the primal aspects of the world. Thri-Kreen
are known for their speed, agility, and the
hive-like society from which they originate.
These insect-like humanoids have an
affinity for survival and a deep connection to their arid
Thri-Kreen Names
Thri-Kreen names are often composed of clicks, chirps,
and other insectoid sounds, making them challenging
for other races to pronounce. They may also adopt
simpler names for the convenience of other beings.
Thri-Kreen Names. Chikchak, Xitl, Kr’tch, Zrik,
Shikx, Ch’tik, Skraa, Klikrak, Vrix, Zziz.
Thri-Kreen Traits
Age. Thri-Kreen have a relatively short lifespan,
reaching maturity at around five years and living for
about thirty years.
Size. Thri-Kreen are tall and wiry, standing between 6
and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet, reflecting
your incredible agility and speed.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Thri-Kreen. Thri-Kreen is a
language composed of clicks, chirps, and other
insectoid sounds.
Natural Weapons. Your powerful mandibles serve as
natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed
strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage
equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Chameleon Carapace. Your exoskeleton allows you to
blend into your surroundings. You have proficiency in
Thri-Kreen Agility. You have proficiency in Dexterity
saving throws.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Chitin-Plated Thri-Kreen
The Chitin-Plated Thri-Kreen have exceptionally tough
exoskeletons, making them formidable defenders in
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1.
Chitin Armor. Your natural armor is especially tough.
When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your
Dexterity modifier.
Desert Nomad Thri-Kreen
Desert Nomad Thri-Kreen are known for their
exceptional speed and endurance, honed by a life of

anaras are a lively and agile race,

resembling humanoid monkeys. Their
origins trace back to the lush jungles and
rugged mountains, where they have thrived
for generations. While they bear a divine
connection, it’s their mischievous and
prankster tendencies that define them, often
leading them to playful antics rather than devotion.
Vanaras are known for their strong-willed opposition to
the heavy-handed influence of gods and the foolishness
of other mortals.
Vanara Names
Vanara names are melodic and often inspired by natural
sounds and elements.
Male Names: Kavi, Miko, Rajan, Surya, Tarun, Vayu,
Female Names: Anika, Kamala, Lila, Maya, Shanti,
Tara, Uma.
Vanara Traits
Vanaras share common traits but may develop unique
abilities based on their subrace.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Size. Vanaras stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and
have slender, agile bodies. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak Common
and Sylvan.
Natural Climber. You have a climbing speed equal to
your walking speed.
Prankster’s Trick. You have a mischievous nature,
granting you proficiency in the Sleight of Hand skill.
Divine Ancestry. Your divine heritage grants you
resistance to radiant damage.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.

Jungle Vanara
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Jungle Dweller. You are adept at navigating dense
foliage and jungles. You have advantage on Stealth
checks in forested environments.
Mountain Vanara
Ability Score Increase.Your Strength score increases
by 1.
Rocky Resilience. Living in rugged mountain terrain
has toughened your body. You have resistance to
bludgeoning damage.

feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
Voidborn long rest.
orn from the depths of the cosmos and Suggested Characteristics

steeped in darkness, the Voidborn are a Voidborn possess an otherworldly aura and unique
mysterious and enigmatic race with an perspective on the world around them. The following
otherworldly presence. They embody the tables provide examples of personality traits, ideals,
essence of the void and are deeply connected bonds, and flaws that Voidborn might possess. Feel free
to the forces of chaos and entropy. Voidborn to customize and expand upon these suggestions to
individuals possess an innate ability to tap create a unique character.
into the eldritch powers that flow through the planes,
giving them a unique perspective on reality.
Voidborn come in various forms, reflecting the d8 Personality Trait

vastness and unpredictability of the void. Some appear 1 I am constantly in awe of the vastness and beauty of the

as humanoid figures with shimmering, starlit skin, while cosmos.

others possess ethereal, amorphous bodies that defy 2 I speak in cryptic riddles and enjoy leaving others intrigued

conventional shapes. Their eyes often shimmer with or confused.

cosmic energy, lending an otherworldly glow to their 3 I am driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the

features. mysteries of the universe.

As an adventurer, you are a member of this ancient 4 I have a detached and otherworldly demeanor, finding it

and arcane race. You navigate the delicate balance difficult to relate to mortal concerns.

between the destructive forces of the void and the 5 I possess a deep and profound understanding of the cosmic

potential for enlightenment and growth. Whether you forces that shape existence.

seek to harness your powers for good or succumb to the 6 I find comfort in solitude, contemplating the mysteries of

dark allure of chaos, your journey is bound to be filled the void.

with cosmic wonders and unimaginable dangers. 7 I am prone to unpredictable mood swings, influenced by the
chaotic nature of the void.
Voidborn Names 8 I feel a sense of responsibility to protect the balance
between order and chaos.
Voidborn names are melodic and resonant, often
reflecting celestial or cosmic themes. Here are a few d6 Ideal
examples: 1 Cosmic Harmony. I strive to maintain balance in the cosmos.
Male Names. Astralyn, Celethor, Erevan, Galactos, (Neutral)
Luminor, Nyxus, Orion, Solstice, Stellarn, Vesperon, 2 Exploration. I seek to uncover the secrets hidden among the
Zenithar. stars. (Chaotic)
Female Names. Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Elysia, Lyra, 3 Enlightenment. I aim to achieve a higher understanding of
Nebula, Nova, Selene, Seraphis, Starlyn, Twilight, the universe. (Good)
Zephyra. 4 Chaos Unleashed. I revel in the untamed chaos of the void.
Voidborn Traits 5 Destiny’s Thread. I believe in the interconnectedness of all
Age. Voidborn have a lifespan similar to that of humans. things. (Lawful)
However, some individuals have been known to extend 6 Redemption. I seek to redeem myself and prove that even
their lives through the manipulation of cosmic energies, darkness can find light. (Any)
never really aging.
Size. Voidborn range in height and build, but most
d6 Bond

stand between 5 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium. 1 I am drawn to individuals or locations with a strong celestial

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

or cosmic presence.

Languages. You can read, write, speak, and

2 I seek to protect the innocent from the malevolent forces of

understand Common and Celestial. the void.

Darkvision. Your connection to the void grants you

3 I carry the burden of a prophecy or vision that guides my

the ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light. You actions.

have darkvision with a range of 60 feet. 4 I am bound to a particular celestial entity or cosmic force.

Cosmic Resilience. You have resistance to force

5 I am driven to uncover the truth behind a cosmic mystery.

damage. 6 I am dedicated to preserving the balance between order and

Void Step. As a bonus action, you can magically shift

chaos in the universe.

through the fabric of reality, phasing partially into the

void. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking
speed until the end of your turn. Once you use this

d6 Flaw
1 I am easily distracted by the beauty and wonders of the
2 I struggle with mortal concepts of time, often losing track of
hours or days.
3 I have difficulty empathizing with the mortal concerns and
struggles of others.
4 I find it challenging to make decisions, constantly
considering the far-reaching consequences.
5 I am prone to unpredictable bursts of cosmic energy,
causing chaos and disruption.
6 I am haunted by glimpses of the terrible void and its
enigmatic inhabitants.

housands of years ago, in a land of mists

and dark forests, the noble families of a
long-forgotten kingdom sought a way to
increase their life span beyond the short
years entitled to them by their human
heritage. One evening, their elders were
approached by a mysterious being known
only as “the Red Witch”-a scarlet flgure who claimed to
hold the key to their dreams. She offered them a
powerful and dark blood ritual that would grant them
the vitality of an immortal vampire without cursing them
with undeath. These human nobles became the first
living vampires-blessed with great power gained-the
price of their own vitality. Centuries later, the creatures
became known by the name of the noble family that first
forged the pact; the Vrylokas.
By carefully hiding their true nature under lies and
omissions, the vrylokas quickly rose to power, becoming
the rulers of their realms. Soon though, others learned
of the dark blood ritual that was the source of their
power. An uprising soon followed, and their former
kingdom was cast down and lost forever. However, the
living vampires thrived, even now, walking high above “It was the shadow that concealed usduring our flight from
the world. the bright lands. It was the shadow that enfolded us,
sheltered us from the gods’ wrath. And it is to shadow I
Vryloka Names pledge my loyalty without question.”

Vryloka last names include Vryloka and human family — Kreston, vryloka paladin
names. First names include human names, and the
names below.
Male: Dolus, Malum, Mortem, Tenebris, Thanaki Vampiric Ancestry. You are resistant to necrotic
Female: Inanis, Moira, Niebla, Umbra
damage. Aditionally you can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
Vryloka Traits it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.
Age. You mature like an human, at around 20 years of
age. At about 20 years of age, you stop aging, and Human Ancestry. You have advantage on Charisma
cannot die of age thanks to the blood ritual. (Deception) checks to pass as human.
Size. Shade range from 5.5 feet to 6.5 feet, and weigh Living Dead. Because your soul is tainted by undeath,
from 110 to 200 pounds. Your size is Medium. you are both living and undead. If an ability or spell has
different effects on living creatures and undead
Abillity Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases creatures, you choose which effect applies to you.
by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Lifeblood. When you kill any enemy who has a
Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet. challenge level of at least 1, you gain temporary hit
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
points equal to one-half your level plus your Charisma
and one extra language of your choice. Vrylokas who
seek to leverage their arcane ancestry learn Draconic,
while the more martially inclined often learn the
language of an hostile race or group.

Wrath: The target has advantage on melee attack
Wispborn rolls.
ispborn are ethereal beings, born from the Ethereal Projection. As an action, you can create an

convergence of magic and pure emotion. ethereal projection of yourself that can move
They embody the essence of emotions, and independently within 60 feet of you. This projection
their presence can influence the moods of can’t interact with objects or creatures, and it doesn’t
those around them. With the ability to have physical senses. It can be used to scout or deliver
project emotions onto others and create messages. You can use this feature once, and you regain
ethereal projections of themselves, they are the use of this feature after finishing a long rest. The
a unique and enigmatic race in the world of D&D. projection lasts for up to 1 hour or until you dismiss it.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces:
Wispborn Names
Wispborn names often reflect the emotions they Radiant Wispborn
embody and the ethereal nature of their existence. Radiant Wispborn are beings of pure light and joy,
Given Names. Seraphiel, Aeliana, Thalorin, Lysandra, radiating positivity and warmth.
Zephyrus, Elysia, Caladrius, Ombra, Meliora, Umbriel, Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
Astraia, Solarius. by 1.
Emotion-Inspired Names. Joydancer, Sorrowweaver, Radiant Aura. You emit a calming aura. You have
Fearshaper, Lovelighter, Anguishbearer, Hopebringer, advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when
Serenityweaver, Wrathstoker, Gloomhaunter, attempting to calm or reassure others.
Ecstasywanderer. Umbral Wispborn
Wispborn Traits
Umbral Wispborn are creatures of darkness and
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases mystery, capable of sowing fear and doubt.
by 2. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Age. Wispborn have longer lifespans than humans, increases by 1.
often reaching several centuries. They reach maturity at Shadow Cloak. You can cast the Minor Illusion
around 50 years old. cantrip at will without expending a spell slot.
Size. Wispborn vary in height and build, but they are
generally slender and graceful. Your size is Medium. Tranquil Wispborn
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Tranquil Wispborn are masters of serenity and peace,
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and able to soothe even the most troubled minds.
understand Common and Celestial. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
Ethereal Nature. Your existence is tied to the ethereal by 1.
plane. You can cast the Minor Illusion cantrip at will, Soothing Presence. You have proficiency in the
using Charisma as your spellcasting ability. Insight skill.
Mood Manipulation. You have the innate ability to
project emotions onto others. As an action, you can
choose one creature within 30 feet of you. That creature
must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal
to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
On a failed save, the target experiences the emotion you
project for 1 minute. You can use this ability once, and
you regain the use of this feature after finishing a short
or long rest. The available emotions are:
Joy: The target has advantage on saving throws
against being frightened.
Sorrow: The target has disadvantage on attack rolls.
Fear: The target’s speed is halved.
Love: The target has advantage on Charisma
(Persuasion) checks.
Anguish: The target has disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks.
Hope: The target has advantage on Wisdom saving
Serenity: The target can’t take reactions.

your Dexterity modifier.
Wilden Willowbloom Wilden
escended from the untamed forces of nature,

the Wilden are a race deeply connected to the Willowbloom Wilden are graceful and agile, often seen
primal essence of the world. They embody the dancing through the forest like the willow trees that
raw power of the wilderness, existing as living inspire their name.
manifestations of the natural world’s beauty Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
and chaos. As a Wilden, you are a creature of increases by 2.
duality, simultaneously reflecting the serene Willow’s Grace. You have proficiency in the
harmony and untamed chaos of nature. You are a Acrobatics skill.
guardian, a wanderer, and a protector, driven by a Fey Step. Once per short or long rest, you can use the
profound connection to the lands you call home. Misty Step spell as a bonus action. This allows you to
teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can
Wilden Names see.
Wilden names are often inspired by the sounds of Stormward Wilden
nature and the elements, reflecting their deep Stormward Wilden are attuned to the chaotic power of
connection to the natural world. the storms, often found on high cliffs and mountain
Male Names. Bramble, Thorne, Stonebark, Ashen,
Gale, Rill, Mossfoot, Stormwing, Willow, Skydancer. peaks.
Female Names. Fern, Petal, Riverbreeze, Willowisp, Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
Rainshadow, Sunleaf, Mistral, Thistledown, by 2.
Meadowlark, Swiftwater. Storm’s Fury. You have resistance to lightning
Wilden Traits Windstrider. You can cast the Feather Fall spell
Wilden are ageless, tied to the lifecycles of the without expending a spell slot. Once you use this
forests they inhabit. They don’t experience aging in the feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
traditional sense, but their physical forms can change long rest.
with the seasons, reflecting the health of their
Size. Wilden have a slender and willowy build,
standing around 6 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Sylvan.
Primal Connection. Your connection to the natural
world grants you proficiency in the Survival skill.
Wild Shape. As an action, you can meld with the
natural surroundings, adopting the appearance of a
plant or tree. This grants you advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide in natural terrain. You
can maintain this form for up to 1 hour, or until you take
an action to revert to your true form.
Natural Resilience. You have resistance to poison
damage and advantage on saving throws against being
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces.
Oakheart Wilden
Oakheart Wilden are sturdy and resilient, with bark-like
skin and a strong connection to the mighty oak trees of
the forest.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2.
Oak’s Endurance. You have resistance to bludgeoning
Barkskin. Your skin is as tough as oak bark. While
not wearing armor, your Armor Class is equal to 13 +
Wraithkin embody the mysteries and somber nature of
Wraithkin the ethereal plane. The following tables provide
orn from the shadows and tainted by the examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws

essence of darkness, the Wraithkin are an that Wraithkin might possess. Feel free to customize
enigmatic and haunting race. They are beings and expand upon these suggestions to create a unique
caught between life and death, forever bound character.
to the ethereal plane. Wraithkin possess an d8 Personality Trait
ethereal and spectral appearance, with wisps 1 I am calm and composed, often exuding an aura of serenity.
of shadow and an otherworldly presence. 2 I have a morbid sense of humor that others find unsettling.
They are often associated with death, ghosts, and the 3 I am constantly drawn to places touched by death or
macabre. tragedy.
Wraithkin possess a deep understanding of the 4 I am an observer, always watching and learning from others.
ethereal and possess a range of abilities tied to their 5 I speak in hushed tones, my voice carrying an ethereal
spectral nature. Some Wraithkin maintain a semblance quality.
of their former selves, while others have completely 6 I am haunted by whispers and echoes of the past.
embraced their otherworldly existence. Though they are 7 I am curious about the nature of life and death and seek
often misunderstood and feared by others, Wraithkin answers.
have their own motivations and may be driven by a 8 I have a melancholic demeanor, often lost in thought.
variety of desires.
d6 Ideal
Wraithkin Names 1 Balance. I seek to find harmony between life and death.
Wraithkin names are often ethereal and evocative, (Neutral)
reflecting their spectral nature. Here are a few 2 Vengeance. I am driven to avenge my own death or the
examples: deaths of others. (Chaotic)
Male Names. Ebon, Grimshaw, Morrowind, Noctis, 3 Guardian. I strive to protect the living from the dangers of
Obsidian, Phantus, Shadowblade, Specter, Umbra, the ethereal plane. (Good)
Vesper, Whisper. 4 Curiosity. I am constantly seeking knowledge about the
Female Names. Astraea, Celestia, Ebony, Lilith, Luna, nature of the afterlife. (Neutral)
Melantha, Mirage, Nyx, Seraphina, Shadow, Sylvara, 5 Dominion. I aim to establish my influence and power over
Twilight, Vespera. the ethereal realm. (Evil)
6 Restoration. I seek to restore lost souls to their rightful place.
Wraithkin Traits (Any)

Age. Wraithkin have no set lifespan and are not subject d6 Bond
to the ravages of time. They do not age, but they can be 1 I am connected to a specific location or object tied to my
destroyed by physical or magical means. past life.
Size. Wraithkin vary in height, ranging from 5 to 7 2 I am bound to the spirit of a loved one who has not found
feet tall. Your size is Medium. peace.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. 3 I am sworn to protect a specific individual from
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and supernatural harm.
understand Common and Abyssal. 4 I am determined to uncover the truth behind my own death.
Ethereal Sight. You can see in dim light within 60 feet 5 I am part of a collective of Wraithkin, working towards a
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it common goal.
were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only 6 I am driven to release trapped souls and help them find
shades of gray. rest.
Ethereal Form. As an action, you can temporarily
shift into a partially ethereal state, granting you d6 Flaw
resistance to nonmagical damage until the start of your 1 I am consumed by an insatiable curiosity about the living.
next turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it 2 I struggle to empathize with the emotions and needs of the
again until you finish a short or long rest. living.
Shadowstep. You have the ability to teleport through 3 I have a tendency to withdraw from social interactions.
shadows. Once per short or long rest, as a bonus action, 4 I am constantly haunted by visions or memories of my own
you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an death.
unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or 5 I am distrustful of magic that manipulates the ethereal
darkness. plane.
6 I have an intense fear of returning to the ethereal plane
Suggested Characteristics permanently.

The ghastly sight of a wraithkin.

eph are a race of psionic beings that

dwell deep in canyons who are thought
to have been created by planar forces.
they are slender humanoids with brown
skin, pointed ears, and eyes that are
typically brown, black, or even green.
Xeph typically keep their hair short or tie
it into a single topknot.
Xeph Names
Xeph speak a strange dialect of Primordial that shares
some cognates and similair pronounciations to
Common, Dwarvish, and even Draconic. As a result,
Xeph names usually contain extended vowel sounds and
often the letter A.
Male Names: Apus, Auriga, Eos, Leonad Octans,
Pollux, Sarpaan, Voleantis
Female Names: Aastris, Antliae, Diphda, Lyncis,
Sagitta, Thebe, Vela
Clan Names: Aldros, Corlis, Hemadon, Kendor, Raja,
Nelvar, Parylith, Sabaoth, Usiu
Xeph Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by two
and your Intelligence by 1.
Age Like humans, xeph mature at around the age of
20, and live up to around 80 years.
Size. Xeph typically stand just under 6 feet tall and
weigh around 180 pounds, with men usually taller and
heavier than women, but not always. Your size is
Speed. Your phsychic well of energy allows you to run
faster than most. Your base walking speed is 50 feet. If
you are wearing heavy armor, your speed is reduced to
35. If you are wearing medium armor, it is reduced to
40 instead.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Primordial.
False Vision. Accustomed to sunless valleys, you do
not rely on vision to “see”. You can sense anything
within 60 feet of you as if you could see it through bright
light, regardless of the lighting conditions. You are also
immune to being blinded. However, you have never
seen color and are basically color-blind.

were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Yuan-ti You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Yuan-ti Magic. You know the poison spray cantrip. At
uan-ti are a race of serpentfolk, bearing both

human and snake-like features. They are 3rd level, you can cast animal friendship once per long
known for their cunning intellect, mastery of rest. At 5th level, you can also cast suggestion once per
manipulation, and affinity for dark magic. As a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Yuan-ti, you embody the duality of human and spells.
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces.
serpent, navigating the delicate balance
between civilization and primal instincts. Pureblood
Yuan-ti society is structured, with different castes Your Dexterity score increases
fulfilling various roles within their hierarchy. From Ability Score Increase.
by 1.
purebloods, who closely resemble humans, to the more Serpentine Resistance. You have resistance to poison
serpentine abominations and the rare and powerful damage and advantage on saving throws against poison.
malisons, Yuan-ti exhibit a wide range of physical Serpent’s Tongue. You have proficiency in the
characteristics and abilities. They are often associated Deception and Persuasion skills.
with ancient temples, forbidden rituals, and secret plots
to gain power and dominance. Abomination
As an adventurer, you may embrace your Yuan-ti
heritage or strive to break free from the machinations of Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
your race. Your journey will be fraught with moral by 1.
quandaries, as you face the prejudices and suspicions of Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. While not
other races while wrestling with the darkness within wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
you. Coils of the Constrictor. When you make a successful

Yuan-ti Names
unarmed strike, you can attempt to grapple the target as
a bonus action.
Yuan-ti names are melodic and often carry hints of their Malison
serpentine nature. Here are a few examples:
Pureblood Names. Sssaliss, Vipra, Ssseraph, Pythia, Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Zalissah, Vassan, Mariss, Vyra, Xalara, Zyrra, Syliss, 1.
Zehvra. Innate Spellcasting. You know the poison spray
Abomination Names. Malgazar, Vexiss, Xalneth, cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast detect magic once per
Sythrix, Zarakis, Visskar, Xyphos, Yssandra, Zhaelis, long rest. At 5th level, you can also cast charm person
Xeraxis, Vhissar. once per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
Malison Names. Voraxia, Ssarkul, Xalareth, Vyssara, for these spells.
Zulraza, Maelissthra, Vythraax, Zyssaran, Vhysskara, Menacing Gaze. You have proficiency in the
Zhaeriss, Xaraxis. Intimidation skill.
Yuan-ti Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores depend on
your Yuan-ti subtype:
Pureblood: Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Abomination: Your Constitution score increases by
Malison: Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Age. Yuan-ti mature at a similar rate to humans but

have extended lifespans. They can live up to 100 years
or more.
Size. Yuan-ti have a similar range of heights and
builds as humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Abyssal or Draconic,
depending on your Yuan-ti subtype.
Darkvision. Accustomed to dimly lit environments,
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
A group of yuan-ti.

anky humanoids with unparalleled control

over their own body structure, the Zerns are
driven by an insatiable curiosity about flesh
and biology. They possess the unique ability
to modify the bodies of lesser beings,
viewing themselves as the only truly
sentient race. This belief has led to a sense
of superiority and a disregard for the well-being of other
species, whom they see as mere tools for their
Zern Names
Zern names are often short, guttural, and reflect their
scientific mindset.
Male Names. Zorak, Xylok, Krynn, Vexar, Drax,
Zolkin, Grizzak, Vorkan.
Female Names. Xyla, Vixa, Zelka, Mira, Synthra,
Zyrna, Rylis, Vyxia.
Zern Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2, reflecting your innate scientific curiosity
and intelligence.
Size. Zerns are tall and slender, typically standing
between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can read, write, speak, and
understand Common and Undercommon.
Healing Factor. Zerns have a natural regeneration
ability. You regain hit points at the start of your turn if
you have at least 1 hit point and you are not
incapacitated. The amount of hit points regained is
equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier.
Mad Scientist. Zerns have an innate fascination with
biology and experimentation. You have proficiency in
the Medicine skill.
Biological Experimentation. You can spend time
experimenting on the bodies of other creatures to create
new life forms. Given the right resources and time, you
can create unique creatures with specific abilities.
These creations can be used as mounts, companions, or
guardians, but the process is risky, and most
experiments fail. Consult with your Dungeon Master to
determine the specifics of your creations.


Whether driven by curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, or
Alchemist the desire to heal, the Alchemist is a versatile and
n a world where science and magic intertwine, indispensable force on the battlefield and beyond.

the Alchemist emerges as a master of Through their studies, they unlock the power to heal
concoctions, elixirs, and mysterious substances. wounds, inflict devastating poisons, and manipulate the
Armed with an array of vials, reagents, and very fabric of reality with their elixirs.
alchemical tools, the Alchemist harnesses the As the Alchemist progresses, they specialize in
power of chemistry and natural elements to different paths, known as “Alchemical Paths,” which
create potent concoctions and elixirs. These define their unique focus and abilities. Some Alchemists
skilled artisans excel in mixing volatile substances, become masters of healing and support, tending to the
concocting healing potions, and crafting specialized wounded and curing ailments. Others embrace their
tools for a variety of situations. darker nature, crafting potent poisons and diseases to
They delve into the secrets of alchemy, manipulating unleash upon their enemies. The most skilled
the fundamental elements to create powerful potions Alchemists may even dabble in the secrets of
and volatile mixtures. Their laboratories are sanctuaries immortality or transmutation, seeking to unlock the
of experimentation, where they seek to unravel the ultimate mysteries of alchemy.
mysteries of life, death, and the natural world. In a world where the line between science and magic
blurs, the Alchemist is a symbol of wonder and power—
a tinkerer and scholar who wields the might of creation
and destruction with equal mastery.

The Alchemist
Level Proficiency Features
1st +2 Alchemy, Alchemical Path
2nd +2 Potion Brewer
3rd +2 Alchemical Discovery
4th +2 Ability Score Increase
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Potent Potions
7th +3 Alchemical Discovery
8th +3 Ability Score Increase
9th +4 Greater Potion Brewer
10th +4 Alchemical Path Feature
11th +4 —
12th +4 Ability Score Increase
13th +5 Master Brewer
14th +5 Alchemical Path Feature
15th +5 Elixir of Immortality
16th +5 Ability Score Increase
17th +6 Grand Alchemist
18th +6 Alchemical Path Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Increase
20th +6 Philosopher’s Stone

Class Features
As an Alchemist, you gain the following class features:
Hit Points
Hit Dice:1d8 per Alchemist level
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at 1st Level:
Hit Points at Higher Levels:1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per Alchemist level after 1st
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
Skills:Choose three from Arcana, History,
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Sleight of Hand
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s
supplies and can use them to create various alchemical
substances. During a short rest, you can spend time
concocting potions, elixirs, and other alchemical
creations. At the end of the short rest, you can create a
number of alchemical items equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum of one item). The specific items you
can create are determined by your Alchemical Path. Smoke Bomb: You can craft a smoke bomb that
Alchemical Path
creates a cloud of obscuring smoke in a 20-foot
radius, providing concealment and lightly obscuring
At 1st level, you choose an Alchemical Path, the area.
representing your focus and specialization as an Swiftfoot Elixir: You can brew an elixir that
Alchemist. Choose from the following options: “Plague enhances a creature’s speed, granting an increase to
Doctor,” “Transmuter,” “Elixirist,” or “Toxicologist.” its movement speed for a limited duration.
The path you choose grants you features at 1st level and Essence of Healing: You can create a potent healing
additional features at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th potion that restores additional hit points when
level. consumed.
Caustic Flask: You can concoct a flask of acid that
Potion Brewer can be thrown at enemies, dealing acid damage and
Starting at 2nd level, you learn to brew basic potions potentially corroding their armor.
that can restore health and remove afflictions. During a You gain an additional Alchemical Discovery at 7th,
short rest, you can create a number of healing potions 14th, and 18th level. Some Alchemical Discoveries may
or antitoxins equal to your Intelligence modifier require certain Alchemist levels or Intelligence scores to
(minimum of one potion). These potions can be used by be selected.
you or your allies to regain hit points or gain advantage
on saving throws against poison for a limited duration. Ability Score Increase
The potency of these potions increases as you level up. At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level,
Alchemical Discovery you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or
you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
At 3rd level, you make a significant alchemical As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
breakthrough. Choose one Alchemical Discovery from using this feature.
the list below: Extra Attack
Bottled Lightning: You can create a potion that
grants a creature the ability to cast the Shocking Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
Grasp spell as a bonus action once before the potion once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
loses its potency.

Potent Potions
At 6th level, the potions and elixirs you create become
more potent. When you roll to determine the number of
hit points restored by a healing potion, you can use your
Intelligence modifier instead of the default amount.
Additionally, the effects of your antitoxins last twice as
long when used by you or your allies.
Greater Potion Brewer
At 9th level, your mastery of potion brewing allows you
to craft more advanced concoctions. During a short rest,
you can create potions of greater power, such as potions
that provide temporary hit points, grant resistance to
certain damage types, or enhance a creature’s abilities.
Master Brewer
At 13th level, you become an expert alchemist. Your
potions and elixirs have an increased chance of critical
success, granting additional benefits when consumed or
Elixir of Immortality
At 15th level, you unlock the secrets of creating the
Elixir of Immortality—a legendary alchemical
concoction. When you complete a long rest, you can
create a single Elixir of Immortality.
Drinking this elixir grants temporary immunity to all
forms of damage for a limited duration, essentially Alchemical Paths
making the creature immortal for the duration of the
elixir’s effects. Plague Doctor
Grand Alchemist The Plague Doctor is a master of diseases and poisons,
At 17th level, your alchemical prowess reaches its using their knowledge to inflict suffering or cure the
zenith. Your Alchemical Discoveries are more potent, afflicted. They wear distinctive masks and robes, a stark
and you gain a significant advantage in crafting and reminder of the danger they pose and the hope they
identifying potions and elixirs. Additionally, you can use offer.
your action to throw an alchemical bomb at a point Plague Infusion
within range, dealing area-of-effect damage to creatures At 1st level, you gain proficiency with the poisoner’s kit.
in the explosion’s radius. You can use your Alchemist’s supplies to craft deadly
Philosopher’s Stone poisons that can be applied to weapons or unleashed in
At 20th level, you attain the pinnacle of alchemical various ways. Additionally, when you deal damage to a
understanding. You create the legendary Philosopher’s creature, you can choose to inflict additional poison
Stone—a fabled artifact with immense power. The stone damage.
grants you unparalleled control over the elements, Healing Hands
granting you near-limitless spellcasting abilities related Starting at 3rd level, your proficiency with diseases
to alchemy. Additionally, you gain a heightened grants you the ability to heal the sick and cure ailments.
connection to the essence of life and death, allowing you As an action, you can touch a creature and expend one
to restore life to the fallen or strike down your foes with of your hit dice to restore hit points equal to the roll plus
deadly precision. your Intelligence modifier. Additionally, you can cure a
creature’s disease or neutralize a poison affecting them.

Plague Bomb Scorched Earth: Create a 20-foot radius of fire that
deals fire damage to creatures within the area and
At 6th level, you learn to create a Plague Bomb—a sets flammable objects ablaze.
volatile mixture of deadly toxins. As an action, you can Frozen Ground: Create a 20-foot radius of ice that
throw the Plague Bomb at a point within 30 feet. When causes the area to become difficult terrain, and
the bomb explodes, creatures in a 15-foot radius must creatures in the area have their movement speed
make a Dexterity saving throw against your Alchemist reduced.
spell save DC, taking poison damage on a failed save or Cyclone: Create a 20-foot radius of swirling winds
half as much damage on a successful one. that disperse gas, fog, and similar effects in the area
Virulent Poisons and impose disadvantage on ranged attacks.
At 10th level, your poisons become even deadlier. The chosen effect lasts for 1 minute and requires
Creatures damaged by your poisons have disadvantage concentration.
on saving throws against the poison’s effects. Master Transmuter
Additionally, the damage inflicted by your poisons
increases. At 10th level, your understanding of elemental
transmutation deepens. When you use your Elemental
Plague Aura Transmutation feature, the chosen effect’s area
At 14th level, you exude an aura of disease and decay. increases to 30 feet in radius, and its duration extends
When a creature starts its turn within 10 feet of you, you to 1 hour.
can use your reaction to force them to make a Philosopher’s Stone
Constitution saving throw against your Alchemist spell Transmutation
save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes poison
damage and becomes poisoned for 1 minute. At 14th level, you gain access to a unique set of
transmutations, inspired by the power of the
Transmuter Philosopher’s Stone. These transmutations allow you to
The Transmuter is a master of elemental manipulation, perform incredible feats of alchemy and reality
capable of transmuting matter and altering reality manipulation, such as:
through alchemy. They harness the raw power of the Elixir of Invincibility: Create an Elixir that grants
elements to control the battlefield and reshape the temporary invincibility to a creature, making them
world around them. immune to all damage for a short duration.
Elemental Attunement Stone of Petrification: Create a petrifying stone that
can turn enemies to stone upon touch.
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill and Prima Materia: Convert any non-magical object into
the ability to attune to the elements. During a short rest, raw material that can be shaped and reformed into a
you can attune to one of the following elements: Fire, new object or substance.
Water, Air, or Earth. When you complete the short rest,
you can choose an Alchemical Discovery related to the Elixirist
attuned element. The Elixirist focuses on the creation of elixirs that
Elemental Bolts enhance their physical and mental capabilities, granting
Starting at 3rd level, you can transmute your alchemical them incredible powers beyond their natural limits.
concoctions into Elemental Bolts—projectiles infused Elixir Brewing
with elemental energy. You can use your Alchemist’s At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill
supplies to create a number of Elemental Bolts equal to and the ability to brew elixirs that enhance your
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one bolt). These abilities. During a short rest, you can create a number of
bolts can be used with a ranged weapon to deal elixirs equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of
additional elemental damage on a successful hit. one elixir). You can consume these elixirs yourself or
Elemental Transmutation distribute them to your allies.
At 6th level, you gain the ability to transmute the Elixir Enhancements
elements around you, altering the battlefield and Starting at 3rd level, you can enhance your elixirs with
manipulating reality. As an action, you can choose one additional effects. When you consume an elixir or give
of the following effects to apply to an area within 30 one to an ally, you can choose one of the following
feet: enhancements:

Elixir of Resilience: Grants temporary hit points to takes poison damage and potentially suffers from the
the creature. effects of the poison.
Elixir of Swiftness: Increases the creature’s
movement speed. Toxic Aura
Elixir of Clarity: Grants advantage on Intelligence, At 10th level, your poisons become even deadlier.
Wisdom, or Charisma saving throws. Creatures damaged by your poisons have disadvantage
on saving throws against the poison’s effects.
Master Elixirist Additionally, the damage inflicted by your poisons
At 6th level, your mastery of elixir brewing reaches new increases.
heights. When you consume an elixir or give one to an Venomous Transformation
ally, you can apply two enhancements instead of one.
At 14th level, you gain the ability to transform into a
Eternal Elixirs toxic entity. As an action, you can assume a venomous
At 10th level, the elixirs you create have a lasting effect, form for a limited duration. While in this form, your
providing benefits that extend beyond their usual melee attacks and Poisonous Strike feature deal
duration. When you consume an elixir or give one to an additional poison damage, and you gain resistance to
ally, the effects last twice as long as normal. poison damage and immunity to poison conditions.
Elixir of Perfection
At 14th level, you create the Elixir of Perfection—a
transcendent elixir that bestows extraordinary abilities
upon the creature that consumes it. Drinking the Elixir
of Perfection grants the creature a temporary increase
to all ability scores, proficiency in all saving throws, and
immunity to all conditions and diseases for a limited
The Toxicologist revels in the creation and application
of deadly toxins and venoms. They are experts in
poisoning weapons, laying traps, and manipulating foes
with their venomous concoctions.
Poison Master
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with poisoner’s kit and
advantage on saving throws against poisons. You can
also create poisons with your Alchemist’s supplies
during a short rest.
Poisonous Strike
Starting at 3rd level, your weapon attacks can deliver a
potent poison. Whenever you hit a creature with a
weapon attack, you can expend one of your poisons to
deal additional poison damage. Additionally, the
creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
against your Alchemist spell save DC or be poisoned for
a limited duration.
Venomous Traps
At 6th level, you learn to create Venomous Traps that
can be placed in the environment to hinder your
enemies. During a short rest, you can create a number
of traps equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of
one trap). These traps can be placed on the ground or
attached to objects. When a creature triggers the trap, it

: Starting at 9th level, you have
Artificer Rapid Reload
mastered the art of reloading firearms quickly. You
can reload a firearm as a bonus action.
Engineer Eagle Eye: At 15th level, you gain sharpshooting
The Engineer is an artificer subclass that embodies the abilities. Your firearm attacks ignore half and three-
ingenuity and resourcefulness of those who tinker with quarters cover, and you have advantage on attack
machinery, create inventions, and master the intricacies rolls against targets at long range.
of technology in the wild west. They combine practical Thunderous Blast: At 18th level, your firearm
knowledge with magical expertise to build and attacks become even more devastating. When you
manipulate contraptions that aid them and their allies in score a critical hit with a firearm attack, the attack
various situations. deals additional thunder damage equal to your
artificer level.
Mechanical Savvy
Starting at 3rd level, your knowledge of mechanics If you choose Gadgeteer, you focus on creating and
allows you to craft and repair mechanical devices more deploying a wide range of gadgets to support your allies
efficiently. You gain proficiency with tinker’s tools if you and hinder your enemies. You gain the following
don’t already have it. Additionally, you can use your benefits:
tinker’s tools to craft ammunition, explosives, and other
small mechanical devices during a short rest, assuming Gadget Crafting: You can create a variety of gadgets
you have the necessary materials and blueprints. to aid you and your allies. During a short rest, you
Enhanced Gadgets can use your tinker’s tools to craft gadgets with
different effects, such as healing, damage, or utility.
At 3rd level, your understanding of machinery enables You have a number of gadget charges equal to your
you to enhance the power of your gadgets. Whenever Intelligence modifier, and you can use these charges
you use your Infuse Item feature to infuse a mundane to activate your gadgets.
item, you can grant it additional benefits based on your Versatile Gadgets: Your gadgets have a range of
Engineer specialization (see below). These benefits can effects, such as:
include increased damage, improved range, or added Healing Pulse: Spend one gadget charge to
utility. activate a healing pulse that restores hit points
Engineer Specialization to all creatures within a 20-foot radius equal
At 3rd level, you choose a specialization that defines to your artificer level + your Intelligence
your area of expertise as an Engineer: Firearmsmith or modifier.
Distracting Smoke: Spend one gadget charge
Gadgeteer. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level to create a cloud of smoke in a 15-foot radius
and again at 9th, 15th, and 18th level. centered on a point within 60 feet of you. The
Firearmsmith smoke heavily obscures the area for 1 minute
If you choose Firearmsmith, you become an expert in or until a wind of moderate or greater speed
crafting and using firearms. You gain the following (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
benefits: Tinker’s Trick: Spend one gadget charge to
gain advantage on your next Dexterity (Sleight
Gunsmithing: You gain proficiency with firearms, of Hand) check, or use it as a reaction to
and you can craft firearms using your tinker’s tools impose disadvantage on a Dexterity saving
during a long rest, assuming you have the necessary throw made against a trap you set.
materials. Crafting a firearm takes half the time and Gadget Mastery: At 9th level, your expertise with
materials it normally would. gadgets increases. The number of gadget charges
Explosive Ammunition: When you create you have increases to twice your Intelligence
ammunition using your Mechanical Savvy feature, modifier.
you can infuse it with an explosive charge. When you Enhanced Gadgets II: At 15th level, when you use
hit a creature with a firearm attack using this your Enhanced Gadgets feature, you can grant
ammunition, the target and all creatures within 5 additional benefits to your infused items. The effects
feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw against become more potent and versatile, allowing your
your artificer spell save DC. On a failed save, they gadgets to adapt to various situations.
take additional fire damage equal to your Master Gadgeteer: At 18th level, you become the
Intelligence modifier. ultimate Gadgeteer. You can create one-use gadgets
without expending charges, and your gadgets’ effects
are even more potent. Additionally, you gain
resistance to damage from traps and explosions.
Mechanical Companion
At 14th level, your expertise in engineering allows you
to construct a mechanical companion. During a long
rest, you can spend time and materials to build a
mechanical creature that will serve as your loyal
companion and assistant.
Choose a creature from the following list: Mechanical
Horse, Clockwork Dog, or Steam-Powered Owl. The
chosen creature has the following characteristics:
Mechanical Horse: The mechanical horse has a
walking speed of 60 feet and can carry you and your
gear without difficulty. It can move across difficult
terrain without penalties, and it is immune to fatigue,
exhaustion, and poison. Additionally, you have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws made to avoid
falling off the horse.
Clockwork Dog: The clockwork dog has a walking
speed of 40 feet and can dash as a bonus action. It
has an acute sense of smell and advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. The
clockwork dog can also perform the Help action as a
bonus action on each of your turns to assist you in
Steam-Powered Owl: The steam-powered owl has a
flying speed of 40 feet and can hover. It has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on sight, and it can use the Help action to assist you
or an ally within 30 feet as a bonus action on each of
your turns.
Your mechanical companion has hit points equal to
half your artificer level plus your Intelligence modifier. If
it is reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend 1 hour and
100 gold pieces worth of materials to repair it, restoring
it to full hit points.
Your mechanical companion acts independently of
you and follows your commands to the best of its
abilities. It can take actions on its own during combat,
but you determine its behavior outside of combat.
Additionally, your mechanical companion is proficient
in Strength and Dexterity saving throws, and it has
advantage on saving throws against being charmed or
frightened. If your mechanical companion is ever
destroyed beyond repair, you can build a new one over a
long rest.

Gunsmith prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and
Your expertise lies in the art of crafting and mastering are not knocked prone.
firearms. Whether you inherited this knowledge from a Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
family of skilled gunsmiths or stumbled upon ancient you finish a short or long rest.
blueprints, you possess a deep understanding of the
inner workings of guns and their destructive potential.
You forge a bond with your creations, imbuing them
with magical enhancements and infusing your bullets
with arcane power.
Firearms Expertise
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with firearms,
including their maintenance, repair, and usage.
Additionally, you can use your Intelligence modifier
instead of Dexterity for attack and damage rolls with
Arcane Bullets
At 3rd level, you learn how to craft arcane-infused
bullets. As part of a short rest, you can create a number
of arcane bullets equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1). These bullets can be used with any
firearm you wield. When you hit a creature with a
firearm attack using one of these bullets, you can
expend the bullet to deal an extra 1d6 force damage.
Gunsmith’s Gadget
Starting at 9th level, you can use your tinkering abilities
to craft small gadgets and devices related to firearms.
As an action, you can create one of the following
Flashbang Grenade: Creates a blinding flash and
loud noise in a 15-foot radius. Creatures in the area
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or be blinded and deafened for 1 minute.
Smoke Bomb: Releases a cloud of thick smoke in a
20-foot radius, providing heavily obscured vision for
1 minute.
Grappling Hook Launcher: Fires a hook attached to
a rope, allowing you to make a ranged attack against
a surface or creature. On a hit, the hook attaches,
and you can use the rope to climb or swing.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You regain
expended uses after a long rest.
Explosive Rounds
At 14th level, your mastery of gunsmithing allows you to
craft devastating explosive rounds for your firearms.
When you hit a creature with a firearm attack, you can
choose to use one of your Arcane Bullets to deal
explosive damage instead of force damage. The target
and all creatures within 10 feet of it must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
failed save, they take 3d6 fire damage and are knocked
Starting at level 14, when a creature within five feet of
Barbarian you attacks you, you can make a meele weapon attack
(which can be combined with a bloodrage) against the
Path of the Bloodrager creature as a reaction.
As a bloodrager, killing brings you great power. You can Bloodrages
bring down foes with brutal strength born from the
blood of fallen enemies. As a barbarian, you can choose All-Out Attack
the bloodrager as a primal path at third level which will Cost: ? Blood Points
grant you various abilities throughout the levels. Minimum Level: 1
Bloodrage When you take the Attack action on your turn, you
Beggining when you choose this path at 3rd level you a may choose to forgo your defenses to put more effort
gain a number of blood points after every long rest equal into your attacks. When you do so, your attacks have
to half your proficiency modifier (rounded up in the case advantage until the end of your turn, but attacks against
of a mixed number). You also gain one blood point after you automatically hit until the start of your next turn and
killing a creature with a CR equal to a fourth of your you automatically fail all Strength and Dexterity saving
level, two points for a creature witha CR equal to half throws until the start of your next turn. The cost of this
your level, etc. You can spend blood points on bloodrage is equal to a quarter of your proficiency
bloodrages, which are described at the end of this modifier (rounded up in the case of a mixed number).
archetype discription. Bloodrages can be called after a Critical Damage
relevant roll. For example, the Savage Atack bloodrage ? Blood Points
can be declared to be in use AFTER a critical hit is Cost:
rolled. Bloodrages require a certain amount of blood Minimum Level:
points, a minimum level, and they require to be learned When you make a succesful attack roll that is not a
in order to be used. Some bloodrages can be amplified, critical hit, you may treat it as a critical hit. The cost of
meaning you can learn them again in order to make this bloodrage is equal to your proficiency modifier.
them more powerful. Doing so allows you to gain the
feature described in the bloodrage plus what is written Forged Success
? Blood Point
in the Amlify. paragraph. The amount of bloodrages you Cost:
can learn per level are shown below. Minimum Level:

Level Bloodrages Known When you make a failed attack roll or saving throw
that is not a critical miss, you may treat it as a hit. The
1-2 3
cost of this bloodrage is equal to half of your proficiency
7 modifier (rounded up in the case of a mixed number).
7-8 9 Lunging Attack
9-10 11
Cost: ? Blood Points
Minimum Level: 1
15-16 14 The cost of this bloodrage is up to you with a
17-20 16 minimum of 2. When you make a melee weapon attack
on your turn, you may increase your reach for that
Blood Thirsty attack by 5 feet. If you hit, you add the blood point cost
Beginning at 6th level, you can attack three times, times two of this bloodrage to the attack’s damage roll.
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on
your turn.
Signature Bloodrage
At 10th level you can choose one bloodrage that has a
minimum level equal to your level plus two (max of 20)
or lower. The blood point cost of the chosen bloodrage
halves and you regenerate a number of hit points equal
to 1d6 + half your proficiency modifier (rounded up in
the case of a mixed number). You can choose a second
signature bloodrage at 15th level and a third at level 20.

Menacing Attack order to take three extra actions which does not
Cost: ? Blood Points automatically succed, but you do have advantage on it.
Minimum Level: 1 Adrenaline Rush
The cost of this bloodrage is up to you with a Cost: 2 Blood Points
minimum of 2. When you hit a creature with a weapon Minimum Level: 3
attack, you may attempt to frighten the target. You add After you roll for initiative you may use this bloodrage
the blood pont cost times two to the attack’s damage to gain the highest initiative.
roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. Amplify. You can learn this bloodrage again starting
On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of at 9th level. If you do,
your next turn.
Parry Charge
? Blood Points Cost: ? Blood Points
Minimum Level: 1 Minimum Level: 3
When another creature damages you with a melee When you take the Rush action, if you move at least
attack, you can use your reaction and to reduce the 30ft in a straight line without going over difficult terrain,
damage by the blood point cost times 1.5 (rounded up in you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus
the case of a mixed number) + your Dexterity or action at the end of your movement.
Strength modifier (your choice). The blood point cost Enhanced Constitution
for this is up to you with a minimum of two blood points. Cost: ? Blood Points
Powerful Blow Minimum Level: 3
Cost: ? Blood Points Your Constitution score increases by the cost of this
Minimum Level: 1 bloodrage, which is up to you (with no minimum), for
On a succesful attack with a two-handed melee 1d4 + 1 rounds. If you are not in a battle, the effects last
weapon you may add bonus damage to your damage roll for 2d4 + 1 minutes.
equal to 1.5 times your Strength modifier. For example, Enhanced Dexterity
if you have a +4 Strength modifier, you would deal an Cost: ? Blood Points
extra six damage. The cost of this bloodrage is equal to Minimum Level: 3
a fourth of your proficiency modifier (rounded up in the
case of a mixed number). Your Dexterity score increases by the cost of this
bloodrage, which is up to you (with no minimum), for
Powerful Force 1d4 + 1 rounds. If you are not in a battle, the effects last
Cost:1 Blood Points for 2d4 + 1 minutes.
Minimum Level: 1 Enhanced Strength
On a successful attack you can add 4 to your damage Cost: ? Blood Points
roll. Minimum Level: 3
Savage Attack Your Strength score increases by the cost of this
Cost: ? Blood Points bloodrage, which is up to you (with no minimum), for
Minimum Level: 1 1d4 + 1 rounds. If you are not in a battle, the effects last
When you make a critical hit on an attack roll, you for 2d4 + 1 minutes.
may triple the damage dealt rather than doubling it. The Inhuman Resistance
cost of this bloodrage is equal to your proficiency Cost: ? Blood Points
modifier. Minimum Level: 3
Action Surge As an a bonus action you can negate the effects of any
Cost: ? Blood Points one condition that you are inflicted with, and regain any
Minimum Level: 3 hit points lost from the condition (maximum of half your
On your turn you may take two extra actions one HP, rounded up in the case of a mixed number). The
which automatically succeeds (but is not a critical hit). cost of this bloodrage is equal to a fourth of your
The cost of this bloodrage is equal to half of your proficiency modifier (rounded up in the case of a mixed
proficiency modifier (rounded up in the case of a mixed number).
number). You can expend double the blood points in

A bloodrager basking in the blood of their fallen enemies.

Path of the Giants
Barbarians who follow the Path of the Giants are those
who embrace their inner giant blood, seeking to channel
the immense power and strength of their ancestors.
These barbarians grow in size, strength, and resilience
as they advance, becoming towering behemoths capable
of crushing their foes with ease.
Giant’s Body
At 3rd level, you gain the traits of a giant, growing larger
and more muscular. You gain advantage on Strength
checks and saves, and your carrying capacity is doubled.
Additionally, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage
instead of 1d4.
Giant Reach
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to attack from a
greater distance. Your melee weapon attacks have a
reach of 10 feet, allowing you to strike your enemies
before they can even approach you.
Giant Resilience
At 10th level, you gain the ability to shrug off damage
like a true giant. You gain resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage, and you can use your
reaction to halve the damage you take from a single
attack that you can see.
Titanic Strikes
Starting at 14th level, you can channel the might of a
giant into a single devastating blow. Once per turn,
when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack,
you can choose to add an additional 2d8 damage to the
attack. Additionally, if the target is a creature that is
Large or smaller, it must succeed on a Strength saving
throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
modifier) or be knocked prone on a failed save.
Frightening Presence
At 18th level, you can tap into the imposing presence of
a giant. As an action, you can let out a roar, forcing all
creatures within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom
saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength
modifier) or become frightened of you for 1 minute.
While in this state, you have advantage on Strength
checks and saves, and your melee weapon attacks deal
an additional 1d6 damage. You can use this feature
once per long rest.

