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NUA 101 FALL, 2021

Welcome to the Nurse Aide Skills Course!
My name is Casey Zeigler and I will be your instructor for the course. I am looking
forward to getting to know each of you and helping you as you begin your journey in
healthcare. Communication is key. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out
to me. My goal for you is to gain a working knowledge of the information presented so
that you can be successful in your career. I am here to support you.
This is a unique class as you will learn theories and skills about care giving and how to
blend them together. We will discuss all parts of the human experience. This can be
difficult for some and I understand that. We will discuss sexuality, religion, culture,
death, and other topics as all of these aspects affect the care we give. This class is a
safe place for discussion. It is important that you come prepared to discuss and also to
listen. We can all learn from each other. If you find a particular subject triggering, you
may step out of class for a few moments. You may also talk to me about any struggles
you are having with the content of the class. I am here to help you. At no point will
bullying be tolerated. While we discuss and explore our differing positions on the topics,
respect will underscore every conversation. I will also share with you stories from my
own personal life as well as my experience as a Registered Nurse.
This class will require independent reading assignments, workbook assignments,
quizzes, skills and a final skills and written exam. While your grade will depend on the
score you receive for those assignments, this class is meant to teach you workplace
skills. It will be expected that you attend each class and arrive on time ready to begin
learning promptly. This class is based on hours, so it is very important that you make
every effort to attend class. Make up work will be assigned to make up for lectures that
are missed; however, you will not be able to make up lab days. Lab days are graded and
points will be deducted if you miss a lab day. You may also have points deducted if you
are found off task during lab days. You will be warned first, before points are deducted.
Begin to familiarize yourself with the course due dates and flow of the class. Take a look
at the CCA D2L learning management system and the CCA website at https://
Addendums and Resources can be found at the end of the syllabus: The Essential
College Information &Resources documents at the end of your syllabus contains
important college information as well as a comprehensive list of resources we offer here
at CCA to help support you. Please review and let me know if you have any questions.
I look forward to a great semester with you all!
Updated: August 2021
Prefix and Section: NUA 101
• Successful completion of CCR 092 (grade C or higher) or equivalent test scores and
department permission.
• Admission to Community College of Aurora
• Required paperwork must be submitted. If paperwork is not in order students will
be dropped at this time. If you have concerns, please communicate with
administration in advance of the deadline.
Description: The course offers training for the non-licensed individual to provide safe,
effective and caring services to patients, residents, and clients in a variety of health care
settings. This is a rigorous and challenging short-term course. It will provide classroom
instruction, practice of clinical skills in the classroom lab setting and in an actual clinical
facility. The course design prepares students to perform the fundamental skills of the
nurse aide. Basic nursing skills, communication skills, restorative services, personal care
skills, safety and emergency care issues are covered. This course includes knowledge
and/or principals of asepsis, OSHA, and HIPPA regulations, ethical behaviors, cultural
sensitivity and principles of mental health will be addressed, as well as patient/resident
rights. Students will learn about being a contributing member of a healthcare team,
communication and interpersonal skills, infection control techniques, providing personal
care, and assisting a client with restoration and/or rehabilitation.
Clinical opportunities will be provided within the course schedule at local area medical
facilities. Time of clinical sessions may differ form the classroom sessions. Students are
provided a complete schedule of dates and times at registration.
Credit and Contact Hours: 4 credit, 70 contact hours
Time/Day(s): 9:00am- 12:30pm; Monday/Wednesday
Location: Lowry campus, Center for Simulation, room # 127
Instructor: Casey D. Zeigler
Pathways Advisor for Health Science: Carlos Lopez (303)340-7044
• If you are not pursuing a Public Service certificate or degree, visit the Pathways
Advisor List to locate your Pathways Advisor.
• If you are in TRIO, Ascent, Concurrent Enrollment, or Accelerated Pathways to
Success (APS), please see your appropriate advisor through that program.
Telephone: 303-525-7362 (cell)
Email: or
Office Hours: by appointment
Last Date to Drop with a Refund: September 1th
Last Date to Withdraw: November 18th
Updated: August 2021
SITE EMERGENCY: CentreTech Campus (303) 360-4727; Lowry Campus (303) 419-5557
Required Textbook: Hedman, S. A., Fuzy, J., Rymer, S. (2018). Hartman’s Nursing
Assistant Care Long-Term Care (4th ed). Albuquerque, NM: Hartman Publishing.
Hartman Publishing. (2018). Workbook Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care long term care
(4th ed). Albuquerque, NM.



