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Reading activity

Name: David Cepeda Date: 09/06/2020

This is 69-year-old Nabeshima Akiko. She’s in a supermarket in

Japan. She’s with a robot. The robot is from Keihanna Science City
near Kyoto. This robot can see and it can speak. It can move, but it
can’t run. It can carry things—for example, Nabeshima’s basket.
Robots are amazing. They can help people in their lives.
I. Look at the photo. Find:
two women - a robot -a child - a basket

II. Read the article and complete:

a) the woman’s name
Her name is Nabeshima
b) four things this robot can do
1. This robot can see and it can speak
2. This robot can move
3. This robot can carry tnings
4. This robot can speak

c) one thing this robot can’t do

1. This Robot can`t run

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