Path of the Plague your enemies. Choose the Path of the Cursed at 3rd
level to gain access to these dark powers.
Brute Cursed Rage
As a plague brute, you embody the horrors of disease Beginning at 3rd level, you tap into the curses that dwell
and decay. You revel in spreading pestilence and within you, granting you the ability to enter a Cursed
striking fear into the hearts of your enemies. When you Rage. While in this state, you gain a bonus to your
choose the Path of the Plague Brute at 3rd level, you melee weapon damage rolls equal to your proficiency
gain access to various abilities that enhance your bonus. Additionally, any creature that hits you with a
connection to plague and infirmity. melee attack while you are raging takes necrotic
Contagious Strike damage equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum
Beginning at 3rd level, your attacks carry a virulent of 1). Your Cursed Rage lasts for 1 minute and ends
contagion. When you hit a creature with a melee early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn
weapon attack, you can choose to infuse your strike ends without attacking a hostile creature or taking
with disease. The target must make a Constitution damage since your last turn.
saving throw against your barbarian spell save DC. On a Curseborne Resilience
failed save, the target is afflicted with a contagious At 6th level, your connection to curses grants you
disease, taking additional poison damage equal to your enhanced resilience. While you are raging, you have
proficiency bonus at the start of their turn for a number resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, whenever
of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier. The you would suffer an effect that would charm, frighten, or
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of possess you, you have advantage on the saving throw
its turns, ending the effect on a success. against it.
Plaguebearer’s Resilience
Curseweaver’s Boon
At 6th level, you have developed an immunity to Starting at 10th level, your curses become even more
diseases and poisons. You gain resistance to poison potent. Choose one curse from the list below. You can
damage, and you have advantage on saving throws invoke the effects of that curse once per rage without
against being poisoned. Additionally, you can use your expending blood points. You regain the use of this
action to purge yourself of any disease or poison feature when you finish a long rest. At 15th level, you
affecting you. gain an additional curse, and at 20th level, you gain a
Harbinger of Decay third curse.
Curse of Suffering: The target of your curse takes
Starting at 10th level, your presence instills fear and additional necrotic damage equal to your Constitution
despair in those around you. When you enter a rage, modifier whenever you hit it with a melee weapon
enemies within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom attack while raging.
saving throw against your barbarian spell save DC. On a
failed save, they become frightened for the duration of
your rage. A frightened creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Plaguebringer’s Assault
Upon reaching 14th level, your connection to disease
and decay empowers your retaliatory strikes. When a
creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack, you
can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack
against that creature. If the attack hits, the creature
takes additional necrotic damage equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Path of the Cursed
As a cursed warrior, you embrace the darkness that
haunts your very existence. The curses that bind you
grant you formidable powers, fueling your rage and
granting you abilities that strike fear into the hearts of

The target of your curse has
Curse of Vulnerability:
disadvantage on saving throws against your attacks
while you are raging.
Curse of Despair: The target of your curse has its
movement speed halved while you are raging.
Vengeful Retaliation
Starting at 14th level, your curses empower you to
deliver devastating retaliation against those who harm
you. When a creature hits you with a melee attack while
you are raging, you can use your reaction to make a
melee weapon attack against that creature. This attack
can benefit from your Cursed Rage bonuses.

Path of the Saloon throw against your barbarian spell save DC or be
knocked prone.
Brawler Furthermore, as a reaction when you take damage
Some barbarians embrace the rough and tumble from a creature within 5 feet of you, you can use your
lifestyle of the saloons, where fists fly and brawls break response to make a melee weapon attack against that
out at the drop of a hat. The Path of the Saloon Brawler creature.
is for those who revel in the chaos of barroom fights and Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
have learned to harness that unruly energy in battle. you finish a short or long rest.
These barbarians are known for their barroom
camaraderie, their love of a good challenge, and their
ability to turn any tavern into a battleground.
Barroom Brawler
Starting at 3rd level, your time spent in the saloons has
honed your brawling skills. You gain proficiency in
improvised weapons, and when you attack with an
improvised weapon, you can roll a d4 in place of the
normal damage of the weapon.
Additionally, when you make an unarmed strike as
part of an Attack action, you can use a bonus action to
grapple the target if the attack hits. If the target is a
creature, it must make a Strength saving throw against
your barbarian spell save DC or be knocked prone.
Liquid Courage
At 6th level, your wild spirit is fueled by a shot of liquid
courage. When you drink an alcoholic beverage during
combat or before rolling initiative, you gain temporary
hit points equal to your barbarian level + your
Constitution modifier.
Furthermore, while you have these temporary hit
points, you gain advantage on saving throws against
being frightened, and you can use your reaction to gain
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from one attack that hits you. You can use this
reaction after the damage is rolled but before the
outcome is determined.
Saloon Rumble
Starting at 10th level, your presence in the heat of a
fight can turn the tide of battle. Whenever you enter a
rage, you can choose a number of creatures you can see
within 30 feet of you equal to your Constitution modifier
(minimum of one creature). Each chosen creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw against your barbarian
spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must attack
only you with weapon attacks until your rage ends, or
until it is incapacitated or moves more than 30 feet
away from you.
Wild Bar Brawl
At 14th level, you become the epitome of a wild
barroom brawl. While you are raging, your melee
weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Additionally, when you score a critical hit with a melee
weapon attack, you can push the target up to 15 feet
away from you, and it must make a Dexterity saving
Path of the Tribal You can change this chosen effect each time you
enter your Spirit Frenzy.
Warrior Ancestral Guardian
As a Barbarian who follows the Path of the Tribal At 14th level, the spirits of your ancestors manifest to
Warrior, you are deeply connected to the spirits of your protect you and your allies during combat. While you
ancestors and draw upon their ancient wisdom and are raging, the spirits guard your allies, making it
power. You are a guardian of the traditions and ways of harder for enemies to harm them. When a creature you
your native tribe, using your fierce strength and spiritual can see within 5 feet of you hits a target other than you
insight to protect your people and their land. with an attack, you can use your reaction to impose
Ancestral Vigor disadvantage on the attack roll.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to harness the Additionally, as a bonus action on your turn while
strength of your ancestors to bolster your physical raging, you can call upon the spirits to bolster your
abilities. As a bonus action on your turn, you can call allies’ spirits. Each creature of your choice within 30
upon the spirits to grant you additional vigor. For 1 feet of you gains temporary hit points equal to your
minute, you gain the following benefits: Barbarian level + your Constitution modifier.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet. you finish a long rest.
You have advantage on Strength saving throws and
Strength-based skill checks.
When you use your Rage feature, you gain temporary
hit points equal to your Constitution modifier
(minimum of 1).
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Spirit Frenzy
At 6th level, your connection to the ancestral spirits
allows you to tap into a primal frenzy during combat.
When you enter a rage, you can choose to enter a Spirit
Frenzy. While in this state, your attacks are fueled by
the spirits’ wrath, and you gain the following benefits:
When you make a melee weapon attack on your turn,
you can choose to deal an additional 1d6 force
damage with the attack.
If you score a critical hit while in the Spirit Frenzy,
you can add your Rage damage bonus twice instead
of once.
Your Spirit Frenzy lasts for 1 minute, and you can
end it early as a bonus action. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long
Ancestral Resilience
Starting at 10th level, the spirits fortify your body and
spirit, granting you enhanced resilience. You gain
resistance to psychic damage, and you have advantage
on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Additionally, when you enter your Spirit Frenzy, you
can choose one of the following effects to apply:
You gain temporary hit points equal to your
Barbarian level + your Constitution modifier.
You gain advantage on all saving throws for the
duration of the Spirit Frenzy.


against being frightened or charmed. Additionally, while
the Spirit Ballad is active, any undead creatures or
creatures with an affinity for spirits have disadvantage
on attack rolls against you and your allies.
The Spirit Ballad lasts for 1 minute, and you can use
this ability once, regaining expended uses after a long
Harmonious Resonance
At 14th level, your music becomes a conduit for the
harmony of the frontier, binding you and your allies
together. As an action, you can play a Harmonious
Resonance, granting yourself and up to six friendly
creatures within 30 feet advantage on all saving throws
until the start of your next turn. During this time, your
allies’ movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks,
and they have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.
Frontier Lullaby
At 18th level, you reach the pinnacle of your Folk Music
prowess, mastering the art of the Frontier Lullaby. As
an action, you can start singing this soothing melody,
casting Mass Cure Wounds at 7th level without
expending a spell slot. Additionally, for the next minute,
your allies regain hit points equal to your Charisma
modifier at the start of their turns while within 60 feet of
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Bard you finish a long rest.
College of Folk Music
In the vast frontier, where diverse cultures intertwine
and stories are passed down through generations, there
emerges a unique breed of bards known as the College
of Folk Music. These bards draw their inspiration from
the rich tapestry of folklore, legends, and traditions of
the people they encounter on their journey. They use the
power of music to connect with their listeners,
harnessing the spirit of the land and its inhabitants in
their performances.
Folklore Enchantment
Starting at 3rd level, your deep connection to the lore
and tales of the frontier allows you to weave enchanting
melodies that resonate with the souls of those who hear
you. When you perform for an audience during a short
rest, you can spend one use of your Bardic Inspiration
to grant your allies temporary hit points equal to your
Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier.
Spirit Ballad
At 6th level, you learn to infuse your music with ethereal
energies, creating a Spirit Ballad. As an action, you can
start performing this haunting melody, and you and your
allies within 30 feet gain advantage on saving throws
College of the Conman
The College of the Conman is a bard subclass that
embodies the art of deception and trickery. Bards who
follow this path excel at swindling, charming, and
manipulating others for their own gain. Whether
performing as charismatic outlaws or smooth-talking
hustlers, members of the College of the Conman are
experts at using their wits to navigate the dangerous
world of the untamed frontier.*
Silver Tongue
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to spin
elaborate tales and charming words to influence others.
When you make a Charisma (Deception) check or a
Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can use your bonus
action to add your Bardic Inspiration die to the roll.
Additionally, when you use Bardic Inspiration to aid a
creature’s ability check or saving throw, you can roll
your Bardic Inspiration die twice and use the higher
Illusory Demeanor
At 6th level, you become adept at creating convincing
illusions to deceive your foes. When you cast a spell of
the Illusion school, you can choose to spend a use of
your Bardic Inspiration to enhance its effects. If the
spell requires a saving throw, the target has
disadvantage on the saving throw. If the spell involves
an attack roll, you have advantage on the attack roll.
Additionally, when you use your Bardic Inspiration to
bolster a creature’s attack roll against an opponent, the
target has disadvantage on the saving throw, if
Quick Hands
Starting at 14th level, your deft hands and swift reflexes
allow you to perform sleight of hand tricks with
unparalleled precision. As an action, you can attempt to
steal a small object from a creature’s person or make a
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to replace an object
they are holding with a similar one. Additionally,
whenever you roll initiative and have no uses of Bardic
Inspiration remaining, you regain one use.
Master of Deceit
At 18th level, you reach the pinnacle of your conning
abilities. You can now cast the Modify Memory spell
once without expending a spell slot. Additionally,
whenever you succeed on a Charisma (Deception)
check against a creature, you can use your reaction to
cast Calm Emotions on them without expending a spell
slot. Once you use these features, you can’t use them
again until you finish a long rest.

College of the Showman
The College of the Showman bards are charismatic
performers who captivate their audiences with dazzling
displays and masterful showmanship. Whether they’re
performing in saloons, circuses, or dusty town squares,
these bards are skilled entertainers who know how to
steal the spotlight and leave a lasting impression.
Dazzling Performance
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance
skill if you don’t already have it. Additionally, when you
make a Performance check, you can treat a roll of 9 or
lower as a 10.
Enthralling Presence
Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to command
attention and captivate those around you. As an action,
you can use your performance to create an enchanting
aura. Choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of
you (up to your Charisma modifier). The chosen
creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw against
your bard spell save DC. On a failed save, they are
charmed by you for 1 minute or until they take damage.
While charmed in this way, a creature idolizes you and
will not willingly harm you or your allies. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Eloquent Flourish
At 6th level, your words and actions have a mesmerizing
effect on your audience. Whenever you make a
Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) check,
you can add your Charisma modifier to the roll.
Additionally, when you use your Enthralling Presence
feature, the affected creatures are also stunned until the Grand Finale
end of your next turn if they fail the saving throw. At 14th level, you have mastered the art of leaving a
Master of Illusion lasting impression on your audience. Once per long rest,
Starting at 14th level, you have learned to weave as an action, you can unleash your grand finale. All
illusions so convincing that they appear real. As an creatures within 60 feet of you must make a Wisdom
action, you can cast the Major Image spell without saving throw against your bard spell save DC. On a
expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature, you failed save, they are stunned for 1 minute. On a
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. successful save, they are frightened of you for 1 minute.
Additionally, while under the effects of your Major Creatures that are charmed by your Enthralling
Image spell or any illusion spell of 6th level or lower,
Presence feature have disadvantage on this saving
you have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks. throw.
Creatures that fail to see through your illusions are After using your grand finale, you must complete a
charmed by your performance and have disadvantage long rest before you can use it again.
on saving throws against your Enthralling Presence

College of the Song weapon deals lightning damage to all creatures in a 30-
foot cone. The damage and saving throw DC are
Dragon determined by your bard level. Once you use this
College of the Song Dragon is a bardic college that feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you
draws inspiration from the enigmatic and musically can use it again.
inclined song dragons. Bards who join this college seek
to emulate the grace, allure, and magical prowess of the
song dragons. They master the art of music,
performance, and transformation, harnessing the power
of their voices to captivate and manipulate their
Additional Spells
The College of the Song Dragon grants you access to
additional spells when you reach certain levels in this
class. These spells are associated with the enchanting
and transformative nature of the song dragons and
allow you to tap into their magical essence.
Level Spells
3rd Disguise Self, Charm Person
5th Suggestion, Enhance Ability
9th Major Image, Hypnotic Pattern
13th Dominate Person, Polymorph
17th Seeming, Modify Memory

These spells are in addition to the spells gained from

the bard class, and they are considered bard spells for
Draconic Guise
Starting at 3rd level you gain the ability to magically
adopt an alternate form, much like the song dragons. As
an action, you can use your Bardic Inspiration to
assume the appearance of an attractive human or
humanoid creature of your choice. This transformation
lasts for a number of hours equal to half your bard level.
While in this form, you gain advantages in social
interactions and persuasion checks. Additionally, you
have advantage on Performance checks when using
your voice or musical instruments.
Melodic Enchantment
At 6th level your music becomes infused with arcane
power, allowing you to enchant your audience. When
you use your Bardic Inspiration to grant a creature an
inspiration die, they also gain advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or frightened for the
duration of the inspiration. Furthermore, when you use
the “Suggestion” or “Charm Person” spells, the targets
have disadvantage on their saving throws.
Breath of the Song Dragon
You learn to channel the elemental power of the song
dragons. Starting at 14th level, as an action, you can
unleash a breath weapon that replicates the cone of
electric gas associated with song dragons. This breath

Song dragon bards draw inspiration from the ancient and majestic beings.

As Bounty Hunters progress in their profession, they
Bounty Hunter develop unique abilities that set them apart from mere
n the untamed lands of the frontier, where the law bounty collectors. Their “Bounty Network” allows them

is scarce and danger lurks at every turn, the to specialize in different approaches to their trade, such
figure of the Bounty Hunter stands out as a force as becoming master trackers, expert marksmen, or
to be reckoned with. These relentless pursuers cunning persuaders.
are skilled trackers, cunning strategists, and Truly skilled Bounty Hunters can manipulate
masters of both firearms and hand-to-hand situations to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, employing
combat. They take on the dangerous task of non-lethal tactics to subdue their quarry and bring them
hunting down wanted criminals, fugitives, and elusive to justice alive. They maintain their own personal code
targets, making sure that justice is served one way or of ethics, understanding that the line between the
another. hunter and the hunted can sometimes blur.
Bounty Hunters come from diverse backgrounds— In the chaotic and lawless Wild West, the Bounty
some are former lawmen seeking to uphold justice Hunter’s reputation often precedes them, and even the
beyond the confines of the law, while others are most dangerous outlaws think twice before crossing
hardened outlaws looking to make a fresh start. their path. The mere mention of their name can send
Regardless of their past, they share a determination to shivers down the spines of criminals and those with a
take down their marks, earning rewards or personal guilty conscience.
redemption along the way. The life of a Bounty Hunter is one of excitement,
Armed with their keen instincts and honed combat danger, and the pursuit of a cause greater than oneself.
skills, Bounty Hunters navigate through the wilderness, Whether driven by a desire for justice, wealth, or
bustling towns, and dark alleys, always on the lookout personal redemption, they carve their own path in a
for their elusive prey. Their sharp eyes and world where the line between good and evil is drawn in
resourcefulness allow them to pick up on the faintest of the dust. The frontier may be wild, but the Bounty
clues, following the trail of their targets with unmatched Hunter is wilder still, forging their own destiny in the
efficiency. land of opportunity and lawlessness.

The Bounty Hunter

Level Proficiency Features
1st +2 Quick Draw
2nd +2 Tracker’s Instinct
3rd +2 Subdue, Bounty Network
4th +2 Ability Score Increas
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Bounty Network Feature
7th +3 An Eye for Detail
8th +3 Ability Score Increase
9th +4 Relentless Pursuit
10th +4 Improved Tracker’s Instinct
11th +4 —
12th +4 Ability Score Increase
13th +5 Marked Prey, Bounty Network Feature
14th +5 Uncanny Dodge
15th +5 —
16th +5 Ability Score Increase
17th +6 Bounty Hunter’s Arsenal, Bounty Network Feature
18th +6 —
19th +6 Ability Score Increase
20th +6 No Escape

Class Features As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
As a Bounty Hunter, you gain the following class using this feature.
features: Extra Attack
Hit Points Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
Hit Dice:1d10 per Bounty Hunter level once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
10 + your Constitution
Hit Points at 1st Level: An Eye for Detail
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your At 7th level, you have a keen eye for detail, and you can
Constitution modifier per Bounty Hunter level after 1st add your proficiency bonus to any Wisdom (Perception)
or Intelligence (Investigation) check you make.
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields Relentless Pursuit
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons, Starting at 9th level, you gain the ability to chase down
firearms and corner your quarry with determination. When
Tools: None tracking a target, your movement speed is not reduced
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom by difficult terrain, and you have advantage on saving
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, throws against being charmed or frightened.
Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival
Improved Tracker’s Instinct
Quick Draw
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons At 10th level, your Tracker’s Instinct feature improves.
and firearms, such as revolvers and rifles. Additionally, When you use the insight gained from studying the area,
you can draw and stow a firearm as part of the same you also gain advantage on the next attack roll you
action when making an attack. make against your bounty target.
Marked Prey
Tracker’s Instinct
At 2nd level, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) At 13th level, you can mark your quarry, designating
checks to track creatures and find clues related to your them as your primary target. As a bonus action, you
bounties. Additionally, you can spend 10 minutes choose a creature within 30 feet of you to mark. You
studying the area to gain insight into your target’s gain advantage on all attack rolls against the marked
whereabouts, granting you advantage on the next creature until it is incapacitated or until you mark a new
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) target. Additionally, you can use your reaction to make
check related to locating or identifying your quarry. an opportunity attack against the marked creature if it
moves more than 5 feet away from you.
Subdue Uncanny Dodge
Starting at 3rd level, when you successfully hit a Starting at 14th level, when an attacker that you can see
creature with a melee attack, you can choose to deal hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to
non-lethal damage and attempt to knock the target halve the attack’s damage against you.
unconscious. The creature must make a Constitution
saving throw against your bounty hunter spell save DC. Bounty Hunter’s Arsenal
On a failed save, the target becomes unconscious for 1 At 17th level, you have become a true master of your
minute. On a successful save, the target is not knocked weapons and tools. You gain the following benefits:
unconscious, and you deal regular damage.
Bounty Network You have advantage on all attack rolls made with
At 3rd level, you choose a Bounty Network subclass, Your firearm attacks ignore resistance to piercing
representing a unique approach to bounty hunting. Each damage.
subclass grants you additional features at 3rd, 6th, 9th, When you deal damage to a creature with a firearm,
13th, and 17th level. you can choose to push the creature up to 15 feet
Ability Score Increase away from you, causing it to fall prone if it collides
with an obstacle or another creature.
At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level,
you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or
you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.


A bounty hunter who has just found their prey.

No Escape Banishing Strike
Starting at 20th level, when you’re within 60 feet of your At 13th level, you’ve mastered the art of temporarily
marked target, your movement speed increases by 10 banishing magical creatures. Once per turn when you
feet, and you can move through non-magical difficult hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can choose to
terrain without impediment. If the target attempts to unleash a Banishing Strike. The target must make a
teleport or use a similar ability to escape, you can use Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
your reaction to follow the target, reappearing adjacent failed save, the creature is banished to a harmless
to it. demiplane until the end of its next turn. While banished,
the target is incapacitated and remains unaware of its
Bounty Networks surroundings. If the target is native to a different plane
of existence, it returns to its home plane. Otherwise, it
reappears in the space it left or in the nearest
Arcane Hunter unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
The Arcane Hunter is a skilled and versatile bounty Master Arcane Hunter
hunter who specializes in tracking down and
neutralizing magical threats. Armed with arcane At 17th level, you have become the ultimate predator of
knowledge and honed combat abilities, they excel at magic-users. You gain the following benefits:
apprehending spellcasters, magical creatures, and other
mystical adversaries. You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures
concentrating on spells.
Whenever you use your Arcane Counter feature, you
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill if can choose to counter all spells of 3rd level or lower
you don’t already have it. Additionally, you have automatically without making an ability check.
advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to When you score a critical hit against a creature, you
identify magical creatures, decipher magical can expend a spell slot to deal extra damage equal to
phenomena, or understand arcane clues. the spell’s level + your Intelligence modifier.
Disruptive Strikes Deadeye
Starting at 3rd level, you’ve learned how to disrupt The Deadeye is a precise and deadly bounty hunter who
spellcasters’ concentration and weaken their magical is a master of ranged combat. Armed with unmatched
defenses. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon accuracy and sharpshooting skills, they can take down
attack, you can expend a bonus action to disrupt their their targets from great distances with lethal precision.
magical abilities. The target must make a Constitution Sharpshooter
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed
save, the target has disadvantage on the next saving At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the longbow and
throw it makes against a spell in the next minute. the heavy crossbow if you don’t already have it.
Arcane Counter Additionally, you can add double your proficiency bonus
to Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide or remain
At 6th level, your reflexes and attunement to magic unseen.
allow you to retaliate against incoming spells. When a Deadshot
creature within 60 feet of you casts a spell, you can use
your reaction to attempt an Arcane Counter. Make an Starting at 3rd level, you have honed your
ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC marksmanship to perfection. When you make a ranged
equals 10 + the spell’s level. If you succeed, you disrupt weapon attack and miss, you can use your bonus action
the spell, and its effects are negated. You can use this to reroll the attack. You must use the new result. You
feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence can use this feature a number of times equal to your
modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all Dexterity modifier (minimum of once), and you regain
expended uses after finishing a long rest. all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Spell Resistance Sniper’s Aim
Starting at 9th level, your experiences hunting At 6th level, you gain the ability to carefully aim your
spellcasters have granted you resistance to magical shots to strike with deadly precision. When you use your
attacks. You have advantage on saving throws against action to make a ranged weapon attack, you can choose
spells and other magical effects. Additionally, when you to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits,
succeed on a saving throw against a spell that deals you add +10 to the attack’s damage. This feature can be
damage, you take no damage instead of half damage. used in conjunction with your Deadshot feature.

Evasive Maneuvers Starting at 6th level, your determination to see justice
done grants you resilience against harm. While you are
Starting at 9th level, you’ve learned how to evade conscious, you have advantage on saving throws against
attacks with remarkable agility. You gain the following being frightened, charmed, or incapacitated.
benefits: Additionally, you can use your reaction to grant yourself
You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws or an ally within 30 feet of you advantage on a saving
against effects that you can see. throw.
When a creature you can see targets you with an Pursuer’s Mark
attack, you can use your reaction to impose At 9th level, your keen eye and skillful observation allow
disadvantage on the attack roll, causing the attack to you to mark your targets with precision. As a bonus
miss if it hits. action, you can designate a creature as your sworn
Trick Shot enemy. Until the creature is incapacitated or you
designate a different creature, you have advantage on
At 13th level, your accuracy reaches new heights, attack rolls against the target, and they have
allowing you to perform incredible trick shots. When disadvantage on saving throws against your spells and
you make a ranged weapon attack and hit, you can abilities.
choose to perform a Trick Shot. The target must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your Dexterity saving Avenger’s Onslaught
throw DC. On a failed save, the target is affected by one At 13th level, your relentless pursuit of your sworn
of the following effects of your choice: enemies is unmatched. When you take the Attack action
Disarming Shot: The target drops one item of your
on your turn, you can make an additional weapon attack
choice that it is holding. against a creature you have designated as your sworn
Stunning Shot: The target is stunned until the end of
your next turn. Vendetta Strike
Pinning Shot: The target is restrained until the end
of its next turn. At 17th level, your desire for vengeance reaches its
peak. Once per turn, when you hit a creature you have
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until designated as your sworn enemy with a weapon attack,
you finish a short or long rest. you can deal additional damage equal to your level.
Deadliest Shot Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws
against any spells or abilities used by your sworn
At 17th level, you’ve perfected the art of the deadly shot. enemies.
When you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon
attack, you can roll one additional damage die for the Saddle Savant
attack’s damage. Additionally, your Deadshot feature no The Saddle Savant is a master of horsemanship and a
longer requires you to use your bonus action to reroll a skilled rider. They are at home in the saddle and excel
missed attack. You can use it as part of the attack’s in mounted combat, making them formidable opponents
action instead. on the battlefield. These warriors forge a deep bond
with their steeds, and together, they become an
Avenger unstoppable force.
The Avenger is a relentless bounty hunter who seeks Mounted Mastery
vengeance against those who have committed
unforgivable wrongs. Driven by an unyielding sense of At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Animal Handling if
justice, they stop at nothing to track down their targets you don’t already have it. Additionally, you have
and bring them to their rightful reckoning. advantage on melee weapon attack rolls while you are
Avenger’s Pursuit mounted. If your mount takes the Dash action on its
turn, you can use your reaction to make one weapon
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Survival skill if attack.
you don’t already have it. Additionally, you can add Steed Bond
double your proficiency bonus to Wisdom (Survival)
checks made to track creatures, and you have advantage Starting at 3rd level, you form a magical bond with your
on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to spot your chosen steed. This mount is loyal to you and gains a
sworn enemies. variety of benefits while under your care:
Unyielding Resolve The mount’s hit point maximum increases by an
amount equal to your level.
During a short rest, you can magically heal your The Warden Tracker is a relentless and skilled bounty
mount a number of hit points equal to your level. hunter who specializes in hunting down elusive targets
If your mount is killed, you can perform a ritual over and tracking them across any terrain. With a keen eye
its body during a long rest to bring it back to life. The for detail and heightened senses, they make for
ritual requires spending hit dice, and the mount exceptional hunters, capable of finding their quarry no
returns to life with hit points equal to the hit dice matter where they hide.
expended. Tracker’s Instincts
Mounted Assault At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Survival skill if
At 6th level, you and your mount become a deadly you don’t already have it. Additionally, you can add
combination on the battlefield. When your mount takes double your proficiency bonus to Wisdom (Survival)
the Attack action, you can use your bonus action to checks made to track creatures or navigate through
make one weapon attack. natural environments.
Additionally, if your mount moves at least 20 feet Hunter’s Quarry
straight toward a creature and then hits it with a melee
weapon attack on the same turn, that target must Starting at 3rd level, you can designate a creature you
succeed on a Strength saving throw against a DC of 8 + are tracking as your “Hunter’s Quarry.” As a bonus
your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity action, you can mark a creature you can see within 30
modifier (your choice). On a failed save, the target is feet as your quarry. Once per turn, when you hit your
knocked prone. quarry with a weapon attack, you deal additional
damage equal to your level. This feature’s damage
increases to twice your level at 11th level. If your quarry
Starting at 9th level, when your mount moves through a dies or you finish a short or long rest, you can designate
creature’s space, that creature must succeed on a a new creature as your quarry.
Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or Master Tracker
take bludgeoning damage equal to 2d10 + your
Strength modifier. On a successful save, the creature At 6th level, you have become a master tracker and have
takes half damage. If the creature is larger than your advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) checks made to
mount, it automatically succeeds on the saving throw. track creatures, even if they are using magical means to
Mounted Champion
obscure their trail. Additionally, you can’t be surprised
by creatures you are tracking, and you are immune to
At 13th level, you and your steed have become an being frightened or charmed by your quarry.
unparalleled force in battle. While you are mounted and Uncanny Senses
not incapacitated, your mount shares the benefits of the
Mounted Mastery feature, gaining advantage on melee Starting at 9th level, your senses become exceptionally
weapon attack rolls and allowing you to make one keen, allowing you to detect hidden or invisible
weapon attack when it takes the Dash action. creatures. You gain the following benefits:
Additionally, if an effect would cause you or your You can see invisible creatures within 60 feet of you.
mount to be knocked prone, you can use your reaction You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
to negate the effect and remain standing. made to detect hidden creatures or objects.
Master of the Charge You can track creatures at a normal pace without
At 17th level, you have perfected the art of the mounted needing to move at a slow pace.
charge. When you use your action to Dash while Hunter’s Mark
mounted, you can make a special charge attack.
If you move at least 60 feet in a straight line before At 13th level, you gain the ability to mark your quarry
hitting a creature with a melee weapon attack, that with powerful magic. As a bonus action, you can cast
creature must make a Strength saving throw against the Hunter’s Mark spell without expending a spell slot.
your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is Additionally, when you deal damage to your quarry with
knocked prone and takes additional damage equal to your Hunter’s Quarry feature, you can deal an extra 1d6
5d10 + your Strength modifier. On a successful save, damage of the same type as your weapon. This damage
the creature takes half the additional damage, and it is increases to 2d6 if your quarry is a spellcaster.
not knocked prone.
Warden Tracker

Relentless Pursuit
At 17th level, you become an unstoppable force when
pursuing your quarry. You gain the following benefits:
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
You can use the Dash action as a bonus action.
Once per short rest, when a creature you have
designated as your quarry reaches 0 hit points, you
can immediately designate a new creature as your
quarry without expending a bonus action.

and infuse it with magical energy for 24 hours, turning it
Cleric into a work of art. This object becomes a minor magical
n addition to the domains provided by the item with an enchantment chosen by you, such as

Player’s Handbook, you may choose from those producing a soothing melody when touched or emitting
below. a soft glow. The object’s value cannot exceed 100 gold
Art Domain Master of Expression
The Art Domain celebrates the boundless Beginning at 8th level, your connection to the divine has
creativity and inspiration that flows through the world. honed your artistic skills. You gain proficiency in two
Clerics who follow this domain are devoted to the additional artistic tools of your choice. Additionally, you
beauty, expression, and culture that art brings to life. can cast the “major image” spell once without
They wield the power of creativity to bring solace, expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so
inspiration, and transformation to those around them. after finishing a long rest.
Domain Spells Divine Artistry
Cleric Level Spells At 17th level, your art becomes a conduit for the divine.
1st prestidigitation, minor illusion You can use your action to create a masterpiece of
3rd disguise self, detect magic divine artistry. Choose a number of creatures equal to
5th silent image, suggestion your Wisdom modifier within 60 feet of you. They gain
7th fabricate, hallucinatory terrain the benefits of your Artistic Inspiration feature for 1
9th creation, seeming hour, and any damage they deal with attacks or spells is
considered magical for the duration. Once you use this
Bonus Proficiencies feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with one artistic tool of your choice, such as
paints, musical instruments, or calligraphy tools. You
also gain proficiency in the Performance skill.
Artistic Inspiration
At 1st level, you can channel your divine connection to
inspire creativity. As a bonus action, you can grant
yourself or an ally within 30 feet advantage on the next
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they make
within the next minute. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses
after finishing a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Masterpiece
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to create a masterpiece. As an action, you can present a
piece of art, music, or performance that is so captivating
that it affects those who witness it. Choose a number of
creatures within 30 feet of you up to your cleric level.
They must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed
by your artistic expression for 1 minute. While charmed
in this way, they are incapacitated and see the world
through the lens of your artistry. If they take damage or
are directly threatened, they can repeat the saving throw
to end the effect.
Channel Divinity: Artisan’s
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to bless
an artistic creation. You can touch a non-magical object

Chaos Domain saving throw against your spell save DC or become
The Chaos Domain embodies the unpredictable and frightened of you until the end of its next turn.
ever-shifting forces of chaos. Clerics who follow this Unleash Chaos
domain embrace the inherent randomness and At 17th level, you can unleash the full power of chaos.
disruption that chaos brings. They wield its power to As an action, you can cause all creatures of your choice
bring about change, upheaval, and unpredictable within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw
outcomes. against your spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature
Domain Spells is affected by the confusion spell for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Cleric Level
disguise self, magic missile
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
3rd mirror image, pass without trace
5th blink, elemental weapon
7th confusion, freedom of movement
9th mislead, teleportation circle

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Sleight of Hand and Acrobatics
Chaotic Surge
At 1st level, your connection to chaos allows you to tap
into its unpredictable nature. As a bonus action, you can
roll a d4 and add the result to the next attack roll or
saving throw you make. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses
after finishing a long rest.
Channel Divinity:
Unpredictable Strike
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to infuse your strikes with chaotic energy. When you hit
a creature with a melee attack, you can use your
Channel Divinity to roll a d4 and add the result as extra
damage of a random type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
Channel Divinity: Chaotic
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
unleash a burst of chaotic energy to shield yourself and
others. As a reaction when you or a creature within 30
feet of you is hit by an attack, you can impose
disadvantage on the attack roll. Roll a d4 and add the
result to the target’s AC against that attack.
Aura of Chaos
Beginning at 8th level, you exude an aura of
unpredictability. You and friendly creatures within 10
feet of you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
against effects that would cause them to be restrained
or incapacitated. Additionally, when a creature hits you
with a melee attack, it must succeed on a Wisdom
Cold Domain At 17th level, you can invoke the full might of winter’s
The Cold Domain embodies the frigid chill of winter wrath. As an action, you can call upon a blizzard of
and the unforgiving forces of ice and frost. Clerics who supernatural cold in a 60-foot cone. All creatures in the
follow this domain harness the power of cold to freeze area must make a Constitution saving throw or take a
their enemies, protect against extreme cold conditions, significant amount of cold damage and become
and bring the biting winds of winter to bear on their restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
foes. saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success. Once you use this feature,
Domain Spells you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Cleric Level Spells
1st ray of frost, ice knife
3rd armor of agathys, misty step
5th sleet storm, elemental weapon (cold damage only)
7th ice storm, freedom of movement
9th cone of cold, teleportation circle

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Survival skill and can speak, read,
and write Primordial.
Cold Resistance
At 1st level, your connection to the Cold Domain grants
you resistance to cold damage. Additionally, you can
endure extreme cold conditions as if they were mild.
Frostbite Channel
Starting at 2nd level, you can channel the freezing
power of the Cold Domain through your spells and
attacks. When you deal cold damage with a cleric
cantrip or a melee weapon attack, you can impose a
Frostbite condition on the target. The target must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have its
speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next
Channel Divinity: Frozen Ward
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to create
an aura of icy protection. As an action, you can create a
20-foot radius aura of freezing cold centered on
yourself. All friendly creatures within the aura gain
resistance to cold damage, and enemies must make a
Constitution saving throw when they enter the aura for
the first time or at the start of their turn within it, taking
cold damage on a failed save.
Aura of Frost
Beginning at 8th level, you exude an aura of icy power.
You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain
advantage on saving throws against being charmed or
frightened. Additionally, your melee weapon attacks
deal an extra 1d6 cold damage.
Winter’s Embrace

Cosmos Domain
Clerics who embrace the Cosmos domain draw their
power from the vast expanse of the celestial realm. They
forge a deep connection with the cosmic energies that
permeate the universe, gaining insight into the secrets
of the stars and the mysteries of the cosmos. These
clerics are attuned to the ebb and flow of celestial
bodies, using their divine abilities to bring forth radiant
power and cosmic guidance.
Domain Spells
The Cosmos domain lets you choose from an expanded
list of spells when you learn a cleric spell. The following
spells are added to the cleric spell list for you.
Cleric Level Spells
1st guiding bolt, color spray
3rd levitate, moonbeam
5th fly, tiny hut
7th arcane eye, hallucinatory terrain
9th dream, scrying

Cosmic Awareness
Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Perception
skill. Additionally, you can use your action to open your
awareness to the cosmos, granting you darkvision with
a range of 60 feet for 1 hour. During this time, you also
have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on sight.
Channel Divinity Cosmic Infusion
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity At 8th level, you learn to infuse your spells with celestial
to tap into the cosmic energy that flows through the energy. When you cast a cleric spell of 1st level or
universe. You can use your Channel Divinity to gain one higher, you can expend a spell slot to add your Wisdom
of the following benefits: modifier to the damage it deals. The extra damage is
radiant or necrotic, whichever you choose.
Cosmic Guidance: As a bonus action, you grant
yourself or a creature you can see within 30 feet Cosmic Ascendancy
advantage on their next attack roll, ability check, or At 17th level, you attain the pinnacle of your cosmic
saving throw before the end of your next turn. connection. As an action, you can transform into a
Celestial Burst: When you deal damage with a cleric celestial being for 1 minute. While in this form, you gain
spell, you can use your Channel Divinity to imbue it the following benefits:
with radiant energy. The target takes an additional
2d8 radiant damage. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed
and can hover.
Celestial Resilience You have resistance to all damage.
Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to radiant When you deal damage with a spell, you can choose
damage. Additionally, when you cast a spell that to deal radiant damage instead of its usual damage
restores hit points to a creature, you can choose to type.
maximize the number of hit points restored instead of
rolling. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.

Darkness Domain At 17th level, you can tap into the full power of
The Darkness Domain embodies the power of shadows darkness. As an action, you can create an area of
and the hidden depths of the night. Clerics who follow supernatural darkness in a 60-foot radius centered on
this domain harness the obscurity and mystery of yourself. This darkness is impenetrable even by
darkness to gain advantage in stealth, control over darkvision. Creatures within this darkness are blinded,
shadows, and the ability to shroud their enemies in and all attacks made by or against creatures within the
darkness. darkness have disadvantage. You can maintain this
darkness for up to 1 minute, and you can use this
Domain Spells feature once per long rest.
Cleric Level Spells
1st darkness, silent image
3rd pass without trace, darkvision
5th hypnotic pattern, vampiric touch
7th greater invisibility, shadow of moil
9th Mislead, seeming

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Stealth and Deception skills.
At 1st level, your connection to the realm of shadows
allows you to move with uncanny stealth. When you are
in dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to
teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can
see that is also in dim light or darkness. You can use
this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Umbral Veil
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to create a shroud of darkness that obscures you from
view. As an action, you can become invisible for up to 1
minute. During this time, you have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and attacks against you are
made with disadvantage. The invisibility ends if you
attack or cast a spell.
Channel Divinity: Shadow Bind
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to bind a
creature in shadows. As an action, you can target a
creature you can see within 60 feet. The creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save
DC or become restrained by shadowy tendrils for 1
minute. A creature restrained in this way can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
Umbral Resilience
Beginning at 8th level, you have resistance to necrotic
damage, and you are immune to the blinded condition.
Additionally, you can see through magical darkness as if
it were dim light.

Dream Domain dream and can modify the dream’s content as desired.
Clerics of the Dream domain draw power from the This dream persists for 8 hours, and creatures within it
realm of dreams, tapping into the ethereal fabric of experience it as if it were real. Once you use this
slumbering minds. They have a deep understanding of feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
dreams, prophecies, and the power of the subconscious.
Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st sleep, charm person
3rd calm emotions, mirror image
5th catnap, sending
7th phantasmal killer, hallucinatory terrain
9th dream, modify memory

Dreamer’s Insight
At 1st level, you have a special connection to the realm
of dreams. During a long rest, you can meditate and
gain insights into the dreams of others. Choose a
number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of one). For the duration of your rest, you can
sense whether each chosen creature is currently
dreaming, and if so, you can choose to enter their dream
as an observer. While observing a dream, you have
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to perceive
details within the dream and can communicate with the
dreamer through dream-like images and emotions.
Sleep Well
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to help
creatures sleep soundly. As an action, you present your
holy symbol and choose a number of creatures within
30 feet of you up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of
one). The chosen creatures gain the benefits of a full
long rest, even if the duration of the rest is shortened.
Additionally, any exhaustion levels they have are
reduced by one.
Dream Traveler
At 6th level, you gain the ability to travel through
dreams. You can cast the etherealness spell without
expending a spell slot or requiring material
components. You can use this feature once, and you
regain expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
Oneiric Resilience
Starting at 8th level, you gain resistance to psychic
damage. Additionally, you have advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or frightened.
At 17th level, you become a master of dreams, capable
of weaving intricate visions and altering the fabric of
reality within dreams. As an action, you can create a 30-
foot cube centered on yourself that functions as the
dream spell. You can choose who is affected by the

Freedom Domain action, you can target one creature within 30 feet of you
The Freedom Domain represents the unwavering belief that is possessed, charmed, or dominated by another
in personal liberty, autonomy, and the right to break the creature or magical effect. The target can make a
chains of oppression. Clerics who follow this domain Wisdom saving throw with advantage against the effect.
are champions of individual rights and seekers of On a success, the dominating entity is expelled, and the
justice, striving to liberate those bound by tyranny and target becomes immune to further possession, charm,
bring light to the darkest corners of the world. or domination for 24 hours. If the effect is caused by a
spell, it is automatically dispelled.
Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st longstrider, expeditious retreat
3rd silence, pass without trace
5th haste, remove curse
7th freedom of movement, greater invisibility
9th teleportation circle, modify memory

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Persuasion and Insight skills.
Channel Divinity: Inspiring
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
inspire those around you with words of freedom and
encouragement. As an action, you can choose a number
of creatures within 30 feet of you equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum of one). For the next minute, the
chosen creatures have advantage on Wisdom saving
throws and death saving throws, and they gain
temporary hit points equal to your cleric level at the
start of each of their turns. The temporary hit points last
for 1 minute or until used.
Channel Divinity: Break the
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to break magical bonds and restrictions. As an action,
you can target one creature within 30 feet of you that is
affected by a spell or magical effect that restricts its
movement or actions (such as being paralyzed,
restrained, or charmed). The target can make a Wisdom
saving throw with advantage against the effect. On a
success, the effect is immediately ended.
Aura of Freedom
Beginning at 8th level, you radiate an aura of liberation.
You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have
advantage on saving throws against being frightened,
charmed, or paralyzed. Additionally, you and your allies
can’t be restrained by non-magical means, such as ropes
or manacles, while in this aura.
Liberation of the Spirit
At 17th level, you gain the power to free a creature’s
spirit from any form of possession or domination. As an
Hunt Domain Starting at 8th level, you have learned to endure the
Clerics who follow the Hunt Domain are dedicated to harshest of wilderness conditions. You gain resistance
the pursuit of prey and the mastery of wilderness to cold and poison damage, and you have advantage on
survival. They harness the primal forces of nature to saving throws against being frightened.
track, stalk, and overcome their chosen targets, whether Master of the Hunt
it be beasts, monsters, or even otherworldly foes. At 17th level, you become the ultimate hunter. As an
Domain Spells action, you can enter a state of heightened awareness
for 1 minute. During this time, you gain the following
Cleric Level Spells benefits:
1st hunter’s mark, longstrider - Blindsight: You gain blindsight with a range of 60
3rd pass without trace, spike growth feet.
5th water walk, conjure animals - Supreme Tracker: You can instantly discern the
7th locate creature, freedom of movement location of any creature you’ve marked as prey, even if it
9th commune with nature, tree stride is on a different plane of existence.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Bonus Proficiencies you finish a long rest.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Survival skill and one weapon of
your choice from the following: longbow, shortbow, or
any simple or martial melee weapon.
Hunter’s Insight
At 1st level, you have a deep understanding of your
quarry and the environment. You gain the following
- Natural Tracker: You can add your Wisdom modifier
to any Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival)
checks related to tracking creatures or identifying their
- Primal Hunter: You can use your Channel Divinity to
gain advantage on your next attack roll against a
creature you can see that you are tracking.
Channel Divinity: Aspect of the
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to assume the Aspect of the Predator. As a bonus
action, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
- Hunter’s Senses: You gain darkvision with a range of
60 feet, and you have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
- Swift Tracker: You can move stealthily at a normal
pace while tracking creatures, and you leave no tracks
or traces of your passage.
Channel Divinity: Marked Prey
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to mark
a creature as your prey. As a bonus action, choose a
creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The creature
is marked for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points.
While marked, you and your allies have advantage on
attack rolls against that creature.
Huntmaster’s Resilience

Illusion Domain Master of Illusions
The Illusion Domain is a mystical path that delves into At 17th level, you become a true master of illusions. You
the art of deception and trickery. Clerics who follow this can cast the programmed illusion spell without
domain specialize in creating illusions that confound expending a spell slot once per long rest. Additionally,
their enemies and protect their allies. They use their when you cast an illusion spell, you can choose to make
magic to manipulate perception and reality, making the it real for a brief moment. Any creature interacting with
unseen visible and the visible disappear. the illusion must make an Intelligence saving throw
Domain Spells against your cleric spell save DC. On a failed save, they
believe the illusion is real for 1 minute or until they can
Cleric Level Spells provide clear evidence to the contrary. Once you use
1st minor illusion, disguise self this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
3rd invisibility, mirror image rest.
5th major image, nondetection
7th greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain
9th mislead, seeming

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Deception and Sleight of Hand
Illusionary Magic
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to weave
illusions with greater ease. When you cast an illusion
spell from the cleric spell list that has a duration of 1
minute or longer, the spell’s duration is doubled, as if
affected by the Extend Spell metamagic.
Channel Divinity: Illusory
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to create a powerful illusion that distracts and
confuses your foes. As an action, you can present an
illusory image within 30 feet of you. This illusion is so
convincing that creatures who can see it must make an
Intelligence saving throw against your cleric spell save
DC or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success.
Channel Divinity: Vanishing
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
disappear from sight. As a bonus action, you can
become invisible for 1 minute or until you attack, cast a
spell, or use a feature that breaks invisibility. During
this time, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
Illusory Resilience
Starting at 8th level, you gain resistance to psychic
damage, reflecting your growing mastery over the mind
and perception. Additionally, you have advantage on
saving throws against being frightened or charmed.

Justice Domain
Clerics of the Justice domain are champions of fairness,
righteousness, and upholding the law. They seek to
bring balance and punish those who have strayed from
the path of justice.
Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st command, compelled duel
3rd zone of truth, hold person
5th beacon of hope, protection from energy
7th guardian of faith, banishment
9th commune, geas

Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill.
Divine Strike
At 1st level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Avatar of Justice
At 6th level, you can channel the power of justice to
become an embodiment of divine retribution. As an
action, you can transform, gaining temporary hit points
equal to your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. You
radiate an aura of justice for 1 minute, during which you
gain advantage on saving throws against being
frightened, and creatures of your choice within 10 feet
of you take radiant damage equal to half your cleric level
at the start of their turns.
Righteous Judgment
At 8th level, you can invoke the power of righteous
judgment on your foes. When you deal damage to a
creature with a cleric spell, you can impose
disadvantage on the next attack roll the creature makes
against you before the end of your next turn.
Divine Justice
At 17th level, you gain the ability to unleash divine
justice upon your foes. As an action, you present your
holy symbol and call upon the power of justice. Each
creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must make
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
takes radiant damage equal to 10 times your cleric level
and is blinded until the end of its next turn. On a
successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn’t
blinded. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.