1. Establish effective communication and interact competently with clients and the
interdisciplinary team on a one-on-one basis. (Terminal Competency 1 SBON)

2. Demonstrate sensitivity to clients’ emotional, social, and mental health needs through
skillful, directed interactions. (Terminal Competency 2 SBON)

3. Discuss promoting and assisting clients to attain and maintain independence, recognizing
each individual’s capabilities in regards to ADLs, hygiene, grooming, nutrition, and
elimination. (Terminal Competency 3 SBON)

4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills that support and promote each client’s right as well as
respect for the client as an individual. (Terminal Competency 4 SBON)

5. Demonstrate appropriate observational and documentation skills needed in the

assessment of clients’ health, physical condition, and well-being. (Terminal Competency 5

6. Combine knowledge gained to function within the healthcare team in the nurse aide role.
(Terminal Competency 6 SBON)

7. Demonstrate proficiency in skills required by the State Board of Nursing (SBON) Chapter
11 Rules and Regulations for Approval of Nurse Aide Training Programs.


I. Communicates proper verbal and nonverbal skills effectively with all clients (cognitively
impaired, comatose, ELL, hearing impaired, ect.) fellow students, staff, and faculty.

II. Communicates appropriately, following the proper chain of command.

III. Uses terminology appropriately to effectively communicate with the healthcare team
and client.

IV. Supports client to make personal choices.

V. Promotes clients’ emotional, social, mental, and physical independence.

VI. Discuss the importance of clients’ choice during care.

Updated: August 2021

VII. Discuss principles to follow when caring for clients who are cognitively impaired.

VIII. Modifies own behavior in response to client behavior.

IX. Differentiate activities of daily living (ADLs) according to clients’ development and
physical needs.

X. Discuss the importance of bathing, oral care, skin care, and personal grooming.

XI. Understand the goals of following a diet that provides the body with a balanced
amount of essential nutrients.

XII. Understand processes and procedures related to human elimination.

XIII. Describe diseases, disorders, and treatments associated with elimination.

XIV. Defend client privacy, confidentiality, and dignity.

XV. Respect clients’ culture, language, customs, beliefs, and personal life choices.

XVI. Promote client freedom from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect.

XVII. Understand the impact a Nurse Aide has on providing a quality patient environment.

XVIII. Describe the needs and care of a dying patient.

XIX. Compare and contrast normal and abnormal client conditions.

XX. Documents information regarding client status accurately and appropriately.

XXI. Understands the principles related to client mobility.

XXII. Identify diseases and disorders associated with client mobility.

XXIII. Identify how to function within the scope of practice under the guidelines of the
Colorado Nurse Aide Practice Act, both in the classroom and clinical settings.

XXIV. Practice Infection control and prevention measures.

XXV. Recognize and observe safety, emergency, and disaster measures.

XXVI. Demonstrates competency in all of the basic nursing skills listed in the current
Colorado Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook (National Nurse Aide Assessment Program)
and the additional skills listed in Chapter 11 Rules and The Sample Terminal
Competency Skills Checklist requirements.



Timely completion of assignments, prompt attendance, participation in class activities

and discussions, and the tested ability to apply learned knowledge to common-life
Updated: August 2021
experiences will weigh toward the grade.


