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MKT 201 Marketing Management – Assignment 2021

MNU Business School

MKT201 Term 2 2021

Assessment Method

Assessment Schedule

The assessments for this subject are as follows:


Assignment 1:Group Project 30% Week 11

- Creation of a Marketing ( 2nd November 2021
Assignment 2: 10% To be allocated to
IndividualAssignment studentsthroughout the
Final Examination 60% During the

To obtain a pass in this subject, students must:

1. Complete all assessment components; and

2. Obtain a minimum of 50% in the final examination.

1 MNU Business School

MKT 201 Marketing Management – Assignment 2021

Assessment Details Assignment

1. Group assignment; Marketing Plan

Weighting: 30%
Due Date: Week 11

This assignment requires students to work in groups of 4-5 to create a marketing plan for a
new product or service of their choice, to be introduced into the Maldivian market. The
objective of this assignment is for students to apply the concepts that they have learnt in
the subject and familiarise themselves with the concept and compilation of a marketing
plan. All group members are expected to work diligently and equally for the completion of
the marketing plan and all members must participate in the presentation. 20 % of the marks
is allocated for the written marketing plan and 10 % for presentation of the marketing plan.
All members of the group will be awarded a uniform mark for the written marketing plan
and thepresentation. The presentations will be scheduled for the final week (Week 14). The
lecturer will provide students with a detailed rubric of the marketing plan and the

2. Individual Assignment
Weighting: 10%
Due Date: to be advised by the tutor throughout the semester

This assignment involves the submission of a written answer to ONE tutorial question
allocated by the lecturer. Each student submits an answer to the question that is allocated to
him/her during the tutorial time when the particular topic is covered. The question maybe
be a mini case study or a theory question to be answered in context of a real life example. The
length ofthe answer should not exceed two pages and must be referenced properly.

3. Final Examination
Weighting: 60%
Date: At the end of Semester

There will be an unseen three-hour examination, during the examination period, which
accounts for 60% of total mark. The exam questions cover the various concepts and
applicationof this concepts learnt during lecture and tutorial sessions.

2 MNU Business School

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