Love Domain At 17th level, you can call upon the divine power of love
The Love Domain embodies the power of affection, to unite beings in harmony. As an action, you can target
compassion, and emotional connection. Clerics who two willing creatures within 60 feet of you. These
follow this domain are champions of love in all its creatures are bound together by an unbreakable bond of
forms, using its divine influence to heal wounds, inspire love for 1 minute. During this time, they share their hit
others, and forge deep bonds between individuals. points and can communicate telepathically, regardless
of distance. If one of them is reduced to 0 hit points, the
Domain Spells other can use their reaction to transfer any amount of
their hit points to the fallen creature, potentially saving
Cleric Level Spells them from death. Once you use this feature, you can’t
1st cure wounds, charm person use it again until you finish a long rest.
3rd enhance ability, calm emotions
5th beacon of hope, sending
7th greater restoration, guardian of faith
9th mass cure wounds, modify memory

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency in the Persuasion and Insight skills.
Channel Divinity: Healing
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to mend the wounds of others through the power of
love. As an action, you can touch a creature and expend
one use of your Channel Divinity to heal that creature’s
wounds. The target regains hit points equal to 2d8 +
your cleric level.
Channel Divinity: Inspiring
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
radiate an aura of inspiration and love. As a bonus
action, you can choose any number of creatures within
30 feet of you that can hear you. Those creatures gain
advantage on their next saving throw or attack roll they
make before the end of their next turn.
Embrace of Compassion
Beginning at 8th level, your deep understanding of love
and compassion allows you to shield your allies from
harm. When a friendly creature within 30 feet of you
takes damage, you can use your reaction to take that
damage instead. This ability cannot reduce your hit
points below 0.
Aura of Devotion
At 17th level, your presence becomes a beacon of love
and protection. You and friendly creatures within 10
feet of you gain resistance to psychic damage, as love
and emotional strength shield your minds. Additionally,
whenever a creature within this aura takes damage,
they can use their reaction to make one attack or cast
one cantrip.
Divine Union

Madness Domain
Clerics of the Madness domain tap into the chaotic and
unpredictable nature of madness. They are conduits of
insanity and use their powers to sow discord and
Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, Tasha’s hideous laughter
3rd phantasmal force, crown of madness
5th fear, hypnotic pattern
7th confusion, phantasmal killer
9th modify memory, synaptic static

Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation
Disciple of Madness
At 1st level, you can channel the chaotic power of
madness to gain advantage on saving throws against
being charmed or frightened.
Channel Divinity: Touch of
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to inflict madness upon your enemies. As an action,
choose a creature you can see within 5 feet of you. The
target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be affected
by the confusion spell until the end of your next turn.
Aura of Madness
Beginning at 6th level, your presence becomes
unsettling to others. Any creature of your choice that
starts its turn within 10 feet of you must make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
affected by the confusion spell until the start of its next
Insanity’s Embrace
At 17th level, you become a conduit of madness itself.
As an action, you can unleash a wave of psychic energy
in a 60-foot radius centered on yourself. Each creature
in that area must make an Intelligence saving throw. On
a failed save, a creature takes psychic damage equal to
10 times your cleric level, and its mind becomes filled
with maddening visions, causing it to be stunned until
the end of its next turn. On a successful save, a creature
takes half damage and isn’t stunned. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Mind Domain you for 1 minute. While charmed in this way, you have a
Clerics who follow the Mind Domain channel the power telepathic link with the target, allowing you to
of intellect and mental prowess to shape the world communicate silently. The target can repeat the saving
around them. They are guardians of knowledge, seekers throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
of hidden truths, and masters of psychic abilities. a success.
Additionally, you gain the ability to cast the telepathy
Domain Spells spell at will, without expending a spell slot.
Cleric Level Spells
1st detect thoughts, mage hand
3rd suggestion, detect thoughts
5th clairvoyance, dispel magic
7th dominate person, arcane eye
9th telekinesis, modify memory

Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with the Arcana skill and the ability to read
and write one additional language of your choice.
Psychic Focus
At 1st level, your connection to the realm of the mind
grants you the ability to focus your thoughts and
enhance your mental abilities. You gain advantage on
Intelligence checks and saving throws.
Channel Divinity: Mental
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to bolster your mental defenses or those of your allies.
As an action, you can grant yourself and creatures of
your choice within 30 feet advantage on Wisdom saving
throws for 1 minute.
Channel Divinity: Psychic Blast
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
unleash a blast of psychic energy. As an action, you can
target a creature you can see within 60 feet. That
creature must make an Intelligence saving throw or
take psychic damage equal to 2d6 + your cleric level, or
half as much damage on a successful save.
Aura of Insight
Beginning at 8th level, you radiate an aura of
heightened perception. You and friendly creatures
within 10 feet of you gain advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks. Additionally, you can’t be surprised
while you are conscious, and you have advantage on
initiative rolls.
Psychic Master
At 17th level, your mastery of the mind reaches its
pinnacle. You can use your action to project your
consciousness into the minds of others. Choose a
creature you can see within 60 feet. That creature must
make an Intelligence saving throw or be charmed by
Night Domain equal to your walking speed. Once you use this feature,
Clerics of the Night domain draw their power from the you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
mysterious forces that govern the darkness. They have a
deep understanding of the night, shadows, and the
secrets hidden within the dark corners of the world.
Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st faerie fire, silent image
3rd darkness, pass without trace
5th fear, nondetection
7th greater invisibility, locate creature
9th dream, mislead

Eyes of the Night

At 1st level, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30
feet. Additionally, as an action, you can magically grant
darkvision to a number of creatures of your choice
within 30 feet of you equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of one). This effect lasts for 1 hour
and doesn’t require concentration.
Shadow Step
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to step through
shadows and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied
space you can see that is in dim light or darkness. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Umbral Shield
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to create a protective shield of darkness. As a reaction
when you or a creature within 30 feet of you is hit by an
attack, you can grant the target a +2 bonus to its AC
against that attack, potentially causing it to miss. If the
attack still hits, the target takes necrotic damage equal
to your cleric level. Once you use this feature, you can’t
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Night’s Embrace
At 8th level, you gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Additionally, you can add your Wisdom modifier to any
Charisma (Intimidation) checks you make while in dim
light or darkness.
At 17th level, you can transform into a creature of living
shadow. As an action, you can enter a shadowy form
that lasts for 1 minute. While in this form, you have
resistance to all damage except radiant damage, and
you can move through other creatures and objects as if
they were difficult terrain. You also gain a fly speed

Ocean Domain throws against effects that would cause you to be
The Ocean Domain represents the vast and mysterious restrained or incapacitated in water.
power of the seas and oceans. Clerics who follow this Avatar of the Abyss
domain have a deep connection to the ebb and flow of At 17th level, you can transform into a watery
the tides, and they draw upon the elemental forces of embodiment of the ocean’s fury. As an action, you
water to protect and heal, or to bring forth the wrath of assume a form made of water for 1 minute. While in this
the sea in times of need. form, you have the following benefits:
Domain Spells
You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Cleric Level Spells You can move through other creatures and objects
1st create or destroy water, fog cloud as if they were difficult terrain.
3rd water breathing, misty step You can use your Water’s Blessing feature without
5th control water, water walk expending a use.
7th watery sphere, freedom of movement Your spells that deal cold or water damage deal
9th maelstrom, tsunami maximum damage.
Bonus Proficiencies Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with Water Vehicles and the ability to speak
Water’s Blessing
At 1st level, you gain the ability to harness the calming
and healing aspects of water. As a bonus action, you can
touch a creature to heal them. The target regains hit
points equal to 1d6 + your cleric level. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Tidal Surge
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to invoke the power of a tidal wave. As an action, you
can create a 15-foot cone of water that rushes forth in a
direction of your choice. Each creature in that cone
must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a
creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is pushed
10 feet away from you. On a successful save, the
creature takes half damage and isn’t pushed.
Channel Divinity: Aquatic
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to create
a protective barrier of water. As a reaction when you or
a creature within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack, you
can invoke this shield. The attacker must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the attack
misses, and the attacker takes cold damage equal to
your cleric level. On a successful save, the attack hits,
but the attacker still takes half damage.
Tidal Resilience
Beginning at 8th level, you gain resistance to cold
damage, and you can breathe underwater as easily as
you breathe air. You also gain advantage on saving

Order Domain minute and can’t be dispelled. Once you use this feature,
Clerics of the Order domain seek to establish and you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
maintain structure, harmony, and obedience. They
uphold the principles of law and strive to bring order to
the world.
Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st command, heroism
3rd hold person, zone of truth
5th mass healing word, slow
7th compulsion, locate creature
9th dominate person, hold monster

Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Voice of Authority
Starting at 1st level, when you use a spell of 1st level or
higher to restore hit points to a creature, the target can
use its reaction to make one weapon attack against a
creature of your choice that you can see.
Channel Divinity: Order’s
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to exert control over others. As an action, you
present your holy symbol and choose a creature you can
see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a
Wisdom saving throw or be charmed or frightened by
you (your choice) until the end of your next turn.
Embodiment of the Law
At 6th level, your alignment throws against being
charmed or frightened.
Order’s Wrath
Starting at 8th level, when you deal damage to a
creature with a cleric spell, you can impose a penalty to
the target’s attack rolls against you until the start of
your next turn. The penalty equals your Wisdom
Order’s Dominion
At 17th level, your control over order reaches its
pinnacle. As an action, you can establish a zone of
perfect order in a 60-foot radius centered on yourself.
The area becomes magically infused with order, and
chaos is suppressed within it. Creatures of your choice
that start their turn in the zone regain hit points equal to
5 times your cleric level, and they have advantage on all
saving throws while in the zone. Additionally, any
creature that starts its turn in the zone must make a
Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the calm
emotions spell for the duration. The zone lasts for 1
Plague Domain At 17th level, your mastery of diseases reaches its peak.
Clerics of the Plague domain are conduits of disease, As an action, you can choose a number of creatures
decay, and pestilence. They wield the power of sickness equal to your Wisdom modifier within 60 feet of you and
to weaken their enemies and bring suffering to those infuse them with contagious diseases. Each target must
who oppose them. make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a
target is affected by a disease of your choice from the
Domain Spells list of diseases in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. On a
successful save, a target is unaffected. Once you use this
Cleric Level Spells feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
1st ray of sickness, inflict wounds
3rd cloud of daggers, blindness/deafness
Sacrifice Domain
5th stinking cloud, contagion
Clerics of the Sacrifice domain are willing to offer
7th blight, confusion
themselves for the greater good. They embrace the
9th insect plague, cloudkill
concept of self-sacrifice and draw upon its power to
Bonus Proficiency protect and heal others.
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
Plague Domain Spells 1st cure wounds, sanctuary
At 1st level, you learn the poison spray cantrip, which 3rd aid, gentle repose
counts as a cleric cantrip for you. 5th revivify, spirit guardians
7th death ward, guardian of faith
Plaguebearer 9th mass cure wounds, raise dead
Starting at 1st level, your touch can inflict disease.
When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can Selfless Protector
choose to inflict a disease on the target. The target must At 1st level, you gain the ability to protect others at your
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become own expense. When a creature you can see within 5 feet
infected with a disease of your choice from the list of of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to
diseases in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. intercept the attack. You take the damage instead of the
Channel Divinity: Plague’s target creature. If this reduces you to 0 hit points, the
original target takes no damage from the attack. This
feature can be used a number of times equal to your
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
Divinity to invoke the power of pestilence. As an action, expended uses when you finish a long rest.
you present your holy symbol and select a creature you Channel Divinity: Sacrificial
can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw or be affected by a disease of Vigor
your choice. The target can repeat the saving throw at Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a to bolster your allies through sacrifice. As an action, you
success. can choose a willing creature you can see within 30 feet
Aura of Decay of you. The target gains temporary hit points equal to
your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.
At 6th level, you emanate an aura of decay that weakens Healing Bond
your enemies. The aura extends 10 feet from you, and
any enemy creature that starts its turn within this aura At 6th level, you can create a healing bond with another
takes necrotic damage equal to your cleric level. This creature. As an action, you can touch a willing creature
damage ignores resistance and immunity to necrotic and create a magical connection between you. While the
damage. bond persists, you and the target can each use a bonus
Divine Strike action on your turn to regain hit points equal to your
cleric level. The bond lasts for 1 hour or until you use
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon this feature on a different creature.
strikes with necrotic energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage.
Epidemic Infusion

Sacrificial Aura
Beginning at 8th level, you emanate an aura of
protection. The aura extends 10 feet from you, and any
ally creature that starts its turn within this aura gains
temporary hit points equal to your cleric level.
Martyr’s Resurgence
At 17th level, your devotion and sacrifice empower you
with unparalleled resilience. When you are reduced to 0
hit points and fall unconscious, you can choose to
instead remain conscious and regain hit points equal to
your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. Additionally,
for the next minute, you have resistance to all damage
and all attacks you make that hit automatically count as
critical hits. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a long rest.

Rebirth Domain Beginning at 8th level, your presence exudes an aura of
The Rebirth Domain is a sacred path that embodies the vitality. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you
eternal cycle of life, death, and renewal. Clerics who gain temporary hit points equal to your cleric level at the
follow this domain are deeply connected to the forces of start of each of their turns. These temporary hit points
rejuvenation and transformation, channeling their last until the start of your next turn.
divine powers to bring about healing, growth, and Rebirth Ascendancy
spiritual rebirth. At 17th level, you attain the pinnacle of your connection
Domain Spells to rebirth. As an action, you can target a willing creature
you can touch. That creature undergoes a
Cleric Level Spells transformation, returning to life in a new, rejuvenated
1st cure wounds, purify food and drink form. The target is restored to its maximum hit points,
3rd lesser restoration, gentle repose and any diseases, curses, or magical afflictions are
5th revivify, speak with dead completely cured. Additionally, the target gains
7th death ward, reincarnate temporary hit points equal to your cleric level, and their
9th true resurrection, regenerate ability scores are increased by 2 for 24 hours. This
transformation represents a profound rebirth, and the
Bonus Proficiencies target retains no memory of their previous life. You can
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain use this feature once, and you regain the ability to do so
proficiency with the Medicine and Nature skills. after completing a long rest.
Healing Touch
At 1st level, your divine connection to rebirth grants you
the ability to mend wounds and ailments. You can use
your action to touch a creature and restore hit points
equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Renewal
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to facilitate the renewal of life. As an action, you can
present your holy symbol and choose one creature
within 30 feet of you. That creature regains hit points
equal to 2d8 + your cleric level. Additionally, if the
creature has any conditions afflicting it, such as
blindness, deafness, or curses, one of those conditions
is removed at random.
Channel Divinity: Rebirth
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
bestow a powerful blessing of rebirth upon a willing
creature. When a creature within 30 feet of you is
reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can
use your reaction to grant them the ability to make a
Death Saving Throw with advantage. If the creature
succeeds on the saving throw, they regain 1 hit point
and immediately stand up, ready to fight. You can use
this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Aura of Vitality

Spider Domain Starting at 8th level, your weapon strikes become
Clerics who follow the Spider Domain are devotees of imbued with the venomous potency of a spider’s bite.
the eight-legged arachnid creatures, drawing upon their When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack,
cunning, agility, and web-spinning abilities. They often you can choose to expend a spell slot to deal additional
worship deities associated with nature, trickery, or poison damage equal to the spell’s level. Additionally,
darkness, finding spiritual connection in the mysterious the target must make a Constitution saving throw or
and intricate world of spiders. become poisoned for 1 minute. The DC for this saving
throw is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
Domain Spells modifier.
Cleric Level Spells Aspect of the Spider Queen
1st spider climb, web At 17th level, you attain the Aspect of the Spider Queen,
3rd web bolt, misty step embodying the apex of arachnid power. As an action,
5th giant spider form, summon spider swarm you can assume a spider-like form for 1 minute. During
dimension door, spiderwalk
wrath of the spider queen, dominate monster
this time, you gain the following benefits:
You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Bonus Proficiencies You can move through the air and walk on walls and
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain ceilings without needing to make ability checks.
proficiency with the Nature and Stealth skills. Your attacks deal an extra 2d8 poison damage.
You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned
Spider’s Grace condition.
You can cast web and spider climb at will without
At 1st level, your connection to the world of spiders expending spell slots.
grants you a unique form of agility. You gain the ability
to cast jump and longstrider without expending a spell Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
slot. These spells are always prepared for you and don’t you finish a long rest.
count against your total number of prepared spells.
Channel Divinity: Web of
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to summon the essence of a spider’s web, creating a
binding force. As an action, you can target a creature
within 30 feet that you can see. The target must succeed
on a Strength saving throw or become restrained by
magical spider silk for 1 minute. The creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success. While
restrained, the creature takes damage equal to your
Wisdom modifier at the start of its turn. If a creature is
restrained by this ability, it can’t make the saving throw
against this effect again.
Channel Divinity: Arachnid
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to take
on the aspect of an arachnid. As a bonus action, you
gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking
You can move through narrow spaces without
You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Venomous Strikes

Circle of Blight
Siphon Life
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the
ability to steal the life from living things you touch.
You make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target
takes 1d8 necrotic damage and you regain hit points
equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt. This
feature has no effect on undead or constructs.
If you target a nonmagical plant that isn’t a creature,
such as a tree or shrub, you don’t have to make a spell
attack; it simply withers and dies and you regain 5 hit
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), in between
long rests.
Vermin Form
Also at 2nd level, when you use your Wild Shape ability,
you choose from the following table, rather than the
normal forms available to a druid.
Level Vermin Forms
2 Rat, Scorpion, Giant rat, Giant centipede, Giant wolf
spider, Piercer, Worg, Violet fungus
4 Constrictor snake, Poisonous snake, Giant poisonous
snake, Death dog, Giant spider, Gray ooze Blight Lord
8 Flying snake, Giant bat, Darkmantle, Giant wasp, Giant At 14th level, you have mastered the blight spell. You
vulture, Carrion crawler, Ettercap, Giant constrictor can spend three 1st level druid spell slots, two 2nd level
snake, Gibbering mouther, Grick, Peryton druid spell slots, or two 3rd level druid spell slots at any
time to cast blight as a 4th level spell. You may do this
Master of Rot even if you don’t have the blight spell prepared.
Beggining at 6th level, your prolonged exposure to If you want to cast blight at a higher level, you must
decay makes you immune to disease, poison damage, expend a spell slot as normal.
and the poisoned condition.
Corrupting Aaura
Beggining at the 10th level, you can use your action to
activate or disactivate a small aura that kills all
nonmagical plant life in the same space as you. While
this aura is active, you can pass through nonmagical
plants without being slowed by them and without taking
damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a
similar hazard. As you pass through the plants, the
plants wither and die, leaving behind a trail of dead
In addition, while this aura is active, you have
advantage on saving throws against plants that are
magically created or manipulated to impede movement,
such as those created by the entangle spell.

Circle of Dragons saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Druids who join the Circle of Dragons dedicate Wisdom modifier) or become frightened of you for 1
themselves to the ancient and powerful creatures that minute. While in this form, you gain temporary hit
rule the skies and the elemental forces. These druids points equal to your druid level + your Wisdom modifier,
seek to harness the innate magic of dragons and use it and you have resistance to a damage type associated
to protect nature from those who would harm it. As they with the dragon type you chose for your Draconic Wild
progress, they become more like dragons themselves, Shape feature (Acid for black dragons, Lightning for
gaining wings and scales, and a fearsome breath blue dragons, Poison for green dragons, Fire for red
weapon. dragons, or Cold for white dragons). You can use this
feature once per long rest.
Draconic Wild Shape
Starting at 2nd level, when you use your Wild Shape
feature, you can choose to transform into a dragon of
your choice instead of an animal. The dragon form can
be Small or Medium, and you must choose a dragon
type from the following options: black, blue, green, red,
or white. You retain your mental stats, but your physical
stats and features, such as movement speed, armor
class, and damage resistance, are replaced by those of
the dragon form. You can stay in this form for a number
of hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down)
before reverting back to your normal form.
Dragon Senses
At 6th level, you gain the keen senses of a dragon. You
gain proficiency in the Perception skill, and you have
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
sight, hearing, or smell.
Draconic Wings
Starting at 10th level, you gain the ability to grow wings
on your back, allowing you to fly. You gain a flying speed
equal to your current walking speed, and you can fly for
a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of 1 minute) before needing to rest for at
least 10 minutes before flying again.
Draconic Breath
At 14th level, you gain the ability to unleash a powerful
breath weapon, just like a dragon. As an action, you can
exhale a 30-foot cone of energy associated with the
dragon type you chose for your Draconic Wild Shape
feature. The energy deals 8d6 damage of the
appropriate type (Acid for black dragons, Lightning for
blue dragons, Poison for green dragons, Fire for red
dragons, or Cold for white dragons). Creatures in the
area of effect must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC =
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or
take full damage. A successful save halves the damage
taken. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Frightful Presence
At 18th level, you gain the ability to channel the raw
power and majesty of dragons. As an action, you can
assume an intimidating draconic form that causes all
creatures within 60 feet of you to make a Wisdom

Circle of the Bloodroot it were a 4th-level spell. You can do this even if you don’t
have the blight spell prepared.
Blood Sap If you want to cast blight at a higher level, you must
expend a spell slot as normal.
When you choose the Circle of the Bloodroot at 2nd These features reflect the essence of the Circle of the
level, you gain the ability to draw the life force from Bloodroot, focusing on siphoning life force,
living beings you touch. transforming into twisted forms, resilience to afflictions,
As an action, you can make a melee spell attack corroding aura, and mastery over blight magic.
against a creature within your reach. On a hit, the target
takes 1d8 necrotic damage, and you regain hit points
equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt. This
feature has no effect on undead or constructs.
Alternatively, if you touch a nonmagical plant that
isn’t a creature, such as a tree or shrub, it withers and
dies, and you regain 5 hit points.
The number of times you can use this feature is equal
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once) before you
must complete a long rest.
Vile Metamorphosis
Also at 2nd level, when you use your Wild Shape ability,
you can choose from the following forms in addition to
the normal options available to a druid:
Level Vile Forms
2 Rotting Zombie, Giant Leech, Swarm of Rats, Carrion
4 Ghoul, Giant Scorpion, Swarm of Insects, Wretched Bat
8 Wraith, Shambling Mound, Corpse Crawler, Shadow

Tainted Resilience
Starting at 6th level, your prolonged exposure to decay
grants you resilience against afflictions. You become
immune to disease, poison damage, and the poisoned
Corrosive Aura
Beginning at the 10th level, you can use your action to
activate or deactivate a corrosive aura that corrodes and
decays nonmagical plant life within a 10-foot radius
around you. While the aura is active, you can move
through nonmagical plants without being impeded by
them or suffering damage from hazards such as thorns
or spines. The plants wither and crumble as you pass,
leaving behind a trail of decay.
Additionally, while the aura is active, you have
advantage on saving throws against magically created
or manipulated plants that impede movement, such as
those created by the entangle spell.
At 14th level, you have mastered the darkest forms of
blight magic. You can spend three 1st-level druid spell
slots, two 2nd-level druid spell slots, or two 3rd-level
druid spell slots at any time to cast the blight spell as if

Circle of Serpents
The Circle of Serpents embraces the cunning and
deadly nature of serpents, specializing in poisons and
venomous attacks. Druids who follow this circle harness
the primal power of these creatures to strike fear into
their enemies. Here are the features for the Circle of
Venomous Strikes
Starting at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with
poisoner’s kit, and your unarmed strikes and natural
weapons are considered poisonous. Whenever you hit a
creature with an unarmed strike or a natural weapon
attack, you can choose to inflict poison damage equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) in addition to the
regular damage. The target must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or
be poisoned until the end of its next turn.
Serpent Form
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to transform into a
serpent-like form using your Wild Shape ability. When
you transform, you can choose from the following
serpent forms:
Viper: You gain a poisonous bite attack, dealing
additional poison damage equal to your druid level
on a hit.
Constrictor: Your attacks have the potential to
grapple the target. When you hit a creature with an
attack, you can choose to restrain the target if it is
your size or smaller. The target can escape by
succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check against your spell save DC.
Naga: You gain the ability to cast the spell Detect
Poison and Disease at will without expending a spell
slot. Additionally, you have advantage on saving
throws against poison and disease.
Poison Resistance
Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to poison
damage and advantage on saving throws against poison.
Venomous Aura
Beginning at 10th level, you emit an aura of venomous
energy. Creatures that start their turn within 10 feet of
you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
against your spell save DC or take poison damage equal
to your druid level. Additionally, while the aura is active,
you and your allies have advantage on saving throws
against being poisoned.
You can use an action to activate or deactivate this
aura, and you can maintain it for a number of minutes
equal to your druid level. Once you use this feature, you
can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Master of Poisons
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee
attack, you can choose to inflict a lingering poison
At 14th level, your understanding and mastery of effect. The target takes poison damage equal to your
poisons reach its pinnacle. You have the following Wisdom modifier at the start of its next turn.
benefits: These features reflect the essence of the Circle of
You can apply your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Serpents, emphasizing poison-inflicting attacks, serpent
the DC of saving throws against your poisons. transformations, resistance to poison, venomous aura,
You gain immunity to poison damage and the and mastery over poisons.
poisoned condition.
Religion, Nature, or Arcana.
Empath Equipment
mpaths are individuals gifted with a deep You start with the following equipment, in addition to

connection to the emotional and physical the equipment granted by your background:
well-being of others. They possess a
unique blend of empathy, healing abilities, (a) a quarterstaff and a healing talisman or (b) a
and support spells that make them shortsword and a healing talisman
indispensable allies on the battlefield and (a) a set of healer’s tools or (b) a herbalism kit
in everyday life. A pouch containing 10 gold pieces
Healing Touch
The Empath
At 1st level, you gain the ability to channel your
Proficiency empathic energy to heal others. You can use an action
Level Bonus Features to touch a willing creature, spending Hit Dice equal to
1st +2 Healing Touch, Empathic Bond (1 your class level to heal them for that amount. You
2nd +2
Empathic Bond (2 creatures)
regain expended Hit Dice during a short or long rest.
3rd +2 Empath School, Aura of Serenity Empathic Bond
4th +2 Ability Score Increase, Empathic Insight
Starting at 2nd level, you form a bond with a single
5th +3 -
creature that grants you insight into their emotional and
6th +3 Empathic Bond (3 creatures), Empathic
physical state. You can use a bonus action to sense their
condition, granting you advantage on Medicine checks
7th +3 Soothing Presence
for that creature and allowing you to identify ailments or
8th +3 Ability Score Increase, Empath School
curses. At higher levels, you can form bonds with
9th +4
Empathic Fortitude
additional creatures.
10th +4 Healing Mastery 2nd level: Bond with one creature.
11th +4 Empath School Feature 6th level: Bond with two creatures.
12th +4 Ability Score Increase, Tranquil Mind 10th level: Bond with three creatures.
Empathic Bond (4 creatures), Empathic
14th level: Bond with four creatures.
Resurrection Empath School
15th +5 -
16th +5 Ability Score Increase, Empathic Revival At 3rd level, you may choose to join one of the empath
17th +6 Empath School Feature schools described at the end of this class. They grant
18th +6 Master of Empathy you a feature at 3rd, 8th, 11th, and 17th level.
19th +6 Empathic Unity (Alternate 19th Level
Aura of Serenity
20th +6 Ascendant Empathy Beginning at 3rd level, you emit an aura of calming
energy in a 10-foot radius around you. While this aura is
active, you and friendly creatures within it gain
advantage on saving throws against being frightened or
Class Features charmed. This aura requires concentration.
As an empath, you gain the following class features: Empathic Insight
Hit Points
1d8 per healer level At 4th level, your empathic connection to others
Hit Dice:
8 + your Constitution modifier deepens, granting you the ability to gain insight into
Hit Points at 1st Level:
1d8 (or 5) + your their emotional states. You can spend 10 minutes in
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
Constitution modifier per fishmongerer level after 1st quiet contemplation with a willing creature to learn
about their feelings, desires, and recent experiences.
Proficiencies This information can be valuable for understanding the
Armor: Light armor motivations of your allies or the intentions of potential
Weapons: Simple weapons foes.
Tools: Herbalism kit
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Medicine, Insight, Persuasion,

Empathetic Ward At 12th level, your mastery of emotional states extends
to yourself. You become immune to being frightened or
At 5th level, you gain the ability to create a protective charmed, and you gain advantage on saving throws
empathic shield around yourself or a bonded creature against any effect that would affect your emotions or
as a reaction when they are targeted by an attack or mental state.
harmful spell. The shield grants temporary hit points
equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Empath level. Empathetic Resurgence
These temporary hit points last until the end of the At 13th level, your empathic connection allows you to
creature’s next turn. You can use this feature a number revive your allies in dire circumstances. When a bonded
of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) creature you have an Empathic Bond with drops to 0 hit
before requiring a long rest to regain expended uses. points, you can use your reaction to immediately
Empathic Resilience stabilize them and bring them back to consciousness
with 1 hit point.
At 6th level, you gain the ability to share your empathic
strength with others. As a reaction when a friendly Empathic Resurrection
creature within 30 feet takes damage, you can redirect a At 14th level, you gain the ability to bring the dead back
portion of that damage to yourself. You take half the to life. Once per long rest, you can cast the Resurrection
damage, and the other creature takes the remaining spell without expending a spell slot or material
half. You can use this feature a number of times equal to components. The target creature must have died no
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) per long rest. more than 10 minutes ago.
Soothing Presence Empathic Revival
At 7th level, your aura of calming energy becomes even At 16th level, you gain the ability to bring a fallen ally
more potent. The radius of your Aura of Serenity back to consciousness during combat. As an action, you
increases to 15 feet, and it no longer requires can expend your Empathic Bond with one of your
concentration. Additionally, when an ally within the bonded creatures to immediately restore them to
aura is subjected to a charm or fear effect, they can consciousness with hit points equal to your Empath
choose to reroll their saving throw, taking the higher level + your Wisdom modifier. This ability can be used
result. once per long rest.
Empathic Fortitude Master of Empathy
At 9th level, your empathic connection allows you to At 18th level, your empathic powers reach their zenith.
bolster the physical resilience of those you bond with. You gain the following benefits:
When you use your Empathic Bond feature, you can
choose to grant temporary hit points to the bonded Your aura radius increases to 30 feet.
creature equal to your healer level + your Wisdom You can use your Empathic Bond feature on any
modifier. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. number of creatures within your aura.
Healing Mastery You can use Healing Touch as a bonus action.
When you use Empathic Resilience, you can choose
Starting at 10th level, your healing abilities reach their to take all the damage, leaving your ally unharmed.
peak. Whenever you use a spell or ability to restore hit
points to a creature, you can maximize the healing Empathic Unity
instead of rolling for it. You can use this feature a At 19th level, you achieve a profound unity with your
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier bonded creatures. When you use your Empathic Bond
(minimum of 1) per long rest. feature, you can now extend your aura of calming
Empathetic Connection energy to all creatures bonded to you. This aura has a
radius of 30 feet and provides the same benefits as your
At 11th level, your empathic bond with your bonded Aura of Serenity, granting advantage on saving throws
creatures deepens further. When you use your against being frightened or charmed.
Empathic Bond feature to sense the condition of a Additionally, once per long rest, you can use your
bonded creature, you can now also share in their Empathic Unity to bolster your bonded creatures’
sensory experiences for one minute. This allows you to resolve. As an action, you can grant all creatures bonded
see, hear, and feel everything that the bonded creature to you temporary hit points equal to your healer level x
does, providing valuable information and insight during 5. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour and can be
critical moments. a lifeline in dire situations.
Tranquil Mind

Ascendant Empathy disadvantage on attack rolls against you and your
bonded creatures.
At 20th level, your empathic powers ascend to their
ultimate form. You can now form bonds with creatures Dreadful Manipulation
beyond the mortal realm. You can use your Empathic At 8th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to
Bond feature on celestial, fiendish, or elemental manipulate the fears of your enemies. As a bonus
creatures. When bonded with such a creature, you gain action, choose one bonded creature within 30 feet.
resistance to the type of damage associated with that Enemies within 60 feet of that creature must make a
creature’s nature (e.g., fire resistance for a bonded fire Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one
elemental). minute.
Empath Schools Fearful Insight
School of Apathy At 11th level, you gain the ability to sense the deepest
Empaths from the School of Apathy focus on detaching fears of your enemies. When you use your Empathic
themselves emotionally from others, allowing them to Bond to sense the condition of a bonded creature, you
maintain a cool and analytical mindset in high-pressure also learn about the fears and vulnerabilities of any
situations. enemies within 30 feet of that creature.
Panic Burst
Emotionless Presence
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to suppress At 17th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to create
your emotions, making it difficult for enemies to gauge a wave of terror. As an action, all enemies within your
your intentions. You have advantage on saving throws Terrifying Aura must make a Wisdom saving throw or
against spells and abilities that affect your emotions or be paralyzed with fear for one minute. They can repeat
mental state. the saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end
the effect.
Apathetic Aura
At 8th level, you can project an aura of emotional School of Joy
neutrality. Allies within the aura gain resistance to Empaths from the School of Joy radiate positivity and
psychic damage, and enemies have disadvantage on happiness, using their abilities to uplift allies and spread
Wisdom (Insight) checks to discern your true feelings hope in the darkest of times.
and intentions. Joyful Presence
Stoic Resolve Starting at 3rd level, you can project an aura of
At 11th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to grant happiness within 30 feet. Allies within this aura gain
temporary hit points to bonded creatures equal to your advantage on saving throws against being frightened or
Empath level + your Wisdom modifier whenever they charmed.
are affected by an effect that imposes a condition (e.g., Inspiring Empathy
frightened, charmed, etc.).
At 8th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to inspire
Tranquil Mastery your bonded creatures. As a bonus action, choose one
At 17th level, you become a master of emotional control. bonded creature within 30 feet. That creature gains
You can use your reaction to end one fear or charm temporary hit points equal to your Empath level + your
effect on yourself or a bonded creature within 30 feet, Wisdom modifier and has advantage on ability checks
granting them immunity to the chosen condition for 1 and saving throws for one minute.
minute. Laughter’s Resilience
School of Fear At 11th level, you and bonded creatures within your
Empaths from the School of Fear have a deep Joyful Presence aura have resistance to psychic damage
understanding of fear and terror, using these emotions and advantage on saving throws against spells and
to manipulate and control their enemies. abilities that inflict confusion or madness.
Terrifying Aura
Starting at 3rd level, you can project an aura of fear
within 30 feet. Enemies within this aura have

Elation Burst Fury Infusion
At 17th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to Starting at 3rd level, you can channel your rage into
unleash a burst of euphoria. As an action, all creatures your Empathic Bond. When you or a bonded creature
within your Joyful Presence aura are filled with takes damage, you can use your reaction to deal psychic
exhilaration. They gain temporary hit points equal to damage equal to your Empath level + your Wisdom
your Empath level x 5 and have advantage on all attack modifier to the attacker.
rolls for one minute. Rage Amplification
School of Love At 8th level, when you enter a state of rage (similar to a
Empaths from the School of Love are masters of forging Barbarian’s rage), your Empathic Bond extends its
emotional bonds, spreading love and compassion benefits to all creatures bonded to you within 30 feet.
wherever they go. They use their abilities to heal, They gain temporary hit points equal to your Empath
protect, and inspire others, creating a web of affection level + your Wisdom modifier while you are raging.
and trust. Battle Embrace
Compassionate Presence At 11th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to
Starting at 3rd level, you emit an aura of love and enhance your allies’ combat abilities. As a bonus action,
empathy within 30 feet. This aura soothes and comforts choose one bonded creature within 30 feet. That
those within it, granting advantage on saving throws creature gains advantage on attack rolls and damage
against being frightened or charmed. rolls for one minute.
Healing Embrace Unstoppable Rage
At 8th level, you can use your Empathic Bond to mend At 17th level, when you drop to 0 hit points while
wounds and alleviate suffering. As a bonus action, raging, you can use your reaction to instantly regain hit
choose one bonded creature within 30 feet. That points equal to your Empath level x 5 and continue to
creature gains temporary hit points equal to your fight, maintaining your rage for an additional number of
Empath level + your Wisdom modifier and regains hit rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of
points equal to your Empath level at the start of each of 1).
its turns for one minute.
Bonds of Affection
At 11th level, your Empathic Bond extends to grant
emotional support. When a bonded creature you can see
fails a saving throw, you can use your reaction to allow
them to reroll the saving throw, taking the higher result.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) before requiring
a long rest to regain expended uses.
Unconditional Love
At 17th level, your love knows no bounds. As an action,
you can use your Empathic Bond to protect your bonded
creatures from harm. For one minute, any damage
taken by a bonded creature is divided equally among all
bonded creatures within 30 feet. Additionally, any
bonded creature within this radius cannot be reduced to
below 1 hit point as long as one other bonded creature
remains conscious.
School of Rage
Empaths from the School of Rage harness their intense
emotions, particularly anger and fury, to fuel their
abilities, making them formidable warriors and

30 feet of you, you also regain hit points equal to the
Fighter necrotic damage dealt.
Blackguard Dark Ascendancy
The Blackguard is a fighter who has succumbed to the At 18th level, your bond with your malevolent patron
darkness, embracing malevolence and serving sinister reaches its zenith, allowing you to harness their dark
powers. Through unholy oaths and dark rituals, the power to transform yourself. As an action, you can
Blackguard gains profane abilities that make them embrace the Dark Ascendancy, gaining the following
formidable adversaries on the battlefield. benefits:
Oath of Darkness
You gain resistance to necrotic damage. Your attacks
deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You
Starting at 3rd level, you swear a sinister oath, binding can use your Aura of Dread feature without expending a
yourself to malevolent forces that grant you dark use. You can use your Vampiric Strike feature without
powers. This oath involves a dark deity, a fiend, or an expending a use. You can remain in this empowered
otherworldly entity. Your malevolent patron becomes form for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t
your guide and source of power, and you gain the use it again until you finish a long rest.
following benefits:
Profane Knowledge. You gain proficiency in the
Religion and Intimidation skills. Unholy Senses. Your
connection to darkness enhances your senses. You gain
darkvision out to 60 feet and advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on detecting hidden or
concealed creatures or objects. Dread Communion. You
can communicate telepathically with your malevolent
patron as long as you are within a mile of each other
and on the same plane of existence.
Dark Strike
At 7th level, your connection to darkness allows you to
infuse your attacks with malevolent energy. When you
hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
expend one use of your Action Surge to deal extra
damage to the target equal to your proficiency bonus. If
your malevolent patron is within 30 feet of you, you can
also choose to have the attack deal necrotic damage.
Aura of Dread
At 10th level, your malevolent presence begins to
radiate an aura of dread. As an action, you can activate
your Aura of Dread, causing fear and unease in a 30-foot
radius around you. Creatures of your choice within this
radius must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC
equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
modifier. A creature that fails its save is frightened for 1
minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Vampiric Strike
At 15th level, you can invoke your connection to
darkness to steal life force from your enemies. When
you take the Attack action on your turn, you can choose
to activate this feature. If you do, you gain advantage on
all attack rolls you make until the end of your turn, and
your attacks deal extra necrotic damage equal to your
proficiency bonus. If your malevolent patron is within
The Demonsoul Fighter is a formidable warrior who
has forged an unholy pact with a malevolent entity from
the depths of the Abyss. In a rare and dangerous ritual,
the soul of a demon has merged with their own,
granting them supernatural abilities and tapping into
the wellspring of darkness within.
With this fusion of mortal and demonic essence, the
Demonsoul Fighter becomes a force to be reckoned
with on the battlefield. Their connection to the demon
grants them enhanced physical attributes, resilience,
and access to eldritch powers that can turn the tide of
battle in their favor.
How did it happen? Why were you cursed? Why is the
demon here? Are you fighting the evil will of your
demon or have you succumbed to its nature? Think
about these questions when crafting your character’s
Demon’s Soul
Your soul is intertwined with the ancient soul of a
demon. As a result, you can now speak, read, write, and
understand Abyssal and Infernal starting at the 3rd
level. Additionally, the demon in you will whisper its
thoughts and suggestions to you telepathically. Your
dungeon master can roleplay the demon.
Demon’s Blessing
Also starting at the 3rd level, when you reduce a hostile
creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points
equal to your twice your Charisma modifier + your
fighter level (minimum of 2).
The demon takes full control of your body in order to
save you from a bad sittuation. Starting at level 7, as an
action, you may transform into a demon. You cannot be charmed or frightened.
While transformed, you gain the following benefits: Instead of doubling damage dealt by you on critical
hits, the damage dealt is trippled.
You have advantage on Strength checks and
Strength saving throws. If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or
When you make a melee weapon attack using concentrate on them while using this feature.
Strength or Dexterity, you gain a bonus to the Your manefestation lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if
damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and
demonsoul as shown in the table below. you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last
turn or taken damage since then. You can also end the
Manifestation Damage Bonus effects on your turn as a bonus action.
Fighter Level Damage Bonus Once you have used this feature the number of times
7-8 +2 equal to your proficiency bonus minus 1 (with a
9-12 +3 minimum of 2), you must finish a long rest before you
13-20 +4 can use this feature again.
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and Fiendish Resilience
slashing damage. Starting at 10th level, you can choose one damage type
when you finish a short or long rest.

You gain resistance to that damage type until you
choose a different one with this feature. Damage from
magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this
Hurl Through Hell
Starting at 15th level, when you hit a creature with an
attack, you can use this feature to instantly transport the
target through the lower planes. The creature
disappears and hurtles through a nightmare landscape.
At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the
space it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied
space. If the target is not a fiend, it takes 10d10 + 10
psychic damage as it reels from its horrific experience.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.
Abyssal Avatar
Starting at 18th level, you may take an action to allow
the demon’s soul to take full control of your body and
transform it into his own for a time. While using the
manefestation feature, the following effects occur
(additional to those described in the Manefestation
Skeletal wings sprout from your back and grant you
a flying speed of 60 feet.
You emanate an aura of menace in a 30-foot radius.
The first time any enemy creature enters the aura or
starts its turn there during a battle, the creature must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened of you for 1 minute or until it takes any
damage. Attack rolls against the frightened creature
have advantage.

Dragon Knight At 18th level, your bond with your dragon has grown to
The Dragon Knight is a fighter who has formed a bond the point where you can channel its power to transform
with a dragon, gaining some of its abilities and powers. yourself. As an action, you can transform into a half-
This bond allows the Dragon Knight to call upon the dragon, gaining the following benefits:
dragon’s strength and magic in combat. You gain resistance to the damage type associated
with your dragon’s breath weapon. Your attacks deal
Dragon Bond extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You can
use your Dragon Presence feature without expending a
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a bond with a dragon of use. You can use your Draconic Fury feature without
your choice. You must have met the dragon and made expending a use. You can remain in this form for 1
some kind of agreement with it, whether through a minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
formal pact or a mutual understanding. The dragon until you finish a long rest.
becomes your companion and ally, and you gain the
following benefits:
Dragon Senses. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet
and advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on sight or smell. Draconic Resistance. You gain
resistance to the damage type associated with your
dragon’s breath weapon. Dragon Communication: You
can communicate with your dragon telepathically, as
long as you are within a mile of each other and are on
the same plane of existence.
Draconic Strike
At 7th level, when you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, you can expend one use of your Action
Surge to deal extra damage to the target equal to your
proficiency bonus. If your dragon is within 30 feet of
you, you can also choose to have the attack deal damage
of the type associated with your dragon’s breath
Frightful Presence
At 10th level, you gain the ability to channel the power
of your dragon to intimidate your foes. As an action, you
can roar with the force of your dragon’s breath weapon,
forcing each creature within 30 feet of you to make a
Wisdom saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. A creature
takes psychic damage equal to your fighter level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Draconic Fury
At 15th level, you can call upon the fury of your dragon
to strike down your foes. When you take the Attack
action on your turn, you can choose to activate this
feature. If you do, you gain advantage on all attack rolls
you make until the end of your turn, and your attacks
deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. If
your dragon is within 30 feet of you, you can also
choose to have your attacks deal damage of the type
associated with your dragon’s breath weapon.
Dragon Ascendant

Giant Slayer
As a Giantslayer, you specialize in defeating the colossal
beings that roam the land. You are a master of fighting
against enemies that tower over you, using your
strength, skill, and cunning to strike down your massive
Giant Slayer’s Strike
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to deal extra
damage to creatures with the giant type. When you hit a
creature with the giant type, you can expend one
superiority die to deal extra damage to the target. The
extra damage is equal to the number you roll on the
superiority die, in addition to the weapon’s damage.
Staggering Blow
At 7th level, you learn to use your weapon to strike at a
giant’s vulnerable areas, causing them to become
staggered. When you hit a giant with a weapon attack,
you can choose to spend a superiority die to attempt to
stagger the giant. The target must make a Constitution
saving throw, with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the
giant is staggered until the end of its next turn. While
staggered, the giant has disadvantage on attack rolls,
ability checks, and saving throws.
Giant’s Bane
At 10th level, you gain resistance to damage from
creatures with the giant type. In addition, your attacks
against creatures with the giant type are considered
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and
Thunderous Strike
At 15th level, you learn to channel your rage into a
thunderous strike that can shake the very earth. Once
per turn, when you hit a creature with the giant type,
you can choose to expend a use of your Action Surge to
deal an additional 4d8 thunder damage to the target.
The target must make a Strength saving throw, with a
DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
modifier. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone.
Giant Killer
At 18th level, you become a true master of fighting
against giants. You gain advantage on all attack rolls
against creatures with the giant type. In addition, when
a giant misses you with a melee attack, you can use your
reaction to make a weapon attack against it.

Hagbound At 18th level, your bond with your Hag patron reaches
The Hagbound is a fighter who has forged an unholy its zenith, allowing you to draw upon their malevolent
pact with a malevolent Hag, gaining sinister abilities power to transform yourself. As an action, you can
and powers. This sinister connection allows the embrace the Hag’s Ascendancy, gaining the following
Hagbound to harness the dark magic and wicked benefits:
knowledge of their Hag patron in battle. You gain resistance to necrotic damage. Your attacks
deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You
Pact with a Hag can use your Eerie Presence feature without expending
a use. You can use your Curse of Malevolence feature
Starting at 3rd level, you enter into a sinister pact with a without expending a use. You can remain in this
malevolent Hag. This dark alliance is sealed through an empowered form for 1 minute. Once you use this
eerie ritual or a twisted bargain. The Hag becomes your feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
malevolent benefactor, and you gain the following
Hag’s Secrets. You gain proficiency in the Deception
and Arcana skills. Hexed Senses. Your connection to
the Hag enhances your senses. You gain darkvision out
to 60 feet and advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on detecting hidden or concealed
creatures or objects. Eldritch Guidance. You can
communicate telepathically with your Hag patron as
long as you are within a mile of each other and on the
same plane of existence.
Wicked Strike
At 7th level, your connection to the Hag allows you to
infuse your attacks with dark magic. When you hit a
creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend
one use of your Action Surge to deal extra damage to
the target equal to your proficiency bonus. If your Hag
patron is within 30 feet of you, you can also choose to
have the attack deal necrotic damage.
Eerie Presence
At 10th level, you gain the ability to channel the sinister
power of your Hag patron to unsettle your foes. As an
action, you can unleash an eerie presence, forcing each
creature within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving
throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier. A creature takes psychic
damage equal to your fighter level on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Curse of Malevolence
At 15th level, you can invoke the curse bestowed upon
you by your Hag patron to afflict your enemies with
malevolence. When you take the Attack action on your
turn, you can choose to activate this feature. If you do,
you gain advantage on all attack rolls you make until the
end of your turn, and your attacks deal extra necrotic
damage equal to your proficiency bonus. If your Hag
patron is within 30 feet of you, you can also choose to
have your attacks deal additional psychic damage.
Hag’s Ascendancy

Packmaster of damage. You can use this feature a number of times
In the heat of battle, some fighters stand as more than equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1),
just skilled warriors; they are the embodiment of regaining expended uses after a long rest.
camaraderie and tactical cohesion. These noble
warriors are known as Packmasters, commanders of
the battlefield who draw strength from the presence of
their allies. Through unwavering teamwork and
unbreakable bonds, Packmasters forge a formidable
alliance that transcends individual prowess.
3rd Level: Pack Tactics
Starting at 3rd level, you are empowered by your allies
in battle. You gain a bonus based on the number of
allies within 25 feet of you:
1 ally: +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage dealt, and
armor class.
2 allies: +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage dealt, and
armor class.
3 or more allies: +3 bonus to attack rolls, damage
dealt, and armor class.
This bonus applies to you. Additionally, at 18th level,
the bonus is doubled for each ally within 25 feet of you.
7th Level: Rally
At 7th level, your fighting spirit can rally your allies to
focus their attacks. As an action, you can rally your
allies within 30 feet of you. Each friendly creature
within range gains a bonus to their next attack roll
against a target of their choice. This bonus equals your
proficiency bonus. You can use this feature once,
regaining the ability after a long rest.
10th Level: Close Formation
Upon reaching 10th level, your tactical coordination
with your closest allies improves. Whenever an ally is
within 10 feet of you, they gain a bonus to their armor
class equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).
This bonus applies to your three nearest allies,
determined by distance, within 25 feet of you.
15th Level: Strength in Numbers
Starting at 15th level, your mastery of fighting in close
proximity to your allies grants you enhanced critical
capabilities. The number of allies within 35 feet of you
(including yourself) lowers the minimum roll required
for a critical hit. For every two allies within range, the
minimum roll required is reduced by 1. For example, if
there are 4 allies within range, a roll of 15-20 would
count as a critical hit.
18th Level: Pack Resilience
At 18th level, the bond between you and your allies
enhances your collective durability. Whenever you or an
ally within 25 feet of you takes damage, you can use
your reaction to grant them resistance to that instance
Tormentor At the 18th level, you transform into an embodiment of
The Tormentor Fighter is a dark and sinister warrior pure madness and terror. Once per long rest, as an
whose primary goal is to spread dread and madness action, you can assume your Avatar of Madness form for
among their foes. They draw upon dark powers and 1 minute. During this time, you gain the following
employ sinister techniques to sow chaos and despair on benefits:
the battlefield. Your movement speed increases by 20 feet.
Dark Infusion Whenever a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of
you, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against
Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse your spell save DC or suffer a short-term madness
your weapons with a touch of darkness. As a bonus effect from the Indefinite Madness table in the
action, you can expend one use of your Dark Infusion to Dungeon Master’s Guide.
imbue your weapon with malevolent energy until the You have resistance to all damage except psychic
end of your next turn. Your weapon attacks deal an damage.
additional 1d6 necrotic damage during this time. The You can use your action to make a melee weapon
damage increases to 2d6 at 10th level and 3d6 at 18th attack against any creature within reach. On a hit,
level. the target must make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC or suffer long-term
Terrifying Presence madness from the Indefinite Madness table in the
At the 3rd level, your menacing presence begins to Dungeon Master’s Guide.
unsettle your enemies. As an action, you can force all After using this feature, you must finish a long rest
creatures of your choice within a 30-foot radius before you can use it again.
centered on you to make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC. On a failed save, creatures
become frightened of you until the end of their next
Maddening Strikes
Starting at the 7th level, your attacks become infused
with an aura of madness. Whenever you hit a creature
with a weapon attack, you can choose to forgo dealing
damage and instead force the target to make a Wisdom
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed
save, the target takes psychic damage equal to your
fighter level and becomes affected by the confusion spell
until the end of its next turn.
Aura of Dread
At the 10th level, you radiate an aura of fear that
unnerves your enemies. While you are not
incapacitated, any creature of your choice that starts its
turn within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving
throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the
creature is frightened until the start of its next turn.
Master of Despair
Starting at the 15th level, you gain the ability to tap into
the deepest fears and anxieties of your enemies. Once
per long rest, when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can choose to inflict despair upon it. The
target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
spell save DC or become paralyzed with fear for 1
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Avatar of Madness

absorbs the spell’s energy, rendering it harmless. You
Monk can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all
Way of the Arcane Aegis expended uses after finishing a long rest.
The Way of the Arcane Aegis is a mystical and
enigmatic path for monks who tap into the ancient
powers of the arcane to become living shields,
protectors, and wielders of magical energies. These
monks infuse their bodies and martial abilities with
arcane might, allowing them to intercept attacks and
manipulate the very essence of spells.
Arcane Warding
Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to conjure
an Arcane Ward that surrounds you, providing
protection against attacks. As a bonus action, you can
spend 2 ki points to activate your Arcane Ward. Until
the end of your next turn, you gain temporary hit points
equal to your monk level + your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of 1 temporary hit point). These temporary
hit points can absorb damage from attacks and spells.
Spell Deflection
Also at the 3rd level, your attunement to the arcane
allows you to deflect incoming spells. When you are
targeted by a spell that requires a Dexterity saving
throw to reduce its damage, you can spend 2 ki points to
add your Wisdom modifier to the saving throw. If you
succeed, you take no damage on a successful save, and
half damage on a failed one.
Arcane Strike
Starting at the 6th level, you learn to infuse your
unarmed strikes with arcane energy. When you hit a
creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki
point to deal an additional 1d8 force damage. This
damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 17th
Arcane Resonance
At the 11th level, your connection to the arcane allows
you to resonate with magical energies. When you
successfully deflect a spell using your Spell Deflection
feature, you can choose to absorb some of its arcane
essence. For the next minute, you can use your reaction
to spend 1 ki point to cast one of the following spells at
its lowest level without expending a spell slot: Shield,
Absorb Elements, or Counterspell. You must meet the
spell’s requirements to cast it.
Arcane Aegis
Starting at the 17th level, you become a master of
shielding yourself and your allies from harm. As a
reaction when you or a creature within 30 feet of you is
targeted by an attack or harmful spell, you can spend 5
ki points to create a protective barrier. The attack or
spell automatically misses its target, and the barrier
Way of the Bloodstained
The Way of the Bloodstained Palm is a dark and
sinister path for monks who embrace their connection
to the macabre and draw power from the essence of
blood. These monks wield their own life force as a
weapon, channeling it into devastating strikes and
gaining supernatural abilities.
Dark Infusion
Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse
your strikes with the power of your own blood. As a
bonus action, you can expend 2 ki points to activate
your Dark Infusion. Until the end of your turn, your
unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 necrotic
damage. The damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6
at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.
At the 3rd level, your connection to blood empowers you
with increased vitality. Whenever you reduce a hostile
creature to 0 hit points using an unarmed strike, you
gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom
modifier + your monk level (minimum of 1 temporary hit
Bloodied Strikes
Starting at the 6th level, your strikes become even
deadlier when your enemies are wounded. When you hit
a creature with an unarmed strike, if the target is below
its maximum hit points, it takes additional damage
equal to your monk level. This feature applies once per
Crimson Flow
At the 11th level, your mastery over blood allows you to
manipulate your own life force. As an action, you can
spend 3 ki points to heal yourself for an amount of hit
points equal to your monk level + your Wisdom
modifier. Additionally, when you use your Dark
Infusion, you can choose to regain hit points equal to
half the necrotic damage dealt.
Sanguine Resilience
Starting at the 17th level, your connection to blood
grants you exceptional resilience. You gain advantage
on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or
paralyzed. Furthermore, when you are reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright, you can use your reaction
to expend 5 ki points and regain hit points equal to your
monk level × 2.