Attendance: Absenteeism, tardiness, missed labs, and missed clinical can result in failing
grades. Classroom attendance is required. Attendance will be taken. You cannot miss
clinical so be sure to make necessary arrangements to ensure you are ready and able to


As a learning community, CCA has developed a student code of conduct intended to

foster academic integrity, responsible citizenship, and a healthy and safe learning
environment. The conduct code pertains to both academic misconduct such as cheating
and plagiarism, and nonacademic misconduct such as physical abuse, harassment,
assault, theft, and the use of illegal drugs and alcohol. Violations of the conduct code will
result in sanctions ranging from warning notices and educational sanctions in minor
cases to suspension or dismissal in more serious cases. Students are encouraged to
familiarize themselves with the conduct code. To read the conduct code, visit this


All homework and classroom assignments are due at the start of class on the due date.
It is the student’s responsibility to complete all make-up work and tests when absent.


All students must pass NUA 101 with a C (75% or higher) in order to participate in the
NUA 170 clinical rotation. Students must maintain at 75% to remain in the program and
be recommended to the Board of Nursing.

Manual Skills Practice Exam: The patient care skills are pass/fail. You must pass with
100% to proceed to clinical. Skills checklist must be signed by the clinical instructor to
participate in clinical. The students are encouraged to practice skills until clinical
competency is achieved. Most of the patient care skills will be learned with classmates as
simulated patients. Please communicate with the instructors if you are uncomfortable
with a given skill being practiced on you. We will make accommodations on an individual
basis as necessary.

Evaluation Criteria:

1. Patient Care Skills: Manual Skills Practice Exam (MSPE)

i. Student will demonstrate performance in a professional manner using appropriate

communication and respect for a client’s rights.
Updated: August 2021
ii. Students will demonstrate proficiency with all skills without missing bolded or
required steps.

iii. Unprofessional, unsafe, or abusive behavior or actions in testing will constitute a

failure of the test.

iv. Professional attire: clean scrub uniform in burgundy color expected on lab skills
days and at clinical sites. Dress code includes close toed shoes, hair pulled back,
neat facial grooming if bearded, clear/pale nail polish—no chips, no perfume or
strong lotions.

2. Final exam: The final exam consists of two parts. Written and oral lab skills as required by
the State Board of Nursing for certification process (This prepares the student for taking
the state test upon completion of the course).

Each student's grade will be determined from the following scale:

Grade Points
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 60 and below

Points will be earned from the following sources:

Nursing Theory and Skills labs

a. Workbook assignments: 50pts

b. 3 Exams: 300pts (100pts each exam)

c. Skills Labs: 300pts

d. 24 Chapter quizzes: 120pts (5 pts each quiz)

e. Enrollment paperwork for NUA170: 30pts

f. Written final: 100pts

g. Manual Skills Competency Exam (skills final): 100pts



A. Assignments: The planned schedule for readings, examinations and projects is
Updated: August 2021
contained in Section IV of the syllabus.
B. Reading Assignments: The assigned reading in Section IV is to be accomplished
during the week identified in the schedule.
C. The Instructor reserves the right to change the daily teaching schedule to facilitate
learning, understanding, and critical thinking. Assignment due dates and the
testing schedule may change with as much advance notice as possible. Students
will be required to fulfill all assignments as outlined unless otherwise notified.

Updated: August 2021


Updated: August 2021

Week 1 Monday, Aug 23rd
Reading assignment: Workbook assignment
Chapter 1&2
Chapter 1
Understanding the
Healthcare Settings pg. Practice Skills sets 1 and
1-8 19
Chapter 2 The Nursing
Assistant and the Care
team pg. 9-19
Wednesday, Aug 25th
Workbook Assignment
Reading assignment: Chapter 3, 4, 5, 8&9
Chapter 3 Legal and
Ethical issues pg. 20-33
Chapter 4
Communication and
Cultural Diversity pg.
Chapter 5 Infection
Prevention and Control
pg. 58-80
Chapter 8 Human Needs
and Human
Development pg.
Chapter 9 The healthy
Human Body pg.