Way of the Elements Starting at the 6th level, your elemental strikes become
The Way of the Elements is a mystical path for monks even more potent. When you hit a creature with an
who harness the elemental forces of nature, allowing unarmed strike using your Elemental Strikes feature,
them to unleash devastating powers through their you can spend 1 ki point to deal additional damage
martial arts. These monks attune themselves to the equal to your monk level of the chosen elemental
primal elements of earth, fire, air, and water, becoming damage type.
living conduits for their destructive and versatile Elemental Mastery
energies. At the 11th level, your mastery over the elements grants
Elemental Strikes you greater control. You can cast the Control Weather
Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse spell once without expending a spell slot or requiring
your unarmed strikes with elemental power. As a bonus material components. You must finish a long rest to use
action, you can spend 2 ki points to activate your this feature again.
Elemental Strikes. Until the end of your turn, your Elemental Ascendance
unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage of the Starting at the 17th level, you become one with the
chosen element: fire, cold, lightning, or acid. The elements. You gain resistance to the damage type
damage type must be chosen when you activate this associated with your Elemental Attunement.
feature. The damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 Additionally, when you activate Elemental Strikes, you
at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level. can choose two different elemental damage types for
Elemental Attunement your unarmed strikes, allowing you to unleash a
Also at the 3rd level, you become attuned to one of the devastating combination of elemental power upon your
primal elements: Earth, Fire, Air, or Water. This choice foes.
grants you additional abilities at later levels.
Stone Fist: Your unarmed strikes count as magical
for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
immunity to non-magical attacks.
Earth’s Resilience: You gain proficiency in Strength
saving throws.
Burning Strikes: When you activate Elemental
Strikes with fire damage, creatures you hit must
make a Dexterity saving throw or take an additional
1d6 fire damage at the start of their next turn.
Firestarter: You have resistance to fire damage.

Swift as the Wind: Your base walking speed
increases by 10 feet.
Windwalker: You can spend 2 ki points to cast the
Levitate spell on yourself without expending a spell
slot or requiring material components.
Fluid Form: You gain the ability to breathe
underwater, and you have a swimming speed equal
to your walking speed.
Water’s Embrace: When you activate Elemental
Strikes with cold damage, creatures you hit must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have their
speed reduced by half until the end of their next turn.
Elemental Fury

Way of the Haunted
The Way of the Haunted Soul is a dark monk tradition
that delves into the realms of restless spirits and the
ethereal plane. These monks harness the powers of
ghosts and the afterlife, gaining spectral abilities and
eerie insights.
Ethereal Step
Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to briefly
phase into the ethereal plane. As a bonus action, you
can expend 2 ki points to activate your Ethereal Step.
Until the end of your turn, you can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
You also have advantage on Dexterity saving throws,
and ranged attacks have disadvantage against you. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all
expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Spectral Strikes
At the 3rd level, your strikes carry the essence of the
ethereal realm. When you hit a creature with an
unarmed strike, you can expend 1 ki point to deal an
additional 1d6 force damage. The damage increases to
2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.
Ectoplasmic Defense
Starting at the 6th level, you can use your connection to
the ethereal plane to protect yourself. While you are not
wearing armor or wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 +
your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Additionally, you have resistance to necrotic damage.
Spirit’s Embrace
At the 11th level, you can temporarily call upon the aid
of spectral entities. As an action, you can spend 3 ki
points to summon spectral allies to assist you in battle.
The spectral allies last for 1 minute or until dismissed,
and they obey your commands as best as they can. The
allies’ statistics are determined by the DM, and they act
on their own initiative. Once you use this feature, you
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Haunting Presence
Starting at the 17th level, your connection to the
ethereal plane is so strong that you can cause fear in
your enemies. As an action, you can expend 5 ki points
to force all creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you
to make a Wisdom saving throw against your monk save
DC. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened for
1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a long rest.

Way of the Senses (minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses after
The Way of the Senses is a monk tradition that delves finishing a long rest.
deep into the realm of heightened perception and
extraordinary awareness. Monks who follow this path
sharpen their senses to a supernatural degree, allowing
them to perceive the world in ways others can only
dream of. They hone their bodies and minds to become
masters of observation and reaction.
Heightened Senses
Starting at the 3rd level, you unlock the extraordinary
potential of your senses. You gain proficiency in the
Perception skill if you don’t already have it. Additionally,
you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your
Dexterity modifier when determining your Armor Class,
as your heightened awareness helps you react swiftly to
incoming threats.
Keen Observation
At the 3rd level, your powers of perception extend
beyond the mundane. You can spend 2 ki points to enter
a state of Keen Observation as a bonus action. While in
this state, your Wisdom (Perception) checks are made
with advantage, and you have advantage on saving
throws against being surprised. This state lasts for 1
minute, and you can end it early as a bonus action.
Sense the Unseen
Starting at the 6th level, your heightened senses allow
you to detect hidden and invisible creatures and objects.
You can spend 3 ki points to activate your Sense the
Unseen ability. For the next 10 minutes, you can see
invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible,
and you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks to detect hidden creatures or objects.
Rapid Reflexes
At the 11th level, your heightened perception extends to
your reaction time. When you roll for initiative, you can
spend 4 ki points to gain an additional reaction on your
turn. This extra reaction can only be used for
opportunity attacks or other features that normally
require a reaction.
Omni Awareness
Starting at the 17th level, your senses become nearly
omniscient. As an action, you can spend 6 ki points to
activate Omni Awareness. For the next minute, you
have true sight with a range of 60 feet, and you
automatically succeed on saving throws against being
charmed or frightened. Additionally, you can use your
reaction to reroll a saving throw against an effect that
would cause you to take damage or impose a condition,
choosing the better result. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier

Way of the Whiskey Fist
Monks who follow the Way of the Whiskey Fist are
warriors deeply connected to the untamed spirit of the
wild west. They draw their power and insight from the Your movement speed increases by 30 feet.
ancient traditions of the native tribes and the vast Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike,
expanse of the frontier. These monks have honed their you can spend 3 ki points to make another unarmed
bodies and spirits through rigorous training, discipline, strike against the same target as a bonus action.
and the consumption of whiskey, a potent elixir that
fuels their unique abilities. The Way of the Whiskey Fist Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
allows these monks to embody the courage, resilience, you finish a long rest.
and unpredictability of the wild west, making them
formidable adversaries and inspiring figures in their
Whiskey Fortitude
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to bolster your
resilience with the power of whiskey. As a bonus action,
you can consume a sip of whiskey, granting yourself
temporary hit points equal to your monk level plus your
Wisdom modifier. Additionally, while you have these
temporary hit points, you gain advantage on saving
throws against being frightened.
Liquid Step
At 6th level, you have learned to walk the line between
sobriety and intoxication, allowing you to move with
uncanny speed and agility. When you use Step of the
Wind, you can choose to spend 2 ki points instead of 1.
While under the effects of Step of the Wind, your
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks, and
you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage until the end of your turn.
Drunken Fist
At 11th level, you have mastered the art of Drunken
Fist, a unique fighting style that combines unpredictable
movements with surprising accuracy. When you make
an unarmed strike, you can choose to imbue it with the
power of whiskey. If you do so, you can roll a d6 and add
the result to the attack roll. Additionally, if you hit a
creature with an unarmed strike while in this state, you
can choose to push the target up to 10 feet away from
Whiskey Whirlwind
Starting at 17th level, you can channel the chaotic
energy of whiskey to become a swirling tempest of fists
and fury. As an action, you can enter the Whiskey
Whirlwind state, which lasts for 1 minute. While in this
form, you gain the following benefits:
You have advantage on all unarmed strikes and can
make one additional unarmed strike as part of your
Attack action.

As an action, you can use your
Paladin Balance Strike:
Channel Equilibrium to strike a balance between
opposing forces. The next time you hit a creature
Oath of Balance with a melee weapon attack before the end of your
turn, you can deal additional force damage equal to
he Oath of Balance is a sacred commitment your Paladin level + your Charisma modifier.

undertaken by paladins who seek to Aura of Harmony: As an action, you can use your
maintain equilibrium and harmony in a Channel Equilibrium to emanate an aura of
world constantly torn by conflicting forces. harmony. The aura extends 10 feet from you for 1
These paladins understand that the minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action.
delicate balance between light and While the aura is active, creatures within its radius
darkness, order and chaos, and life and have advantage on saving throws against being
death is essential for the well-being of the world. They charmed or frightened.
swear this oath to ensure that these opposing forces do
not tip the scales too far in either direction, preserving Aura of Balance
the fragile equilibrium that sustains existence. Starting at the 7th level, your presence exudes an aura
Tenets of Balance of balance. When a creature starts its turn within 10 feet
Paladins who swear the Oath of Balance adhere to the of you, it gains temporary hit points equal to your
following tenets: Paladin level unless it succeeds on a Charisma saving
Harmonious Existence: Recognize the Equilibrium’s Resilience
interconnectedness of all things and strive to At the 15th level, your connection to balance grants you
maintain a harmonious coexistence between all remarkable resilience. You and friendly creatures within
aspects of the world. 10 feet of you gain advantage on saving throws against
Guardians of Neutrality: Act as guardians of
neutrality, preventing the unchecked rise of either being petrified or paralyzed. Additionally, you and
extreme—light or darkness, order or chaos. friendly creatures within this aura cannot be magically
Preserve the Ecosystem: Protect the natural world compelled to act against their alignment or nature.
and its ecosystems, ensuring that the delicate Balance’s Judgement
balance of life is not disrupted by unchecked
expansion or destruction. At the 20th level, you can harness the power of balance
Equitable Justice: Seek justice tempered with mercy to pass judgment upon those who disrupt it. As an
and fairness, understanding that every action has action, you can call upon the essence of equilibrium to
consequences and that maintaining balance unleash a wave of energy. Each hostile creature of your
sometimes requires difficult decisions. choice within 30 feet of you must make a Charisma
saving throw, taking 10d10 force damage on a failed
Oath Spells save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below. you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
These spells are always prepared and do not count finish a long rest.
against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd shield, detect magic
5th moonbeam, calm emotions
9th counterspell, plant growth
13th banishment, fabricate
17th circle of power, control weather

Channel Equilibrium
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Equilibrium options:

Oath of Despair Aura of Desolation
The Oath of Despair is a solemn and dark path chosen Starting at the 7th level, your presence fills the area
by paladins who have witnessed the depths of suffering around you with an aura of desolation. When a creature
and hopelessness in the world. These paladins embrace starts its turn within 10 feet of you, it takes necrotic
the desolation and channel their anguish into damage equal to half your Paladin level (rounded down)
formidable powers to combat evil and bring an end to unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw.
the causes of despair. Undead and fiends have disadvantage on this saving
Tenets of Despair throw.
Paladins who swear the Oath of Despair adhere to the Aura of Resilience
following tenets: At the 15th level, your connection to despair grants you
Embrace Suffering: Acknowledge the pain and
remarkable resilience. You and friendly creatures within
suffering in the world, for it fuels your determination 10 feet of you gain advantage on saving throws against
to bring about change. fear and disease. Additionally, you and friendly
Shatter False Hope: Recognize and expose the
creatures within this aura cannot be charmed or
falsehoods that give rise to false hope, revealing the frightened.
harsh truths and preventing further disappointment. Despair’s Judgement
Deliverance Through Darkness: Believe that true
deliverance can only be achieved by embracing the At the 20th level, you can unleash the full force of
darkness and confronting the deepest despair. despair upon your enemies. As an action, you can call
Mercy in Desolation: Show compassion and mercy upon the essence of despair to unleash a devastating
to those who are mired in despair, offering them wave of energy. Each hostile creature of your choice
solace and guiding them towards a path of healing within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving
and redemption. throw, taking 10d10 necrotic damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one. Once you
Oath Spells use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
long rest.
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below.
These spells are always prepared and do not count
against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd bane, false life
5th gentle repose, blindness/deafness
9th fear, vampiric touch
13th hunger of Hadar, locate creature
17th circle of death, raise dead

Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Divinity options:
Desolate Smite: As an action, you can use your
Channel Divinity to imbue your weapon with despair.
The next time you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack before the end of your turn, you can
deal additional necrotic damage equal to your
Paladin level + your Charisma modifier.
Aura of Despair: As an action, you can use your
Channel Divinity to emanate an aura of despair. The
aura extends 10 feet from you for 1 minute or until
you dismiss it as a bonus action. While the aura is
active, enemies within its radius have disadvantage
on saving throws against being frightened or

Oath of Inquisition
The Oath of Inquisition is taken by paladins who devote
themselves to upholding absolute order, rooting out
heresy, and enforcing strict justice. These paladins
become relentless agents of religious authority, seeking
to maintain purity and conformity within their faith and
Tenets of Inquisition
Paladins who swear the Oath of Inquisition adhere to
the following tenets:
Purity through Order: Strive for absolute order and
discipline, as it is the foundation of a righteous
Heretic’s Bane: Uncover and eliminate heresy in all
its forms, ensuring the purity of religious beliefs and
Forced Conversion: Pursue the conversion of
unbelievers through persuasion or, if necessary,
through uncompromising force.
Swift Justice: Mete out strict and unyielding justice,
punishing those who defy religious laws and
threaten the order established by the faith.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below.
These spells are always prepared and do not count Aura of Zeal
against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Starting at the 7th level, your unwavering devotion fuels
Paladin Level Spells your allies’ resolve. Allies within 10 feet of you gain a
3rd command, zone of truth bonus to their saving throws against being charmed or
5th hold person, spiritual weapon frightened equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum
9th bestow curse, speak with dead of +1).
13th compulsion, locate creature
17th commune, geas
Fanatical Pursuit
At the 15th level, your pursuit of justice and heresy
Channel Divinity knows no bounds. Whenever a creature you can see
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the makes an opportunity attack against a target within 5
following Channel Divinity options: feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee
weapon attack against the attacking creature.
Inquisitor’s Interrogation: As an action, you can use Inquisitor’s Judgement
your Channel Divinity to interrogate a creature. The
target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a At the 20th level, you can invoke the full authority of
failed save, it is compelled to answer your questions your faith to judge and punish your enemies. As an
truthfully to the best of its ability. The target can action, you call upon the divine power of your oath,
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its forcing each hostile creature of your choice within 30
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success or after feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
1 minute. save, a creature is frightened for 1 minute. On a
Divine Condemnation: As an action, you can use successful save, it is immune to this effect for the next
your Channel Divinity to mark a creature as a 24 hours. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
heretic. Until the end of your next turn, you have again until you finish a long rest.
advantage on attack rolls against the target, and any
critical hit you score against it becomes a guaranteed
critical hit.

As an action, you can use your
Oath of Penitence Aura of Mercy:
Channel of Redemption to emanate an aura of
he Oath of Penitence is a solemn mercy. The aura extends 10 feet from you for 1

commitment taken by paladins who have minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action.
recognized their own past transgressions While the aura is active, allies within its radius gain
and seek to make amends through advantage on saving throws against being frightened
unwavering dedication to justice, or charmed.
redemption, and the pursuit of a better self. Aura of Penance
These paladins embrace the path of self-
reflection and inner transformation, vowing to protect Starting at the 7th level, your presence radiates an aura
the innocent and right the wrongs of the world. of penitence. When a creature starts its turn within 10
Tenets of Penitence
feet of you, it can choose to take psychic damage equal
to half your Paladin level (rounded down) and gain
Paladins who swear the Oath of Penitence adhere to the advantage on its next saving throw against a charm
following tenets: effect, or it can forgo the damage and make the saving
throw normally.
Self-Reflection: Recognize and acknowledge your
own past mistakes and misdeeds, understanding that Atonement Resilience
true change begins from within. At the 15th level, your unwavering commitment to
Protection of the Vulnerable: Champion the cause of redemption grants you remarkable resilience. You and
the weak and defenseless, shielding them from harm friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain advantage
and injustice. on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.
Seek Redemption: Endeavor to redeem those who Additionally, you can use your action to remove one
have strayed from the path of righteousness, offering level of exhaustion from a willing creature you touch.
them a chance to make amends.
Justice Through Mercy: Dispense justice with a Redemption’s Judgment
merciful heart, understanding that sometimes At the 20th level, you can unleash the full force of
forgiveness can be the greatest form of retribution. redemption upon your enemies. As an action, you can
Oath Spells call upon the essence of penitence to unleash a radiant
wave of energy. Each hostile creature of your choice
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below. within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving
These spells are always prepared and do not count throw, taking 10d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or
against the number of spells you can prepare each day. half as much damage on a successful one. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
Paladin Level
3rd sanctuary, command
Spells rest.
5th lesser restoration, calm emotions
9th remove curse, counterspell
13th death ward, banishment
17th greater restoration, symbol

Channel of Redemption
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel of Redemption options:
Redemptive Strike: As an action, you can use your
Channel of Redemption to imbue your weapon with
the power of redemption. The next time you hit a
creature with a melee weapon attack before the end
of your turn, you can deal additional radiant damage
equal to your Paladin level + your Charisma

As an action, you can use your
Oath of Rebirth Aura of Renewal:
Channel Rebirth to emanate an aura of renewal. The
he Oath of Rebirth is a sacred pledge taken aura extends 10 feet from you for 1 minute or until

by paladins who are devoted to the eternal you dismiss it as a bonus action. While the aura is
cycle of renewal and transformation. These active, you and friendly creatures within its radius
paladins see life as a precious gift and regain hit points at the start of their turn equal to
strive to protect and nurture it in all its your Charisma modifier if they have less than half of
forms. They draw their power from the their hit points remaining.
forces of growth, healing, and Aura of Growth
transformation, using it to bring about new beginnings
and restore hope to the world. Starting at the 7th level, your presence fills the area
Tenets of Rebirth
around you with an aura of growth. When a creature
starts its turn within 10 feet of you, it gains temporary
Paladins who swear the Oath of Rebirth adhere to the hit points equal to your Paladin level, representing the
following tenets: vigor and vitality of new life.
Nurture Life: Cherish and protect all living creatures, Aura of Resilience
for life is a sacred and precious gift that must be At the 15th level, your connection to the cycle of rebirth
preserved. grants you remarkable resilience. You and friendly
Embrace Change: Understand that change is an creatures within 10 feet of you gain advantage on saving
essential part of existence, and it is through change throws against diseases and poisons. Additionally, you
that growth and renewal occur. and friendly creatures within this aura cannot be
Heal the Wounded: Use your abilities to mend the paralyzed or stunned.
wounded and restore vitality to those in need, both in
body and spirit. Renewal’s Judgment
Foster New Beginnings: Seek out opportunities for
new beginnings and encourage those who have lost At the 20th level, you can call upon the full power of
hope to start anew. renewal to protect and heal your allies. As an action, you
can unleash a wave of rejuvenating energy. Each
Oath Spells friendly creature of your choice within 30 feet of you
regains hit points equal to 10d10 + your Charisma
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below. modifier. Additionally, any negative conditions affecting
These spells are always prepared and do not count them are removed, and they gain temporary hit points
against the number of spells you can prepare each day. equal to your Paladin level. Once you use this feature,
Paladin Level Spells
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
3rd cure wounds, purify food and drink
5th lesser restoration, enhance ability
9th plant growth, remove curse
13th greater restoration, reincarnate
17th greater restoration (greater), true resurrection

Channel Rebirth
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Rebirth options:
Revitalizing Smite: As an action, you can use your
Channel Rebirth to infuse your weapon with the
essence of renewal. The next time you hit a creature
with a melee weapon attack before the end of your
turn, you can deal additional radiant damage equal
to your Paladin level + your Charisma modifier. You
or an ally within 30 feet of you also regain hit points
equal to the extra damage dealt.

Oath of Ruin Unleash Cataclysm: As an action, you can use your
The Oath of Ruin is a solemn and dark path chosen by Channel Divinity to invoke a cataclysmic event.
paladins who seek to bring about the destruction of Choose a point you can see within 60 feet of you. A
civilization and embrace the eventual extinction of all devastating explosion engulfs a 20-foot radius sphere
things. These paladins believe that by unraveling order centered on that point. Creatures within the area
and accelerating the demise of the world, they are must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 fire
serving a higher purpose in the grand scheme of damage, 2d10 thunder damage, or 2d10 necrotic
existence. damage (your choice) on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Tenets of Ruin Aura of Decay
Paladins who swear the Oath of Ruin adhere to the Starting at the 7th level, your presence exudes an aura
following tenets: of decay and erosion. When a creature starts its turn
Embrace Entropy: Accept the inevitable decline and within 10 feet of you, it takes necrotic damage equal to
decay of all things, recognizing the futility of half your Paladin level (rounded down) unless it
preserving civilization and seeking to hasten its succeeds on a Constitution saving throw. Constructs
demise. and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw.
Unleash Havoc: Seek chaos and disorder, sowing Avatar of Destruction
discord and destabilizing institutions that perpetuate
order and stagnation. At the 15th level, you become an avatar of destruction,
Bring about Extinction: Strive to end the existence of embracing the destructive forces of the world. You gain
powerful forces that hinder the natural flow of life, resistance to all damage types except radiant damage.
including empires, gods, and other sources of Additionally, as an action, you can emanate an aura of
authority. destruction that extends 30 feet from you. The aura
Embody Destruction: Embrace the destructive remains for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus
forces of nature and lend your might to cataclysms, action. While the aura is active, whenever you or an ally
disasters, and the erosion of established systems. hits a creature with a melee attack, it takes additional
damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Oath Spells
Annihilation’s Embrace
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below. At the 20th level, you can tap into the ultimate power of
These spells are always prepared and do not count ruin. As an action, you can call upon the forces of
against the number of spells you can prepare each day. annihilation to deliver a devastating blow. Choose a
Paladin Level Spells point you can see within 60 feet of you. All creatures in
3rd burning hands, ray of sickness a 30-foot radius sphere centered on that point must
5th shatter, blindness/deafness make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they
9th fireball, stinking cloud take 10d10 force damage, or half as much damage on a
13th vitriolic sphere, blight successful save. Once you use this feature, you can’t use
17th destructive wave, contagion it again until you finish a long rest.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Divinity options:
Ruin’s Rebuke: As a reaction when you or an ally
within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your
Channel Divinity to inflict pain and suffering upon
the assailant. The creature that damaged you or your
ally must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, it takes radiant damage equal to your Paladin
level, or half as much on a successful save.

Oath of the Nature’s Wrath : As an action, you can channel the
spirits’ wrath to command the forces of nature.
Spiritwalker Choose a point within 60 feet of you. Each creature
The Spiritwalkers are revered warriors among native of your choice within a 20-foot radius centered on
tribes who possess a deep connection to the spirits of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
nature, ancestors, and animal guides. They take the failed save, a creature takes damage equal to your
Oath of the Spiritwalker, dedicating themselves to Paladin level + your Wisdom modifier as the area
preserving the balance of the natural world, communing becomes difficult terrain. Additionally, the affected
with spirits, and protecting their people from creatures have their movement speed halved until
supernatural and mundane threats. the end of their next turn.
Ancestral Shield: As a reaction when you or an ally
Additional Spells within 30 feet of you is targeted by an attack, you can
The Oath of the Spiritwalker grants you the following invoke the protection of your ancestors. The target
spells: gains a bonus to its AC equal to your Charisma
modifier, potentially causing the attack to miss.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd purify food and drink, speak with animals
Aura of Guidance
5th moonbeam, locate animals or plants Starting at 7th level, your connection to the spirits
9th call lightning, speak with plants empowers your presence, granting guidance and insight
13th divination, guardian of nature to those around you. You and friendly creatures within
17th commune with nature, flame strike 10 feet of you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks and have advantage on saving throws against
Tenets of the Spiritwalker being charmed or frightened.
The Oath of the Spiritwalker emphasizes the following Spirit’s Resilience
tenets: At 15th level, the spirits fortify your body, enhancing
Harmony: A Spiritwalker seeks to maintain harmony your resilience and resistance. You gain the following
between the physical and spiritual realms. They benefits:
strive to understand and respect the intricate You have resistance to necrotic and poison damage.
balance of nature, fostering cooperation and Whenever you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of
coexistence. you would take necrotic or poison damage, they
Connection: The Spiritwalker forms a strong
spiritual bond with the natural world, the spirits, and instead regain hit points equal to half the damage
their ancestors. They nurture these connections they would have taken.
through rituals, meditation, and acts of reverence. Avatar of the Spirits
Protection: The Spiritwalker is entrusted with
safeguarding the lands and the creatures that inhabit At 20th level, you can fully embody the essence of the
them. They defend against those who seek to exploit spirits, transforming into an ethereal being of immense
or harm the natural order. power. As an action, you can enter your Avatar of the
Guidance: The Spiritwalker serves as a guide and Spirits form for 1 minute. While in this form, you gain
mediator between the mortal realm and the spiritual the following benefits:
realm. They provide wisdom, counsel, and assistance
to their community, drawing upon the insights of the Your movement speed increases by 30 feet, and you
spirits and ancestral knowledge. gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
You have resistance to all damage except force
Channel Divinity damage.
When you take the Oath of the Spiritwalker at 3rd level,
you gain access to the following Channel Divinity

You can use your action to force each creature of
your choice within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes
frightened for 1 minute. They can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the
effect on a success.
Once during this form, when you hit a creature with
a melee weapon attack, you can channel the
combined might of the spirits. The target takes
additional radiant, necrotic, or force damage (your
choice) equal to your Paladin level + your Charisma
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.

Oath of Suffering Resilience through Suffering
The Oath of Suffering is a solemn path chosen by Starting at the 7th level, your endurance in the face of
paladins who understand the necessity of enduring pain, suffering grants you increased resilience. You gain
making sacrifices, and embracing the burden of temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier +
carrying out difficult choices for the greater good. These half your Paladin level (rounded down) whenever you
paladins draw their strength from suffering, using it as a finish a long rest. These temporary hit points last until
driving force to protect the innocent and uphold justice. you finish your next long rest.
Tenets of Suffering Sacrificial Strike
Paladins who swear the Oath of Suffering adhere to the At the 15th level, you can channel your sacrifice into a
following tenets: powerful strike against your foes. When you hit a
Embrace Necessary Evils: Recognize that
creature with a melee weapon attack, you can choose to
sometimes, in the pursuit of justice and the greater take damage equal to half your Paladin level (rounded
good, difficult choices and actions must be down) and deal additional radiant damage to the target
undertaken. equal to the amount of damage taken.
Strength through Suffering: Embrace pain and Radiant Martyrdom
hardship as a means to grow stronger, both At the 20th level, you can invoke the ultimate sacrifice
physically and spiritually, forging an unyielding will to unleash a radiant explosion of self-sacrificial energy.
to overcome adversity. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed
Sacrifice for the Greater Good: Understand that
personal sacrifices may be necessary to protect outright, you can use your reaction to cause a blinding
others and ensure a brighter future, willing to bear burst of radiant energy. Each creature of your choice
the burdens of suffering for the sake of the innocent. within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving
Balance and Restitution: Seek to restore balance throw, taking 10d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or
and bring restitution to those who have suffered half as much damage on a successful one. Once you use
unjustly, ensuring that wrongs are righted and the this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
guilty face the consequences of their actions. rest.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below.
These spells are always prepared and do not count
against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd bless, inflict wounds
5th warding bond, vampiric touch
9th spirit guardians, aura of vitality
13th death ward, guardian of faith
17th antilife shell, mass cure wounds

Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Divinity options:
Suffering’s Strike: As an action, you can use your
Channel Divinity to empower your weapon with the
essence of suffering. The next time you hit a creature
with a melee weapon attack before the end of your
turn, you can deal additional radiant damage equal
to your Paladin level.
Aura of Endurance: As a bonus action, you can use
your Channel Divinity to create an aura of resilience.
The aura extends 10 feet from you for 1 minute or
until you dismiss it as a bonus action. While the aura
is active, you and friendly creatures within its radius
gain resistance to one damage type of your choice.
Oath of Vigilance Starting at the 7th level, your unwavering dedication to
The Oath of Vigilance is a sacred commitment taken by protection bolsters your defenses. When you use your
paladins who dedicate themselves to the unwavering Divine Smite feature to deal radiant damage to a
protection of their allies and the defense of the innocent. creature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
These paladins act as vigilant sentinels, standing as Paladin level, protecting you from harm as you
bulwarks against the encroaching darkness and safeguard others.
ensuring the safety of those under their watchful gaze. Shield of Unity
Tenets of Vigilance At the 15th level, your bond with your allies reaches its
Paladins who swear the Oath of Vigilance adhere to the zenith. Whenever you or an ally within 30 feet of you is
following tenets: subjected to an effect that allows a saving throw to take
half damage on a success, all affected creatures within
Unyielding Guardianship: Swear to protect and
that radius automatically succeed on the saving throw,
defend those in need, putting their well-being above taking no damage instead.
all else. Vigilant Guardian
Eternal Watch: Maintain an ever-watchful eye,
remaining vigilant in the face of danger, and always At the 20th level, your vigilance reaches its peak,
ready to act. becoming a near-impervious protector. As an action, you
Shield of Resolve: Forge an unbreakable shield of can assume a vigilant guardian stance. While in this
determination to shield your allies from harm, stance, you gain the following benefits:
regardless of the cost. You have resistance to all damage.
Beacon of Hope: Shine as a beacon of hope in the
darkest of times, inspiring courage and unity in those You emit an aura of protection with a 30-foot radius,
you protect. granting all allies within it resistance to damage
from spells and attacks.
Oath Spells Once per turn, when you or an ally within 30 feet of
you takes damage, you can use your reaction to
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below. redirect that damage to yourself, taking it as if you
These spells are always prepared and do not count had been the target.
against the number of spells you can prepare each day. You can maintain this stance for 1 minute. Once you
Paladin Level Spells use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
3rd shield of faith, compelled duel long rest.
5th warding bond, zone of truth
9th counterspell, guardian of faith
13th guardian of peace, banishment
17th circle of power, holy aura

Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Divinity options:
Sentinel’s Strike: As an action, you can use your
Channel Divinity to strike with unparalleled
precision and determination. The next time you hit a
creature with a melee weapon attack before the end
of your turn, you can deal additional radiant damage
equal to your Paladin level + your Charisma
Aura of Protection: As an action, you can use your
Channel Divinity to create an aura of protection. The
aura extends 10 feet from you for 1 minute or until
you dismiss it as a bonus action. While the aura is
active, you and your allies within its radius gain
resistance to damage from spells.
Guardian’s Shield

Beast’s Resilience: Your beast companion gains
Ranger proficiency in one saving throw of your choice: Strength,
Dexterity, or Constitution. Additionally, it gains
Beastbond Ranger advantage on saving throws against being frightened or
The Beastbond Ranger archetype is for rangers who charmed.
have developed a deep, mystical connection with the Beast’s Fury
creatures of the wild. These rangers are not just skilled
hunters; they are able to form a profound bond with a At 7th level, your connection with your beast companion
specific beast companion, enhancing both their own grants both of you a surge of primal energy. When you
abilities and those of their animal friend. or your beast companion hits with a melee weapon
attack, the other can immediately make a melee weapon
Beast Companion attack as a reaction.
At 3rd level, you form a bond with a beast companion Beast Mastery
that aids you in your adventures. Choose a beast that is
no larger than Medium size and has a challenge rating Starting at 11th level, your bond with your beast
of 1/4 or lower (you can choose from those listed in the companion reaches its pinnacle. Your beast companion
Player’s Handbook or other official sources with your can now take two reactions per round, but each reaction
DM’s approval). Your beast companion acts must be used for a different purpose (e.g., one for an
independently of you and takes its own turn in combat, opportunity attack and one for Beast’s Fury).
though it always obeys your commands. Additionally, your beast companion gains one of the
Your beast companion gains the following benefits: following features based on its type:
Its hit points are equal to its normal maximum or Land Beast: Your beast companion’s speed
four times your ranger level, whichever is higher. increases by 10 feet, and its attacks now deal an
It adds your proficiency bonus to its AC, attack rolls, extra 1d6 damage of the same type as the attack.
and damage rolls. Flying Beast: Your beast companion gains a flying
Its attacks count as magical for the purpose of speed equal to its walking speed, and it can hover.
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical Aquatic Beast: Your beast companion gains a swim
attacks and damage. speed equal to its walking speed, and it can breathe
You can use your Wisdom modifier for its saving underwater.
throw DCs.
Beast’s Bond
Your beast companion obeys your commands as best
as it can. It takes its turn on your initiative, though it At 15th level, your bond with your beast companion
doesn’t take an action unless you command it to. On becomes nearly unbreakable. You and your beast
your turn, you can verbally command the beast where to companion can communicate telepathically with each
move (no action required by you). You can use your other while they are on the same plane of existence, and
action to command it to take the Attack, Dash, you can share spells and magical effects with your beast
Disengage, Dodge, or Help action. Once you have the companion. When you cast a spell targeting yourself,
Extra Attack feature, you can make one weapon attack you can choose your beast companion as the target
yourself when you command your beast companion to instead.
take the Attack action. This archetype allows rangers to form a profound
If your beast companion dies, you can perform a one- bond with a loyal beast companion, enhancing both
hour ritual to bond with a new beast companion that their combat abilities and their overall versatility in the
meets the requirements. wilderness and on adventures.
Bond of the Wild
Starting at 3rd level, your bond with your beast
companion deepens, granting you and your companion
additional abilities:
Shared Senses: While your beast companion is within
100 feet of you, you can perceive through its senses as if
you were in its location. You are blinded and deafened
to your own surroundings during this time. You can use
this feature for a number of minutes equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), and you regain all
expended uses after a long rest.

Desert Strider suffer the effects of extreme heat and are immune to
The Desert Strider is a Ranger archetype that embodies exhaustion caused by desert heat.
the essence of the untamed desert and the spirits of
ancient tribal ancestors. These rangers roam the arid
landscapes, drawing upon the wisdom and guidance of
the spirits to navigate the harsh terrains and protect
those in need.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Survival
skill if you don’t already have it. Additionally, you have
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track
creatures and navigate through desert terrains.
Ancestral Connection
At 3rd level, your time spent in the desert and
communion with the spirits of your ancestors grant you
a deeper connection to the land. You gain the Speak
with Animals spell as a ritual, and it doesn’t count
against the number of spells you can know. When you
cast this spell in a desert environment, the range is
Mirage Step
At 7th level, you learn to tap into the mystical energies
of the desert to briefly step into the realm of illusions. As
a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet
to an unoccupied space that you can see within your
movement speed. This ability doesn’t provoke
opportunity attacks.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Desert’s Veil
At 11th level, you become adept at blending into the
desert environment, allowing you to move without
leaving a trace. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill
if you don’t already have it, and while you are in a desert
terrain, you can attempt to hide even when you have
only partial cover or are lightly obscured.
Sandstorm’s Wrath
Starting at 15th level, you can harness the fury of a
desert sandstorm to empower your attacks. Once per
turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you
can choose to deal an extra 1d6 force damage.
Additionally, if the target is standing on sand or loose
earth, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw
against your ranger spell save DC or be knocked prone.
Desert’s Resilience
At 18th level, your body has become attuned to the
harsh desert conditions, granting you extraordinary
endurance. You gain resistance to fire and poison
damage, and you have advantage on saving throws
against the poisoned condition. Moreover, you no longer
Trailblazer At 15th level, your connection to the ancestral spirits
Your connection to the untamed frontier and the spirits strengthens, allowing you to call upon them for
of the land grants you the abilities of a Trailblazer. You protection. As an action, you can summon spectral
have learned to draw strength from the ancestral spirits guardians to surround you and your allies in a 30-foot
of the land and use their guidance to excel in combat radius. These guardians last for 1 minute or until you
and protect your allies. The wild west is your domain, dismiss them as a bonus action.
and you have become one with the spirits that watch While the guardians are present, you and your allies
over it. within the area have half cover against ranged attacks.
Additionally, whenever an enemy starts its turn within
Trailblazer’s Insight the area, the guardians deal force damage to that
creature equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of
Starting at 3rd level, your bond with the ancestral 1).
spirits enhances your perception and understanding of Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
the land. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill if you you finish a long rest.
don’t already have it. Additionally, you can communicate
with the spirits of the land during your daily rituals. This Ancestral Journey
communication allows you to gain insight into your At 18th level, your bond with the spirits of the land
surroundings, granting you advantage on Wisdom reaches its peak. You gain the ability to commune with
(Survival) checks to track creatures and navigate the the spirits and harness their essence to embark on a
wilderness. powerful Ancestral Journey. Once per long rest, you can
Ancestral Favored Terrain cast the Transport via Plants spell without expending a
spell slot. During this journey, the spirits guide you
At 3rd level, you choose a favored terrain from the through the land, allowing you to travel instantly from
following options: Plains, Mountains, Deserts, Forests, one plant to another within a vast distance.
or Canyons. This terrain represents the type of In addition, you become immune to the frightened
environment where you feel most at home and in tune condition and gain resistance to all damage types while
with the spirits. When you make an Intelligence or in your favored terrain.
Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, you can
add your proficiency bonus, even if you are not
proficient in the skill.
Additionally, you and your party can’t become lost
except by magical means while in your favored terrain.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while
traveling, such as foraging, you remain alert to danger.
Ancestral Marksmanship
Starting at 7th level, your bond with the spirits hones
your marksmanship skills. Whenever you make an
attack with a ranged weapon in your favored terrain,
you can add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll.
Additionally, when you score a critical hit with a ranged
weapon attack in your favored terrain, you can roll one
additional damage die for the attack’s damage.
Spirit of Protection
At 11th level, your bond with the ancestral spirits allows
you to protect your allies in the heat of battle. When a
creature you can see within 30 feet of you is hit by an
attack, you can use your reaction to grant that creature
resistance to the attack’s damage. This resistance lasts
until the start of your next turn or until the creature
moves more than 30 feet away from you.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Ancestral Guardian

Urban Ranger the nearest source of fresh water and the shortest route
The Urban Ranger archetype is for those rangers who to a location in the city you have previously visited.
Evasion: When you are subjected to an effect that
have honed their skills to thrive in the bustling cities, allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half
labyrinthine alleyways, and sprawling urban jungles. damage on a success, you instead take no damage on a
These rangers are experts at navigating the concrete success and half damage on a failure.
and steel terrain, tracking their quarry through the Master of the Streets: You can use your bonus action
urban sprawl, and protecting their home from the to make a Wisdom (Survival) check to recall detailed
threats that lurk in the shadows. information about the layout, key locations, and
City Hunter potential threats in a city or urban area you have visited,
as if you had studied a map.
At 3rd level, you gain abilities that are specialized for
tracking creatures within the confines of a city. You gain
the following features:
City Dweller: You gain proficiency in the Investigation
skill, reflecting your ability to navigate the complex and
ever-changing urban landscape.
Urban Camouflage: You have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made in urban environments.
Additionally, you can use your surroundings to hide
even when you are only lightly obscured by urban
features, such as crowds, debris, or structures.
Alleyway Ambush
Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to use the tight
spaces and winding alleyways of the city to your
advantage. When you are in an urban environment and
you make an attack against a creature that is within 5
feet of a wall or other structure, you can use a bonus
action to make an additional melee weapon attack
against the same target.
Streetwise Tracker
At 7th level, your tracking abilities extend to urban
environments. You gain the following features:
City Secrets: You have advantage on Wisdom
(Survival) checks made to track creatures in urban
environments. You can also identify the origins and
allegiances of individuals based on their attire,
mannerisms, and other urban clues.
Swift Pursuit: You can use your action to move up to
your movement speed without provoking opportunity
attacks. This movement can be used to pursue a
creature you are tracking in an urban environment.
Starting at 11th level, you have become adept at hit-and-
run tactics in the city. When you use your Action to
Dash, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus
Urban Survivalist
At 15th level, your mastery of the urban environment is
nearly unmatched. You gain the following features:
City Explorer: You are immune to being lost in an
urban environment. You always know the direction to

Serpent Assassin
The Serpent Assassin embodies the deadly art of
assassination and poison mastery. These rogues excel
at infiltrating their targets’ domains, striking swiftly and
silently, and utilizing poisons to devastating effect.
Poisoner’s Expertise
Starting at 3rd level, your proficiency with poisons
deepens. You gain proficiency with the poisoner’s kit if
you don’t already have it. Additionally, you can create
and apply potent poisons more quickly and effectively.
When you use the poisoner’s kit to apply poison to a
weapon, it takes you half the normal time, and the DC to
resist the poison’s effects is increased by your
proficiency bonus.
Serpent Strike
At 3rd level, you learn the art of striking with deadly
precision. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack
that deals sneak attack damage, you can choose to
forego rolling damage dice and instead automatically
deal maximum damage. Additionally, if the target is
poisoned, it has disadvantage on the saving throw to
resist being grappled or restrained by your abilities.
Serpent’s Guile
At 9th level, your mastery of deception and Serpent’s Embrace
manipulation reaches new heights. You gain advantage At 17th level, you unlock the true power of the serpent
on all Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion) within you. When you hit a creature with a sneak attack,
ability checks made to deceive or manipulate others. you can choose to expend a use of your Venomous
Additionally, when you use your Cunning Action to Strike feature to force the target to make a Constitution
Hide, you can choose to make a Charisma (Deception) saving throw against your Ninjutsu DC. On a failed save,
check contested by a creature’s Wisdom (Perception) the target takes poison damage equal to your Sneak
check. If you succeed, the creature’s passive Perception Attack damage at the start of its turns for a number of
is considered 10 for the purpose of detecting you until rounds equal to your Dexterity modifier. On a successful
the start of your next turn. save, the target takes half damage and the effect ends.
Cloak of Shadows Additionally, while you are hidden, your Sneak Attack
At 13th level, you gain the ability to blend seamlessly damage increases by an additional 1d6.
with shadows. When you are in an area of dim light or
darkness, you can use a bonus action to magically
become invisible until the start of your next turn or until
you attack or cast a spell. Once you use this feature, you
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Spirit Dancer Ancestral Evasion
The Spirit Dancer is a rogue who has forged a deep At 17th level, your bond with the ancestral spirits grants
connection with the spirits of their ancestors, drawing you unparalleled resilience and elusiveness. When you
upon their ancient wisdom and magical abilities to are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a
guide them on their path. Through their dances and Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead
rituals, they commune with these ancestral spirits, take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and
gaining their blessings and guidance in the pursuit of only half damage if you fail.
their goals. Additionally, you can use your reaction to teleport up
Spirit Sight to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see after you
make a successful Dexterity saving throw against an
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to see beyond the effect that deals damage on a failed save, as long as the
material plane and into the realm of spirits. You gain damage is not reduced to 0. Once you use this reaction,
proficiency in the Religion skill, and you can you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long
communicate with spirits and entities from the ethereal rest.
plane. During a short rest, you can perform a ritual
dance to gain insight into the immediate future. When
the rest is complete, the DM can provide you with a
cryptic hint or clue related to the next significant event
or encounter.
Ancestral Finesse
Starting at 3rd level, your connection with the ancestral
spirits enhances your agility and stealth. You gain
proficiency in the Acrobatics and Stealth skills.
Additionally, when you make an ability check using
either of these skills, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or
lower as a 10.
Dance of Spirits
At 9th level, you learn the Dance of Spirits, a captivating
performance that enraptures your foes and channels the
power of the spirits. As an action, you can perform the
Dance of Spirits, and creatures of your choice within 30
feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against
your rogue spell save DC. On a failed save, creatures are
charmed and have disadvantage on attack rolls against
you for 1 minute or until they take damage. Once you
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Spectral Step
At 13th level, you gain the ability to meld with the spirits
momentarily, granting you supernatural agility and
mobility. As a bonus action, you can activate the
Spectral Step, and for the next minute, you gain the
following benefits:
You can move through other creatures and objects
as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force
damage if you end your turn inside an object.
Opportunity attacks against you are made with
You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
against effects that would restrain or grapple you.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Shinobi you to gain advantage on your next attack against them.
The Shinobi, also known as the legendary ninja of Ninjutsu Techniques
fuedal japan, is a master of stealth, espionage, and At 3rd level, you learn a set of Ninjutsu techniques that
deadly precision. Trained in the shadowy arts of enhance your stealth and combat abilities. Choose two
infiltration and assassination, they excel at striking from techniques from the list below. You learn an additional
the darkness and manipulating their enemies to gain technique at 9th, 13th, and 17th level. Some techniques
the upper hand. Whether serving as spies, mercenaries, require a saving throw. The saving throw DC is
or elite operatives, Shinobi Rogues are adept at calculated as follows:
navigating treacherous situations and taking down their Ninjutsu DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
targets swiftly and silently. Dexterity modifier
Shadow Step
Shadow Veil: You can cast the pass without trace
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to move through the spell once using this feature, and you regain the
shadows with uncanny swiftness. As a bonus action, you ability to do so after finishing a short or long rest.
can magically teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied Additionally, when you are in dim light or darkness,
space you can see in dim light or darkness. This you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
teleportation can take you behind an enemy, allowing
Blade Fury: When you take the Attack action on your Your attacks have reach of 10 feet, and you can
turn, you can forgo one of your attacks to make a make an additional attack as part of your Attack
ranged attack with a shuriken. The range of the action.
shuriken is 20/60 feet, and it deals 1d4 piercing Shadow Dance lasts for 1 minute, and once you use
damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at 9th level, this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
1d8 at 13th level, and 1d10 at 17th level. rest.
Shadow Manipulation: You gain proficiency in the
Stealth skill. If you are already proficient in Stealth,
you can add double your proficiency bonus to checks Soulthief
made with that skill. Additionally, you can use your The Soulthief is a rogue archetype that specializes in
Cunning Action to cast the minor illusion cantrip stealing and manipulating the life force of their foes.
without using a spell slot. Intelligence is your Masters of deception and shadowy techniques,
spellcasting ability for this cantrip. Soulthieves possess the ability to drain vitality and
Acrobatic Dodge: When a creature you can see hits weave darkness into their deadly strikes.
you with an attack, you can use your reaction to
impose disadvantage on the attack roll. If the attack Life Drain
misses, you can move up to half your movement At the 3rd level, you gain the ability to drain the life
speed without provoking opportunity attacks. force of your enemies. When you hit a creature with a
Poison Mastery: You gain proficiency with sneak attack, you can choose to forgo the extra damage
poisoner’s kit. When you apply poison to a weapon, from your sneak attack dice. Instead, you regain hit
the DC to resist the poison’s effects is increased by points equal to half the total damage dealt. This feature
2. can only be used once per turn.
Shadow Clone: As an action, you can create an
illusory duplicate of yourself. The clone appears Shadowmeld
within 5 feet of you and lasts for 1 minute, or until it Starting at the 3rd level, you learn to blend into the
is destroyed. The clone shares your statistics, except shadows, becoming one with darkness. As a bonus
it has only 1 hit point and can’t attack. It can take the action, you can expend your Cunning Action to
Help action as a bonus action on your turn. magically merge with a shadow or an area of dim light
Elusive within 30 feet of you. While merged, you become
invisible and gain resistance to all damage except force
Starting at 9th level, your mastery of stealth and evasion damage. You remain merged for up to 1 minute or until
makes you incredibly elusive. You can’t be surprised you take an action, a reaction, or move. Once you use
while you are conscious, and other creatures have this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
disadvantage on attack rolls against you as long as you short or long rest.
aren’t incapacitated. Soul Dagger
Shadow Mastery
At the 9th level, you can infuse your dagger with a
At 13th level, you have gained unparalleled mastery fragment of your own soul, transforming it into a potent
over shadows and darkness. You have advantage on weapon. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with
saving throws against being charmed or frightened. your sneak attack using a dagger, you can choose to
Additionally, you can cast the darkness spell once using deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Additionally,
this feature, and you regain the ability to do so after you gain advantage on saving throws against being
finishing a long rest. charmed or frightened.
Shadow Dance Shadow Veil
At 17th level, you gain the ability to weave through the Starting at the 13th level, you can manipulate shadows
battlefield like a phantom. As an action, you can enter a to create a veil of darkness around you. As an action,
state of enhanced agility and speed known as Shadow you can cast the darkness spell without expending a
Dance. While in this state, you gain the following spell slot or requiring concentration. You can use this
benefits: feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity
Your movement speed increases by 30 feet. modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws and expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Dexterity-based ability checks.
You have advantage on opportunity attack rolls.
You can move through the space of any creature that
is one size larger than you or smaller.

Soul Severance
At the 17th level, your connection to stolen life force
allows you to temporarily disrupt the life essence of
your enemies. When you hit a creature with your sneak
attack, you can choose to deal an additional 5d6
necrotic damage. If the target is a living creature, it
must make a Constitution saving throw against your
rogue spell save DC. On a failed save, it becomes
stunned until the end of its next turn. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

The Oracle sorcerous origin draws inspiration from the
oracles of ancient Greek mythology, who possessed the
gift of prophecy and were believed to communicate with
the gods. Those with the Oracle origin have a mystical
connection to the weave of fate and possess the ability
to glimpse into the future, harness divine energies, and
unravel the secrets of destiny.
Prophetic Insight
At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the History and
Religion skills. Additionally, you can spend 1 sorcery
point to gain advantage on an ability check or saving
throw related to divination, deciphering prophecies, or
understanding ancient texts or symbols.
Oracle’s Vision
Starting at 1st level, your visions of the future manifest
in subtle ways. You gain the detect magic spell, which
doesn’t count against your number of sorcerer spells
known. You can cast detect magic as a bonus action
without expending a spell slot a number of times equal
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Divine Insight
At 6th level, your connection to the divine grants you
glimpses of hidden truths. You gain proficiency in the
Insight skill. If you are already proficient in Insight, you
add double your proficiency bonus to checks made with
that skill. Additionally, as an action, you can spend 2
sorcery points to cast augury without expending a spell
Fate’s Veil
Starting at 14th level, you become veiled in the mists of
fate, making it difficult for enemies to strike you. While
you aren’t incapacitated, you have resistance to damage
from spells and magical effects, and you have advantage
on saving throws against spells.
Oracle’s Ascendancy
At 18th level, your mastery over divination magic
reaches its apex. You can cast the foresight spell once
without expending a spell slot. Additionally, when you
roll initiative and have no sorcery points remaining, you
regain 3 sorcery points.
Sorcerous Restoration
Also at 18th level, you gain the ability to regain
expended sorcery points when you finish a short rest.
The number of sorcery points you regain is equal to
your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).

Warlock Ascendant Wisdom
At the 18th level, your connection with the All-Knowing
All-Knowing Patron Patron reaches its zenith. You gain the ability to cast the
The All-Knowing Patron is an enigmatic and ancient Foresight spell on up to three creatures of your choice
entity that exists beyond the confines of mortal within 30 feet of you without expending a spell slot.
comprehension. Warlocks who form a pact with the All- This effect lasts for 1 hour and doesn’t require
Knowing Patron gain access to unfathomable concentration. Additionally, you can cast the Legend
Lore spell at will without expending a spell slot.
knowledge and tap into the boundless wisdom of this
eldritch being.
Expanded Spell List
The All-Knowing Patron allows you to choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell.
The following spells are added to the warlock spell list
for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Detect Thoughts, Identify
2nd Augury, See Invisibility
3rd Clairvoyance, Tongues
4th Arcane Eye, Divination
5th Contact Other Plane, Legend Lore

Cosmic Insight
Starting at 1st level, your connection to the All-Knowing
Patron grants you the ability to glean insights beyond
mortal comprehension. You gain proficiency in one
Intelligence-based skill of your choice. Additionally, you
can cast the Guidance cantrip at will without expending
a spell slot.
Eldritch Lore
At the 6th level, your bond with the All-Knowing Patron
deepens, granting you access to hidden truths and
ancient knowledge. You can use an action to cast
Comprehend Languages at will without expending a
spell slot. Additionally, when you make an Intelligence
(Arcana) or Intelligence (History) check, you can add
your proficiency bonus twice.
Vision of the Beyond
Starting at the 10th level, your patron bestows upon you
the ability to glimpse into the future and other realms.
You can use your action to cast Foresight on yourself,
without expending a spell slot. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Omniscient Presence
At the 14th level, you gain the ability to project an aura
of boundless knowledge and insight. While conscious,
you emit an aura in a 30-foot radius. Friendly creatures
within this aura gain advantage on Intelligence-based
ability checks and saving throws. Additionally, you can
cast True Seeing on yourself at will without expending a
spell slot.

Ancestral Spirits Patron
Your patron is a powerful entity that represents the
collective wisdom, guidance, and protection of your
ancestors from various native tribes. These ancestral
spirits have chosen you as their vessel, granting you a
portion of their ancient knowledge, spiritual insight, and
magical abilities. They watch over you, guiding your
path and fueling your warlock magic with their
ancestral power.
Ancestral Blessing
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to communicate
with and draw strength from the spirits of your
ancestors. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with
tribal communities or individuals who honor their
ancestors. Additionally, when you finish a short or long
rest, you can choose to gain advantage on your next
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
Ancestral Guidance
At 6th level, your ancestral spirits lend you their
guidance in combat. As a bonus action on your turn, you
can invoke their aid, granting yourself advantage on
your next attack roll. Additionally, when you score a
critical hit with an attack, you can roll one additional
damage die for the attack’s damage.
Ancestral Ward
Starting at 10th level, the ancestral spirits fortify your
defenses. You gain resistance to necrotic damage and
can’t be charmed or frightened by undead creatures or
creatures that have the Undead type. Additionally, you
have advantage on saving throws against effects that
would age you magically or manipulate your life force.
Ancestral Avatar
At 14th level, you gain the ability to channel the essence
of your ancestors, transforming into a powerful spectral
form. As an action, you can enter the Ancestral Avatar
state, which lasts for 1 minute. While in this form, you
gain the following benefits:
You become incorporeal and gain resistance to all
damage except force damage.
You gain a flying speed of 60 feet.
Your spells and Eldritch Blast ignore resistance to
necrotic damage and treat immunity to necrotic
damage as resistance instead.
Once per turn, when you deal damage to a creature,
you can choose to regain hit points equal to half the
damage dealt.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.
Beholder Patron Beholder Magic
Your patron is a powerful beholder, an aberration with Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to cast certain
numerous eye stalks that possess powerful magical spells at will, without expending a spell slot. You can
abilities. Perhaps you were a former thrall of this cast Detect Magic, Mage Hand, and Ray of Frost at will.
beholder, or maybe you stumbled upon its lair and made
a pact to gain access to its arcane knowledge. Awoken Eye
Expanded Spell List Starting at 10th level, you gain the ability to see through
magical darkness and see invisible creatures. In
The Beholder lets you choose from an expanded list of addition, you gain advantage on saving throws against
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells and effects that rely on sight.
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. Antimagic Cone
Spell Level Spells
At 14th level, you gain the ability to mimic one of your
1st Command, Detect Magic
beholder patron’s signature abilities, the Antimagic
2nd Ray of Enfeeblement, See Invisibility
Cone. As an action, you can use this feature to emit an
3rd Counterspell, Fear
aura in a 60-foot cone that suppresses magic. For the
4th Confusion, Freedom of Movement
duration of this aura, any spell or magical effect within
5th Hold Monster, Wall of Force
the cone is suppressed, and no new spells or magical
Eye Stalk Spells effects can be created within it. This feature lasts for 1
minute and can be used once per long rest.
Starting at 1st level, you gain access to additional spells
based on the eye stalks of your beholder patron. Each
time you gain a new level in this class, you can swap one
of your eye stalk spells for a different one.
Eye Stalk Spell
Acid Ray of Sickness
Cold Ray of Frost
Fear Cause Fear
Fire Burning Hands
Force Magic Missile
Lightning Witch Bolt
Paralyzing Hold Person
Poison Poison Spray
Sleep Sleep
Telekinetic Mage Hand

Eye Rays
Starting at 1st level, you gain access to the Beholder’s
Eye Rays, allowing you to shoot magical beams of
energy from your eyes. You can use your action to shoot
one of the following eye rays at a target you can see
within 60 feet of you:
Disintegrate Ray: The target must make a Dexterity
saving throw or take 6d6 force damage.
Fear Ray: The target must make a Wisdom saving
throw or be frightened for 1 minute.
Sleep Ray: The target must make a Wisdom saving
throw or fall asleep for 1 minute.
Paralyzing Ray: The target must make a
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
Once you use an Eye Ray, you cannot use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.

Chaos Patron 5-6: The target is silenced until the start of its next
The Chaos Patron is an unpredictable and enigmatic turn.
force that exists beyond the boundaries of order and 7-8: The target is stunned until the start of its next
reason. Warlocks who form a pact with the Chaos turn.
Patron gain access to chaotic magic and the ability to 9-10: The target is polymorphed into a random
harness the ever-shifting energies of chaos itself. creature until the start of its next turn.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Expanded Spell List you finish a long rest.
The Chaos Patron lets you choose from an expanded Chaotic Master
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for At the 18th level, you become a master of chaos magic.
you. You can cast the Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise spell
without expending a spell slot. Additionally, when you
Spell Level Spells use this spell, you can choose one of the following
1st Chaos Bolt, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter benefits:
2nd Mirror Image, Enthrall
3rd Blink, Major Image You gain resistance to all damage types.
4th Chaos Hammer, Confusion You can use your reaction to reflect a spell that
5th Animate Objects, Seeming targets only you back at its caster. The spell’s level
cannot be higher than half your warlock level.
Chaotic Resonance
Starting at the 1st level, you gain the ability to channel
the chaotic nature of your patron into your spells. When
you cast a warlock spell that deals damage, you can roll
a d6 and add the result to the damage dealt. This extra
damage is of the same type as the spell’s damage.
Chaotic Defenses
At the 6th level, the chaotic energy that surrounds you
makes it difficult for others to predict your actions. You
have advantage on saving throws against spells and
effects that would charm or restrain you. Additionally,
you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an
attack roll made against you, potentially causing it to
Chaotic Blink
Starting at the 10th level, you gain the ability to briefly
phase in and out of reality. As a bonus action, you can
use the Misty Step spell without expending a spell slot.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once), and you
regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Chaotic Surge
At the 14th level, you can unleash a surge of chaotic
energy. As an action, you can target a creature you can
see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a
Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save
DC. On a failed save, the target is afflicted by chaotic
energy and must roll a d10 at the start of each of its
turns. The d10 determines the effect:
1-2: The target takes 2d10 psychic damage.
3-4: The target becomes frightened until the start of
its next turn.

Desert Sun Patron
Your patron is the scorching embodiment of the desert
sun, a force of relentless heat and unyielding power.
This entity represents the harsh beauty of arid
landscapes, the burning passion of the midday sun, and
the secrets hidden beneath the shifting sands. This
patron has chosen you to be a conduit for its searing
magic, bestowing upon you the ability to harness the
power of heat, light, and the desolate expanses.
Sunfire Infusion
Starting at 1st level, your connection to the Desert Sun
Patron grants you the ability to infuse your spells with
scorching energy. Whenever you cast a spell that deals
fire damage or radiant damage, you can add your
Charisma modifier to the damage roll. In addition, when
you cast a spell that illuminates an area with bright
light, the illumination radius increases by 10 feet.
Sandswept Step
Upon reaching 6th level, the very essence of the desert’s
shifting sands becomes your ally. As a reaction when
you take damage, you can use your Sandswept Step to
grant yourself resistance to that damage type until the
start of your next turn. Additionally, difficult terrain
made of sand does not cost you extra movement, and
you can move across the surface of loose sand as if it
were solid ground.
Searing Gaze
At 10th level, your eyes become infused with the
brilliance of the desert sun. You gain darkvision out to a
range of 120 feet. Additionally, you can use an action to
focus your searing gaze on a creature within 30 feet of
you. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw against your warlock spell save DC or take fire
damage equal to your Charisma modifier and be blinded
until the end of their next turn.
Radiant Resurgence
Upon attaining the 14th level, the Desert Sun Patron
grants you the ability to rise from the ashes like the
legendary phoenix. When you are reduced to 0 hit
points and are not killed outright, you can use your
reaction to erupt in radiant flames. Creatures within 10
feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against
your warlock spell save DC, taking fire and radiant
damage equal to your warlock level on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
Additionally, when you roll initiative and have no uses
of this feature remaining, you regain one use.
After using this feature, you must complete a long rest
before using it again.
Dragon Patron
Your patron is an ancient dragon, a creature of
immense power and wisdom. Whether through a pact
made with the dragon or a bond forged through shared
goals, you have gained access to its draconic magic and
Expanded Spell List
The Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Chromatic Orb, Protection from Energy
2nd Dragon’s Breath, Enlarge/Reduce
3rd Fly, Fear
4th Elemental Bane, Stoneskin
5th Dominate Person, Immolation

Draconic Scales
Starting at 1st level, your patron’s draconic essence
infuses you, granting you the following benefits:
You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your
Charisma modifier while you aren’t wearing heavy
You have resistance to the damage type associated
with your patron’s dragon type (acid, cold, fire,
lightning, or poison).

You can speak, read, and write Draconic. a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save
DC or be charmed or frightened (your choice) for 1
Draconic Breath minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Starting at 1st level, you can tap into the power of your end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
patron’s breath weapon. As an action, you can exhale a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
15-foot cone of energy associated with your patron’s until you finish a short or long rest.
dragon type. Each creature in the area must make a Draconic Resistance
Dexterity saving throw, taking damage of the associated Starting at 10th level, your resistance to your patron’s
type equal to your warlock level on a failed save, or half associated damage type increases to immunity.
as much on a successful one. You can use this feature
once per short or long rest. Draconic Form
Draconic Presence At 14th level, you gain the ability to transform into a
At 6th level, you gain the ability to channel your patron’s draconic form. As an action, you can assume the
commanding presence. As an action, you can use this appearance of a dragonborn or a dragon wyrmling
feature to exude an aura of power in a 30-foot radius. associated with your patron’s dragon type, as detailed in
Each creature of your choice within the aura must make the Player’s Handbook. You retain this form for 1 hour,
and you can use this feature once per long rest.
Elemental Patron Fire : Flames envelop you, and your melee attacks
The Elemental Patron is a powerful entity intrinsically deal an additional 1d10 fire damage. Any creature
tied to the elemental forces that shape the world. that hits you with a melee attack takes 1d10 fire
Warlocks who form a pact with the Elemental Patron damage.
Earth: Your skin hardens, granting you resistance to
gain control over the fundamental elements of nature, all damage except psychic. You can also move
allowing them to wield the destructive power of fire, the through difficult terrain without penalty.
stability of earth, the fluidity of water, or the swiftness of Water: You become fluid, making you immune to
air. being grappled or restrained. You can also breathe
Expanded Spell List underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to
your walking speed.
The Elemental Patron grants you access to an Air: You gain a flying speed equal to your walking
expanded list of spells as you learn warlock magic. The speed, and you can hover. Your ranged weapon
following spells are added to your warlock spell list. attacks have a bonus to their range.
Spell Level Spells Once you use Elemental Manifestation, you can’t use
1st Burning Hands, Create or Destroy Water it again until you finish a long rest.
2nd Earthbind, Gust of Wind
3rd Call Lightning, Scorching Ray
Elemental Ascendance
4th Control Water, Fire Shield At 18th level, your connection with the Elemental
5th Elemental Bane, Control Winds Patron reaches its pinnacle. You gain the ability to cast
the Elemental Ascendance spell without expending a
Elemental Attunement spell slot. Additionally, when you use your Elemental
Ascendance spell, you gain temporary hit points equal
Starting at 1st level, your connection with the Elemental to your Charisma modifier at the start of each of your
Patron allows you to harness the power of the elements turns, and your attacks deal additional damage equal to
in your spells. When you cast a warlock spell that deals your Charisma modifier.
damage, you can choose to change its damage type to
one of the following: fire, cold, lightning, or acid.
Additionally, you can add your Charisma modifier to one
damage roll of that spell.
Elemental Resilience
At 6th level, your bond with the elemental forces grants
you enhanced resilience. You gain resistance to the
damage type associated with your Elemental Patron:
Fire: Resistance to fire damage.
Earth: Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage from non-magical attacks.
Water: Resistance to cold damage.
Air: Resistance to lightning damage.

Elemental Fury
Starting at 10th level, you can tap into the fury of the
elements to enhance your spells. When you cast a spell
that deals damage of the type associated with your
Elemental Patron, you can reroll any 1s and 2s on the
damage dice, potentially dealing more damage.
Elemental Manifestation
At 14th level, your connection with the Elemental
Patron allows you to momentarily embody the essence
of your chosen element. As an action, you can enter an
Elemental Manifestation for 1 minute. During this time:

Hag Coven Patron At the 18th level, you unlock the most potent secrets of
The Hag Coven Patron is a sinister and ancient the Hag Coven. You can perform a ritual that channels
collective of hags that warlocks forge a dark pact with. the combined power of your patron coven. When you
These hags are tied to primal forces and the most use this ability, you can cast the Coven’s Curse spell
malevolent aspects of magic. Warlocks who enter into without expending a spell slot. The Coven’s Curse spell
this pact gain access to foul witchcraft and learn to curses a target with debilitating effects and causes
harness the eerie powers of the coven. ongoing harm. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it
again until you finish a long rest.
Expanded Spell List
The Hag Coven Patron grants you access to an
expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell.
The following spells are added to the warlock spell list
for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Hex, Vicious Mockery
2nd Enthrall, Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd Bestow Curse, Speak with Dead
4th Evard’s Black Tentacles, Phantasmal Killer
5th Contact Other Plane, Eyebite

Hag’s Hex
Starting at 1st level, your connection with the Hag
Coven allows you to curse your enemies with
malevolent magic. When you cast a spell that deals
damage to a creature, you can use your bonus action to
place a Hex on that creature. The target has
disadvantage on ability checks of your choice, and you
deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the cursed target
whenever you hit it with an attack.
Coven’s Secrets
At the 6th level, you delve deeper into the dark
knowledge of the Hag Coven. You gain proficiency in
the Arcana skill, and you can cast the Detect Magic spell
at will without expending a spell slot.
Malleable Form
Starting at the 10th level, you gain the ability to
temporarily alter your form to suit your needs. As an
action, you can polymorph yourself into a creature of
your choice that has a challenge rating equal to or lower
than your warlock level. You can use this feature once,
and you regain the ability to do so after you finish a long
Coven’s Ward
At the 14th level, the Hag Coven’s magic offers you
protection from harm. You can use your reaction when
you are hit by an attack or targeted by a spell to impose
disadvantage on the attack roll or saving throw. You can
use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain
expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Coven’s Ritual

Moon Patron
The Moon Patron is a mysterious and enigmatic entity
tied to the powers of the moon, lunar cycles, and the
secrets of the night. Warlocks who forge a pact with the
Moon Patron gain access to lunar magic and tap into
the ethereal energies of the night sky.
Expanded Spell List
The Moon Patron lets you choose from an expanded list
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Sleep, Faerie Fire
2nd Moonbeam, Darkvision
3rd Call Lightning, Water Breathing
4th Blight, Dimension Door
5th Commune with Nature, Mislead

Lunar Infusion
Starting at the 1st level, you gain the ability to infuse
your eldritch spells with lunar energy. When you cast a
warlock spell that deals damage, you can choose to
change its damage type to radiant or cold. In addition,
any creature that takes damage from your spell must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded
until the end of its next turn.
Moonlit Sight
At the 6th level, your connection to the moon grants you
the ability to see through darkness with clarity. You gain
darkvision with a range of 120 feet, and you can see in
both magical and non-magical darkness.
Lunar Veil
Starting at the 10th level, you can invoke the power of
the moon to protect yourself. As a reaction when you
are hit by an attack, you can grant yourself resistance
against that attack’s damage type until the end of your
next turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Eclipse Form
At the 14th level, you gain the ability to temporarily
assume an otherworldly form infused with the power of
an eclipse. As an action, you can transform into a
shadowy figure wreathed in lunar energy. While in this
form, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
You have resistance to all damage.
Your spellcasting ability score for warlock spells
becomes Charisma, if it wasn’t already.
You can use your action to create a 30-foot cone of Twist of Destiny
moonlight. Each creature in that cone must make a
Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell Upon attaining the 14th level, you can invoke the full
save DC, taking 4d10 radiant damage on a failed extent of your Patron’s power, becoming an
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. embodiment of fate’s unpredictable nature. As an
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until action, you can embrace the Twist of Destiny state,
you finish a long rest. which persists for 1 minute. While in this form, you gain
the following benefits:
Gift from the Moon
You become ethereal and gain resistance to all
At the 18th level, you receive the ultimate gift from your damage except force damage.
Moon Patron. You gain the ability to cast the Moonbeam You acquire a flying speed of 60 feet.
spell without expending a spell slot. Additionally, when Your spells and eldritch invocations ignore
you use your Moonbeam spell, it automatically targets resistances to force damage, and creatures immune
all creatures of your choice within its area of effect, and to force damage are treated as resistant instead.
its damage increases by 2d10. Once per turn, when you deal damage to a creature,
you can choose to regain hit points equal to half the
Pact of Fate damage dealt.
Your patron is the capricious force that weaves the After using this feature, you must complete a long rest
tapestry of fate, the embodiment of uncertainty and before tapping into it again.
randomness. This entity embodies the essence of
chance itself, a concept that underlies every roll of the
dice, every turn of a card, and every twist of fortune.
This patron has chosen you to be a conduit for its
unpredictable power, bestowing upon you a unique
blend of chaotic magic and the ability to manipulate the
whims of fate.
Fated Insight
Starting at 1st level, your connection to the Patron of
Fate grants you insights into the ever-shifting currents
of probability. You have advantage on Intelligence
(Investigation) and Charisma (Deception) checks when
interacting with those who rely on their wits or engage
in games of chance. Moreover, at the end of a short or
long rest, you can opt to gain advantage on your next
skill check, attack roll, or saving throw. Once you use
this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it
Chaotic Manipulation
Upon reaching 6th level, your Patron of Fate guides
your hand in the heat of battle. You can channel their
unpredictable influence as a bonus action on your turn,
allowing you to roll two d20s for your next attack roll
and choose the higher result. Additionally, whenever
you score a critical hit with an attack, you can roll an
additional damage die for that attack’s damage.
Fortunes’ Shield
At 10th level, the Patron of Fate bolsters your defenses
with its chaotic energy. You gain resistance to psychic
damage and become immune to being charmed or
frightened by creatures that manipulate emotions or use
mental influence. Moreover, advantage graces your
saving throws against magical effects aimed at altering
your perceptions or controlling your mind.

Pact of Clockwork you can see. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
The Pact of Clockwork is a unique and intricate bond again until you finish a short or long rest.
that warlocks form with ancient, mechanical beings. Clockwork Mastery
These clockwork entities are steeped in arcane At 14th level, you become a master of clockwork
engineering, and warlocks who forge this pact gain the manipulation. When you cast a spell of 1st level or
ability to harness the powers of gears, springs, and higher, you can expend a spell slot to create a clockwork
arcane mechanisms. duplicate of yourself. This duplicate lasts for 1 minute,
Clockwork Companion during which you can mentally control it as a bonus
At 1st level, you gain the service of a clockwork action. It has your statistics, including hit points and
companion, a loyal and intelligent mechanical construct spell slots, but it can only cast spells that you know.
that assists you in your adventures. Your clockwork Additionally, your clockwork companion gains the
companion is a Small construct with the following ability to cast the Haste spell once per long rest without
statistics: expending a spell slot.
Hit Points: Equal to half your warlock level (rounded
down) plus your Charisma modifier.
Armor Class: 14 (natural armor).
Speed: 30 feet, and it can hover.
Languages: It understands the languages you speak
but can’t speak.
Your clockwork companion takes its turn on your
initiative, and you can command it to move, take the
Dash, Disengage, or Help action, or use its special
ability as a bonus action. Your companion has a unique
set of abilities that improve as you gain warlock levels:
Clockwork Companion Abilities
1st Level: Mechanical Aide. Your clockwork companion
can perform simple tasks for you, such as fetching
items, lighting a fire, or opening doors. It can also make
a single attack with a melee weapon when you
command it to take the Attack action.
6th Level: Enhanced Construct. Your clockwork
companion gains additional hit points equal to your
warlock level, and its AC increases to 16.
10th Level: Arcane Resilience. Your clockwork
companion gains advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.
14th Level: Clockwork Master. Your clockwork
companion’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical
attacks. Additionally, it can use its action to cast the
Counterspell spell, using your warlock spell save DC.

Clockwork Arsenal
Starting at 6th level, you can infuse your weapons with
clockwork energy. As a bonus action, you can choose a
weapon you are holding. Your attacks with that weapon
deal an additional 1d6 force damage until the end of
your turn.
Temporal Step
Beginning at 10th level, you gain the ability to
manipulate time in short bursts. As a bonus action, you
can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that

Pact of Time spell slot. After using this feature, you must finish a long
Warlocks who forge a Pact of Time tap into the very rest before you can use it again.
fabric of the space-time continuum, gaining control over Timeless Being
the flow of time itself. Whether through a mysterious At the 18th level, you transcend the boundaries of time,
ancient artifact or a powerful cosmic entity, these becoming a being that exists outside of its constraints.
warlocks have the ability to manipulate time to their You no longer age, and you are immune to any magical
advantage. or non-magical effects that would alter your age or
Chronomancer’s Spell List manipulate time. Additionally, you can cast the
Foresight spell at will without expending a spell slot.
The Pact of Time grants you access to a specialized
spell list when you learn a warlock spell. The following
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Haste, Slow
2nd Temporal Shift, Blur
3rd Time Stop, Counterspell
4th Chrono Barrier, Dimension Door
5th Time Mastery, Foresight

Time Manipulation
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to manipulate
time to a limited extent. As a bonus action, you can
choose to either hasten or slow down your personal
Hasten Time: When you choose to hasten time, your
speed is doubled, and you gain a +2 bonus to AC.
This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it
as a bonus action. Once you use this feature, you
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Slow Time: When you choose to slow down time,
you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and
attack rolls. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you
dismiss it as a bonus action. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short
or long rest.
Temporal Sight
At the 6th level, your connection to the time stream
grants you the ability to see into the past and future. You
gain proficiency in the History skill, and you can also
cast Divination without expending a spell slot. You must
finish a long rest before using this feature again.
Time Warp
Starting at the 10th level, you can briefly manipulate
time to your advantage in combat. As a reaction when
you are hit by an attack, you can use your Time Warp
ability to roll a d6 and subtract the result from the
attack’s damage. Once you use this feature, you can’t
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Temporal Mastery
At the 14th level, you gain mastery over time itself. You
can cast the Time Stop spell once without expending a
Pact of Torment equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level
The Pact of Torment centers around a warlock making (minimum of 1).
a pact with a sadistic and malevolent force. This pact Harbinger of Agony
grants the warlock abilities to inflict suffering, torment At the 18th level, you become a true harbinger of
their enemies’ minds, and drain the life force of those torment and suffering. As an action, you can create an
around them. aura of agony centered on yourself with a radius of 30
Expanded Spell List feet. For 1 minute, all creatures hostile to you that start
The Pact of Torment lets you choose from an expanded their turn or enter the aura take necrotic damage equal
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The to your warlock level. Additionally, creatures affected by
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for the aura have disadvantage on saving throws against
you. your warlock spells.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
Spell Level Spells
you finish a long rest.
1st Inflict Wounds, Cause Fear
2nd Ray of Enfeeblement, Mind Spike
3rd Bestow Curse, Vampiric Touch
4th Shadow of Moil, Phantasmal Killer
5th Danse Macabre, Negative Energy Flood

Aura of Agony
Starting at 1st level, your connection to the forces of
torment allows you to exude an aura of pain and
suffering. When a creature starts its turn within 10 feet
of you, it takes necrotic damage equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum of 1). Additionally, whenever you
deal necrotic damage to a creature, you regain hit points
equal to half the damage dealt.
At the 6th level, your dark patron bestows upon you the
ability to manipulate curses and afflictions. You gain
proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you can cast Remove
Curse without expending a spell slot. When you cast
Remove Curse, you can choose to instead transfer the
curse to another creature you can see within 30 feet.
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC or become cursed as a result.
Tormented Resilience
Starting at the 10th level, your connection to torment
and suffering grants you resilience against harm. You
have resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on
saving throws against spells and effects that cause the
frightened condition. Additionally, when you use your
Dark One’s Own Luck feature, you can roll a d8 instead
of a d10 and add the result to your saving throw or
ability check.
Dark Reaping
At the 14th level, your mastery over the forces of
torment allows you to reap the life force of those you
strike down. Whenever a creature dies within 30 feet of
you, you regain hit points equal to its hit point
maximum. Additionally, whenever you deal necrotic
damage to a creature, you gain temporary hit points

Primordial Patron Elemental Fury
The Primordial Patron is a powerful and ancient entity At the 14th level, you can unleash the full fury of the
tied to the elemental forces of the world. Warlocks who elements upon your foes. Once per long rest, as an
form a pact with the Primordial Patron gain access to action, you can summon a devastating elemental storm.
primal magic and the ability to harness the raw energies Choose one of the following effects:
of earth, air, fire, and water.
Inferno’s Wrath: A raging inferno engulfs a 20-foot
Expanded Spell List radius sphere centered on a point you can see within
The Primordial Patron grants you an expanded list of 120 feet. Each creature in that area must make a
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 fire damage on a
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Tidal Surge: You conjure a massive wave of water
Spell Level Spells that sweeps over a 30-foot cone in front of you. Each
1st Earth Tremor, Gust creature in that area must make a Strength saving
2nd Flame Blade, Maelstrom throw, taking 8d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed
3rd Call Lightning, Water Walk save, or half as much on a successful one.
4th Elemental Bane, Control Weather Earthquake: The ground trembles violently in a 40-
5th Earthquake, Tsunami foot radius centered on a point you can see within
120 feet. Each creature in that area must make a
Elemental Affinity Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 bludgeoning
Starting at 1st level, your connection to the Primordial damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Patron allows you to infuse your spells with elemental successful one.
Cyclone’s Wrath: You summon a raging cyclone in a
power. When you cast a warlock spell that deals 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point you can
damage, you can choose to change its damage type to see within 120 feet. Each creature in that area must
one of the following: fire, water, earth, or air. make a Strength saving throw, taking 8d6
Additionally, any creature that takes damage from your bludgeoning damage and being knocked prone on a
spell must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be failed save, or half damage and not knocked prone
knocked prone. on a successful one.
Elemental Resilience Elemental Mastery
At the 6th level, your bond with the elemental forces At the 18th level, you achieve mastery over the
grants you resilience against their effects. You gain elemental forces. You can cast any of your warlock
resistance to the damage type associated with your spells that deal damage as if they were one level higher
chosen elemental affinity (fire, water, earth, or air). You without expending an additional spell slot. Additionally,
also gain advantage on saving throws against spells and when you cast a spell that deals damage of your chosen
abilities that cause elemental damage of your chosen elemental affinity, you can add your Charisma modifier
type. to the damage rolls.
Elemental Conduit
Starting at the 10th level, you can tap into the raw
power of the elements to enhance your abilities. As a
bonus action, you can choose one of the following
Flame Surge: Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 fire
damage for 1 minute.
Aquatic Grace: You gain a swim speed equal to your
walking speed and can breathe underwater for 1
Earthen Ward: You gain temporary hit points equal
to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier.
Winds of Swiftness: Your movement speed increases
by 20 feet, and you gain a fly speed of 30 feet for 1
You can use this feature once, and you regain the
ability to use it again after finishing a short or long rest.
Succubus Patron You have resistance to psychic and necrotic damage.
The Succubus Patron is a seductive and beguiling You gain proficiency in the Deception skill if you
entity, an embodiment of lust, desire, and the tantalizing didn’t already have it.
allure of the night. Warlocks who form a pact with a You can cast Dominate Person once without
Succubus Patron gain access to fiendish charm, expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so
tempting magic, and the power to manipulate the after finishing a long rest.
desires of others. Once during this transformation, when you deal
damage to a creature, you can choose to deal
Expanded Spell List additional psychic or necrotic damage equal to your
Charisma modifier.
The Succubus Patron grants you access to an expanded
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The Temptation’s Reward
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for At the 18th level, your Succubus Patron bestows upon
you. you the ultimate reward for your service. You can cast
Spell Level Spells the Modify Memory spell at will, without expending a
1st Charm Person, Sleep spell slot. Additionally, when you cast Modify Memory,
2nd Enthrall, Suggestion you can alter the target’s memories to make them have
3rd Tongues, Major Image positive emotions associated with you or your actions,
4th Dominate Beast, Charm Monster even if they were harmed or deceived by you.
5th Dominate Person, Modify Memory

Beguiling Charm
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to channel the
irresistible charm of your Succubus Patron. You can
cast the Charm Person spell at will, without expending
a spell slot. Additionally, when you cast Charm Person,
you can choose to make the target oblivious to the fact
that they were charmed, preventing them from realizing
they were under the spell’s influence.
Seductive Gaze
At 6th level, your eyes become potent tools of
persuasion. You can use your action to lock eyes with a
creature within 30 feet that can see you. The creature
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is
charmed by you for 1 minute, regarding you as a trusted
ally to be protected and heeded. The effect ends if you
or your allies harm the charmed creature. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Dark Desires
Starting at 10th level, you can tap into the deepest
desires of your foes to manipulate their actions. When
you successfully charm a creature using a spell, they
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
warlock spell save DC at the start of each of their turns.
On a failed save, they are compelled to follow your
commands to the best of their ability for that turn.
Succubus’s Embrace
At 14th level, you gain the ability to temporarily
embrace the form of a succubus. As a bonus action, you
can transform into a seductive, fiendish form for 1
minute. While in this form:

Undying Patron You can use your action to drain life from a creature
The Undying Patron is an eerie and enigmatic entity you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must
tied to the realm of death, undeath, and the secrets of make a Constitution saving throw against your
immortality. Warlocks who form a pact with the warlock spell save DC, taking 4d10 necrotic damage
Undying Patron gain access to necromantic magic and on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
tap into the unnatural forces of life beyond death. successful one. You regain hit points equal to the
damage dealt by this ability. Once you use this
Expanded Spell List feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
The Undying Patron grants you access to a special set
of spells when you choose it as your patron at 1st level. Eternal Patronage
The following spells are added to the warlock spell list At the 18th level, your Undying Patron bestows upon
for you. you the gift of immortality. You cease aging and are
Spell Level Spells immune to any magical aging effects. Additionally, you
1st False Life, Ray of Sickness gain the ability to cast the True Resurrection spell once
2nd Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement without expending a spell slot. You can use this feature
3rd Speak with Dead, Vampiric Touch again after finishing a long rest.
4th Death Ward, Blight
5th Contagion, Raise Dead

Undying Resilience
Beginning at 1st level, your connection to the Undying
Patron grants you the ability to resist the ravages of
death and decay. You gain the following benefits:
You no longer need to eat, drink, or sleep.
You have advantage on saving throws against
When you would normally roll a Hit Die to regain hit
points, you can instead choose to regain the
maximum number of hit points possible.
Soul Siphon
Starting at 6th level, your necromantic abilities allow
you to steal the life essence from your foes. When you
deal damage with a warlock spell of 1st level or higher,
you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage
dealt. These temporary hit points last until the end of
your next turn.
Death’s Embrace
At the 10th level, your connection with the Undying
Patron deepens, granting you protection from the forces
of death. You become immune to the effects of the Aging
and Frightened conditions. Additionally, you have
resistance to necrotic damage.
Undying Form
Upon reaching the 14th level, you gain the power to
briefly transcend death itself. As a reaction when you
are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you
can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Additionally,
you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
You have resistance to all damage.

Vampiric Grasp
Starting at 1st level, your connection to the Vampire
Patron grants you the ability to drain the life force from
your foes. When you deal damage with a warlock spell
of 1st level or higher, you gain temporary hit points
equal to half the damage dealt. These temporary hit
points last until the end of your next turn.
Hypnotic Gaze
Beginning at 6th level, your charisma and allure become
enchanting. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill
if you don’t already have it. Additionally, as an action,
you can fix your gaze on a creature within 30 feet of you
that can see you. The target must make a Wisdom
saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a
failed save, the creature is charmed by you for 1 minute
or until it takes damage. While charmed in this way, the
target idolizes you and sees you as a trusted friend and
Vampiric Resilience
At the 10th level, your connection with the Vampire
Patron deepens, granting you supernatural resilience.
You gain the following benefits:
You have resistance to necrotic damage.
You no longer need to eat, drink, or sleep.
You have advantage on saving throws against being
Vampiric Form
Upon reaching the 14th level, you gain the power to
assume a vampiric form. As an action, you can
transform into a more vampiric version of yourself for 1
minute. While in this form, you gain the following
Your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6
necrotic damage.
You can use your action to make a bite attack against
Vampire Patron a creature you can see within 5 feet of you. On a hit,
The Vampire Patron is a dark and alluring entity, you deal 1d10 piercing damage and regain hit points
embodying the eternal allure and predatory nature of equal to the damage dealt. Once you use this feature,
the vampire. Warlocks who form a pact with the you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long
Vampire Patron gain access to vampiric magic and tap rest.
into the seductive and sinister powers of the night. Blood Bond
Expanded Spell List
At the 18th level, you establish a potent blood bond with
Spell Level Spells your Vampire Patron. Once per long rest, you can call
1st Charm Person, False Life upon the power of your patron to cast the Dominate
2nd Misty Step, Suggestion Monster spell without expending a spell slot. You can
3rd Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch target any creature with this spell, regardless of its type
4th Dominate Beast, Greater Invisibility or hit points, but the spell’s duration is still determined
5th Dominate Person, Harm by the spell’s description.

Void Patron energy for 1 minute. While in this form, you gain the
The Void Patron is a mysterious and cosmic entity following benefits:
connected to the vast emptiness of the cosmos, the You have resistance to all damage.
power of the void, and the enigmatic secrets hidden Your attacks deal an additional 1d8 force damage.
among the stars. Warlocks who forge a pact with the You can use your action to create a 60-foot cone of
Void Patron gain access to eldritch powers that harness void energy. Each creature in that cone must make a
the dark and infinite expanse of the universe. Dexterity saving throw against your warlock spell
Expanded Spell List save DC, taking 6d10 force damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one. Once
The Void Patron allows you to choose from an you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. finish a long rest.
The following spells are added to the warlock spell list
for you. Celestial Ascendance
At the 18th level, you achieve a profound connection
Spell Level Spells
with the cosmos. You gain the ability to cast the Wish
1st Eldritch Blast, Mage Armor
spell once without expending a spell slot. You can use
2nd Darkness, Silence
this feature again after finishing a long rest.
3rd Eldritch Sight, Counterspell
Additionally, you can now teleport to any location you’ve
4th Black Hole, Arcane Eye
previously visited, as long as you have a clear mental
5th Cosmic Infusion, Plane Shift
image of the destination.
Void Tether
Starting at the 1st level, you establish a unique
connection with the void that binds you to the cosmos.
You gain the ability to tether your essence to the infinite
void, granting you the following benefits:
You can use your bonus action to teleport up to 30
feet to an unoccupied space you can see, as long as it
is in dim light or darkness.
You have darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
You have advantage on saving throws against being
Astral Projection
At the 6th level, you gain the ability to briefly project
your consciousness into the astral plane. You can cast
the Astral Projection spell once without expending a
spell slot. You can use this feature again after finishing a
long rest.
Void Step
Starting at the 10th level, you can move through the
void with ease. As a bonus action, you can become
ethereal until the end of your turn. While in this state,
you can move through other creatures and objects as if
they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage
if you end your turn inside an object. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.
Cosmic Form
At the 14th level, you gain the ability to assume a form
that draws power from the cosmos themselves. As an
action, you can transform into a being of pure cosmic

You can add your Intelligence modifier to any
School of Almancy damage you deal with spells.
The School of Almancy focuses on the manipulation Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with
and harnessing of soul magic, delving into the depths of a spell, you regain hit points equal to your wizard
the ethereal realm to shape and control the essence of level + your Intelligence modifier.
souls. Wizards who specialize in Almancy gain unique You have advantage on saving throws against spells
abilities to manipulate the life force of themselves and and effects that would alter or manipulate your soul,
others. such as those that attempt to control or possess you.
Starting at the 2nd level, you gain proficiency in the
Arcana skill if you don’t already have it. Additionally,
you can use your Arcana skill to identify creatures and
objects infused with soul magic or detect residual traces
of powerful soul-based spells.
Soul Bond
At the 2nd level, you learn to create a powerful bond
with a willing creature. As a ritual, which takes 10
minutes to perform, you can form a permanent
telepathic link with a willing creature within 30 feet of
you. This bond allows you to communicate
telepathically with the bonded creature over any
distance, and you gain advantage on saving throws
against being charmed or frightened while within 10
feet of each other.
Ethereal Resonance
Starting at the 6th level, your connection to soul magic
enhances your spellcasting abilities. Whenever you cast
a wizard spell that deals damage, you can choose to
inflict additional necrotic damage equal to your wizard
level. The target must make a Constitution saving
throw, taking necrotic damage on a failed save, or half An almancer draining a soul.
as much on a successful one. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
Soul Tether
At the 10th level, you gain the ability to temporarily bind
the souls of multiple creatures together. As an action,
you can target a number of creatures equal to your
Intelligence modifier within 30 feet of you. These
creatures must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
against your wizard spell save DC or have their souls
tethered. While tethered, any damage inflicted on one of
the tethered creatures is shared equally among all
tethered creatures. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until
you dismiss it as a bonus action. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Soul Mastery
Starting at the 14th level, your understanding of soul
magic reaches its pinnacle. You gain the following
School of Hemomancy You have advantage on saving throws against
Hemomancers are wizards who have delved into the diseases.
dark and forbidden arts of blood magic. They harness When you cast a spell that restores hit points, the
the life essence that flows through all creatures, target regains additional hit points equal to your
manipulating it to their advantage. These sinister Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
spellcasters are not for the faint of heart, as their magic Blood Mastery
is as potent as it is gruesome.
At 14th level, you reach the pinnacle of Hemomancy.
Blood Magic You can now cast the following spells without
Starting when you choose this school at 2nd level, you expending a spell slot:
gain proficiency in the Medicine skill, as you become Mass Bloodletting: This spell allows you to
intimately familiar with the inner workings of the simultaneously drain the blood of multiple creatures,
circulatory system. You also gain a special focus called a dealing damage to them and healing yourself.
“Hemocrystal.” This small crystal is attuned to your Bloodbound Servitor: You can create a loyal minion
magical essence and serves as a conduit for your blood- by infusing a lifeless body with your own blood,
based spells. While holding the Hemocrystal, you can controlling it with your will.
use it as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.
Hemomancers are feared and reviled for their
Sanguine Spells gruesome practices, but their mastery over the vital
At 2nd level, your study of Hemomancy grants you essence of life makes them formidable and terrifying
access to a unique set of spells that manipulate blood adversaries on the battlefield. They walk the line
and life force. When you choose this school, you between life and death, wielding the power of blood
automatically add the following spells to your spellbook: with a cold and calculating intellect.
1st level: Bloodletting (homebrew spell that allows
you to deal damage to yourself to empower your
2nd level: Hemorrhage (homebrew spell that causes
a target to bleed profusely).
3rd level: Blood Puppet (homebrew spell that allows
you to control a creature’s movements by
manipulating its blood).
4th level: Vampiric Grasp (homebrew spell that
drains the life force from a target to heal you).
5th level: Hemoplague (homebrew spell that spreads
a deadly blood disease among your enemies).
Blood Manipulation
Starting at 6th level, you can manipulate the blood of
creatures around you to your advantage. You gain the
following abilities:
Sanguine Surge: You can spend hit dice as a bonus
action to regain hit points equal to the result rolled
plus your Intelligence modifier.
Bloodied Empowerment: When you deal damage to
a creature using a spell of 1st level or higher, you can
choose to deal an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.
This extra damage represents you manipulating the
target’s blood to cause internal harm.
Hemomancer’s Resilience
Beginning at 10th level, your mastery over blood magic
enhances your physical and magical resilience. You gain
the following benefits:


Alcoholic d6 Ideal
1 Enjoyment. Life is meant to be savored and celebrated with a

ou hail from a culture where the art of drink. (Chaotic)

brewing and consuming alcoholic beverages 2 Community. Drinking brings people together and

is not just a pastime, but a way of life. strengthens bonds. (Good)

Whether you are a master brewer, a seasoned 3 Tradition. I uphold the traditions and rituals of my brewing

drinker, or both, your connection to spirits culture. (Lawful)

and libations runs deep. 4 Mastery. I seek to become a renowned brewmaster and

Skill Proficiencies: Constitution,

create legendary brews. (Neutral)

Persuasion 5 Revenge. I blame alcohol for a personal tragedy and seek to

Tool Proficiencies: Brewer’s supplies, one musical

eradicate it. (Evil)

instrument 6 Discovery. I drink to uncover hidden knowledge and

Languages: One of your choice

forgotten secrets. (Any)

Equipment: A set of brewer’s supplies, a flask of your d6 Bond

favorite alcoholic beverage, a musical instrument of 1 My family has been brewers for generations, and I’m proud
your choice, a pouch containing 15 gold pieces to continue the tradition.
2 I owe a debt to a brewmaster who taught me the art of
Feature: Brewmaster brewing and drinking.
Your knowledge of brewing and spirits grants you 3 My favorite tavern is like a second home to me, and I’d do
certain advantages when dealing with alcoholic anything to protect it.
substances. You have advantage on Intelligence 4 I have a lifelong friend who always joins me for a drink, no
(Brewer’s Supplies) checks to create or identify matter the circumstances.
alcoholic beverages. Additionally, you can craft special 5 I’m on a quest to recover a stolen recipe that could
brews with unique effects during your downtime, revolutionize brewing.
provided you have access to the necessary ingredients 6 I’m secretly in love with a fellow drinker, but I’m too shy to
and equipment. confess my feelings.

d6 Flaw
Suggested 1 I have a tendency to drink to excess and make poor
Characteristics decisions as a result.

Alcoholics come from diverse backgrounds, each with 2 I’m incredibly superstitious about the way I drink, and it can

their own relationship to the art of brewing and be quite annoying.

drinking. The following tables offer examples of 3 I can’t stand the taste of certain alcoholic beverages and

personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that refuse to drink them.

alcoholics might possess. Feel free to customize and 4 I become belligerent and confrontational when I’ve had too

expand upon these suggestions to create a unique much to drink.

character. 5 I’m always chasing the next high, whether it’s from a new
drink or a dangerous adventure.
6 I have a rival in the world of brewing, and I can’t resist a
d8 Personality Trait
1 I have an encyclopedic knowledge of alcoholic beverages
from across the realms.
2 I can’t resist trying every new drink I come across, no matter
the consequences.
3 I’m always the life of the party and love to entertain with
stories and songs.
4 I despise anyone who abuses alcohol and will go out of my
way to help them recover.
5 I have a drinking song or toast for every occasion, and I’m
not afraid to sing it.
6 I’m on a personal quest to find the rarest and most
exquisite drink in existence.
7 I’m a connoisseur of fine wines and have a refined palate for
the finest spirits.
8 I believe that sharing a drink can mend even the most bitter
of rivalries.

Animal Trainer d6 Ideal
1 Harmony. I seek to maintain balance in nature. (Neutral)

ou are a master of the art of training and 2 Protection. I will defend the natural world and its creatures at

bonding with animals. Whether you come any cost. (Good)

from a long line of beastmasters, have a deep 3 Dominion. I believe in the mastery and control of beasts.

connection with the natural world, or simply (Lawful)

possess an innate gift, your ability to 4 Freedom. I value the wild and untamed aspects of nature.

communicate with and command creatures is (Chaotic)

unparalleled. 5 Symbiosis. I aim to create a mutually beneficial relationship

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Nature

with animals. (Any)

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a

6 Predator. I see nature as a brutal contest for survival. (Evil)

musical instrument d6 Bond

Languages: Speak with Animals spell 1 My animal companion is my most trusted friend and ally.
Equipment: A small bag of animal treats, a whistle for 2 I seek to protect a specific endangered species from
training, a collar or harness for an animal companion, a extinction.
belt pouch containing 25 gold pieces 3 I am dedicated to preserving and restoring the natural
Feature: Animal Bond 4 I owe my life to an animal that once saved me from a deadly
You have a natural affinity for animals and can form threat.
deep bonds with them. You can communicate simple 5 I am on a quest to find a legendary, mythical beast.
ideas and commands to any non-magical beast, and they 6 I am driven to prove the worth of animals in a world
are more inclined to follow your lead. You have dominated by humanoids.
advantage on Animal Handling checks when training,
taming, or calming animals. d6 Flaw
1 I have little patience for those who harm animals.

Suggested 2 I can become overly focused on my animal companions,

neglecting other responsibilities.
Characteristics 3 I have a deep fear of a particular type of creature.