Updated: August 2021

Week 2 Monday, Aug 30th
Reading Assignment: Workbook Assignment:
Chapter 7, 6, 10
Chapter 7 Emergency
Care and Disaster
Pg. 94-107
Chapter 6 Safety and
Body Mechanics pg.
Chapter 10 Positioning,
transfers, and
ambulation Practice skill sets 2, 6,
Pg. 149-172 7, 8, 16, 17 and any
previous skills still
needing checked off
Wednesday, Sep 1st
Lab Day
Week 3 Monday, Sep 6th
Labor Day, No Class

Thursday, Sep 9th

Reading Assignments: Exam 1: Chapters 1-10

Lab Day Practice previous skills

still needing checked off

Updated: August 2021

Week 4 Monday, Sep 13th
Reading Assignments: Workbook Assignment:
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 Admitting,
transferring and Practice skill sets 2, 6,
Discharging pg. 173-184 7, 8, 16, 17 and any
previous skills still
Lab Day needing checked off

Thursday, Sep 15th

Reading Assignments: Workbook Assignment:
Chapter 12 The Chapter 12
Resident’s Unit pg.
Practice skill sets 2, 6,
Lab Day 7, 8, 16, 17 and any
previous skills still
needing checked off

Week 5 Monday, Sep 20th Workbook Assignment

Reading Assignment: Chapter 13, 14, 15,16

Chapter 13 Personal
Care Skills pg. 196-224
Chapter 14 Basic
Nursing Skills pg.
Chapter 15 Nutrition and
Hydration pg. 255-281
Chapter 16 Urinary
Elimination pg. 282-302

Wednesday, Sep 22nd Practice Skills Learned

Lab Day

Updated: August 2021

Week 6 Monday, Sep 27th Practice skills sets 3, 4,
Lab Day 5, 9, 11, and 12

Skills Lab—practice all

previous skills until
Wednesday, Sep 29th mastered.
Lab day Practice Skills sets 10,
13, 14, 18, and 20

Week 7 Monday, Oct 4th

Reading Assignment: Workbook assignment
Chapter 17, 18
Chapter 17 Bowel
Elimination pg. 303-317 Possible lab day after
lecture TBA
Chapter 18 Common
Chronic and Acute
Conditions pg. 318-352

Thursday, Oct 6th

Reading Assignment
Chapter 19 Confusion, Exam 2: Chapters 11-18
Dementia, and
Alzheimer’s Disease pg.
Chapter 20 Mental Workbook assignments:
Health and Mental Chapter 19, 20, 21
Illness pg. 372-379
Chapter 21
Rehabilitation and
Restorative Care pg.

Updated: August 2021

Week 8 Monday, Oct 11th Please wear scrubs and
BLS (CPR) be sure to have already
submitted the online
portion prior to the start
of class. You will not be
permitted to class
without your online
portion completed.
Wednesday, Oct 13th
Reading Assignment: Workbook assignments:
Chapter 22 Special Care Chapter 22, 23, 24
Skills pg. 393-403
Chapter 23 Dying,
Death, and Hospice pg.
Chapter 24 Caring for
Your Career and Yourself
pg. 416-427

Week 9 Monday, Oct 18th Practice skills sets 15

Exam 3: Chapters 19-23 and any skills not
previously mastered
Lab Day

Wednesday, Oct 20th

Skills final exam will
Skills Final Exam mimic your Pearson Vue
skills test. You will be
given 5 skills to be
checked off on and will
have a time limit of 25
All remaining
assignments due

Updated: August 2021

Week 10 Monday, Oct 25th
Written Final Exam and Skills final exam will
Skills Final Practice for mimic your Pearson Vue
retake skills test. You will be
given 5 skills to be
Wednesday, Oct 27th checked off on and will
Skills Final Exam have a time limit of 25
All remaining
assignments due
Week 11 Week of Dates and times to be
Clinicals announced

Week 12 Week of Dates and time to be

Clinicals announced

Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16

Updated: August 2021


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