Animal trainers come from various backgrounds and 4 I can be too trusting of animals, even when they pose a

motivations. The following tables offer examples of threat.

personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that animal 5 I struggle to relate to people and often prefer the company

trainers might possess. Feel free to customize and of animals.

expand upon these suggestions to create a unique 6 I can be reckless in my pursuit of knowledge about animals.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I have a deep respect for nature and all its creatures.
2 I am patient and methodical, believing that training takes
3 I am fiercely protective of my animal companions.
4 I see beauty and purpose in the natural world that others
5 I prefer the company of animals to that of most people.
6 I am always eager to teach others about the wonders of the
natural world.
7 I find solace and clarity in the wilderness.
8 I can be gruff and distant, finding it easier to relate to

Amnesiac d8 Personality Trait
1 I am curious and eager to uncover the secrets of my

ou awaken with a profound sense of forgotten past.

disorientation, your memory a blank canvas. 2 I am cautious and tend to keep my true emotions hidden

You have no recollection of your past, your from others.

name, or the events leading up to your current 3 I am empathetic and always willing to lend a helping hand

state. Your quest for identity drives you to those in need.

forward, and you are determined to uncover 4 I am frustrated by my amnesia and can be prone to sudden

the mysteries of your forgotten life. bursts of anger.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Insight

5 I have a childlike innocence, seeing the world with wonder

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a

and amazement.

musical instrument 6 I am quiet and reserved, preferring to observe rather than

Languages: One language of your choice


Equipment: A tattered journal with a few cryptic

7 I have a strong sense of justice and am quick to defend the

notes, a piece of jewelry that feels significant but whose helpless.

origin you cannot place, common clothes, and a belt 8 I am haunted by recurring nightmares that offer cryptic

pouch containing 15 gold pieces hints of my past.

d6 Ideal
Feature: Lost Memories 1 Discovery. I seek to uncover the truth about my past.
Your amnesia can be both a curse and a blessing. While (Neutral)
your past remains hidden, your ability to adapt and 2 Redemption. I want to make amends for whatever I did
make the best of your circumstances has grown. You before I lost my memory. (Good)
have an uncanny knack for noticing details and 3 Freedom. I desire to be free from the burdens of my past,
anomalies that others might overlook. You have whatever they may be. (Chaotic)
advantage on Investigation checks to find hidden clues 4 Justice. I aim to find those responsible for my amnesia and
or information about your past. Additionally, when you bring them to justice. (Lawful)
make an Insight check to discern someone’s intentions, 5 Survival. I focus on the present and survival, as my past is
you can roll twice and choose the higher result. irrelevant. (Neutral)
6 Power. I believe that my past holds the key to great power,
Alternate Feature: Forgotten and I must reclaim it. (Evil)
d6 Bond
Though your memories remain elusive, you have 1 I feel a deep connection to a mysterious symbol or artifact
discovered hidden talents within yourself. Once per long from my past.
rest, you can tap into these forgotten skills, gaining 2 I am determined to find and reunite with any family or
proficiency in any one skill, tool, or language for 1 hour. friends I may have lost.
During this time, you can use the chosen proficiency as 3 I am drawn to a particular location or landmark, believing it
if you were proficient in it. holds answers to my past.
4 I have a mentor or guardian who has taken me under their
Suggested wing since I lost my memory.
5 I have recurring dreams of a person or place that I feel
Characteristics compelled to find.
As an amnesiac character, your personality and 6 I suspect that a specific organization or individual is
motivations are influenced by the blank slate of your responsible for my amnesia, and I seek vengeance.
past. The following tables offer examples of personality
traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that an amnesiac might d6 Flaw
possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these 1 I am overly trusting and easily manipulated due to my desire
suggestions to create a unique character. for answers.
2 I am plagued by paranoia, suspecting everyone I meet of
hiding something from me.
3 I am prone to mood swings and can become emotionally
4 I have an obsession with finding my past, sometimes to the
detriment of other priorities.
5 I am easily overwhelmed by sensory experiences and can
become disoriented in chaotic situations.
6 I have a deep fear that my past is filled with darkness and
terrible deeds.

Apothecary d8 Personality Trait
1 I am meticulous in my work, ensuring that every concoction

ou are a skilled practitioner of herbalism and is perfect.

alchemy, dedicated to the art of mixing 2 I am secretive about my recipes, guarding them as valuable

potions, salves, and elixirs. Whether you trade secrets.

provide remedies for the sick and injured, 3 I have a compassionate nature and always try to help those

craft poisons for covert operations, or brew in need.

potions to enhance the abilities of 4 I am fascinated by the properties of rare and exotic

adventurers, your knowledge of plants, fungi, ingredients.

and various reagents is unrivaled. Your expertise in 5 I am a risk-taker, often experimenting with new mixtures and

concoctions has made you a sought-after figure in both brews.

the medical and clandestine worlds. 6 I have a network of contacts who provide me with rare and

Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature

exotic ingredients.

Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit, Alchemist’s

7 I am dedicated to uncovering the secrets of immortality

Supplies through alchemy.

Languages: None
8 I am distrustful of magic and rely solely on the natural world

Equipment: An herbalism kit, a set of common

for my craft.

clothes, a pouch containing 25 gold pieces d6 Ideal

1 Healing. I use my skills to mend the wounds of the world.
Feature: Herbal Expertise (Good)
Your deep understanding of herbs and alchemical 2 Ambition. I seek to discover the ultimate elixir of power.
ingredients allows you to craft a wide variety of (Neutral)
concoctions. You can create and identify common 3 Balance. I believe that nature’s balance must be preserved.
potions, poisons, and antidotes with ease. When you (Lawful)
craft a healing potion, it takes half the normal time and 4 Freedom. I use my knowledge to free those in chains.
costs half as much gold. Additionally, you have (Chaotic)
advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks when 5 Power. I seek power and control through my alchemical
identifying plants or fungi in the wild. creations. (Evil)
6 Curiosity. I am driven by an insatiable curiosity about the
Alternate Feature: Poison world. (Any)
d6 Bond
You specialize in brewing deadly poisons and toxins. 1 I owe a debt of gratitude to a mentor who taught me the
You can craft poisons with greater potency and secrets of alchemy.
efficiency. When crafting poisons, it takes half the 2 I am on a quest to find a rare and mythical ingredient for a
normal time and costs half as much gold. You have special recipe.
advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks when 3 I seek to uncover the truth behind a mysterious illness that
identifying toxic plants or venomous creatures. afflicts my family.
4 My apothecary is a family business, and I am dedicated to
Suggested its success.
5 I am determined to prove that my alchemical discoveries
Characteristics can change the world.
Apothecaries come from diverse backgrounds, each 6 I have a deep rivalry with another apothecary, always trying
driven by their unique motivations and personal code. to outdo them.
The following tables offer examples of personality traits,
ideals, bonds, and flaws that Apothecaries might d6 Flaw
possess. Customize and expand upon these suggestions 1 I can be overly cautious and hesitant to take risks.
to create a unique character. 2 I sometimes prioritize my research over the needs of others.
3 I have a tendency to hoard rare ingredients, even when they
are needed.
4 I am easily tempted by the allure of forbidden alchemical
5 I am haunted by a past mistake that had disastrous
6 I can be aloof and distant, focusing solely on my work to the
exclusion of all else.

Astrologer d6 Personality Trait
1 I am constantly lost in thought, pondering the mysteries of

ou are a student of the celestial bodies and the universe.

their influence on the world. Whether you 2 I am a patient observer, always seeking patterns and

practice astrology for divination, guidance, or connections.

simply a fascination with the night sky, you 3 I am deeply spiritual and find meaning in the movements of

have a deep connection with the stars and the stars.

planets. You spend your nights studying the 4 I am fascinated by the unknown and uncharted realms of

constellations and interpreting their the cosmos.

messages, seeking to uncover the secrets they hold. 5 I am introverted and prefer the company of the stars to that

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight

of people.

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s Tools, Celestial Globe

6 I am a dreamer, often drifting into visions of distant worlds.

Languages: Celestial d6 Ideal

Equipment: A celestial globe, a set of star charts, a 1 Discovery. I seek to unlock the secrets of the universe.
set of common clothes, a belt pouch containing 15 gold (Neutral)
pieces 2 Guidance. I use my knowledge to help and guide others.
Feature: Celestial Insights 3 Ambition. I will do whatever it takes to ascend to the
Your knowledge of the heavens grants you unique heavens. (Chaotic)
insights into the world and the people around you. You 4 Tradition. I honor the ancient ways of celestial knowledge.
have an advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks (Lawful)
when attempting to interpret celestial signs and 5 Mystery. I am drawn to the enigmatic and seek to unravel it.
symbols. When you spend at least 1 hour each night (Any)
studying the night sky, you can receive cryptic messages 6 Balance. I believe in the cosmic balance and work to
or omens related to your current situation. These maintain it. (Neutral)
insights can provide guidance or warnings about future
events. d6 Bond
1 I have a deep connection with a particular constellation.
Alternate Feature: Starcaller 2 I seek to fulfill a prophecy foretold by the stars.

You have a special connection with the stars, allowing 3 I am on a quest to find a lost celestial artifact of great power.

you to call upon their power when needed. Once per 4 I have a mentor who taught me the secrets of the cosmos.

long rest, you can cast the Guidance cantrip without 5 I am devoted to a celestial entity and carry out their will.

expending a spell slot. Additionally, you can attempt to 6 I am searching for a way to communicate with otherworldly

communicate with celestial entities through the night beings.

sky, making a Charisma (Persuasion) check to request d6 Flaw

their aid or knowledge. 1 I can be overly obsessed with my celestial studies,
neglecting other duties.
Suggested 2 I am easily distracted by the beauty of the night sky.
3 I am aloof and have trouble connecting with people on a
Characteristics personal level.
Astrologers are often curious and contemplative 4 I can be overly superstitious, seeing signs and omens in
individuals, driven by their desire to understand the everything.
cosmos. The following tables offer examples of 5 I have a fear of the dark and cannot function well without
personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that starlight.
astrologers might possess. Feel free to customize and 6 I have a tendency to make grand, cosmic pronouncements
expand upon these suggestions to create a unique that may be cryptic.

Apprentice d8 Personality Trait
1 I am eager to learn and constantly seek to improve my skills.

ou spent your formative years as an 2 I am cautious and methodical, preferring to plan and think

apprentice, learning the skills and secrets of a before acting.

master in a specific trade or craft. Whether 3 I am fiercely loyal to my mentor and strive to make them

you trained as a blacksmith, mage’s proud.

apprentice, scribe, or any other profession, 4 I can be a bit of a know-it-all, always quick to share my

your time as an apprentice has shaped your expertise.

abilities and worldview. 5 I have a thirst for knowledge and am constantly seeking new

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Arcana, History,


Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, or any 6 I am determined to surpass my mentor and become the

other skill relevant to your chosen trade. best in my craft.

Tool Proficiencies: Artisan’s tools related to your

7 I am patient and understanding, always willing to help

chosen trade. others learn.

Languages: None
8 I am haunted by a mistake I made during my

Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (related to your


chosen trade), a letter of recommendation from your d6 Ideal

former master, a small pouch containing 15 gold pieces. 1 Mastery. I aim to become a true master of my craft. (Any)
2 Creativity. I seek to innovate and push the boundaries of my
Feature: Master’s Insight trade. (Chaotic)
Your training as an apprentice has given you a unique 3 Tradition. I follow the teachings of my mentor and respect
perspective and knowledge in your chosen craft. You tradition. (Lawful)
have a deep understanding of the techniques and 4 Helping Others. I use my skills to assist those in need.
practices involved. This insight grants you advantages: (Good)
5 Ambition. I aspire to make a name for myself in my chosen
When working with your chosen artisan’s tools, you field. (Any)
have advantage on ability checks related to crafting 6 Freedom. I value independence and refuse to be tied down
or repairing items. by tradition. (Chaotic)
You can identify the work of other artisans in your
field, discerning their skill level and possibly d6 Bond
identifying their signature techniques. 1 I owe a great debt of gratitude to my mentor, who saved me
from a difficult life.
Alternate Feature: Mentor’s 2 I seek to carry on the legacy of my mentor, who was a
Guidance renowned master.
3 My mentor’s teachings were stolen, and I am determined to
Instead of the Master’s Insight feature, you have a close recover them.
mentor who guides and supports you in your endeavors. 4 I have a close bond with my fellow apprentices and would
Your mentor is a source of knowledge and advice, do anything to protect them.
providing you with information or assistance when 5 My mentor was framed for a crime, and I am on a quest to
needed. You can call upon your mentor for guidance clear their name.
and occasionally receive helpful insights or resources 6 I am in possession of a valuable artifact that once belonged
related to your profession. to my mentor.

Suggested d6 Flaw
1 I can be overly critical of others’ work, especially if it doesn’t
Characteristics meet my standards.

Apprentices come from various backgrounds and have 2 I am easily frustrated when I cannot master a new skill or

diverse personalities. The following tables offer technique quickly.

examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws 3 I tend to procrastinate and sometimes leave tasks

that apprentices might possess. Customize and expand unfinished.

upon these suggestions to create a unique character. 4 I am fiercely competitive and often disregard teamwork in
favor of personal success.
5 I have a fear of failure and avoid taking risks that could lead
to mistakes.
6 I am secretive about my mentor’s teachings and do not
share them easily.

Betrayed d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always on edge, expecting betrayal from anyone I meet.

ou were once a trusted member of a close-knit 2 I am determined to uncover the truth behind my betrayal,

group, whether it was a band of adventurers, a no matter the cost.

criminal syndicate, or a noble house. 3 I have difficulty trusting others and tend to keep my

However, you experienced a deep betrayal distance emotionally.

that shattered your trust and left you on your 4 I am haunted by the memory of the betrayal, often reliving it

own. This betrayal could have come from a in my dreams.

friend, a family member, a mentor, or 5 I strive to prove that I can succeed on my own and don’t

someone else you held dear. Now, you navigate the need anyone’s help.

world with a sense of caution, always wary of those who 6 I am highly secretive, revealing little about myself to others.

might betray you again. 7 I am constantly suspicious, always looking for signs of

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Deception


Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or thieves’

8 I have a burning desire to expose traitors and prevent others

tools from suffering like I did.

Languages: None d6 Ideal

Equipment: A memento from your past life before the 1 Revenge. I will stop at nothing to seek revenge on my
betrayal, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch betrayer. (Chaotic)
containing 15 gold pieces 2 Justice. I want to bring my betrayer to justice through lawful
means. (Lawful)
Feature: Cautious Survivor 3 Redemption. I hope to redeem my betrayer and find closure.
Your experience with betrayal has sharpened your (Good)
instincts and made you hyper-aware of potential 4 Solitude. I prefer to live a solitary life, avoiding close
deception. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) connections. (Neutral)
checks when trying to discern if someone is lying or 5 Caution. I strive to protect others from the pain of betrayal.
hiding information. Additionally, you are skilled at (Any)
concealing your true feelings and intentions, granting 6 Obsession. I am obsessed with finding out the truth behind
you advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to my betrayal. (Any)
disguise your emotions or motives. d6 Bond
Alternate Feature: Vengeful 1 I am determined to confront and confront my betrayer, no
Pursuit matter where they are.
2 I seek closure by uncovering the true motives behind my
You are consumed by a desire for vengeance against the betrayal.
one who betrayed you. Once per long rest, you can 3 I am on a quest to regain the trust and friendship I once
choose to gain advantage on one ability check, attack had.
roll, or saving throw made in pursuit of your vendetta. 4 I have sworn to protect others from experiencing the pain of
You have an uncanny ability to track down your betrayal.
betrayer, gaining advantage on Wisdom (Survival) 5 I am committed to proving my worth and proving my
checks when following their trail. However, be wary of betrayer wrong.
your obsession; it might blind you to other 6 I have a strong bond with someone who saved me from the
opportunities. aftermath of betrayal.

Suggested d6 Flaw
1 I find it difficult to trust anyone and often push away
Characteristics potential allies.
Betrayed individuals come from various backgrounds 2 I am consumed by thoughts of revenge, making me reckless
and have different reasons for their betrayal. The in dangerous situations.
following tables offer examples of personality traits, 3 I am overly suspicious and see betrayal where there may be
ideals, bonds, and flaws that betrayed characters might none.
possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these 4 I have trouble forming emotional connections, fearing
suggestions to create a unique character. another betrayal.
5 I can become obsessive, neglecting other important aspects
of my life.
6 I often act irrationally when confronted with reminders of
my betrayal.

Blacksmith d8 Personality Trait
1 I take great pride in my work and always strive for

ou are a skilled blacksmith, proficient in the perfection.

art of crafting and forging metal. Whether you 2 I have a strong work ethic and am known for my reliability.

work in a bustling city forge, a remote village 3 I enjoy the challenge of mastering new techniques and

workshop, or as a traveling artisan, you have methods.

honed your craft to perfection. You shape raw 4 I’m gruff and straightforward in my dealings with others.

materials into useful weapons, armor, and 5 I’m always eager to share my knowledge and teach others

tools, and your expertise with the anvil and about blacksmithing.

hammer is widely respected. 6 I have a fiery temper that flares up when my craftsmanship

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Smith’s Tools

is criticized.

Tool Proficiencies: Smith’s Tools

7 I’m a bit of a traditionalist and resist new, unproven

Languages: Dwarvish or Gnomish (choose one)


Equipment: A set of Smith’s Tools, a blacksmith’s

8 I’m a storyteller, often embellishing tales about forging

apron, a hammer, a pair of tongs, a leather pouch legendary weapons.

containing 25 gold pieces. d6 Ideal

1 Craftsmanship. I value the art of blacksmithing above all
Feature: Master of the Forge else. (Neutral)
Your blacksmithing skills grant you certain advantages 2 Honor. I uphold a strict code of ethics in my work and
and recognition within the world of crafting. When you dealings. (Lawful)
work on repairing or crafting metal objects, you can do 3 Innovation. I strive to push the boundaries of blacksmithing
so with exceptional precision. You can earn a modest with new creations. (Chaotic)
living for yourself by repairing and creating metal items. 4 Protection. I forge weapons and armor to defend those who
Additionally, you have an extensive knowledge of cannot defend themselves. (Good)
metals, their properties, and their market value, 5 Wealth. I’m in it for the money, and I’ll make the finest
allowing you to identify valuable materials and assess weapons for the highest bidder. (Evil)
the worth of metal items you encounter. 6 Legacy. I aim to create a legendary weapon that will be
remembered for ages. (Any)
Alternate Feature: Master of
Weapons d6 Bond
1 I am dedicated to my mentor, the blacksmith who taught me
Your specialization as a blacksmith lies in crafting everything I know.
weapons of war. You have a deep understanding of 2 I owe a life debt to someone who saved me, and I craft
weapon design and the nuances of combat. Once per weapons for their cause.
long rest, you can craft or repair a weapon, granting it a 3 My family’s honor is tied to my craftsmanship, and I must
temporary +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1d4 uphold it.
hours. This bonus represents the superior 4 I seek to recover a lost masterpiece that was stolen from my
craftsmanship of your work. workshop.
5 I am haunted by a tragic accident that occurred in my forge.
Suggested 6 I have a deep rivalry with another renowned blacksmith, and
I strive to outdo them.
Blacksmiths come from diverse backgrounds and forge d6 Flaw
for various reasons. The following tables provide 1 I can be overly critical of others’ craftsmanship and skills.
examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws 2 I’m known to take risks, even when they jeopardize the
that a blacksmith might possess. Customize and expand quality of my work.
upon these suggestions to create a unique character. 3 I’m easily tempted by rare and exotic materials, even if
they’re expensive.
4 I have a deep fear of fire, stemming from a past accident in
the forge.
5 I can’t resist a challenge to prove my skill, even when it’s
6 I hold grudges against those who insult my work or
question my abilities.

Bounty Hunter d8 Personality Trait
1 I am patient and methodical, never rushing into a hunt

ou have made a name for yourself as a skilled without a solid plan.

and tenacious bounty hunter, tracking down 2 I am fiercely independent, preferring to work alone to claim

and capturing or eliminating individuals my bounties.

wanted for crimes or debts. Whether you do it 3 I take pride in my reputation and ensure my targets know

for justice, fame, or just the reward, you have who is coming for them.

honed your tracking and combat abilities to 4 I am haunted by a failure to capture a particularly elusive

become a feared and respected figure in the target.

underworld. 5 I always honor my contracts and never let personal feelings

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Survival

interfere with my work.

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a

6 I have a network of informants and sources of information

gaming set all over the city.

Languages: None
7 I am relentless and will not stop until I have my target in

Equipment: A wanted poster from a previous bounty,


a set of dark common clothes suitable for stealth, a belt 8 I have a code of honor and never take bounties on innocent

pouch containing 25 gold pieces or helpless targets.

d6 Ideal
Feature: Marked Prey 1 Justice. I hunt down criminals to bring them to justice.
Your reputation as a formidable bounty hunter grants (Lawful)
you certain advantages when pursuing your targets. You 2 Freedom. I believe in capturing those who have escaped
have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks when justice. (Neutral)
tracking or hunting down your bounties. When 3 Infamy. I seek to become the most feared bounty hunter in
interacting with law enforcement or bounty boards, you the land. (Evil)
can often obtain useful information or additional 4 Noble Cause. I take bounties to support a charitable cause or
rewards related to your targets. You have advantage on community. (Good)
Charisma checks when trying to intimidate individuals 5 Challenge. I hunt the most dangerous bounties for the thrill
who have a bounty on their heads or those who know of of the hunt. (Chaotic)
your notorious reputation. 6 Debt Repayment. I am paying off a debt by capturing those
who owe money. (Any)
Alternate Feature: Relentless
Pursuit d6 Bond
1 I have a mentor or someone who trained me in the art of
You possess an unwavering determination to capture bounty hunting.
your marks, going to extraordinary lengths to achieve 2 I am searching for a dangerous fugitive who has evaded
your goal. Once per long rest, you can choose to gain capture for years.
advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or saving 3 I have a loved one who was a victim of a crime, and I seek
throw related to capturing or neutralizing your bounty. vengeance for them.
You have an uncanny ability to discern lies or 4 I am indebted to a powerful figure who protects me but also
deceptions when interrogating informants or witnesses demands results.
about your target’s whereabouts. You have advantage 5 I am determined to clear my name and prove my innocence
on Wisdom (Insight) checks when trying to predict the of a false accusation.
movements or actions of your current bounty. 6 I have a deep rivalry with another bounty hunter seeking the
same targets.
Suggested d6 Flaw
Characteristics 1 I can be overconfident and underestimate the dangers of my
Bounty hunters come from diverse backgrounds, driven prey.
by their motivations and personal code. The following 2 I have a tendency to become obsessed with capturing a
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, particularly elusive target.
and flaws that bounty hunters might possess. Feel free 3 I have a dark secret that could destroy my reputation if it
to customize and expand upon these suggestions to ever came to light.
create a unique character. 4 I am willing to bend the rules or break the law to get what I
5 I have a fear of enclosed spaces, making certain bounties
more challenging.
6 I am haunted by the memory of a target who managed to
escape my clutches.

Cultists often display distinct traits shaped by their
Cultist involvement in forbidden practices. The following tables
ou were once a member of a dark cult, drawn provide examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds,

into their twisted rituals and forbidden and flaws that cultists might possess. Customize and
knowledge. Whether you escaped their expand upon these suggestions to create a unique
clutches or were cast out, the experiences character.
have left an indelible mark on your life. d8 Personality Trait

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Arcana

1 I am always on edge, paranoid that the cult will find me
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a 2 I have an air of mystery and enjoy keeping others guessing.
poisoner’s kit 3 I am deeply cynical and find it hard to trust others easily.
4 I am fascinated by the occult and constantly seek out hidden
Languages: One exotic or secret language known only knowledge.
to cultists 5 I have an uncanny ability to read people and uncover their
Equipment: A dark hooded cloak, a symbol or relic of 6 I am haunted by guilt for the actions I was forced to commit
your former cult, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch in the cult.
containing 15 gold pieces 7 I have a flair for the dramatic and enjoy manipulating
Feature: Dark Secrets 8 I am driven by a hunger for power and will stop at nothing
You possess knowledge and insights gained from your to attain it.
time spent in the cult. This information can aid you in
unraveling mysteries, understanding occult practices, or d6 Ideal

navigating the shadows of the underworld. 1 Freedom. I seek to break free from the influence of the cult.
You have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks 2 Knowledge. I pursue forbidden knowledge and seek to
when dealing with dark magic, forbidden rituals, or understand the mysteries of the occult. (Neutral)
identifying cult-related symbols. 3 Order. I believe in the hierarchy and structure the cult
You can find contacts or information within provided and seek to establish my own order. (Lawful)
underground cult networks or secret societies. 4 Redemption. I aim to atone for my past actions and work
You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks against the cult’s influence. (Good)
when interacting with individuals who are connected 5 Power. I am driven by a thirst for power and will do whatever
to the world of dark magic or the occult. it takes to gain it. (Evil)
6 Mastery. I aim to master dark magic and use it for my own
Alternate Feature: Dark purposes. (Any)

Influence d6 Bond
Your time spent in the cult has given you a measure of 1 I seek vengeance against the cult that took everything from
influence and connections within the dark underbelly of me.
society. You can call upon these contacts and exert your 2 I am determined to protect others from falling into the
influence to gain certain advantages. clutches of the cult.
3 I have a deep loyalty to a former cult member who helped
You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) me escape.
checks when dealing with individuals who have ties 4 I am searching for a relic or artifact that holds the key to
to the cult or are susceptible to its influence. stopping the cult.
You can find safehouses or secret locations within 5 I still have family or loved ones who are trapped within the
cities where cult members or sympathizers offer you cult’s grasp.
shelter and assistance. 6 I am driven to expose the cult’s secrets and dismantle their
You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) operations.
checks when searching for information related to
cult activities or unraveling mysteries with occult

d6 Flaw
1 I am haunted by nightmares and visions of the dark rituals I
2 I have a deep-seated fear of being discovered and hunted
down by the cult.
3 I am overly suspicious of others and find it hard to trust
4 I am tempted by the lure of dark magic and find it hard to
resist its power.
5 I have become emotionally detached and struggle to form
meaningful connections.
6 I am driven by a fanatical obsession with uncovering the
cult’s true purpose.

Cartographer d8 Personality Trait
1 I am meticulous and pay great attention to detail when

ou are a skilled mapmaker, dedicated to creating maps.

charting the uncharted and unveiling the 2 I’m always eager to explore new places, even if they are

secrets of the world through the art of dangerous.

cartography. Whether driven by wanderlust, a 3 I have a strong sense of curiosity and a desire to uncover

thirst for knowledge, or a desire to aid hidden secrets.

adventurers in navigating the unknown, you 4 I can spend hours lost in thought, analyzing the intricacies

have honed your skills in the precise art of of maps.

mapmaking. 5 I’m a keen observer of nature and find solace in the natural

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Nature


Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s tools, Cartographer’s

6 I enjoy sharing my knowledge and stories of my travels with

tools others.

Languages: One language of your choice

7 I have a tendency to be introverted and prefer solitude for

Equipment: A set of high-quality cartographer’s tools,

my work.

a blank map, a compass, a magnifying glass, a quill and 8 I am determined to map every corner of the world, no

ink, a pouch containing 15 gold pieces matter the cost.

d6 Ideal
Feature: Cartographer’s Insight 1 Exploration. I seek to uncover the world’s mysteries.
Your keen eye for detail and extensive knowledge of (Neutral)
geography grant you advantages in various situations. 2 Knowledge. Maps are the keys to understanding the world.
You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) (Lawful)
checks when deciphering maps, navigating, or 3 Adventure. I live for the thrill of uncharted territories.
identifying geographical features. Additionally, when (Chaotic)
you create a map of an area you’ve explored, you can 4 Protection. I create maps to help others navigate and
sell copies of it for a profit, earning a modest income survive. (Good)
while spreading knowledge of the land. 5 Dominion. With maps, I can control and exploit the land.
Alternate Feature: Trailblazer 6 Legacy. I want to leave behind a legacy of comprehensive
You are an explorer at heart, always eager to venture maps. (Any)
into the unknown. Once per long rest, you can gain
advantage on one Wisdom (Survival) check or d6 Bond

Intelligence (Nature) check related to wilderness or 1 My mentor inspired me to become a cartographer, and I

uncharted territory. You excel at blazing trails and strive to honor their legacy.

leaving markers, making it easier for you and your 2 The natural world is my greatest muse, and I am dedicated

companions to find your way back through challenging to preserving it.

terrain. 3 I am in search of a legendary, uncharted land marked only in

ancient texts.
4 I have a deep connection with a specific region or landmark
Suggested on my maps.

Characteristics 5 A rare and valuable map, rumored to lead to hidden

treasures, drives me forward.
Cartographers come from various backgrounds and 6 I am driven to map a dangerous, uncharted wilderness to
motivations, united by their love for mapping and make it safer for others.
exploration. The following tables provide examples of
personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that d6 Flaw
cartographers might possess. Feel free to customize 1 I can become obsessive about mapping, neglecting other
and expand upon these suggestions to create a unique aspects of life.
character. 2 I am often naive and overly trusting of strangers I meet on
my travels.
3 I sometimes prioritize my maps over the safety and well-
being of my companions.
4 I have a fear of being lost and will go to great lengths to
avoid it.
5 I have a competitive streak and can be overly competitive
with fellow cartographers.
6 I have a secret fear of discovering a place that cannot be
mapped or explained.

Diplomat d8 Personality Trait
1 I am calm and composed, even in the most heated

ou are a skilled diplomat, trained in the arts of negotiations.

negotiation, persuasion, and diplomacy. 2 I am a skilled orator and can persuade others with my

Whether you serve a royal court, a trade guild, words.

or a secretive organization, your expertise in 3 I believe in finding common ground and compromise in all

maintaining peaceful relations and navigating matters.

complex political situations makes you a 4 I am observant and always notice subtle changes in body

valuable asset. You have spent years honing language and tone.

your ability to handle delicate matters and forge 5 I have a vast network of contacts and informants in various

alliances between different factions. regions.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight

6 I value diplomacy above all else and despise violence as a

Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument or

means to an end.

calligrapher’s supplies 7 I am meticulous and keep detailed records of all

Languages: Two additional languages of your choice

negotiations and agreements.

Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a diplomatic

8 I have a quick wit and can come up with clever solutions on

insignia, a letter of recommendation from a high- the spot.

ranking official, a signet ring, and a pouch containing 25 d6 Ideal

gold pieces 1 Peace. I work to create peace and harmony in the world.
Feature: Diplomatic Relations 2 Power. I seek to gain power and influence through
Your experience as a diplomat grants you certain diplomacy. (Lawful)
advantages when dealing with individuals and 3 Balance. I believe in maintaining a delicate balance between
organizations. You have a talent for resolving disputes conflicting interests. (Neutral)
and diffusing tense situations. You have advantage on 4 Freedom. I fight for personal freedom and the rights of
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when negotiating individuals. (Chaotic)
alliances, treaties, or agreements. When interacting 5 Ambition. I am willing to use any means necessary to
with influential figures, you can often obtain information achieve my goals. (Any)
or assistance related to political matters. You have 6 Justice. I strive to bring justice to those who have been
advantage on Charisma checks when trying to establish wronged. (Good)
rapport with individuals who hold significant power or
influence. d6 Bond
1 I am loyal to a particular nation or organization and will do
Alternate Feature: Mediator anything to protect its interests.

You are a master of mediation and conflict resolution, 2 I have a deep personal connection with a foreign diplomat

always striving to find common ground between from a rival nation.

conflicting parties. Once per long rest, you can use your 3 I am on a mission to negotiate a peace treaty that will end a

diplomatic skills to attempt to defuse a potentially long-standing conflict.

violent situation. You may roll a Charisma (Persuasion) 4 I carry a valuable artifact or document that is crucial to the

check against a DC determined by the DM. If you diplomatic efforts of my people.

succeed, the hostile parties are convinced to cease 5 I am bound by an oath to serve a powerful diplomat who

hostilities and seek a peaceful resolution. Additionally, has trained and mentored me.

you have a knack for reading people and detecting 6 I am haunted by a diplomatic failure that resulted in a tragic

hidden agendas. You have advantage on Wisdom consequence.

(Insight) checks when assessing the motivations of d6 Flaw

others in a diplomatic context. 1 I can be overly trusting, often believing in the sincerity of
others, even when they deceive me.
Suggested 2 I am easily manipulated by flattery and praise, which can
lead me to make poor judgments.
Characteristics 3 I have a strong aversion to violence and conflict and will go
Diplomats come from diverse backgrounds and have to great lengths to avoid them.
various motivations and approaches to diplomacy. The 4 I can become obsessed with a particular diplomatic goal to
following tables offer examples of personality traits, the detriment of other important matters.
ideals, bonds, and flaws that diplomats might possess. 5 I am known for my bluntness and honesty, even when
Feel free to customize and expand upon these diplomacy calls for subtlety and deception.
suggestions to create a unique character. 6 I carry a grudge against a rival diplomat or faction and seek
to undermine their efforts.

Executioner d8 Personality Trait
1 I speak rarely and choose my words carefully, letting silence

ou have lived a life steeped in darkness and unnerve others.

death, serving as an executioner for a 2 I am haunted by the faces of those I have executed, their

powerful entity or ruling body. Your job was to eyes forever etched in my memory.

carry out their grim judgments, wielding the 3 I find solace in the meticulousness of my work, relishing the

axe or the noose with precision and efficiency. precision of each execution.

Whether you embraced this role willingly or 4 I am cold and detached, viewing death as a necessary duty

were forced into it, your time as an rather than something to be feared.

executioner has left an indelible mark on your soul. 5 I maintain a strict code of conduct, ensuring that each

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception

execution is carried out justly and without unnecessary

Tool Proficiencies: Carpenter’s tools or poisoner’s kit


Languages: None
6 I have developed a dark sense of humor to cope with the

Equipment: An executioner’s hood or mask, a set of

horrors I have witnessed and inflicted.

dark common clothes, a pouch containing 20 silver 7 I take pride in my ability to read people, seeing the fear in

pieces their eyes as they face judgment.

8 I am tormented by nightmares, haunted by the specters of
Feature: Harbinger of Death those I have sent to their demise.

Your reputation as an executioner precedes you, d6 Ideal

striking fear into the hearts of those who know your 1 Justice. I carry out the will of the law, ensuring that those
dark calling. You possess certain abilities and benefits deserving of punishment meet their fate. (Lawful)
as a result of your grim profession. 2 Redemption. I believe in offering a chance for redemption to
those who have strayed, even in their final moments.
You have advantage on Intimidation checks when (Good)
interacting with individuals who are aware of your 3 Fear. I instill fear in the hearts of evildoers, knowing that the
reputation as an executioner. threat of my justice can deter further wrongdoing. (Neutral)
You can find temporary shelter or assistance from 4 Oblivion. I believe that death brings an end to suffering and
individuals who fear crossing your path or who seek that everyone should find peace in the embrace of darkness.
to curry favor with you. (Neutral)
You have advantage on Perception checks when 5 Power. I relish the power and control I hold over life and
observing people’s reactions to your presence, death, reveling in the fear it instills in others. (Evil)
allowing you to gauge their fear or trepidation. 6 Duty. I view my role as an executioner as a solemn duty, a
necessary evil to maintain order and keep society in check.
Suggested (Lawful)

Characteristics d6 Bond
Executioners bear the weight of their grim duties, 1 I am bound to the entity or ruling body that oversees my
carrying the scars of their actions. The following tables executioner duties and carry out their will without question.
offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and 2 I seek redemption for the souls I have executed, taking it
flaws that executioners might possess. Customize and upon myself to ensure their justice was truly served.
expand upon these suggestions to create a unique 3 I have formed an unlikely friendship with a prisoner whose
character. life I spared, their innocence moving me to question my
4 I am haunted by the memory of a fellow executioner whom I
admired, vowing to carry on their legacy of precision and
5 I protect and care for the tools of my trade, treating them as
sacred objects that hold the weight of lives taken.
6 I am on a personal quest to discover the truth behind a
particular execution that still haunts my conscience.

d6 Flaw
1 I am constantly on edge, jumping at the slightest noise or
unexpected movement, haunted by the specters of my past.
2 I struggle with empathy, finding it difficult to understand or
connect with the emotions of others.
3 I have become desensitized to death, viewing it as a routine
part of life and losing touch with its gravity.
4 I am consumed by guilt and self-doubt, questioning whether
each execution was truly just and necessary.
5 I am drawn to darkness and morbid curiosities, exploring
the macabre and seeking out the company of the morose.
6 I am haunted by the fear of one day facing the same fate as
those I have executed, tormented by the possibility of

Exile d8 Personality Trait
1 I am cautious and always expect betrayal from those around

ou were once a member of a prominent me.

community, city, or organization, but 2 I am resourceful and can make the best of any situation.

circumstances forced you to leave it all 3 I am haunted by the past and often dwell on the reasons for

behind. Whether you were banished, my exile.

disowned, or chose to leave voluntarily, you 4 I am fiercely independent and don’t like relying on others for

now find yourself on the fringes of society, help.

living a life of solitude or among fellow 5 I am compassionate and try to help other outcasts

outcasts. whenever I can.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Stealth

6 I have a hidden talent or skill that I developed during my

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a


musical instrument 7 I am constantly on the lookout for opportunities to regain

Languages: One of your choice

my former status.

Equipment: A token or memento from your former

8 I have a deep sense of resentment towards those who cast

life, a set of traveler’s clothes, a belt pouch containing me out.

10 gold pieces d6 Ideal

1 Redemption. I seek a way to redeem myself and return to
Feature: Survivor’s Resilience society. (Good)
Your experiences as an exile have hardened you, 2 Survival. My primary goal is to survive and thrive, no matter
making you resourceful and resilient in harsh where I am. (Neutral)
environments. You have advantage on Wisdom 3 Revenge. I am determined to get back at those who caused
(Survival) checks to find food and water, and you can my exile. (Evil)
find suitable shelter even in the most unforgiving 4 Freedom. I cherish my newfound freedom and won’t let
terrains. When dealing with other outcasts or those who anyone control me. (Chaotic)
have been similarly cast aside, you can often earn their 5 Discovery. My exile has opened my eyes to new possibilities
trust and gain information about local secrets or hidden and knowledge. (Any)
communities. 6 Mystery. I search for the truth behind the events that led to
my exile. (Any)
Alternate Feature: Outcast’s
Insight d6 Bond
1 I have a deep bond with another exile who saved my life.
Your time in exile has given you a keen sense of reading 2 I still hold onto a connection with my former community,
people and detecting hidden motives. Once per long even if it’s broken.
rest, you can choose to gain advantage on one Wisdom 3 I am driven by the desire to clear my name and prove my
(Insight) check to discern lies, detect hidden threats, or innocence.
uncover someone’s true intentions. You have an 4 I have sworn a vow to protect a secret or artifact I
uncanny ability to notice when people are concealing discovered in exile.
their emotions or hiding their true identity. 5 I am searching for a way to return to my homeland and
confront my past.
Suggested 6 I am haunted by a recurring dream or vision that guides my
Exiles come from various backgrounds and have diverse d6 Flaw
reasons for their exile. The following tables provide 1 I find it hard to trust anyone and often keep my distance
examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws from others.
that exiles might possess. Customize and expand upon 2 I am prone to anger and can hold grudges for a long time.
these suggestions to create a unique character. 3 I have a dark secret from my past that I will do anything to
4 I am suspicious of authority figures and always question
their motives.
5 I struggle to adapt to settled life and am uncomfortable in
6 I have a tendency to isolate myself and avoid forming close

Explorer d8 Personality Trait
1 I am endlessly curious and always eager to learn about new

ou are a seasoned adventurer and explorer, places and cultures.

constantly driven by a thirst for discovery and 2 I have a keen eye for detail and notice things that others

a yearning to uncover the secrets of the world. often overlook.

Whether it’s uncharted territories, forgotten 3 I prefer solitude and find solace in the quiet beauty of the

ruins, or hidden treasures, you thrive in the wilderness.

thrill of exploration. You have honed your 4 I have a natural talent for storytelling and love recounting

survival skills and gained extensive knowledge my adventures.

of the wilderness, making you an invaluable asset to any 5 I am a thrill-seeker and constantly seek out new challenges

expedition. and dangers.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Nature

6 I am a master of survival, always prepared for any situation.

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s tools, a choice of one

7 I have a tendency to become obsessed with a particular

musical instrument or a cartographer’s kit discovery or mystery.

Languages: One additional language of your choice

8 I am cautious and always consider the potential risks before

Equipment: A detailed map of a region you have

taking action.

explored, a compass, a set of traveler’s clothes, a belt d6 Ideal

pouch containing 10 gold pieces 1 Discovery. I explore to uncover the world’s secrets. (Any)
2 Freedom. I cherish the freedom of the open road and the
Feature: Trailblazer wild. (Chaotic)
Your experience as an explorer grants you certain 3 Knowledge. I seek knowledge and understanding in the
advantages when venturing into uncharted territories. world. (Neutral)
You have an uncanny knack for navigation and terrain 4 Protection. I explore to protect others from hidden dangers.
recognition. You can always recall the general layout of (Good)
terrain, settlements, and significant landmarks in 5 Wealth. I am driven by the promise of hidden treasures and
regions you’ve explored before, even if you haven’t riches. (Neutral)
visited in years. When traveling through wilderness or 6 Glory. I explore to become renowned as a great explorer.
unfamiliar terrain, your group’s travel speed is doubled, (Any)
and you can provide food and fresh water for yourself
and up to five other people each day. d6 Bond
1 I am devoted to a mentor or fellow explorer who taught me
Alternate Feature: the ropes.
Cartographer 2 I seek to uncover the truth behind a long-lost legend or
You are an expert at mapping and documenting the 3 I have a deep connection to a specific region of the world
world’s landscapes. You can create detailed maps of the that I consider my home.
areas you explore, complete with landmarks, natural 4 I feel a strong sense of responsibility to protect the natural
features, and important information. When you share world.
your maps with others, they gain advantage on checks 5 I am haunted by a past expedition that ended in tragedy, and
related to navigation and avoiding getting lost in those I seek redemption.
areas. You can also use your cartographer’s kit to create 6 I have a friendly rivalry with another explorer, and we often
forgeries of maps and documents with ease. compete to make new discoveries.

Suggested d6 Flaw
1 I can be reckless and put myself and others in danger in
Characteristics pursuit of my goals.
Explorers come from diverse backgrounds and 2 I have a tendency to get lost in my own thoughts and
motivations, driven by a shared love for the unknown. become absent-minded.
The following tables offer examples of personality traits, 3 I can become overly obsessed with maps and details,
ideals, bonds, and flaws that explorers might possess. neglecting the bigger picture.
Feel free to customize and expand upon these 4 I am overly secretive about my findings and reluctant to
suggestions to create a unique character. share my knowledge.
5 I have a fear of enclosed spaces, making certain
underground expeditions challenging.
6 I am haunted by the memory of an expedition where I
abandoned my comrades in the face of danger.

Farmer d6 Ideal
1 Harmony. I seek balance in all things. (Neutral)

ou have spent your life toiling the land, 2 Stewardship. I am responsible for the land and its bounty.

tending to crops and livestock, and living in (Lawful)

harmony with the rhythms of nature. Your 3 Freedom. I value independence and self-sufficiency.

hard work and connection to the earth have (Chaotic)

shaped you into a resourceful and resilient 4 Community. I believe in supporting and nurturing my

individual. community. (Good)

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling,

5 Endurance. I endure through hardship and challenges.

Nature (Neutral)

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools (e.g.,

6 Legacy. I want to leave a lasting mark on the land and its

blacksmithing, carpentry) or vehicles (e.g., a plow or people. (Any)

wagon) d6 Bond
Languages: None 1 My family’s farm is my most cherished possession.
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a shovel, a 2 I owe a life debt to someone who helped me in a time of
farming implement (related to your chosen tool need.
proficiency), a pouch containing 10 gold pieces 3 I am dedicated to preserving ancient farming traditions.
4 I seek to uncover the mysteries of a rare and unusual crop.
Feature: Farmer’s Resilience 5 I have a close-knit group of fellow farmers who are like
Your experience as a farmer has made you adept at family.
dealing with the challenges of rural life. You can find 6 I am haunted by a past failure that I must make amends for.
food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other
people each day, provided the land offers it. d6 Flaw
Additionally, you are skilled at repairing simple 1 I can be stubborn and resistant to change.
structures and equipment, such as fences or plows, 2 I have a tendency to overwork myself and neglect self-care.
using your artisan’s tools. 3 I hold grudges against those who harm the land.
4 I have a fear of large bodies of water or deep caves.
Alternate Feature: Crop 5 I am gullible and easily swayed by others.
Whisperer 6 I am overly protective of my crops and livestock.

Your deep connection with the land allows you to

communicate with plants to a limited extent. You can
cast the “Speak with Plants” spell once per day without
expending a spell slot. When you use this ability, plants
become animated and can answer simple questions and
provide information about the local area or recent
Farmers come from diverse backgrounds, and their
personalities, ideals, bonds, and flaws reflect their
experiences. The following tables offer examples of
these traits that farmers might possess. Customize and
expand upon these suggestions to create a unique
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am patient and persistent, never giving up easily.
2 I am deeply connected to the land and its cycles.
3 I have a strong work ethic and am always willing to help
4 I find solace in the simple and peaceful aspects of life.
5 I have a talent for improvising solutions to problems.
6 I am cautious and always plan for the worst.
7 I have a deep respect for all living creatures.
8 I am superstitious and believe in various rural folklore.

Feral d6 Ideal
1 Freedom. I cherish my independence and the freedom of the

ou have lived a life of seclusion and survival in wild. (Chaotic)

the untamed wilderness. Whether by choice 2 Harmony. I strive to maintain the balance and harmony of

or circumstance, you have embraced your nature. (Neutral)

feral nature, honing your instincts and 3 Protect. I protect the innocent and defend those who cannot

mastering the ways of the wild. defend themselves. (Good)

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Stealth

4 Savage. I embrace the primal nature within me and revel in

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s

the thrill of the hunt. (Evil)

tools or one musical instrument 5 Wisdom. I seek to learn from the wisdom of nature and

Languages: None
understand its secrets. (Lawful)

Equipment: A small trinket from your time in the

6 Survival. I do whatever it takes to survive, no matter the

wild, a set of traveler’s clothes, a hunting trap, a belt cost. (Any)

pouch containing 10 gold pieces d6 Bond

1 I have a deep connection with a specific animal or pack of
Feature: Natural Instincts animals.
Your time spent in the wild has honed your senses and 2 I am sworn to protect a sacred site or natural landmark
survival skills, granting you certain benefits. from harm.
3 I seek to uncover the truth behind a mysterious event in the
You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to wild.
track creatures or navigate through natural 4 I am searching for a lost relative who vanished in the
environments. wilderness.
You can forage for food and find fresh water for 5 I have a deep respect for a particular druid or ranger mentor.
yourself and up to five other people each day. 6 I am driven to prove my worth by defeating a powerful
You have proficiency with one type of artisan’s tools natural creature.
or one musical instrument related to your time spent
in the wilderness. d6 Flaw
1 I struggle to adapt to urban environments and find them
Suggested stifling.
2 I have a deep-rooted fear of enclosed spaces or being
Characteristics confined.
Those with a feral background are often individuals who 3 I am suspicious of technology and refuse to use it whenever
have chosen to separate themselves from society or possible.
have been raised in the untamed wilderness. The 4 I am quick to anger and have difficulty controlling my feral
following tables provide examples of personality traits, instincts.
ideals, bonds, and flaws that feral characters might 5 I have difficulty understanding social norms and etiquette.
possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these 6 I can be unpredictable, often switching between extreme
suggestions to create a unique character. moods or behaviors.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always alert, constantly scanning my surroundings for
2 I prefer the company of animals over people and find solace
in their presence.
3 I am fiercely protective of my territory and will defend it at
any cost.
4 I have an uncanny ability to blend into my surroundings and
remain unseen.
5 I am quiet and reserved, speaking only when necessary.
6 I have a strong connection to nature and find peace in its
7 I am fiercely independent and prefer to rely on myself rather
than others.
8 I am always prepared, carrying various tools and resources
for survival.

Fiendtouched d8 Personality Trait
1 I am haunted by disturbing visions and find solace in

ou have encountered a fiendish entity or been solitude.

exposed to dark energies, and its influence 2 I am constantly analyzing people’s motives and searching

has permanently altered your mind. The for hidden agendas.

encounter left an indelible mark, granting you 3 I have an insatiable curiosity about the nature of evil and the

a connection to the dark forces beyond. This abyss.

background represents the psychological 4 I am cynical and skeptical of others’ claims of goodness and

changes you have undergone as a result. purity.

5 I exhibit moments of intense focus and determination
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight
bordering on obsession.
6 I am drawn to dark and forbidden knowledge, seeking to
Tool Proficiencies: None understand its power.
7 I struggle with dark impulses and fight to maintain control
Languages: Abyssal or Infernal (choose one) over myself.
8 I am plagued by nightmares, often reliving my encounter
Equipment: A token or memento from your fiendish with the fiendish.
encounter, a small diary detailing your thoughts and
experiences, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch d6 Ideal
containing 10 gold pieces 1 Knowledge. I seek to uncover the secrets of the fiendish
realms. (Neutral)
Feature: Fiendish Insight 2 Power. I strive to harness and control the dark energies

Your encounter with the fiendish entity has gifted you within me. (Evil)
3 Redemption. I hope to use my fiendish connection to fight
with a unique perspective and understanding of the against evil. (Good)
darkness that lurks within. This insight grants you 4 Balance. I seek to find equilibrium between the light and
certain benefits: dark within me. (Any)

You have advantage on Arcana checks when dealing 5 Vengeance. I desire to confront and destroy the fiend that

with fiendish lore or identifying fiend-related magic. marked me. (Chaotic)

You can communicate telepathically with fiends that 6 Survival. I will use any means necessary to protect myself

understand the chosen language from this from the fiendish influence. (Lawful)

background. d6 Bond
You have advantage on Insight checks to discern the 1 I have sworn to rid the world of the fiendish influence that
true intentions or deceptions of fiends or those changed me.
influenced by dark forces. 2 I seek to find others who have experienced similar
encounters with fiends.
3 I feel a strange connection to the fiend that marked me,
Alternate Feature: Fiendish both fearful and fascinated.
Resistance 4 I am indebted to a secret organization that aided me in
The fiendish encounter has left a mark on your very controlling my newfound powers.
essence, providing you with a measure of resistance 5 I will not rest until I have learned the true nature of the
against certain effects tied to the forces of darkness. fiendish entity that changed me.
6 I protect those who are vulnerable to fiendish influence,
You have advantage on saving throws against being offering guidance and support.
charmed or frightened by fiends or their abilities.
You have resistance to necrotic damage.
The Fiendtouched background reflects the lasting
impact of your encounter with the fiendish. The
following tables provide examples of personality traits,
ideals, bonds, and flaws that Fiendtouched characters
might possess. You can customize and expand upon
these suggestions to develop a unique character.
d6 Flaw d8 Personality Trait
1 I am often consumed by paranoia, suspecting others of 1 I am haunted by the memories of those who betrayed me,
being fiendish agents. and I struggle to trust others.
2 I am fascinated by dark and dangerous magic, even at the 2 I have developed a cynical and jaded outlook on life, always
risk of my own safety. expecting the worst from people.
3 I struggle to control my anger and can become easily 3 I am resourceful and adapt quickly to new situations,
consumed by rage. finding strength in my ability to survive on my own.
4 I have an insatiable hunger for power and constantly seek 4 I am driven by a burning desire for revenge against those
ways to increase it. who wronged me, and I will stop at nothing to achieve it.
5 I am easily tempted by the promises and temptations 5 I wear a mask of charm and charisma to hide the pain and
offered by fiends. darkness within me.
6 I carry the weight of guilt, blaming myself for the fiendish 6 I am constantly on guard, always ready to defend myself
encounter and its consequences. against potential threats.
7 I am drawn to the shadows and find solace in their embrace.

Forsaken 8 I have become cold and detached, suppressing my

emotions to avoid being hurt again.
ou were once a member of a noble lineage,

but your family fell from grace and was d6 Ideal

shunned by society. Whether due to a curse, 1 Freedom. I will break free from the chains of my past and

betrayal, or some other tragedy, you have forge my own destiny. (Chaotic)

been forsaken and left to navigate the dark 2 Vengeance. I will make those who betrayed me suffer for

path that lies ahead. what they have done. (Evil)

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth

3 Redemption. I seek to redeem myself and find a new

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or

purpose beyond my past. (Good)

thief’s tools 4 Survival. I will do whatever it takes to survive and thrive in

Languages: None
this unforgiving world. (Neutral)

Equipment: A trinket or memento from your former

5 Mastery. I will become a master of my own fate, turning my

life, a set of dark clothes, a disguise kit, a belt pouch pain into strength. (Any)

containing 15 gold pieces 6 Justice. I will bring justice to those who have wronged me
and protect the innocent. (Lawful)
Feature: Shadowed Existence d6 Bond
Your life of abandonment and betrayal has taught you to 1 I seek to uncover the truth behind my family’s betrayal and
survive in the shadows and manipulate those around restore my name and honor.
you. You have learned to blend into darkness, gather 2 I have formed a deep connection with others who have been
information, and adapt to new environments. You gain forsaken, and we look out for each other.
the following benefits: 3 I carry a relic or memento from my former life that
symbolizes the hope of redemption.
You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. 4 I am driven to protect the weak and innocent, vowing to
When in dim light or darkness, you can take the Hide prevent others from suffering as I did.
action as a bonus action. 5 I am determined to amass power and influence, using it to
You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks exact revenge on those who wronged me.
when trying to deceive others about your true 6 I have sworn allegiance to a secret society or organization
identity or intentions. seeking to undermine the powerful.

Suggested d6 Flaw
1 I struggle with anger and impulsiveness, often making rash
Characteristics decisions without thinking of the consequences.
The forsaken come from different walks of life, having 2 My thirst for revenge can blind me to other opportunities or
experienced betrayal, loss, or tragedy. The following the needs of those around me.
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, 3 I find it difficult to trust others and am always suspicious of
and flaws that forsaken characters might possess. their motives and intentions.
Customize and expand upon these suggestions to create 4 I am haunted by guilt, believing that I am somehow
a unique character. responsible for my family’s downfall.
5 I can become overwhelmed by the darkness within me,
occasionally losing control of my emotions.
6 I have become obsessed with my own pain and suffering,
sometimes neglecting the needs of others.

Fugitive d8 Personality Trait
1 I am constantly vigilant, always on the lookout for potential

ou were once a law-abiding citizen, but threats.

circumstances forced you to become a fugitive 2 I am resourceful and can adapt to new situations quickly.

from justice. Whether you were wrongfully 3 I have a strong sense of injustice and a burning desire to

accused of a crime you didn’t commit, acted clear my name.

out of desperation, or had to flee from a dark 4 I am distrustful of authority figures and tend to keep my

past, you’ve been on the run for some time. As true identity hidden.

a fugitive, you’ve developed skills to evade 5 I am a survivor, and I’ll do whatever it takes to stay one step

capture and survive in a world that sees you as a ahead.

criminal. 6 I have a talent for blending in and going unnoticed in a

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Deception


Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or a

7 I am haunted by the memory of the event that made me a

forgery kit fugitive.

Languages: None
8 I am quick-witted and often rely on my charm to get out of

Equipment: A fake identity with a forged document, a


set of common clothes suitable for blending in, a belt d6 Ideal

pouch containing 15 gold pieces 1 Freedom. I seek freedom from the false accusations that
haunt me. (Chaotic)
Feature: Elusive Escape 2 Justice. I aim to uncover the truth and bring those who
Your life on the run has taught you how to avoid being framed me to justice. (Good)
caught by authorities and bounty hunters. You have 3 Survival. My primary goal is to survive, no matter what it
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when trying to takes. (Neutral)
hide or remain unnoticed. Additionally, you have an 4 Revenge. I am driven by a desire to exact revenge on those
uncanny ability to create and maintain false identities. who wronged me. (Evil)
When dealing with authorities or individuals who might 5 Redemption. I hope to redeem myself for past mistakes and
scrutinize your background, you can often convincingly clear my name. (Any)
pass as someone else. 6 Anonymity. I want to disappear and live a quiet life without
anyone looking for me. (Neutral)
Alternate Feature: Criminal
Network d6 Bond
1 I have a family member or loved one who believes in my
Instead of relying solely on stealth, you have built a innocence and supports me.
network of contacts within the criminal underworld. 2 I possess evidence that can clear my name, but it’s in the
You can call upon these contacts for information, safe hands of a powerful enemy.
houses, or assistance when needed. Once per long rest, 3 I am searching for the true culprits behind the crime I was
you can use your network to gain information related to falsely accused of.
your current location, potential threats, or upcoming 4 I owe a debt to someone who helped me when I was in dire
events that might affect you. straits.
5 I am determined to uncover a vast conspiracy that led to my
Suggested situation.
6 I have a deep friendship or alliance with a fellow fugitive or
Characteristics underground figure.
Fugitives come from a wide range of backgrounds and
have varied reasons for their predicaments. The d6 Flaw
following tables offer examples of personality traits, 1 I am overly cautious, often seeing danger where there is
ideals, bonds, and flaws that fugitives might possess. none.
Feel free to customize and expand upon these 2 I have trouble trusting new acquaintances and am slow to
suggestions to create a unique character. form bonds.
3 I have a short temper, especially when confronted with false
4 I struggle with guilt over the crimes I was falsely accused of.
5 I am haunted by recurring nightmares about being captured.
6 I have a tendency to run from my problems rather than face
them head-on.

Gladiator d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always looking for opportunities to show off my

ou have lived a life of combat and combat skills.

entertainment, honing your skills as a 2 I am fiercely loyal to my fellow gladiators.

gladiator in the arena. Whether by choice or 3 I have a swaggering bravado and love to boast about my

circumstance, you have embraced the thrill of victories.

battle, earning fame, fortune, or simply the 4 I am haunted by the memories of those I have defeated in

satisfaction of surviving in the arena. the arena.

5 I am constantly seeking ways to improve my combat
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Performance
6 I am a showman, always putting on a spectacle for the
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or musical crowd.
instrument 7 I have a soft spot for the underdogs and fight for their
Languages: None 8 I am always planning my next great escape from the arena.

Equipment: A trinket or keepsake from a fan, a set of d6 Ideal

common clothes, a belt pouch containing 15 gold pieces 1 Glory. I fight for the thrill and the glory it brings. (Chaotic)
2 Survival. I fight to stay alive and secure my freedom.
Feature: Arena Fame (Neutral)
Your exploits in the arena have gained you a measure of 3 Justice. I fight to bring justice to those who deserve it.
fame and recognition. You can enjoy certain benefits as (Lawful)
a result of your reputation. 4 Companionship. I fight to protect and support my fellow
gladiators. (Good)
You have advantage on Charisma (Performance) 5 Dominance. I fight to prove my strength and establish my
checks when performing combat-related acts or superiority. (Evil)
demonstrations in front of a crowd. 6 Legacy. I fight to leave a lasting impact and be remembered.
You can find lodging and food and secure minor (Any)
favors or assistance from those who admire your
gladiatorial skills. d6 Bond
You have advantage on Charisma checks when 1 I fight to provide for my family and ensure their well-being.
trying to persuade individuals who are fans of 2 I am devoted to a fellow gladiator, vowing to protect them at
gladiatorial combat. all costs.
3 I seek revenge against the person or group that enslaved
Suggested 4 I fight to uphold the honor and reputation of my homeland.
5 I am searching for a lost loved one whom I was separated
Characteristics from in the arena.
Gladiators come from all walks of life, forced to fight for 6 I am driven to prove myself and earn my freedom from the
survival or choosing to pursue glory in the arena. The life of a gladiator.
following tables offer examples of personality traits,
ideals, bonds, and flaws that gladiators might possess. d6 Flaw

Feel free to customize and expand upon these 1 I have a reckless disregard for my own safety and the safety

suggestions to create a unique character. of others.

2 I struggle with anger and can lose control during combat.
3 I have become numb to violence and find it difficult to
empathize with others.
4 I am easily swayed by flattery or the promise of rewards.
5 I am haunted by guilt over the lives I have taken in the
6 I am addicted to the thrill of combat and seek out danger at
every opportunity.

A Gladiator in armor.

Godtouched d8 Personality Trait
1 I am devout and always strive to live according to the

ou have been blessed or cursed with a teachings of my divine connection.

connection to a divine entity, be it a god, a 2 I am inquisitive and seek to unravel the mysteries of my

celestial being, or a powerful supernatural divine connection’s intentions.

force. This connection has left its mark on 3 I am skeptical and question the true nature of the divine,

you, shaping your abilities and your destiny. often challenging religious authority.

You may have chosen to embrace this 4 I feel a deep sense of responsibility to use my divine gifts for

connection or seek to understand its purpose, the betterment of the world.

but either way, it sets you apart from ordinary mortals. 5 I am haunted by visions or dreams sent by my divine

Skill Proficiencies: Religion, Insight

connection, which often disrupt my sleep.

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a

6 I am protective of others and feel a strong sense of duty to

musical instrument shield them from harm.

Languages: Celestial, Infernal, or another language

7 I am driven by a desire for power and seek to unlock the full

associated with your divine connection potential of my divine connection.

Equipment: A symbol or token representing your

8 I am secretive about my divine connection, fearing

divine connection, a set of common clothes, a holy text persecution or exploitation by others.

or religious symbol (related to your divine connection), a d6 Ideal

belt pouch containing 15 gold pieces 1 Faith. I believe unwaveringly in the divine and its guidance.
Feature: Divine Insight 2 Skepticism. I question everything about my divine
Your connection to the divine grants you certain insights connection and seek to uncover the truth. (Neutral)
and abilities. You have advantage on Religion checks 3 Devotion. I am dedicated to serving my divine connection’s
when identifying or understanding religious artifacts, will above all else. (Any)
rituals, or symbols. Additionally, you can call upon your 4 Redemption. I strive to atone for past sins through my divine
divine connection to gain inspiration when facing connection’s grace. (Good)
challenging moral or ethical dilemmas, allowing you to 5 Ambition. I use my divine gifts to achieve personal power
reroll one Wisdom (Insight) check per long rest. and influence. (Evil)
6 Balance. I see my divine connection as a force of equilibrium
Alternate Feature: Divine Boon in the world. (Neutral)
Your divine connection has granted you a special boon
or ability related to your connection. Once per long rest, d6 Bond

you can invoke this boon to gain advantage on one 1 I am on a quest to fulfill a prophecy or divine mission.

ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. The nature of 2 I seek to protect a sacred relic or location associated with

the boon is determined by the nature of your divine my divine connection.

connection. For example, if connected to a god of 3 I have a mentor or guide who helps me understand my

healing, you might gain the ability to lay on hands and divine connection.

restore hit points equal to your character level. 4 I am part of a religious order dedicated to serving my divine
5 I am trying to find others like me who share a connection to
Suggested the same divine entity.

Characteristics 6 I have a deep personal bond with a celestial creature sent by

my divine connection.
Characters with the Godtouched background can vary
widely in their personalities and motivations. Here are d6 Flaw
some personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that a 1 I am prone to religious zealotry, often judging others by
Godtouched character might possess: their faith.
2 I have a tendency to be overly trusting of individuals who
claim divine insight.
3 I am plagued by doubt and can second-guess my actions
due to conflicting divine messages.
4 I am haunted by a past mistake or failure that I attribute to
my divine connection.
5 I can become easily obsessed with interpreting signs and
omens from my divine connection.
6 I have a secret fear that my divine connection may have
malevolent intentions for me.

Grave Robber Suggested
ou have made a living by plundering ancient Characteristics

tombs, crypts, and burial sites, seeking Grave robbers come from diverse backgrounds and
valuable treasures and artifacts. Whether possess a range of motivations for their illicit activities.
driven by greed, curiosity, or a desire for The following tables offer examples of personality traits,
forbidden knowledge, you have become an ideals, bonds, and flaws that a grave robber might
expert in the art of grave robbing. possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Investigation suggestions to create a unique character.
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools
Languages: One of your choice d8 Personality Trait
Equipment: A set of thieves’ tools, a crowbar, a 1 I am cunning and always aware of my surroundings.
hooded cloak, a small pouch containing 10 gold pieces 2 I have a morbid fascination with death and the afterlife.
3 I take pride in my ability to bypass traps and security
Feature: Grave Lore measures.

Your experience in grave robbing has granted you 4 I am secretive and tend to keep my true motives hidden.

insights into ancient burial customs, traps, and the 5 I am meticulous in my preparations and planning.

secrets hidden within tombs. You have the following 6 I have a dark sense of humor that others find unsettling.

benefits: 7 I am driven by the thrill of discovery and the unknown.

8 I am superstitious and believe in various burial customs and
You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) rituals.
checks made to find or disable traps in tombs, crypts,
or burial sites. d6 Ideal

You can identify the approximate value of common 1 Wealth. I rob graves for the riches they contain. (Neutral)

objects found in burial sites or recognize historical 2 Knowledge. I seek to uncover the secrets of the past.

significance related to the burial practices of (Neutral)

different cultures. 3 Freedom. I rob graves to escape a life of poverty or servitude.

You can make a survival check to forage for food and (Chaotic)

supplies in graveyards, burial grounds, or forgotten 4 Preservation. I believe in saving artifacts from decay or

wilderness areas. destruction. (Lawful)

5 Power. I acquire artifacts to gain influence or control over
others. (Evil)
Alternate Feature: Macabre 6 Balance. I believe in returning stolen artifacts to their rightful
Connections owners. (Any)
Alternatively, you may replace the Grave Lore feature d6 Bond
with Macabre Connections. Your experience as a grave
robber has led you to establish contacts within the 1 I seek to uncover the truth behind a legendary lost artifact.

criminal underworld, specifically those dealing with 2 I have a deep respect for the cultures and history of the

stolen or forbidden artifacts. You have the following past.

benefits: 3 I am indebted to a fellow grave robber who saved my life.

4 I am haunted by a ghost or spirit connected to one of my

You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) stolen artifacts.

checks made to negotiate with fences, black market 5 I aim to expose the corruption of powerful individuals or

dealers, or individuals involved in the trade of stolen organizations.

or illegal goods. 6 I seek redemption for the harm I caused by robbing graves.

You can acquire information about the location or d6 Flaw

existence of rare or valuable artifacts, though 1 I cannot resist the temptation of opening every sarcophagus
acquiring them may require additional quests, favors, or crypt I encounter.
or risks. 2 I have a habit of stealing items from my fellow party
You have knowledge of secret codes or signs used by members.
criminal organizations or artifact smugglers, 3 I am willing to take risks, even if it endangers others.
granting you advantages in deciphering hidden 4 I find it difficult to trust others with valuable artifacts.
messages or gaining entry to restricted areas. 5 I am haunted by the curses and bad luck associated with
grave robbing.
6 I struggle with guilt over the desecration of sacred burial

Harlot d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always manipulating others to get what I want.

ou have lived a life of allure and sensuality, 2 I am fiercely protective of my fellow Harlots and will defend

navigating the world through your charms and them at all costs.

captivating performances. Whether by choice 3 I have a magnetic charm and love to be the center of

or circumstance, you have embraced the path attention.

of the Harlot, earning admiration, wealth, or 4 I am haunted by my past and the choices I had to make to

simply the satisfaction of controlling your survive.

destiny. 5 I am constantly seeking new ways to improve my seductive

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Performance


Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit or one type of musical

6 I am a skilled performer, using my talents to entrance and

instrument manipulate others.

Languages: One exotic or secret language commonly

7 I have a soft spot for the downtrodden and use my charms

used in the underground world to help them.

Equipment: An exquisite piece of jewelry gifted by an

8 I am always planning my next great escape from a

admirer, a set of provocative clothes, a belt pouch dangerous admirer.

containing 20 gold pieces d6 Ideal

1 Freedom. I fight for the thrill and the glory it brings.
Feature: Seductive Charisma (Chaotic)
Your captivating presence and expertise in the art of 2 Security. I seek stability and safety for myself and my
seduction grant you certain advantages and companions. (Neutral)
opportunities. 3 Respect. I strive to gain respect and recognition for the
Harlot profession. (Lawful)
You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks 4 Empathy. I use my allure to comfort and support those in
when trying to manipulate or charm others through need. (Good)
seductive methods. 5 Power. I use my charm to manipulate and control others for
You can find lodging, food, and secure minor favors my benefit. (Evil)
or assistance from admirers who are infatuated by 6 Independence. I seek to be free from the constraints of
your allure. society’s expectations. (Any)
You have advantage on Charisma checks when
trying to persuade individuals who are attracted to d6 Bond
your charm and beauty. 1 I fight to secure a better life for myself and those I care
Suggested 2 I am devoted to a fellow Harlot, vowing to protect them at
all costs.
Characteristics 3 I seek revenge against those who have exploited or betrayed
Harlots come from diverse backgrounds, choosing to me.
embrace their alluring nature to gain power or survive 4 I fight to uphold the honor and reputation of the Harlot
in a world that often underestimates them. The profession.
following tables offer examples of personality traits, 5 I am searching for a lost loved one whom I was separated
ideals, bonds, and flaws that Harlots might possess. from in my past.
Feel free to customize and expand upon these 6 I am driven to prove myself and rise to prominence among
suggestions to create a unique character. Harlots.

d6 Flaw
1 I have a reckless disregard for the consequences of my
seductive actions.
2 I struggle with jealousy and can become possessive in
3 I have become cynical about love and find it hard to trust
4 I am easily swayed by promises of affection or material
5 I am haunted by regrets and guilt over the hearts I have
6 I am addicted to the thrill of seduction and seek constant

Heretic Suggested
ou have turned your back on the established Characteristics

order and chosen a path of heresy, defying the Characters with the Heretic background are individuals
accepted beliefs and norms of society. who have deviated from the accepted path and
Whether driven by a thirst for forbidden embraced heresy. They may have a wide range of
knowledge, a desire for personal power, or a motivations, from seeking forbidden knowledge to
disillusionment with the prevailing faith, you challenging the authority of established faiths. The
have embraced dark rituals and forbidden following tables offer examples of personality traits,
practices. ideals, bonds, and flaws that heretics might possess.
Feel free to customize and expand upon these
Skill Proficiencies:Arcana, Deception suggestions to create a unique character.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a set of d8 Personality Trait
thieves’ tools 1 I am constantly questioning and challenging the established

Languages: One exotic or forbidden language

2 I find solace and strength in my forbidden practices and
Equipment: A symbol of your forbidden faith, a set of

common clothes, a small pouch containing 10 gold 3 I am secretive and guarded, revealing my true beliefs only to

pieces trusted allies.

4 I am driven by an insatiable curiosity to uncover hidden
Feature: Dark Secrets knowledge.
5 I delight in shocking and provoking others with my heretical
Your connection to heretical practices grants you beliefs.
certain advantages and knowledge. However, it also 6 I am haunted by guilt and doubt, constantly questioning my
makes you an outcast and a target for those who uphold choices.
the orthodox beliefs. 7 I am fervently passionate about spreading my heretical

You have advantage on Arcana checks related to teachings.

forbidden or occult knowledge. 8 I have a charismatic and persuasive demeanor, able to sway

You have contacts within secret societies or cults, others to my cause.

allowing you to gather information or seek d6 Ideal

assistance from like-minded individuals. 1 Knowledge. Forbidden knowledge is a path to true
You have a basic understanding of dark rituals and enlightenment. (Any)
forbidden magic, allowing you to recognize and 2 Power. I seek personal power at any cost, embracing dark
identify such practices. magic and rituals. (Evil)
3 Freedom. I strive to free others from the chains of dogma
Alternate Feature: Mark of and conformity. (Chaotic)
Heresy 4 Redemption. I believe that even the darkest souls can find

Your heretical actions have drawn the attention of redemption. (Good)

5 Truth. I am determined to uncover the truth, no matter how
powerful forces, marking you as a target. You gain the
following benefits and drawbacks: uncomfortable. (Neutral)
6 Revolution. I am part of a heretical movement seeking to
You have advantage on Deception checks when overthrow the established order. (Any)
trying to pass as a member of a cult or secret society. d6 Bond
You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
checks when interacting with individuals who 1 I am part of a secret society or cult and work to further its

strongly oppose heresy or who have knowledge of goals.

your heretical actions. 2 I am driven to protect and guide those who have embraced

You are constantly being watched and pursued by heretical beliefs.

agents of the established order, making it difficult to 3 I seek revenge against the authorities who persecuted me

find safe places to rest or seek help. for my heresy.

4 I am searching for a lost tome or artifact that contains
forbidden knowledge.
5 I am on a mission to spread my heretical teachings to the
6 I am entangled in a complex web of alliances and rivalries
among heretics.

d6 Flaw
1 I am willing to sacrifice others to achieve my own heretical
2 I have become obsessed with the forbidden knowledge,
neglecting other aspects of my life.
3 I am constantly pursued by agents of the established order,
making it difficult to find allies.
4 I struggle with doubts and guilt over the consequences of
my heretical actions.
5 I am easily swayed by promises of more powerful dark
magic or forbidden secrets.
6 I am prone to paranoia, always suspecting betrayal or

Hunter d8 Personality Trait
1 I am patient and observant, always alert to the slightest

ou are an experienced hunter, skilled in movement in the wild.

tracking and trapping prey in the wild. 2 I prefer solitude and the company of animals over that of

Whether you hunt for sustenance, profit, or other people.

sport, your knowledge of the wilderness and 3 I take pride in my ability to provide food and resources for

your sharp senses make you a formidable my community.

predator. 4 I am haunted by a creature I once encountered and narrowly

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Nature


Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools (choose

5 I have a deep respect for the balance of nature and strive to

one: Smith’s Tools, Carpenter’s Tools, Leatherworker’s preserve it.

Tools) 6 I have a network of fellow hunters and trappers who share

Languages: None
information with me.

Equipment: A hunting trap, a set of traveler’s clothes,

7 I am relentless and will not give up on a hunt until my target

a pouch containing 10 gold pieces is captured.

8 I am guided by a strict code of ethics when it comes to
Feature: Tracker’s Instinct hunting and trapping.

Your experience as a hunter gives you a deep d6 Ideal

understanding of the natural world. You have advantage 1 Survival. I hunt to survive and provide for my family or
on Wisdom (Survival) checks when tracking creatures, community. (Neutral)
and you can identify the tracks of common animals and 2 Nature’s Balance. I strive to protect the natural world from
monsters. threats. (Good)
3 Trophy Hunter. I seek rare and dangerous creatures as
Alternate Feature: Master trophies. (Chaotic)
Trapper 4 Profit. I hunt for profit and the valuable materials I can gain.

You are a skilled trapper, setting snares and traps with (Neutral)
5 Champion of Wildlife. I defend animals from those who
precision. Once per long rest, you can create a simple
trap that can be used to catch small to medium-sized would harm them. (Good)
6 Competition. I hunt to prove my skills against other hunters.
creatures. When you set this trap, make a Dexterity
check (DC 15). On a success, the trap is set and (Any)

functional. You can retrieve your trap after a short rest. d6 Bond
1 I owe my skills to a mentor who taught me the ways of the
Suggested hunt.
2 I am on a quest to track down a legendary beast that has
Characteristics eluded me for years.
Hunters come from various backgrounds and have 3 I have a deep connection with a particular animal
different motivations for their pursuits. The following companion.
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, 4 I am bound by a promise to protect the wilderness from
and flaws that hunters might possess. Customize and destruction.
expand upon these suggestions to create a unique 5 I seek to uncover the truth behind a mysterious animal
character. phenomenon.
6 I have a friendly rivalry with another skilled hunter in the

d6 Flaw
1 I can become overly fixated on a single prey, to the
detriment of other pursuits.
2 I am quick to anger when I perceive threats to the natural
3 I have a deep fear of a specific creature, rooted in a
traumatic experience.
4 I am willing to take risks, even if they endanger myself or
5 I have difficulty understanding or connecting with people
from civilized society.
6 I am haunted by a past hunt where I made a grave mistake
that cost lives.

Innkeeper d8 Personality Trait
1 I am a warm and welcoming host, always eager to make

ou have spent a significant portion of your life guests feel at home.

running and managing an inn, tavern, or 2 I am meticulous about the cleanliness and orderliness of my

hostel. Your establishment has been a place of inn.

rest and respite for travelers from all walks of 3 I have a talent for storytelling and enjoy entertaining my

life. Whether you inherited the inn from your patrons.

family or built it from the ground up, you are 4 I am a shrewd businessperson, always looking for

intimately familiar with the intricacies of opportunities to maximize profits.

running such an establishment. 5 I am a stickler for tradition and insist on maintaining old

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight

customs and rituals.

Tool Proficiencies: Brewer’s Supplies, Cook’s

6 I have a knack for resolving conflicts and keeping the peace

Utensils among guests.

Languages: One of your choice

7 I am a bit of a gossip and always eager to learn the latest

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a signet ring or

news and rumors.

trinket from your inn, a pouch containing 15 gold pieces 8 I have a deep love for food and drink and take pride in my
culinary skills.
Feature: Welcoming Haven d6 Ideal
Your experience as an innkeeper has given you a talent 1 Hospitality. I am dedicated to providing a welcoming haven
for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. You can for all travelers. (Good)
often secure discounts or preferential treatment at other 2 Profit. Running an inn is a business, and I strive to maximize
inns and taverns due to your connections in the my income. (Neutral)
hospitality industry. Additionally, when interacting with 3 Tradition. I am committed to preserving the traditions and
travelers and adventurers, you can gather useful customs of my inn. (Lawful)
information about the local area, rumors, and potential 4 Adventure. My inn is a hub for adventurers, and I support
quests. their quests and endeavors. (Any)
5 Community. I see my inn as a vital part of the local
Alternate Feature: Culinary community and work to strengthen it. (Good)
Expertise 6 Indulgence. Life is too short not to enjoy it to the fullest,

Your expertise in managing a kitchen and preparing especially when it comes to food and drink. (Chaotic)

meals has made you an accomplished cook. Once per d6 Bond

long rest, you can prepare a delicious meal that grants 1 My inn is my family’s legacy, and I am determined to uphold
you and up to five allies advantage on their next its reputation.
Constitution saving throw to resist the effects of 2 I have a loyal staff who are like family to me, and I would do
exhaustion or disease. You can also use your culinary anything for them.
skills to earn extra income by preparing meals for sale 3 A famous bard once performed at my inn, and I seek to
in settlements. reconnect with them.
4 My inn is a hub for adventurers, and I have formed strong
Suggested bonds with many of them.
5 I owe a debt to a wealthy patron who has supported my inn
Characteristics in times of need.
Innkeepers come from diverse backgrounds and have 6 I have a rival innkeeper who constantly tries to outdo me,
various motivations for running their establishments. and I am determined to stay ahead.
The following tables offer examples of personality traits,
ideals, bonds, and flaws that innkeepers might possess. d6 Flaw
Customize and expand upon these suggestions to create 1 I can be overly cautious, always worried about the safety and
a unique character. reputation of my inn.
2 I have a tendency to gossip and share sensitive information
about my guests.
3 I am overly possessive of my kitchen and do not take kindly
to others using it.
4 I sometimes let my emotions get the best of me when
dealing with difficult patrons.
5 I am known to indulge in excessive food and drink, which
can lead to unwise decisions.
6 I have a superstition or quirky habit that I believe brings
good luck to my inn.

Insane d6 Ideal
1 Freedom. I seek liberation from my torment. (Chaotic)

our mind has been shattered, consumed by 2 Knowledge. I yearn to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

madness and unstable thoughts. Whether due (Neutral)

to a traumatic event, exposure to dark magic, 3 Order. I strive to bring structure and order to my chaotic

or an inherent flaw in your psyche, you now mind. (Lawful)

navigate the world with a tenuous grasp on 4 Compassion. I empathize deeply with the suffering of others.

reality. (Good)

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Deception

5 Power. I crave dominance and control over those around

Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit

me. (Evil)

Languages: None
6 Acceptance. I embrace my insanity and find solace within it.

Equipment: A small memento from your past life, a


set of worn-out clothes, a belt pouch containing 10 gold d6 Bond

pieces 1 I am driven to find the source of my madness and regain my
Feature: Cursed Whispers 2 I am fiercely protective of someone I believe is my imaginary
Your madness manifests as haunting whispers that friend.
echo in your mind. These whispers provide occasional 3 I am haunted by recurring nightmares and seek to uncover
insights or cryptic clues but can also lead you astray. their meaning.
4 I feel a strong connection to a particular type of creature or
Once per long rest, you can choose to gain advantage monster.
on an Intelligence-based skill check or ability check. 5 I am searching for a rare artifact or magical item that may
However, after doing so, the DM may provide a cure my insanity.
misleading or false piece of information related to 6 I am convinced that someone is secretly controlling my
the situation at hand. thoughts and actions.

Suggested d6 Flaw
1 I become paranoid and suspicious of anyone who shows me
Characteristics kindness.
Characters with the Insane background exhibit a range 2 I have difficulty distinguishing between reality and illusion.
of bizarre behaviors, quirks, and eccentricities due to 3 I am easily manipulated by anyone who understands my
their shattered sanity. Use the following tables as mental instability.
inspiration for personality traits, ideals, bonds, and 4 I have a compulsion to hoard strange objects or trinkets.
flaws, but feel free to modify them to suit your 5 I experience sudden mood swings, alternating between
character’s unique brand of madness. extreme emotions.
6 I am prone to fits of rage or panic when confronted with
d8 Personality Trait stressful situations.
1 I speak to inanimate objects as if they can hear and
understand me.
2 I have an obsession with counting random things.
3 I frequently burst into laughter or tears for no apparent
4 I often mutter to myself and carry on one-sided
5 I am convinced that I can communicate with imaginary
6 I frequently change my appearance and adopt different
7 I experience vivid hallucinations that I sometimes mistake
for reality.
8 I possess an intense fear of a specific, seemingly innocuous
object or creature.

Jester d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always the life of the party, and my humor knows no

ou have spent your life entertaining others bounds.

with your wit, humor, and antics. As a jester, 2 I use my wit to outsmart those who underestimate me.

you’ve honed your skills in acrobatics, jesting, 3 I have a mischievous streak and enjoy playing pranks on

and entertaining to perfection. Whether you others.

performed for royalty, at local taverns, or on 4 I can’t resist an opportunity to make a clever pun or

the streets, your life has been a never-ending wordplay.

spectacle filled with laughter and amusement. 5 I thrive on attention and am never one to shy away from the

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance


Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, one musical

6 I see humor in the darkest of situations and use it to cope.

instrument of your choice 7 I have a talent for mimicry and can imitate voices and

Languages: None
accents flawlessly.

Equipment: A set of colorful, jester’s clothes, a

8 I often use sarcasm and irony to convey my thoughts and

musical instrument (of your choice), a pouch containing feelings.

15 gold pieces d6 Ideal

1 Entertainment. I live to make people laugh and smile.
Feature: Court Jester (Chaotic)
Your entertaining talents have earned you favor and 2 Inspiration. I use my performances to inspire others. (Good)
connections among nobility and those who appreciate a 3 Wealth. I’m in it for the money and will do whatever it takes.
good jest. You have the ability to gain an audience with (Neutral)
local lords, ladies, and influential figures, often gaining 4 Mischief. I enjoy causing a bit of chaos for fun. (Chaotic)
valuable information or assistance. People are generally 5 Freedom. I cherish my independence and hate being tied
inclined to see the lighter side of life when you’re down. (Chaotic)
around, and you can often defuse tense situations with 6 Friendship. I value the bonds I form through laughter.
humor and charm. (Good)

Alternate Feature: Street d6 Bond

Performer 1 I have a beloved musical instrument that I consider my
closest companion.
You’ve mastered the art of street performance, making a 2 I owe a debt of gratitude to a mentor who taught me the art
living by entertaining crowds in busy marketplaces and of jesting.
on bustling streets. You can earn a modest income 3 I am searching for a lost love, and my performances help
(typically 1d10 gold pieces) per day when you perform keep their memory alive.
in populated areas. Your performances can also attract 4 I am devoted to a cause or charity and use my talents to
the attention of curious onlookers who might offer you raise funds for it.
information or assistance. 5 I have a deep connection to a particular location where I
once performed.
Suggested 6 I am determined to prove that humor can change the world
for the better.
Jesters come in all shapes and sizes, each with their d6 Flaw
own unique quirks and personalities. The following 1 I tend to go too far with my pranks and jokes, offending
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, others unintentionally.
and flaws that jesters might possess. Customize and 2 I am easily distracted by shiny objects and can’t resist the
expand upon these suggestions to create a truly unique urge to steal them.
jester character. 3 I have a tendency to exaggerate stories and facts to make
them more entertaining.
4 I am terrified of public speaking and will do anything to
avoid it.
5 I often act impulsively without considering the
6 I have a fear of being forgotten and constantly seek
attention and validation.

During a long rest, you can
Lich Phylactery Restoration:
expend hit dice to regain hit points for your
ou have delved into the darkest of phylactery. For each hit die spent, your phylactery

necromantic arts, seeking ultimate power and regains a number of hit points equal to the result of
immortality. Through forbidden rituals and the roll.
the consumption of souls, you have become a Suggested
Lich—a dreaded undead sorcerer who
commands legions of the dead and wields Characteristics
potent necromantic magic. As a Lich, you have embraced undeath and wield the
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit dark powers of necromancy. The following tables
Languages: One of your choice provide examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds,
Equipment: A phylactery containing your soul, a and flaws that reflect a Lich’s nature. Customize and
spellbook (containing your Lich spells), a set of dark expand upon these suggestions to create a unique
robes, a vial of grave dirt, and a pouch containing 25 character.
gold pieces d8 Personality Trait
Feature: Undying Mastery 1 I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and forbidden
Your transformation into a Lich has granted you 2 I am aloof and distant, viewing mortals as mere pawns in
mastery over the dark arts of necromancy and the ability my grand scheme.
to command undead minions. You gain the following 3 I am consumed by my pursuit of power and the preservation
benefits: of my undead existence.

Necromantic Knowledge: You have advantage on

4 I speak slowly and deliberately, as if my words carry the

Arcana checks related to undead creatures, weight of eternity.

necromantic magic, and the manipulation of life 5 I delight in the suffering of others and take pleasure in

force. instilling fear.

Command Undead: You can use your action to

6 I am fascinated by the beauty of decay and the cycle of life

magically command an undead creature within 30 and death.

feet of you that can understand you. The creature 7 I am driven by an unyielding ambition to conquer death

must make a Wisdom saving throw against your itself.

spell save DC. If it fails, it obeys your commands 8 I possess a dark, dry sense of humor that often unsettles

until you use this feature again or until you are those around me.

incapacitated. If the creature is hostile toward you, it d6 Ideal

has advantage on the saving throw. 1 Dominion. I seek to rule over all life, both living and undead.
Undead Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic (Evil)
damage and advantage on saving throws against 2 Knowledge. I pursue knowledge and magical power above all
being frightened or charmed by undead creatures. else. (Neutral)
3 Balance. I believe in the necessity of death and maintaining
Alternate Feature: Phylactery the natural order. (Lawful)
Connection 4 Revenge. I seek revenge against those who wronged me in
life. (Any)
Phylactery Connection: Your phylactery, which holds a 5 Undeath for All. I strive to share the “gift” of undeath with
fragment of your soul, serves as a link between your the world. (Chaotic)
undead form and your mortal existence. While your 6 Redemption. I seek to atone for my past sins and find a path
phylactery remains intact, you have the following to redemption. (Any)
Soul Tether: You can sense the direction and
approximate distance to your phylactery, as long as it
is on the same plane of existence.
Phylactery Defense: When you are reduced to 0 hit
points, you can choose to make a Charisma saving
throw against your spell save DC. On a successful
save, instead of dying, you return to your phylactery
with 1 hit point. This ability can be used once, and
you regain the ability to use it after completing a long
d6 Bond d6 Flaw
1 I am bound to my phylactery, and its safety is of utmost 1 I am easily angered and prone to fits of rage when things go
importance. wrong.
2 I am driven by a desire to uncover the secret to eternal life. 2 I am disdainful of the living and consider them beneath me.
3 I seek to gather powerful artifacts and magical knowledge. 3 I have an insatiable hunger for souls and am willing to kill to
4 I have a loyal undead servant whom I consider a cherished feed.
companion. 4 I am haunted by the memories of the people I loved in life.
5 I am haunted by memories of my mortal life and the choices 5 I am paranoid and constantly suspicious of others’
I made. intentions.
6 I am part of a secret society of Liches, working toward a 6 I am terrified of losing my phylactery and will go to great
shared goal. lengths to protect it.

Medic d8 Personality Trait
1 I am calm and composed, even in the most chaotic and

ou are a skilled healer and medical dangerous situations.

practitioner, dedicated to preserving life and 2 I have a deep empathy for those who suffer and go to great

tending to the wounded. Whether you work in lengths to ease their pain.

a bustling city hospital, serve in a military field 3 I am dedicated to my craft and constantly seek to improve

hospital, or roam as a traveling medic, your my medical skills.

expertise in medicine is invaluable in a world 4 I can be blunt and straightforward when it comes to

filled with danger and injury. diagnosing and treating injuries.

Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Insight

5 I am a staunch believer in the value of life and refuse to

Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit

harm others whenever possible.

Languages: None
6 I am haunted by memories of patients I couldn’t save and

Equipment: A set of healer’s tools, a pouch containing

strive to prevent future failures.

10 gold pieces, a vial of antitoxin, and a uniform or 7 I have a dry and morbid sense of humor, which helps me

attire typically worn by medics in your area of expertise. cope with the grim realities of my work.
8 I am highly superstitious and believe in various rituals to
Feature: Healing Touch ensure the success of my treatments.

Your extensive training in the healing arts allows you to d6 Ideal

provide essential medical care. You can stabilize a dying 1 Compassion. I heal to alleviate suffering and preserve life.
creature with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) (Good)
check, and you have advantage on this check when 2 Duty. I see my role as a medic as a solemn duty that must
using your healer’s tools. Additionally, when you tend to be fulfilled. (Lawful)
a wounded creature during a short rest, they regain an 3 Independence. I heal for personal freedom and the right to
extra 1d6 hit points. make my own choices. (Chaotic)
4 Redemption. I seek to atone for past mistakes by saving
Alternate Feature: Field Medic lives. (Any)
Your expertise extends to quickly treating injuries in the 5 Empowerment. I heal to empower others, believing that
heat of battle. Once per short rest, as a bonus action, strong allies benefit all. (Neutral)
you can attempt to mend the wounds of an adjacent 6 Desolation. I heal because I have seen the worst, and I must
creature. Roll a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a DC of try to make it better. (Any)
15. On a success, the target creature regains hit points
equal to your roll plus your Wisdom modifier. d6 Bond
1 I am deeply loyal to the organization or institution that
trained me as a medic.
Suggested 2 I have a mentor or a senior medic who saved my life and

Characteristics inspired my career.

3 I am on a quest to discover a rare and potent healing
Medics come from various backgrounds and have remedy rumored to exist.
unique motivations for pursuing a healing profession. 4 I have a strong bond with a fellow medic, and we work
The following tables offer examples of personality traits, together as a dynamic healing duo.
ideals, bonds, and flaws that medics might possess. 5 I am determined to heal a specific individual who is
Customize and expand upon these suggestions to create suffering from a mysterious ailment.
a unique character. 6 I am haunted by the loss of a patient and seek to prevent
such tragedies from happening again.

d6 Flaw
1 I can be overly protective of my patients, sometimes to the
detriment of the mission.
2 I have a crippling fear of blood and struggle to maintain
composure during surgeries.
3 I am prone to severe burnout and exhaustion, pushing
myself too hard to help others.
4 I have a habit of overdiagnosing and prescribing
unnecessary treatments out of anxiety.
5 I am haunted by a past medical mistake and struggle with
self-doubt in critical situations.
6 I have a secret addiction to a particular substance that helps
me cope with the stress of my work.

Messenger d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always alert, constantly scanning my surroundings for

ou are a swift and skilled messenger, often potential threats.

serving as a vital link between individuals and 2 I take pride in my punctuality and ensure that I always

communities. Whether delivering urgent deliver on time.

news, important documents, or secret 3 I am a people person and enjoy striking up conversations

messages, you have honed your abilities to with strangers.

traverse dangerous territories and ensure the 4 I have a keen sense of curiosity and can’t resist opening

timely delivery of your cargo. sealed letters to satisfy it.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

5 I am extremely cautious and hesitant to trust new

Tool Proficiencies: Land vehicles (e.g., horses,


carriages) 6 I have a network of contacts in various cities, making me

Languages: One additional language of your choice


Equipment: A satchel containing a collection of

7 I am driven by the thrill of danger that comes with delivering

important letters and documents, a map of the local important messages.

area, a whistle for signaling, a set of common clothes, 8 I am fiercely loyal to those who employ my services and

and a belt pouch containing 15 gold pieces protect their secrets.

d6 Ideal
Feature: Swift Delivery 1 Duty. I am committed to fulfilling my deliveries regardless of
Your expertise as a messenger allows you to travel the risks. (Lawful)
quickly and efficiently. When delivering messages or 2 Freedom. I value my independence and the ability to choose
documents, you can move at a fast pace without my routes. (Neutral)
becoming exhausted. Additionally, you have an innate 3 Wealth. I seek to accumulate wealth and riches through my
sense of direction, granting you advantage on Wisdom messenger work. (Any)
(Survival) checks to navigate unfamiliar terrain while on 4 Altruism. I deliver messages that promote goodwill and help
a delivery mission. You can also gain access to local others. (Good)
information and rumors, as people are often eager to 5 Challenge. I take on the most dangerous delivery missions
share news with you. for the thrill. (Chaotic)
6 Secrecy. I protect the confidentiality of the messages I carry
Alternate Feature: Undercover at all costs. (Lawful)
d6 Bond
You are not just a messenger but also a master of 1 I owe a debt to a powerful figure who helped me when I was
discretion and secrecy. When working as an undercover in trouble.
courier, you can blend into crowds and avoid drawing 2 I am deeply attached to a specific location or community I
attention to yourself. You have advantage on Dexterity frequently visit.
(Stealth) checks when attempting to remain unnoticed. 3 I have a cherished possession given to me by a close friend
You are skilled at detecting hidden messages or signals, or mentor.
granting you advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) 4 I am searching for a lost or stolen message that holds great
checks to uncover hidden meanings in correspondence. importance.
5 I am part of a messenger guild or organization that I am
Suggested loyal to.
6 I have a friendly rivalry with a fellow messenger who
Characteristics challenges me.
Messengers come from diverse backgrounds and have
various motivations for their work. The following tables d6 Flaw
provide examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, 1 I am easily distracted by interesting sights or events on my
and flaws that messengers might possess. Customize routes.
and expand upon these suggestions to create a unique 2 I have a tendency to open and read messages meant for
character. others out of curiosity.
3 I find it difficult to say no to anyone who asks for my help or
4 I have a fear of enclosed spaces, making certain delivery
routes challenging.
5 I can be overly trusting, which has gotten me into trouble in
the past.
6 I carry a secret that, if revealed, could endanger those I care

Nomad d8 Personality Trait
1 I am a free spirit and resist settling in one place for too long.

ou are a wanderer of the wilds, a traveler of 2 I am deeply connected to the land and its rhythms.

deserts, plains, and mountains. You’ve spent 3 I am curious and always eager to learn about new cultures

your life living off the land, mastering the art and environments.

of survival in some of the harshest 4 I am fiercely protective of my nomadic community and their

environments. Your connection to nature and way of life.

your ability to adapt to any situation make you 5 I prefer the solitude of the wilderness to the chaos of

a true nomad. civilization.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Nature

6 I have a story or legend for every place I’ve visited.

Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument or an

7 I am an excellent storyteller, and I love sharing tales around

artisan’s tool the campfire.

Languages: One of your choice

8 I find it difficult to trust those who don’t share my nomadic

Equipment: A set of traveler’s clothes, a musical


instrument or an artisan’s tool of your choice, a pouch d6 Ideal

containing 10 gold pieces 1 Freedom. I value the freedom of a nomadic life. (Chaotic)
2 Harmony. I seek to live in harmony with the land. (Neutral)
Feature: Natural Instincts 3 Tradition. I honor the traditions of my people. (Lawful)
Your time spent in the wilderness has honed your 4 Discovery. I wander to discover new lands and experiences.
senses and survival skills. You have advantage on (Any)
Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track creatures or 5 Unity. I believe in uniting different cultures through travel.
navigate in natural environments. You can often find (Good)
food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other 6 Self-Reliance. I rely on myself and trust no one else. (Evil)
people each day, provided the land offers it. d6 Bond
Alternate Feature: Nomadic 1 I have a deep connection to a specific natural landmark or
Diplomacy sacred site.
2 My family travels with me, and our bond is unbreakable.
Your travels have exposed you to diverse cultures and 3 I seek to protect the nomadic way of life from encroaching
peoples. You have a knack for diplomacy and civilization.
understanding different customs. You have advantage 4 I owe a debt to a powerful shaman or wise elder who guided
on Charisma checks when interacting with nomadic or me on my journey.
tribal communities, and you can often negotiate safe 5 I carry a totem or artifact that has been passed down
passage through their territories. through generations.
6 I am on a quest to find a legendary nomadic paradise.
Suggested d6 Flaw
Characteristics 1 I can be reckless and often underestimate the dangers of the
Nomads come from various backgrounds and have wilds.
unique experiences. The following tables offer examples 2 I am fiercely protective of my way of life and can be quick to
of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that anger.
nomads might possess. Customize and expand upon 3 I have a fear of enclosed spaces, making certain situations
these suggestions to create your character’s distinct challenging.
personality. 4 I am stubborn and resistant to change or new ideas.
5 I find it difficult to trust outsiders and can be overly
6 I carry a superstition or taboo that I must always observe.

Occult Scholar Suggested
ou have dedicated your life to the study of the Characteristics

occult, delving into forbidden knowledge and Occult scholars are driven by their insatiable curiosity
ancient texts. Your thirst for understanding for forbidden knowledge and the allure of dark powers.
the dark arts and supernatural secrets has led The following tables offer examples of personality traits,
you down a path that few dare to tread. ideals, bonds, and flaws that occult scholars might
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Investigation possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit suggestions to create a unique character.
Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: A tome of forbidden lore, a set of d8 Personality Trait
common clothes, an herbalism kit, a pouch containing 1 I am consumed by an unquenchable thirst for forbidden
10 gold pieces knowledge.
2 I am cautious and secretive, always guarding my occult
Feature: Forbidden Knowledge discoveries.

Your extensive study of the occult has granted you 3 I have an insatiable curiosity that drives me to explore the

insight into the dark arts and supernatural phenomena. unknown.

You gain the following benefits: 4 I am skeptical and question everything, even established
You have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks 5 I am haunted by a dark event from my past that drives my
related to identifying or understanding dark magic, studies.
cursed objects, and supernatural entities. 6 I am eccentric and peculiar, often lost in my own thoughts.
You can spend 1 hour studying a magic item or a 7 I have a fascination with death and the afterlife, often
written spell to decipher its nature or function, even morbidly so.
if it is not typically decipherable. 8 I am driven by an intense desire to prove myself among
You have access to a network of secretive scholars other occult scholars.
and individuals with similar interests, allowing you
to seek information or assistance in uncovering d6 Ideal

hidden knowledge. 1 Knowledge. Knowledge is power, and I will uncover every

secret. (Neutral)
2 Dominion. I seek to gain control over dark forces and bend
Alternate Feature: Dark them to my will. (Evil)
Ritualist 3 Protection. I study the occult to protect others from its
You have delved into the forbidden practice of dark dangers. (Good)
rituals, harnessing their power to achieve your goals. 4 Ambition. I will use my knowledge to ascend to new heights
You gain the following benefits: of power. (Any)
5 Balance. I believe in the delicate balance between light and
You can perform dark rituals that allow you to darkness. (Neutral)
commune with dark entities, tap into forbidden 6 Sacrifice. I am willing to make any sacrifice to uncover
powers, or perform twisted magical experiments. hidden truths. (Any)
The nature and effects of these rituals should be
determined by the Dungeon Master and balanced for d6 Bond

your campaign. 1 I seek revenge against a dark entity that caused great harm

You can use your Herbalism Kit to create potions or to me or my loved ones.

concoctions infused with dark magic, granting 2 I am searching for a lost grimoire or artifact of great power.

temporary benefits or unleashing unpredictable 3 I am devoted to preserving and safeguarding ancient occult

effects. knowledge.

You have access to a hidden network of cultists, 4 I have an apprentice or protege whom I am training in the

occultists, or practitioners of forbidden arts. They occult arts.

might provide you with resources, information, or 5 I am in debt to a secretive society of occult scholars and

assistance when needed, although their motivations must fulfill their requests.

may be questionable. 6 I am compelled to unravel the mystery of a forbidden


d6 Flaw
1 My pursuit of forbidden knowledge often blinds me to
ethical concerns.
2 I am paranoid and suspicious of others, fearing betrayal or
3 I am tempted to use dark magic even when it goes against
my better judgment.
4 I am socially awkward and struggle to relate to others on a
personal level.
5 I am willing to sacrifice anything, including others, to gain
more knowledge.
6 My obsession with the occult has made me forget the value
of mundane life.

Prisoners come from diverse backgrounds and have
Prisoner faced different challenges during their time in
ou were once confined in a harsh and confinement. The following tables provide examples of

unforgiving prison, locked away from society personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that prisoners
for crimes you may or may not have might possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon
committed. Whether you were wrongly these suggestions to create a unique character.
accused, seeking redemption, or simply d8 Personality Trait
caught up in unfortunate circumstances, you 1 I am constantly wary of my surroundings, expecting betrayal
have experienced the hardships of at every turn.
imprisonment. Your time behind bars has left an 2 I have a chip on my shoulder and refuse to be disrespected
indelible mark on your character, shaping your skills or pushed around.
and outlook on life. 3 I am resourceful and always find a way to get what I need,
Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Insight no matter the odds.
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ Tools 4 I keep my emotions guarded, preferring to appear cold and
Languages: None unaffected.
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a shiv 5 I have a dark sense of humor that often comes across as
(improvised weapon), a small piece of contraband you morbid or cynical.
managed to keep, a belt pouch containing 10 gold 6 I am highly observant, always looking for potential threats or
pieces weaknesses.
Feature: Prison Connections 7 I am fiercely protective of my fellow prisoners, forming
bonds of loyalty.
Your time spent in prison has forged connections and 8 I am a skilled manipulator, adept at getting what I want
given you a unique understanding of the criminal through persuasion.
underworld. You can rely on these contacts to gain
information, resources, and assistance in your d6 Ideal
endeavors. 1 Redemption. I seek to atone for my past and make amends.
You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) 2 Survival. I prioritize my own well-being and will do whatever
checks when dealing with individuals connected to it takes to stay alive. (Neutral)
the criminal underworld or with a history of 3 Freedom. I yearn for liberation and will fight to escape the
imprisonment. chains that bind me. (Chaotic)
You can gather information about criminal activities 4 Justice. I aim to expose corruption and bring justice to those
or rumors by reaching out to your prison contacts. who wronged me. (Lawful)
You can find temporary shelter or hideouts in 5 Comradeship. I value the bonds forged in prison and will
criminal-infested areas with the assistance of your protect my fellow prisoners. (Neutral)
connections. 6 Power. I seek to amass power and influence to ensure I am
never imprisoned again. (Any)
Alternate Feature: Survivor’s
Your experience surviving in a harsh prison
environment has toughened you and honed your
survival instincts. You have developed an uncanny
ability to adapt and endure, even in the most
challenging circumstances.
You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks
made to find food, water, or shelter in hostile
You have resistance to non-magical damage inflicted
by improvised weapons.
You can find temporary shelter or refuge in desolate
or abandoned areas, utilizing your survival skills.

d6 Bond
1 I am driven to prove my innocence and clear my name.
2 I owe a debt to a fellow prisoner who protected or helped
me in prison.
3 I seek revenge against those who orchestrated my
4 I hold onto a secret that, if revealed, could bring down
powerful figures.
5 I am haunted by the memory of a fellow prisoner who didn’t
6 I have a deep-rooted fear of being imprisoned again and will
do anything to avoid it.

d6 Flaw
1 I struggle with trust issues and find it difficult to form new
2 I am prone to explosive anger and can lose control in heated
3 I am haunted by guilt over the actions I took or witnessed in
4 I am overly cautious and tend to see threats where there are
5 I have a weakness for vices and can easily be tempted by
6 I find it hard to adapt to life outside of prison, feeling
confined or lost.

Prison Warden d8 Personality Trait
1 I am stoic and unflinching, maintaining my composure even

s a former prison warden, you were in the face of danger.

responsible for maintaining order within the 2 I have a strong sense of duty and believe in upholding the

confines of a correctional facility. You’ve law at all costs.

developed a keen understanding of the 3 I treat every situation as a puzzle to be solved, analyzing it

criminal mind and the ability to handle from all angles.

unruly individuals. Whether you served 4 I am haunted by a traumatic incident that occurred during

justice, sought redemption, or merely my time as a warden.

pursued power, your experiences have honed your skills 5 I always give individuals a chance at redemption, no matter

for dealing with lawbreakers. their past crimes.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation

6 I have a network of informants and contacts within the

Tool Proficiencies: Playing cards or a set of manacles

criminal underworld.

Languages: None
7 I am determined to bring order to chaos, even when it

Equipment: A set of manacles, a prison cell key, a

seems impossible.

badge of authority, a belt pouch containing 15 gold 8 I have a strong code of ethics and believe in rehabilitation

pieces over punishment.

d6 Ideal
Feature: Warden’s Authority 1 Justice. I believe in upholding the law and ensuring justice is
Your background as a prison warden grants you certain served. (Lawful)
advantages when dealing with criminals and 2 Redemption. I strive to help criminals reform and find a
maintaining order. You have advantage on Wisdom better path. (Good)
(Insight) checks when trying to discern whether 3 Dominance. I seek power and control over those I interact
someone is lying or hiding information related to their with. (Evil)
criminal activities. When interacting with law 4 Fairness. I believe in treating every individual with fairness
enforcement or prison authorities, you can often obtain and respect. (Neutral)
useful information or assistance in your pursuits. You 5 Challenge. I enjoy the intellectual challenge of dealing with
have advantage on Charisma checks when trying to criminals. (Any)
intimidate individuals with a criminal background or 6 Revenge. I seek retribution against those who wronged me
those who respect your former position. or the system. (Any)

Alternate Feature: Prison d6 Bond

Diplomat 1 I have a deep respect for a fellow warden who mentored me
in my career.
You’ve developed a talent for negotiation and conflict 2 I am determined to bring a notorious criminal to justice,
resolution in the tense environment of a prison. Once even after their escape.
per long rest, you can choose to gain advantage on one 3 I have a loved one who fell victim to a crime, and I seek to
Charisma (Persuasion) or Wisdom (Insight) check prevent others from suffering the same fate.
related to negotiating with criminals or resolving 4 I am indebted to a powerful figure who helped me rise to
disputes. You have a knack for calming tense situations the position of warden.
and gaining the trust of those you interact with. 5 I am determined to uncover corruption within the prison
Suggested 6 I have a rivalry with a former inmate who escaped during my
Prison wardens come from various backgrounds, each d6 Flaw
with their motivations and personal code. The following 1 I can be overly stern and uncompromising, alienating those
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, around me.
and flaws that prison wardens might possess. 2 I have a tendency to be too trusting, which has led to
Customize and expand upon these suggestions to create trouble in the past.
a unique character. 3 I have a secret that could destroy my reputation and career
if it were revealed.
4 I am willing to bend or break the law to achieve my goals.
5 I have a fear of enclosed spaces, making certain situations
more challenging.
6 I am haunted by the memory of a dangerous inmate who
escaped under my watch.

Raider d8 Personality Trait
1 I am ruthless and fearless in battle, never hesitating to

ou are a ruthless marauder, plundering and charge into danger.

pillaging for personal gain or the glory of your 2 I am loyal to my warband, and I’ll do anything to ensure

warband. You excel in raiding coastal villages, their survival.

caravan ambushes, and surprise attacks. Your 3 I enjoy the thrill of the raid and the chaos of battle.

combat skills and fearlessness make you a 4 I am haunted by memories of a raid gone terribly wrong.

formidable force in battle. 5 I always take my cut of the plunder but ensure my comrades

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation

get their share.

Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s tools, vehicles (water)

6 I am a skilled sailor and navigator, guiding our ship to

Languages: None
profitable targets.

Equipment: A tattered flag or banner from a previous

7 I am cunning and strategic, preferring to outwit my enemies

raid, a set of crude leather armor, a belt pouch rather than brute force.

containing 15 gold pieces 8 I have a code of honor and never harm innocents during a
Feature: Plunderer’s Instinct d6 Ideal
Your expertise in raiding and looting grants you certain 1 Greed. I raid for the riches and treasures it brings. (Evil)
advantages when seizing valuables. You can quickly 2 Glory. I seek fame and renown through daring raids. (Any)
assess the value of stolen goods and determine the best 3 Freedom. I value the independence that raiding offers.
way to divide the spoils among your comrades. (Chaotic)
Additionally, when intimidating captives or villagers, 4 Comradeship. I fight to protect and support my warband.
you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. (Neutral)
You are skilled at identifying valuable items among the 5 Adventure. I raid for the thrill of the unknown. (Chaotic)
plunder. 6 Revenge. I seek vengeance against a rival raiding faction.
Alternate Feature: Raider’s
Resilience d6 Bond
1 I owe my life to the leader of my warband, who spared me
Your time as a raider has toughened you against when I was captured.
physical hardships. Once per long rest, you can gain 2 I am searching for a legendary artifact said to bring great
temporary hit points equal to your level + your power to its possessor.
Constitution modifier as a bonus action. You also have 3 I have a loved one who was taken captive by a rival raider,
advantage on saving throws against exhaustion and and I aim to rescue them.
resistance to cold weather effects. 4 I am fiercely loyal to my warband and would do anything to
protect them.
Suggested 5 I have a deep rivalry with another raider, and we constantly
compete for glory.
Characteristics 6 I have a desire to retire and live a peaceful life, but I need
Raiders come from various backgrounds, driven by one last big score.
greed, power, or a desire for adventure. The following
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, d6 Flaw
and flaws that raiders might possess. Customize and 1 I am quick-tempered and prone to starting fights over minor
expand upon these suggestions to create a unique provocations.
character. 2 I have a tendency to take unnecessary risks during raids,
endangering my comrades.
3 I am driven by greed and will do anything to obtain more
wealth and plunder.
4 I have a fear of enclosed spaces, making certain raids more
5 I am haunted by the memory of a raid where I accidentally
harmed innocent bystanders.
6 I have a deep distrust of outsiders and am reluctant to work
with new allies.

Refugee d6 Ideal
1 Compassion. I help others in need whenever I can. (Good)

ou have been displaced from your homeland 2 Survival. My primary goal is to ensure my own safety and

due to war, disaster, or persecution. Life as a that of my loved ones. (Neutral)

refugee has forced you to adapt to challenging 3 Vengeance. I seek retribution against those responsible for

circumstances, and you have learned to rely my displacement. (Chaotic)

on your resourcefulness and resilience to 4 Hope. I believe in the possibility of a better future and work

survive. toward it. (Good)

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Insight

5 Community. I strive to build strong bonds with fellow

Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument or

refugees. (Lawful)

artisan’s tools 6 Fear. I live in constant fear of being discovered and sent

Languages: One additional language of your choice

back to my homeland. (Any)

Equipment: A small memento from your homeland, a d6 Bond

set of common clothes, a belt pouch containing 10 gold 1 I am searching for family members or loved ones separated
pieces during our escape.
2 I have a strong connection to a specific place or relic from
Feature: Resilient Survivor my homeland.
Your experience as a refugee has made you resilient 3 I am indebted to someone who helped me during my time
and adaptable. You can find shelter, food, and water for as a refugee.
yourself and up to three others in harsh environments. 4 I am determined to share the story of my homeland’s plight
When interacting with other refugees or displaced with the world.
individuals, you can often gain their trust and 5 I have joined or formed a group of refugees, and they are
cooperation. Additionally, you have advantage on like family to me.
Charisma checks when trying to convince others to 6 I am constantly on the lookout for fellow refugees in need of
provide you with aid or information related to your past assistance.
or your journey. d6 Flaw

Suggested 1 I can be overly cautious, second-guessing my decisions.

2 I have a tendency to become emotional when recalling my
Characteristics past.

Refugees come from diverse backgrounds and have 3 I struggle to trust others and often keep my guard up.

endured various hardships. The following tables offer 4 I harbor deep resentment toward those responsible for my

examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws displacement.

that refugees might possess. Customize and expand 5 I am prone to fits of anxiety or panic when faced with

upon these suggestions to create a unique character. danger.

6 I find it difficult to adapt to settled life and prefer a nomadic
d8 Personality Trait existence.
1 I am empathetic and always ready to help others in need.
2 I have a strong sense of determination, never giving up on
my goals.
3 I am cautious and tend to think through situations carefully.
4 I am quick to adapt to new environments and make the best
of any situation.
5 I have a deep appreciation for the simple joys in life.
6 I am haunted by the memories of the events that forced me
to flee my homeland.
7 I am resourceful and can find solutions to even the most
challenging problems.
8 I tend to keep my emotions hidden, showing little outward

Revenant d8 Personality Trait
1 I am relentless in my pursuit of vengeance, never wavering

ou are a revenant, a vengeful spirit returned in my purpose.

from the afterlife with a burning desire for 2 I am haunted by memories of my past life, plagued by

justice or revenge. Your existence is driven by visions and nightmares.

a thirst to right the wrongs inflicted upon you 3 I am consumed by a burning anger that fuels my every

or those you hold dear. action.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception

4 I am stoic and focused, rarely showing emotions or

Tool Proficiencies: None


Languages: None
5 I have a grim and foreboding presence, unsettling those

Equipment: A token or memento of your past life, a

around me.

tattered cloak, a belt pouch containing 10 gold pieces 6 I am constantly aware of the fragility of life and treasure
each moment.
Feature: Death’s Resilience 7 I possess an unwavering sense of justice and a desire to
right all wrongs.
Your time in the realm of death has granted you a 8 I am haunted by a profound sense of loss and seek closure
resilience that defies mortal limitations. You possess the at any cost.
following abilities:
d6 Ideal
You have resistance to necrotic damage. 1 Justice. I seek to bring balance and justice to the world.
When reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, (Lawful)
you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. You 2 Revenge. I will make those who wronged me suffer as I
can use this feature once per long rest. have. (Chaotic)
3 Protection. I fight to protect the innocent and prevent further
Alternate Feature: Vengeful harm. (Good)
Aura 4 Redemption. I strive to redeem myself and find peace in the

The force of your vengeance radiates from your very afterlife. (Any)
5 Empathy. I seek to understand the pain of others and offer
being, unnerving those around you. You possess the solace. (Neutral)
following abilities: 6 Domination. I will crush my enemies and assert my

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and if superiority. (Evil)

you are already proficient, you add double your

proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
You emit an aura of menace. When a creature starts
its turn within 10 feet of you, it must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or
become frightened until the start of its next turn.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Revenants are driven by a powerful purpose and the
longing for justice or revenge. The following tables
provide examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds,
and flaws that revenants might possess. Feel free to
customize and expand upon these suggestions to create
a unique character.

d6 Bond
1 I am bound to a specific individual or group, sworn to
protect or avenge them.
2 I seek to uncover the truth behind my own death and the
events that led to it.
3 I am driven by the memory of a loved one I lost and seek
justice on their behalf.
4 I am connected to a specific location or object that holds
great significance to me.
5 I am drawn to others who have suffered similar fates and
seek to aid them.
6 I have a duty to fulfill a task bestowed upon me by a higher
power or deity.

d6 Flaw
1 I am consumed by my desire for revenge and sometimes
lose sight of reason.
2 I struggle with feelings of emptiness and detachment from
the living.
3 I can be single-minded and dismissive of those who do not
aid my cause.
4 I am haunted by memories and visions of my own death,
causing distress.
5 I am tormented by a constant sense of urgency and the fear
of running out of time.
6 I find it difficult to trust others, always expecting betrayal or

Romantic d8 Personality Trait
1 I am a hopeless romantic, believing in the power of true love

ou are a passionate and devoted lover, driven above all else.

by the intensity of your emotions and the 2 I am always seeking the perfect moment to declare my

pursuit of true love. Whether you seek to win affections.

the heart of a specific individual or simply 3 I can’t resist writing love poetry and dedicating it to those I

revel in the joys of love itself, your romantic adore.

nature colors every aspect of your life. 4 I often find myself daydreaming about my beloved, lost in

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight


Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument or

5 I am fiercely protective of those I love, willing to go to great

a set of artistic supplies lengths for them.

Languages: One additional language of your choice

6 I am a matchmaker at heart, always trying to bring love to

Equipment: A love letter from a secret admirer, a


locket with a portrait of a cherished loved one, a pouch 7 I am drawn to forbidden or secret romances, finding them

containing 10 gold pieces thrilling and irresistible.

8 I tend to become melancholic when my romantic endeavors
Feature: Heart’s Desire are unsuccessful.

Your deep understanding of matters of the heart grants d6 Ideal

you a unique charm and insight when dealing with 1 True Love. I believe in the power of enduring, true love.
matters of love and attraction. You have advantage on (Good)
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when trying to woo or 2 Passion. I pursue love with fiery intensity, regardless of the
seduce someone. When assisting others in their consequences. (Chaotic)
romantic endeavors, you can provide guidance that 3 Destiny. I am convinced that fate has a grand plan for my
gives them advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks love life. (Neutral)
related to matters of the heart. 4 Sacrifice. I would give up anything for the one I love.
Alternate Feature: Unrequited 5 Independence. Love should not bind me; I value my
Love freedom. (Neutral)
6 Obsession. I become consumed by my infatuations, to the
Your heart has been touched by an unattainable love,
and this unrequited affection fuels your determination. detriment of all else. (Evil)

Once per long rest, you can choose to gain advantage on d6 Bond
one Charisma (Persuasion) or Wisdom (Insight) check 1 I am searching for a lost love, determined to reunite with
when dealing with matters of love or heartache. You them someday.
possess an uncanny ability to sense hidden emotions 2 I have a close-knit group of friends who support and
and secrets when interacting with potential romantic encourage my romantic pursuits.
interests. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) 3 I am inspired by tales of legendary romances and strive to
checks to discern the true feelings of others. create my own epic love story.
4 I am devoted to a cause or organization that promotes love
Suggested and compassion.
5 I have a cherished memento from a past love that I carry
Characteristics with me at all times.
Romantics come in various forms, driven by their 6 I am willing to sacrifice everything for the chance at true
emotions and ideals. The following tables offer love.
examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws
that romantics might possess. Customize and expand d6 Flaw
upon these suggestions to create a unique character. 1 I can be overly dramatic, turning every romantic gesture into
a spectacle.
2 I have a tendency to fall in love too easily, leading to
3 I am blinded by love, often ignoring warning signs and red
4 I become jealous and possessive in relationships, causing
5 I am easily swayed by flattery, making me vulnerable to
6 I am haunted by the memory of a lost love, which can
overwhelm me emotionally.

Serial Killer d8 Personality Trait
1 I am charming and charismatic, able to lure my victims into

ou are a remorseless serial killer who has left traps with ease.

a trail of death and terror in your wake. Driven 2 I am meticulous and methodical, planning each murder

by dark and twisted desires, you take pleasure with precision.

in hunting and murdering your victims. Your 3 I take pleasure in the suffering and fear of my victims,

cunning and ability to evade capture have savoring every moment.

allowed you to continue your gruesome spree, 4 I have a dark and twisted sense of humor, finding

always staying one step ahead of those who amusement in the macabre.

seek to bring you to justice. 5 I am constantly haunted by the urge to kill and struggle to

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth

resist it.

Tool Proficiencies: Poisoner’s kit, disguise kit

6 I have a fascination with collecting souvenirs from my

Languages: None

Equipment: A collection of gruesome trophies from

7 I am highly intelligent and use my cunning to outwit those

your victims, a set of dark and bloodstained clothes who pursue me.

suitable for blending into the shadows, a belt pouch 8 I have a code or ritual that I follow before and after each

containing 25 gold pieces murder.

d6 Ideal
Feature: Dark Secrets 1 Sadism. I revel in the suffering of others. (Evil)
Your life as a serial killer has given you a talent for 2 Thrill. I seek the excitement of the hunt and the kill.
deception and subterfuge. You have advantage on (Chaotic)
Charisma (Deception) checks when trying to pass 3 Power. I want to dominate and control others through fear.
yourself off as an ordinary person. You also have a (Evil)
network of secret contacts who can provide you with 4 Obsession. I am obsessed with perfecting my method of
information or help you hide from the law when murder. (Neutral)
necessary. 5 Compulsion. I cannot control my urges and must kill to
satisfy them. (Chaotic)
Alternate Feature: Charming 6 Curse. I see my actions as a curse and wish to be free of
Manipulator them. (Any)

Your ability to charm and manipulate others has helped d6 Bond

you in your sinister pursuits. Once per long rest, you can 1 I have a twisted mentor who taught me the ways of murder.
choose to gain advantage on one Charisma (Persuasion) 2 I am haunted by the memory of a particularly gruesome
check when trying to manipulate or deceive someone. murder.
You have an uncanny ability to sense when someone is 3 I have a loved one who is completely unaware of my dark
lying to you and have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) secret.
checks when trying to uncover hidden motives. 4 I am driven by a mysterious compulsion that forces me to
Suggested 5 I am searching for a worthy adversary who can match my
Characteristics 6 I have a deep rivalry with another serial killer seeking infamy.
Serial killers come from various backgrounds, each
driven by their twisted desires and motives. The d6 Flaw
following tables offer examples of personality traits, 1 I am driven by an insatiable bloodlust that consumes me.
ideals, bonds, and flaws that a serial killer might 2 I am careless and take unnecessary risks, making capture
possess. Customize and expand upon these suggestions more likely.
to create a unique and chilling character. 3 I cannot resist the urge to leave clues or taunt those who
pursue me.
4 I have a fear of being caught, and it haunts my every
5 I am prone to fits of uncontrollable rage when my plans go
6 I am tormented by guilt and remorse but cannot stop killing.

Scavenger d8 Personality Trait
1 I am resourceful and always find a use for seemingly

ou are a master of scavenging and survival in worthless items.

harsh environments, making the most of what 2 I am cautious and never rush into a situation without

others consider waste. Whether you scavenge assessing the risks.

for personal survival or profit, you have honed 3 I take pride in my ability to turn scarcity into abundance

your skills in finding useful items and through scavenging.

surviving in challenging conditions. 4 I am haunted by a memory of a time when I couldn’t find

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Survival

what I needed to survive.

Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ Tools, one type of

5 I have a code of ethics and never scavenge from the needy

artisan’s tools or a gaming set or vulnerable.

Languages: None
6 I have an extensive knowledge of the terrain and dangers of

Equipment: A scavenged item of personal

the wilderness.

significance, a set of ragged common clothes suitable 7 I am relentless in my pursuit of valuable items, often to the

for disguise, a belt pouch containing 25 gold pieces detriment of my safety.

8 I am drawn to ruins and desolate places, seeking to uncover
Feature: Resourceful Finder hidden treasures.

Your knack for scavenging grants you certain d6 Ideal

advantages in finding useful items and surviving in the 1 Survival. I scavenge to survive and help others survive.
wilderness. You can find edible food and clean water for (Any)
yourself and up to five other creatures each day with 2 Profit. I scavenge to make a profit, no matter the cost.
ease. When in a wasteland or ruined area, you have (Neutral)
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to find hidden 3 Abundance. I seek to turn scarcity into abundance for all.
or buried items and secrets. You can also determine the (Good)
approximate value and use of mundane objects you 4 Self-Reliance. I believe in relying on my own skills and
encounter. findings. (Lawful)
5 Adventure. I scavenge for the thrill of exploring forgotten
Alternate Feature: Thrifty places. (Chaotic)
Survivor 6 Debt Repayment. I am paying off a debt by scavenging

Your ability to make the most of limited resources sets valuable items. (Any)

you apart as a thrifty survivor. Once per long rest, you d6 Bond
can scavenge materials to create makeshift armor, 1 I have a mentor who taught me the art of scavenging and
granting yourself a +1 bonus to your AC for 1 hour. You survival.
have an uncanny ability to find hidden caches of 2 I am searching for a lost artifact that could change the
supplies. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) world.
checks when searching for hidden stashes or caches in 3 I have a loved one who depends on my scavenging skills for
wilderness areas. their well-being.
4 I am indebted to a group of scavengers who saved my life in
Suggested the wilderness.
5 I am determined to uncover the secrets of a long-forgotten
Characteristics civilization.
Scavengers come from diverse backgrounds, driven by 6 I have a rival scavenger who constantly competes with me
their motivations and personal code. The following for valuable finds.
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds,
and flaws that scavengers might possess. Customize d6 Flaw
and expand upon these suggestions to create a unique 1 I can be overly cautious, sometimes missing opportunities
character. due to my fear of risk.
2 I have a tendency to hoard items, even if they have no
practical use.
3 I am secretive about my scavenging techniques, fearing
others will steal my methods.
4 I am willing to bend the rules or steal if it helps me survive
or profit.
5 I have a fear of heights, making certain scavenging
opportunities challenging.
6 I am haunted by the memory of a scavenging expedition
gone terribly wrong.

6. I am stoic and reserved, speaking only when
Shaman necessary.
ou are a mystical and revered figure in your

tribe or community, possessing a deep
connection with the spirits and natural world. 1. Harmony. I seek to maintain balance in the world
Through rituals, meditations, and communing and respect the spirits. (Neutral)
with the spirits, you channel their power to 2. Protection. I will do whatever it takes to protect my
heal, protect, and guide your people. tribe and its traditions. (Lawful)
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Medicine 3. Freedom. I value the freedom to roam and
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit experience the natural world. (Chaotic)
Languages: One tribal or elemental language 4. Wisdom. Knowledge and insight from the spirit
Equipment: A totemic charm or fetish, a pouch of world are my most precious assets. (Any)
herbs and roots used in your rituals, a set of common 5. Caring. I use my powers to heal and help those in
clothes adorned with symbols of your tribe or spirits, a need, regardless of their background. (Good)
small bag of coins (10 gold pieces) 6. Power. I crave greater spiritual power and will do
Feature: Spirit Guidance
what it takes to obtain it. (Evil)
Your bond with the spirit world grants you insight and
wisdom. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) 1. My tribe is my family, and I would do anything to
checks when dealing with individuals from your tribe or protect them.
those who respect your shamanic abilities. When 2. I carry the burden of a prophecy that I must fulfill.
performing ceremonies or rituals for your tribe, you can 3. I owe my life to a powerful spirit who saved me in a
often gain the trust and cooperation of the community, time of great need.
as they believe in your spiritual guidance. 4. The spirits have entrusted me with a sacred artifact,
Alternate Feature: Ancestral and I must safeguard it.
5. I seek to learn the ancient secrets of my shamanic
Communion lineage.
You have a strong connection with your ancestors, 6. I am on a quest to restore balance to a sacred natural
seeking their wisdom and protection. Once per long location.
rest, you can call upon the spirits of your ancestors to Flaws
grant you guidance. You gain advantage on one
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check related to 1. I can be too focused on the spirit world, sometimes
knowledge, insight, or persuasion. Additionally, you can neglecting the needs of the material world.
use the “Speak with Dead” spell as a ritual without 2. My visions and dreams can be unsettling to others.
expending a spell slot, communicating with your 3. I am superstitious and often see signs and omens in
ancestors for guidance. everyday events.
4. I have a deep fear of losing my connection to the
Suggested spirits.
5. I am hesitant to use my powers in combat, fearing
Characteristics the consequences.
Shamans come from diverse cultures and beliefs, but 6. I am distrustful of those who do not respect the
they all share a deep connection with the spirit world. spirits and their wisdom.
The following tables offer examples of personality traits,
ideals, bonds, and flaws that shamans might possess.
Customize and expand upon these suggestions to create
a unique character.
Personality Traits

1. I am calm and patient, believing that the spirits will

guide me.
2. I am a compassionate healer, always ready to aid
those in need.
3. I am a protector of nature and its balance.
4. I am deeply spiritual and often engage in rituals and
5. I am a storyteller, passing down the wisdom of my
tribe through tales.
ideals, bonds, and flaws that could be appropriate for a
Slave character who has endured a life of slavery. Feel free to
ou were born or captured into a life of slavery, modify or expand upon these suggestions to create a

subjected to servitude and oppression. Your unique character.
experiences as a slave have shaped your d8 Personality Trait
skills, mindset, and outlook on life. Whether 1 I am cautious and always aware of my surroundings.
you have managed to escape or are still in 2 I am resourceful and can find solutions in the direst
bondage, you carry the weight of your past situations.
with you. 3 I have a deep-seated anger towards my oppressors.
Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Sleight of Hand 4 I am quick to form bonds of trust with those who show
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or kindness.
thieves’ tools 5 I am constantly planning and seeking opportunities for
Languages: One of your captor’s language or a secret escape.
slave dialect 6 I have a quiet determination that drives me to endure and
Equipment: A small token from your homeland, a set resist.
of tattered clothes, a belt pouch containing 10 gold 7 I am fiercely protective of fellow slaves and the
pieces downtrodden.
8 I find solace in my memories of a better life before
Feature: Resilient Spirit enslavement.
Your time as a slave has hardened you and given you
the strength to endure. You have developed certain
abilities and traits as a result of your experiences.
You have advantage on saving throws against effects
that would inflict exhaustion or impose conditions
related to physical endurance.
You have learned how to subtly hide objects on your
person, gaining a +2 bonus to any Sleight of Hand
checks made to conceal or steal small items.
You can find temporary shelter and assistance from
individuals who empathize with your plight as a
former or current slave.
Alternate Feature: Rebellion’s
Instead of the “Resilient Spirit” feature, you can choose
the “Rebellion’s Call” feature if your character is
actively involved in or connected to a rebellion or
resistance against their oppressors. This feature reflects
your role as a catalyst for change and rebellion.
You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
checks made to rally or inspire others in the fight
against oppression.
You have proficiency with one martial weapon of
your choice.
You can call upon fellow rebels or resistance fighters
for aid or information, gaining advantage on
Charisma checks made to gather information or gain
assistance from rebel contacts.
Characters with a background as slaves may possess a
wide range of personalities, beliefs, and motivations.
The following tables offer examples of personality traits,
d6 Ideal
1 Freedom. I will not rest until I am truly free. (Chaotic)
2 Justice. I seek to bring justice to those who oppress the
weak. (Lawful)
3 Compassion. I strive to alleviate the suffering of others.
4 Vengeance. I seek revenge on those who enslaved me. (Evil)
5 Unity. Together, we can rise up against our oppressors.
6 Hope. I believe in a future where slavery will be abolished.

d6 Bond
1 I am still searching for family or loved ones who were also
2 I am loyal to a fellow slave who helped me survive and
3 I seek to dismantle the organization or individuals
responsible for my enslavement.
4 I am driven by the desire to protect others from
experiencing the horrors of slavery.
5 I am dedicated to aiding and supporting other slaves
seeking freedom.
6 I long for a peaceful life where slavery is nothing but a
distant memory.

d6 Flaw
1 I am haunted by nightmares and traumatic memories of my
time as a slave.
2 I struggle with feelings of mistrust and find it hard to form
genuine connections.
3 I am prone to panic and anxiety, especially in confined or
oppressive spaces.
4 I have a deep-seated anger that sometimes clouds my
5 I find it difficult to accept help or rely on others due to past
6 I am haunted by a sense of shame and inadequacy from my
time as a slave.

Storyteller d8 Personality Trait
1 I’m a born optimist, always finding the silver lining in any

ou possess a natural talent for spinning tales story I tell.

and captivating audiences with your words. 2 I have a mischievous sense of humor and enjoy adding

Whether you’re a bard recounting epic playful twists to tales.

adventures or a humble tavern patron sharing 3 I’m a natural charmer, able to captivate any audience with

local legends, your storytelling abilities set you my storytelling.

apart. 4 I’m introspective and often reflect on the deeper meaning of

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion,

the stories I tell.

Performance 5 I’m a stickler for historical accuracy and strive to keep

Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument or a set of

legends true to fact.

artisan’s tools 6 I’m a perfectionist, constantly refining my storytelling

Languages: One of your choice


Equipment: A favored book of stories or legends, a

7 I have a vast repertoire of stories and enjoy tailoring them to

musical instrument or artisan’s tools, a set of common suit the moment.

clothes, a belt pouch containing 15 gold pieces 8 I’m a wanderer at heart, always searching for new stories
and experiences.
Feature: Spellbinding Narrative d6 Ideal
Your storytelling prowess grants you the ability to 1 Inspiration. I tell stories to inspire others. (Good)
weave compelling narratives that leave listeners 2 Entertainment. I seek to entertain and delight my audience.
enthralled. When performing or sharing a story, you can (Chaotic)
use your charisma instead of any other ability score for 3 Knowledge. I aim to educate and inform through storytelling.
the performance or persuasion checks related to it. (Lawful)
Additionally, people are often willing to share 4 Legacy. I tell stories to ensure they are never forgotten. (Any)
information or assistance with you after being 5 Empathy. I use stories to foster understanding and
captivated by your tales. compassion. (Good)
6 Mystery. I enjoy weaving tales that leave my audience in
Alternate Feature: Lorekeeper suspense. (Neutral)
You have a deep passion for collecting and preserving
knowledge. You gain proficiency in one knowledge- d6 Bond

based skill of your choice, such as History or Arcana. 1 I have a deep connection to a particular story or legend that

You also have access to a vast network of information drives me.

sources and can make Intelligence checks with 2 My family’s legacy is tied to a famous tale, and I must

advantage when seeking obscure or hidden knowledge. uphold it.

3 I owe a debt to someone who shared their stories and
wisdom with me.
Suggested 4 I’m on a quest to uncover the truth behind a mysterious,

Characteristics ancient story.

5 I feel a strong bond with those who appreciate and support
Storytellers come in various forms, from bards to my storytelling.
historians, each driven by their unique passions. The 6 I seek to preserve the oral traditions of my people and
following tables provide examples of personality traits, culture.
ideals, bonds, and flaws that storytellers might possess.
Customize and expand upon these suggestions to create d6 Flaw
a distinctive character. 1 I can be long-winded and struggle to get to the point in my
2 I have a tendency to embellish stories to make them more
3 I’m overly sensitive to criticism and take offense easily when
4 I’m a collector of secrets and sometimes reveal too much in
my tales.
5 I get lost in my own stories and forget the outside world.
6 I have a fear of public speaking, despite my storytelling

Soothsayer d6 Ideal
1 Guidance. I use my gift to help others find their path.

ou possess the gift of foresight or divination, (Good)

granting you unique insight into the past, 2 Balance. I believe in maintaining the delicate equilibrium of

present, and future. Whether through mystical fate. (Neutral)

rituals, dreams, or reading omens, you have 3 Power. I seek to harness my abilities for personal gain. (Evil)

honed your abilities to uncover hidden truths 4 Mystery. I cherish the enigmatic nature of existence.

and guide those who seek your wisdom. (Chaotic)

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Arcana

5 Legacy. I aim to pass down my knowledge to future

Tool Proficiencies: A set of divination tools (tarot

generations. (Any)

cards, crystal ball, runes, etc.) 6 Fate. I believe that destiny is preordained, and I merely

Languages: One exotic or ancient language

unveil its secrets. (Lawful)

associated with mystical knowledge d6 Bond

Equipment: A set of divination tools, a worn and 1 I have a mentor who taught me the ways of divination.
tattered book of cryptic prophecies, a small pouch 2 I am haunted by recurring visions of an impending disaster.
containing 15 gold pieces 3 I am searching for a lost prophecy that could change the
course of history.
Feature: Prophetic Insight 4 I feel a deep connection to a specific celestial or
Your supernatural abilities grant you the ability to offer otherworldly being.
guidance and glimpses into the unknown. When 5 I have a cherished friend or family member who believes in
interacting with individuals seeking advice or answers, my abilities.
you can make an Insight check. On a successful check, 6 I am bound by an ancient oath to protect a sacred relic or
you can provide them with cryptic but meaningful place.
information about their situation or a hint about their
future. Your words often carry an aura of truth, earning d6 Flaw
you respect and admiration from those who seek your 1 I am secretive to a fault and often alienate those around me.
counsel. 2 I am plagued by nightmares and suffer from insomnia.
3 I can become overly obsessed with deciphering signs and
Alternate Feature: symbols.
Dreamwalker 4 I am distrustful of technology and modern advancements.
5 I am fearful of my own visions, fearing the responsibility
Your connection to the ethereal realm allows you to they carry.
enter the dreams of others. Once per long rest, you can 6 I sometimes lose touch with reality, confusing visions with
choose to enter a willing creature’s dream. While in the the present.
dream, you can communicate with the dreamer and
gain insights into their subconscious thoughts and fears.
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed or frightened.
Soothsayers come from various backgrounds, and their
abilities shape their personalities, ideals, bonds, and
flaws. Customize and expand upon these suggestions to
create a unique character.
d6 Personality Trait
1 I am contemplative and often lost in thought.
2 I am mysterious, speaking in riddles and metaphors.
3 I have a calming presence, and people find solace in my
4 I am cautious and wary of the unseen forces that surround
5 I am constantly seeking signs and omens in my
6 I can be cryptic and enigmatic, even to those closest to me.

Soulless d8 Personality Trait
1 I am stoic and emotionless, never showing any hint of
Soulless 2 I constantly seek answers about the nature of my condition
and how to regain my soul.
ou were once a normal person, but something

3 I am haunted by memories of my past life, which I can no
traumatic or supernatural has left you devoid longer feel or relate to.
of a soul. You walk the world as a hollow 4 I have become a detached observer of the world, analyzing
shell, seeking answers, purpose, or everything without passion.
redemption. 5 I struggle to mimic emotions and expressions to fit in with
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion the living.
Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument 6 I feel a strange connection to the supernatural, as if I exist
or one type of artisan’s tools between the realms.
Languages: One exotic language related to the 7 I am drawn to the arts and often use them as a means to
supernatural or otherworldly express my inner emptiness.
Equipment: A small token from your past life, a set of 8 I have accepted my soulless state and seek to find meaning
tattered common clothes, a pouch containing 15 gold or purpose without it.
pieces d6 Ideal
Feature: Empty Vessel 1 Redemption. I hope to find a way to restore my lost soul.

Your soulless existence grants you a unique perspective (Good)

on the world. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) 2 Acceptance. I have come to terms with my soulless state and

checks when detecting lies or deception, as you can’t be seek to make the most of it. (Neutral)

swayed by emotional appeals. However, this lack of a 3 Revenge. I want to discover who or what caused my

soul also makes it difficult for others to read your soullessness and make them pay. (Chaotic)

emotions or intentions. You have disadvantage on 4 Understanding. I aim to learn about the nature of the soul

Charisma checks when trying to establish a strong and the afterlife. (Neutral)

emotional connection with others. 5 Atonement. I seek to perform selfless acts to make up for my
lack of a soul. (Lawful)
Alternate Feature: Haunting 6 Curiosity. I want to explore the supernatural and uncover
hidden truths. (Any)
Your soulless condition has a disconcerting effect on d6 Bond
those around you. Once per long rest, you can choose to 1 I have a connection to a mysterious entity that may hold the

impose disadvantage on one Wisdom (Insight) check key to restoring my soul.

made against you. People find it difficult to trust or 2 I am on a quest to uncover the source of my soullessness

understand you, but your eerie aura can also serve as an and prevent it from happening to others.

intimidation tactic. You have advantage on Charisma 3 I feel a deep kinship with other soulless individuals, and I

(Intimidation) checks. strive to help them in their journeys.

4 I seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves, as I
know what it’s like to be vulnerable.
Suggested 5 I am haunted by visions or nightmares that may hold clues

Characteristics to the truth of my condition.

6 I am drawn to the supernatural, and I seek artifacts or
Soulless individuals vary in their demeanor and knowledge that can shed light on my predicament.
motivations. The following tables offer examples of
personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that soulless d6 Flaw
characters might possess. Customize and expand upon 1 I have difficulty understanding and relating to the emotions
these suggestions to create a unique character. and motivations of the living.
2 I am constantly reminded of my soulless state, which fills
me with a sense of despair.
3 I am willing to take extreme risks or resort to dark methods
in my quest to regain my soul.
4 I struggle to maintain connections with others, often
pushing them away unintentionally.
5 I have a deep fear of the supernatural and what it might
mean for my soulless existence.
6 I am haunted by memories of the life I once had, making it
difficult to focus on the present.

Survivor d8 Personality Trait
1 I am cautious and always prepared for the worst.

ou have survived a horrible tragedy, enduring 2 I find solace in helping others overcome their own

through a harrowing event that has left its hardships.

mark on your body and soul. Whether it was a 3 I am haunted by vivid memories of the tragedy I survived.

natural disaster, a brutal attack, or a personal 4 I am fiercely determined to make the most of every second

loss, you have emerged as a survivor, forever chance.

changed by the experience. 5 I tend to keep others at a distance, fearing loss or betrayal.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Insight

6 I am always seeking new experiences to escape from the

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools or a


musical instrument 7 I have become more empathetic and understanding towards

Languages: None

Equipment: A memento from the tragedy (such as a

8 I struggle to trust others, constantly expecting the worst.

broken heirloom or a torn piece of clothing), a set of d6 Ideal

common clothes, a belt pouch containing 10 gold pieces 1 Resilience. I refuse to let tragedy define me and strive to
rebuild my life. (Any)
Feature: Resilient Spirit 2 Compassion. I seek to help and protect others to prevent
Your experience as a survivor has instilled in you a them from suffering as I have. (Good)
resilient spirit and the ability to adapt to challenging 3 Vengeance. I am driven to find those responsible for the
situations. You gain the following benefits: tragedy and make them pay. (Chaotic)
4 Acceptance. I have come to terms with the past and seek
You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to peace and tranquility. (Neutral)
find food, water, or shelter in harsh or hostile 5 Preparation. I am determined to ensure that no one else
environments. suffers the same fate I did. (Lawful)
Once per long rest, you can reroll a failed saving 6 Self-Preservation. I prioritize my own survival above all else,
throw against a fear effect. learning from past experiences. (Neutral)
When you take the Help action to aid an ally in
combat, you can choose to grant them advantage on d6 Bond
their next ability check instead of the attack roll. 1 I am devoted to finding and protecting my remaining loved
Alternate Feature: Emotional 2 I seek closure by uncovering the truth behind the tragedy.
Fortitude 3 I am driven to help others who have experienced similar
Instead of the Resilient Spirit feature, you can choose 4 I carry the burden of guilt and strive to make amends.
Emotional Fortitude as an alternative feature, 5 I am determined to prevent others from suffering the same
representing your ability to endure and manage intense fate.
emotions. You gain the following benefits: 6 I am tied to a specific location or object that survived the
tragedy, finding solace in its presence.
You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to
discern the true intentions or emotional state of d6 Flaw
others. 1 I am plagued by nightmares and relive the tragedy in my
Once per long rest, you can reroll a failed saving dreams.
throw against a charm or emotion-altering effect. 2 I struggle with trust issues and find it hard to open up to
You can use your action to grant yourself or an ally others.
advantage on a Wisdom saving throw against being 3 I am haunted by survivor’s guilt and feel undeserving of
frightened or charmed until the start of your next happiness.
turn. 4 I have a tendency to be overly cautious, sometimes to my
own detriment.
Suggested 5 I am easily overwhelmed by emotions, sometimes losing
Characteristics 6 I am haunted by the fear of another tragedy befalling me or
Survivors often carry the weight of their experiences those close to me.
with them, shaping their personality and outlook on life.
The following tables provide examples of personality
traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that survivors might
possess. Feel free to customize and expand upon these
suggestions to create a unique character.

Tax Collector d8 Personality Trait
1 I am meticulous and thorough, never leaving a financial

ou are a dedicated and meticulous tax stone unturned.

collector, responsible for ensuring that 2 I take pride in my ability to extract every last coin from those

individuals and businesses pay their dues to who owe taxes.

the government. Whether you do it out of a 3 I am well-versed in tax law and ensure that everyone pays

sense of duty, a desire for order, or simply for their fair share.

the steady income, you have honed your 4 I am haunted by a mistake I made in my past work that cost

financial and investigative skills to become a someone dearly.

respected figure in the world of taxation. 5 I always follow the letter of the law and take my duties

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Persuasion


Tool Proficiencies: Forgery kit or accountant’s tools

6 I have a network of informants and contacts in the world of

Languages: One of your choice


Equipment: A ledger filled with tax records, a set of

7 I am relentless in my pursuit of financial accuracy and

fine clothes, a signet ring, a purse containing 25 gold justice.

pieces 8 I have a code of ethics and only collect taxes in a fair and
just manner.
Feature: Taxman’s Authority d6 Ideal
Your experience as a tax collector grants you certain 1 Justice. I collect taxes to support the greater good and
advantages when dealing with financial matters. You uphold the law. (Lawful)
have advantage on Investigation checks related to 2 Wealth. I seek to amass personal wealth through tax
tracking financial discrepancies or irregularities. When collection. (Neutral)
interacting with government officials, you can often 3 Dominance. I want to control the financial fate of others for
obtain useful information or assistance related to my own gain. (Evil)
taxation or financial matters. You have advantage on 4 Service. I collect taxes to provide essential services to the
Persuasion checks when trying to convince individuals community. (Good)
to pay their taxes or negotiate financial deals. 5 Challenge. I enjoy the complexity of tracking and collecting
taxes. (Chaotic)
Alternate Feature: Audit 6 Debt Collector. I am collecting taxes to repay a personal debt
Expertise or obligation. (Any)

You possess a keen eye for detail and an insatiable d6 Bond

curiosity when it comes to financial records. Once per 1 I have a mentor or someone who taught me the art of tax
long rest, you can choose to gain advantage on one collection.
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw related to 2 I am determined to uncover a massive tax evasion scheme
financial or investigative matters. You have an uncanny in my city.
ability to detect forgeries or hidden financial 3 I have a loved one who suffered due to tax evasion, and I
information. You have advantage on Intelligence seek justice for them.
(Investigation) checks when trying to uncover hidden 4 I am indebted to a powerful figure who supports my career
financial secrets or discrepancies. but also demands results.
5 I am determined to clear my name of a false accusation
Suggested related to my tax collecting.
6 I have a deep rivalry with another tax collector who
Characteristics competes for the same resources.
Tax collectors come from diverse backgrounds, driven
by their motivations and personal code. The following d6 Flaw
tables offer examples of personality traits, ideals, bonds, 1 I can be overly obsessive and fixate on small financial
and flaws that tax collectors might possess. Feel free to discrepancies.
customize and expand upon these suggestions to create 2 I have a tendency to become ruthless and unscrupulous in
a unique character. my pursuit of owed taxes.
3 I have a financial secret that could ruin my reputation if it
ever came to light.
4 I am willing to bend the rules or manipulate the tax system
to achieve my goals.
5 I have a fear of public speaking, making it challenging to
address large crowds about taxes.
6 I am haunted by a memory of a financial case I couldn’t
solve and the consequences that followed.

Tinkerer d8 Personality Trait
1 I’m endlessly curious, always wanting to know how things

ou are a tinkerer, someone who loves to take work.

things apart, understand their inner workings, 2 I’m meticulous in my work, paying attention to the smallest

and then create new contraptions. Whether details.

you are driven by curiosity, a desire to 3 I’m known for my eccentricity and unconventional thinking.

improve the world, or a simple fascination 4 I’m always eager to share my knowledge and inventions

with gears and gadgets, you have honed your with others.

mechanical skills to a fine art. 5 I can be absent-minded, often lost in thought about my next

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Sleight of Hand


Tool Proficiencies: Tinker’s Tools, one type of

6 I take pride in my craftsmanship, and I’m easily offended by

artisan’s tools of your choice criticism.

Languages: None
7 I have an insatiable need to tinker, even if it means

Equipment: A set of tinker’s tools, a collection of

neglecting other duties.

gears, springs, and other spare parts, a small prototype 8 I’m naturally cautious, always considering the potential risks

of a device you’re currently working on, a belt pouch of a situation.

containing 15 gold pieces d6 Ideal

1 Innovation. I strive to create new inventions that change the
Feature: Inventor’s Insight world. (Any)
Your knack for tinkering grants you unique insights into 2 Curiosity. I tinker to satisfy my endless curiosity and hunger
the mechanical world. You have advantage on for knowledge. (Chaotic)
Intelligence (Investigation) checks when examining 3 Benefit. My inventions are meant to improve the lives of
mechanical devices, traps, or gadgets. When interacting others. (Good)
with other tinkerers, inventors, or engineers, you can 4 Profit. I tinker for the financial gain and business
often gain useful information or assistance related to opportunities it provides. (Neutral)
your craft. Additionally, you can attempt to jury-rig 5 Perfection. I pursue the perfection of my craft, always
temporary solutions in emergency situations using your seeking the ideal design. (Lawful)
Tinker’s Tools. 6 Mayhem. I enjoy creating chaos with my unpredictable
gadgets. (Chaotic)
Alternate Feature: Master
Tinker d6 Bond
1 I have a mentor who guided me in my early days of
Your mastery of the art of tinkering allows you to create tinkering.
and repair complex mechanical devices with ease. Once 2 I’m on a quest to uncover the secrets of a long-lost
per long rest, you can mend a broken mechanical item, inventor’s work.
restoring it to full functionality. You also gain the ability 3 My family’s livelihood depends on the success of my
to craft simple mechanical devices during a short rest, inventions.
such as lockpicks, a makeshift alarm system, or a small 4 I’m fiercely protective of my creations and won’t let anyone
clockwork toy. misuse them.
5 I have a deep rivalry with another tinkerer who challenges
Suggested my skills.
6 I’m haunted by a disastrous invention that caused harm to
Characteristics others.
Tinkerers come from various backgrounds and
motivations, each with their unique personality traits, d6 Flaw
ideals, bonds, and flaws. Customize and expand upon 1 I can be overly obsessive, neglecting everything else when
these suggestions to create a distinctive character. engrossed in my work.
2 I often underestimate the potential dangers of my
experimental creations.
3 I’m quick to anger when someone criticizes my work or
4 I can’t resist a challenge, even if it means putting myself in
grave danger.
5 I have a tendency to hoard spare parts and mechanical
6 I’m notorious for leaving a trail of malfunctioning gadgets in
my wake.


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